WC3 - Ultimate Cup - Grand Final: [UD] Happy vs. Blade [HU]

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it's the grand final of the ultimate cup dreads and his crew have been putting on a wonderful tournament for three days now every day was packed with crazy games we saw europe's elite facing each other for each other for three thousand dollars and now this is what it all comes down to the first best of five and of course the last best of five it is the emperor on the throne for more than three years both flawless today 2-0 for happy versus neutron 204 happy versus foggy blade 2 0 versus one playing this matchup already today two o versus spiral as well blade killing the germans can you kill the russian as well or will it be another happy victory we will see a bit of a spark is in here all the time is every time happy gets challenged but this is a big tournament this is one of the bigger european tournaments of the year it's not dreamhack level but this has hot competition and the best of the best of europe have made their way into the top three happy blade foggy these seem to be set in stone at the moment but on top of that is happy usually still a little bit above the other two but one day it has to change one day one day this must change echo out is our map number one we have an archmage we have a dk we have footies and we have ted fiend build order this standard so far will the standard change already with the early game movement of blade i mentioned this like 30 times now when i see blade when i see happy i think blade is one of the best human versus undead players in the world alongside infant sock maybe he started an anti-happy movement that foggy is picking up on as well stealing consumables the big consumables there's only one on this map can you steal it at the marketplace down the road that would be big will it be expansion play will it be one base lots of questions they played in their best of three how many times did blade fast expand not too often it was later expansions because this is normally a prime fast expo map [Applause] and we do have a fast tower coming up in the main for blade that does look like an inspect expansion i believe on netties nowadays you mostly see four farm expo so you can keep on making footies and peasants as you're taking the natural attacking and moving across not going for the level 2 creep into her ass with a second rod of necromancy which also has been very popular in china but rather a little bit earlier with level one relying on getting last hits and kills to ensure his level up what elemental got killed happy steals this one getting closer to level two a little sloppy by blade not expecting this not denying the second was elemental when the creep spot was finished we've seen this before no poison on happy or blade can't really follow with the footman otherwise they get ensnared and they walk into the creep spot here as well this is definitely a big delay already happy waking up the creep so there's a little bloodlust that's a little extra damage all these tiny things only two more coils though for happy within the next few minutes and only four skeletons here at the max so it shouldn't be that much damage but this is happy so yeah let's see five footman militia a little late to the party one skeleton taking care of militia dead though dk down to 50 not much pressure on him and that was no lasting with that coil that was a waste and now it's on cooldown for the yoga magi no the fiend right yeah yeah yeah wow and he gets another kill right here level two and a half happy doing happy things one more kill with a coil but no new skeletons so the rest of the peasants should be safe in theory and blade has tons of lumber he's going to be able to get to tier 2 here fairly quick but happy's tier 2 certainly at tier 3 excuse me would also be coming in rather fast unbelievable how he got that timing down continues this harass but everything looks quite good uh that the passenger hp poisoned on the peasants here all right is this enough for level three the night crawler is already down doesn't look too great could be enough and yeah right yeah i didn't think he would get it lost the ogre magi but i guess he just barely got enough skeletons that's important okay by one experience yeah expo up footman saved the right hand side so can't be long range coiled as there's the mana ready now tier 2 is ready for happy litch slaughterhouse and push but it's long push distance necromancy anymore happy retreats and blade has some time number four happy is a little bit low because he went for the level two creep with the ghouls and the skeletons so tier three will actually be a little bit delayed which comes out and statue and fiend oh wow 36 supply before tech that's very rare to see for happy what's the norm in comparison to this a lot of players play this attack especially in china 36 supply tech was played for years and years and years but happy usually plays a fast attack at 30 three fiends into tech and only statue after tech gives you the faster tier three obviously but it takes a little longer for the static to come out and the statue really is what stabilizes the push for the undead it makes it so hard for the human to fight that over time with a passive healing from the statue in the back so normally this is the less greedy variant the later tech but uh also not something happy chooses too often but that means once the statue in the next fiend are there these footies are going to have a tough time we have defend ready skeletons taken care of trying to get the the safe on the water elemental but of course the fiends are there already the damage distribution is quite nice on the fiends everywhere a little chip damage but happy slaughtering these footmen blade needs reinforcements another statue is there against this damage good pressure on the litch as well but maybe a little too much as there's the coil and boom back to full health again food numbers are too low aren't they yeah he lost a lot of them only one really in fighting shape now dk did get to level three in the midst of this decent damage on the statue but can't find the kill early blacksmith is he going for the chemical style double racks rifle defense no tier 3 rush sanctum and mk coming blade trying to hold on region scroll four footies only region can be cancelled and happy is putting some pressure onto this shop mountain king on the way castle tech on the way two fiends hurt limited mana when the mk arrives perhaps blake can look for some kills dk is very low hot space as well abby's been playing more hero focus lately in pretty much every matchup especially against human and night elf wouldn't be too surprised to see a coil nova attempt here another water mental kill but no level 2 for the lich yet counting the seconds for the mountain i'm looking to be quite low by the way we have a workshop in the overcoil potion that's exactly what i said man have been looking for these hero kills recently mala is low now but another nova is coming in soon what am i doing [Music] potion was on cooldown for seven seconds happy retreating tier three done it will come back very very soon most likely with a pit lord does not quite have the resources for everything needs orb needs yeah the pit lord so there's another 400 gold he's getting backpack and then he needs another 400. that's a late pit lord yeah harry's gonna take this time to go for the marketplace and there's also time for the mk to creep should be a level two for him right away this can make a big difference the timely bash against the fiends when you're chasing them can help a lot and time time for blade time for tier three to finish time for the paladin time for the knights in gyros scroll the beast no dispel yet the first breakers are coming six fiends already of course level three far away and this is something that blade has been putting into his game as well you uh should be a big fan of this sending the high level heroes away to get the level three and two for mountain king and paladin as fast as possible see it again he is now happy creeps the south and doesn't push with the piddler right away these are all very valuable seconds flying machines doing a good job scouting and the mk is almost level three before the first fight finds a pendant of energy that's exactly what i mean like yeah this has always been done but blade is pushing it to the extremes level three archmage is enough doesn't value level four too much it's all about the early levels for the second and third heroes and here comes happy's push his blade ready he's waiting for the pally it's about 10 more seconds needs to call militia i believe as well from the main 70s supply for blade already breakers knights gyros you shouldn't commit yet wait for the pally call the militia and then go there's no more gyros he pulled them before four of them no flag cannons yet but the pally is here happy didn't do much damage shop is down it's also a great macro game by the way but for blade all the resources are going the right place all the time notice we have the skull of the beast do we have to spell oh no priest yet right so very limited use of that where are the storm balls ending up on the pit lord is under heavy fire from all the melee almost all the melee doesn't really care about the fiends in the back potion on the mountain king needs the holy light soon the shop is gone my friend here's the holy light countess the coil but that exposes the pallet of the paladin is gone no staff or anything to save him there fiend another one goes down pally could be back soon and he needs to be very careful with his positioning coil doesn't kill him but gets damn close he's got full mana strombolds are flying happy is kiting backwards one statue is still standing lots of stuff here on the field but not too much mana for happy would love to have a nova right here surround against the lich forced into the involve and keeping these footies alive how helpful is that now the pit lord he might be falling he doesn't coil anymore pit lord is dead level three they're going crazy level three on the mountain can he save him he needs to save him swaps the tp was there a chance to nuke the lich maybe it was on cooldown level two ready game by play by blade dude what the hell he only invested into two arcane towers everything else army no double production building or no double workshop no double barracks just perfect production cycles at all times this is an economic masterpiece warren buffett needs to watch this game did i promise too much or what blade is really good how fast he's rising to 70 supply right he pretty much never stops production he never has to wait for anything really just a couple of seconds for the paladin there because happy was pushing at that very moment but it was all right he lost the shop and that was it rebuild it immediately far in the back getting upgrades now at high supply and he can't afford it because it's one base two base and again mountain king gone archmage gone full experience for the paladin and also interesting choice normally we see humans always going for the staff and the orb right away on tier three but blade doesn't instead he's going for more army more units more actual fighting supply and it seems to have served him well which is going crazy though plus 20 damage level 4 dk pit lord pretty underwhelming so far so what's the item situation plus 9 for the pelican as well now or now staff no tp anymore no involved one one upgrade more upgrades coming happy didn't go a single destroyer this game did he no he saw the four gyros and then i guess that's it he's gonna have three old themes though oh yeah a playful claims map control if he banks a little more he can go for all the items they're fighting for the shop gyro see this will he take the fight or retreat oh with that that's the items for happy and the involve especially here big deal but happy goes for the healed scroll instead wow that's interesting it is high supply for blade but a lot of footman let them die doesn't deem them worthy of holy light or even a staff second attack upgrade for the knights is finishing very soon they're gonna have a lot of damage against medium armor inner fire is halfway ready happy's push might be a little too early for that though it's got some time soldiers also sausage comes in for slow to force destroyers disease cloud great against night breakers and inner fire is he engaging too early night in focus fire there staff out all right so he bought that second with that knight second knight under pressure gets the whole light trying to snipe the statues in the back pit lord is not the biggest factor of them all rick is falling left and right but the a bomb as well no coil for that and now in the fire is ready but there's not too much fighting supply left kelly has to go for the divine shield so many fiends still standing and they do crazy damage as we saw going for the pit lord once again everything committed to the hero he gets to care about the mk he's gonna pay the price he goes down as well as level four for the lich dog ritual now and plus four intelligence and the paladin also is going to die hero kill after hero kill here for happy those fiends survive too long not pressured at all strong balls not finding the kills militia got hung up by an abomination same for the casters i think the one single a-bomb in front blocking made a massive difference this fight but blade has the supply lead no statues on the ground for healing and there's one is coming from the main that's a godsend four fiends five fiends about to die but we need to wait for the mountain king can he crack that expansion now it's only at 50 litch doesn't have a nova against repairing footman but blade has to react now it's just giving this up i'm trying to flank but no crowd control a little bit of slow ha ha ha the value on the heel scroll indeed casters dying left right and center level five dk seems like happy is in full control these militia are pathetic down to 50 percent already thanks to disease cloud nothing's falling for happy looking grim for blade yeah the 40 supply light is weird to say but these heroes and the fiends they do so much damage no repair however mana is really low when the mk comes back he can find a lot of kills potential again counting the seconds this game on the knife's edge the breakers are doing quite good work fiend is falling level four finally but he trades it for a night and so it's worth it two statues on the ground that's great and the focus fire of fiends the split on the fiends the lich is of course helping a lot with these claws and that way you can deal with breakers slow now from the sorceress could be coming back in but also the pit lord returns paly is coming back yeah so many kills mountain king is back still needs to move down repair but that is reign of fire against the workers oh the damage town hall falls he's committing to it right destroyer probably taken out oh on the verge but no destroyer traded for an expo absolutely worth it mk almost a no factor with no mana he got quite a few kills there actually killed the destroyer killed two fiends dk might be forced into a tp the slow from the sorceress doing a good job yeah i'm also in trouble almost over he was seven mana away from a nova but this mountain king oh oh can he walk out of range the slow on the lid saves him level four that's a storm bolt now that must be the gg again happy so good level five gone everything over all heroes benched except the paladin's just back now he could have saved him with that staff he had a potion as well on the a.m he could have saved both heroes this would not have been over but now trying to go for the lich with knights can he rebuild something 300 gold holy light maybe on something happy not transferring anything tp is the only item he has and the coil all right that's a big deal that's level three chasing so hard with the knights but unholy aura he's got two holy lights what to do i know the paladin nova he eats the a-bomb for more mana that's so many novas holy light on the dk trying to surround doesn't really work happy moves out paladin to the right to get to the left waiting for the nova holy he clicked it on the night by accident there's a two more though but the icy fingers of the lich can they reach i'm not trying to block but didn't get it dude what a first game but these other heroes they are pretty strong 5-5-3 blade is not far behind to be honest waiting for the heroes mountain king almost back is hero nuke his way back somehow on the dk but there is a tp and he's back now if he can snipe him from the shadows from the tree line or something so many kills level three pit lord can he set up a trap with this mk he needs to absolutely needs to archmage now no tavern revives at all for blade okay this is not a trap if that's a trap that it's for blade in his own hometown you saw the dk coming north he had strombold holy life and knights militia now last ditch effort oh paladin in trouble he's full mana mk one stormbolt this is father for the pit lord only at 50 though no repair possible for blade that might be the neck breaker right here one stone ball going to use how much can you get out of it the pally is dead is that the end of this first game when was the last time we saw blade with all three heroes that's it avada kidabra six four five four and happy takes map number one on echo isles 22 minutes on the verge but happy always with the one better move very well played by blade like macro wise the way he powered up to 70 that was almost perfect and i hadn't really considered him such a macro beast before but that was so good but there were some mistakes by blade when he came in with a big defense when he called the militia all the militia got stopped by the a bomb with a frost armor they're supposed to run past it obviously and go for the fiends with the storm balls get the kills that was the first big mistake and the second one was when he lost the mk yet the staff ready to save the mk he had the heel pod ready to save the am he lost them both i think if he moves if he can iron out these mistakes he can do this maybe if he moves forward with the archmage to pass the potion he's going to die anyway not sure if the staff was on cooldown or not i didn't have an eye on that but archmage was super low as well that was ready zaf was ready to set up the mk and the am could have used the pot sick game one second map choice of course belongs to blade and we go to last refuge i'll open cup semi-final game three lr we're mining everything out and it comes down to the hero arena maybe my favorite game of the year please boys please do it again that was an orgasmic game so far they are certainly delivering i'm hoping for a best of five you can believe me that was that's not the easiest game to bounce back from though blade knows how well he played that early and mid game getting to 7d supply before the one that pushes you normally never happens especially when happy is doing it but because of how well he played he made it possible so i'm curious if we see the harassing archmage now on level two because i like that play a lot don't give happy experience shut everything down don't let him dictate the game but be the dictator yourself risky delays level three delays pretty much everything uh of course you can't expand with that style so it's gonna be one base but it looked so freaking great you need a lot of last hits with that as well against happy as you saw on the ogre magee on echo isles that is not the easiest thing to do but it was possible how much of a difference that did that ogre magi make as well yeah and you know against most undead you don't have to be concerned about trying to ensure that the skeleton doesn't get the last set or the fiend doesn't get the last it doesn't happen anyways but with happy there's a good chance it's happening and you have to play around it yeah that fiend maybe he didn't see it yet just arrived kind of hard to do thank you bee knox for the eight by three sub and bad randolph for the two month resub and again blade challenging happy to his limits yeah with how well he played before and how well it suits this map i'm also expecting the one base rifle style here yeah would you say blade is playing that better than hogg has ever played it yes yes yes yes it's very very different early but it's one thing to play at one base it's another thing to play it's so aggressive and it's another another thing to like stealing merchants away here on last street having the balls to steal the merchant away from happy on last refuge that's a big middle finger in the mid game blade made it work somehow magically of course that is now a game in their past this magical game that happened and perhaps happy learn from it so perhaps you have to switch up the creep out perhaps you can't be so bold perhaps you have to do something different or maybe it can work once again yeah late i feel like when he's playing against happy he excels very much opposite to what hawk does hawk seems to crumble mentally yeah blade excels and this is this makes this matchup so amazing this is the best in europe it's just just it's just uh just candy it's uh it's wonderful [Music] yeah maybe he has a different idea because happy is probably one of the best in the world to adjust to new challenges it takes him usually a week and then he has everything figured out that was uh to be seen when infie was zeppelin dropping him with orc it worked one series next series happy head like just swap that fly style maybe it's the same here maybe he knows exactly how to react if blade just does it again regardless of the outcome here this is going to be one of blade's biggest successes of his career seven hundred dollars for second place that's really good is this his biggest price purse i think it should be right how was rising star it was 400 i think 400 500 500 something yeah yeah this his i i don't even know if he grinds games but he's definitely putting thoughts into games yeah it was 500 euros for blade that was his best performance so far okay production gives us the goal surprise super super super hyped his pick lr understandably so 1 0 for happy a time for revenge the first map that blade lost was the last one happy still flawless 5-0 in the playoffs we have seen that before happy marching to victory in a massive tournament without dropping a map one base or not harass or not [Music] and happen i think you can't expect the early expansion to work out better than it just did on echo isles and that did not lead to victory i saw the earlier i saw wfz versus hawk high level matchup as well however definitely lower level than this matchup right here yeah and there i also felt like you know what maybe humans shouldn't pass expand anymore because if you're not bulletproof you get punished so hard yeah i tend to agree and blade tends to agree as well from what i've seen last but maybe it's the necessary curve ball to still do it but then happy is one of the best in the world to punish these expansions so i wouldn't recommend it either it's a ted fiend build order as always happy in this matchup not going for ghoul builds as he does against night of or against foggy these days from time to time on special maps yeah so however do you have a niche place in a lot of matchups nowadays not really against human though unless you're playing some weird dreadlord shenanigans happy scouting the main militia creep already three farms and immediately aggression on this acolyte oh this is not happening again my friend at least not now gloves for the am not the greatest starting item happy not going for the high priest yeah [Applause] that is weak sort of to footy harass who can pull over the murloc camp here's the footy it is not taking only three farms though we stop production now it is level two so we make sure he gets the region slippers also not the greatest and the dk harasses tech starts all right one base it is oh did that last to count not sure he missed the coil oh he oh who gets the last it here though not by being trapped by blade this could have gone a little better footman and snare oh if you get blasted that's level two run forest run oh this is such a big deal oh this is such a big deal creeps oh okay and you know even if he doesn't get somehow he finds the level two somehow by crazy aggroing the creeps with skeletons elsewhere then he gets the last swipe of the skeleton sick again waking up the creeps here but with that he kinda must know that there's a tech going on i feel first find out not stealing anything yet what's blades wait can we say back into the game already this early game didn't go exactly the way he imagined it to be yeah that's true both heroes remaining on level two here i think would be favorable for the dk aya wants to get three wants to get those elementals up on level 2 quickly and then solo creep the mk to really power start his progress a little bit of experience thanks to the skeletons and dk doesn't have any rods so has to stop harassing probably next fiend out we see a blacksmith rifles of course very early first rifle here three footman into range all right calm early game to come before the storm i am saving a lot of mana so okay now so is the dk kind of still three coils but blade again distributing the damage to the fiend pretty much equally then have the first rifle out now tier three sanctum okay yeah that's pretty much what you have to do right everything else is crazy as much as i love thor zane and his play secures the kill again that's a call missing for when the mk comes out so it's to be three storm balls versus two coils potentially if it should come to a head look at the tier three take how perfectly this aligns for both of them like a second later maybe for blade a little bit supply stuck here happy with the skull oh it's rare to see for him yeah it's normally a micro special goes for the stop early greater healing here how's that possible i don't know man he's saving it for game five foggy was trying this again right to to uh to snipe the consumables got both and then happy went up to the lab boom mana stone oh of course the players forces are under attack blade not confident to take his merchant he's going up to the high ground lab instead is happy gonna scout up there is he gonna follow up there oh the skeleton an inch away from seeing but it's a ramp so he doesn't see up there and nighttime doesn't help either book of the dead level three archmage and immediately sends the archmage away for solo experience that is level two two big uh boys snipe the magi turned this around compared to like one week ago looks completely different and i wonder was that the right choice by blade shouldn't you have just pulled out the merchant creep use the militia and creep it if you have militia called there like four to five it's very hard for the undead to engage in especially considering at the time the dk was level two now he's three but there he was level two and the lich was level one i think blade made a big mistake here creeping the lab instead of his merchants okay happy with the last consumable on this map now he's stealing the whoa hook of the dead into mercenary camp that's cool can help you get the red spot bottom right afterwards though boots no big impact pretty poor items here for blade to be honest slippers gloves book quel'thalas forces are under attack healthstone for happy so yeah i agree uh helps them for happy also not the greatest and that is the red spot for the russian inner fire paladin out more rifles and this time he goes for the items right only in one or war staff the mk's inventory is looking crazy but he doesn't even have that high of an attack speed you can see when he's when he's laying into the grips it's it's not that high nope only edgy heroes really attack very fast well some battle drums for happy that's a free fiend upgrade it's very low on upgrades so far one owned now also red spot for blade should be like level two and a half or something battle drums for him as well rifle benefit a lot three three two great levels dark ranger for happy three three one for him oh three three two workshop here for blade now is that against banshees with mortars or is that just for giants are under attack could be against banshees we don't see a temple yet thank you booze tails for the four month reserve three three three levels for blade that's really good level four the archmage would be like the cherry on the cake but happy gets the mercenary camp in the south no one really has an advantage really a factor temple now but this opens up the main four attack this is the smartest place to go if happy wants to swerve over to the turtles it's not really worth it gyro sees it early blade wants to take out the big against him before having to tp home gets the ring of regen trying to race some skeletons does work kind of should be an easy solution here okay takes that fight mountain king in the epicenter of this fight nice step but for how long priests are silenced and busy with the skeletons in the main gyros are coming in now more rifleman taking out ooh this looks good happy with the coil that fiend gets killed though after the scan happy at 43 loses another feed my god slobber knocker in front of blade's base halley's still tons of mana he's not using the holy light what's he doing has he not used a single holy light this fight not really no saving it for later i guess oh man all the units are disappearing 30 supply only archmage and focus and it is again anova that seals the deal gg that was disappointing it seemed like blade was in the worst position there but he got punished really hard after the tp he's very clumped up and then the silence plus focus takes out the priest really quickly nova on top of course but the pally got off the divine shield before the silence and then he didn't use any holy light yeah hmm and then suddenly it crumbles yeah uh some players have started comebacks especially foggy after being down to all against happy catching up that esl cup final that culminated on twisted was the biggest example of that so it's not possible to take two maps in a row from happy but today is not the blade of 10 or 13 days ago it feels like it's just small mistakes though game one it always is a few micro errors game two now that oh that was definitely a problem maybe too greedy to tp in so aggressively but of course also understandable you want to punish him for this run by you want to stumble his fiends you want to kill kill them but on the stacked town portal the silence nova combo is just so good he forced that and it worked out flawlessly for happy again having a great idea about what to do and how to get into the position that he wanted to be in we start after a little break four minutes and match points were happy still flawless 6-0 in the playoffs could get a clean tournament win and 1 400 for this he's practicing operates all the time right yeah he's playing random one ladder he has new challenges for the esl cups getting ready for that and still wow and again like small adjustments to what god played the upper hand in their last encounter he needs one single example of how to punish it and he just finds new ways he was the one that was aggressive he was the one getting both of the consumables this was just a completely different game yeah giving up that merchant i think that's a big creep out mistake blade looked very timid there well he shouldn't have been this was early tier two at that stage military support is still really good but okay time to shrug it off yeah and take the next game fresh amazonia will be our map we see a lot of expansion here fast expo we do see some tier three play as well with rifles the one thing we don't see is pally rifles but i mean if thor zane isn't playing we don't see it anywhere against happy do you want this though do you want to expose your creep to coil skeletons last hit another good point by chad um obafire was still on the pally not given over to the am so there was a lot of orb effect missing on those fiends for a long time making it more difficult to take them out yeah um this was exactly the situation i was in uh the second last esl cup final but i was casting with todd we were sitting here happy had the 2-0 lead but okay maybe foggy gets one but then it's like happy's map choice and he's gonna take it anyway but you know we took it to game five never lose hope never lose hope if that if this game should be as entertaining as that one was back then then we're still in for a treat yes i have a picks and bands by the way gonna be interesting to see happy's elo next week by the way if he wins here well i can tell you that he's not allowed in the back to walk off cup yeah i think you might be right about that that is uh continuing now next week by the way on set today oh wow i just see right now in the top eight elo we have two of each race at remo the game is so imbalanced also if you look at the playoffs here i mean it's eight players it's four races it's two of each race this game is so broken you know it's unbelievable people say that but it's it's unplayable people rage maybe the balance is a little better than they say it is that possible it no you know it used to be way better in the past i want to see tower pushes every game again i want to see tanks every game again how do you remember every game how wonderful this talent matter was exactly yes we have to patch back to 1.26 that was so good the mail right now is really good and just you guys wait until we have the crypt lord meta oh boy not too sure if that's gonna be too cool by the way what we'll see about that it's like two two six days away and then of course the meta has to develop i'm aware but yeah the patch coming in two to six days just like spacex a couple of days ago three match points in a row for happy maybe uh that frees blade's mind i mean he has nothing to lose anymore he can't go heavy risk maybe oh okay needs a little more delay speaking of the patch by the way normally they're patching on tuesdays or wednesdays right yes but they patch the ptr on friday so who knows okay i guess we can't make a very solid prediction it should be next week i think it is planned for tuesday but who knows everything like can always be a little delayed next week's pgw cup is going to be fun dude yes what is he starshipped against tgw both going lord first fast expansion oh beetle mirror oh i really don't know man i'm seriously a little afraid that this because it's gonna be really boring anyway not boring is game three happy with the two o lead still undefeated in the ultimate cup will he be the ultimate champion with not a single map loss happy upper right blade it's kind of a kind of he's playing from below like from from bottom to top that's what he needs to do in the series as well yeah how resilient is blade does this state of affairs do him favors does he excel in this does it feel like this is his best opportunity to show his metal or is he you know is this psychological problem for him does he see himself so far behind and has he already given up that would be the worst case scenario but he doesn't seem like that kind of player he seems like a player who thrives with adversity yeah yeah i would agree he's not one who's giving that like best example was equals right when he lost his heroes like four times and still hanging in and still willing to fight even with two heroes archmage it is dk it is ted fiend built or it is so we're counting the farms and workers so for a hotel acolyte hidden in this little village now it's going football making his way over to harass as well dk starting off with a creep and the trolls shouldn't the footy be following there shouldn't the footy be harassing shouldn't the footy be putting damage on the dk i think you should i can always attack the crypt that's certainly not doing anything he's playing around this acolyte a lot better now so no steal for it here happy as always going for the stroll here no lightning shield creep for him a little bit more damage no chance for this acolyte here these peasants are a little bruised already there's always an opening for happy with his coils and his skeletons no level two though boom from downtown kills that one but no level two yet still despite that kill and lots of hp already gone down to fifty percent lower than 50 percent oh but skeletons in the main no arcane tower yep i've seen this before two of them do expire though so not any kills yet but it always costs lumber passively just having to call militia oh and that kill would be level two again that one kill that gives happy level two what is it though yes presence of mind by blade and the second later the skeleton expires still no aura oh the rock column gets involved though 2.3 so far okay that's a coil that's a kill that's nora he's expanding and happy is nowhere around right now to do anything he needs to get new rod he's lonely wait wait wait wait there's a feed my friend as long as there's a fiend there's a possibility but again this time he plays around this time blade respects it and it gets rewarded with a potion of great armada dk comes in there's of course quite some kills to get but the workers look good coil on the water elemental well that's not an impactful kill clean pretty clean early by blade it's not the fastest expansion it's a little bit delayed happy was hanging around blade was making sure it's certainly not as fast as he could have been if he was left alone but barely any losses so fast lover keeps an eye on his mane now the skeleton arrives for like a split second there's already militia dealing with this right click damage on the dk more and more below 200 now what the mental comes in as well he's getting a couple of worker kills with the skeletons but he's taking great here fiend attack but look how bruised this army is already feels like it's time to go soon only two peasants lost at the expo that's totally fine and no real target now footman take care that this dk can't summon new run of necromancy or new skeletons otherwise he might get trapped and now lose track another call of the kill diminishing footman numbers is a big deal but how is he supposed to push this with a dk like this with fiends like this nothing nothing is healthy and again goes in for a single peasant kill and loses all mana lose a lot of hp a town is under siege almost feels like happy is a little too aggressive his forces are under it tech started skeletons taken care of can he steal something he has no mana and more right click that's good okay blade level three and a half for once not waiting for the second hero this will be a rush level four maybe claws of attack so nice but what will the be able to do shouldn't he just run past these gardens should he just go for the fiends in the back could pop the big mana right now to use the watch elements like crazy it's not the worst idea it should keep both the spaces safe then how good is the macro going to be this time by blade he went for a shredder so he doesn't have to make many peasants at all it's gonna get sick lumber and then the balance is restored keeping the dk separate from the archmage still holding on to that greater mana potion but maybe he is forced into that soon one more coil still no level three and once there's two statues i think you should pop the big mana just spam those watch the metals push them away double racks rifles this time switches it up it's miko style caught style well todd plays rifle and then tier two expansion so different mk is coming sanctum instantly oh a.m was in trouble there had to tp out call nova aggressively again fishing why the shredder though if he's not going to three he doesn't have a shop the shop is under attack he needs that shot but how does he get there how can he heal what can he do this archmage is gonna die or he's out of that game zeppelin into the back get a region scroll pop it get back into the zeppelin okay happy's not punishing this but boy oh boy that cost some time mk comes out now rifles don't have long rifle upgrade yet which makes their attack range really awkward and it's pit lord time let it rain some fire more pressure on this echo this is not the army that blade wants yet and everything is healthy again just one and a half minutes ago everything looked different everything was orange everything was red and now it's the case for blade the destroyer is up it rains fire onto pretty much everything including the pit lord but this militia is out already he didn't even use the nova for that the rifle range it's such a problem only 400 it's so hard to get to the targets ultimate can be oh wep against the zeppelin nice mountain king in trouble throws the storm bolt is there another nuke does he even need it 77 hp and the archmage says goodbye to this world soon no nuke what blade is suffering there's no shop no shop to heal we're the priests expo broken that's it the ultimate victory isn't it again blade is refusing to give up get more rifle casters but there's no additional income there's no healing going on there's no crazy nuke as the mk is only level one has to hold this expansion obviously that's his win condition there was mana region going on he got karl nova another skeleton arriving to spell against the water elementals pit lord soaking up so much damage dealing some damage as well and i got a feeling that anova will decide this game again good potion happy we're very patient with this man on the lich still hasn't used that nova they just trying to take out these fiends but there's always a coil this might have been the last one depending on the region archmage if the next target moves them away a little late but these themes then seems like they're all saved not this one level four let's be so careful with his mk coinova could kill him right now happy is eyeing it up but quick reaction with the mk he's baiting it a little bit as well with the mountain king there's the nova but no follow-up still alive still alive so is blade holds on rebuilds the workers needs the region now on dk that litch might get an involved not oh god already yeah get it on the lid desperate for experience giving this away and this fight is that the right thing to do oh dodge is it on the wrong like gets the involve and the stun bit of a overreaction thereby happy i don't think you need that involved a bomb with disease cloud now could be very impactful how good can it spread its poison if it comes in to the fight blade has to focus it right away otherwise it does too much damage over time but if happy is ready with the heels and the frost armor taking on that a bomb is difficult and we're just going to be at 15 damage that's pretty sweet zeppelin there's a little bit of scouting but all right already that feels greedy shouldn't he go up to more supply to be safe first and then sec a player's forces are under attack but happy i guess you know he's not he's not pressuring right now scripting up getting good levels dk four lich three pit lord very close to three mk also getting pretty close again sending archmage away solo experience still holding on to that greater mana maybe it will be the four extra stormwalls level two then turn this game around level three big cleave and this time he doesn't get this item stolen full of accuracy one kill would be level three for the mk but it's hard to find lightning shield this belt though fiend there it is the kill and now is it time for the hammer to reign over the undead the disease cloud spread is good though and the nova and the rain this aoe is sick first heal scroll came in well rifles have to walk away all the time against this reign of fire not having much damage uptime at all mk still tons of mana to use also with the mana potion by the way there's another fiend kill double kill but the heroes are still standing for happy at the end of the day it's going to be about heroes it's so much mana it's six more storm bolts if he wants to where does it end up more rifles falling oh boy that's a double kill that's a triple kill happy cleaning this now the priest can't heal against it the damage is missing the only damage is pretty much archmage and stumbled too many rifles died it's not enough dps anymore to find the kills maybe you get it on the a-bomb but never on a hero and as as i said at the end of the day it's all about the heroes little four that's made out of mana four and a half storm bald hail mary on the dk but freeze almost down rifle almost down still such a healthy pit lord got an entire level in this fight and dk is close to five soon to have anova mk full mana but he can't find the kills kiting by happy impeccable of course and now the i am in focus there's a call nova rating for him last second but only for seven seconds yeah he needs to run he gets the statue rest of the army is super bruised he stays in the fight it's a long range coil oh oh he's catching up through the forest he got the vision does he no moves it away sweet move by blade pure anger to kill this priest so he gets at least something but it's gg well played the ultimate victory an entire tournament without dropping a single map 4-0 group stage and 7-0 today not foggy not blade no one was able to do anything in the past two days against happy so i had this feeling waking up but must have been something else then i don't know congrats to happy it may have been more clear of a final than uh we would have liked it to be and i intentionally didn't use the word one-sided it wasn't really one side all those games were very competitive for a long time but in the end happy is superior and that continues his insane streak of dominating europe and nobody almost ever being able to stop him yeah how long will that last tomorrow he's back with the esl open cup i think with the challenge to not play undead but everything else or something you will be casting that after the wgl pro qualifier alongside neutron but yeah ultimate cup finds the ultimate victor and one thousand four hundred dollars for happy really really cool tournament by dredd and his crew want to point out again uh the admin work was magnificent of course for us we had a little downtime but they had a set of casters they had a set of like analysts on the panel um they were constantly in communication with us that was wonderfully executed this tournament so massive shout out to them three thousand dollar prize pool plus flawless execution that is really really rare and hopefully we get the second ultimate cup anytime soon yeah um this was a great tournament providing many amazing games and yeah i hope so too i hope we're gonna have more of these the ultimate cup in europe and perhaps one day someone can beat happy tomorrow we have a wonderful final four on the wgl may pro qualifier one two zero verse lolita and moon versus lin all best of five yeah plus the grand final remo is going to cover that for you i have two days off and i wish you all a wonderful weekend don't miss the casts tomorrow later tonight grubby is playing two and two with knuff which is guaranteed entertainment so you won't be alone there's more warcraft streams for you support the scene support all the actors in the scene and enjoy the rest of the day neil remo out bye
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 17,425
Rating: 4.8041959 out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2019
Id: lENLirvcSq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 1sec (4141 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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