WC3 - BREC 2019 - Semifinal: [UD] Happy vs. Fly100% [ORC]

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and our very first semifinal is starting right here right now and it's with Russian participation the world champion is in this as we can show you the bracket real quick because the game has already started we're of course in once again there we go happy destroyed actually in the quarter-final he was no match for the Emperor now he has a new challenger he's coming from China as well he's an orc he's fly 100% who also destroyed romantic and who would have thought that looking at the grid I certainly didn't but fly seems to be in better shape we have no pictures from the venue just yet the Chinese are still in the commercials as you can see but we have the game to our hands it's happy vs. fly here we go thank you very much vixx's and slump kheh for the first time and 19-month sub yeah happy of course he's coming into this tournament as a ton of momentum the last time we saw him in China of course it was ad WGL we took the gold medal our world champion so happy really hot recently obviously fly pretty much the exact opposite fly an unbelievably talented player was super strong in the past before Lin came back he was the best orc in the world for a long time but for the last couple of years fly hasn't been playing as much hasn't been practicing as hard seems to have shifted priorities a little bit taking other things in his life more seriously like his personal life with his wife and kid and stuff but yeah he's becoming stronger again he is has always been a wild card especially at offline tournaments sometimes he just shows up thinking back to GCS what was it now three four seasons ago when he found where we found him in the grand final against th somehow which also it seemed like he had no business of being there so long story short is you can never count out fly especially here for happy in this matchup which he has been saying for a long time is by far his weakest absolutely and fly starts off nicely with the claws of attack + sick get some items as well and rushes over usually happy is the one putting in the fresher on his opponent here it takes things a little slower that's the one to be losing for scouting creeps up to level two to be able to run away from the Blademaster we meet at fiend built opening with a pretty fast future check on his side here comes fly in that very spot he trapped two units of romantic in the quarter-final and he's putting in some nice damage on the DK who's able to wiggle out bro the coil get the kill and getting closer to level two good experience gained here by happy needs one or two more creeps now for his level up to level 2 which is so important for the aura was a lot of mana expended though the DK now almost out of mana using three coils for the camp it's gonna have only a single one left fly now of course with the blade love stacking up on items always on any map and LR is a good map to do that on big lasted right here for the ogre warrior those two fly perfectly playing around and well done even baiting the coil in forcing more man out of the DK who is completely out of mana now and more Claus this is a nice little start into math one for flyer neat and happy just Neath the skeleton light now gets it again flies on fire so far he doesn't even have too much damage on his blade you can continue this arrest for quite some time as happy is out of coils needs 40 more mana points and how does he want to get this def light air this troll now the skeleton certainly don't do anything and that's little super fly Wow he continues to impress at ppl against th he felt very very strong then he destroyed romantic and I was thinking okay seems like fly is back but is it just the one matchup is it just against human wear with the Farseer he can again reach the level that he had before apparently it works against I'm dead as well the texts are progressing it's a little fast for happy three grunts cute for flies it's pretty heavy then the other DK still no return he's going for the kill right here and he gets the kill as well this is the bow possible opening for flight 100% I'm really impressed like fly is playing a perfect early game late master game now he's got the grunt in front to block against the fiend he's gonna take that one out as well yes the items are helping him out here a little bit but this is seriously a perfect early game here my fly look at the blocks it's the Great Wall has been erected here on last refuge and unbelievable damage going half his way and now the altar is occupied would love to have a lid at this point of the game but he has to resurrect the DK first then go into lit that fast and suprotec a little flies following immediately with a Shadowhunter with the bee story he had no disabled yet no Raiders yet no shadow hunter before all he did was using grunts and Blake masters and that was enough for a hero kill and a unit kill at level two however we don't see this style at all anymore this is old-school orc style level one or two blake master harass trying to find fiend kills preventing level two that never happens anymore maybe you can prevent level three yeah but fronting level two impossible normally it is impossible especially against happy but this was just the perfect early game by fly only thing missing here is the boots of speed on him and this would've been super old school play but he's not doing that the glass hit here happy not going forward with the coil surrounds himself with the skeletons but barely gets out of there teens are heard as well still no unholy aura but we have the first donation of the day thank you very much to unshrunk 43 for the 5 euros more emo versus the world games love the channel think is the words man and now fly again a little unusual not leaving the Shadowhunter to creep he once the disables he wants to steal more stuff here comes the hex here comes the backstab and the flock again with the sh DK down to 50% once more and this is perfect this is nothing but perfection by fly nice illusion blocked by happy though as well keeping the blade away from the DK and it may cost him the TP and Thanks Oh frost armor first oh there's gonna be close doesn't need the TV or not speeds call the DK is that again isn't he no Oh Ellie gets away the illusion man the illusion distracted fly that was two hits from the blade on that illusion and that saved the DK in the end but the emperor is about to be dethroned on map number one year honestly though this was like this last bit of exchange this shadow head of chasing him stuff this was kind of good for happy this was almost all of the mana from the shadow and it was no leveling for the shadow he's level one only he's far away from here way of still wind riders coming in holy moley what's going on here single wind rider he's going into Raiders already trying to go for the red camp know that okay with a hex alright get does he get to the surround yes he does nicely done look at the shadow mana completely out of mana now and takes out the Overlord but that's still not level two she gets a calque of pipe here though I'll even do more not the worst item in the world as well happy knows it have you saw the position happy saw the items at mount up situations so he has some freedom now what can he do with it fly is going TC third the levels are as you pointed out definitely an issue with three one soon to be one going into Raiders is tier three can go for Koto's the one thing that could break fly's neck still is I think an ambitious expansion that happy continues to cancel but seemingly fly has no interest in additional income so far yeah it's just going not really standard Tier three but he is going Tier three but yeah we've had one wind rider here add into the mix which helps for creeping of course but the biggest thing you got out of the early game so far is stronger heroes especially the blade master is like the hard carry of this game DK's low-level let's just kind of low level they're not too strong just yet so the biggest advantage coming up all of this game so far is the hero progress for fly but that especially wears on the Blademaster can be negated by curse and batteries are coming temple of the Damned is up and what if the first fight happens with a banshee what if there's curse on the Blake mask what if he misses every crit so you have to be careful early you have to be careful here if this is good enough like this game is good so far for fly but it's not over yet but he's going for the tiny great hole okay he says I have enough of an advantage I am gonna go for the tiny right now and happy it's probably gonna be forced to all-in against that in just a moment I like flies approach here it's not too greedy he's upsetting the pion over for the normal Great Hall which would take a lot of time and giving happy a position to punch nope it's a little bit more expensive but it's so much faster he has no reinforced defences yet but it's in progress it's almost done so kicking towers it's gonna be an issue another issue flies inventory I see one of the winds that prevents coils and there's no dispel against that so we'll see second red spot goes to fly as well both big items of last refuge going to the orc and it is the carcass pipe did these idols will fly are insane actually this is crazy double aura ring is also good one of the wind is amazing fly is meant to win this first game he worked hard for it with an outstanding early game and now has the items to back it up as well he's got the expansion coming everything is pointing now towards the Chinese but there is one powerful and scary attack still ready in Happy's arsenal you can go for a third hero now and then you would have to go for this all-in attack there is no dispel and there's curse and there's frost armor and there's Hall of terror happy still has a chance we have the first berserkers out now Lich has the off insta kill for the Russian getting rid of a grunt right here curse immediately casted on that level for plate masters and of course means crit level 2 how big will the crits be so many buffs on this orc army TC is coming in he is level 2 got to stop happy not really splitting too much statue taking out immediately no Frost Alma thanks to the wand of the wind there is a lot of misses but the damage is still good why we're now second video set you under pressure there's no retail anymore and Bobby takes that out one of the Witte may be a little too early on fees here to negate the damage happy noburo but the cards are time to fin still out of the fight for a long time here up in the above the clouds thanks to the one of the wind blowing for the banshee now with that the only giver of curse is gonna be out of the army fiends land back on the ground though late master he is still cursed he could get out of it it was an envelope he wanted to there's a shop here also Happy's taking a good fight but there's so much sustain now for fly available cheddar hunter in a bit of trouble just healed himself he is faster with the or off white legs coming in from happy and life pushes him back five pushes back the well champ kid go for the Lich now with hex coming in stomp also but not quite connecting with that involved but happy has to fall back has to retrieve as he's pretty much entirely out of mana like master though still on the chase so much damage from him with level 4 self mana on him as well the Qing yang getting hexed getting focused ramped in front to block is there a stomp stomp would have been the kill but DC didn't quite have the man are there but fly man he's looking confidence now he's looking strong in the very good position to win this game that was the last fight may be happy can go for a potion or something at the shop shadow hunter was using a clarity throughout the entire fight lid slow pit lot low stats you again taking out is there something to fill the plate Master slice notoriously known for not taking care about that but the Lynch is out of that game that's level 3 of the TC and happy taps out no chance for the emperor on map number 1 what a performance by fly absolutely crazy game by him man I guess we have to stop under estimating him honestly coming into this I thought myself well you know what he played good he played well against romantic but romantic didn't have his best day so you know this is probably where it ends for him but no he takes the lead here against happy as well and now is really really good chances to making it to the grand final fly who would have thought man when were we last expecting him in the final that is a very good question several years ago like more than two years ago the daddy brake seems to be over focusing on Walker ev3 again the third rock warrior is one step away from the grand final on the top three get prize money here Kelly repeat this was peak fly this was peak ork in the fight I think happy was still strong in the first one in the upper left so if the games go normal without this crazy early game without the crazy items happy should be the favorite and should still be the better player they're still chances for him to reach the grand final we all want him to be there against moon again the rematch of the wgl grand final but it's a tough hill to climb for him now yeah of course he kind of had to win that game like if you kill the DK and a fiend in the early game prevent level two for so long and you don't win that game you can basically win no game so he absolutely had to win that and he did and I was kind of impressed with how well he did it as well yeah took his time to finally creep up his heroes and I was four three two hero levels with those insane items with the expansion and so importantly the early shop if the early shop is not at the expansion it's going to be much harder for fly to sustain in that fight but he did all the right moves but happy now perhaps he felt kind of similarly to us perhaps he thought ah this is only fly at the last WG I took out focus I took out Lin how hard can this really be maybe that's what he thought but yeah he was proven wrong certainly I was proven wrong fly here showing up super super strong and we're going now into map number two but not without thanking our most recent sub Thank You Yap TD for the eight-month reset we appreciate your support man thank you and another donation coming in 89 RMF with 10 euros walker 3 hike thank you guys for delivering so much walker a3 content smiley face give it up much love from the Switzerland it's all Swiss band yesterday man the gardener and the tree are awesome so thank you for supporting us as well it's happy vs. fly map number two what an incredible performance that would be if he just eliminates the world champion with two and oh but this is Happy's map choice this is Northern Isles the built so far looking exactly the same happy with a Tet fiend build order should be a blade masterful fly yes and there's an interesting difference in the regional matters at the moment in Europe the Farseer early expansion is really really popular first introduced by Lin interestingly enough but the Chinese have moved away from that for quite a while now and are so going with the blade also going with a tier 3 triple hero mass upgrades mass damage kind of style with yeah then booking or investing and banking on the late-game Northern Isles can be a pretty good map for work if they claim map control early kind of like it is it for every race in any matchup on this map if you claim map control early which oftentimes will go to the or compared to getting both camps in the middle is a really big deal merchants has really big drops especially for orc there's basically no bad item at the merchant everything is good pretty much and at the market place also can be outstanding items mana mana stones and one of the wind which we saw previously plus it gives you position to get the envelope oceans in will potions also a very big deal here as you guys know shop control essential on this map and anecca oil's because in both potions will be absolutely key for both these races absolutely true we are almost lasted for happy that would have been a nice way to come back can he steal the warden once again full experience to the orc we could get the first western final in seemingly forever but for that happy needs to defeat fly and fall he needs to defeat moon in the second semi-final we have fiends we have a DK we have a lot of damage on this death knight or but level two with these Morlocks was pretty much guaranteed and fly takes a lot slower than last refuge creeping a second camp yeah it is tougher here to get the first creep with the act that harassing especially the first camp took quite a while and the double green gives you exactly level two so that is something that both sides oftentimes aim for but yeah the DK is much faster interestingly despite only creeping with the death knight plus of course skeletons and now where does the creep route late them next is the question like master going to the marketplace we do ever surf it in there and he does buy it DK wants to snipe the ogre Magi hero but I think the ground knows about it this is a lot of wasted time he didn't even start it he's got since expired this is no progress and fly is stealing creeps on happy side of the map this is very untypical for happiness inefficiency yeah I wonder if he was aiming to creep or is just looking to prevent the Blake masters creeping if you can see is spread one skeleton at the goldmine one skeleton at the green looks like he's looking for the blade master trying to stop him from the creeping very efficiently but actually he's on the opposite side of the map taking out now the ogre Magi seeing that away from happy side that is a very effective move but Happy's doing the same thing happy gets the scroll the Beast once again taking a lot of damage on the DK though and fly making great use of his one of illusion find and gets the greater and greater healing pod which is also very handy and may even be able to take up the rest of the camp but this time how much better is this early game for and got level 2 didn't lose anything goes to the shop actually free tanky DK got some items got two fiends out nothing was killed blade master has no claws this time and both a pretty damn bruised so it's time to heal up a little lick the wounds and explore your tier 2 we got the shadow hunter and most likely a beast treat you three check again on happy side its village it's the rush tier 3 and the slaughterhouse will be coming yes dear three so no fancy tier 2 expansion play nothing's really crept so far goldmine wise well this could work out perfectly for fly is coming in here for possible creep Jack I'll buy a happy side yeah you saw the grunts over here this is little suspect still goes for the camp with him there and we know reveal might have been a little mistake immediately surrounding this one fiend he can't try to fight out but it's just buying a little bit of time and again the Chinese is getting the killed and this is again this weird place and nobody really places aggressively anymore but fly is bringing the aggression and happy is not respecting it enough he could have just chilled there waited for like 20 seconds or so this is time that neither a player would have been doing anything and I would have been fine for happy but noe starts the camp before the Lich's there doesn't have the frost are more losses to fiend but we'll get the item carrying creep mmm and the ogre Magi drops the pendant of energy yeah that's how a this lovely mask this time you get dependent good Spidey socks in the marketplace fly could go for it for a hundred gold this is level three with the ice troll warlord run of the wind again we've seen this in full effect a last refuge and the Candy's going for this one y ver I guess just for creepin and two fours web also that's also a consideration web is 150 gold and 150 lumber so a fairly expensive upgrade I kind of like it actually me too if you want to go for an expansion slash creep heavy mid game then the wyvern is a good addition late masters once again around there is stuff this time there should be no chance we scouted it but did he see the blade I'm pretty sure he did laying around it put some damage onto this plate master like it's it anyway I gets it anyway and the Sophie mask as well what a steal the Mac pie is back in the hands of fly and you can get more if he's looking right now really good Blademaster play man three creeps from one camp and the item and in the meantime creeping up with the Shadowhunter happy being forced to use so many calls early on he didn't have many at all to secure it last it's here with happy is kind of struggling it might mean he's not an overt horrible position he's not so far behind and experienced this time around he's gonna get his levels here probably just here three already this game is certainly looking better than the first one for happy but it's not looking right no but we're getting there Tier three is done again the early temple of the Damned thirty-eight supply only now this will take more time shadow answer is level two so the mass tell us man okay not the greatest inventory on none of the heroes so it's not double or our stuff like that TC is coming reinforced defenses to keep the burrows safe and maybe trying to establish the expansion once again o DK dou double pendant to the Lich I like that it's unrealistic to think that you can spend six hundred men our lawyers in one fight and with that now there's gonna have plenty of Nova's to use fly going up to the red camp skeleton scouts are a little bit missing this is something that happy especially does more than any other top undead is save money on wrath of necromancy in the late game when happy is Tier three you will kind of rarely only see him going for more rods Cora Nova easy grunt kill and with a TC level one only with a shadow level two only as well wow how is the only level two I don't know he's not comfortable fighting now absolutely not he's also I'd like 60% he doesn't want to start the fight but is it time for involves now yep and flag gets it let's just also not level three though and it's gonna be the pit Lord most likely again can't see a doc Ranger with these are here we go happy kiss the third hero pit Lord and happy is looking pretty strong right now this is late-game advantage for orc over N and then over orc you don't need a level 3 Lich where as or greedy need a level 3 shadow hunter to feel comfortable in the fight only thing missing we're happy is a man up up for the DK then he would be an outstanding shape but he's looking strong enough here stealing the next camp away further delaying this level 3 for the shadow nice from the protection plus 4 for the pit Lord this was a crap item for such a long time but +4 pretty damn good against the bleep master and the curse and the howl this is not much damage that fly hat despite the wipers going for what some upgrades now berserkers as well plus an early torrent totem keeps the Walker in the main maybe just forgot to set the rally like a nice night war never got it and we've had almost little for once again as in the last game he was very quick with a LeFort but this time it cost him double 3 shadow for a long time with that he lost some position on the map but now he's ever free shadow he's gonna get level flight master here but still not level 2 TC this is often time the issue with this orc strategy it takes really long to really come online on level 3 the TC is amazing on level 1 he's pretty weak on level 2 he's ok but you don't really want to fight before level 2 ok fighting for the red spot now fly is engaging into this 50 supply against 57 happy breaking up keep flying no expansion this could be a very decisive fight and it's not looking bad for the Russians they're dancing around each other no one really wants to commit too hard yet zero Raiders 4 fly by the way not a single and snare yeah or the silane doctors Oh echo light at the expo this is normally happy he plays this mashup in uneven footing around 50 supply maybe a little bit more he wants to expand but now fortune to the fight the big creep goes to fly that's level 2 for the TC has the aura available now solvers Walker is dead right away we have the curse coming in as well as the howl of terror plenty of damage reduction now on the undead side or on the orc side I guess lightning shield as well but instantly cyclone up in the air nicely time there by fly bites finding more purges getting these fiends killed isn't too easy with no Raiders here so it's really all down to the blade master to his purges to get the job done going for the staff to now but goes for one that's out of mana anyways and I get that kill also got a devourer off on the Cotto but the numbers are quickly diminishing here on the orc side as he's losing more and more units this grunt certainly is gonna fall as well and happy takes a favorable trade indeed this is what I meant the fights will most likely go to Happy's way fly needs another way to get an advantage like he did on LR it's trying to expand behind this but happy is ready for the counter expansions big master will most likely see this it's a 10 supply advantage for the undead now and creeping continues level 3 lips will be his reward on to level 3 PC level 2 it's not too much on the maps that you take him out again with the speed and the protocol Nova dangerous yeah saves the statue with it I mean he needs to pair with the acolyte is right there and the Expo is coming up but there was a bit of a Miss play wasn't it if the blade master just stays invisible there leaves the statue be the undead army is gonna move away from this position very very soon and then the blade master could have Solo cans of the haunted I think he lost track there of the bigger picture and that means now this expansion for happy is gonna be coming up thank you my flower 76 for the 2 euro donation much appreciated second read part goes to fly as well what is it Oh again the leads in new horn it's the closeness 12 actually no that was the bottom right ah sorry I thought it was the other way around so again great items only big level missing really really is the level 3 TC but not gonna solo creep it oh and the expansion gets canceled his expansion had been constructing for such a long time but happy finds the cancel fines level four and six two and a half minutes the difference between last refuge and this time this game on Northern where fly doesn't have the resource to go for the tiny Great Hall now the fight big move on to the hat hubs but taking out a banshee right away one destroyers in the air against the spirit link second Banshee out there's not much curse in this army but the Hat time to stop falling as well nicely away from the backline fly constantly aiming for these statues TC II could feel front of the storm the banshees are completely wiped out from this right now happy brings the ghouls flies getting kinda really hard though there's so few and snares here it's so hard for him to find these skills he actually did a good job on the banshees but those are easy kills and they kind of did their job as well everything is cursed for the most part especially the blade master and now finding more kills on these fiends statues heroes that is gonna be the more difficult thing and don't forget it's not only about this fight it's not one base versus one base anymore happy has an expansion up fully mining now fly in a super tough position all of a sudden yeah and happy of course unlike night and yesterday is mining with five acolyte so that helps him that's mean look we have a portion of the legend we have a new sub thank you Doug as n for your prime hit not checked out the marketplace there was nothing of interest in like going for a really risky play he's going for the tiny Great Hall he knows this is super scary if he gets attacked right away he's probably gonna lose but it's gonna take that risk and happy for now is not interested in attacking but rather defending over at his expansion waiting for the ziggurat to finish for the narrow and route to base versus to beit's we have seen this plenty of times from happy before and WGL against focus we're here had the upper hand and against lid I think also but flies looking pretty strong now level 3 TC level 3 shadow blade master level 4 4 and a half in fact on this blade he's really close to 5 actually claw plus 12th and this good damage he's sitting at the lab is he trying to bomb the haunted or a Zeppelin or something no just idling I think the tiny great whole play was necessary otherwise this just as all in attack there's one all in attack which you most likely will not win against happy so going for the longer game seems to be the right choice even if it's a thing that's it's the higher likelihood chance play but it's a scary attack man 66 supply happy 16 supply advantage card on the Banshee frost armor as well there's no kill here even a scroll of protection how rare to see that on undeads do have another damage mitigation here yeah even more frost are more curse howl of terror scroll of protection there is dispel of course can he take up the walk immediately he's trying to heal way for Vince to kill for a little TC in the middle of everything's for a protection used already doesn't want to go for the dispelled it's really hard to decide when to dispel this because the howl of terror is coming in as well stomp on the fiend TC is a little reverb but the coil arrives this TC is doing a great job so far yes that mana put also fly if you can hold this you are gonna be the legend for the shadow hunter in trouble if he gets coiled here he might be in trouble but Knights one of the wind coming in saving himself as well and looking for another big stomp and happy is forced to TP out of this with a little trouble bond for the backstabber delicious dead fly to may hundred thirty one critical strike ladies and gentlemen this is what you get with the blade master and the cloth was 12 and the Cordura second temple of the damp I happy doing Banshee upgrades now cancels the lips at the tavern that the altar goes back to the tavern fly this was the kill he needed and he got it with a little bit of luck but forcing happy into a teepee with 16 supply less is unbelievable we get the witch doctors Remo he's researching the adapt upgrade sets traps might be coming in the second ziggurat he has won the Ruby and tower he has the blight and still the supply lead but only five instead of 16 in the super light game it oftentimes comes down to hero levels and four three two versus four four four three it's definitely favoring fly over here late master if he gets that level five with all this damage oh baby yeah these are gonna be some crazy-ass crits he had to 31 before this gonna be wait a second 8 times 4 right that's a lot of damage man up to 300 and more Benjie master training kenny possess koto raider the way that happy thought this last fight was a run past the heroes and go for the backline this was a serious invitation for this TC for the war storm when previously we saw him focus much more on those heroes talking about the WGAL games here so maybe that was a bit of a wrong approach by happy to fight this also a WGL he entirely ignored destroyers not going for them at all basically a single time we do have one destroyer here so not heavy commitment at all and getting rid of especially the one timely hex can be crucial [Music] peon scouting for more expansion setting up a tower even to prevent the second goldmine as we're getting close to the 20 minute mark 2,000 gold remaining in the main this Banshee master upgrade takes for a ver but then if he protects the banshees were just not easy against the blade master like this add a TC like this could get wage upgrades on the Auris witch doctor master training did yeah it is not something we see every day so we're gonna have yeah heal Awards coming in soon one of they're gonna be effective like if you plant them in the back line for the berserkers maybe they survived but they're not so effective on berserkers exactly and if you plant them in front for the heroes normally they don't survive for too long but they will see it was pretty creepy play here by fly going for the risky export not going into upkeep for a long time even finding time to go for a shredder but it's working out with that shredder now he has all the lumber in the world third attack up we're coming in the Berserker is about to be on three one the fiends one one only I don't even know how this icon looks like three one frames upgrade some orcs when did you ever see this another good looking though what do you think it is obviously marksmanship we all know that but I also love what flies doing here in the bottom right setting up at our two towers and a shop like having this access points to potions and clarity's and all this is something I've not seen before in a high-stake pro match and this looks pretty damn good it's something the super smart like really macro there's vision everywhere he's setting up a new fortified position and he's waiting for the shop to finish then it's tiny great whole time again and suddenly it's three base versus two did fly is playing this super smart now he had the insane execution in map one map to he kind of fell behind but he came back and now he's looking to be in the lead again very crazy this is gonna be such an epic fight brewing up here thank you for the sub and you sir or lady have one of the best nicknames of all of twitch triple sanctum beater I mean you don't really exist but we thank you for the sub anyway and happy man he has zero vision he's not seeing anything on the map one acolyte is moving out now in the north but happy is just seemingly going all-defense he's sitting next to his expansion spamming anti-magic over and over so much so that the statues are completely out of mana he's miss reading this greatly fly is not in any rush to finish this game he is his third base coming up right now Remo please get your blood lust in person or thing you ready because we go shaman adept upgrade is coming fly it's going heavy on casters because this late game not many destroyers in the game anymore in this meta so fly using the orc sorcery I can't see this expansion so how we gonna see it this time he's got only very few peons in his supply he's got five at the expansion and well um mining gold peons it's not even 15 it's fewer than 15 so it's like not even 20 supply in workers for fly and it's just all army 91 supply for happy those so many banshees this could be oh this is a lot of possession he can steal easily 15 supply of a fly's army but here comes a bush into Happy's Expo a gold mine is dry as it seems or soon to be dry this is Happy's only chance of mining send some excites over but there's a ward here come sir after the stanzas travel he's running right into it he's running right into it boom happy llama doesn't have the micro to stop and here comes to TC four more disabled he's running into that choke though or the fields are separated from the rest three one upgrades or we wait for is berserk he's taking out the expansion as well at the same time but not the full force to fight happier that's too easy fiend kills here to start things off more experience for this blade master heal ward in the back look at the value oh my god she's he getting ready with a stomp again happy repositioning the destroyer dies in seconds - all of this piercing damage with equal supply with he was ten supply hat again but it's gone the fiends were a little out of position where's the damage coming from now we're waiting for the possession but they're not coming this is the crit here close to level five no one to the TC this is a nuke right now Stella's trap set up again not focused yes now we go this could have been a big disable coil on the pit lord TC running an ad be sent to stop once more slice playing crazy he sees low though has to fall back Shadowhunters more mana and drained out of him but the heal Ward's do we have more no seems like witch doctors are out of mana for now hit Lord the main tank here soaking up so much damage TC again with storm coming in getting Nova focused after but there is healing for him to be coming as well happy with a another call coming in PC with the end wall he survives and Happy's out of mana now I think he's about to be eliminated this looks like fly is going to the finals with a clean - oh he even dropped the Panda and before using the potion stomp again to save the Blake master now is level 5 look for The Cribs 320 is a possibility right there banshees are coming in still no possession anywhere to take over a coda the storms are juice and look at this orc army 93 supply fry is not losing anything DK in trouble might be the end right here here comes the hex a purchase at GG happy is out when was the last time you saw happy loose a series - Oh fly kill Tim and there was no chance for the world champ well that's pretty crazy fly with a hell of a performance beating happy they're holding on with 50 supply against 65 that was the crucial point in that game that's pretty insane dude fly what the hell he's back the third rope warrior how did he step it up the dream of a western grand final is over as happy we will see him again in the game for third but that is one of the biggest surprises in competitive Warcraft 3 history this year Wow just I'm stunned like Happy's army throughout the entire last fight pretty crazy fly like what didn't you do differently how did he overcome happy almost easily I mean Game one that was that that's easy to dissect like it was down to the early game but game too crazy comeback flight was definitely in trouble that game yeah but he never lost his cool he wasn't pressured into a push that he didn't want to fight this was yeah he knew exactly when to take the fights pretty smart plays overall with the great call for this expansion perfect move in the perfect time also perfectly saved with a shop in the north and a burrow right away everything he did had a reason at the right timing and this is this was a very very strong here three org yeah absolutely really impressive man fly can he repeat this now in the grand final he will be playing up against the night off it's gonna be moon or foggy either the Korean or the Ukrainian we'll meet him in his final match absolutely that's gonna be our second semi-final coming up of course the players have to set up and get ready on stage this will take some time we take a little break to get a little breakfast in and then we'll be back in five minutes with a little bit of a talk show until the games continue of course more warcraft ii semifinal game for third we will see happy again and the grand final awaits when did works win the last big tournament Remo we have to look that statistic up because it feels like it's been forever thank you I am Wiesel 84 for the 22 month Risa and Dawn of War 94 9 month as well get some coffee get some breakfast maybe a cross saw because crystals are awesome and then we continue with the second semies stay tuned
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 24,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2019
Id: _A2pZWIuh-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 7sec (2587 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 22 2019
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