WC3 - W3C Season 4 Finals EU - Semifinal: [HU] ToD vs. SaiDe [NE]

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this is our first semi-final in the w3c season finals this is not what uh we were hoping for in grubby versus todd todd is there if you ask people prior to this tournament who of the two 4k legend will be in the final four i would say 85 would say yeah it's gonna be grummy if he practices he's gonna be there but there's one man standing against that who ruined all of this and that was sad so it's todd versus said todd when he saw the group or the the bracket draw he saw little dc and he was always already a little demotivated like oh man this guy is so good um not the best against night elf but he beat him 2-0 and then yesterday he said well cooper blademaster yeah i know that's coming but i can't see this hero he's going to quit me to death i'm not feeling too hot right now boom two and one cooper eliminated as well but the big story of this tournament and of course happy next order waiting in the second semifinal is sad the legend killer 2-1 over mikhail 2-1 over grubby two very very decorated players already eliminated can he slaughter the third legend in a row this is from now on all best of five yes sir so settle in strap in and get ready for a nice long epic series especially night of versus human is traditionally the one that most tends to go to two base two base most tends to go to tier three and ultra late game and nowadays season of warden and keeper but guess what meow we're not on asia we're not neres we have our own style okay we've owned traditions and said still loves the demon hunter where most top nighters around the world have forsaken him he's gonna try the demon once again like little dc did that didn't turn out too well but we'll see maybe he said does it a little bit better the demo hunter is still a decent hero but certainly doesn't have the same strength as the warden and keeper do but at the same time also has the benefit that uh it is not played that much anymore nowadays so maybe todd not so familiar with it we'll see thought in general a player who loves to fast expand i would be sort of surprised if he were just not yeah exactly um we'll see todd had a little bit of a break here after his match was very early on said of course he must be pumped after this big win over grubby so i can see that the momentum is on that side a little bit of course they know each other quite well and they will probably know exactly what to do todd is going for the mercenary camp right away there is a wisp coming in todd threatens that one that one willing to get it into range of the water elemental and todd moves it away so it doesn't get detonated it can still do some damage in the mercenary camp goes to him with the flute very good item for him fast level two this costs a lot of militia time this is very expensive in lumber but opens up the merc right away for the shadow priest the fast level two some tomes as well for good measure and uh mercenary access most importantly that berserker should help out quite a bit so going for green after and then calling the militia again to go for the expansion that's what we're expecting here for todd was going for a safety tower but said wasn't just idly wasting time he crept up his natural and can just expand there right now himself if he wants yeah this was kind of like the creep route was introduced by remind but he was using a lot of mana burn there against the yoga magis and that's not the case anymore this is the new knight of way of creeping this without any mana burn so you don't have to restore the mana with moon juice so healing is very very cheap on the demon hunter and sad just just continue creeping with just this no right it's just boots or staff or something and then go for the aggressive what's lamental already gone killed by the creeps the wisp is ready for another detonate that will could prevent the next wart elemental doesn't use it yet the amount of coming in now finally with the boots seems like he's a little bit late the camera's already crept the am is already level three he's getting burned there's no more water elementals but this am doesn't need watery friends to do damage look at his inventory plus ten wonderful drops here for todd this time he can't complain [Laughter] i've seen a stream uh while we have the tech coming up the hunters hall as well but no counter expansion yet i said true interesting is this gonna be a talent push we asked the question with little dc played as well even after taking so much damage todd trying to block gets a little bit of chip damage in and puts a lot of pressure onto his countryman yeah this inventory is excellent like all his damage is ranged footman is a little bit of meat in front so the water mental plus four berserker plus three archbage plus ten this is a really good start for todd now there's a huntress hall at about seven eight or something and then we will see lawrence once more it that didn't do any damage really to this expansion um todd should be safe for now and you're not just far away from free as well and because of how much money he spent on items he bought the boots and the circlet he cannot quite rush tier 3 second hero and lowers too easily we see the second tier right away it's the naga also ultravision coming in and one lore but some resources are missing and perhaps this steam hunter inventory was a little too expensive to afford anything everything i mean so uh seth has to make sure he gets value out of these items right now that he bought for the game okay archmage pressured already but out of range of the naga now can't go in for another frost arrow demon hunt is still chasing that's a lot of damage todd has to save himself to the shop but he showed especially on this map here against cooper that he does everything it takes to keep his archmage alive steph and boots is that even enough man upon right clicks oh my wait the naga oh oh oh oh oh my god the shadow priest heal me heal a player's forces are under heels there's a new dispel or just thought of uh my overwatch days where there's always a begging for a healer a long time ago demon going in look at the block though by the peasants man we've seen this multiple times today now he's stuck oh my god with a trap surrounds the demon hunter and we'll be forcing the tp out this am living life on the edge but living still what a wonderful solution to this pressure that was expensive of course boots and staff you want one of them i guess it's never bad to have but it's very expensive you can't afford it now tech has started but that's a little late so there's still the tier 2 advantage for set what can you do with that he needs to grab map control quickly with those dryads find kills with a strong demon hunter the problem is the demon isn't even level three yet he was hoping with that aggression to get plenty of kills and then level up the demand to three maybe even the naga to two but that didn't really happen he committed for the am didn't get the kill in the end to make matters a little worse to add insult to injury the dryer is stuck in the main set has not realized this yet you can just uproot all right there we go fixes that little problem but there are many more problems around the corner like for example todd's tier 2 which is going to be finishing soon 60 roundabout it's a good force he does have defense so the footman should be safe despite the naga blacksmith is missing for now but will be slapped down soon as well demon until never level three you really don't want to invest that mana potion early yeah that that invo potion early shop is up so staff and orb will be ready in a bit [Music] i am trying to steal the heel scrolls over here that stack of telly served him well but will now be sold he wants to keep all the bonus damage yep and the move speed for the second hero later on many humans out there nowadays go for blood mate but todd seems to be preferring the naga still also certainly quite good against the demon hunter we're we do have a new big donation by the way thank you epicus88 for the 20 euros thanks for the drugs you're welcome man enjoy the ride thank you thank you sac and bear axe and we know what that means rifleman most likely this is starting to look quite reminiscent of the game against dc yeah it wasn't exactly the same early game but it was somewhat similar nice user of the heel scroll here all the footies healed up again todd is gonna tp out try to do that before he loses too much and he saves every single unit that was pretty nicely done in these heroes i keep on saying it but it's true they're just not strong enough yet to do all that amount of damage that is hoping to do what happened to todd between his series versus cooper and this one especially like if you exactly compare last refuge to last refuge todd seems so much more stable pretty much doing no mistakes this is not an excellent shape if you ask me that's a very different matchup i think one that he feels much more confident in he has been concerned about the blademaster for a long time but he sort of overcame blademaster earlier on now has the naga and is getting ready for the late game double sanctum and double barracks lumber a little bit low right now but that will be fixed soon as well for todd usually you want to go into army quickly 60 supply maybe 70 supply make sure you can contest the map make sure you can survive against pushes and make sure you can level up as well and then maybe go tier three later on although we didn't see that before by todd probably just because he didn't want to give me another fire right now that's the only reason but yeah inner fire i mean long range is ready so a lot earlier than before because you just could gather the necessary resources for it and getting one of the most dangerous spots out of the way so he can't be creep jacked here as he knows his opponent is busy on the other side of the map that's pretty smart only god for it talisman okay red spot for set feels like he needs a big item got the medallion yeah and he sees there's an expansion coming up now but he has plenty of time to push this so more right clicks against the creeps here so the red spot is going to todd as well this is his game right now creeping fiesta class 12 from the naga is just fantastic again not an aura but a very good one naga hitting hard now so hardened skin upgrade that is the mountain giant transition almost done the mountain giant saved said twice in the series against gravity todd does he have a better solution to this looks like rally point is again in the base to not get them intercepted by an ambush by set in the north which is smart i hope he remembers that later on but satisfying the second base that is pretty much unpushable at this point or up on the demon hunter poking again a little bit defense upgrades first and there's more rifles now he needs damage at least a little bit that's a lot of production coming in churning off of four production buildings can be hard to do but todd was uh quite rich right there a little trust fund baby had around 1500 gold and now can spend it all demon hunters trying to be annoying it's always something you can very effectively do when there's no mk on the other side you can just harass and then staff out and hopefully not die fine no problem nothing happened demon gets out bought a bit of time did a bit of scouting and todd oh my god he shot up so fast in supply yep just like 70 seconds ago he was at 50. now it's at 68 and this is the dangerous moment two heel scrolls on top of this and this army is terrifying all right then this is yeah 70 supply human push um it's been this way for 28 years it's so powerful shooting up from 50 to 70 if you bank a little bit and i like the invis place by the way this archmage can rarely get burned so he always has a wattle mental ready at the beginning of the fight and can control the shop without any issues not getting slowed not getting trapped pretty sweet [Music] two mg's are on the way and we have seen before how strong they can be against the berserkers they ruined grubby's day and against rifle they can also be very good normally the way human beats mg's is with tier three or with insane amounts of supply advantage there is supply advantage for todd but it's not that crazy i would say well it's 80. so it's certainly a big army but we have 64 for said but two of those mountain giants are still stuck in production that's 14 supply at the moment missing this timing for todd is hitting crisply shortly before set is ready are you saying the supply is lying the soup is actually lying maybe it is militia support is big that's eight militia certainly a death push for todd big big big army coming in with upgrades with good mana with good inventory it's gonna be very very hard to deal with for set but he has illusions on the mountain tracks presence there tanking some of the fog light thing dima takes a lot of damage right away bears in the front line mountain giants illusions pretty hectic fight demon hunter info gonna run out soon he gets level four the whisk coming in from the back and beautiful detonates oh my god those were wonderful demon dropping low there should be a stab for him there's no stab for the demon oh my god said you need to be careful that demon hunter is going to be going down couldn't save him didn't have the staff tried to save the money first hero dies but the naga dude look at her experience she's almost l5 yeah he's saving a lot of mana he's gonna have level three folk lightning running through here in a second that might be the naga up the bears are still attacking he wanted to pass something didn't really work he still has the tp still has the potions so can't stay alive but todd's army is slowly getting weaker and weaker by the minute or by the second rather fort lightning rattling through for the second time the mountain times there's just no solution to this set the mg master two more breakers about to fall he can't deal with the mgs again this naga is almost 6. and this ultimate could actually do something there's no cancel for it doesn't have the mana right now but later but taurus 50 supply left only his timing didn't work out and now he's facing mountain giants the night of sulas the expansion standing the demon died lots of wisps died lots of dryads died but the expo is standing and said has the supply lead and todd is only now going for tier three greatly regretting now not to have done that earlier are you telling me that this naga just got one and a half levels in this fight after 15 minutes i think she started like straight up on level four actually i think she got like two levels yeah with the demon hunter gone there was a lot of solo experience if you ask me he did skill tornado so this is this is an expo health of course the wisps were detonated but the expo is still there and todd isn't it it's mostly a meme ultimate but if there's no cancel on the other side it's actually pretty good you can sign up like six different units yeah and i think because it's an ultimate maybe you can cycle on breakers but maybe that just goes for damage i'm not sure we're going to find out together let's see who this weekend is providing some great entertainment totsal has the tp trying to go for the level five but seth absolutely knows what's happening can he oh my god if he cyclones the ultimate he can't really tp and then he's stuck with the rest of the army okay tp's out but the big boy will be going to set as more experience for him demon is still far away from five but he's gonna get an item here as well perry actually pretty good for the demoner he's got a lot of ehb with his armor and evasion this helps him tank a lot yeah very tanky front line for said indeed a demon mountain giant spears to a lesser extent but still okay todd needs the tier three upgrades he needs inner fire he needs a third hero there you go for all of them maybe some frag shards animal wart rain frag shards thundering blades and in the fire all cute at the same time so it feels like the clock for set is ticking his arm he isn't getting any better he's getting attack upgrade defend upgrades okay but that won't give him the win todd is getting major upgrades for his army still on two bases he is harassing actually it's a fork lightning battle in the main base of said that's a classic for todd sending in the naga invis using fog lighting to kill whistling staffing out one of his favorite things to do normally human tier three is insanely hard for knight to deal with with all the upgrades coming in but this is a naga second she's a decently strong second hero but she's no blood mage and she's no mountain king she does fall off compared to the other ones now so does sedsnaga to be fair but she's level six first of all and secondly she can carry an oval venom she now has an orb of venom and a man of stone that is gonna be so much fork lightning and i much prefer sense position here to be honest as long as he makes sure the dryer thing don't get completely destroyed by the mortar teams but then again we don't even have that many drives anymore tough situation todd got all his upgrades now he needs the numbers 73 more mortars coming paladin about to pop out more swords set is ready to push archmage once again level five there is exactly as you said level three wattler metals can't be dispelled too easily sundering blades are amazing against mountain giants you will have solutions for this nice reveal set figuring out that there's always in this stuff happening that's more experience this demons right close to five level three burn very good and metamorphosis also not too bad from what i heard keeps on pressuring takes out some farms controlling the map todd has been playing this game mostly defensively we saw one attack by todd this whole game and it failed and now we see the tornado it doesn't do damage against units but it does damage buildings might be taking out the workshop it certainly will be taken out the workshop and also cyclones up units that it hits it's the first knight right there and it slows enemy units in the vicinity but he cancels it satisfied with what he did sad is poking a little bit but he doesn't want to commit too much just yet yeah i guess with the mana stone the regen is fine so he was full mana anyway why not use it retreat a little and there's no more mortars now also no oh this could be interesting by the way no flying machines and set is adding in fairy dragons there's two rifles with great positioning these casters will be wrecked yeah it's going to come down a lot to execution it could be strong on both sides if the fairies are very well positioned but also if todd micros is force as well with the rifles plus watch over he has plenty of piercing damage remo i thought you are the expert here you must know by now that warcraft games are never about execution it's always about balance and item luck come on and i'm trying my best to balance it out as much as i can but yeah this seems to be pretty even my biggest concern is this naga second for todd i don't think he she provides that much anymore she's again going for the harass again the invis into a wisp snipe and then telestaff out it's a cute little play but now with there being a shredder it's not like he really needs that much lumber wisps but the wind is going down that means no more ferries for quite a while but there's still three that can remake the wind and now up on the high ground is tall does said really want to go up here oh the fairies are crazy the bear drop yeah so nice the zeppelin in the back and this damage is just nuts that didn't work out for todd there was a smart play positioning himself on the high ground but sad had the answer with the bear drop wonderfully done sick engagement and now the heavy upgrades for the night ever coming in the biggest late game night of strength along with orb of venom is their upgrades all the good units of theirs benefit from the same upgrade type the bears the mountain giants the dryads they all benefit from the same so you can really spam those heavily even the fairy dragons by the way uh as opposed to most other races the human of the army of the human here for example the knights the mortars the rifles they all have split different upgrades and the casters don't benefit from upgrades at all where the night elf does so this is one way that nylof can get a little bit ahead in the late game and with a third base that's another option we have a tree of life coming up bottom right seth doesn't want to move the tree over from the main i like that he wants to keep it there for a moon juice region and he even fits in a part of third now for the aura but more importantly for another orb of mana i think todd is walling off the high ground with invis knights okay he reveals himself now speaking of bases talk his mind out he's at 100 here and can he establish another base that's the question he needs to otherwise there's pretty much no chance scout owl revealing this position seeing this is hard this is a hard nut to crack triple orb of venom this is crazy damage potential the knights could have a very tough time and again the zeppelins coming in from the back the five bear drop into the back line beautiful engagement again bike said and how hard for todd to take a fight here in fact he says he can't he's evacuating tp's out and that is him with no gold mine left no more income for the human unbelievable tournament day or set already he knows exactly what to do and now todd has to re-engage for the win because zed will be up at two bases and he's going to be up at zero the damage per second with the opera venom you said it is just phenomenal it's just overwhelming the heroes are dropping down to fifty percent whiffs are coming in to detonate all the check boxes are ticked for said and yeah brilliant zoro is fine and all but if all your mana is getting burned and then there's fairy dragons that hurt you for the mana you use this is almost an unwinnable situation for todd at this point zeppelin is saving units left right and center water team's okay they provide something good but the rest is dealt with tornado again and the zeppelin man there's so many saves level two for the bottom that's true shot all right now i guess demon hunter okay well played by todd again for the second time today and that's one offer said is this is this the wonder of 2021 said is he having as miraculous of a run as the german football team had in 1954 what's up with this guy did you just scream 57 year old football reference really i saw the movie bro i saw the movie that was only around 15 years ago dude he just keeps on impressing uh those mountain giant timings really strong if said makes you to the late game again he realized what he has to do the early game in the mid game honestly was pretty shaky i think todd had a really strong early but he didn't transition so well into the later stages maybe he got a little bit complacent and a little too short of his victory he crept a lot when he could have pressured instead i think that is sometimes todd's downfall where he goes a little bit too much pve where other top humans especially from asia will pressure and will make the night elves life difficult i think if you want to go for that big timing attack like he did you have to with it earlier than mountain giants if you want to fight into mountain giants and you should have known they should have been out by then then you have to go tier three and this is something that todd has shown time and time again that he prefers the tier 2 style more against dc it worked yeah but again said not so much and also he got punished for that naga second hard later on if he had a blood mage second this would have been much better definitely also mountain king would have been very good against the bears for example but you know i guess the demon hunter mountain king is always very hard so usually you try to out mana steal with the blood mates against the demon hunter that wasn't the case here todd wanted to end it rather slow uh rather fast compared to the tier three and that hurt him but it's a pretty high level game rarely any mistakes said is playing excellent warcraft here and let's see if this can continue and this is echo else now might we even see a ward we definitely see it here in plenty of cases from lots of players i'm not sure if said is a warden player and this also comes to serve him people aren't so familiar with him they aren't so ready for his playstyle normally when you play on last traffic you're like okay i have to be worried about two things either keeper or uh beastmaster that is the meta so to speak especially in asia but here set plays in demon hunter and for the first time in a while i see a demonic first winning and that was thanks to strong play and i think also in part thanks to a few mistakes from todd's side does he play award near what's your intel on this set how many award games has he played dude i have no idea but i would say yes i would say let's go i think he knows exactly what's up and i would say that he plays a warden here now uh question said by the way if the orb of venom is really that good and uh as uh we are glad to explain this yes it absolutely is crazy strong as it adds i'm not exactly sure about the number 54 damage per hit as poison is it 54 it might be 63 something like that something like that it's a little misleading you don't hit like for 54 every hit it's uh damage over time it has the potential of being 50 something and the good thing is if you hit with multiple orbs of venom that damage stacks you can get up to 180 or 190 damage as poison damage it is a keeper by the way so yeah triple orb is incredibly strong we have a keeper opening with an ancient at the expansion we're seeing this more and more nowadays uh with the engine of war at the expansion the idea being you can creep the expo right away and then creep up uh further especially with the keeper this is by the way only doable on the left side of echo isles which is kind of weird echo is not exactly symmetrical so a little bit lucky here perhaps for said to spawn over here also there's differences in merc camp spawn creeps one of the sides i always forget which one is safe to creep and the other isn't i think the right one is safe and the left one isn't something like that in case of a militia harass so maybe here that spawning position influenced uh the keeper choice and the ancient of war choice as well we do have a scout footy running across but i think it's going to be too late uh to know about this creep in the south before it's finished so it's going to be done very quickly once again guys in case you're tuning in a little later this is the first best of five of the tournaments so it's not match points yet but it's certainly a nice situation for said to be in to continue his momentum after the win over grubby archmage with a claw again moving over right away but you won't find anything up north so all you can do is whisper and the keeper here is gonna get good experience but not quite level two look at the wisp on the right side is he going to detonate the water metal this is a big moment in this game how good is the multitasking and the overview of said he needs to creep in the south protect his main base the wisp there and detonate on the right side didn't i didn't get the detonate so the keeper didn't quite get the level up the am is going to get his level 2 here very very soon and wants to pressure we saw this before especially against the warden that makes a lot of sense but this time he's going up against the keeper which means he can much more easily lose these footmen but todd is excellent at last hitting in their prevent experience from the water absolutely keeper's still not level two we have the brilliance or are working against sad at the moment or in favor of the archmage expo not cute yet but rather the tech so the priorities should be clear to get the high tech early start playing this one base t2 tech at 50 with the early aggression trying to block cheeky play again dodge is the right click dodges the right click again sad showing some good micro man todd will be so tilted and now detonates against it it's mostly psychological play honestly the resources he lost there it wasn't really worth it but he shows todd what's up yeah if you get um into todd's brain onto his nerves that can that can be worth a lot of resources it was only a small move though i think todd is still fine with the situation he knows his tech is way faster he saw that there was no expansion and now he's moving into rifle play soon with rifles we see quite a few pushes which is customary to see but against the keeper that probably wouldn't be the smartest idea so what else then do you want to go for expansion on tier 2 or a tier 3 rush usually are the two options expo is pretty weird we don't really see that i mean tier three rush i mean is not so commonly seen anymore nowadays so expansion is what i would be expecting and also second heroes will be interesting to see what we're gonna be having here soon is it the naga again is it some tavern hero is it the mountain king that slows you down quite a bit but it is an mk for todd t2 not quite finished for said it is rather slow but he's intercepting the early rifles and that's big plays for seth if he gets the kills the next entangle he should get it cost him quite a bit of mana but killing off a rifle certainly nice didn't happen he did yeah i thought really good with this mk second as you said um d minor second would be the best counter to this now does said know this is happening i think you should go demon hunter regardless maybe well what we've seen from law light which looked really good in the past was keeper into naga into demon hunter really strong triple hero but as is the nature of triple hero requires a lot of creeps and equals we do not have a lot of exactly we do have a new donation by the way by here more one euro 39 much love my friend glad you enjoyed this in the meantime the metro arena is at almost 3 300 by the way three thousand one hundred ninety eight and it's incredible can we three three three three that would be pretty uh pretty progress if you ask me pretty three you can say that as well keeper now level three since we're on the subject he's going to go for treants here no entangle realizing dispel or as we like to say these people will be coming in very soon still takes a little while to be honest with the sanctum only finished now said moving south what's the second hero it is the team hunter yeah i like that choice almost lasted here for sad lots of triangles now notice spell available that's of course a way to get rid of footman and the watson metal i think that was the knight again 100 sure but todd is seeking for revenge trying to block trying to force a staff or the town portal playing with fire there's no bash so all calculated and no money wants it off now hooray guys don't look at explosions indeed easy he says said and retreats to his side of the map wants to start leveling up this demon hunter if the second heroes here both level strongly it should be favoring the night off because of course the demon can just burn the mountain king twice and then usually he's out of mana if he does get to level two mana burn are there still enough creeps for this i think so with the murlocs and the merc and the green that should be enough but the keeper must make sure not to soak up too much experience and more creeping for todd as well he's playing this rifle caster without a tier 2 expansion without a tier 3 attacks so oh expansion maybe now called the militia not for even militia it's passing so i think he finds himself in a comfortable situation to draw this out no counter expansion up yet but tier three around the corner second lore now as well and we do see bears again for set keeper in the main ready to harass a little bit but he doesn't have that much mana he doesn't have the orb yet he doesn't have dryads here so this is not really scary it's just a little annoying costing a little bit of lumber but has the resources to afford that got the lumber mill early death note will be happy and the expansion will be finished soon all right level 3 mk big level if you have the mana we got another claw plus gloves of haste this archmage hits like a truck players forces are under attack 60 for the expansion set figures this out very quickly um already looking forward to the tuck of war around the merchant at the very late game stages i think todd will not push too early he's no incentive to do so and seth's still waiting for his tier three to come online so this will probably take a little bit but once it is once he has the orb and the mountain giants and later the second orb we have seen how strong that can be and there's uh it's gonna be hard as we said earlier to pull off the third hero here since there's so few creeps seth doesn't need a third hero todd if we go tier three we'll want to tear the third hero but tier three for the human is still certainly far away first todd wants to make sure he gets all the creeps he can and he's protects his expansion while said what's the plan for him he's gonna pressure is he gonna distract he still doesn't have mountain giants he still doesn't have a venom it seems like his options are pretty limited so far yeah he's going shop control for heal scroll and involve there was a lot of attention on a demon hunter so far by todd crystal ball stands for expansion sees nothing happening all right still got time let's kill the tech much faster this time wanting to make sure he's ready for the mountain giants later on because it's very very likely that they will be coming said takes out the last camp on the map it's going to be in a bit of a rough position over here might be forced to tp out todd is going to find him here soon has his own heel scroll said hoping for a better item now than the talisman before claus plus9 not too bad they want to give that to the keeper actually oh and here comes the human army who canceled the staff right away otherwise the tp would have been gone from the fight and then how do you take this pretty much impossible and you know what's impossible as well the amount of support that canopy quakes has given us throughout the entire existence of back to warcraft and of course he's gifting subs left right and center throughout the day and it seems like he enjoys this one pretty much because he is donating 250 dollars to the back to warcraft project go for match three bring in the tanks now clover quakes he has a strange obsession with blood mages and tanks but who am i to argue with your preference man thank you so much once again and residue with a 20 euro donation much love you guys it's uh [Music] it is an unbelievable weekend that is uh very very generous thank you guys thank you so much thank you kenobi thanks to all the supporters of the tournament and of our stream seems like we're going to be drawing very close here to the decision of map number two said seems to be in an all-in position todd is mining off of two bases loves playing ahead with one base with the expansion and this time he doesn't even have to worry about mountain giants they are nowhere to be found it's only bears and archers and soon to be dryads coming in so this seems a lot less scary of an army priests were a little out of position for a while can be reached by archers but or dispelled immediately that was a big chunk of experience todd is in a weird position here at the tree i think i've never seen a fight over here but knows this is not the best repositions immediately and into the safety of the towers yeah that was a great tp he bought a lot of time managed to do a lot of damage to the bears and then tp out before losing anything however what he did lose i suppose was his mk's mana he got burned to use stone ball clap once and that was it and that's the strength of the d hunter of course behind this we do have an expansion coming up but it's about three minutes away from finishing so said needs to keep the pressure on here and ideally trade well to buy time for his counter expo todd however has the big supply yeah and todd loves to survive in situations like this he's so good at to staying in fights for a long time the towers will speak for themselves lightning shield onto that mountain king but there's no other way to save him as there's no staff and all of a sudden look consumable as well invis probably wasn't ready no it's not researched so the mk is gone and you can't go to the tavern at the moment when bear dropping low staff is on cooldown that one will be going down rejuve coming in the army for todd is still big level four level up for the keeper another beer goes down though despite the hero loss it seems like todd is taking a great trade over here ultimate level four and a half and seth is running out of steam especially on the demon hunter once again using the step before the involve can't really stay in there but knights are super fast and they're on the hunt retreating now a little letting this one getting healed up before it gets entangled once again set at 44 supply only taught at a strong 71 with double income very very hard to lose this game by now except if said is establishing the expansion minds from it and drags out the game because todd will be the first to mine out you're very hard now to deal with these knights the archers could fall very very quickly we haven't even seen in a fire yet by the way is it in research it sure is too late for the cancel but this is enough damage to force the kill he's gonna play it safe go to the shop and go for a tp but i think you should have a firepower here to take out the second base a little bit of a pit stop to get nothing okay thought otherwise cute something else mk is still not back brave and mountain giants are here we do have upgrades weldstring is coming in as well and the heel scroll here for todd that's a lot of night suddenly the double back double barracks benefit you can transition quickly into whatever you want rifles knights and now here we go inner fire online late game tier three human unlocked yeah we don't even have a third hero yet but it might be coming in form of the paladin soon mountain king is in as well and you see how much damage these knights do against mgs now usually there's no solution to it but mass knights is a very very good solution mana burn for the mk does he have a potion not really but bears are falling into the slow trap and into their grave as well mk on the chase hungry four more kills and there's quite a few on a silver platter but said he's gonna have to give up this expansion very much looks like this is gonna be all on one unless something miraculous happens demon trouble staff saves him but there's no saving this tree of life that one will be gone the west detonates early on lr were absolutely wonderful we're partly responsible for the win at the expansion hole but here the expansion will not be held and todd will not be stopped he keeps on going towards the main he's got the 80s supply he's got the upgrades he's got the inner fire only thing missing is the third hero the paladin will be joining him soon and we'll be joining him soon into map number three with the 1-1 score if you ask tr me double workshop so maybe kenobi's dream is coming true and we see tanks to finish this off but i don't think we'll have time for that as todd the snowplow is killing offset even in the main base of staff where there's wealth and shop control shop support and reinforcements immediately this is just way too powerful it's the dominant thought striking back on his first map seems like uh this is i mean if this isn't critical mass i don't know what is you have slow everywhere inner fire third hero if the d minor falls this should be the double g's he does survive a little bit longer second oval venom definitely missing here for said but he's been broke this whole game it's not like he can easily afford everything that he desires you need some resources for that there was a strength of todd's tier 2 expansion he was able to get in those additional resources should set have expanded sooner perhaps i don't know hard to tell i think the big problem for him was the late tech the pressure early on that he faced in the main forced him to stay tier one longer and i guess that's the weakness of this ancient of war built towards the south maybe he wasn't expecting this pressure play to be coming in by taught so quickly despite the fact that it was shown before gg well played is called this game was certainly over we haven't won one we have a one one indeed really nice to have a long series here in this best of five set taking the lead top strikes back and that was good adjustments here tier two expansion this time with a rifle opening and he caused some trouble for said that he maybe didn't expect but yeah there's a reason why many night elves on this map play one it's probably better but needs a very specific skill set and maybe not the favorite hero for set and then todd is there to punish that yeah keeper can also work out well but i think if you have a keeper you need to be able to ensure level two fast and then deal with the footies that's one of the biggest strengths of the keeper being able to deal with footman well the demar can't do it the warden can do it kind of but not before level three that's due to the strength that the keeper brings but todd there with an attack into the main really threw off our night elf player but that's okay there's plenty more chances left there was todd's map choice oh after all number and a boy one score meaning we're going now into a best of three can't help yourself can you uh yeah absolutely classic it is a it is a back to warcraft classic indeed and our next map is amazonia if we follow a pattern here and go full distance and the last map will be sets which it's widgets which is quite a big um advantage in the late game stages and our advantage here in the walker three community that you apparently like what we do and you send us more support and more donations where did we end up with the subs rumor do you even remember uh yeah it was uh dardoch thank you with the five month three says love y'all love hearts and uh zerpathos with the nineteen months thirteen and an s with a sub crabby with the ten years nice matches dude don't don't ruin my jam okay nice matches nice moderators nice weekend and uh inferno prince with a five euro says essen tilo is that the dad telling his son right now to come to you think so essential get food lito dnt with the scythe six month reset says le todd bolt and texas tuxedo thank you guys all very much for the support tilo go grab a snack real quick and come back here because we don't want to miss these games we have map 3 coming up amazonia who's going to claim match points exactly we have a lot more support over maturino as well lucas bonner with the 25 uber bagel with the 20 disproved by hell with the 5 euro and 30 69 by cool trainer ian giants dryads and bears oh my three tens for wc3 happy new year and here's to another amazing year of content from back to warcraft much love wonderful to see you guys not only supporting us but also the incredible back uh back to warcraft team w3 champions team but yeah we're tied it's one one who claims match points as rimo just said we're loading in said it was this the match where he lost his momentum where he starts to question himself like okay that wasn't really my game to take or is it just well that's echo that's where i can't play keeper to like the best way possible so he expects that uh to lose the players forces are under attack i don't think so i think very few players have the spiral mindset of being like well i'm gonna lose this map but whatever i think most players will try to uh win their map and equals we have seen it also work plenty well before but an unwinnable map i think nowadays keeper night up with keeper has very few really bad maps because of the strength of trent and entangle you can pretty much creep anywhere in the keeper of course early game so strong some downside in the late game but doesn't have to be the end of all things or and so on we're gonna have a quick level two here for the keeper of the grove right away gloves of haste caught creeping the same camp of course the lab very beneficial to go for early on especially with lightning shield oh you got the experience from that watermelon yeah he did a little bit more for him good items here for the keeper as well this is a map where you can creep up level three very quickly but you also need to make sure you know where the human is expanding or not and that's the big question of this early game yeah todd you know he loves expansions we know that one two three four five six seven eight peasants and only two farms this might oh there's the third one and there's the fourth one cheeky to uh maybe confuse said a little and the police is coming remo here we go but the wisp sees it in a bit since it's amazonia he can move across very very fast and the damage of this keeper is big that is scary he doesn't have that much mana though and it seems like he's going to be too late for the rock column if he steals the last hit however oh yeah the bird was almost there what elemental re-summoned again we have a little bit of a summon war how much pressure can he enter the mano's already gone but there's now big right-clicking birds only one peasant going down though this is totally fine for todd this is uh easily deflected attack i think the keeper just came in a little bit too late happy with this one consider the expansion right away he has yeah six peasants still left all good and that's level three for him as well i think uh said saw the opportunity with the creep but yeah without level three not too easy to do too much now we got it but limited mana and he's hurt on the other side todd is getting all the tankiness items he'll probably be very happy about that as we all know him right probably yeah explain select this good point yet i hope he goes for entangle but then again actually some of the top night elves in asia have been uh going uh triumphs actually and then with the naga you just kill footies with level one entangle anyway he's not needing it but here the pressure comes in before the naga is here and the level two entangle will be chosen which is of course super powerful against these footage todd cannot really hope to achieve too much with him he needs defend yeah for sure that is the one way to survive against zentangle and the one way to survive for the back to warcraft project is with more donations and we got another big one here p wait what's that pima elu p my oh i'm so bad at this name remo can you help me out well this is very clearly lithuanian so uh i'm gonna help you out pima thank you very much for the 50 euros he says thank you for amazing walker three content thank you for the amazing donation from you pima you and all the other guys you have really been wonderful this weekend towards world three champions towards this tournament series and towards us and we are far from finished this is our first semifinal we're gonna have a second one with the undead mirror of happy versus exlord and of course the grand final coming up later finally the naga second coming in for said he needs her definitely to put more pressure on these footies todd is going to be under quite a bit of pressure here indeed until he finally has tier two and all the techie ones t2 has started lumber mill is coming in as well plus a shredder that will be a big lumber plus here and of course a very expensive investment as well tower coming what does said do with his time we saw the tree building at the six o'clock position he's moving over now with the engine of war asks port but todd he pretty much knows what's up but how strong is this little rogue force here yeah that's the really hard thing to do when the human very obviously doesn't have map control still being able to be disruptive being able to find damage the footies are gonna get taken out with spells over time although that one he's actually surviving the footy that lived never mind no heart for the veterans here in todd's army but even with the footies going down that's sort of their job sacrificing themselves selflessly for the greater good of the republic exactly and uh yeah they're delaying the expansion here by quite a bit true of life still not rooted and it's daytime hitting here in just a moment and the moon juice is kind of stressed already yeah this is a very late expansion and oh it's daytime the creeps wake up keeps them busy engine oh the tree there's no wisp oh that's not good shredder by said but this might just be picked up as well that laura's canceled todd is doing a lot with just a couple of footman and watermelons that tree of life if that one goes down that's the biggest disaster wisps have to go over there to repair it not that easy sapper onto the wisps oh the tree of life is still attacking okay the angel of war takes the aggro over now todd sees the tree of life yep enough damage there's a little bit of regen wisps are coming over again to footman one of them getting owned by the entangle or it's it's enough it's enough he's gonna oh watermen are gone there's no one no way no way no way and tangle again footman down the tree who lives no okay there's no entangle though i think he should be able to get away slow if he slows him again no no he don't turn everything in stressful moments stressful stressful moments but the tree of life survives no it doesn't the zapper comes in oh wow how how did he even hire the zapper what are you out of nowhere i don't even know no no clue oh my god what a crazy game this already is there's a corpse maybe there was a footprint or something genius zapper by talk that was super expensive it was hectic but it's still two base one base and we're moving over to tier three territory with an mk second that was probably the play of the game yeah zed normally would need to assert map control right now keep pressure on the opponent but uh he doesn't have many forces only three archers left todd did a really good job this game utilizing his footman like the top humans so often show us despite the fact that there was a level three keeper he still managed to find uh things to do with those footies that zeppelin will be going down maybe he hired the sapper with a zeppelin could be in the invis a.m towards the tree of life this is going to be another cancer here as it seems absolutely wonderful yep that's def i'm not saying definitely not with these two guys after what just happened and tangled breaks through with an involve absolutely worth it if this is working out and it is perfect cancel oh wow perfectly calculated sources todd that is a tp out of course no cancel against that as there is no disable again pretty expensive but way more expensive for said yeah probably a bit of a mistake by said using the entangle on the am rather than the elemental the elemental couldn't have freed itself from the entangle that expansion being lost like that that hurts 700 gold for todd saving a bunch has the shredder up adept upgrade tier three done upgrades coming set us on the timer here a player's forces are under attack into the main we see tree and harass there's not too much defense here but also there's only giants and archers no orb of venom yet taught if he tp's back can easily force this back yeah with militia you can afford that he's on the left-hand side just okay tp all right stumble on the naga wants to fight this one try it already down and now what's the next target clap against the heroes interestingly oh the keeper he dies the shredder hank schrader puts in the damage gigi is called that's the 2-1 lead for todd little anti-climactic with the game was lost already taught with the lead indeed and it's one map away from the grand final versus his beloved undead race right sad is this where he crumbles now he was facing elimination once against grubby but that was his map in that series taught having great responses not the easiest game but yeah the first harass already didn't really work out for set timings a little shaken up i think and then taught with a wonderful push at or with uh or the tree waking up the creeps being attacked and then taught with the zapper what a play yeah if you it really comes down to the early game i think if you want to harass the expo creep right there you have to have more wisps in position to get the effective detonates off and you have to go there earlier to do damage you can't go there so late with a keeper with only 100 mana only summoning one set of trillions and doing nothing but uh well hard to always make those perfect decisions in game much easier for us to sit here and uh you know criticize but still seth has played a pretty good series here so far the first map was absolutely outstanding but todd seems to be feeling himself again seems to be coming back into the the series two maps in a row now match point for him and a chance on concealed hill to move on to the grand final absolutely amazonia one of the best keeper maps already defeated by todd and chad is educating us that the zapper went across the entire map and wasn't uh higher at the bottom left but at thoughts lab that's a play you don't really see that guy was sweating bricks yes keeper could could have uh cut him off dry ass naga but he made it through all the way and we have two new subs thank you whiz blah and gary for the five month reset thanks for the streams thanks for watching thanks for the support so we are ready nice chat between them here uh amazing zapper intense series smiley faces by todd yeah he's certainly happy about that outcome and i guess we're all happy about every outcome here this weekend so far sad fighting for survival two maps down first match point for todd it is still sad's map choice ch is that time for mountain giants again they were so helpful for him in the match against grubby in the match against todd does he need the mgs to make it all the way to the grand final yeah that certainly seems to be a very valid option we have seen a lot of nigel's in the past doing well with going keeper playing aggressively harassing the expansion playing archers naga and then transitioning slowly into tier three and then mountain giants triple hero probably with the d minor and the triple orb mg is for the tanks and the orb for the dmgs that is the way that usually night of can stay in competitive in the late game without having these super strong second heroes but it's you know it's all about timings when can you be effectively aggressive how well can you defend this might be what it comes down to the early game here could be a big tell already the early game for todd on ecco also very strong with that harass in the main delaying the tech delaying the timing and then the expansion harassed was too weak on amazonia where todd's timing was too easily coming online and then of course the timing of the footies and the zappers especially yeah was wonderful so todd what's he gonna do now fast expansion once again perhaps doesn't have to be though it can also be a map for a level one aggression across the map like on echo isles but of course it's a much larger map than echoes all right then we have a keeper once again that shouldn't come as a surprise with that you can creep the natural here fairly easy long walk style drawing out the overseer entangle it here creep it there or go for aggression himself if he expects a taught expansion he can try to punish that choices have to be made pretty early on but of course scouting is helping with that to see wisps footies everything roaming across the map sad with claws start with his first experience at the bottom left-hand side if said wants to be aggressive he has to bring more wisps than the last time there's one part there already the one scout wisp has been shoot away from the footy but the keeper goes back uh to the north or goes north i guess i should just say so it seems like i said it's not going to be interested in being aggressive right away it's going to creep up first if you want to be aggressive normally you go towards the middle creep the green at the spider crab and then you're in position to attack the expansion but that is not the choice here pot is making more and more peasants we have three farms already the fourth farm is the tell for the expo yeah in the corner ah here we go okay once again sneaky play by todd not telling too much there's a wisp at the 12 o'clock position for a set so he can counter expand if he wants to tech has started for him the last remaining night of player and of course the last remaining human player keeper moving all these two wisps are gonna be a big deal how well can they connect if they hit water elemental and am this is terrifying for todd this could be a lot of damage yeah next elemental summon but the wisps are here one two oh oh boy oh yeah have fun indeed running away immediately yeah this is disrupted for sure and sad we'll definitely be happy with this this is not overseer quite a punch archers are here keeper is still here and yeah footman you said it on az are usually uh supposed to die at one point but not that early not that many tier two tekkerstar instead is willing to counter expand with the tree of life coming but only two moon wells so he's sacrificing moon wells and mana regen for faster tech and also hunter sol by the way along with the expansion finally todd clears the natural he gets the penance of energy which is kind of nice but doesn't get doesn't give him any more regions so the next water medley summons it's gonna be sort of useless i suppose until he has mana potions again but the expansion is finally coming up now can he apply some counter pressure he's level three i am he's pretty strong and the keeper's still far away from level 3 himself can you get this one denied man todd is so good with this unbelievable and sometimes it seems unfair fifty percent for the tree of life in the north a hundred soul is finished as well so it's time to heal a little and creep probably or no moving south again he can't prevent the level three archmage anymore all the experience the arts mage gets now is not ending up on the possible mountain king hand a second panda okay strong late game option as well not a good orb carrier but he has this breath of fire which can be strong the longer it goes also not too bad for pressuring the footman right now it was either that or the naga i suppose okay doing good job so far didn't get the experience though no tower up todd is not attacking if i see this correctly more militia called i still attack what the hell he's so lumber starved yeah thanks to the defend and the militia and everything else todd wants to make sure he's not taking too much damage here wants to hold on to his expansion another deny holy smokes these are nice by todd looking really good and the tree by set is finished moving over already just be careful to not walk to the trees again it's daytime in like a minute so you need to be aware of that ah yes easy okay now it's time to retreat and creep and that gives todd some time gets the lumber mill now getting kind of close sending a couple of militia back now and that should be the tech exactly still some money to spend not using it at the shop for now healing up the footman's a good multitasking by both players at the moment yeah set has to save some time has to get the expo up and let his tier 2 play for itself is panda certainly quite level hungry so will be the second hero for todd a blood mage could be really good against the panda always strong and a demon a third hero could be good for said as well so blood mage would kind of double counter a potential third hero demon but first we have the tier three here for set quite quickly coming in the angel of lord the second one is gonna be finished in time before cancer can come through and the footmen all a little bruised already but hardly any man on my set anymore that's the moonbows decent could use it if he wants to to footman heard breath of fire kind of like an invite to it let's have a barbecue but top splits kind of well imagine if he had a heat scroll here that would be so good but todd didn't buy one yet try it almost blocked there gets out still yeah pretty much nothing to do for todd at the side just keep sad here as he's buying time for the tier two but this is also time for set to establish the expo two additional footy about to die with poison damage that's all little accelerated and finally abolish magic finished so you can deal with these watch open it's pretty easy one two three bye bye finally level three almost gives them another entangle these triangles go down what about the options one up to down two out to down it's a little feast for the pan uh for uh for todd here continue to chase i think seth was a little overwhelmed three dollars are going down again lots of pressure with his am and footies todd doing a really good job while the mk just started and the tier three also just started t3 almost done for set as the mining starts but yeah how to deal with todd's tier three again big question double rex sanctum in the back probably gonna be the knights again as he kills another archer but set is like okay you want to deny everything show you how it's done perhaps finally this pressure is gonna subside but seth took a lot of damage here finally bears coming in oh that riju feels good shop is missing otherwise orb of venom would be purchased right away shop is coming up at the expansion now todd is just relentless yeah i think so too i think he broke him uh one part of amazonia even the cloak comes in yeah no reveal try it that is so desperately waiting for night time by the way yeah absolutely shadows take an attack what elemental poking here a little footprint chasing whispers jesus archmages free again continues to survive good juggling great game by todd man he's keeping so much pressure on his opponent finally the am is forced back but man it took forever this must have been like what four minutes we kept attention on the other side of the map in the meantime tier three close to done double racks already standing and it's gonna be a lot of knights here coming in soon knights and priests i suppose workshop as well we have double racks there's double sanctum plus a single workshop can have some water team set you had a wonderful tournament you eliminated two absolute legends but you need another one of these miracles to stay in this series there is a lot of gold for said lumber is the issue but he just got the shredder so if there's like two more minutes of peace both armies could get up to 70 very very fast and this time there is a strong second hero for todd unlike first map last refuge we now have the mountain kick he needs to do a bit of creeping of course first the panda has a jump start on him he was a great mid game footy did a good job but they also fed experience for the panda who is now level three that was pretty fast there is the red camp in the middle up for grabs a big drop there and todd is keeping eyes on that with the single eye sentry ward ready to contest it's pretty cool yeah that's the least thing you want to allow at the moment he's still in punching distance he's creeping up his mk archmage is safe can roam for some items maybe paladin coming morta's coming knights animal war train all this progress while staying below 50 not spending any taxes and still getting a stronger army by whatever he builds it's very efficient he will not be overwhelmed by said at the moment trying to go for the overlord but he doesn't quite have that much damage yet stormwater on the panda but he's a tanky boy he also has the big heel potion clap for the first time showing its effect would still love to see the demon on a third oh and it's coming nice can be very strong against this mountain king but will also require some levels same as the mk we have some cramps left the red camp now will partly go to one side party to the other cloak of flames yep it's not bad for demon hunter or panda they're both pretty good frontline tanks well it's mostly the panda it's experience for the mk but not really close to level three and now he has to share his experience by three as the pally arrives no staff yet he had 400 gold could have afforded it not willing to other things might be more important like army 73 supply all of a sudden inner fire almost done more teams coming this army is scary taught in a couple of moments will be pushing for the grand final but guess what chimera rue spice said it was often times a struggle to hold on for set until he gets the mountain giants and the upgrades this time it might very well be the struggle to survive until the cameras are there and there is nothing against gyms yep we have water elementals which are all right but they are not enough once we have like three chimps it's going to be terrifying times here for a human player but it's still going to take a while panda and keeper a little harass mission trying to slow down the opponent there's always a staff to get out the demoner prep the first camp or is about to do it right here is gonna get level two would love to have that level three quite far away how can seth survive how can he buy time how can he distract todd from the big pushes he will be all healthy after this creep spot as he is at the fountain good healing as well inner fire water teams on a little bit of a high ground mkl3 that's important it's going to help a lot against these bears yeah and also damage from what elementals and especially mortar teams increase with the flu now plus 12. said needs to survive camira number one on the way he's gonna eat supply of course the chimp is still missing but this is not a weak night off army i think he has what you may call it the roar thing mark of the claw yeah so you can always use roar it's got fairies it's looking like a pretty good army if the mk gets to five these bears are all gonna go extinct but then again there's a demon ready here to counter and no blood mage to counter the demon hunter so this can absolutely be winnable for a set but you have to react quickly these more teams are putting in a lot of damage against these buildings 8080 supply 2-1 upgrades against one one one two coming panda a little bit blocked wisps are coming in breath of fire against mostly footmen fairy dragons again and no anti-air available as you said earlier whisper trying to detonate and it works partly todd has no mana on the mk anymore he doesn't have yield scroll anymore either he's just getting eaten alive by these bears we didn't even have chimps yet and guess what in the middle there's an ap coming up said it's getting ready to take a fourth base and todd suddenly is in trouble third base indeed and the chimera was never revealed i mean you kind of need anti-air for the fairies down the road but it's annoying you can position against them chimeras you absolutely need to be ready for it could just be the nail in the coffin said again finding an awesome solution yeah you can go for more upgrades gyms also have that same upgrade type they can benefit with the same that bears and mg's and drives and everything else does more staffs are coming in more apple venoms are coming in this night of army is going stronger by the minute it's incredible todd is creeping more we got gyros out now we got a devotion all right here more defense on the knights where's the one within a fire is gonna be oh my god so much armor it's gonna be uh what is it 16 armor crazy gyros more and more gyros but siege bears back in the game and yeah there's gyros but there's also a panda the natural counter to them oh the am in a very bad position has to use the tp just for himself todd slipping in concentration just a little bit and i used to re unite his army yeah that's hard that's real hard did he rise to polymorph somehow he's trying is that 50 there's not too many dryads maybe that is working but so far the camera is almost untouched the fairy dragons do tremendous damage front bro fight though knights vs bears who prevails two chimeras up now a lot of damage towards both sides pandas lining up the next perfect breath of fire and there it goes there's also taking damage mk as well he's in trouble am hits level five has to be watch elementals i think he needs every bit of power that he has that he can't afford to muster but the mountain king in trouble are getting right click dropping really low potion transfer it's on cooldown can't be used right now top falling back 63 supply only left him set up so 80 supply coming through the nile is doing this double level up set you crazy magician how did that work again breath of fire he takes out caster after castle the panda switch proves to be very very very strong level three paladin maybe with a little more sustain gyros are putting in the damage pandas running out of mana gotta be careful here two bears about to fall as well pulling back the chimera pulling everything back is there even a tp yes there is staff used already big heel potion doesn't even need it here did we talk too soon is todd fighting back seth wants this mk i feel so many kills on both sides really massacre who fights the other back or nice anti-magic so he can make use of the fountains big question yeah that makes it over there especially for him this saves a lot of mana a lot of gold the priests sort of heal everything up anyways but for the night elf it's really good and now we do have mg's coming in two two mgs with upgrades and hippos so the plan is to use a couple of hippos to get rid of the flying machines alongside the breath and then switch back into cameras yeah but first she's gonna uh forget about the chimps for a little while he's gonna delay them and wait for a more glorious day for them to return i feel like he doesn't even need hippos then but uh anyways he's got a strong ground army and i imagined more upgrades coming in right yeah third attack i third armor upgrade the night of late game strength upgrades and auburn venom you could even buy on the panda he's not the greatest op carrier but hey alba venom is always good seth never really established a base in the middle only an ap panda is far away from five keepers getting there kind of but i mean he's killed for thorns aura so uh that shows you how effective he is in this game nope todd was blocked aren't trans even good anymore couldn't he just fully retrain into entangle and thorns well entangle isn't too great either so yeah but it has the potential of being really good if yeah the spell is just a little bit slow okay roar again no chimera anymore also only one ferry if i see this correctly but 80 supply two two upgrades mk full mana he's ready he got the staff he got two staffs and an interval push want to upgrade here two two of course the armor on knights is crazy wonder if he can just ignore them somehow i don't think he has to i mean yeah they have 50 damage reduction but there's enough damage on set side to just kill them twice and the pally is not level i hear level three okay never mind so didn't see that yeah okay that's a lot of healing that's a lot of damage double up of venom breath of fire bear roar mountain giants soon to be three attack upgrades we don't have it queued yet but it should be coming at some point an extension of wind coming far in the back more mortars now that's the transition we're seeing from todd who gets the better army composition here in front of 8 700 viewers seth can't make a single mistake todd will punish that so hard it's not that the harry the heroes carry themselves so that the army carries themselves but sad is getting into dangerous territory 94 supply cue everything chimeras dryads more fairies yeah he's got a hundred supply actually in queue already there's two more giants behind yeah oh that's a scary army that's a scary army turtle has to follow at some point he has more this army is gonna be much more difficult to execute for todd i mean you know all the night of micro memes aside the nature just of how bears and mgs and especially hippogriffs work you can just a-click most of them and then use your spells it's going to be up to todd to play more defensively kite and make sure not everything dies instantly all right then who what a clap one two okay gonna put more kills i guess tree is moving over and that's exactly what todd wanted to see are the 100 supply online yet todd is not ready but he feels like he has to engage into this fight i had taken a good bit of damage but so are the gyros breath of fire coming through panda on the front line the knights all their armor and doesn't seem to be enough they're dropping low hp really fast kelly can only heal one at a time hilto is also coming through the gyros seems to be winning the air maybe but only slightly keeper gets up to level five deeming the front line taking heaps of damage but there should always be a stab for him there is but the eternity tree is not in the main anymore only over at the middle so you can't heal up instantly but look at this army so it's just chewing square everything even the shredder is in and todd is getting demolished with the dryad slow coming in he can even look for a bit of chasing here some breakers will be getting taken out more experience for this panda getting closer and closer to five two more teams in serious trouble and so is todd this game seems to be set this game is down the dumpster for todd for sure but he's still mining at the upper left todd will soon be outminded the bottom right and tree of eternity established another base with an engine protector and now said with his 78 supply he's perfectly below the threshold of high upkeep he can heal with mountain giants and chimeras and bears at the fountain so he's fully healed again without using too much mana and what does todd have left like distraction attack and some invisible mortars but not even that seems to be worth it at all oh hero focus maybe again the demon hunt to the center of attention but there's always a staff again he's far away from healing is in the middle of the map up on the high ground motors connect pretty well right there drives going down quickly all these upgrades perhaps not enough to keep the army alive or so he's gonna tp out before he loses too much two drives went down but i think the rest remained alive where the hell is the panda by the way he was on a little shopping trip or something he was missing for that engagement but now he's back with the army he got full mana full hp some items and he's very close now to five all right still high ground advantage if he positions himself well demon hunter does he have a staff not really he's missing an orb is missing and the staff is missing plus the mana burn is missing said needs the third hero back in this fight okay mortar team sieging this now supply almost even wisp for the detonate getting rid of all that inner fire but that didn't really work okay panda comes in junk and haze breath of fire miss chance is nice demon hunter comes back as well getting rid of the water elementals so limited entire for todd once again he'll scroll used on set side he's punching four game five pandas super close to five yeah this seems to be the end over here everything is dying for todd well it says somebody supply yeah maybe he can still do this more level up he's got the breath of fire now but the mk also in trouble no saving him anymore the carry second hero is dead well played is called gg 2-2 we have one more dance exactly one last dance between these two it is two and two after game five what a series between them opening up with a set win then back to back taught and then set ties it up he is not dead yet don't count him out as long as he had the chance once again great transition with the one chimera the fight in the upper left kind of uh prepared for what was delayed game and then claiming the high ground preparing the high ground very early on that was that was pretty cool that was a pretty action-packed game and we get the encore and now we're down to the best of one ladies and gentlemen that's right northern isles will be our decider who will be the first finalist a frenchman not something too many would have expected i would assume and certainly nobody expected set to do this but man what a way to uh raise your reputation at the beginning of the year yeah i'm certainly going to look out for said much more beyond this weekend beyond this tournament and i hope we're going to see him compete a lot in the coming year in the dreamhack and whatever other big tournaments will be coming up would love to see more from him of course we all know you know foggy for being the number one standout night of player in europe but said looking damn good as well exactly man if there's another nation war look out for france they got a killer lineup with craft sites sad and todd i wouldn't dare to fight them for sure what's happening at the supporter front dreamer i think we are at 60 patrons and we crack the 400 per month that is pretty nice ladies and gentlemen we got joe kowalski supporting the maturino affair here with ten dollars um grubby with my predictions and said he would win i'm happy about the result thank the ex lord great player words my friend great their words and we have a few more subs here as well whizz blah thank you for the sub gary with the five month three subs says thanks for the stream johnny glow with the six months spork mudant with the gifted sub their shop with the host bazooka with 100 bits and vadaken with a three month says gg yeah that was a really good game this has been a really good series on day one we unfortunately had a few very one-sided 2-0 series but here day two definitely delivers and honestly it's mostly said who is the lover delivering these sick games these back and forth absolutely can he make it all the way to the grand final the underdog who nobody thought had a chance who many said was the weakest player in this lineup he's proving so many people wrong today yeah he's falling back in pretty much every game and then wiggles is way out and there's no other way the one solution he finds it 2-2 we are ready the players already said was asking for a little bit of a break but that's already done and now the decision on northern isles todd is playing blood mage a lot less than the other top humans in the world and i think it's really proving to be painful if you're going up against keeper naga on the enemy side then i'm on board okay don't play blood mane she doesn't work out well there but against panda he could have worked out definitely the blood mage can secure the late game mana wise and that will oftentimes lead to victory is todd's refusal to play blood mage costing him the final that's of course it's a bit of hyperbole there's a lot more that goes into it but yeah he's staying away from the blood mage here for the most part let's see what we get map 5. set the marathon man 2-1 versus mikhail 2-1 versus grubby is it gonna be the 3-2 to make him the legend killer todd spawns in the bottom left in the yellow and his opponent same country also from france with a standout perform it doesn't matter who wins this map it is the standout performance for sad the performance of his career w3 champions making new stars here at the season four final what will we see i would love to get a translation for that does that mean the two suicidal ones who want to play against happy in the finals probably yeah that would be my interpretation there as well ali who's going to make it a little blue or ali yellow don't know what yellow means well whoever plays better man whoever deserves it both have proven to be quite formidable here and it's been a great series great back and forth and we see the first two heroes coming out already keeper against am once again i think keeper the most reliable hero nowadays unless you are an expert with the warden which is very hard to do the keeper normally the more reliable choice can work out very well with a panda or a naga sometimes even edema on a second so there's a lot of versatility in second heroes you can go for i voiced my concern about the human second hero choice before i think the human if there is no naga second in every other case you should go blood mage because of how crazy strong it can be late game but todd tried it with the mk didn't quite work out the ultra late game for said man we saw a hundred supply neal 100 supply triple hero double orb two three upgrades how can you even beat that good question man it's a very very powerful 100 supply and i think at one point it's always up for the night of to set up new challenges and the human is always reacting you need i don't know some kind of anti-air against chimeras if there's too much anti-air in terms of gyros the panda grills it or you find a solution with hippos and it's so hard it's this crazy back and forth that you also have in human versus undead for example so interesting dynamic here for sure where do we go from here todd is moving out into the middle of the map as the wind of mana stealing so looks like a little bit of aggression early on we have three farms here's the fourth one far in the back so maybe a delayed expansion right there as sad is moving over to the natural right away without creeping the green early get the crystal ball not the perfect item you hope for but you know that scouting can help out sometimes i think he clipped the am with that one so knows what he's up to seems like it's going to be coast guard double green into expansion that will lead to level three on the am keepers also getting somewhat close to level three doesn't have it yet though and what todd has been really been doing really well in these early games is respecting the keeper enough but not too much to still get stuff done some humans fall into the trap of seeing a level three keeper and be like oh my god i can't do anything anymore my footings are useless i have to play defensively but that's not how it works the keeper still has a limiting factor even with level three which is called mana and on a z we saw that especially how the mana pool was always limited and the footies could always do something so far the expansion harassed for said hasn't been looking too good let's see how it is now all right taught with level three can said steal something oh we got it oh he got it indeed it didn't really work on a z but it sure as hell works here that was a great harass that was everything that az wasn't yeah very well done there and todd normally the master of the last hits he kind of gave a somewhat easy opening to the keeper he could have played around that a little bit better but okay keeper gets it and now with that one kill away only from the level up telestaff back to the main slip up from the moon wells kill one footy get level three how much juice is he gonna get not that much because it's the same build again with a fast expansion and only two moon wells oh there's a third one on the way actually that's really cool there's more mana for this keeper it's going to be up to him to hold off these foot all right keeper can he reach level three soon enough when of man of stealing use so not too much zentangle anymore and again it's exactly what happened before this group of footman he got a lot of them and he uses them really really well without feeding too much he's getting the cancel well played by todd yeah said definitely a bit of trouble here needs to make sure he finds a lot of kills on these footmen now to even up the game these footies will be getting denied as we see so often todd very importantly got the early defend he's got the expansion coming up seems like taught in a good position here so far so good for sure it's not that he lacks experience or something with the creep route he chose with the green after the tuskas the soccer major steel doesn't hurt too much and he said limiting factor is mana he doesn't have mana it's not even nighttime for so much longer and the human are back at their favorite new thing it continues this trend killing moon wells and set is in a very bad spot all of a sudden yeah he didn't even have the time to go for a second hero and now his supply stuck you can't go for the second hero even longer this is a horrible early game this todd is already attacking yeah this might be the worst early game so far for said well he constantly found solutions so far [Music] to be honest ch didn't look too good for him either yeah but his expansion still finished and he got a second hero so this is definitely worse but it's not over yet you're just nitpicking at this point come on oh no it's a lot worse but we'll see you know if he gets out of this then uh we can sing the praises for him truly moon well finally finished this is the time for the second hero todd is even protecting the tavern he's making it very tough for said to go for either a naga or a panda does that force him into a demon hunter i don't know not yet if i'm looking at this overlay todd is comfortably mining from this did he just kill the snow owl okay now he deserves to lose you know you gotta let that frustration out somehow otherwise he's gonna eat away at you try it again with the deny no oh there's the second expansion attempt but it's kind of late to make sure that he sees it and this aggression is working out nice this creep route in general is working out really nice against what said picked early demon hunter starting now probably because he was forced away from the middle how long is todd using his footprint now he's starting to lose some but mana again is empty and it's daytime it just turned daytime and how to get back from here todd is at 900 gold he's finishing tier 2 very quickly the second racks us up and we're getting some rifles looks like it's time to end this relatively soon without a big tier three transition this time the which still might be the opening fourth set to get back into this game somehow finally demon hunter out footman the knight again he's never allowing him to race to crazy levels early five or something he can also not do too much with the triangles anymore what that was hunter for once can't be denied but no big losses again expo canceled that's all that matters for todd said in just all kinds of trouble no mana hardly any moon juice tech just started laura's going to be getting cancelled todd just with his footies in am he's doing a wonderful job this seems to be always his strongest part in the game when he's applying this pressure with footy and am always knowing how far he can go force is the tp home this is kind of what we mean when we say just play like infie especially in the early stages the amount of value that the gods get from just footman is incredible from the human tier 3. you're stuck with human tier 3 for a long time in this game not too long but for the rest of the games for a long time and they transition better and better and better and that's why human is getting more more scary recently we get the long rifles upgrades naga second again so the demon hunter isn't even too effectful this naga could again have the same problem as an lr that she is not as strong of a late game hero as usually human would like to have but she's very good for tempo now and todd is doubling down on his uh strong early game that he had before he's trying to get as much out of it as he can trying to creep up a little bit more this keeper is just always out of mana he never had the luxury of just being able to spam entangled and taking out all the equipment okay said needs to pull a houdini but he's blocking himself just a little bit do we have a staff now we don't the demon artist is dead sad in a world of trouble not only not even a strong demon hunter is allowed here now rest of the spot goes to todd mana stone some people might have expected a legend in the grand final here with the bracket we got but it's not grubby it might be the other four king it might just be todd if there's no big mistake no big belated christmas gift then todd is in the grand final and for once todd isn't even creeping that much he's keeping the pressure on right now he doesn't want to give the opponent so much time for the mountain giants again he is pressuring with the naga not going to three by the way he's trying to finish the game right here and may very well work said's army is so small he finally has the orb of venom but there's one of the few very good things that he has he doesn't even have master training yet for the bears not quite started yet he's going for another bear first playing it even more oh wow he has master finish now demon hunter is super low again oh lightning right click demon under dice for the second time that's not allowed the police is coming ready to arrest set for the murder of michael and grubby and that's exactly what's happening gg well played good luck against happy smiley face [Laughter] nice bit of humor todd is not the third legend falling too sad he avenges his uh brother and michael's former four king ally in grubby and he is in the grand final who would have thought that it's todd in the end yeah very very impressive it wasn't grubby to take him out it was his countryman said i'm gonna keep an eye on him he looked really good i i think it's wonderful also to see him in high spirits here he knows this was a good tournament for him he gets the top four finish which is more than 150 bucks and a lot of fame and prestige going towards him as well todd in the grand final playing in his favorite matchup against undead it's gonna be either ex-lord or happy one of those two will join him that is for sure we can show you the bracket here on liquidpedia which uh it's not updated yet as we're operating on a three-minute delay but you can use your imagination for sure here we have it todd defeating little dc cooper and said now the first undead is going to join him axelord got a death win yesterday over blade def defeated cash especially when he was playing standard looking red hot happy in typical happy fashion hasn't lost a single map not against krav not against thor zane will that change now exod has defeated happy at a dreamhack in the best of three can he take it all the way can we open 2021 with a defeat of happy or will the emperor continue to reign in the early stages of this time for you guys to check out the match arena let's get up to 3 33 for the fourth uh season here at w3 champion season final and especially check out the patreon for long-term support of this wonderful server that brings us so much joy before we go into the second semi-final of this tournament support wc3 is the bot command all the links are there we shared it on social media yesterday as well if you want to look that up todd is in the grand final his very first grand final i think sends it back to warcraft cup almost a year ago if i'm not mistaken wonderful story we determine his opponent it's gonna be an undead happy versus ex-lord one of the best undead mirrors on the planet coming up
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 23,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2019
Id: SHajOjaVLnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 59sec (6299 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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