WC3 - SCILL Open Cup #1 - Grand Final: [UD] Happy vs. Spiral [ORC]

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no hit hunters so it's standard here we go here we go that's our grand final happy s so often we see him here i get spiral and he's going with an old school fast fiend build he's definitely expecting farseer headhunters against that build specifically fast fiends is good because you can creep dk level three with four fiends quickly and then he can pressure the farsier player before he gets level three very effectively so he's been gambling here with the build against what spiral is playing here just farseer grunts the ted fiend build would be better but happy is expecting that hunter so he's got a bit of a wrong read which isn't the end of the world it's not like this is so painful but it will be delaying the tech and the second hero for quite a bit so that would become a factor and i think spyros is going to go for farsier creeping with grunts going for an expansion which has always been quite strong on this map he was always doing this in the home story cup right i think he played every single game with that strategy tier 2 expansion with grants yeah riders to see yeah he was playing it for years before as well so shouldn't happy expect it kind of but this farsier head hunter is also really popular nowadays especially thanks to grubby grubby got wins against happy with that as well thank you by the way buffaro with the 10 months with us 11 months and zip nautic with a sub thank you thank you [Music] i wonder how this is gonna look i don't think so i think happy is still confident enough in his standard against european orcs i think if he was to play against fly and line again i think then we might see it because there in the past he was quite desperate at times yeah kindly clean against knighton and yeah happy sees that there's no farsi harassing so he should know that it's the farseer grand expo play or a blade master but as its spiral it's very unlikely that this is a blade master this map is really really good for faster fast expo and i was about to say it's a difference in happy's vetoing normally it always used to be twisted and echo is banned but this is the best of five so there's only one band so i guess happy band um twisted no there is nothing i know right we have turn rock you're right i forgot about that we haven't seen it yet today but in this map pool here in the skill play open we have yeah true good thing you're here i would like to see that being played i mean this map is really bad but i think it will make for a fun game yeah i could see it here between the two like turtle rock has always been pretty good for orc and undead they don't mind creeping there so much it's really bad for night off and for human it can also be weird but i think for organ on it's both fine yeah for orc i think it's not as good as it was in the past or if when you could creep these shops with solo playing masters level one out of control and you can almost lose your blademaster with creep stack jack and happiest on top of counting usually all right here we go that might be really risky oh he's gonna cancel it question is how much damage happy is going to take his micron defend as always yeah pretty much no damage at all i don't know if attacking the skeletons was the right call because this expansion gets cancelled no matter what yeah maybe you should just attack the fiends only yeah threat did you have to get go to the well outside to get that yes it's frozen over he knows it i had to get out the the woodcutter axe and hack it open the tray down with a big beard the lumberjack shirt and the suspenders yeah i can see it player's forces are under attack so happy didn't win yet that's good yeah he's a pretty good item big man oh my god yeah abby went for a fast fiend build he was most likely expecting foster headhunters but it was farseer grunt expo so the old school spiral style oh he did like a slow death knight yep damn i don't know how he changed his builders grubby already uh in their best of five and against farsi 800 it's really good but i guess faster grunts is not that good happy is not going tier three what's happening oh he's got six fiends no slaughterhouse i think this is pretty standard isn't it against first year expansion like well you stay tier two and push it if it fails though you're insta-loose you never fail as happy yeah that's another point just play like happy just play like happy and then you have no no there's no words so i guess it's an allen with frost armor and statues the good thing about having so many fiends out early is the farsi or wolf arrest really isn't that obnoxious if you play the fast tech then the level three foster harass when you only have three fiends really slows you down and is a problem but with these six fiends you can snipe the balls really fast yeah but there's already a tc2 and get an ore behind it is it going to be frost armor or is it going to be nova i think it has to be first armor i think so too too good against grunts tc and wolves oh my god oh i thought he's gonna get surrounded but he's dead yeah he's dead ring did not protect him false oh advertising rough this frost armor work if you're bird like the first effect i think so tp to the main so there's a lot of peons going down that was a really weird movement by spider why did he go past his expansion down into the zone and then came back up in the worst congo line he said he's so happy yeah he saved let's them without dc i don't think he can do anything he also has no dust this is a very educational game for me by the way because orgs play this strat a lot all right just go to six fiends delay slaughterhouse and then go tier three i have to do a fiend build too i mean are you gonna do that blindly no maybe not how to deal with this better for oh this is the coil what the hell happy what's happening does he have a heart attack in the highlight another one oh my god what a beast it's pretty crazy how long this coil can switch the game yeah and that was a great amount of potion as well almost out of mana also but here comes a statue oh lifesaver statue very balanced unit it's fine i think they are way too tanky it's fine bro they lost 550 hp three patches ago i mean 50 hp they used to be five oh yeah true there's still dust oh mr stomp force a tp though he's gonna get yeah it this is not looking bad for spiral at all if he just keeps making a few quarters now i think he can hold he's one point oh but he's supply blocked no he has a barrel coming good now he will get level 3 tc pretty good item as well to get some mana to expect i like this that he's backing off and just creeping not trying to push this by the way this is such a weird mechanic that that mechanical units are getting hp back from legion or us yeah same is for the keeper and then ballistas yeah you may try the old yeah tranquility translative mechanical units because i think it's region not hill the same goes for statues don't you guys stop hating on my statues please very balanced i'm kind of worried that happy is just gonna just wait even though he has a huge disadvantage he'll just wait and get a huge army and win with this micro yeah that's very likely but it looks like he might be trying to push get a dark range a third here with black arrows oh but who can't even go [Music] but there's no history in the shop anymore this is looking good but this position on this position though yeah exactly this is the this is the worst thing in the world why did he build a great hall there because happy was retreating uh and then he wanted to set up there you know he was riding into the north he has to flank or dude there's no way of spiraling you have to tp and to attack this but he has nothing to do anymore there's no this tc's gonna run out of mana and then tap he's going to take over oh wait he doesn't have info on the lynch though yeah but he will just keep his uk away oh [Music] just used all of his mana on pc yeah then this is gonna die maybe coil where's the coil oh too late and the heel scroll it's not over yet though oh kill the burrow i think he's winning this yeah if he gets the lich back from the tavern oh there's a berserker standing there idly it doesn't have the dust as well so all these streams are pretty much safe this is so weird that position though jesus you guys i want to know five yeah alex oh cars here oh but decay as well cute stamp yeah very good use of this happening oh level five is gonna be just getting him back from the altar players happy is in no rush oh this cuddle i think he's gonna snipe it yeah easy oh this guy is also so good oh the heels go up too late to save the uh that feels real bad oh dust was on the tc uh i think what a frustrating game for the ufo for spiral here i mean that engagement was so bad though yeah it's hard to get a good one though what do you mean you just take you have your army send it to the right side and then you come in with a pincer oh oh firstly you cannot die but that's level three coil right there 210 damage with the a-bomb that should be enough got him level three glitch and that looks like our 1-0 oh is he blocking the rest of him oh my god you're trapped in here with me boys oh jesus and without a third hero he wanted to get one but he never did imagine like a dark range with skeletons or a pit lord oh yeah or howl or whatever still very impressive happy is actually making ghouls i just made one to to get lumber yeah i mean this is there's no coming back from this i don't think for spiral on equal economy this is just not going to work like a tier car these heroes yeah yeah you need to be far ahead and supply and even then if the heroes are super high level sometimes not even that is enough so what he has to do now is to retrain shockwave and start laming with chain lightning and shockwave and try and get a bunch of towers up and expand and stuff like that that's the only way basically possibly because he has so many headhunters that's why you don't want to make head on truth because he can't leave i would love if you did coaching sessions for players and then he's like so started what should i do and so he's like listen okay so first you need to keep in mind whatever the situation is it doesn't matter you always need to start laying okay around before you supply you buy a zeppelin liquid fire bad riders how about a grubby stream i thought he was playing fast no no you listen you don't understand piercing damage is bad against buildings right we want to kill buildings here you get it you can join me as a coach let's see it should be like when in doubt a bit more hunters yeah exactly if you can't make countries the second best thing is delay the only handset's just uh siege damage yeah there should be an upgrade like a toggle you can talk between one siege sounds like a good idea yeah i actually was thinking that it's a good idea if they could toggle their armor type yeah i've been saying that a long time that means that you're a very smart person yeah i don't think i think you're pretty smart too oh my god this is this night of circle jerk jesus christ everyone oh who would have expected that damn it it was a strong start for spiral though this looked good for a long time and then but great for positioning yeah that's always a really strong attack point for undead like in all matchups when there's an expansion yeah fighting through that choke down they're so good yeah sometimes they can even just run past it and be by the gold mine and use the actual great hall as as a blocker yeah as an idol if i sometimes even eat all these trees on the bottom of the map yeah yeah i'm too lazy to do that yeah me too i always think i should but then that would just hope that my opponent is a gentleman and won't abuse the jokes only fighting on open ground where all five mountain giants can connect oh get invited so speaking of farseer headhunters i think we're going to see at this map this map very much unlike echoes is really hard to expand decently early with a farsier if the dk comes in with the harass quickly so do you think happy's gonna go fast fiends yeah it's the question then right uh kind of the rock paper scissors of the bills because if he doesn't then and spiral does a normal build then he probably could expand quite easily yeah true if happy goes for fast fiends again spyro can just creep the natural very quickly get level three again but you should still be able to cancel you know yeah yeah my biggest hope would be to see fast tech into wyverns yeah that would be so cool what a lot i remember gamer i think who was playing against happy he was doing so well against happy i think he could like fight finns and then he still lost such penance late games doesn't work you could say that about most happy games he was losing blood anyone yeah but it was looking so good for who i think who lost because he didn't tp at one point allowed the happy to like dude it was actually in one of the earlier happy versus grubby show matches in a game on turtle rock was where grubby was going for a sneaky windwater build and he actually beat him on that map i remember that it's legit it's bad dude it's bad yes it's really bad it's just not good but it's a lot of fun though yeah i love even on spears yeah with fivers and once you get the critical mass you just can't lose that's what's really nice about it yeah it doesn't matter how good your opponent is if you go for the like 30 minutes in a rush and you go for vladis as well then you can like one one shot hero nothing to do about it well let's see if we have a 20 minute no rush here i kind of doubt it sdk fast dk sdk true i have aspire goals head over this time it's pretty good for him i guess like fast fiends wouldn't be so good here either way because the creeping looks kind of awkward with fast fiends or maybe you can go from green to the expansion i don't know especially the murloc camps are really good to take with fiends but it does take a while to get level three but i mean you have to be aggressive before level three anyways to cancel expand yeah right oh yeah wait a second okay whenever i queue up all those pianists because i'm going to attack but spiral queues up a bunch of peons and then cancels them some apn boosting i guess yeah it's getting those fingers ready did happy scout that last game oh no he was playing fast fins so he's scouting now yeah this was also one of the maps that happy lost to grubby in the show match right yeah there was this crazy big fight in the north at the expansion happy lost that map and terranus yeah i think this is a very good headhunter map because you can creep quite a few camps with headhunters only yeah i can take the middle a lot these mural camps are very easy the top one green one is also pretty easy and happy checks the mains like god damn should have gone fast fiends this time i feel like losing that acolyte shouldn't happen a player's forces are under it's very valuable later when during night time the orc is trying to creep with uh the four or five headhunters that he has normally then it wants to be aggressive but happy oftentimes plays it more passively than many other undeads instead trying to get his own level three and then with nova and coyle on tier two look for kills i mean carlo level one noah and look for kills on the headhunters because with that on this is really an important numbers game if you can keep them all alive your cruise speed is so insane but if you start losing them you quickly lose momentum yeah couldn't happy go ghouls here like if you do you have to start making fiends if you see the heritability can't you just keep making ghouls and go for like frenzy yeah i also thought he would try that in the match against grubby because also in the past happy used to play frenzy ghouls late game transition but he never did against the headhunters maybe the idea is if the tc gets three it's just too brutal yeah i think so i think that's dc plus translating combos too strong maybe very important here to retain decent health on the dk if you lose too much it's going to be very hard to contest the farcio's creeping he really wants level 2 as well but now there's really no easy way if sparrow can take this small green happy is going to have a hard time getting level 2. but again it's just one wolf if you can kill one wolf he gets and this wolf is engineered currently so perhaps oh that's nice getting chain lightning now so now we can secure creeps easier pretty good so far for mr spyro i love spiral space it looks like a computer base looks like my base i'm playing work like ah what i put my burrows i don't know and then suddenly destroyer bust out of nowhere do you guys miss ancient isles nothing terrible right so bad yeah but i have seen worse i think total rock is actually better than ancient eyes angela is just yuck all over yeah i think i agree with him yeah i think ancient dallas is better balanced but i think starter rock is more fun to play i hate the creeps on engine i was like you rally your units into the creeps all the time takes too much apm can't blame well enough can't make enough that's a lot of headhunters right here i'm very surprised spy isn't creeping more i think this is not really ideal normally you want to get level three farts here quick pressure with the wolves send the headhunters back start leveling the tc same time like he's he's making sure that all the creeps that are being crept are on happy side so when the tc is out there's a lot of creeps close by he's keeping cleveland i mean it keeps decay on level one he also used a lot of rod of necromancy but didn't creep a single crit camp since that one on the top this is also really cool because spiral knows that if happy starts creeping the magi then he can just take the middle spot yeah happy knows that so he can't take the major i have to chase so these are both kind of wasting time that was smart he knew it was just summoned so he couldn't be resumed instant tier three beast theory this is uh just like ruby right a player's forces are under attack i think so so we're both playing really well around each other's creeping high we're level see some solar creeping here for the tc no looks like the parts sometimes i feel like creeping the marketplace isn't even worth it it takes so long and you get very little experience the item's good but hey look at this this is 66 experience for the for the tc yeah okay he's gonna take the full camera if he's solo crafted he would be level two should we sell this one maybe use it to creep yeah not even sure if it's worth the clip i need to use it to creep it's like 300 gold 225 225 so strange it's the frost level level one in this matchup a player makes sense against the adventures and you see now not creeping backfires because the farsi could be level three now harassing the fiends these are sort of yeah now happy is the one getting the middle kind of energy blind porn extreme oh wow that's actually perfect drops super bad drops for spinal cord if you're gonna be happy you kind of need luck on your side as well but it's not having it right now a player's sport under attack sell it sell it and get an orb no you want tiny more claws for the lich no orbit can't you go tripler zork from a sport yeah that'd be really cool look down mass tar and triple forces i feel like i've heard that somewhere else similarly god i wish that was more legit this night was so much fun though didn't you oh there's a bird oh my god he's gonna save it he's not going to say that i told you oh my god what's the idea that's going to be plus 24 on this switch is he going to keep it on the dark range and now he's going to immediately get to the bottom camp as well and get that one yeah and the creeped out by spiral i'm really not so convinced by [Music] but he's got a tc double three fossee level three lots of headhunters plus 29 on the glitch is that even legal is that balance imagine if he had dryads to attack now they die in one shot he probably killed two with one shoulder yeah like a splash get 400 experience from it oh spiral indecisive doesn't know he wants to engage hex on the dark ranger to prevent the silence but that didn't exactly work time for the book oh thompson's book i don't think he has destroyer research yeah he doesn't [Music] i mean the book isn't doing too much in this one it's distracting a little oh great spirit's quite happy oh he got him i can hear neil's voice in my head don't underestimate the lightning damage and there's an expansion going up yeah i like that i could creep bottom right he should probably just go for the creeps as much as he can before the glitch is back no another thing zone i have a sparrow that's my rope have a two [Music] all right creep this cap solo clip on the shed under would be nice but also slower nice tank items for the tc i like it how do you guys feel about talisman of invasion i think it's underrelated yeah it's it is really bad in the early game because it doesn't help you that much to creep for example like cloth which speeds up your progress but in the late game i think it's really good i agree we're in agreement boys great you feel like holding hands or something sure why not by the way why does it it gives a 15 percent evasion and the demon hunter level 1 gives 10 it makes no sense i thought they wanted to make it and like all the items are equals level um level one skills maybe you should buff evasion to fifteen percent yeah exactly you can break out of the signs with the involved i think it will be perfect opportunity look at that stomp oh my god oh why are you using that info dude oh jesus oh he's waiting for it to run out all right nice hex after like stomp i think that was such a big mistake not just in the hole yeah and that's always the problem when the tc runs out of mana then suddenly it looks really rough and the lockdown also all raiders went down pretty early in the fight and now he sees oh my god he got him yeah he got him wow don't i don't think he should use the envelope she just okay he should use ntp yeah yeah so he's gonna fight quick but there's still expansions finished but not mining yet fully oh all the way back to the base oh that sucks yeah he's already happy he's just checking the expansion now he's gonna creep the rest wait what how do you see this there was a crystal ball revealed top left what was that oh there was a abomination of celebrity oh my god this leech yeah i'm just i'm looking at it and getting angry at this point i would just go for the banshee too i mean for the necromancer on holy friends just for delish yeah i mean the lich is throwing like a level one coil every time it attacks yes it's crazy local flame is actually pretty good kind of doesn't have a good hero for it though ah dk i guess he has to keep him in the back though a lot to make sure he doesn't get stomped solo level the shadow nice sleepers really good hair levels now for spiral four four three need to get some clarities all right shopping times what's he gonna get one of illusion oh there's slippers in there bro only a hundred gold it's interesting that happy has zero upgrades whereas spiral has three zero plus upgraded codos oh wow that's so much damage oh the coders aren't upgraded are they no no they're not they shouldn't just yeah how much longer is that 150 it should it's worth more than upgrading one i mean you should go for two zero one head hunters and one and upgrade codes that would be better also it affects heroes as well true oh he loses a lot of a bomb suddenly by the way jesus double slaughterhouse no just single players are under attack and again this position is so hard to engage into this didn't get silenced this time there's a lot of stuff here getting blocked in the back oh he doesn't having to go wrong oh yeah oh dk also in problems i silenced the shadows he couldn't hex i think maybe wait does he have death pact yeah he does get that damn book spyro winning this guys is he winning this guys i think it's looking decent oh tc what you're doing bro okay is there a dust i know you stole the dust nice that's pretty cool no happy knows there's an invis tc walking around somewhere oh that's a long congo line though moving up there good speed scroll but you see he doesn't know where to see so he's already backing off eyes all over the place but no more photos here in a second it seems sick pain splits again oh first here he's focusing passively okay oh dk focus right after he has the involved maybe he thinks he has to focus the dk because he has too much mana to coil but there's that fact this is looking pretty good for spinal yeah i think he has got it happy doesn't have much left he's got him boys he's got him he's not he's not using coils at all gg easy hell yeah well done that's what we like to see boys and because he didn't lose zero three starship is gonna give spiral 50 euros for this very good is that what i said yeah i think that's what you said with an amazon gift card coupon for kindle hawk defeated blade with two and one by the way in the third place match that is a 30 bucks bit of an upset i'd say right yeah it's a first win i think in a while for hogwarts blade we had the bands earlier what was the bands by the way um we will have to rock now apparently oh that's nice and terra nuts is banned and twisted wait no no we have we don't have twisted god damn it i can't keep this in my head amazonia okay so spiral band a z and happy band teranas makes sense i think turtle rock is pretty good for headhunters too you can definitely shop to create the shop easy right yes you can't creep the turtles on the back easy though yeah they are pretty tough and you can't creep the spawning positions easily either turtle rock is a sick blade master game blade master map oh yeah you can snipe these items as well yeah i get the ogre mage right away for grunt creeping it's really good for triple hero creeping it's really good for organ lord snipe it's really good turtles on the back i know spiral has been playing a little bit more blademaster he's been incorporating it more it's definitely not his strongest hero i'd say are you guys in the game i got invited last time i can't see it ah there it is no it's up what's the game okay final three final three there we go spiral defeated happy on ladder recently yep true that was on twisted meadows though very good orc map and not in this pool i mean next week we're gonna see you in this tournament right star shape there's no twisted in the pool amazing yeah yeah i'm gonna be happy in the finals dude if you bet happy in the finals can i make some raiders and pillage zeppelin drops gonna be good impossible on this map oh yeah there's there's no lab here oh my god yeah how can you land here it doesn't really matter in this matchup i guess does it you can still lay him pretty good without his weapon with five verse you can also pretty easily hear us from behind i guess yep i really like it you guys are cute hoping for wyvern i really want to see the linguaga style which is like solo blademaster mass towers it's just so bad dude well i remember playing on this map against mass but riders when they were towering entire middle now i hated it so much good times i hope you never run into my work on ladder it won't be so friendly next cast [Laughter] i played some guy from sweden who was playing mazbat riders before wcg who might that be i met some i played against an ielts player and i did mess uh i actually did mass wyman into bats and then he wrote you're an idol player how can you do this against one of your own oh yeah i'm sorry we're open let's just have it how it is that's how it's how you gotta play work oh there's this this guy pinot i think from germany still always still he was playing tinker buzz but riders quite often what yeah he's actually really good i think yeah he's very good and he likes i think he's still playing 2v2s i was playing ffa tournament yeah that guy is so good man i wish he was playing more i hope he won't yeah he always played wyverns and stuff again [Music] so we have a fiend built once again by happy and this time it might make some sense the thing is you don't have any critters on this map i found that so weird why did they add critters to terenas but not to twist it no wait dude turtle rock god damn it i keep mixing yeah i think he should be either on every map or unknown so we should remove them from all maps yes i mean they don't really serve a purpose they just can't get in your way sometimes yeah that's the only bad thing for undead on this map that there's no critters everything else is amazing you can creep really well you can harass really well in case of expansion against org late game it can be tough what's the big level one turtles or level two turtles are basically critters yes you can kill them very fast aren't they though he's playing fast earth on his by the way good call by happy yeah i mean the strat just worked a moment ago i think if spyro was more confident in his blade master play would play blademaster here yeah this is such a blade master map yeah stack your blademaster get the magis it's really big so it's pretty easy to creep all three heroes and triple hero combo for super creep out here so crazy for shadowhunters as well you get blademaster level 203 you keep harassing and then shadowhunter with three grunts takes out the starting red camp right away yeah get scourged bone chimes hell yeah expand build towers everywhere it's really good [Music] make some liquid fire bats does this timing work out to steal this away i think it does here [Music] he just saw the blight i guess yeah he should have gone for that yeah but shouldn't you still attack this regardless in case it's yeah because he didn't he see that there is no decay creeping if there's no dk you should know right away that there's that it's fiends and then you should keep the green guess he can give him some notes after the game code remote coming in for more sports no wait spider isn't part of most ports but he's in their discord all the time a player's forces are under attack i know that vortex really was hoping for turtle rock to come back into the pool here it is vortex why aren't you playing this tournament bro what the hell but there is no autumn leaves on this map i mean on this tournament right know what ottoman leaves or whatever it is called no this new map only in well no tournament yet i i guess it can be worse than this one i'm still not sure about all of these i mean i think it's not the greatest knock but yeah kind of boring i think the rock is pretty bad too the corner gold mines it feels like there's nothing happening there ever it just feels like a dead end and yeah and the shop is in such a weird position yeah when you want to play animals or heal scrolls it's so strange they should be probably replaced with lab and yeah i think in the middle so many games where i'm like i should get a dust but then there's never a moment where i can go that far to get a dust like it feels just the shops are way way too far away [Music] yeah and the expansion is way too easy to creep so it's a classic uh instant expansion for human but it's a very good map for mass wipers because you can creep so efficiently and this going comes they have only wolves which can't attack air so you kill golem and it's super easy wait can the ground not attack here i can run it can but there is only but there is only this golem that can attack her and there are two six level six wolves which can't so it's super easy but because on most map you have granite golem and two six level six golems and they all can attack her right yeah and here you only have scranton golem and he doesn't really do that much damage because he lose like 60 chaos damage to other units so it's even worse than golems level 6 because they have piercing damage true so it's super easy to creep this one whenever i play with riders against everything on this map i feel like spyro is oftentimes missing the timings when he's supposed to go creeping yeah i think so too i was just standing here being like yep let's attack each other i mean if you leave the dk alone for a little bit especially with this fiend but he's gonna be level three fast maybe it is beneficial i'm not if this was a ted fiend build with fewer fiends and less creeping options for happy then i think spy should definitely be creeping more but in this case maybe you shouldn't it's a hard call to make as well right are you supposed to be aggressive are you supposed to be creeping what's the proper play what do you have to keep in mind in the mid game i think is really good at that too just being on you the entire game until you get the word pretty much but now he's actually creeping so spiral could go for the ogres here scouting with the wolf really smart to make sure that how stubborn are you when you play turtle rock about getting this over major probably two star when i play against night off i have lost so many games because i was just like whatever i gotta go in with naga and ghouls i gotta commit and make sure the demon and archers don't get it and then suddenly i lose six ghouls but get the ward and i'm like yeah that wasn't worth it i feel like it's also such a random gps stuff with yes we get some snare but what is really good against work is when they totally overestimate how important the wards are and they try to snipe those two wards by all means and i creep three turtle camps in the back and then i attack him with like big heel big mana and throw the beast at 50 supply and they all chat how about those boards bro are they good for fighting that's a toxic break oh these turtles are so strong for a level seven click i think like they are so much stronger than other lords imagine this level 7 turtle on on inner yeah i think i think they are a lot stronger i mean i think turtles are stronger than overlord agrilord is super easy to pull and then here and then focus in a second with spells for example or entangle this turtle it's so hard to creep maybe it has an ambulance this coil nova is pretending to find a lot of kills here against these headliners he doesn't want to quite commit fully in yeah he's not going to fight until he doesn't warp i think she's trying to get all these turtles that he can no players forces are under attack so far spiral has won the rng with the greatest ability compared to the wonder madness happy gets petty upped not too bad honestly helps keeping glitch alive long enough for the coil to arrive a spiral finds double claws if only had a blade a player's forces are to me it makes no sense that leech as an intelligence hero is like the hero with the highest dps and bottom and the shadowhunter which are edgy ranged heroes are so bad yeah the bottom dps is a joke take one attack for two seconds or something damage searing arrows doesn't make a lot of sense on that hero she has some of the lowest attack speed in the game right and alchemist or something as agility hero that is basically based on the her entire uh on the right click entirely it feels like so useless i think you should have much higher dps and just reduce the cost of she just have different spells she's this boring ass hero yeah give her like uh give her the naga arrow that'd be nice i think that the syrian arrow should have the effect of human orb oh that'd be cool you should be popping against them oh creep jack opportunity but no help of corruption oh what the hell what's happening he wants to cancel the expansion but there's no expansion there oh yeah oh yeah maybe that gives a lot of time for spiral the creep hiking oh he doesn't know that there is a red camp probably available to him coming in for the jack this should be a pretty easy fight on paper for spyro no third hero no orb for happy but it's happy okay if he had claws that thing would be dead now he can take the red camp from the right easily i think he should have gone for that oh big man after the shadow he has double big mana big involved soapy mask wow and light more really insane he didn't find that one oh in the middle oh i'm not looking oh he's not looking stop the best aspire is moving his entire group at the same time rather than microwaving the units that are being attacked but he did bring the dust oh parse you're in trouble that's a tp tp oh now we can get the expansion cancelled this is really bad i think spirals will just go to the red spot now and get a tiny it should definitely go to the red sell the claws let's tell both of those claws get a tiny go to the right or something yeah i think cosplay's mine are very good self as arc because they are pretty expensive but they don't get huge plus six i don't think are worth selling but those nine i think are because they feel so bad though yeah but with far sierra or with keeper for example i don't think they're as good he just doesn't get enough auto attacks i'm a battle for the tc okay ish frustrating he's almost four for freedom yeah there's no basically no creep comes only one to the right and then some small ones which i'm not even sure if they're worth getting forces are under attack a nice solar creeping the dark ranger dark energy level three against mass effect is really good oh and the flute do you get error level two just in science level two really good arrow is much better it's goes from plus two damage to plus ten damage and better skeletons a player's forces are under attack really i think so level one error was plus two that can't be right yeah i think it was nerfed a while ago when dark ranger was op earlier yeah that's what i remember i always think it's so weird because like the priestess arrow is so much worse than all the other ones like it's just plus 10 damage but imagine if like you could make skeletons or slow have a slow effect so much even even higher than plenty i feel like you got an but agenda makes sense it was the very first or very first arrow they made in the game then they had to release an expansion they have to make the spells the new spells better and more fun but they should retroactively go back and buff the priestess arrow it's so if you could buff one single thing would be part of my bottom uh orb either pardon orb or thorns or both of those i think so what stones are just also works against range units or i think it just needs to be reworked entirely it's just so bad i wonder how good it would be if it also worked against ranged it would be a lot better hopefully yeah i may be too good i think because like archers and head enters like all those high dps low hp units would be they would get kind of wrecked and we go there we go 65 against 57 it's gonna be very hard for spiral here get to underpower at least tom save the code it's very important yeah keep it in the bag oh it's so close and everything i think he used the involved too late right if you use that a little bit earlier i think he gets that stomp maybe wow this was this was 65 from happy and like 57 from spyro and spiral won that fight yeah he killed one eyeball and finned and devoured one able as well look at his heroes they're so healthy this is why roll i think spiral can do it it's all about man i think it's also good for him that he has expansion in the middle and not to the bottom so he has easy access to the shop oh that coder though oh thank you oh and he's in the middle of all these heads now all right maybe it's not over yet go for the dk i'll just go for the dk you don't have enough damage who who those stomps though wolfies are doing some work in these things yeah oh this kodo dark ranger looking like the gg here boys there's a whole there's almost two stops on this tc oh my god this was the best of three spider would have won yeah geez louise it's really impressive my spiral his last two games he wants that kill really bad oh my god this is so crazy is this happening i can't believe it spiral what what a player holy watching right now he's like no no not today not today oh my god i'm happy i actually had five more supply mm-hmm but i mean this this just makes so much sense this army and the farce here is also very strong because you don't want to make destroyers so those wolves like you said they keep doing a lot of damage in the big fights yeah and like stomp x is so hard to play against i feel like this is one of those situations where playing as the undead is so much harder than the orc like to deal with those big fights when there's devour there's stomp there's hex there's yeah i think that's the idea is you creep up you get some decent levels you have good focus fire and then you get up to 60 and then you have a strong dark ranger whereas the shadowhunter is like me and then you could put keep pressure on the orc and never allow him to expand and go super late but spiral always sneaks it in good man good man yeah but his expansion was really late yeah this was a comeback like remember he had to hit the tp he lost his expansion yeah happy was super far ahead for a while there i can't believe spiral actually won that game i think in the end items really helped him he got so many good items yeah yeah that's true big involved double big mana was pretty sick yeah yeah as well and those claws plus nine on the farce here dude hell yeah this is another one of those maps where i think we're probably gonna see those head hunters can you imagine if spiral wins 3-1 against happy i should be hyping this up way more by the way this is this is pretty sick man happy this is like the first i'll go ahead happy hasn't lost the best of five in three and a half years january of 2017 is the last time we lost the best of five against a westerner jesus and this is the first cup of the new skill play it's a good first cup yeah skill play here a lot of eyes on this match off to a good start a lot of prize money also in this we have 150 euros for first 50 euros per second happy was ready you know to deposit his 150 into his bank account inspire says not so quick mr coston next map concealed hill it's a lot worse for headhunters i think interesting though pretty cool i think it's pretty much impossible to get all three heroes level 3 here right far crtc and sh yeah very hard to do what's the last map do we have lr already we didn't have i don't think we did lr is last okay so i wonder if happy is going to try something different maybe he will go for pittsburgh further yeah how much mitigation be better and having this really scary not having silence though yeah but at the same time you can break that with finival yeah but then you're vulnerable oh dude happy down one and two should have played night off he's pretty good with night off dude have you seen his streams yeah yeah he's really good she struggles against human though like everybody else yep spyro's making us wait nature calls there's a great final dude was uh not necessarily expecting this pretty cool pretty cool yeah i'm glad that went went to the finals otherwise i think it would be a lot one more one-sided yeah classic yeah i feel like orc is his worst matchup by far by far yes it's not even close is he thinking about a lord now maybe it's it's a very bad map for it be honest i mean it could work yeah unless refuge possibly nobody's barely played any crypt lord only pro games we saw it so far from him was undead mirror i think i would love to see him perfect cripload against orc though there's also a good reason for him to do it as yes he's he's struggling yeah but it is hard for him to practice that on the eu because there are so few good orcs only grab your basic clips playing regularly yeah yeah it feels like cash hasn't played in forever it's not playing that much i think spiral is often not racing or not playing as much as well so there are not that many great orcs damned it's probably gonna do it is this the day is this the day i feel like i have heard that many many times before oh yes i've said it a lot i think spiral was up to one again as well in the home story cup right oh i think he was i think he was up but i'm not sure because it was up one zero or two one yeah i feel like imagine if you're spiral now how nervous you have to be so much prefer yeah happy doesn't get nervous he doesn't feel pressure does he doesn't seem like it so we have a farcier head hunter build again fast decay i mean for spyro seems to be a pretty easy spreadsheet right now farseer grunt expo map one lose farsier headhunter map2n3 win but yeah this map is not going to be doing him any favors [Music] whereas the dk ted fiend creep right here is really good you can get to level 3 super easy with ogre green merchant green but of course first year will be harassed it's 11 p.m already dude what the hell yeah it's been podcast tomorrow morning by the way nice and early we're going to have dreamhack falls starting with the asian open qualifier number one gotta get there go qualifier tomorrow as well um yeah we have you after and then america as well i think you know yep in the evening gonna be a long day it's the same system eight players qualifying to pay for um eight players from the open qualifiers qualify for close qualifiers yeah where the place 9 216 from last time and the top 8 finishes are already fully qualified didn't see you guys yet in the qualifier boys what's up yeah maybe maybe a sunday when all the good players are qualified you mean a lambda no i might actually play we'll see a player's forces are under attack oh that's pretty cute here wolf summoned headhunters creeping with the wolves grubby was doing that a lot yeah i started probably doing this spy was such a fraud such a bad boy anyone can be happy 3-1 if you just copy carpet that's not fun get it you gotta challenge yourself i wonder if spiral is legit gonna retire if you beat scrapping happy today like how much higher can you go yeah i would like that's my last game see you guys in warcraft 4. by the way i want played master buff no wait you're born first year buff ortiz yeah yeah so stomp isn't good enough sometimes when i get level five tc i don't automatically win the game good items here for the dk and now again the weird decision is the spiral fall back try to creep get level three in this game with this build by happy i'd really like to see it because happy's gonna be stuck on three fiends for quite some time likely he left the stone oh no coil surprisingly a player's force oh he's gonna get that one headhunter maybe even two with skeletons you're trying to surround with his atoms seems dangerous oh there's 200 going down that hurts oh maybe huh nice he realized oh look at the micro oh this one though oh my god oh are you kidding me dude if he saves those both and surrounds the fiend oh my god someone has to clip that viral oh my god that was amazing head hunter in the main base oh run run right he's gonna get down oh nice he realized dude he's really playing well yeah this is incredible very well done that's iran was so sick like what just happened is what we would expect from happy like he would he would be the one who like got us round and got away with everything but now the spiral thing a player's forces are under attack pretty pog it's happy delayed three [Music] seem like he is hmm if you don't have grants you can't level the tc so easy though this is such a big upside of playing farseer grunts into tc you can create the natural and the merchant super quickly with the normal damage from the grunts get a quick level three yeah looks like he might be trying to no just scouting [Music] they're creeping with headliners on this map doesn't feel very good oh another creep jack could be coming in he has no one definitely against oh oh he's gonna try to go for fs oh this is dangerous [Music] so fast yikes i was about to say that it was isn't worth to go for the fs i think it would be better to get two or three head hunters instead of forcing people but i guess if you can kill him oh and this balloon oh and dc oh my god oh happy has woken up dude he's mad that's not bad he's gonna keep it close with the statue watch watch wow gg all right that's happy coming back with a vengeance someone in moscow was just challenged and man he uh he's showing up to play now damn looks so good for a while and then suddenly boom there he is 2-2 [Music] last map last refuge who's going to win this boys um i think happy yeah but uh because a i think lr is really good friended and b i think sparrow might be a little bit tilted after that game this is like a momentum swing because happy now feels like he's doing so well and spiral like he was doing so well until that one crib jack and then game was completely lost yeah what a fast turnaround oh i don't think i was invited what's the game name final five final five could be a different build once again it's very very likely to have farsi head hunters here and this map is really good here yeah exactly that fiend creep rod isn't really that good fiends could be much better but happy hasn't been doing so well with them at least on uh telerock it does it really does feel kind of dated when you compare like the modern builds get the orb so fast that when when you see this fast fiend style it's like it feels like they're without orb for such a long time yeah also when you are playing like fast fins you get level 3dk pretty fast but you have footage really late and you want to level him afterwards and it feels so useless to decay to level four because you waste some so many easy camps that are pretty safe yeah and it's hard to each other all right is it happy now in beast mode fast decay no fiends okay or no fast fiends will of course be fiends coming in here shortly or will it maybe he'll surprise us with some math schools imagine a blade master now out of nowhere no way no way or maybe a sage harass acolytes lindstein but it's so cool to see spiral compete within this tournament because there were so few orcs recently i feel like it was all about human versus i think my phone broke news flash happy was playing on his phone this whole time microwaving this touchscreen this is our last map of the evening guys winner here wins the tournament skill play warcraft 3 open on the new platform skill play a new tournament series here has been started and there's gonna be at least four installments we're gonna be here next week i think well honestly i'm not sure depends on our dream act schedule but probably we're gonna be back because dreamhack also starts tomorrow morning for which i'm gonna have to get up at like 8 a.m or something but are you guys getting up tomorrow um i don't know we'll see probably like 8 a.m so i can watch that stream well i mean the stream starts a lot later starts yeah i think it's 11 a.m [Music] at least that was last time but we have to do stream checks and that is checks last uh dreamhacker was fun because on some of the days our netize just wouldn't work for no reason we had tried it the evening before was fine and then the next day and then he doesn't work we have to download walker three entirely again which takes like two hours from china the full patch as well with the like 30 gigs yeah yeah yeah so fingers crossed all open qualifiers are this week yes i think so okay this weekend i saw terrace playing i got big hopes we might see some garx then does he play guards a lot yeah he does play gardens a lot oh fun he even played that against human a player's forces are under attack it's a bit of creeping here oh century watch really nice oh the attack is wow completely broken it's the same speed i guess how do you feel about centuries star-shaped ah the player's forces are under i think about some maps they're just way too uh i think this is one of those maps where if you put them on like you have two spots you can put them you basically have a map pack yeah you basically know even if you counter that you still get a lot of information for some resources of your opponent yeah and you have to go to the shop get the dust back if you miss your reveal then it feels really bad you have to spend another gold [Music] it takes a lot of time you also give your information where you are when you are killing them so it's not oh sure oh my god nice oh if he gets out though that's a kind of new item it is it's like a mobile manual oh nice cancel let's get another charge dude no worries that's the sentry ward the century award gave him that castle yeah by the way when you use ritual dagger do you see how big of a area it covers i mean how many how many units will get healed in the area no no we don't know that but you always at least heal yourself so like oh okay the cast range is always enough to hear yourself i thought you can you can miss your decay right now that would be feels bad but no i think it's like 300 range so it's idiot radius or something maybe i'm not sure maybe it's more 400 it doesn't say anything about range i even activated the advanced tooltips man and he still doesn't tell me scanned did you guys know that you can turn off the profanity filter yeah i know i only realized that a few weeks ago i was like oh thank goodness finally now i can see in all its glory how my opponents are flaming me oh uh oh wow i'm really bad with the subs today uh zypnotic thank you for the sub incinerator with the 28 month says let's go orc and here lando 24 with the four months you have the good work thank you for your dedication thank you guys very much all right i want to see that partier level three spiral let's do it nice item oh my he might be in time still over my johnny that would be really big i think he showed himself though i mean there has to be a coil okay where's the coil though yeah that's not bad begin was very nice he's gonna need to have some kind of protection after losing the teepee i think happy got it because he's creeping at the same time down here yeah it would have been level three chain lighting always has this little delay on the damage boys level three it's pretty good tc coming out got some clarities oh we forgot the shop yikes oh no oh that's so bad clarity running now and he could continue harass this would be so good yeah i yeah and imagine happy jacking now that would be basically game over century what bro he's fine oh cyclone oh one of the wind and oh and happy night if he uses it right this is so insanely good yeah and you go don't go destroyers against head hunters i think tier 2 is especially long time here though oh yeah he's making a a fourth cigarette and another fiend he's going up to 40. i think he might be going he might push right now yeah maybe a second he even got mana potion before taking the tier 3 i think he's going in right but spiral isn't even going tier three so they're both kind of oh and spyro doesn't have what is this game dude this is so bad because he doesn't have kills he can't even kill his heroes and he can't even go backwards oh my god he can't get to his shop no and now he's caught oh my god he kind of has to be back but then he's inside his own base look at that dude this one shop oh this counter though luckily this okay tc is level three okay got the big involved yeah oh spiral he can do this with cyclone i think oh my god he can win this game right now he can win this game right now i think he got it ensnared oh my god he's getting the legislature's dead oh my god cyclone again it doesn't it's here i think it's i think it's over is he surrounded on the dk oh nice zeppelin evacuated oh my god get out get the hell out 47 against 36 oh my god he was going to three behind this so i don't really don't know what happened here yeah it was so weird this push was makes no sense he has he had no tp and he just pushed with three fins and touches yeah maybe his intention was to keep spyro from creeping but that's so risky about tp you can get his speed scroll stunt and then you're dead basically i thought he was going to go in but he didn't oh my god inspired on the verge of winning the first time in three and a half years oh oh raider ensnared oh my god he can go straight to the red now too if happy was good he would drop his decay near the shop and coil from behind because he's such a bad player right i mean if happy was good this is what he would do that's what i would do luckily for them i'm not playing [Laughter] oh dude spiral he's smelling blood in the water he's coming in in this dc that's so smart that could be a sick creep jack abby doesn't have the orb yet oh my god oh he's gonna get it now oh boy here we go here we go here we go here we go one creep jack and there's to make history oh this top oh so nice got involved oh boy okay that's that that was the last stomp though this is where happy could turn around just keep you out tp out now oh my goodness spiral no koda goes down he's almost here three i just have to fight damn dude it's the game don't fight in the undead base don't do it but i mean happy has supplied oh not anymore but he doesn't have expansion behind and i mean spiral he can get a tiny but then i think there is a good timing for happy then yeah because it's so expensive that he'll be at 40 supply maybe if he goes for it now and then happy can push at 50. yeah happy kind of stabilized here i really wish spider would have gone right to the red as soon as happy went into zeppelin could have crept the entire red spot but uh i mean he really wants to end the game i think when he feels like he can items are greatly in favor of spyro right crosstalk boots for the dark ranger okay uh spyro's items not too great either pretty bad level 4 though that's so sick wow and the heck's on the way as well flute for the headhunters very good oh he sees the peon moving over can you just go for a tiny though he's got four four heroes right now this expansion would be so late if you just go for time okay i think he goes for the tiny oh yes and gold dude oh he's had it for quite a while under attack he's 300 gold behind god damn he's a great final dude level three dk about to get four dark ranger close to two oh this is a bad position for spiral yeah and this rider it goes down immediately that's so bad oh crazy splits magnetic splits dude what the hell gets off a devourer but info on the tcu that's a big involve yeah it's a win for happy right here i think this he might even go down if he gets to know him dark ranger it's okay if she dies though he's only level one oh tc he can't fall oh no spiral [Music] [Laughter] oh the a-bomb block here we go now he's showing off g g well played whoo happy gets the win in the end this is so close yeah the distance spiral went the distance for sure the streak is unbroken happy still undefeated in best of fives against westerners for three months no three years and eight months we will have to wait for another best of five
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 20,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2019
Id: dX1uR6BhWLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 31sec (5611 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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