WC3 - W3C S6 Finals - FFA Grand Final

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and this is it the winner takes 100 dollars in his quest versus shake versus gradient versus ishan aka nightwing and we play on fountain of manipulation we will talk a little bit about manipulation i think because that is probably a topic that we have to get into and with that being said i'm ready are you ready i am count us down all right three two one go here we go oh man i'm excited i don't know how long it's been since we three casted together but it feels like a year or something way too long what's a year in in warcraft 3 terms right it's it's nothing um yeah uh fountain of manip here um one of the most classy maps and also one of the most balanced maps and not as big as the map that was initially assigned to this match so uh interesting interesting to see this and yeah i prefer this over the map that was chosen initially so very nice so so what happened i thought wasn't the final gonna be on harvest i heard that maybe there was a disconnect or something like that originally yeah and since harvest is a lot bigger i guess they decided to swap the map just because of size and and expected game length so um i guess um or maybe there was something wrong with the map file but i i don't really think that was the case got it yeah i think that was the reason they just wanted to cut it a little shorter after the initial disconnect but since the map is called fountain of manipulation let's talk a bit about it so in war 3 champions there is chat you can manipulate you can play uh politics in ffa here yeah and it's it's a never-ending discussion honestly and you i already read it in the chat right now so ffa should be without chat and is there a chat or not and it's really it's it's very difficult to solve honestly this one is with chat and arguably like not everything you read is true obviously and sometimes it can be annoying but usually if you have like with this cast with experienced players it could be no chat it usually doesn't change much because everyone is um is scouting usually and knows what's going on but especially for new players it's while it can be annoying it's also helpful to have chat because without chat you're really lost against experienced ffa players and um sometimes it feels as if things are coordinated by chat but more often they are not really and you we will see here we have some very chat heavy players here so um we will read some chat but um it should not like people shouldn't read too much into that chat just because someone is writing or asking for help doesn't mean he's necessarily getting that help so um yeah and i think the uh the map is fountain of manipulation and it's uh kind of a play on that the taboo of manipulation but in reality the map is small as high tech mentioned it's it's balanced it's just a four player map so you know there's there's only uh there's there's not other spawns everybody's evenly balanced so we'll see because these players you know gradient and quest they're famous for rebuilding uh you know never being able to be eliminated uh more difficult to play that kind of style on this map speaking of the players who do we got here introduce these legends to us yeah we are from russia we have quest here um at the top left undead player famous for his quest bo where he goes for an extremely quick attack without any production buildings just first getting a second necropolis and then instantly attacking just to get the second hero out asap so as you see um he is not even five minute mark and lich already almost out so um yeah he's famous for that and for a great macro player he's one of the strategical masterminds so he's extremely good in managing his um his economy and late game he likes to if he has the gold and um has acolytes out of the map he likes to lose his main base and just just get an advantage somehow even if it means to give up name base and then just to rebuild and run under the radar so he's yeah definitely one or probably the strongest on that active on that ffa player and uh yeah next to him is gradient here from poland um the famous legend often faced also by grubby in um in leather games and known for getting a wall of ancient protectors and he's also a great um great with a macro play late game um likes to either be on 50 supplier 100 supply and not to be underestimated like he definitely knows what he's doing although sometimes it seems he's not but he he's very capable and then we have uh nightwing aka ishan from the us who i'm not sure if he picked human or if he picked random like he's a random player usually but sometimes picks races um he was the top ranked player so he initially chose the map and um he's also very experienced more than 15 years of ffa experience and likes to likes to man up a lot so he's a also very clever player and then last but not least we have sheik who is i guess i guess the most well-known player of these four outside of the fa um scene and um who participated in all recent ffa events so he's definitely he became very very experienced in ffa also um not as experienced as the other players here but of course he has better micro and um uh very interesting to see him with human here yeah i think uh rishan was picking human but sheik was randoming and i i've seen a lot of undead games from from sheik but i've never seen him off race so this is interesting for me to see him with human yeah usually he i saw him with undead or with awk in ffa but i guess he can play any race and um yeah it's it's definitely it will be interesting here to see him potentially facing ichan um in the human mirror and each i'm going for rifleman here um while sheik is directly attacking to griffins as it seems so um we'll see who if they are going to face each other who is going to have the upper hand yeah i think the last time we casted together was like two patches ago or something so sexy tell me what's the matter in ffa right now yeah you know i'm just kind of getting back into it a little bit so high tech could probably speak on that a little bit more so to me than i than i could but i know that i will i will say that it's interesting because this cast is kind of a contrast in styles where you know you have sheik who's who's the best solo player really good micro relatively new to the scene and then ishan and gradient and quest are are all three of are gonna be the most seasoned free-for-all players very very good you know if you can win a game versus uh even one of these guys you know you got to feel good about yourself just because they're so so difficult to beat in the long run so it's interesting because all three players kind of have a similar style outside of chic um as far as the meta goes um you know i think that there's just kind of different styles on how you can play human and high tech uh touched on that a little bit so sheik is going to check for looks like griffins and priest and he'll probably rush ishan if i can imagine just because you know quest will be playing a gargoyle base uh whereas ishan chose to play rifles you know can creep the map a little bit better and he'll likely try to get this uh middle camp with the dragon as well and you know grady will be grady uh he's gonna make a lot of towers he's gonna be 50 food he's going to come to 100 food likely choose his target after you know the other people are fighting uh so we'll see how how the strategies develop and i think very fortunate here for gradients enemies that he's not going for like some tinker animal harass that he's famous for um but going for uh we we tend to call it trunks threat we could because trunks is the the strongest elf player ffa elf player that is active and he always plays demon hunter naga priestess of the moon and that's what gradient is playing here um contrary to some animal mass chimeras threats so um yeah i think that's an advantage here for the other players to not deal with this annoying threat and and meta always i think it's um the the most recent patches have not changed that much honestly um but i mean surely we have seen some evolution for elf is playing more mountain giants um for for two years now i would say and um that's a necro here and there but all in all i think a human was affected most i guess um by the patch or by the patches by not playing mass tanks anymore that often i would say it's a human definitely affected the most okay so is that good for human because they have other options or do they suffer because tanks aren't that valid anymore i mean historically human has been the strongest ffa race i would say has won the most titles and mass tp especially on big maps is just the most the most relevant skill there is so human has in the past human had a lot of options tanks griffins early rifle pushes um there's many many options that humans had but since the tinker got buffed heavily and human is often facing tinker now and tigger is extremely extremely powerful against tanks and gyros um that has been a bit nerve for human um and also the tank nerf so that especially that tanks are for supply and um and now give a bit less xp but um still a bit more than in in the in the past it's it's it's challenging for humans i would say it's still best to find but of course a bit weaker yeah i think human was clearly the best free-for-all race for many many years and then uh the nerfs that high-tech alluded to uh tanks going from three food uh to four supply really changed the army compositions um because like an 80 food composition you know with six tanks uh then until now you know just that difference in food makes your 80 food uh so much weaker so i think people migrated to playing flying machines a little bit more rifles a little bit more obviously they had a buff as well but let's not forget brilliant sora at level three was also nerfed um the divine shield uh duration was nerfed as well on the paladin so human was really hit hard in combination with uh as high tech said that tinker the tinker uh buffs with rockets that can hit air and then saying that kevin is swollen um so i'd say the races are all pretty much equal now i think the balance is pretty good um but humans definitely a little bit weaker than they were and we see a first fight here between gradient and and ishan here at this expo and the human force in gtp so it's interesting because quest called out that he's fighting a gradient and then ishan quickly typed like oh you're toming him again kind of thing but then ishan decided to fight gradient briefly so i think he would rather fight gradient with this rifle-based army than have to have an early one-on-one with sheikh so maybe he's kind of forcing the action by attacking and then having chic attack quests instead you think that's the case high-tech yeah i guess um i mean i think sheik's advantage here is that all these three other players know how difficult it is to face like uh nightwing gradient and quest like they all they're all i guess suspecting each other to like just hoard or man at them so i think she can fly under the radar here and yeah i mean gradient usually early game you can fight him much much more easily than late game so i guess that's why quest and nightwing want to face gradient rather than she um so she can potentially use this as an advantage ooh paladin getting stuffed out here yeah now gradient is the one who tp's out all right there's still a couple of mortars maybe some of these towers falling here uh for gradient i see a naga with mana shield and as a one-on-one caster i am very confused about that choice yeah i mean it's not a like it's a very strong spell especially if you get naga to high level or if you play on a map like this with the markets place where you can buy mana pendants and stuff so a mana shield extremely strong um really of course you need to decide whether you want to go for arrow then or lightning shield but mana shield is is is a really nice spell yeah i think it's a unique choice you know obviously you'd think you'd go fork lightning and cold arrow but gradients style is not a whole lot of micro just really good macro and decision making and uh as high tech pointed out mana shield does scale extremely well which you know people wouldn't be able to see a level seven eight nine naga in a solo game often times um but at level three mana shield like the naga is almost unkillable and then cold arrow just helps to target with hippo riders or chims and it actually makes the elf army very very good and also easy to manage and easy to micro uh playing cold arrow and mana shield all right sounds good so far hey what time are you guys at i think i'm just a few seconds behind you guys i'm at 15 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 55 okay all right perfect so far i'd say there's no clear advantage for air anyone really well i i would say so like no one has lost the the smith expo which is really painful because it's far far from your main base so it's very difficult to take it back once you lost it and that's usually like the beginning of the end for you if you lose it and now we see sheik here with inner fire tanks moving towards quests with expo and yeah let's see how quest is able to deal with it yeah note that quest is 80 food and sheik is basically a hundred food uh so it's going to be difficult for quest here uh we'll see if he's able to to survive these tanks there's the second fight as well here we see rocket from the tanks of course doing kind of nicely against garx's double heel what not canceled by sheik at all quite still difficult fight for quest here with mass air and he was i would say too close to the tanks not disappearing in a fire i guess did he i haven't seen her at least oh but gradient pushing into uh ishan's plane base here losing the second hero already that's some good experience for isha and how do you get this demon hunter out oh no stumbled anymore okay so just walk it off i guess potentially use the tpe here if he gets the mana potion which he does oh i guess he has still enough time in the meantime quest space is gonna get wrecked here yeah i think a criticism of quest style uh just going gargoyles no matter what in every situation it does hurt you when you face a good work or or even a good uh a good human excuse me or a good orc in this manner um because you would like to have a fiend based army against human early like an 80 or 100 food of of you know fiends worms destroyers maybe some anti-magic shield it's much more effective against human early now once undead gets level 5 heroes specifically level 5 dreadlord then of course they can fight with mass guards they can fight tanks and gyros um but early game with level 2 dreadlord level 4 death knight the gargoyles are just ineffective and i think sheik is using that to his advantage and the army composition makes it more difficult for quest yeah he's adding some worms now so three he had one worm before now he has three so he might be able to fight this off but uh yeah he looks to be in a good spot now oh oh yeah this does not look like a great fight and all four for quests still the heel words go through pretty much the entire area of the fight mana is getting rather low but so are the guards quite losing quite a bit down to 80. but he wants to lose the garx so as long as he can has worms still to deal with all these tanks there are no more other units basically so he can kill the tanks easily with his worms and then he's can fall he doesn't want to be in high upkeep after this fight is over ideally he even wants to drop 250 and get back the main mine in peace that's what he will attempt i guess um but yeah he found back she gets down to 900 gold 64 supply while crest has 4k gold and 68 supply so arguably quest in a really good spot yeah well done by quest there i think uh i think sheik with humanist is probably not as good as when i saw him play with undead his army composition seemed good but he didn't really macro behind it and uh maybe microed a little bit strange there with his units as well but it's definitely in a good spot and meanwhile ishan and gradient are are fighting pretty much neck and neck i think ishan has a decent advantage it looks like 80 food almost 2k gold um good use of the gyrocopters against gradient there and i think gradient is just a little bit unfamiliar with with fighting these super early fights you see that he invests a lot of money into his economy and into his towers and moon walls in his main base you know which of course doesn't serve him on the battlefield you know early on in the game all right from what i learned last time i cast with you sometimes you purposely leave your opponent alive to to like tom him or uh feed off experience from him is that the case already here somewhere i don't think so because like all players are like it's not easy to finish someone off entirely everyone has rather low gold here so i wouldn't say so and also it's pretty risky in this kind of situation to leave someone alive because you want to make it into the three-way and usually good players will realize once someone gets toned too hard and will maybe even help him to stay alive so um if you have a chance to finish someone early in a four in a four way you usually try to do that unless you know you can finish them very easily in a few minutes it does look like that chicken quest they called for peace and it's funny that she says he has two shredders but he only has he had three one upgrades on his tanks and you know one arm upgrade on his spellbreaker so he's a little bit behind in macro i think he kind of needed the piece when he didn't finish quest up at his expansion he's gonna want peace level three pallet and level three mountain king he's gonna want a chance to get gold and quest is okay with that as well um because likewise right they're okay if they both accumulate their gold while ishan and grady and fight now peace isn't gonna last forever you know they're gonna scout they may even re-engage you know at 80 or 100 food um but it is if you can't definitively finish your opponent quickly and all four players are skilled it does make sense not to just go all out you know and to preserve some gold and to scout and be patient because you know you're playing the long game right it's not just to win your initial one-on-one you want to have enough gold and you know a position to to win the game even after you win the initial fights oh and gradient getting a nice fight here getting a lot of kills obviously without panda tinker it's very hard to face human here so he really wants demon hunter at six and maybe priestess at level 6 at some point you have stufful both spells very powerful against human and for now he's in a good spot i guess wants to get back his main mine and she and quest fighting again both got an army back so um i'm not sure i think at some point it will become very hard for sheik to fight quest with this tank-heavy army yeah i agree and just looking at items also quest dreadlord has two pendant of energies uh which is just insane uh easily the best item you can get that's not a high level item on this map so he'll be able to just stack those carrying swarms uh over and over and over again soon enough all right so isha was saying we're dead now why is that yeah he will always pretend to be dead even if he's winning like really always like you can never trust but it's it's not only him many players will say they are dead just because it's not like it will rarely be a disadvantage for them to pretend to be dead like it's always good to appear weak in ffa like it's never good to appear strong um and he's also just convincing i think he's trying to convince his opponent gradient like hey let's stop fighting you know we're both in a bad spot right now using our gold let's scout the map and really it is so he can you know just gain gold and get a better advantage um but when you have someone that's going at you non-stop and no one is a clear winner then yeah you're hurting each other's chances a lot of the times yeah he's here on the right hand side i think gradient has to fight him to reclaim that gold mine yeah he surely has to um so yeah i think they will continue to fight um as long as like no one else is attacking them or no one is dying on the left side they will definitely continue and yeah sorry go ahead oh that's okay i was just going to say ishan basically made that decision to keep fighting as well when he's taking gradients expo right in the middle and it's smart because you see that gradient is staying or he was staying under 50 food he was trying to fight with his heroes you know accumulate a little bit of gold from both of his minds he did that he's going to go 80 food now and we'll see if he's able to push back ishan and he certainly needs to to get that middle expansion yeah now quest moving and knowing he can get some easy xp like it seems a bit sneaky here he's backstabbing gradient because he knows that's the easiest way to get xp and i think he would have dropped to 50 supply if he hadn't wouldn't have had all these worms but then he with with these worms he couldn't couldn't drop to 50 so he decided to get garx again and then just attack another player and that's that's what he does here yeah smart to feed some experience there looks like quest is gonna fight this back um but quest definitely getting excuse me gradient is gonna fight this back i believe quest getting a lot of free experience here though that's like that's always the thing right like you can you can get a lot of xp by backstabbing usually you like spend trust for it and also chic like sheik wants to do the same but comes too late to the party so now they team three on one against gradient here which easily happens if you're the weakest player here um because you lost your mid mine and everyone knows oh yeah that's probably the player who's going to be done first anyways and very often that's the player who like it seems very rough if you if you're just opposite like if you observe it but it when i started to play ffa it was super normal to just that one player needs to get out of the game like it's like at some point one player has to die um just so the balancing can can start and it it doesn't help anyone to keep one player in the game so usually after early one-on-ones it's like if as and you mentioned it neo it seemed as if ishan was toming gradient so there was no reason for the other players to keep gradient in the game [Music] no gold anymore just 60 pop how do you even fight back from a situation like this yeah he wrote arrested back in the way that he does and it's smart is he's going for the economy of the undead player and he can always be annoying by killing your acolytes killing your mind you know he still has towers and moon walls in his main base so you know he is gonna last he's not gonna die completely and that's the problem with attacking gradient is that you know he'll always come at your economy however in this case on this map you know without those heroes that he typically plays like beast master and tinker you know he's playing a more standard combo uh he's less of a threat in that manner um but again his base is strong enough his heroes are are strong enough i i don't think he's gonna be eliminated uh anytime soon this is something that i remember from from the last time we casted that even if you're down to like 20 supply and have one gold mine left there's still some weird comeback mechanisms in ffa yeah even that's the greatest i think the greatest thing about ffa even if you have only one wisp as long as you have some gold to get back a tree of life for example in in the case of a night elf you're never out of the game until you're really out in a game like this where you face experienced players it's less likely to survive i would say because players are aware that you're a threat if you can rebuild but especially on ladder or if you have uninexperienced players it's it's amazing to like be almost done and then um like get back into the game and and then win like that's that's a great feeling so um even if it takes like two hours sometimes um it's like still it's definitely worth it and like to me it feels more rewarding than a four and four wins for example but um also it's some serious time investment i guess so i just want to say a couple couple things on that uh you know the reason for that is that in free for all you invest in your heroes so much through items and hero experience so you know if you do have enough to rebuild you know a main hall and then an altar and a moonwell or whatnot you know eventually you can get your heroes back and claw back in the game uh because high-level heroes you know can certainly take on armies at the end of the game or they can play in hero arena and they can they can rebuild so it's definitely a cool factor and and yeah it probably happens more often in ladder but that's certainly a possibility here and then just the other thing i wanted to say is that uh you see that quest is starting to get upset in the chat uh cussing it they're not quest i'm sorry isha and cussing a quest in all caps telling him not to manip so there's a there's some history between ishan and quest they certainly uh you know don't necessarily like each other so much so it'll be interesting how that dynamic plays here they are fighting here on the top spicy fight indeed so let's see who comes out on top once again the heel warts for such a long time aoe hits hard and now we got a level six archmage with mass teleport have fun with that yeah gradient is getting back his mid mine while uh ishan is fighting quest here so very interesting dynamic yeah so pretty good fight on both ends here um you know it's interesting that quest is very very good at picking up these consumable items he's usually the one that has healing wards and scrolls of the beast which are so effective with big armies but isha and actually here with the healing ward and it lasted for quite a while so they're both taking some serious damages here all right now gradient joints are free here nice yeah so i mean to your point they're high-tech right gradient kind of went for a sneaky move to backstab excuse me quest did a sneaky move to backstab gradient in his base to feed experience but you know he created a new enemy and since he didn't eliminate him all the way now he's coming through and doing the same thing the quest so you know and all of a sudden quest is in a very tough spot because he was not dropping to 50 and getting a bank he still has 4k gold but he has lost all expos and all of a sudden i would say he's in a worse spot than gradient here so mining going on anymore at all yeah so he really invested his trust by backstabbing gradient hoping to maybe eliminate him and at least get a lot of xp and now he's yeah he might eliminate it here right and he's not he's not rebuilding his army uh kind of true to his style you can see his main gold mine still has a lot of gold in it as well you know it's not his plan to have to fight uh so much early in his base like this and it's coming the fact that he backstabbed grady or that he interrupted that and that he didn't make an army you know some of these things are coming back to haunt him now i may even cancel the garx here because usually he doesn't it doesn't make sense to just pump some units into your enemy if you know you can't deal with them anyway um so he yeah he needs to hope for sheik here i guess and quest has no acolyte i i think would love to have my overlay for one-on-one now oh that was a big carrying swarm uh yeah it looks like it has one the craw pole is left so you could yeah i'm really not sure why yeah why sheik is helping here i i don't quite get it i think it would make more sense for sheik to also attack quest here get some experience and then because if if quest dies this at least one of these mines can be taken by sheik very easily so usually in sheik's position i would have rather attacked quest here and make sure i get one of these gold mines because there's still a lot of gold in here like 4k gold can be very valuable yeah for sure and we'll see if quest can hang on because like you said he has 4k in his main uh gradient seems to have it out for him at this time everybody's pretty low in gold uh you know obviously sheik has has the most gold in about a hundred food army um but ishan is uh steadily mining this mine up top uh he's under 50 food right now and he has a better hero levels than sheik so we'll see if ishan can accumulate enough gold and maybe sheik will engage quest or gradient and ishan might be in a good spot here going forward yeah and she gets 100 supply so and since he doesn't isn't mining it definitely makes sense to be 100 here but he should use this 100 supply asap to um prevent another player from staying below below 80 or even on 50 so he may try to attack um yellow here yeah i would attack yellow if i was him for sure i think he's a little bit uncertain of what he wants to do you know he came up to try to save quest uh you know he's been indecisive on on attacking ishan but the thing is with humans especially in free-for-all they really need hero levels like one once human has you know mass tp they have level 5 mk level 5 paladin they become so much stronger um so if you're 100 food he's going to want hero levels for sure and i think finally he's going to start doing that and the lich is trying to escape here with a with an inverse potion but into like ours yeah okay and stick yeah sheik is getting threatened here by ishan that's okay yeah isha likes likes to talk apparently and he's getting punished for that sheik finally attacking finally getting some levels in but also gradient like trying to kill quest right now yeah makes sense like you as as mentioned you want to eliminate one player and i think especially a gradient also now holding a grudge against quest for backstabbing him so it feels good like to just pay back and and kill him now um and sheik yeah it's it's a bit tricky for him because because he quests being eliminated here so no gold um so it definitely was not a good move after all to just attack gradient and um it seemed okay at the time but oh yeah backfired go over steel he kills me mass army and of course uh he doesn't have an army himself he shined to make an army here and that's that's a downside right if you sheik was maybe a bit too hesitant here i think he should have attacked quicker now he just attacked one useless town hall in the middle and gave ichan time to manip and mine his main on 50 supply not pumping above 50. so i think in this case he should have attacked the main base forced him to get an army and do it a bit quicker because now it's three-way and ishan will probably try to turn mana gradient into thinking that sheik is the strongest player by far and team him yeah you said earlier that that you want to create a three-way as as fast as possible so what changes in the in the dynamic of this game now now you can start to balance like you can really hold everyone accountable and try to get an advantageous position yourself which is not really possible in a four-way but in a three-way you like you you can either decide to team someone um but if if you like it depends how honorful you want to play like usually you can just take turns after each other and try to fight but you can also backstab like you can do whatever you want basically of course you want to be in a in the best position but if one player is very far ahead and sometimes you may not be able to face him alone if you don't have enough gold like if you look at gradient here he has only 1k gold and 40 supply so he can try to wreak in sheik by killing some units but he will not be able to face him or fight him like sheik has almost 10k gold and 95 supply so gradient can only get some pick off so in order to really weaken sheik he will need to like he will need ishan in this situation so for gradient it will not make any sense to attack ishan right now or advice like it could make sense but just to weaken ishan um but as the same with as with sheikh he can only get some pick-offs but he will really be relying on these two humans to like also fight each other and i think there's just some so many infinite ways to play a three-way and like an example that we saw is that gradient was in the top left he saw sheik creating this expansion nishan was asking for help you know gradients saw him creating it and chose to not engage and let him have the expansion and the reason why is because he wanted this expansion on the top left right so you know if he leaves the teal human alone perhaps teal will leave him alone and it seems like sheik has been going on ishan at least through the chat so gradient probably feels pretty good to be able to get that expansion continue to mine out the middle expansion you see that he's under 50 food now he's been buying items as he always does so his his heroes are going to be very good and if he can mine out both of these expansions or at least get another 3 to 4k out of these expansions then he's going to be in a good spot since he's under 50. now nightwing you know intelligently mined out his main and this top base up here pretty much under 50 food for the most part while manipulating in the chat and then from chic standpoint you know he had the gold in the army to be aggressive and and really probably go on ishan quicker before it was a three-way but now he's in a weird spot because he has a big army his hero levels are low and he's against two players that are gonna manip and you know cry when they get hit so it's difficult like if he goes and all in on hisham you know he's grady is probably gonna help ishan most likely so he's got to be smart with how he uses his army because as we see there's no more gold left on the map you know the only expansion running he's only got 400 gold he's in high upkeep so he he certainly doesn't want to lose his army so i'm not sure i mean how would you play this if you were uh if you were teal uh high-tech from his position now yeah i think it's it's if you have this army and you don't have quite the levels yet he really wants rh level six and mk level five um you need to take a fight at some point and also some of these units are really falling off like late game like mortar teams will not stand a chance against focus fire here of the elf so i if i was him i think i would try to cert like you at some point you need to fight i think it makes sense here just to just to convert some of your gold into um into xp um just to not fall behind and back to your question neil so like the big difference why it's so or why it's so important to make it into three way at all costs is first of all because you can't get team three on one anymore if you're the strongest player and if you're a rather weak player as like radiant here in his position um it's super important to get one player out of the game because usually you will not get finished after because one of the other players will rely on you because it's too big of a gamble trying to finish you two so that's why usually you like try to eliminate one player and then you balance the game because it's very difficult to finish one player because if sheik for example would try to finish gradient now gradient would try to stay alive at all costs and try to team sheik for at least like 15 minutes i guess so um it's always yeah it's always super important to to get into the three-way and then um yeah balance the game what else is interesting is when people ask how much gold they have how how people construct their lives like so sheikh was asked and he said he has 4 900 gold he has 95 so okay about half ishan was asked and he said he has 800 gold and he has 4 800. uh grady actually told the truth it looks like he had about 1900 at that time so it's always kind of funny people will hardly ever tell the truth but they may have tells because maybe they uh you know like poker they whatever guess they have you can estimate what they have from previous games or or maybe they're smart and they mix it up yeah we'll see trying to tell some stories here for sure uh on the very left hand side we see one single worker coming from a zeppelin so each and already trying to hide buildings or something yeah we have a one building per island rule in this game as we have have fml seasons there is always like at some points we have banned islands entirely because on certain maps um i would say half of the maps you can get an island somehow meaning you can harvest some lumber here and then build a farm which you can't easily kill from mainland so of course it's a great mechanism to stay alive and a great comeback mechanism and it's it it's part of ffa to some degree but um of course we had some games in the past where people placed like 10 towers on an island that couldn't be reached from the mainland and in that case and after this fight here there's one um there's one legendary game of quest on murgle oasis that has islands but has no zeppelins but quest managed by having garx then human towers so he he used banshees to get human a human shop and then he used garx the staff and then ivory towers to to get on some of the islands and get towers there um and that was like that was really impressive so um he's usually the first to get islands but now he's out of the game and we see a fight here between sheik and and ishan yeah so really good positioning by isha in there uh the mortars are raining down he had great position with the spellbreakers and tanks and uh the hero levels are helping obviously but really good fight for nishan he tried to get out with massey p uh you know he got stunned by the mountain king but still he's doing a lot more damage than what he's taking right now snaps are the paladin yeah really bad fight for sheik here um maybe getting yeah he's getting some units but i guess it's okay but i think he could have gotten a much better fight some minutes ago when he had pushed into ishan's main base and forced him to pump right in pump units right into him instead of being able to position himself in the middle yeah and you know isha actually lost about 20 food there because he was 90 something in food it looked like she lost more than that i don't know if he had been pumping during that time or just that his tanks weren't in the battle working great for ishan after all yeah so look at grady i know just just so long ago he looked like he was in such a bad spot you know he got uh ganked by quest but he mined out this middle expansion he's still mining out the top left he's at 50 food he's got good items on his heroes he still has that big main base uh so all of a sudden he's in a good spot again and once these humans run out of gold which will happen i guess at some point um obviously gyros and tanks are not that big of a risk anymore for him without it without his aoe like without aoe um he will be able to take hero arena and fight heroes much more easily with this combo than with the tinker for example so maybe it was a good call after all to go for these heroes and as long as the humans don't have way higher hero levels you know if they don't have a lot of gold he's going to be able to defend and fight and fight with level 6 demon hunter and even level 5 naga and focus fire you know you can play almost perfectly you're still going to lose units in his main base and into his heroes you know unless you have significantly higher level heroes and a lot more gold which sheik still does have a good amount of gold but he's behind on levels his archmage is just barely level five you know paladin is still level three uh so he's not really in a position to get mass tp and take out both players um so i do like grady's position um it's hard to say though i mean not it's tough to say who's in the lead you know sheik obviously has the gold and the micro but i would say he probably has the worst levels and and probably the worst experience in the three ways so it's pretty close so far gradient is getting an army here he is pumping cameras so this will be his last army so he will try to use it wisely i guess we'll see and something very important to point out both humans have a lot of towers here and usually in ffa it's if you have a big army and you know it's your last army and you really want to weaken a player so far we have only seen players fighting at their expos most of the time you really want to push into someone's main maze and kill a lot of buildings like it's usually the best way to find out how much gold someone really has so it's never wrong to kill towers and we see here ishan is hiding an air army in the corner um i'm not sure if gradient will do the same or if he will use this army but at some point like you're tempted to just hide your units because it's so they're so valuable and you can make much better use of them once everyone is out of gold but of course if they get scouted right now he might get teamed for just that army i also want to point out uh neil you touched on it briefly but every player has zeppelins throughout the map like if you look at the top right it's gradient with five wisps top left another gradient with five wisps down on the middle left it's it's ishan starting to create an island and then on the other side on the right side he also has the same thing and then even sheik has a zeppelin with a peasant in it as well so they're definitely all gearing up for the ultra late game when it becomes a base race if it comes down to that and if it does then then the mass tp will certainly uh make a big difference and sheik doesn't have that yet still more talking going on between the humans gradient does pretty much nothing uh talking wise okay now he participates nobody's really scouting for the outskirts i feel but i guess we're gonna have a fight with gradient using his big army now yeah and gradient known for his uh for his very own english so he tends to leave some letters away and yeah i think he can potentially take that fight against sheik if he micros a bit and stays off away from these tanks you can definitely get some unit kills here yeah he doesn't have any hawks uh i mean it's level two storm bolt so he can kite the human pretty well also with cold arrow and mana burn if he chooses to do so you know pick off a knight pick off uh you know some griffins pick off a mortar but he's going to ishan now yeah each other has mass tp and also like as mentioned it's never wrong to weaken a player here just to see what he got obviously you don't want to weaken a player too much if you rely on him later on but killing some units here and this is such a strong army composition um from gradient with the two mountain giants the hippo support and the chimps uh it's very difficult to fight i don't think ishan will be able to fight this very well yeah but sheik is going to attack greatness main base in the in the back so yep a nice nice blizzard there so gradient didn't see the uh the rest of the army right so you could be misled now by by this small army size yeah i think so i think so uh ishan has his griffins and his hawks down below and it looks like 12 flying machines yeah and they are trying to man up each other and you see a gradient riding lost all against ishan and he lost i don't think any units so we're just trying to manage each other but i i think they all like each of them knows that they like they they will not listen to each other so it's not really something to interpret too much into but chic might right like ishan and gradient are both trying to kind of nip sheik into maybe attacking the other person maybe yeah i mean that's their hope i guess with cheek being the least experienced ffa player but she in the past had a tendency to be a bit hesitant rather than getting man up too quickly so we'll see here he is yeah he's polymorphing some of these cameras i was rocking polymorph yesterday so glad i uh finally get that here in ffa demon hunters in trouble got to be staffed out yeah and it's uh like the base is obviously a gradient standard base with these ap walls it's looking nicely and it's usually nice to defend these pushes but of course against aoe against blizzard like these aps can die very quickly um but it's so hard to push the base though like i don't like maybe he killed the chimp i'm not sure and even if you kill buildings he's gonna lose 10 15 food and you know i guess that's okay with the fact that he has 8k gold um but it's really really difficult to push that base and gradient hero levels are obviously better than his as well so but he needs to get xp somehow right so he has to do this yeah i think i mean ideally she wants to get a fight on open field but gradient will not easily try to fight on open field like he will try to kite him here and ishaan will also not will also not fight him so it's it's difficult for sheik if i was him i think i would try to push into the human base here um i think that would be a better decision but i can't blame him for attacking gradient here it's it's tricky because he's facing two players that are not willing to fight him until unless they have a big advantage so um yeah he needs some xp as you mentioned so i think best case he backstabs someone or he scouts corners and finds out that ishan has has hidden hidden units yeah and he's even saying he wants to fight someone and i think on uh oh it's still the priest of the moon priscilla goes down level six here for the mk yep that was a big bash and a storm bull for cows more down but okay here comes six so they're just wanting you now and she just wants some pick off so he will try to get something here but he's uh blizzarding his own army so that's maybe not my deal ishaan has to step out the mountain king but sheik is not really getting closer to the mass teleport he so desperately wants and he's doing a decent job while getting teamed he's holding his ground as it seems yeah blizzard really nice against these tanks and they're not that easy to heal up and now gradient is attacking from the back so um i mean of course in this situation if you attack on your own you're much more likely to get counter attacked after but that's an advantage if you attack with someone else then very often like because you both attack together none of you can be blamed for that in particular so sometimes it's easier to attack with someone else than going on your own and risking to get counter-attacked immediately so it flew his army through the tanks there she got a little bit of experience from that whoopsie all right so let's check supplies and gold 7600 for shake still at 100 of course as they are not mining anymore gradient 2 000 gold left 80 pop and each and 1 390 pop and he's supply blocked so ishan really does not want to lose any more farms here or any heroes or he yeah could get easily into a situation where he's forced to use his hidden army in order to get a hero back if he loses the hero so it's always a risk of of hiding stuff yeah i think that hopefully the attention will go away from him is what he's hoping but again it's just so hard to attack gradients based so you know if she wants experience it's probably going to go through the human and i wonder if if these guys of gradient and ishan will decide to attack sheik at some point together to take out his gold they may underestimate his gold a little bit or maybe they don't worry about him so much because his hair levels are low but obviously from our standpoint you know he's still 100 food he's got you know 7k gold so we'll see if uh if they if they team him at all in the near future that's we see ishan pushing now into gradients main base he's getting a couple of buildings here thanks to blizzard thanks to waters now cameras are coming in of course super easy for ishan uh to get out of there but whoopsie that shredder was on lumber so did portal with them in the end in the end he didn't kill too much is it like a strategy to force town portals to to drain gold yeah i mean he got something done right so just killing some buildings um never never wrong yeah he hurt the towers he forced the tp you know he mass cp back out um and i think you know weakening the base obviously is good and he's still holding his air units obviously at the bottom i think the other purpose of that attack is you know if you're getting uh two on one in your main base uh oftentimes it's best to just get out and maybe attack someone else's main base right and force one of them to tp home and then you can tp back in a maybe a more favorable situation where you don't face both players and if anything it just changes the attention right both were on him he attacked gradient and then gradient tp now he's in his base sheik is unsure what to do you know so uh just just making that action perhaps took the attention away from him yeah and just like we we often read this s word in in chat i guess we we shouldn't use it like we shouldn't speak it out i heard some youtube videos get demonetized before if you um um yeah now we see and that's very important like corner scouting is so important and we see now at least each other gradients starting to scout corners and getting some hidden units and we see at the top here at 12 o'clock gradient losses zeppelin with all the wisps so wisps are dizzy here um just trying to get in the boat oh and he's trying to get them with a blizzard and sheik is just that's what i mentioned like sheik is he he won a lot of games and he gets more and more experience but he still seems very confused sometimes with these situations where he just doesn't know really what to do and he just wants to get some xp desperately and he's not really like he doesn't really like to push into someone's mane so let's see is he finally trying to fight really or main gone yeah and he shouldn't read too much into that chat because gradient wouldn't either so i think he should just push now like just try to get something done here um but of course not easy against these hero levels yeah 664 super hard to do yeah so that's a good defense so far for me you know because he has the hero level advantage he's able to fight without his other units so you know just breakers and tanks and using mountain king and arc made blizzard it's easy to micro it's easy to manage to save your units and it's it's tough to fight it's tough to fight as a chic you know even though he has better micro and a bigger army his hero levels are lower you know some of his units are not as effective like you know the gyrocopters and the hawks really don't do anything against a breaker tank uh composition so you know ishan is definitely playing playing this well and not having to expose its army uh while still you know getting attacked by both players and gradient just scouted the island on the left so gradient killing the zeppelin and the worker here feels like sheik is getting impatient saying oh super boring of course as a one-on-one player you're not too used to situations like this yeah he says that but then again he's never really like he could push like he could have pushed 20 minutes ago into ishan's main maze and he was never doing that really he was always hesitant to really invest his army into getting xp and that's what happens to him very often like he just doesn't like to push really and then he he gets married he like in this case not really getting married but he's listening to other players and he's just very hesitant and now pulling back into his main base instead of just like just yes here's here's 96 supply and he has 96 supply on the battlefields here while ishan has only three tanks five spell breakers here so i think she could definitely try to do a bit more here and maybe kill some buildings with the tanks but he's not really doing that yeah he could certainly bring the tanks into his base um it is i mean it's an uphill battle to fight against ishan's hero levels but i think he touched on it he had a nice window of opportunity you know earlier in the game uh to act and he made 100 food and he just kind of walked around the map he didn't really act too much i let these other players support on 50 you know get higher hero levels so you know i think on this map my strategy uh if i felt like i had an advantage in micro a lot of times i would try and try to be aggressive and force the action and have the highest air levels in the game um because then from this standpoint uh just being behind it's it's awkward with his army right now against higher levels and gradient getting getting some tower kills here regretting something getting him lose the yeah i think divine shield must have been on cooldown from fighting the human player i guess but there was a staff i believe mountain king got to be careful as well as to tp out so we'll see of each and still decides not to use his army right like he's he's hiding it um but is it going to be at the expense of losing your main and is he okay with that and what's she doing with this is he trying to back that radiant here now [Music] he potentially will and i think it's again it's a mistake he's just stopping like he's just delaying yeah and he is he is attacking gradient of course he still wants to get some xp but in this situation like he's only stopping gradient from getting something done so he's not helping the game the game flow here um i think it would be better for him to weaken ishan and we will see it you said a little flamer eh yeah a bit and it can be sometimes you you want to just build up stress in order to force someone to do something you want him to do so of course you can get you can get that done more easily if you just build up stress and right oh i'm about to die help within one minute or i'm dead that's the way you oh and the mk and that's level seven six that is uh tornado then i guess oh man two hero losses that's super expensive each time down to 500 gold and sheik is still at like 7k or something or 6.5 can you guys tell me the time that you're on again i'm at 28 29 30. 33 34. okay just a second thank you perfect yeah i've all tabbed a couple of times and realized the replay stops when i do that yep yep yep that's us all right we got a huge fight here secrets gradient oh boy that's gonna be a lot of experience for the russian here potter staffed out how much will he lose really he can't really push into this oh boy paladin mk in trouble as we step now certainly missing in this fight tanks are doing a decent job but it looks like grady is not losing much now he's losing some cameras now i think he should stick back in there with the blizzard in the tanks should have stayed back in tower range here um so yeah not a bad attack here but sheik he's at risk of losing a lot here though pretty good control against the demon hunter with slow of course couple of couple of buildings down tp home now and oh yeah he lost like 20 supply or something but can still rebuild yeah with 6k gold he can easily get back up to 100 and still has like two 3k to spare um but yeah that was i'm not sure if that was worth it honestly he killed some chimeras i i don't think yeah it was really worth it but um yeah maybe it was lieutenant is sorry to interrupt you the ishan is offering to basically go back to grady's base with teal so if i would sheik i would probably not be producing these units and just agree if each willing to do it i would just go back with an army that i can manage without losing units so like breakers and tanks basically i would just go with breakers and tanks and then you'd go in with ishan on on either side and if ishan's willing to team his base and weaken it then you do that you know obviously gradient spoon wells are low and then she could use his remaining gold to make 100 food army you know potentially after grady is out or at least after he's weakened but it looks like maybe they're both going to go back anyways and and ishan uh ishan is definitely trying to weaken uh weakened gradient i think he probably feels confident against the human uh if gradient is out of the game gradient's gonna be tougher to fight right now with this with the serial levels i think all right the chic is moving across as well we're giving grady a little bit not too much oh tornado kind of a waste yeah so good i wasn't gonna say he doesn't have an interrupt for uh mass gp but he has tornado just missed it and gradient now hiding his cameras because they are only half hp so this is a very difficult situation for him because if they really want gradient l i guess they could um i could continue and and get him out of the game yeah no moonwall juice okay the last 600 gold he was he's trying to survive until night time and then heal up and then he has a kind of powerful army again especially with these heroes not at the moment but he's spending shake off he doesn't want to lose too much either i just want to note how strong the naga is right here like with level three true shot aura and war drums and just that robot the magi plus 32 silver tanky and great damage indeed yeah yeah for sure so then you're really just looking at nuking the priest the moon because the demon hunter will you know also has the rune bracers and can go ultimate so it's it's it's a it's a good hero combo and grady always plays good elf combos and he's always really good at using his heroes yeah another attack here he's really at risk of losing by losing all buildings here there's one engine or tree of life on the left hand side so he's not gonna lose everything at the moment oh but the tanks are being left here it can be quite a big deal ishan has only 100 gold so whatever dies here will likely not come back so it's interesting that ishan is going so hard on gradient right and maybe there's just some bad blood he seems to be kind of uh he mentioned that he was tilted this game and he kind of seems like that and maybe it's more of his plan like maybe he he expects gradient to piece with them at some point but cheek is definitely getting overlooked i mean he still has 100 food maybe it has more gold than the other players think um but we'll see if they stop fighting grady and ishan at some point there we go go peace now and grady agreed so maybe we'll go on teals based now and she is yeah i mean i'm not sure if ishan really understands that she has 100 supply like you see sheik's army here and you saw some tanks but there's a lot of units everywhere like here's some griffins flying around here there's a lot of tanks in the middle some units in the space so yeah as you say i don't think or maybe isha feels a bit overconfident with his 71 supply i guess he he will still win a one-on-one engagement i guess with the super levels but um yeah needs to take a good fight and gradient not out yet yeah it looks like they're gonna they're gonna team up uh on teal and i think teal's making the right move of attacking ishan's base uh before you know he gets two on one in his main base and it is pretty interesting what you said out how she has units like all over the map like sporadically placed but from ishan's standpoint i think that you know at this point he wants to get it down to a base race you know he wants to play that way and he's the only one with mass tp right now and he you know i think he can think that he can win in that situation more so so maybe they'll weaken down teal and you know grady has been weakened down and either he'll have a chance to win a base race or somehow he'll have a chance to win with this army that he still has if the other players can go broke um but yeah i think sheik is still underestimated at this point uh partially because of his his army and um you know maybe they just misjudged his gold a little bit yeah but he's losing a lot of proxy buildings here and i think radiant hats has scouted corners i'm not sure if uh if sheik did because i haven't seen chic scouting as much wow so interesting sheik went to ishan's base and then he went directly to gradient space uh one and then the next he's playing a handicap match here against both of them without too much problems of course he knows how strong he is and how much he can rebuild right and i like that he just has his breakers now you know all his other various units are good in a full army composition when you're ready to fight but you know you just want to basically use your your breakers and your tanks and you know units that you can staff that you can heal that you could try not to lose you know micro effectively whereas mortars and priests and knights and flying machines and those kind of things you know you'll lose here and there in skirmishes so i do like that he's holding that stuff back just fighting with his heroes and he'll he'll definitely find an opportunity to fight with 100 food and it looks like i mean well it's true that gradient or ishan won't have close to 100 if it comes down to that uh they're both broke yeah and some people asking in chat uh what they mean with the s word um and they that's that's like a term in ffa if you and sometimes it's used just to say someone is over like it means you stop you stop playing for win and you just you just play for someone else to lose um so that's why they're saying yeah are you doing it and then um they just mean okay i you did you stop playing for lose or um do you still like yeah do you still play playful win alrighty big fight here sheik with a huge push he's finally uniting his army tanks and each in space this might be the end tonight uh surround there and he's still not using his hidden units and it's always tricky because of course once he stops hiding them now and i'm not sure if his hidden army will be that useful it's a lot of gyros so eshen still has a lot of mana level six mk he's gonna push this back nice step um yeah we'll see he's gonna lose his main haul though it looks like oh town portal i think the castle still stands and it does oh a little early there can't really repair it unless he's selling some items he has a lot of items to sell but um has he any workers here yeah and the zeppelin in the zethen on the bottom right he does and i guess that is it i have chicas getting some stuff done but also he's really in the focus now so they will i guess continue to attack him and he lost like 3 000 gold on that so it's down oh maybe even a little more so back to 2.5 while the others well they're broke already and sheik's still so far away from stp yeah that's why he if if he had taken a fight right after quest was out and and sheik was 100 i think he could have gotten masterp maybe right there even and instead now half an hour later or 45 minutes later he still has no mastp um that's why you try to get your your levels as early as you can when when everyone still has big armies and is willing to fight yeah it's just so hard to get experience at this point when nishan is only fighting with breakers and tanks and you know you see gradient which is his heroes as mountain giant now gradient coming from the back getting some further pick offs here yeah that's why isham with all caps here trying to even if he's like it seems if he's screaming and angry at his computer like he's he's not um i i believe that this is the way to build up stress um it usually doesn't work against gradient anyways he will do what he thinks is right but um yeah he's using a beautiful tornado here inch cheeks main base and in the meantime still gonna go down under the staff it looks like oh and meanwhile look at gradient destroying sheik's main base yeah but it will take a long time for him to hear stuff and now ishan is slightly supply blocked only so he needs to sell some items kill maybe some of his own units pretty good quick zaps there from grady yeah but sheik is getting into a more advantageous position here because the teaming of radiant and ishan is not as coordinated here and the demon hunter forced him to tp can he staff out he tried before he got bashed oh yeah so that's an archmage go on for isha that's the dp gone for grady things are from my perspective looking better and better for shake yeah for sure um they need to they need to get the art mage back here of course and then they i guess need to attack together maybe that's the easiest way to kill a lot quickly um and the maymays of chic is still so big will take a long time for one of these players the level two to finish it and sheik sensing blood correctly is going back to find his altar looks like he's gonna catch the altar in time and uh ishan's gonna have to be careful because i believe he killed some of his own units some of that hidden army to be able to even revive the archmage because he was food blocked and if he loses this castle which he's about to and more farms it's going to be even more difficult to get his hero back how do you even do that i mean you have to sell so much on your hero's getting too weak then and once again shake attacking two base at the same time ultra down castle down and gradient it's a very nice split here of tanks by sheik forcing gradient to stay at home um while being able to finish isha's maybe so this is now now very well played by sheik here and i think he's in a great position yep he's got the level 5 mountain king almost level 6 archmage and i'm surprised that ishan is not using his hidden air units now i think it it's time to do that now and to use the air units here against um human buildings first his army alive i guess the remainders of the army yeah might lose the hero here if he's not careful um probably wants to step up the mk here okay yeah should definitely staff has to be careful on the pallet in there yeah and ishan still has the air units he still has three griffins and two hawks he still has 12 flying machines um but how is he gonna get the archmage back uh he's i mean he's just not gonna get the archmage back and yeah it's gonna be so difficult for him now still chasing gets a couple of units or what almost even for free another bash a little lucky here and is the oh one step closer to my telly i'm very surprised that he's still keeping his head sitting units here i think he could get something done with them of course like you you want to keep them hidden as long as possible but i think for for him it's it's in a really bad spot here oh i think mankind's going to die here and he's back at the main base so the mk might die and he needs to sell some more items so he can revive the vr mage at the top left got a new altar there but yeah but still no gold or not enough gold a stefan is on cooldown and there's more mana yeah he could staff again like if you stab a hero multiple times the healing will get quicker um like the healing rate will double so you can staff a unit that was already staffed um not enough though in case you didn't know but um of course with what with just one hero not that easy and yeah now he has masterpiece so now it becomes really really tricky here good yeah it just feels bad for ishan that he had this hidden army and he never used it and now he loses his hero and he can't use it effectively um and you know despite sheik playing passively and and you know maybe not making the best decisions early on uh i mean he's played it well he played the last you know 10 minutes very very well in this game and uh you know maybe some mistakes from the other players and you know consistent play from chic maybe being overlooked by the other players as well or underestimated and he looks in a great shape to win and finally is moving out his unit simply because he's supply blocked and needs to sacrifice something now way too late because he could have revived the archmage way earlier he's up to 800 gold but he needs to lose 25 supply basically and he's doing that now in sheik's main base getting some kills but he's killing off his own griffins now at the right it's so painful like hiding them for 30 minutes and now yeah yeah okay i mean i wonder if it's better to try to fight with them but at this point you know sheik's army is very very strong now he has the hero levels that he needed he's got a little five mk he's got massive p he's got the breakers and the griffin mass um he can easily fight either player now where you know just so long ago it looked like he would have trouble versus either player so you see how the tides can turn you know obviously with the hero loss with you know waiting to use your army for too long etc yeah it's it's tricky and also i think before she got to mastp i think it would have been way easier to harass buildings with these thin air units gradients probably last attack here but yeah that's it looks pretty grim here for them they need to kill like 20 more buildings here and i don't think sheik will allow that a little bit retribution for for shake then he got smacked in the two and two uh by by crawford starbuck yesterday so at least winning that ffa healing for the soul a little bit yeah and we see here like every every player has a very different or unique play style in ffa so here of course we had players um at least three of them that are more like chat or macro focus um but yeah it's really one of the one of the beauties of ffa that everyone is well usually players develop a very unique playstyle and then um yeah you can identify them based on on how they play and yes usually names are hidden right uh in in letter they are yeah um because we saw too much teaming for name um in the letter um but yeah only a ladder um usually if you play in in a league like there's some leagues that we play anonymously we have a team league sometimes every one to two times a year where we when we play in teams but then every team seats a player for a match and then teams have shared accounts that are being used to see the player anonymously but in the usual yeah and the usual fml seasons it doesn't make sense because you only have four players and they know who's in game so yeah even if they would play anonymously you would identify them within minutes the gradient still has five chimeras and a hippogriff and fairy dragons up there um but just like quest it's it's gonna be too late i mean gradients army can certainly fight a little bit better but he doesn't have the anti-air to face all the griffins and you know she has three sorcerers to slow everything um it's gonna be tough yeah gradient even um even got an item for ishan just so he can sell it and get back his hero but um don't think this is going to help much and she just scouted its altar up here as well so even if ishan can get under the food that he needs to be at this this altar is probably going to go down before the hero arrives yeah the mastip of sheik was getting masterp is really a turning point here and um yeah of course that makes it much much easier to withstand teaming and easily kill buildings on the other side of the map so yeah i think after too much hesitation early on um where i think he could have speeded up the game much earlier i think now late game he plays it really well that's telly on that tank will it survive oh yeah have fun demon hunters storm bolt to the head clap as well stair step oh yeah but is there a tree even to step on yeah it is or some some kind of building somewhere bottom left actually and normally like of course with this hero combo normally you can fight like with the the elf hero combo demon hunter naga priestess you can fight other heroes really well but of course if you're up against an army here i guess 75 supply it's not that easy and ideally you want to have starfall um against human although there's an mk but still and the the new altar here also immediately getting scouted and now the the paladin about to die so almost a surround but he's gonna get that here at least with the next storm well no way out no item no zeppelin no nothing also no surround oh maybe something from the shop in this sweet so gyro around not left oh he can revive the mountain king actually yeah but what's it going to do for him like mk is not that good against buildings final fight maybe going for the dkr the the 1300 again metamorphosis doesn't really do much at this point anymore and sox are really good addition at this stage of the game very difficult to just hit and run against mk and source so yeah congrats to sheik i think his first title he started playing ffa i think in 2019 really actively that's when he first started to participate and he got he got better very quickly he's he has a very calm play style and i think unlike unlike many other players that start nearly with a solo background like he was always very um he was never focusing too much on just getting quick fights and trying to win early but really started to understand the game and then maybe becoming a bit too too of a passive player sometimes but maybe it's also because he played human here um shake with his off race and one against two at the end and with the lowest level no gg by ishan maybe afterwards and private chat gradient stays a little bit so kind of a second place for him but in ffa it's just one winner and and three losers right there's no second third fourth place yeah i mean in fml you get some points still depending if you're first with top scorer or if you're second third or fourth player but um eventually only first first like the first seed or victories really get you significant points yeah it's too bad for gradient that he doesn't have just a few more hippogriffs like even five or six hippogriffs with his chins and his hero levels i think could fight uh sheik's army especially because she doesn't have a pandas so the hippographs will be really effective but he just doesn't have the anti-air so there's just really no way you know he can't really base race he doesn't have the heroes to do that and he apparently didn't realize that he's he's on his own honor and i think gradient is like strongest in these base race scenarios and that's why i really prefer him playing tinker um tinker hero combo it's much more fun to to watch also um to see him harassing and in base race it's just not as strong to have these heroes yeah tornado helps to a degree i guess but of course the tinker and robo form etc etc that's quite exactly yeah it's it can be nice like if you're if you're dominant and usually with this hero combo you try to be one to two levels ahead um of your enemy and then you have owl and and can scout everything so it's it can be strong in base race but of course not like it's usually not in just killing buildings very quickly so um like you have tornado but yeah that's it gradients down to one building if i say that correctly yeah just this one of corners here in the corner and where's the second there's the tree of life uh like 10 o'clock i think oh yeah it walks and it has natural blessing which should make you very happy i guess yeah obviously obviously best upgrade here but i don't think that will help him anymore very little enter here as he said super strong hero combos this might just be the final fight cameras are trying their very very best to get rid of that archmage but yeah not much to do here polymorph three times polymorph in the air flying sheep just like on amazonia i love the polymorph it's so beautiful and he keeps his hero alive always far ahead here's invis polymorph to reduce the damage and yeah the age is finally about to fall for kaz mudan avatar used and that is the end for the first hero and probably the second and third hero falling shake winning every the very very first the w3 champions ffa champion still trying to be the archmage might die there ah the song's slow talk slow kills the chimera david defeat goliath here you're too pro for me gg congrats to sheik 100 to russia to umad to shake even with his off race yeah even here in the in the score table second uh second place for for gradient so for being defeated almost early on he got back in the game a bit of an unfortunate ending here for him but uh yeah really well played by bashiq in the end very solid calm style didn't matter much and uh yeah congrats i think we were waiting to see if he would get mass tp you know for it to be effective and and once he did uh he quickly gained the advantage yeah and compounded by some mistakes by the other players you know and hiding their armies and becoming foodstuff on their heroes but yeah really nicely played especially the end you know couldn't have played it much better and you know in the the latter part of the game for sure all right that was pretty damn sweet man i missed casting ffa with you guys 90 minutes uh pretty pretty short for an ffa grand final yeah sometimes this these finals tend to be a bit shorter sometimes a bit longer also depends on the map um so yeah i enjoyed it still and i hope we will see the next final next season um hopefully a lot of people just trying are going to try out ffa just queue up and just um try to yeah just try it out and and uh don't give up too quickly and uh also maybe um uh take a read of the ffa guide if you if you haven't played fa before sexy has written a wonderful guide only 90 pages but i guess you can you can already get some some insights but just reading the first few i think already helps you know i think um i i was thinking that maybe at some point sometime soon we could host like a show match on maybe divide and conquer with taverns and do like a 12 player show match and i would put up like a hundred dollars just for the winner of that game i mean i would play in it as well but you know whoever wins i would i would put up a hundred dollars maybe we can do a random race or a random hero or something like that to make it interesting and maybe give people a little bit different view of free for all you know than just the standard kind of league style four player free-for-all you know a little more more chaotic with with more players if you guys would would be interested in that absolutely i mean meistershaft is coming to an end in the one-on-one the next season of war three champions will take a while we need some content and i'm i got some craving for ffa so whatever you got hit me up yeah we'll do that sounds good great idea yeah it's definitely time for some ffa again that was super fun last time and how far is fml into the season is their final soon uh it's round two of around four rounds and then we have one semi-final and then the final so um still some weeks to go around two is round three is going to start uh tomorrow um tonight there will be a match um and yeah we we usually post the or we always post the match times on ffamasters.com and um yeah if you if you join our discord channel you will also get a quick quick information about the streams and um usually we stream on twitch.tv ffa masters league um or maybe on back to warcraft at some point maybe at some point indeed this is the home page here fml links you to the discord to the guide to the map pack to the schedule to everything and uh i heard from the admins that the players are streaming as well usually that we just saw so do you guys have the twitch uh links for them available as well uh so i have um they're not as straightforward i guess as back to warcraft so let me quickly just so i don't um so gradient streams on twitch.tv slash gradient 2017 [Music] what is like what are these twitter handles sorry these twitch names sexy what's what's yours you haven't played but still yeah so mine is twitch.tv slash fml underscore sexy and i think quest is uh slash ffa quest i believe yeah i think f a we should have prepared that ffa underline no that's polina quest i guess that's not fa quest yeah it's just ffa quest ffa quest yeah you're right and yeah ishan is i found him is perry green ash so p e r e g r i n e e s h okay very easy to remember i guess uh we will ask the admins or you just send them to me and then walk through champions we'll tweet them out we put them in the description all the important links for ffa as well if you're curious about that it was a very very cool premiere guys it was super lovely to be casting with you together hopefully more in the future um yeah that's that's it for ffa congrats to sheik i think sexy can finally go to bed now yeah coming up on 5am i'm falling asleep a little bit but i really appreciate the opportunity to catch with you guys again and i'm sure we'll have some more and some exciting games in the future as well guys and lots of good stuff for free for all as well so really really appreciate the support and uh you know hope you guys enjoyed it yeah thanks for having us neo and uh have fun uh with the other games this afternoon and they can't see you around have a wonderful sunday guys of course my sunday is far from finished because after crowning an ffa champion we need to crown a two and two champion is crawford starbuck versus shocky and talks and i'm gonna be joined by the other back to warcraft guys gonna be rimo gonna be carson gonna be uh what's the other guy's name we do of course and we're gonna have a best of five two and two grand final and then we move on to the one-on-one where it's happy versus law lion and it's fly versus x-lord and the grand final so we got lots of stuff to do here a little bit of a break for me thanks for tuning in early that gives you of course the chance to head over to the match arena of the world three champions season final we are at five thousand one hundred and twenty plus of course the governor's support with two thousand five hundred on the top thank you elmi for the twenty dollar donation neo and remo you're my heroes thank you very much ilm exclamation mark w three c finals for the link to the match arena support this tournament support one on one two and two ffa all the good stuff we got here so now taking a break for 13 minutes exactly and then it's time for the two and two decision see in a bit you
Channel: Back2Warcraft
Views: 9,904
Rating: 4.7349396 out of 5
Keywords: Warcraft, Warcraft 3, tournament, Wc3, War3, Wc 3, warcraft III, frozen throne, tft, warcraft tft, esports, rts, real time strategy, Back 2 Warcraft, Back to warcraft, Back2Warcraft, B2W, Back, Back2, B2Warcraft, back to warcraft, Neo, Remodemo, Remo, 2021, Reforged, Warcraft3 Reforged
Id: i0MlZzA3Y0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 50sec (5750 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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