WC3 - Xellosred WWC - Semifinal: [NE] LawLiet vs. Soin [ORC] (Playoffs)

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so then we move into our first semi-final it is one of the big favorites of this entire tournament in la light versus his korean uh brother sohan who as we talked about is quite a bit of of a surprise here i remember his dreamhack close qualifier run where we were really impressive with him and now let's yesterday he eliminated foggy one of the best knight ups in the world with the 3 and oh and uh rimo couldn't believe his eyes of what's happening there lolite with the 3-0 over sock and that's their way into the semi-finals after of course a strong group stage as well they know each other inside out lolite is the big favorite but maybe so in can upset everyone once again would be a tremendous performance for him feels like it would be kind of comparable to sox breakout performance last year in the euro cup 3 i think it was um but yeah first he's gonna have to get by lolite one of the best night out versus orc players in the world after moon probably the best or perhaps even on par with moon but someone showed against foggy how strong he can be in that matchup but of course lolita had a lot of game tape to learn from did he invest that time did he come up with something new yesterday lowlight's 3-0 against stock was also really funny or not funny it was rather inspiring he was playing so many different strats he was playing warden on echo isles he was playing mass archers into mass gyms on turtle rock that supposed against human of course and he was playing firelord first naga second yesterday it just seemed like he could do whatever he wanted maybe he had some kind of tavern challenge i don't know the light making use of his creativity and his class was able to outclass sock there here in this matchup it seems like you're a little less uh liberal you can be a little less liberal with your strategic choices normally it's keeper hunts expo and then maybe you can diverge although talents have been getting uh played more and more recently but i doubt we're gonna see a chimera rush here but who knows it's all live it's uh it might be the day and age of chimeras i want to see them more more we saw foggy beating happy with them so if that's the unit of choice the movie i wouldn't be uh too unhappy about that we see a keeper on turtle rock which is a wonderful hero for this map can creep fast can harass grunts of course and for so and pretty standard opening as well as he moves over to the shop on the left hand side where we all know there's a watch award and a great item to be found it's a little risque as the ogres are pretty strong or this over major it's a quite strong but with that one circled easy to do damage rolls are good getting that sweet pendant and that's a nice start for sewing all right interesting opening by showing here he's deciding to leave the keeper completely alone at the beginning so he knows the keeper will be getting level two but he's fine with that he ran the grunt into the red camp which i think was just a little mistake because that didn't seem to serve much of a purpose i always like that so and keeps out the peon scout him and focus have been doing a lot of peon scouting to be able to assess where the opponent is and what they're supposed to do hitman is the complete opposite he hardly ever pretty much never use a peon scout because he wants to be super efficient the fastest tactic you can do micro the peons for two minutes straight you know typical hitman things but someone wants to know what's up he sees the keeper now gets the healing cancelled that's a bit of a bummer in the grunt trying to survive but good wisp positioning here by lawlite as well might be able to find that grunt and picking off that first grunt can be a big deal don't lose the ground in the early game that's what i learned a couple of years ago we have two new subsidy thank you locomoto nine month and dumb cast for the five month reset and low light has a little bit of a wrong read here playing hide and seek and so far so when is winning this little height game well i continue scripting though with the level 2 blademasters roaming around with very good inventory finding the slippers here as well pendant for the second hero whatever that maybe but yeah slow early look at the archers dude what a sneaky creep we've seen this before the shadow mouth creep the turtles over like three minutes creep but normally you only do it on your side but law light is doing it on the enemy side realizing it's night time here's a lot of time to do this and this is the weird corner of echo of turtle rock there's tons of creep camps on turtle rock but normally the gargantuan always gets left until the very very end because it is compared to the other camps not as worthwhile to do so this is fairly likely not gonna get scouted at all this is amazing yeah it's an old trick or one of the oldest tricks in the book the grunt could have seen it but yeah night time hard to scout you don't usually don't pay attention to this but until very late in the game because it's a very awkward position as you said and this is big experience this is certainly level three for the keeper yep and the harass at the perfect time as the spirit lodge just started construction it's getting cancelled right away keeper is trapped in here unfortunately he doesn't have a tele staff otherwise getting out here that would have been the perfect play i think the tele staff was stolen on the right hand side shot by the blade master before he's trying to get out with force of nature getting blocked sort of i always forget about force of nature that you can actually remove trees and guess what he actually gets out yeah that was all very well calculated now the floodgates are open grunt is hurt and he cancels the lodge goes into torrent totem as he sees the ancient of wind did he not too sure low light going talons with the demon hunter second yeah the peon just saw it so moving away from shaman into walkers but that's a late transition for him keeper these towns are gonna be coming out fast and furious but i like the peon scout yesterday song was definitely struggling in the game having the misread against foggy this time he wants to make sure costs him quite a bit of lumber to get this scout off but i suppose it's worth it and the keeper gets the first grunt kill the hero wave here is not gonna be enough denies it i suppose but the grunt is still dead traded for a tp so fairly even i didn't see the exclamation mark so i'm not too sure if it was a deny in the end it was a little awkward situation demon hunter also got some experience already i think that wasn't that a nice so decent start for the dh keep her on level three that's where you want to be tier three around the corner low light of course with the perfect uh adapt training and so in seems a little bit like the game is glitching out of his hands trying to go for the red spot now which is of course with orc easy to creep needs levels on the shadowhunter won't have a tc with shockwave but against the demon hunter i guess that might be the better choice anyway insane mana on the support hero though yeah absolutely you love to see it you're gonna have to go into heal wave and hex i suppose you want to hex the demon when he's running in ensnare him as well keep him away from the shadowhunter yesterday so it was also very good with his end snare control on foggy's demon hunter it's not about how much mana burn that guy can get out against the shadow in the big battles team hunter is now level two but the blade master is around ferry fire can be very effective tagging the blade master but zoin also controlling his first hero well staying out of range of that for now and uh we're just creeping at the moment in the past child rock was always a nightmare for night elf to creep on you could only rely on the ancient of war for like two camps in the first six minutes but nowadays with treants it's quite a bit easier and the keeper in the late game is also a great old carrier which we see now and of course nowadays knights love climb buying multiple orbs i'm sure we're gonna see that as well very fire entangle right clicks there's a lot of damage on this blade master here it's not forced into the involve that he stole from the left-hand side cab blademaster on level three roams around on big maps that is one of the best spells you can have and he's buying time for the shadowhunter the build here so far didn't decide for a second skill point yet so it's here wave we saw that to almost save that one grunt but what do you go for hex for hero focus or is it serpent warts for piercing damage both are moving over to the red spots we got cloth plus 12 from the demon more damage always appreciated one of the easier camps of course thanks to the rune on the other side we got a helm of valor for the blade master not too bad but he will probably be flying in the air anyway and at the moment i'm still missing a third hero for law light usually with talons it's always triple hero yeah i'm actually gonna go for it soon um there's been some deviation from the night elves as to what hero they want to go for someone's been going naga some have been going even beastmaster i've seen rarely but sometimes but it seems like the primary choice is still the tinker which i'm not sure is the best it feels like nowadays the pocket factory gets placed the walkers attack it twice and then it's dead i wonder if there's some innovation available there as well i would like to see that pit lord actually good tank good damage yeah hall of terror yeah the pilot kind of fits every army he's the tinker very good very good lord well okay old school tinker place plus a creep deck by lawler pocket factory summoned there's a little blocker here cycling in the turtle so he can't get it but in the end with the dispel uh he got it big mana potion very important now we see it is serpent warts 2 deny on the grunt works this time late master already at plus 17 remote that's good damage coming but low light is definitely pushing and soon is a little bit under pressure not having too much dispel anymore yeah when the blade pops the involve when he gets the next one this could be big damage but this is the scary time 50 supply for the night elf the orchid only 50 himself not really an easy fight to take for now it's very straightforward you just sort of a click into the fight cyclone everything or not everything but the heroes and one or two more targets for the orc it's very important to have good mana on the walkers to have this dispel ready oftentimes you also like going um for berserkers for piercing damage from the merc camp but of course this map has no merck camp and no lab which is weird such a big map no more cab no lag but yeah turtle rock is definitely very unique give me all the gold mines and i remember a game here by la light where he went up to six gold mines i wouldn't be too surprised to see that soon as we have yellow dots all across the map and so on is diverging into a new kind of approach for this matchup as it's about base races and run buys speed scroll out trying to get some damage with the spillage we got that already but running away from cyclone is a hard thing to do blake master hits the ground with 102 critical strike big input potions still on the demon hunt a lot of attention for that second hero yeah you're exactly right it's a lot about run buys nowadays hit and run play blademaster gets out of there so and it's a big big army and probably a much bigger army by around 15 supply to comfortably be able to take a fight for that he needs the expansion setting up the towers bottom left which lalite knows about by the way there's a wisp right there and lawler the cheeky little guy is expanding bottom right close to his opponent's main base so it seems like the light is going to stay on 50 supply here but for quite a while have a lot of gold not lose anything and be able to rebuy those tps over and over to hop between the bases and yeah there's more bases coming up you mentioned that we have trees sprouting everywhere it is nature's revenge not only for expansion but also the force of nature to take down these towers they were almost finished at the right time but law light coming in and here for this the tinker is really really good as the pocket factory and the tinker himself are doing quite some damage against the towers so and moving away from the base race as long light is so close to this trying to soak up the map a little more for the higher level critical strike and he's moving around across the map to scout and look for these expansions and low light with the typical moon play i would say expand as often as you can if you can afford it with a 50 supply army you certainly can and if one of them goes through you have the big advantage a player's forces how the peon see it now like where are the turtles what's happening here so much experience on law line as well these heroes super strong four four three heroes follow light would be the dream before the first fight it's always the problem with the talent strategy if you're forced into battles before your heroes are high level it can be very problematic for you before your strat is fully online but low light is looking so strong and still has room to grow you can still add fairy dragons you can add more orbs of venom which we've been seeing more and more in this year and the last year and the map is almost entirely crept this is going to be all about movement all about being efficient all about attacking bases at the right time and so on is attacking the bottom right base at the right time isla line gonna tp in here he certainly is owen could force the kill and tp out himself but he's gonna run oh this might result in a couple of losses if he is investing his cyclone mana looks very very good for all these talents but he's pretty conservative with it so only one grunt goes down but on the other side there's two expansions up one is getting towered which is neat but we saw how fast the knight of army can deal with two towers and then it's three bases versus one orc isn't on tier three can't go into a tiny great hall and treants and wisps or scouting everywhere if he kills this in the upper right of the head of the turtle though that's a wonderful position for an expansion of sowen himself takers in this game right he must be very appreciative of these tactical towers but with the treants yeah the pocket factory over and over you might be able to whittle this down tp forced again lots of raiders caught this time someone's probably gonna have to tp out spirit link trying to run once again awesome so it's taking so much damage right away yeah with swirling of course everything is spread last winter used before the mana burn so it was good damage but it wasn't too many kills actually using another heal wave while the towers are dealing with this expansion slowly but steady pocket factory takes down one but that should be all right more towers than the bottom left whenever lawline is trying to get an expansion up there is workers now for so in and he's responding really really well to this yeah this expo is definitely dead and now very good job i saw and keeping his tp before he can kill off this expo and then tp out if he wants which now he may have to do there's no speed squad for him anymore or does he want to take the fight no not yet trying to save all of his units the walker in the back also survives and again so i'm being very cost efficient he's gonna be able to heat up now again and we go again run across the map abuse your mobility and hit those knight off bases over and and over certainly trying lots of fairy dragons now five [Music] that's very unusual for the strat yeah is that even does that even do anything i don't know like there's a cooldown between the manafleur player bursts it's not like you can do infinite damage with those but uh could be very effective against the walkers towers in the north taken out new tp purchased bylaw ally so in again in the main oh this is a lot of infrastructure damage a lot of buildings going down so and hitting a good timing here he's got a new tp to get out pillage giving him a lot of money tp coming in by lawline so on what you're going to do i would love to see a shockwave now but of course there is no torrent shift and he seemingly is taking this fight so uh fairy dragons everywhere to deal damage to the walkers and to the shadowhunter of course lolita dropping down to 58 blademaster with a 150 crit trying to go for this demon hunter once again we saw that in the fight before invo potion how long can so and stay in this 52 supply for him the first headhunters are coming but three raiders about to drop that sensor fly right there level five from the keeper of the grove and i think low light has weathered the storm even though his supply is dropping hard as well massive dispel on the tree and that's of course a lot of attention blade master here wave last second tinker is safe thanks to the staff there's entangle and that's the killer that should be gay yeah definitely looks like it the hit and run by law light very well defended and the important thing was law light was able to get up a base an additional base he tried multiple times and he got it up he got all that gold for the bonus tp's realizing he had to keep up with the orcs mobility with his own target bottle scrolls that added with him very importantly not allowing and a base for the orc and this is the number one objective preventing the orc from expanding the light was able to weather the storm of the run bys over and over and he's still scouting diligently there's wisps in the corner everywhere he wants to make sure there's no expansion as long as he's playing from two bases and he always buys the tp's lolita should have this game in the back well i can't go over 50 which he did before but there's wait did he get rid of all the fairies it kind of looks like it at the moment so the italian army is good mana management is incredible as we see five talents still with full mana tinker healthy and he deals with the towers someone had to lick his wounds still has level five shadowhunter level four blademaster won't do that much in comparison won't win him the game on their own larry has the problem of putting all his resources into moon worlds i guess he even has a hunches hall with a talon build that's rare to see for ultravision and also super wells smart but can you hold that second base does have a tp decides to let it go though he wants to apply pressure to the orcmain we criticized the tinker earlier with his fight proficiency but in base pushing he's certainly very good and that is the one thing that this army desperately lacks is sieging potential and now the main base of sohan is under threat we are now a telestas as well ancient of wars again being placed against the towers on the orc side but this one is getting cancelled as ancient of war so unexpecting seemingly an expansion top right that is not the case and the main base slowly but surely it's taking quite a bit of damage here and the bases are about to run out is it a base trade now talons and summons versus raiders shadowhunters coming into the middle is missing in this attack lolite can easily tp and then win that fight i think it's it's not even that many raiders of course a little bit of resources coming in moon wolves again hurt but the main base for so it is gone so is the rex maybe no holds out of it while setting up a new base bottom right he lost his tech but is that even that bad a town is under siege i mean he lost all of his income so that's uh definitely a problem there's no but that's only coming up there's only 380 in the gold mine and the pyon is already there he has no lumber oh i didn't see that and allied walks over history interesting choice especially considering with the mains running out that lawley decided not to defend his top right expansion i wonder if that's a mistake or not that would require some deep analysis from top players like low light himself but he's still looking in a very strong position these heroes are absolutely insano pants demon hunter is almost level five tinker's getting closer to four so it's gonna have to pull a hat out of his rabbit rabbit and impress us with the magic trick here to be able to still win this all right now in pure defense mode because now it's going to be very hard to defend these moon wells there's no tree in the main anymore so you can't tp in anymore and so it realizes it sees how easy this moon was to take out yeah also cool that he opened up the path between the trees here but low light is ready to defend this and seemingly win this game straight up fights does that even work even supply the orc usually wants a supply lead and the heroes look so strong with the five four three the only one kill in this fight goes to lorelei and there's still no new base for sowin even though we fortified this all the peons set on lumber how many trees can he cut down on his way out not too many mining starts soon let me focus on the demon but that guy is almost level five it always has the involved ready always has the staff ready still missing the orb of venom i think that's something that a lot of perhaps forgot about but the thing is he doesn't even need the second orb to win the fight so maybe it's actually a smarter choice to not have it on the demon hunter so i'm still doing his best he still doesn't have the lumber for the expansion he spent all of his gold on units and items late master gets level five all right that is an x factor pop the involved use and snare kill of the hero that is how he was able to surprisingly beat la uh foggy here in the late game can he do it with a magical critical strike is it so insane sword engine of wind down but how to take down this tree two thousand hp he didn't forget about nature's blessing of course because it's low light snake pit set up that is a little dangerous but the damage is going towards the heroes once again 230 crit and this time there is no interval for this demon hunter can he do it missus oh my god what a big one demon hunter dies to the 250 though is it the blade master to rule them all everything now on the orc side quite hurt that the minor will have to be revived could perhaps do it at the tavern but also do it at the altar healing coming in again the tinker now in trouble next he might be going down right after blademaster getting cycling up in the air the walkers still have good mana they were able to save so much mana earlier in the game they have lots of disagreement the tinker dies as well the demon and the keeper's still standing though with the orb with a lot of talent still left but if someone kills this tree maybe he can do this slicing and dyson but it's so hard to do with only two raiders remaining crits don't work against buildings of course entangled this bell mana low on all sides for so and he's on his last lag lolita can still go to the moon wheels it's gonna be super expensive to get the heroes back but demon hunter is already in production can he take down this tree and the problem is the tree fights back and he has big right clicks against these raiders that's nature's blessing of course which should make make you very happy neo just that that la light never forgetting about them snake pits prevent from the the the talent from engaging and slowly but steady is getting to 50 and a little below everything is very fired up and there's no resources to region afterwards is someone running out of steam here shadow needs one kill for the level six and that's a good one it's gonna be level three here wave then we'll keep her looking to snipe these raiders with the ancient uh with the ancient with the orb here's entangled this belt right away but draining some mana that's the kill that's level six but mana is an issue for the shadowhunter the kingdom for brilliance are now next entangled it feels like lola thanks to moon worlds he can get mala back and then entangle tree and sold this by themselves it's gonna have to sell some of those very good items here now got quite a bit of gold there again um clarity's heal salves the fact that sowen can make this so close with how far ahead la light was really really impressive yeah his ultra late game army control in a fight as difficult as it is against talons so impressive today and yesterday but the demon is back the tinker is queued the shop is up and ready again he'll put for the demon hunter he was able to kill him off earlier because of mass ensnare lockdown because of mass raiders now it's only in quotes three remaining it's not gonna be easy to do again any level five right man yeah there we go imagine an expansion behind this push somehow you can't even long distance mining long walk in chat is pointing that out uh usually a strength of the orcs of course long distance mining in the late game but there's no main to return the goal to you can kill the altar though and that's a few more resources so the tinker won't come back he sees the opening the end snare flies running how many crits are we going to see zero by the crits absolutely no chris backstep and he cycles before the end snare wonderful controlled by law either the talents are taken over who that was a super close call if there's one crit more he might be getting it demon hunter is back though blademaster there's almost no healing that's the last one entangled right clicks orb everything and the demon head is just tanky it's coming late game but yeah that was the all in and it didn't work a little unlucky shadowhunter is about to fall thanks to the mana burning right clicks okay gets out but looking grim for the rest of the army it's looking very grim for sohan he is called lawline gets the win in the end he had to lead a long time in that game but so in again making it really close despite the loss an impressive game by snowing exactly man if this series continues like this with a little bit of back and forth i'm certainly happy about that turtle rock uh very unique though the biggest map in the pool no mercs no labs making things a little wonky but indeed great start and who would have thought man this is the law light that was last year unbeatable against orc and so it is taking him to the very limit yeah and what do you what really got him ahead in that game in the early stages was uh first a mistake by the grunt walking into the red camp that really actually hurt him because he had a super tough time healing that grunt back up again and the three archers doing the creep trick yeah next game i'm sure there's going to be a peon scout or uh a grunt scout looking for that because that's what got the keeper level three that's what got him map control in the late game so when never able to get up the expansion that was the most important thing that the orc doesn't get up the expansion once the expansion is standing with towers then it's really hard for night elf so lolite did a great job scouting across the map expanding across the map getting the tp when i needed to very impressive performance but uh the level five blade in the end always an x factor dude if the crits come flying through you never know what's gonna happen yeah but in the last uh moment of this game the x didn't give it to him you of course have the chance to to uh support laden the orga of this tournament by donating to the maturino it's exclamation mark sellers red we already have 75 bucks but this tournament has brought us lots of joy in the past weeks the link is now in set let's see who contributed so far crowdfunding in warcraft 3 you really disappoint we got uh mr mirror shout out to you with the 25 donation hipposar with the two euro dune king with two dargok with 10 french craft with 20. thanks for this great event let's go for a second edition and extra weld one with 14 you know what let's make this a hundred i gotta sign it which our second map will be terena stand seems like this is a very popular orc map nowadays in this matchup kind of interesting loved against night elf absolutely despised against human because of the uh mercab accessibility the vetoes by the way were amazonia for sowing very understandable and law alliance vetoed echo i believe that is absolutely correct northern ireland last refuge the picks for lorelei terenas and concealed four so in curious if we see shadowhunter pit lord here if lowlight is cheeky enough to play a warden he's done this before and hitman is in chat nice to see you're awake mate good luck later i don't need luck easy group is what he said in the group stage where he only had one hour of sleep and made in first place and he's got the same opponent today the group c advanced season meet again in focus hitman the augmira it's going to be fun to see as our second map is going to be as well tarana stan another fairly big map sort of a defensive map this could be however more of the tried and true demon hunter hunt strategy or is it going to be talents again you know i kind of view this as the hitman strategy hitman has been telling us for like at least a year probably longer that night elves are playing hunts expo but actually talents is way better and has been awaited with waiting with baited breath for the talents to take over and uh well maybe the time has come but it's for the time being also seems like it is still a fairly map dependent yeah we saw a little bit on last refuge especially i am very curious about the hero choices here is it going to be blade again or uh so and throwing the first big curve ball of this and what's the response of law light could very well be a warden if you ask me if he's feeling confident he seems to be in a very good mood judging from his chat so far but there's no shop at the mercenary camp so probably not a shadowhunter and it is a blademaster on the other side i know this man i know this man inside out one baby warden baby fun to see like yesterday low light again playing many different strats against orc though she is definitely not hard to pull off than against human or undead and also lawley taking a bit of a gamble he is creeping the merc camp first hoping he's not going to get scouted first but as mentioned earlier so in loves doing his peon scout so he's going to see this coming up right away also peon was microwaving stone was microwaving his peons i had him on lumber and stuff meaning he has a grunt and a shop early he can buy items of the blademaster run across with a speed troll so in seemingly has the perfect counter build to this so as long as the execution is on point law light may have a bit of a tough early game alright let's see how this goes it could be a rough early game for the one in the lead and that's already a steal for so in here shadow priest goes to the orc not that often that we see orcs with the mercenaries that early sometimes late to get a berserker one with good creeping it's oh that was a steal though one didn't get that one gets the rest of the camp all right gets level two in the end but you don't want that now the slaughter slaughters the sheep electrocution so he gets the tiny bit of experience back and wasn't punished blademaster not investing the speed scroll in the blademaster movement was a little bit flawed he moved it out of the base and then realized he didn't have the item so he had to go back sell the tp and then run across i wonder if he had done it perfectly if he would have been in time to do something about this camp but it was still it was so perfectly done as low-light always does with the lightning shield so if you do it perfectly like lola does maybe the orc can't even punish it i'm not sure but didn't it take quite some time i feel like there was some time but who am i i have no clue about this we have a tier 2 attack and the space build looks like law light wants to wall off his base again always a little indicator for talent shadow strike a super powerful weapon if you can kill dk's with it then you can certainly kill blade masters with it as well almost the next one berserker goes to law light yeah this was a big deal whoever gets this one that's why sewing was standing there he wanted to get the berserkers we don't want to keep that away from law light and uh sometimes it's a battle about of the pink it's a battle of the spam who gets the berserker and it was allied here so what could have been a tough early game turns out to be pretty much a perfect early game for low light which is probably what you need playing a warden against the world no detonate no additional wind walk more shadow strike that's more right clicks as well blade master all of a sudden in trouble one didn't get the boots earlier i think wasn't in time to the blademaster soon to be back at 75 mana and the movement isn't flawless so you can heal okay we're approaching t2 that should certainly mean shadowhunters second on the org side you do need that healing desperately for the warden are we gonna see a second hero for law light as well normally the warden in this matchup is mostly paired with the naga to double down on the single target as orc uh has the hardest units to kill but it's not light who knows maybe he's gonna play warden solo which would be a treasure to behold how he pulls it off against uh the orc here there live actually yes that's not the same and what we also have is new contributions to the tournament 25 by tagi you're a wonderful supporter of the stream mate and 50 dollars by each throttle boosting this to 1750 and we got a new sub thank you grungers and korak5 with the tier 3 sub that is incredibly rare to see my man 40 months already and more coming thank you so much for your trust and support thank you guys very much for your contributions oh did you see that so it was two pickles away from seeing the tree of life but good old night time prevented him from actually seeing it it's gonna steal the natural away right here which is also a good experience for him if he was to scout this and cancel the expansion would have been a great play a doubly great play but i'm not sure he's going to see it players are under attack warden and panda yeah warden panda what does he think he's playing against unless two base two base what's going on or against human you know maybe he just likes it it's a cute little fella you know we have more subs coming in uh thank you sid numdybar and doctor sad face what's love guys a players forces are under so dryads yeah panda and giants interesting choice for sure we also have double b story so drunken haze breath of fire kinda cool against raiders it's double aoe yeah it's a very very late game strategy here lolita playing the late game heroes if the panda and warden both get level three pretty good if they both get level four and five especially level five insanely good also if he has enough time to transition later on into mountain giants lola is going to be stupidly strong it seems like he is definitely playing a little bit of risky though that was a little bit of bad english though he's playing slightly risky here in this game because there's a clear window of weakness right now that we see the light having he was only at like 35 supply so an earlier push could have been painful but with how slow this early game was for sewing at the same time maybe he wasn't in a position to actually be aggressive however now he seems to feel that he absolutely can be aggressive moving across the map but he only has three grunts one raider right now not the most threatening arm yeah indeed raiders are streaming in that's how's the damage looking i mean triple gloves is nice but it's not super scary yet warden has a lot of armor panda has a lot of hp and there will be steps as well no tier three means of course no orb no master bears no mountain giants but down the road i think i like lolita's chances here someone has to play a little bit of bass race but on terranas it's kinda easy to respond as long as you have experience on your side of the map that's running out for low light soon though and he has to move over moving down here as well he's going to seemingly expand behind the push all right normally when you when you want to go for the big raider attack ideally you want to have level three shadow for the heat wave and the heel scroll that is both things that sew in doesn't have but it's not a fully dedicated push i suppose it has more design to buy time low light seems to be ready he's got a heel to go he's got a mana potion he's got one three and panda pretty darn close to level three we have seen night of fail with dryads plenty of times over the last few months against orc this might be finally a winning game because looking pretty good for low light yeah especially once he gets the panel to three where he's not that far away slow on the raiders help panda gets in front low light is not getting lazy or anything that was pretty much perfect blade master in typical focus style trying to oh not for the entangle trying to do some damage here thank you alex absol for the sub and so on at the moment not that thankful i guess as his expansion is getting cancelled the panda is getting up to level three and the blame master can't really do anything here yeah rough game for sewan um on top rock we saw that as well he was behind for a long time but then fought himself back very well in the late game with very strong hero levels here levels so far not looking very strong but now he's gonna come in ensnare against the raiders against the dryads drunken hates breath of fire there's a lot of damage on both sides we also have the warden throwing in her spells someone trying his best to counter heal with the shadow hunter bites only level one here away if the heel scores have already been using the damage is absolutely stacking up the lightest spell casters are putting in the deeps the light is uh throwing a little knife party here all the orcs are drunk and that was a slaughter remo lola makes this warden panda work as if it's meta i know dude he can just play anything at the moment rip he can just play anything he wants at the moment yeah he can play alchemist tinker now he plays warden panda against orc we're living in an alternative universe this guy this guy very much looks like our finalist i mean the series is not over but game one went his way game two so far is very clearly going his way and guess what he's tier three as well he's going bears not mg's i always feel like md's perhaps a little bit stronger but 61 supply with those hero levels the light is strong regardless can creep up a little bit more someone's trying to expand the corner again but there's a sentry over there yeah seeing this really unfortunate but i mean where can he go to his natural of course but we know law light he knows how to fly a zeppelin and kill buildings with that redrew of course and raw always nice to have i can understand going bears at least a little bit level four for the warden that means hero focus is intensifying shadow strike two i don't i don't know what the comeback is supposed to be he was a little lucky with the potion of great samana that maybe that will help him this very much looks like an all-in already i think he has to rely on the same tactic as before in the late game hit and run hit and run hit and run never take a fight oh this might be still a snipe of the tree mass whisk coming in though very smart by law life not just having the gold mine whisk there but also lumber whisks and now we have the fight coming through heat award in the back quickly taken out heal scroll already used the first one on so in warden using more of her spells found nice one after the next breath of fire coming through so much damage on these raiders blademaster in trouble as well has the health stone with that will survive the dryads are taken out one by one sort of but there's still more spells from the heroes yeah exactly that's gonna be the problem and he's uh burning through all his consumables blademaster is killed off by a shadow strike and where's your damage now the heroes apparently can hold this by themselves yes a lot of dryads are getting killed here but i think that's all calculated he was pretty much face tanking raiders which with siege damage against giants you know how that's gonna end solid fight by sowen but he couldn't get the kill by lawler there's the almost perfect response but this engine of war just has to uproot move a little closer do the damage blade master back from the tavern that's resources spent that he can't really allow and there's is he going koda's already to fight the bears otherwise have fun fighting bears with raiders yeah it's uh you know despite the expansion's looking worse and worse for so-and-so there's bears now the heroes are leveling up panda and warden aren't too far away from five anymore he can still buy double orb of venom i feel like low light always has room to grow with his strategy he's just getting stronger and stronger by the minute whereas a mass raider army doesn't scale that well but there is a kodo now there is a walker now that will help him against the bears indeed but how is he going to deal with the heroes zeko thank you for the 40 month sub yeah this is the knockout punch warden has 510 mana points fan of knives is nice breath of fire of course amazing against buildings as well kodo is trying to eat but getting punished with that that food was poison gets away though but last game of course there wasn't much building kill potential for low light with bears and maybe later mountain giants there certainly is level four on the blade master now islaid getting a little too sure of himself oh if you look at these spells he certainly is not it's definitely trades for sohin he's getting his kills but army is just getting obliterated by spells and the serpents are actually also pretty damn good against bears once he starts focusing them panda though gets the level five oh with the fan over the top the blade master in trouble again still wait very last second the height is playing i don't know uh aeon of storms or something it's only about heroes right now more spells coming in blade master oh my god he's living on the edge but he gets rewarded wait a minute well i didn't pass the tp that could have been done a little bit better and so in actually holds at his expansion all right not bad man as i said lolita tends to get a little too full of himself here we go a little too uh shiny in that uh fight could have gotten out a lot earlier but he has a huge bank he just re-bought the hero and he still has 600 rarely going over five over 50 couldn't break this expo but if you can't break the extra just build a second one and get one base ahead once more yeah and that's the fight started with four four heroes now he has five five heroes that is a very different story he's making use of all of his moon juice he got full mana he's got mana pots double mana pots it's still kind of twitching me that there's no auburn venom yet but okay he uh puts very little stock in our venom so far today which is completely unlike what every other knighthood seems to be doing you seem to be obsessed with the orb of venomous that your profile picture on w3 champions make it like the triple venom you know like the like the invoker uh balls above his head but all green because the orb is the strongest aren't you a master supporter you cheap scrub are you trying to shame people for not spending money where you think they should spend money neo don't be like that lola is going to take out the expansion here easy the nice thing of course also about these heroes is he can get rid of peon's players real quick and he's just playing warden plus bears and more mana on both heroes very nice in the middle of the fight he can still drop the rope there we go drunken haze brother fight like even the kodo beast loses 40 of hp right away a second after the fight started it's really hard to out heal this damage seems like the shadow needs level five which to be fair he's not too far away from pick up the ring of regen all right bears can't really connect to do much damage but it's all about the heroes here 120 critical strike only that bear is back next breath of fire next phantom knife next shadow strike he's just spamming them spells excuse me man i pulled the night and then fight back strongly oh lake master might die though here wave on cooldown when's it ready finally yeah now there's a shadow strike coming though if the warden was willing to commit there we go phantom knights right click slow from the driver barbecue all the walkers down they don't walk anywhere and that is double cheese and lawler takes map number one and map number two in a very convincing fashion with very outside the box please i'm just trying to uh count the number of heroes that la light has played so far between today and yesterday firelord naga something keeper bottom warden demon tinker i don't know no tinker and uh yeah it's it's seven heroes and seven different heroes on five maps and we're not done yet folks he's amazing he's just he's seriously the new moon moon had his talon uh his his tavern challenges although like kind of doing the same warden against orc was unthinkable wow wow it really feels like he can do anything he wants right now i would love to know what that feels like because i definitely do not know can you imagine not only to start into a ladder game and do whatever you want and win but actually enter into a world-class tournament game play whatever you want and win and do so decisively this guy he's pretty good sky's the limit getting in shape for the dreamhack asia finals or the here's a pro tour asian regional finals i guess just a month away a month and a week then we get what was supposed to be katowice but of course we're gonna fill in two regions once again three match points for lawlite he's outclassing so and quite hard to have a wonderful run but championship sunday seems not to be made for him can he fight back and get the reverse sweep otherwise we have low light in the finals and i to be honest wouldn't mind a grand final of low light versus hitman that would be pretty dope hitman normally very calculated player who has specific game plans in mind and has the flow chart in his head can he keep up with the complete wildness that is all alliant if we will see it would be pretty cool we will now see the third map on concealed hill the two meet again so in has had a very impressive tournament so far but he might be meeting his master here lawlite is proving himself to be once again one of the strongest players in the world and i wonder if we can make it 10 heroes now okay so what are we missing potterm beastmaster played podem already ah yesterday okay beastmaster pit lord actually not seen an alchemist which is kind of crazy oh wow so the chance for nine heroes in two days is pretty good yeah i would say even if he wants to go really well what would be wild beastmaster would be wild so if he wants to go wild one game we could absolutely see ten heroes well he could also go like the the classic talent strat keeper it is yeah true true true and the blade master again concealed hill this time i wonder if we see mountain giants we have seen a talent game with talons and fairies we've seen giants and bears feels like it's time for mgs yeah on this map absolutely are seen quite often to reliably get towards them though you kind of need to go expansion first have good resources and then go into mgs and get tier three so that's a lot of time you need to get all that stuff online and there's also a window where you need to be weak and not die in the meantime that's what happened to foggy yesterday he was trying to go expo and mountain giants here but sohan came in with a tier 2 timing at around 70 supply which was really powerful so i was able to uh was willing to risk falling behind late game because if that push hadn't worked he most likely would have lost the game but the push did not work out so he in fact won the game lolita going for the huntress hall here early i was about to say are the time of keeper hunts over or is there still a is there still space well i i think it's certainly playable you've seen it uh plenty of times with a late auto transition for sure it just feels that lolita can play whatever he wants as we said now it sounds in a more normal game concealed was always one of the better org maps against the mass tier one i feel uh dating back to like anaheim and dreamhack summer finals but yeah soon so needs to stop this now maybe with a more normal mata this is where he looks a little better yeah it's all about creeper out here early concealed hill it can be hard for the night elf to expand safely but it's usually pretty good for keeper leveling you start off with level two right away if you go for the safe creep outside your main and then night time will fall as we just heard the wolf howling and then it's gonna be hard for the orc to keep track of all the places that the night off can be there's lots of little green camps that i can go to on their side on the opponent's side oh look at that wisp over there in the corner behind the crates i've not seen that one before corner crates ah right yeah yeah yeah yeah got it now me neither sweet usually it was always foggy with the incredible wisp positions yeah i was about to say foggy probably wrote that down oh look at the engine protector what a nice wisp usage this is he's scouting for it though and scouts it early yeah diligent scouting here by someone does he have a tele staff already he sure does he lost enough ladder games against these aps you could clearly tell and gets the last hit as well or did he ah not sure keeper has a lot of experience so it feels like it didn't like didn't quite click on it in time but most important thing is keeper is not quite yet level three then the problems arise and this is kind of the classic thing on concealed keeper at some point seems like should be getting level three it's really hard to prevent this tf2 is soon to finish so we're gonna have shaman coming up in a moment first shaman in this entire series which is also something we can't say too often thank you aberril for the prime sub and welcome to more than 2 000 people here in this early hour so keeper needs to juice up once again staff's over continues with the aggressions this uh seals the turtle away and that is the level three law alliance with a nice early game a bit of safe creeping in a bit of adventurous creeping trying with a bit of aps as well stolen has prevented most of this well but unconcealed it's just almost impossible to entirely prevent keeper level three or that lodge it's pretty exposed that positioning seems a little too far forward why isn't that away in the back of the base oh if that lodge gets cancelled which it will yeah that's a big problem same as on turtle rock and this makes entangle and treants so much more powerful into the mid game while he's expanding he can control the orc so much better we see it here focus fire on the ground he can't escape oh this is a nasty nasty series so in this is not the best sunday he's ever had a player's forces and you see the lodge where it is that's where it should have been from the beginning small mistake but small mistakes can get punished especially by top level players like law alliance he's looking so strong today yeah and he plays this he plays this solo keeper he's on tier 2 for a long time he's expanding now he builds the second engine of war but why would you need an alchemist well seems like he likes the acid spray as a bomb and he'll spray got him now hero number nine we'll see if we can get to 10 today this kid is unbelievable and cancelled the lodge again all your talks about positioning absolute nonsense remo because against uh law light it doesn't matter where you put that launch it's getting canceled anyway just to keep we can do that that's pretty crazy and that's the level two triangles that enabled this most knights will just blindly go for level two and tangle but lorelei finds well i have enough hunts already i have enough damage i don't need the level to entangle so i'm gonna go trians which gives me more creep and more building kill potential and that gave him the cancer right there the light is about the level of understanding of this guy is just uh yeah amazing man in this matchup always has been with that little flaw against fly i guess but it looks like law light is advancing into the grand final without dropping a single map except in the group stage against inso against insoup damn insert what a guy are you ridiculing him right now or what's that no yeah that that ghoul rush was pretty fantastic low light is taking a sweet time and tangle acid bomb staff will save him but close there's a wart here that i guess he didn't expect so it's gonna creep the fountain uh-huh there's never one serpent no problem good job pulling them out but even if he oh careful my friend takes a long freaking time where allah gets expansion up is moving north archer transition is starting to come in you can steal the lab away get level three alchemist and maybe go for some cheeky zappers as well yeah i can definitely see that or like a late shredder push or something or he doesn't have the gold so probably nothing happening here portion of greater healing against hero focus nice to have blade master oh rune braces here all that effort for lousy rune bracers tier 3 tech by law light as well sentinel upgrade pretty late level three alchemist double three keeper pushes him to the base again are these the first is this the first shaman that's coming out it is sadly no wait that's the second one okay we have two but the count is still very low stop the count continue the count if you want the chance you have the red camp in the middle lolite feels the game he knows he's ahead he knows he has map control he knows he can uh steer this game how he wants and he's making use of that by going tier three he's gonna have great upgrades soon second attack upgrade and marksmanship and what it's all called gets the medallion the alchemist which is pretty good not quite the aura but a good item speaking of auras by the way it's thorns aura he doesn't go entangle 2 as will be dispelled anyway probably yeah it's actually pretty cool if you have a player's forces a lot of respect for your opponent and you trust that he's always going to be on point with his dispels this is just straight up the better build someone needs a little miracle that's her ass happening everywhere gets a little bit of mining time off of so in he was harassing at the expansion super early on so he knows exactly what's up backstab opportunity now for the orc though with double level three is there a chance somehow to do something there's not even lightning shield yet speed scroll okay orc brain hero focus enabled not yet as the town photo was too early gets one archer in the tp what do you mean neo ogbrain he was trying to go for the archers i really like that speed scroll run past the hunts go for the back attack them with the grunts and alliance respects that danger and it's showing a bit of restraint here finally he's been going a little ham at times but he's now like okay you know what we're gonna postpone this for a little while i'm gonna get my orb i'm gonna get my third hero and then we're gonna meet again and we got a big donation here 55 euros and 50 cents by milk thank you guys for the amazing use cast schweetz [Laughter] the gruesley trick thank you so much merc that's amazing as amazing as lorelie's performance right here so is it just a base straight low light is not willing to defend this yeah interesting again he's giving up the expansion where it seems like he could be holding it fairly easily like we saw before on turtle rock but he's attacking the enemy expansion at the same time there is no tp for so and so he's gonna go run over to the main base right away but uh the great hall is going down and then law light will probably tp back home with still better tech and still a big bigger arm and yeah a little bit of a blunder by so in to go for the pillage late this could have been so much gold for him at this point already the light can dp whenever he wants as you said he's losing quite a bit of infrastructure alchemist with an acid bomb preparing that push to come there we go how do you get out now is a speed scroll okay so it's just a trade huh levels looking definitely in favor of low light you know what's in favor of us the new sub by eldritch mace four months already much love thank you thank you another big camp here now for the orc oh light is holding his heels though he's really gonna fight into the orc at the fountain that seems a little bit risky but the creeps are still here so these are making the thing difficult as well the shadow are getting focused right away drop slow doesn't have level two heal wave yet and low light absolutely wants to take this fight feels he has more than enough damage to take the fight and i guess he's right the shutdown is about to go down he'll scroll heal wave doesn't seem to be good enough all the healing in the world cannot save the shadowhunter archers being sent away the grunts are focusing on them once again oh the keeper is getting trapped the keeper might be dead but no there's always a staff when lola needs it alchemist perhaps the next target but no someone changes his mind he's going to walk away want a illusion coming in or excuse me mirror image coming in with lots of lightning here that's pretty cool but if there's only these to take care of it's pretty easy to eliminate them pretty quickly so lolita takes that fight once again in flying colors and is expanding once again and then all german cast is saying is the shadowhunter they must survive and that wasn't the case and with that light is getting closer and closer to the grand final at 60 supply can't produce anything at the moment but he can certainly spend his resources on items triple hero looking good get the owl now i believe yeah he was the first one to scout to to skill that over the searing arrow and rightfully so blademaster is trying to get into the backlog for the archers once again that's the easy targets dodging the entangle with the mirror image lightning shield again he's doing a fine job as good as he can but low light is getting slowly and steady on top of the shaman and without lightning shield without purge what's this army a few archers will be going down but lola can afford these losses with lots of gun uh gold and all the lumber in the world oh shadow hunter though oh okay got the staff how does sohan have a thousand one hundred gold thousand two hundred gold must have been investing wisely must have been checking our slash wall street bets why is that banned now i'm not counting no no no it's all good we don't sell hold someone trying to hold in the main yeah but it doesn't have much of an army here okay the grunts come back so does the blade keeper dropping quite low here is the staff to save him oh he needs to transfer it first oh he'll push transfer man low light again playing a little bit with fire staff still on the keeper himself he's going to tp out now but that cost a lot of lives that raider survives grunt however went down for the supply now for so and but still lots of gold yellow light when i only fly too close to the sun again he almost gave the game away on terranas already but feels like he is in full control once again can sohan somehow invest his gold he's very very very low on lumber he has three lumber workers remaining maybe just cued in expansion though look at that reveal timing are you kidding me wow wow he scanned top left and the pyon just arrived it's like when i was playing dota 2 and i was playing clockwork just doing hookshot in the blind and you hit the hero and you're like oh i'm so good i'm such a god at this game and lola is definitely a god at this game he also knows where the orc army is just flying over with the owls he's like yup i see you really annoying when you know that your opponent knows every step you make every breath you take you'll be watching him yes what to do not by me or is that a different song i think that's every breath you take right isn't that isn't that the song title i'm so bad with titles yeah it's the police every breath you take calling the police calling the police all right so i'm coming in trying to do a little bit of building damage but oh boy this army is scary 69 night of supply orbs of venom hunts and archers this is a return to the standard from last year allah has been playing many different strategies but even with the good old trident throughout look at the west he's got the west in the back ready instantly in the fight to dispel against the lightning shield what a freaking god he is really good with wisps and hunts and archers and before we saw with giant and with bears as well well with talons too and he can play fairies as well it's really really hard i was about to bring this up after the game but since you mention it i think he has played every single unit in this tournament and nine different heroes oh wow did he play glaives though yeah did you have to say that uh you may not have played glaives all right lawler next game we want to see beastmaster englaves make it complete all right last ditch effort this shadowhunter is looking very bold excuse me very dead um that took like a second to nuke the shadowhunter out of this game i think in the next five games it's just be greyed out in the altar he can't build it because he's just deleted for a week yeah g g three and oh another whitewash what a sick performance by law lion grand final not a single map dropped in the playoffs world class yeah um playing his race to the fullest very entertaining just extremely high level of play and an insane amount of diversity in heroes in strategies in unit choices la la it seems to be in top shape once again yeah no shame to lose to law light in this matchup it feels like only fly can beat him but in the grand final he will be facing another walk and then we will see how focus or hitman fare against him because that will be uh the match up there still shout out to sohan he'll have a chance for the bronze medal as we have a game for a third right before the grand final is still one of his best tournament runs it's still a super solid performance prior to this game here today but low light and knight vs orc is one of the best of all time who will be his opponent in the grand final is the question augmer are coming up next it's focus versus hitman the last western representative here can hitman make it all the way to the finals or is it the warcraft classic and focus versus law light we'll be right back with the second semifi
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 4,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2021, Reforged, Warcraft3 Reforged
Id: NrD8Tc-S-9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 54sec (4374 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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