Water In The Engine Oil

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when i last left you the 9560 had a hose blown we had some issues there we were having all kinds of wiring and sensor issues with the planter the good news is the 9560 got fixed and the planter has been moving like crazy doing a really good job since then the bad news is the 9560 now has a much much bigger problem [Music] which is why i'm about to grab the big big horse [Music] we're pretty sure the mendeco is going to do a great job once we get to some of last year's corn residue where we've got to bust up the root clods and chop up the stocks but with the job that was happening a few nights ago with this machine and that mandeco behind it now that was a little bit wetter ground but we're headed up to some bean stubble right now that didn't get worked last fall we left it until then we're tilling it now this spring we're gonna see if it's the main frame weight on the mendeco that's causing those root balls or if it's the big tires on this tractor but the field cultivator has been doing a really great job so we're gonna swap implements i'll show you what's up with the 9560 when we get there see all the speckles of liquid around here they're on the windshield as well what happened and i don't know how they're related yet i didn't have that explained to me but the fan clutch obviously went out fan clutch pulled apart belt wasn't driving the fan clutch it got hot i don't it didn't overheat the engine isn't stuck certainly don't have that issue but we're thinking what happened is there's a spot in the head gasket that commonly goes out in these 13.5 liters apparently they've designed a new head bolt to go with it but we are way way way way overfull on oil which means there's a good amount of water in the oil i'm told that most engines or tractors that have this issue it's not actually a huge deal it does end up being a couple days of labor but it doesn't burn down the engine we shouldn't need uh we shouldn't need bearings things should be okay i hated to start it and run it but you gotta get it out of the way right we gotta get moving help has arrived not because i called for it but because he lives about five miles from here and was on his way by anyway however he's about to realize that we need to swap the category four and five hitches wait for it wait for the reaction here it comes he's going to realize it soon there it is we got to steal the spacer kit and the category 4 stuff off the other tractor okay which i did bring the wrenches for to get the cable off yeah good i wonder if before we hook up uh the green and the purple hydraulic lines if we plug it in so it knows it has true set and see what the ones are on auto i forgot about the truth set well a little transfer over we just have to recalibrate and stuff this isn't a 2630 though so it knows exactly what it's hooked up to including the width and everything but it i'm not finding true set [Music] let's put this down and see what the hydraulics do if i detent it it shows it shows auto for number one number one is in auto number five should go into auto as well um i got a question on true set on a 2230 field cultivator that we just hooked up to a 90 95 60 r um or 95 70 r so it's got the 4640 screen in it but there's no i i can't find a three pin plug on the tractor like there's that little plastic three pin plug in on the digger yes the round gray three pin i can't find one on the tractor so i don't have that hooked up but i don't know what that runs is that does that mess with our true set i don't have true set popping up in the monitor but i don't know that i've ever run trueset with a 4640 yet okay so so how do i find that pop up oh there it is true said tillage i got that so i got it calibrated for you now you're gonna make me take your pickup back and go run the planter probably thanks for the helpful anytime honestly i was really kind of looking forward to running some tillage where i didn't have to worry about any sensors going bad or wiring harnesses and pin connections and populations and downforce and although i've said it before i'll say it again planting corn is my favorite job to do so i can't complain too much there's the morning wrestling session that i missed oh geez they're quick [Laughter] uh all right enough horsing around her dogging around i gotta get to work oh good no water in this oil [Music] uh you wouldn't think we'd be out of range here but you were a little fuzzy there but we uh we had a big hybrid decision to make and we never talked about it what do you mean the oh you mean if we want to take the roller up there yeah sure but there's enough you could plant you know this two three rounds is all it would effect in the wet spot and is it is it sticky like the planter's gonna pick up mud or is it just clumpy [Music] [Music] okay yeah so which i'd have to go around anyway yeah i just did a few extra feed that's yeah we are gonna use a roller there anyway right so all right i'll um if we say there's 30 units i'll do the math and split it up then i'll put that 199 11 in the planter and head up that way we have a plan 900 pounds auto dispense they actually put in 904 i guess i'll accept that [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so a little too snug just got a couple of loose ones here come on down [Music] it appears that way we've got numbers happening i got one side of the planter that's out of seed now i've just about got the end rose done here on this 100 or 110 acres dad's got 15 bags of seed that we're going to throw in it's another situation where we're just testing a new hybrid that's supposed to be good but before we dive all in on it you know you got to test the new ones because we've been burned before by hybrids that are supposed to be good i suppose we don't have any tilt [Applause] think you'll be okay i think i used to do 120 of them a day at least [Applause] [Music] there we go running nine miles per hour 9.2 right now gauge wheel ground contact 99 to 100 singulation 99 99 and a half things are running smooth there everything is looking beautiful it's a good day it's gonna be a good day right in through here you can see how it's really lumpy there's a lot of worked up grass in here what we did was we ran some drain tile through here last fall we used to have to farm on both sides of this there was a ditch that ran through here all the way up the hill past that pole way up there just a little bit of drain tile here to dry it up and get rid of that grass has really made it nice i'm running a lot more down pressure through here because it's so lumpy from working on it last fall when it was wet but that will clean up really really nice that is going to make this field like an entirely new field i just can't believe what a little bit of drain tile did to this field to improve it so much there's another spot up over that way where we farmed on both sides of it again same thing it was just wet it was a narrow ditch of grass there that the water just kind of seeped through there now we can grab that through the underground pipe take that water underground and farm right over top of it it's so much more efficient buy it before no i haven't had any issues with it pushing at all those row cleaners i just push them down a little bit too and they knock the clumps out of the way it hasn't been any problem you haven't seen any big rocks that you planted over that i need to get for sure no nothing real big that one on the north side of the 40 there was the biggest one that i've seen by far did you notice any difference when we put the uh digger on the on the big horse there with the big tires was the compaction we were seeing before is it coming you think from the tractor more or from the mainframe tires on them and they go so you said when you got in that tractor you like the rt better you just like it because it's more maneuverable and smaller or what well i could see the tracks in a couple spots a little bit too um i think you want to get sweater it's going to be worse you know real dry conditions probably not too bad but if we get a wet spring i think it'd be a lot worse plus it isn't yours maneuverable either time to put in a little bit more seed we've covered some acres here all things are going pretty good uh no i've already done four or five more acres than i thought i would this morning when i did the math okay but i'll open that up it can't be more than half a unit do you know how much is in here for sure no i don't you how much did you take out this morning do you remember uh 904 pounds okay 17 units 32 and 41 we should have 1200 columns left 20 1200 pounds left in the front yep that's fine you think there's 24 units left in there i think there is it's already halfway down the window doesn't look like that does it no we could open the tarp and jump in take a peek well that one's about empty this one i know has a little bit more left in it oh yeah not much more [Music] another yep back at it me [Music] that's it we're out of that field on to the next i just rolled into the field here and i got some stranger following me in a car i don't know i don't know who that could be or what's going on we'll go check it out is that is that greg like one of the original peterson farm brothers last time i checked i think i think that's who i was yeah what are you doing in west central minnesota right now well i was uh speaking in dalton which is just down the road and uh dalton minnesota as you guys know world famous dalton minnesota world famous and uh decided i'd swing by and check out the famous millennial farmer operation you found it and meet the actor who plays millennial farmer you found him too so if you guys are not familiar with who this guy is with who greg is check out the peterson farm brothers on youtube yep instagram facebook facebook and then snapchat too nathan does a pretty good job on snapchat i'm not involved with any of that but i tried snapchat yeah i wasn't like do it nathan is really funny funny at it and that's all he does he says like you do everything else i'll do snapchat that's what it takes like somebody to know what's going on also he doesn't get any feedback on snapchat he posts it it sends it never knows what people think oh that's helpful that'd be nice all right greg you got a new parody coming out we do meaning meaning what i mean by parody is they take popular songs and they turn them into like they make farming lyrics out of them do you want to see what it is or not yes the new parody is uh some cows we're changing some girls to some cows it's the song by jamison rodgers it's on it's if you listen to country music it's it's a pretty new country song you heard it if you listen to them we don't normally parody country songs because we're trying to reach people not from the country we we want people from the city to watch our videos about farming people from the city listen to country music that's true it's true i don't know why we don't i feel like country parodying a country song isn't necessarily a parody because it's already kind of farming but not really though um but we're doing a country song for the first time and uh some it's called some cows and it's about the cows that you don't like so the cows that you should sell and every farmer's got cows you got the cows that you don't like so the cows have their own personalities yes yes absolutely some of them want to work with you some of them want to work against you i yeah yeah that's what i hear now did you guys ever have livestock yeah we had we had cattle beef cows and hogs when i was younger okay so dad had dad had a lot of hogs and cattle in the 70s and then he had beef cows and and hogs up here sold the hogs they were the last to go in the early 90s i'm thinking i mean i remember them but not well i never did chores with them but but i certainly remember him i was around him i remember being a kid and running up and down the feed bunks and trying to trying to run fast enough in the feed to touch the cows on the noses before they ran away yeah before they before they backed their head up but i couldn't get to them so how long does it take you to come up with lyrics on something like that well parodies sometimes you'll well you listen to pop music and i don't even like pop music i don't even listen to that like the only reason i listen to pop music is to try to find parodies and you just kind of listen to a song with with the intent to be able to change the words to farming right and uh i don't know sometimes it'll take a couple days to write a parody i mean i've written entire parodies on like a flight or in the tractor if i'm in the tractor with auto steer i usually can think of stuff then you can come up with something you know you know the saying of like i can i can fix the world on the seat of a tractor cab kind of thing yeah yeah that's how that's how you can write a pair writing songs i write my best songs on the cedaw tractor so i am out of seed here i've got uh 33 or four acres done i don't know what do you want me to i could run it back home put seed in seems a little early to quit it's up to you if you want to i'm probably not going to go too long i might go another hour the water's open i'll run at home either way as close as we are there's no sense in bringing the tender out no no that's right you want to see the farm yeah okay [Music] hey hey hey get her get her oh they're tired now make sure you guys check out greg's channels as i said earlier he's got he's very active on facebook it's either peterson farm bros or pete farm bros um they are peterson farm bros on youtube and also peterson family farm well becky will link everything down below check everything out down below that becky linked watch greg's stuff he's a great guy uh what's for supper guys i'm gonna fill up the planter and then nachos nachos nachos cold nachos yeah yeah yeah i made off of pizza pizzas yeah nice i'm gonna quit early tonight and have some nachos [Laughter] and play some catch i guess i'm gonna go eat nachos with the family and play catch with my son thanks for watching
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 729,661
Rating: 4.9640021 out of 5
Keywords: john deere, farming simulator, Millennial Farmer, millenial farmer, millennial farmer, mn millennial farmer, mn farmer, minnesota millennial farmer, millennium farmer, mn millennial farmer equipment, tractors, farm equipment, millennial farmer funny, tractor videos, off the husk, farm vlog, farm machinery, harvest, 9570R John Deere, big tractors, tractor video, coolant in engine oil, coolant in engine oil damage, Water In The Engine Oil, major problem, big problems
Id: gs0kw91dLCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Wed May 05 2021
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