WC3 - W3C Season 4 Finals EU - Quarterfinal: [ORC] Grubby vs. SaiDe [NE]

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this my fellow ladies and gentlemen is the last quarter-final of the day we already got taught in the semis we got happy and ex-lord and who will join them it's either the eternal legend of european warcraft in grubby or it is the ultimate dark horse of pretty much this entire tournament in said yesterday he was upsetting pretty much everyone when he eliminated mikhail and we only saw the defense of the ghoul rush by mikhail but that looked pretty strong and todd was with us on the broadcast he knows said a little of course because they played in the nation ward together and he was like don't sleep on set he's shown a couple of times that he's a force to be reckoned with and he could ruin community dreams for his best performance of all time in making it to the semifinal to get that semi-final versus todd it's in his own hands we start on northern isles it is orc versus night elf and what do you okay you you said it already you think that this is grubby's weakest matchup why do you think so well i've seen plenty of his games before and i think if he's at his strongest he can defeat all the orcs in europe certainly against hitman has problems but hitman is crazy against human he showed that here in the tournament before in this one and in season two how he can defeat absolutely the very best that seems to be the strongest matchup but against undead it's a little bit hit or miss i think some games look really good some others don't but against night out i've seen him struggle against plenty of knights before and also against nights who are not supposed to be on his level exactly um i think his win rate is also lower but i don't go by that necessarily so much just comparing his play against night elf with some of the other great orcs there seems to be a bigger discrepancy there than the other matchups linus the king for example against human but grubby his org against human looks similar to linz honestly but if we compare his orc versus night elf to for example flies there seems to be a big difference it is a very complicated match up you have to know exactly where to go you have to fl inflict damage by also being able to get progress yourself and have a very good game plan and make sure that so many things don't go wrong so it's a lot about averting disaster i feel like against night off and making sure you survive unscathed sort of then again fly sometimes loses blademaster but he is also insanely insanely good so all that is to say i think this is his weakest matchup and said he's in the underdog role there's no pressure on him everyone is expecting grubby to win nobody is putting pressure on said so said might surprise us here once again it might spoil the perfect semi-final indeed set against orc we don't really know too much about him there tournament performances he is 5-0 recently in 2020 but that's all his games against orc or all his recorded games versus orc there's not much to learn from so how does he play they probably know each other from from ladder and we'll see how this goes how prepared is grubby for the frenchman this is a oh boy this is so cool okay one best of three if grubby wins we get grubby versus todd if sad wins the community is in tears but we get a french derby in the w3c season finals we talked a lot it's time for some action it's time for this last remaining quarterfinal the last best of three of the day beyond that we're gonna go into best of five and our support keeps on reigning in guys thank you so much we are three dollar donation by kira slay says walker three supports his blizzard doesn't imper imperatri says that's one of the hardest names i've had to read so far with the three months sub thank you very much jonathan segal with the 10 gifted steps i think we had you earlier thank you again and lead with the 38 months guys thank you all so very much your support for our channel and for war 3 champions and for the community has been amazing i was hoping this would be such a you know love fest of the community and i think so far it really has been and the games have been up to the task as well in our game now is grubby versus said let's go yeah indeed we love ourselves the love fest don't we remo we have gravy oh yeah opening up with the blademaster here on the upper right hand side of northern isles said in the bottom opting for a keeper so uh neutrons weird strategies yesterday versus org not spreading that's a good thing no bottom anymore this is keepercraft once again and i'm really curious how he approaches this he looked really solid he displayed great micro and decision making yesterday against mikhail he knew exactly what to do against this one ghoul rush we saw so what kind of traps can grubby set up for him when can he punish him what's the game plan [Music] yeah normally it seems to be pretty well established uh from all the orcs with all their different styles they seem to be some what's the word uh some general truths that you want to go by some general guidelines and that is especially concerning the keeper you want to slow down the keeper of the grove almost at all costs if he gets to level three quickly it's gonna be a disaster and as i said earlier the plan for orc normally especially early game has to be avert disaster avoid a super fast expansion by the night elf avoid a keeper getting level three quickly avoid getting ap pushed and losing avoid losing too many grants avoid losing too much hp there's a lot of things you have to keep in mind it's a lot about minimizing damage and slowing down the opponent and what helps with that nowadays is the peon scale this is something that was very hard for all to do before but nowadays with a 21 supply with the great hall aka 11th supply great hall you can scout it with a peon see where the keeper is because you need to be uh efficient with your blademaster and have proper movement and that peon scout helps with that all right then blademaster starting off nicely with the claws of attack grubby fans uh rejoice also the cloak can be pretty nice you don't have to go into wind walk necessarily but this is the keeper on his way to north and that's the first end tangle tree and summoned as well not much mana was used so far second entangle can set get the kill and open up this best of three with the first blood i think so there's a speed scroll oh oh my god it's so close one hp are you serious calculated absolutely absolutely absolutely i think he's i think he's still gonna die oh he's blocking the trains with the peons wow archer is trying to get in know yourself on the grunt he might still die in the end there's an ap coming up around the corner already the first couple of issues arising can he get this grunt archer in danger there's no dust here he's still blocking with the peons all these tiny holes blocked and he'll self available now whoa nice summon force of nature use on the right hand side again but he's moving the ground to the left master class warcraft wow that's amazing in the grunt will actually survive and this was so much wasted time for said you could argue yeah the blade match is also wasting time but this is what the orc wants yeah he wants a slow early game he wants heroes to be under leveled if you can avoid leveling at all costs you will if you trade level 3 blade for level 3 keeper it's bad for the orc and not only was it time wasted it was also mana waste the keeper is out of mana he used his entire mana pool and didn't get a kill he forced the heel scroll or the heel salva i mean or two and also the speed scroll but this was a very bad early game for sun and grubby comes in prepared but there's an ap up which is certainly a bit of a problem yeah grubby scouts for it though sees it now of course it was super hectic the peons were used to pluck these holes and to keep the grunts safe but he's doing the right things maybe yeah just a little bit too late of course you can't deal with everything you have to make decisions what's your priority and that grunt was the number one priority but now he has to deal with the pressure of this engine protector and set is still here three huns and a keeper quite powerful second hero still takes a little while longer trio ages will be finished soon oh that lodge getting attacked is that enough damage for the cancel the ap should be in range now he's changing targets finally going for it a lot of additional damage also the grunt getting ensnared here no dispel yet shadowhunter is in for the serpent but the snake have to save grubby that's a lot uh loss on the lodge here that's a lot on the grunt and set is accelerating like crazy this ap might win him the game oh that's safe on the grunto again pretty much uh playback from the earlier stages of this game nixon tango comes through this grunt i think should be dead that's too much damage yeah that one goes down so it's two grunts being lost that is painful but there's still no expansion too close around the corner the tree of life has only started a little while ago so grubby i suppose can afford a few losses with how late the expansion for the keeper will be and of course the keeper will have to expand with how much he will fall off later on once we finally have charm and it's already at around 40 percent tree of life at the six o'clock position not too bad but what hold my phone mr remo demo this is double engine of lore oh yeah okay no mass hunts he's gonna transition into dry ads then very good against shaman and also pretty good against grunts you know if this comes as a complete surprise and grumpy can't transition this could be strong but the blade master is there c is the main second hero demon hunter and players with that you're probably going into beastie okay lodge is up summoner kang b3 is already at 60 man grab you got that covered remote don't worry and yeah is it gonna be mass giants then orcs have pretty much heart counters to it will he go for bears is the question staff out after the entangled like right away how fast was this staff he anticipated this entangle of course a couple of seconds ahead not losing any extra hp that's the way aha i like it and the beast theory is finished as well so raider shaman and grunts the unit combo for grubby yeah seems to be the right call he needs the shaman against the keeper he needs the raiders for the entangle against the triads and maybe even some kodos lake master coming in again it's a little low mana here so this is slightly risky misses that last hit but the big boy slopped for grabs oh the wind walk runs out that is very unfortunate oh just i am also going to set a ring of protection that's good for his demon and the blade might be in trouble level two entangle dry it slow though doesn't reach okay that's the last bit of mana i can't go into a second wind walk and the duration isn't endless can you reach for another end tangle mana wasn't there so blademaster should be safe on the other side of the map shadowhunter is creeping up got the big inval potion which is always great against a keeper we have keeper demon hunter not keeper alchemist with this strat and we get a depth upgrade for the shaman which is lightning shield and more mana and more mana regeneration no tier three for set it's pure triads who is it who does he think he is moon well every night elf tries to be moon we'll see how successful that will be we're gonna have ultravision coming in and more dryads then i certainly cannot go afford to go for bears it would be wonderful to add in bears supply but you have to face the reality of timings grubby will be fairly strong soon when he has level 3 shadowhunter throw a heel scroll on top and set will have to be ready for potential push coming in so he has to stay on tier two he has to mass drive and now he's starting to go into a abolish coming in against lightning shield i suppose also to help with creeping maybe and more and more dryads with this mass style whether it be huntresses or dryads you also need to rely a lot and heavily on upgrades and scrolls that is going to the middle right now but he didn't bank that much gold so it's hard to afford everything yeah he just started mining at his expansion grubby by the way found the claw plus nine you all know how important claws are for the blademaster don't you keeper with the mana stone excellent demon hunter finding some level so he's not as squishy anymore he has evasion gets a little bit of extra armor and this ring of protection comes in very handy now blademaster in for steel that's the heel scroll right there said of course would have loved to have it but he has one of his own forcing a town portal is grubby and this is where he excels fighting from behind not taking the straight up fights just forcing his opponent into a position where he doesn't want to be and keep him busy making force tp tps and spend gold that way and then retreat when the full army is here and that's exactly what's happened good heads up play here by set to bring in the engine of war if it wasn't for this aow this would be very hard for the knight of army to take this fight without that witch shield in front d muhammad taking lots of damage away so is the blade double involved traded one is a big one though the demon hunters will expire earlier there we go and thanks to the heel wave the blade master is back to full help engine of war is falling grumpy with the supply lead still pushing forward that was the last consumable though the circle board's so good against the unown world units against hunts we are used to seeing this now we see it against triads as well and i didn't want to say it earlier but dryads against organelle we have seen this over the last couple of months yep they just never seem to work so far haven't looked too impressive but some return kills now for said he's got the shop back up he got a raider there taking up a great trade so far oh the demon owner is surrounded needs to go for a staff he has the staff but how much healing does he have yeah it's not looking too fine right now mountain giant coming out but of course no upgrade for that bad boy not yet at least of course tier three is necessary he starts it now said thinks he's still in a position where he can win this game even with a long transition trying to get some pickups here and there purge frees the grunt and again the hillsborough grubby is making excellent use of the heel scroll of the speed scroll sorry yeah and also the telestaff he gave it over to the blademaster he's resupplying with heel cells clarities i was very surprised not to see a peon moving south you can easily afford the lumber loss you don't need that really at all too much anyways on tier 2 as orc so he could have brought a peon perhaps he'd forget about it forgot about it i don't know but here we go engaging into the next fight going for the dry ads instantly normally you want to always ignore the mountain giants because they're too tanky but these are two tier two mountain giants the grunts would do a lot of damage to them oh my god and the dryads are falling left right center and they give a lot of xp so shadowhunters closing in on four blademaster not too far away from that either and grubby of course knows about the weakness of a mountain giant on tier 2 and snare surround and that's extra damage from grunts how can you use grunts better than to do this the perch so quick can you believe this man is 34 35 years old and that was so much experience level seven i guess seven supply mountain giant so much experience for him the shadowhunter just got level four from this the only thing he's missing is more mana if there was a mistake this game by grubby i think it's the missing peon could have been a big help but you know everything is time to drop low now slowly but surely said is trying to kite back trying to whittle down this army bit by bit grubby has no more healing no heal wave no heel stroll no salves nothing no speed scroll indeed ken set survive until he has a bigger force poison damage stacking up now two grunts about to fall but he i think robbie denied another percentage with the blademaster keeping the experience away from the demon which is by the way very valuable he's super close to level three it's night time now though and that means there's going to be natural moon juice region grubby realizes he's in a weird position now because if he retreats he's going to be slow he's going to be entangled and everything is dropping really low oh that's the blade master god the taunt trap is real and more raiders are falling as well said all of a sudden turning this game around staff out from the shadowhunter but that's another grunt that's another grunt that is an utter disaster for grubby who's losing five units and a blade master in quick succession and he could never really turn down or take down these expansions or said in an excellent position now yeah great comeback here by said robbie had a wonderful early game but the ap got set back into this game the push by grubby looked scary towards the expansion but said whether the storm and i think at this point we can safely say a big mistake by grubby not to bring a peon for an aggressive shot down there yeah the lack of heal uh healing from all sorts from shadowhunter clarities and heal wave and yourself that was the big problem here he's going for a double zapper almost i want to say desperation play those two zappers are not enough by the way they this tree has the nature's place they're called the nature's blessing and there's and protectors as well you gotta distract and you gotta follow through but this could be a play that brings grubby back into the game first zapper connects onto the ap also onto the tree and that was the play right here a little bit of repair he wants a double connection once again and he gets it the raider damage was enough grubby again finding the one opening back into this game but how to escape now that's gonna be tough taunt is coming in over and over the knife at this point is tier three said lost the expansion but he has a strong army and decent resources left shadowhunter getting slowed down getting blocked and grubby is in the world trouble trying to staff out is it enough just barely in time he gets out of there but this keeper with the orb with the entangles the mgs finally with their upgrades grubby's not ready for this powerful arm no not at all and we said it the tier 2 mountain giants they're not really an issue grubby took them out but now we're at tier 3 resistant skin is done we're going to get the third mountain giant and how do you deal with them you can't eat them with kodo's tauren ah the tech tree for torrent is nowhere near grubby has to play his style avoiding fights but zed will not allow this yeah what a back and forth this game has been just constantly swinging one way and the other with great plays by both and a few mistakes here and there dropping now getting pressured into the main no war mill yet no upgrades no reinforced defenses and these energies are going to be so hard to take out you can still perhaps kill some dryads play this coming in that's not going to be too easy another ap push blademaster just stepped out the altar is already super hurt the hail mary doesn't work with a blademaster like this mana potion of the shadow hunter grubby is trying absolutely everything to keep his chances in this game alive but all he does is suffering this is not going to lead to a kill everything is dying now the expansion is soon to be up again and set lost like one or two dryads maybe he's gonna lose another one right there but they are cheap to replace so much experience how long was the demon hunter struggling with levels not anymore he's level four he's super tanky nine arm or two levels of evasion always a staff to protect him the only dangerous thing is the keeper all right here we go hail mary number two robbie needs to get this kill tom prevents further focus as the blademaster was distracted and that's the staff and that's the safe keeper blademaster though how safe can he be level four saves him for now another taunt he micros against it poison damage coming in slow coming in this taunt doesn't affect him but the giants chasing and the mountain giant takes him out blademaster killed for the second time in this game and grubby is down to measly 30 supply cost for the gg and said takes map number one that was a really fun game it was back and forth it was a crazy grunt save at the beginning but said realizing with how occupied grubby was with that grunt he was able to sneak in the ap if he doesn't get the ap in case of the two grunts there following the first failure of the early game he would have been in real trouble but super smart play by said knowing what he needs to do to keep his chances alive gets those ground kills and then transitions into the expansion almost died there but grubby wasn't quite able to finish the job and that shop being missing i think that's gonna haunt him maybe he has a justification for it but usually you should it should always be worth it because you can spend all of your money on army and move out with the army and the peon walks down with your army and by the time you land at the expansion you should easily have the 130 gold to pop down that shop and then later on make use of clarities i wonder if he thinks it wasn't the right idea or maybe if he just forgot but it definitely seems like that shop being missing broke his neck yeah a little bit too aggressive maybe a little too sure of himself thinking that he can't finish the job right away but not the case at all said really showing his game sense here knowing exactly his win condition i have to hold on i have to survive and what a brave move that was 40 supply build a tier 2 mountain giant and cueing the tech at the same time who does that not too many but that was exactly the time he needed to get the transition to tier three the big upgrades the orb of venom and of course the expansion supported that even if grubby killed it at the end it was too late resources were already there already spent tier three knight of army very strong and that gives said the wind here by the way uh the clean feed guy said the in-game is a little too low so if you could boost that in a bit that would be nice and we're waiting for map number two grubby struggling this set ruining the community's dreams is the question got a couple of subs here throughout the game i don't know where you ended up um mookie thank you for the resub same as first first grubs up grubs up grubs up uh grizzly oil ross dizzly bear thank you for the subs and sharia thank you for the one euro donation glad you enjoy this again thank you guys very much for the support everyone was looking towards grubby versus todd in the semifinals is said going to ruin that what's it called uh reunion i guess is it a reunion if you meet up to fight each other what no it's a it's a joyful reunion well like they kind of kill each other for like an hour straight so i'm not too sure if you're right but nah they're good friends as we all know um but who knows if that's gonna be the case maybe it is gonna be the french derby after all dude imagine if said wins this tournament this would be a crazy story and seth keeps on being underrated and i am guilty of this myself absolutely i thought well against mikayla doesn't have a chance boomi beats mikhail i thought well against grubby doesn't have much of a chance and suddenly he has the lead and might be ruining grubby's aspirations and all the hopes of the fans if he does it but it's still far from over best of three we had the uh maps told to us earlier what was again turtle rock echo oils and last refuge yes so echo oils would be the usual pick uh for most orcs especially the top orcs over in asia have become very good at having a very solid creeper out there and movement with the blademaster if you ever do get map control it can be very powerful stealing the scrolls away easily counter expanding the night of having very few options if they are sufficiently slowed down early and it seemed like grubby had that down but you know out of all the things that he had to keep in mind maybe he forgot about that ap maybe he forgot about sending the peon around the corner i think we can't really blame him for that ap though there was so much stuff necessary to save this one grunt and i don't think he had the peon to scout for it i would cut him some slack there the the grunt safe was so awesome yeah but honestly if the opponent invests two entangles and treants and another set of triangles that is for 350 mana or something yeah 350 mana at that point you can let the ground die it's fine honestly it would have been the better play to just possibly sacrifice the grunt and make sure you scout rather because it's more important to see an ap coming up than to save that one single grunt when the opponent's already invested so much of course that is criticizing on a very very high level but if you want a min max all the way through it would have been better to look for that ap and let the grunt die if it has to die but again props to said for realizing what he had to do to salvage that catastrophic early game very very impressive with his own style as well not too many go dryads into mgs can be dangerous but he had worked out all right grubby can he tie this up we've seen quite a few full game series here today i wouldn't mind to see another one of these last refuge next of course an absolute legend to the game still among the top five highest earning players if i'm not mistaken one of the very few players who accumulated more than 300 000 prize money in his career two-time wcg champion i was there one time in cologne with the 2-1 over moon caldor reaper casting it an entire venue just screaming cheering celebrating this man that is a memory i will even after 15 20 30 years never forget definitely a day that fueled my my heart for esports back then at wcg and now grubby is still playing but he is facing elimination but he knows how to do comebacks and maybe he also knows how to throw his opponent off because said is still pretty nuke to competitive warcraft i think even his win yesterday was his biggest accomplishment in the past year we keep on underestimating him he has a lot of talent but does he have the nerves when it comes to winning a best of three against grubby we will see map number two last refuge and thank you to our newest supporters uh wait roll rossi nante with the five gifted subs ale well with wire bits i know with the two months pee poo with the two months paralog parallel gg with a gifted sub and rat so fat for the 10 gifted guys thank you much love ladies and gentlemen and we move over map number two grubby against the ropes needs your support he needs to be in flying dutchman shape and are you kidding me this is a shadow hunter oh yeah on it first yeah i've seen this before by him on last refuge i think specifically for creeping um shadowhunter into blademaster actually what i've seen him do here before going for the green camp first with the claws and then setting up plenty of serpent wards so you can set them up in the middle like between three camps basically between the murlocs and the green you put the serpent awards you creep those two for level two and then you can even pull the merc camp into the serpent that is what i've seen before from him on his live streams but that also means this is something that was you know open to everyone so seth may very well be aware of this also so we'll see i want her homework he did yeah i heard i'm not too sure uh maybe you can confirm this uh watson set to subscriber only to prevent people from sniping his his practice or something yeah i think so but i think set is a subscriber but i'm not sure okay shadow hunter first it is serpent wards here grand as well set is focusing on his own progress with the keeper goes three and first of course if he wants to inflict some damage to grubby early he needs entangle and treants and a little bit of support here so fairly slow start took quite some time to get into map too so i wonder if there was some psychological warfare here and there and if that does affect set well we're gonna see a level two here coming out for both not the greatest items so far mantle okay that's nice for the keeper he's on the ground that's it that's it season and ripen a little bit you know he hopes the next time he picks it up maybe it's plus four but i have a bad feeling it's gonna remain plus three not until it changes balance again ring and cloak that is not exactly what you were hoping for although cloak can have its uses especially against the keeper if you find yourself in an entangled surround or something like that but here we go the snake pit it is going for uh three creep camps here quickly the focus fire on the rock golem this looks a little bit dangerous i'm surprised that said isn't trying to punish this but he's getting stuff done across the map himself he says okay we're just going to go into a free creep game here at the beginning you got the double ring rock slide down boulder toss on the grunt this might be a disaster grumpy fixes it with merc support he was gonna buy them regardless he gets this good bone chimes which is nice for the grunts and also perhaps nice later on for the blademaster as i said i've seen this with blademaster second before the nice thing is here with this you have serpent boards right away and with them being level two that's gonna be very strong but the shadow invested all of his mana and hp to do this there is an entangle that's a townfall and there's no potions available yet as tier two is not finished keep punishing this now but without further losses was that that it was level three so he got exactly what he wanted but with a lot of damage apparently said wasn't ready for this didn't really know about the possibility here but he sets up his own expansion he is level two and oh my one xp away from the powerful level two entangle and sixty percent of the tier two tech as well grammy can he cancel with the help of the mercenaries this tree of life easily should be able to he's got plenty of damage here especially with the serpentine boards coming in and the great thing about this creep route is also you have a shadow priest so you have some dispels to use early so the entangled by the keeper doesn't have to be a death sentence especially considering this keeper is still not level three but he's so so close and there was a mantle on the ground he picks it up a little bit of a game only plus three but he's gonna take that gladly right then still lots of dispel available as well so yeah really no big threat for grab yet as he approaches tier 2 goes into berserker strength of brood strength as it's called now and the spirit lodge no b3 this time probably not needed he doesn't know if there's laura's or not it's three and two okay yeah maybe this is the shadow pretty spell yeah on the other side exactly the blade master second is coming out with the brute strength with the lodge a very rare sight but displayed before by grubby if you were uh watching his streams which a lot of people are so the expansion was cancelled and said definitely seems to be in trouble this keeper strat has to play with an expansion at some point and we still don't have one coming up okay first entangle with an alchemist this time no demon hunter second against the shadowhunter first can he deny he can deny nice little move by grubby here to prevent the progress of the alchemist but it's a big battle for the soccer major can lead to a great item it's a summon war snakes on sticks versus walking tree and this alchemist is taking a lot of damage all of a sudden you just stole that what are you kidding me with the shadowhunter i think he stole two maybe oh my this alchemist has only 30 experience hey definitely got the big boy yeah shadow almost level four which is a wonderful level up jesus is gonna have here wave two soon we have the blademaster coming in now he's of course not gonna be too impressive for quite some time this blademaster needs some levels and items to actually be dangerous but if he's not that much of a damage dealer he's always a decent tank with all the armor that he has a player's forces are under attack and of course a good scout as well more shaman more grunts no transition at the moment not necessary set on the other side once again going into triads that was the play on map one with a backup of an expansion that's not the case here robbie how fast would you realize this will he even need raiders this time or certain wards just enough on a high level level 3 certain more certainly they are completely crazy with 50 damage a pop but raiders can still be very good and i think more important than just raiders is the question of scouting robbie will have to make sure he sees if a tier 3 tech is coming in if a tier 3 tech is coming four mountain giants he will have to react either by going tier three himself or by playing very aggressively at the moment we don't see tier three yet oh wait a minute just starting there we go tier three just started and grubby needs to figure this out soon we've seen the rights of scouting like information is with a more with more diversity of bills in the warcraft see in the past two years scouting has become more and more and more important grubby you're spreading out trying to get some information with town is understood everything is all over the map what is happening when can you find out got the lionhorn of stormwind for a set that's pretty good more ammo always appreciated more damage on grubby who's now up at two auras which is very good and now grubby is approaching the sad main base and he's not going for the creep spot first he's going for the base and it's daytime so he should be able to see this and he's not forgetting about the shop now and casting the enemy shop that means no mountain giants yeah you need the shop to be able to make those mg's grab you up on the high ground a little bit dangerous here if he gets creep jack but the serpent awards also give him a very reinforced position shop if it finishes is going to be a lot of mana for this shadow repositioning with the speed scroll blademaster the item on the ground ankh not too bad for him to help the frontliner survive and these dryads i don't think they can dare to fight against these snakes it's really nice to have the devotion aura now against all this damage helps them a bit but yeah miss chance that is horrible blade master crits twice escapes into safety and this shop is almost up already the engine of war is coming in but he's very slow and can be taken out easily as well grubby striking back with vengeance here yeah this strong shadow hunter doing a wonderful job getting closer and closer to five by the way blade sees the shop finishing and he knows okay now mountain giants can start it instantly the first one is coming out but no upgrades yet and they only become good when they have upgrades and when they do have them they're extremely good it's a long tech tree for the mountain giants indeed but he cancels the shop uh again bears cute actually that is interesting they can't be ensnared of course yeah i think he just gives up on the mg he's realizing he's not too much pressure and he's not gonna get the shot he's not gonna get the upgrades needs to have something better right now but bears also take some time this push is just hitting before set is ready yeah blademaster into the back the drive is taking so much damage these serpent wards doing so much dps shadowhunter out of mana now but still with the clarity and most importantly the shop ready in the back i think robbie realizes what cost him game one after he's not gonna let it happen again that was such a quick fix for game one timing excellent and yeah having that shot here clarity is running we're so close to five now and did this blademaster creep more than two spots i'm not too sure actually like red spot and lab right and he's up at three and a half critting for 130. have fun dealing with this uh this orc army set diving back deep into his own base losing more and more and more moon wells and grubby can retreat whenever he wants to now also since there's no shop there's no over venom that's one of the biggest upgrades that night of has on tier 3 that orb of venom but if you don't have a shop you can't go for it and this is the weakness of mountain giants they take a long time to come online and you can absolutely punish them before they are ready in high numbers with good upgrades and grubby is just taking out one building after the next does he oh yeah he does actually he's getting a bit of cash here as well and this base is quickly disappearing no moon wells left zed is hoping for an over extension at this point if the shadow at the blademaster goes to d maybe he can kill him if the shadow goes too deep maybe he can kill him but he knows if grubby doesn't mess up he can't win yeah i don't think this will happen to grubby twice like he made that mistake in game one but he's such a smart player and human being in general that this will not happen and he's coming in like a wrecking ball q miley cyrus cutting production in half now he can't even produce anything because the moon wells are missing no chance to rebuild said it's trying to draw up this game a little longer to drag up this game a little longer but everything falls gg well played cool strat by grubby we've seen that before he has these tailor-made strategies for specific maps and sometimes they look absolutely amazing we saw that against hawk on concealed with the headhunters into torrance in here as well with shadow on a special creep route but i think seth was playing way too passive he took the trade he was like okay you know what i let you creep i'll let you do your thing but i'm going to do my thing on my side of the map but his idea was with that creeping he was going to expand but he didn't respect enough the strength that sheldon level 3 later on was going to bring and the fact that he wasn't going to be able to hold so wrong decision by said to be too passive early on but i mean how many times have you played against that before probably never from now on though that we'll know set will definitely know and do you know something remo i mean obviously you know a lot about warcraft but did you all know that more than 10 000 people are watching us right now and that hasn't happened since the blizzard invitational in anaheim in 2018 or irvine 2018. that's pretty sick dude guys uh thank you all for joining us 10 000 people there must be a lot of new people here if you like warcraft and you want to see some more of that in the future hit the follow button we just hit 100 000 followers early today so we're breaking all sorts of records breaking all records really cool like can you imagine this is a small football stadium of people watching warcraft right now in 2021 yeah it's a good game dude it's a great game it's a great game indeed and it's great people out there and they show it especially this weekend so seth what's left in the tank we go onto the map three we go on to turtle rock and that one is much harder to assess what we're supposed to expect and what we're supposed to be seeing turtle rock is still new to the map pool new in the sense that it is reintroduced i imagine we have a lot of old school people here tuning in today and you guys might remember 2008 2009 turtle rock was played all the time but around 2016 or something it was rotated out of the pool but it has made its way back again here in w3 uh champions finals and also in wgl but we still don't see it that much for echo isles for twisted for last refuge we all know how the early game is supposed to look what the creep routes are what the counters can be but turtle rock is once again kind of uncharted territory which makes it very interesting and i suppose a little more volatile a big map lots of expansion possibilities so many creeps to go around so many possibilities for little tricks as well and that will be our deciding third map if this goes as crazy as for example fly versus law light and wgtl without the disconnect maybe that would be amazing but that was a banger of a match and this you can as a night elf expand multiple times and especially grubby has all the weapons to set that down so it could be a game of whack-a-mole i hope they bring both their a-game now that would be a fantastic end to the quarter-final and then afterwards of course we go into the semis in the grand final this year as well this is the last best of three this is the last match of the quarterfinals todd is waiting in the semis happy versus exlord is waiting for us as well and more than 10 000 people are watching it's pretty cool lots of viewers lots of support as well this is of course all crowdfunded in case you guys don't know uh we had the season six already crowdfunded yesterday you can still chip in a little bit more for season six tournament we're gonna have a 2v2 as lo as well as the one we want competition which is going to be happening around march by the way i hope all you guys will be back for that but also our support has been outstanding thank you guys so much for that and the most recent people to support us are mo fed with the nine months saying go grubby cheeky wanker with 26 months says just crack the mark of 10 000 people watching you cast congrats boys yeah it's pretty cool man that's uh five figures not too shabby wakey eggs subbing for the first time pentapishner with the 20 months says one one yes in glorious staffords with a seven months says pump for these games thanks for the cast as always thank you ironmat as well for the sub and thank all of you so much for the support on this weekend of warcraft alliance i suppose of uh a community celebration this is community-made world three champions where blizzard failed the community stepped in and this is a celebration of what the community is but it can be and what we can all do together if you know everyone collaborates and it's pretty cool it's pretty beautiful and i'm glad we're all here together damn for once i can't put it into better words than you just did even getting a little like emotion into that rare to see our coach remo that he's so proud of something indeed thank you boro rush for the five gifted subs and ami goes more me on butchered that name sorry about that grubby is taking a sweet moment to think about his strategy here maybe refocus maybe once again letting sad wait he must be nervous being so close to victory than being slapped in the face on game two in probably his biggest match this is definitely the biggest tension set ever got in the warcraft scene at least i don't know what he's doing in real life but a lot of eyes on him there's not only us there's of course grumpy streaming as well there is french craft streaming there's so many community streamers yeah i think in the esl championship he also got pretty far right he got like third place or something but it was uh side and krav outshining him there but he has been there have been rumblings of how good set is and how people should respect him and he's definitely proving that today he might ruin everyone's favorite semi-final but absolutely deservingly would be able to do that zed has been looking really good and so has grubby we're going to have our decision coming up in a moment and we have more support coming in first first with the five gifted subs and fitchy 3000 with the sub as well as well as pu with a two two month reserve guys thank you very much and i think i think it's time to go to map three i think it's time to go to map three as well it's an unbelievable clash on the one hand side we got an absolute legend to this game who's been there since 2003 with prize money is up at 300 000 dollars and two and more world championships to his chest and on the other side we have said with the tournament debut according to liquipedia in 2020 with prize money's total below 500 dollars that will change of course after w3c uh 3c season finals can he go into the final four can he meet his countryman todd in the semi-finals or will it be the four kings meeting in 2021 with gravie and todd we decide this on turtle rock hawk princess with three months as well thank you very much so let's see do we have another special strategy what's a very special build on last refuge taylormade and looking at this base there's something curious here a war mill and there's something else missing the bear x which is coming in now it's the farseer headhunter build yeah by grubby displaying three different strats on three maps really cool that is indeed a testament to grubby's uh knowledge about this game he's practicing every day sometimes a little more in a in a funny and cheeky way but if things get serious he knows exactly what to do these are not g-strats these are strats that have proven themselves over and over and might be able to surprise his opponents so wolves out sad knows about this very early on and i think it's once again a very fast year heavy harass with late headhunters and we see the fast tech already second borough coming in headhunters soon to join headhunters late game can be very good having lots of headhunters and then scouting and creeping in the mid game and late game having them for berserkers with the upgrade and then becoming very powerful but the weakness the problem of them always is how do they survive into the late game how many will you lose how rampant is the keeper gonna go if the keeper gets level three fast those headhunters will probably have a very tough time but this is a map where the keeper cannot so easily creep up very fast grubby probably is smartly realizing this the only safe cam the opponent can go for is the green for only around 100 experience and after that the farsi will apply pressure right away yeah the keeper will get level 2 at some point can't be delayed forever but getting level 3 it's going to be pretty damn hard for seth here and i think this is the smartest thing to do against a player that might show signs of nervousness here don't let him unfold his game don't let him out of the pocket of his side of the map pressure him immediately saying i'm here i'm ready i'm used to these situations or i was at least for the majority of my life so how do you deal with this and this is psychologically speaking a very smart play by grubby with a strategy that doesn't fall off into the late game which yeah i think very well done so far he's keeping this keeper of the grove locked here on low supply once there's like six archers it should be able for them to trade pretty well they can snipe the wolves fairly easily and then they can attack dead hunters and they should on paper trade a little bit better than the headhunters because they have elune's grace which gives them additional uh damage reduction plus of course there's moon wells they can heal up that hunters can't not yet anyways we're gonna have some heel cells and a shop coming in for grubby soon but there's no such thing yet and oh look at that there was a few archers over to the other side what a sneaky smart play grubby scout with the wolves at some point but not fast enough but he stole the last hit he stole one last hit and prevented the keeper from leveling up yeah he stole a little turtle not the big one but the little one that wolfie give me some whoopies in chat ladies and gentlemen that one deserved it and grubby still has more mana now he has the damage for head hunters are moving out that ogre mage goes to him and just as we said in a match prior by export versus cash getting these watch awards is so important if you spawn in the same lane especially and this time it's not blocked here at the merchant it's on the lane so whenever set is going this way and positions himself here on the map grubby will know absolutely and it also gives him freedom now to creep with his headphones he knows the keeper isn't quite coming in the keeper now is entangled he could go on a hunt on the headhunters but he can't kill them too easily again if the keeper now gets level three fast for example at his natural things could become dangerous so this is the difficult mid game act of grubby right now he wants to be able to level up his tc while also if he can slow down the level three of the keys hard to do let's see how he does uh we talked a lot about like scouting and stuff right sad plants the the ancient of lore and the second the building starts the wolf is there incredible demon hunt is second again going back to his winning strategy of northern isles mg and dryad is usually the arm you want to have super late game with all the venom two of them and maybe even a third hero dad olga lord surround didn't quite work but uh might be able to kill it off over time willing to invest a bit of mana here via stomp oh the creep jack coming in two stomps used to get this camp might be worth it the keys are just a little bit too late the battle drums incredible with headhunters can maybe delay the kodo for that one headhunter and the tp gone for it though and the mana that was expensive and now the keeper is level three but the timing seems to work out because the first shaman is out already more shaman will be coming soon with some upgrades as well and tier three started grubby is getting ready for the late game if he manages to make it to tier 3 and 50 supply without losing too much his potential is off the charts tc level 3 maybe even level 4 should add in a shadowhunter for healing at some point and of course the challenge master training aka the ra for the bloodlust can make these headhunters super strong of course they also get the berserker upgrade and maybe if this game drags out even longer torrents could be an option as well absolutely yeah it wouldn't be an 11 000 viewer broadcast without rah-rah-rah wouldn't it so i would love to see that cooper already eliminated cash already eliminated grubby as so often as the last hope for orcs set is the last hope for night offs actually with foggy not in this tournament with neutron eliminated earlier now what do we got big involve good inventory for the demon hunter for sure second lore coming up tier three at three waters tc not close to three neither far fast here sent back now though need still one third of the attack for the tier three of grubby yeah he's playing this super passively realizing he doesn't have to risk anything he's got the late game on his side with the tier three soon coming in look at this set just sending in one drive just to scare grumpy a little bit this riot can't really do anything she's just scouting a little bit and making him grubby slightly afraid super fast of course and if there's no lockdown the drives can't really be purged and there's no end snare and they can't be stomped so yeah there's no real threat if you control them well it's going bears what who goes bears giants why would you go bears if you have the chance to go mountain giants yeah bears are worse against headhunters they're worse against stomp they're worse against farseer oh maybe the arrangement for the demon is nice yes but everything else is just so much worse there is regen here with the rune of healing anyway so i'm not too sure if that's necessary at this very moment you can always chip in the bear later especially for roar i'm not too sure if i like it either with you there bit of cunning it's no aura but it's decent and grubby really putting down an expansion it might just be an expansion to a force his opponent to his side of the map to start a fight there yeah tactical expos we said more and more nowadays not purely designed to just get the export but also to uh put a threat on the map and force some reaction over the opponent for example if you can creep three cams while your opponent is only casting your expansion that is absolutely a good trait for you grubby creeps another camp right there and now he's got the tier three online berzerker's ready first witch doctor out already it's about to say the same a grubby classic especially on big maps like the value of a witch doctor is so insane put down these wards they last forever you got the vision and if you give grubby some knowledge he punishes you so hard for atp single mistake and there was almost one devotional for the night elf as well set at 50 no expansion for him though and grubby has so much time bought already for the great hall that 50 it was a little bit of a gamble he could have cancelled if it fails but looks like this is coming through and now we see a mountain giant transition maybe too late that took quite some time is he going to go for the classic 50 supply into upgrades and then double mg 64. we've seen that before be quite successful especially by foggy but that was against hacking a very different matchup and if he waits that long robbie is going to be on two bases along with being fully fleshed out tier three orc the one problem for grubby here is on turtle rocks in such an old map in many ways sort of outdated in its design it doesn't have laps so it doesn't have shredders which is normally what you want to have so grabby's gonna have to remake some more peons which is a little bit annoying but i imagine if the expansion is standing and he can keep on creeping he's not going to be too uh concerned about this going to the shop is he going to go for a knifing orb don't tell me he's going for another tiny grater that would be crazy all the lightning yeah yeah that would be super greedy perry up here more tankiness on the tc he's closing in on five actually no third hero yet shadowhunter missing but bloodlust is almost done it's at two thirds set is seeking success in office here okay i can't cancel this anymore there's no zappers on this map there's three bears okay but grubby can certainly deal with this and normally the way you deal with this or late games you have enemies in front they soak up all the damage and they survive usually everything else just dies these are berserkers two are upgraded with bloodlust i don't know how set is supposed to hold the line here and he can't he doesn't cannot without without uh excuse me mountain giants so you had to tp out there there's an expansion for set now but grubby it's already on the way like feels like he knows he can just go with the wolf and then cancel it immediately it's a little bit of a desperation expansion but i said i feel at this point because he needs so much time and he's up against two bases now which makes things a lot lot harder and usually it's the night elves running away with economy in this matchup they tried to plant multiple uh trees to force the orc out on the map but this is not happening here it's grubby that does this looks like robbie has map hack he must see like 70 of the map or something there's so many watch awards he's got sent rewards from his one single witch doctor very bad for fighting as the witch doctor but it's crazy how much vision he can give you yeah those century words give him vision absolutely everywhere and there's going to be no surprise expansions coming up for said hell no yeah fly and grubby both they love the witch doctor and they use it to full effect and now look at the inventory see we got a heel scroll we got a protection scroll we got two auras for grubby we got two heels got actually a big healing and an inval this tc is not gonna die he's getting up to level five well did he just buy a parry app wasn't it already okay he is a tanky tanky boy indeed he sees every single movement and he knows that zad is crossing the middle so he's positioning himself here at the tavern at the gatekeeper you're you shall not pass that you're not interfering with my two base mining that has two mg's coming out they're going to be done in around 20 seconds maybe 30. he has to win with this that is his last timing even a bit of trouble but he gets staffed out these two mgs have to win the game for him if he doesn't win with that push grubby is just going to overwhelm with insane mass 2-1 upgrades for the berserkers plus the battle drums plus endurance all right there's so much damage plus of course bloodlust for the additional attack speed heroes are great witch doctor finally getting intercepted here but yeah also another thing this keeper not scaling too well into the very late game there's limited disable on grubby side so maybe tranquility is good at some point but rather not i would say more levels that's almost level five and everybody knows what that means on a tc yeah that stomp is one of the strongest spells in the game against demon hunter not as reliable maybe even aura would be better i'm not sure but regardless this tc is very strong if nothing else he's a massive tank all right seth is going to start off with the freebie he has the double above venom he has the double mountain giant this is the timing that he needs to win with smart play by grumpy he couldn't walk back through that needle hold three repositions but where the tanks the heroes are in the back the tc is absolutely useless in this position set with a massive amount of width can they detonate into the bag they get rid of a lot of blood thoughts but the shamans still look hard to me and they can still reapply the bloodlust rahra all over the place inable potion on the demon hunter the tc doesn't have to use it yet still has plenty of items to survive with grubby's waiting for that shop to finish then he can go for mana potions and more stomps but hey said he's having a decent fight over here in trouble he's getting pushed back robbie lost a lot of army exactly he's down to 50 and how to get the reinforcements here he has a lot of gold but he doesn't have any lumber remaining the sharp last seconds will set focus on that then there's no potions that he absolutely is grumpy backed against the corner literally he'll potion used in the tc as well level five but no mana to use grubby facing elimination as said with his last breath pushing forward killing more and more robbie can't get out of here no there's no escape there's no tp grumpy just keep it into his own death trap the mountain giants do it again oh my god it looks so bad but somehow it's happening he gets it the farcia gg grubby is out sad ruins the community's dream and has his best result of his career against the most decorated warcraft player in european history what a victory for the absolute dark horse being in the toughest position and finding the one way out of this game wow i was so worried for said i thought this game was absolutely over but it wasn't yet grubby's forces not quite good enough it doesn't matter how much how many headhunters you have the mountain giants just don't take damage or hardly any damage anyways and the double orb of venom to put in the dps from behind plus the roar very impressive two games set shows that he knows exactly what he needs to do to win despite the game being difficult and he makes it into the semis to everyone's surprise this man is turning out to be a hero here i was checking wikipedia i think it was yesterday or two days ago and one year ago exactly was the gold league where we had this insane um performance by fortitude that turned him into a star before he had a little bit of a downfall in the summer of 2020 but it feels like the first tournaments of the year are making quite some stars and we get our french derby in the semi-finals it's not side it's not kraft it is taught and said in the human vs knight l4 the grand final of the w3c season 4 finals unfortunately for the community of course that once again we are not seeing the encounter of grubby versus todd but seeing rising stars in 2021 in warcraft is almost as good and what a story for this man what is story for sad twice in a row he had like not in a row but you know on northern isles and on turtle rock he was behind and he had exactly one way out and he finds that way out that compass is working well pretty crazy grubby couldn't fit in torrance especially without a shredder you don't have the lumber if he wanted to go torrance he would have had to play on one base but if you have the strength to secure that you to make sure that you can secure a second base i guess you should always do it but the power of mountain giants mountain shines against piercing damage pretty damn good damn this set sky seems to be the limit for sad now how far can he take this the ultimate cinderella story right at the beginning of the year or start ruining the dream of his countrymen that would be quite something as well we got three more series for you guys i hope uh you are not leaving now because gravy is out because the other players definitely deserve your attention as well we have a little bit of a break and then it's time for todd versus set if they are not shuffling things around yeah seems like we're going to be going uh with todd's game first set doesn't seem to object apparently that's the schedule but yeah we're going to have a small break and uh then we're going to be back with more games semi-finals starting our best of five starting the top four and we have a lot of support here i think we left off with goddammit where were we um we were at peoe hug princess thank you for the three months tim bunker thank you for the seven months uh mars punisher thank you for the 10 gifted subs uh thank you ten euros donated by a guy named ten thank you benzene mogul thank you for the 17 months to jay thank you for the 33 months honk with the sub thank you man thank you for the 10 euros says congrats to 10k viewers perfect starting to 2021. this will be your year joker39 thank you for the sub evo plus thank you for the sub pune wfc 3 with the 12 months says grubby smash elf smork freeze with the four months says a good new year and kratosh with a 20 gifted subs holy hallelujah hallelujah on this day of the lord guys thank you all very much that's wonderful we are moving into the final four it is taught it is sad it is happy it is exlord and you are not going anywhere you are spreading the word about this wonderful tournament check out the metro arena for w3 champions check out the patreon there is 5 000 games a day on this server and there's only 60 patreons at the moment that doesn't sound right if you have a dollar spare a month support the wonderful developers team of w3 champions if you can over here patreon.com w3 champions we take a little bit of a breather and then it's time for the french derby in the final four it is todd punching for the grand final against the up-and-coming star that is sad see in a bit
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 26,885
Rating: 4.9366336 out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2019
Id: Lt4leA8p1sQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 29sec (4049 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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