Disaster in the Making

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what do you think anna there's not a whole lot of dew in the grass that needs to be mowed with a softball [Music] the dew in the grass in the mornings is one of the scientific measurements that we use to try to figure out how early the soybeans are going to go for the day a heavy dew generally means that we're going to need to wait a little while because the soybean pods took on moisture overnight so we need the sun and the wind to dry them up before before they'll shell out good and harvest nicely and obviously a lighter dew means that we can probably go a lot earlier especially when the weather is like this which is awesome morning cat captain anna are buddies now okay sounds good i'll get the second one fired up here allen's just leaving with the first one all right bye [Music] that one doesn't look right that one is not right that's the purpose of the hammer in the mornings you got a low one do we yeah really low uh outside right rear on the truck okay yeah and i know there's an inside far right rear on one of the trailers that we got to keep an eye on okay jim and i took it off and covered it in soapy water and never found anything so we put it back on that possible or standard right could be the rim too inside the rim somewhere or a valve stem i don't yeah we couldn't find anything dad's going to take that truck to town get that dumped and then meet me out at the field and i am gonna take thunder you stay out of trouble now anna have a good day morning ladies morning [Music] [Music] dad said the air conditioning wasn't working real well in the 9870s so we're going to get the air compressor air compressor out here and at least blow out the coolers and see if that helps anything that's not very dirty none of them are kind of doubt that's the issue but i guess it doesn't hurt anything anyway and the second machine which takes the government juice here as brian would say for some reason nozzle keeps clicking out so i'm going to stand here and babysit it because that's a part of run and death i think what happens is this depth when it dries out it it gets crusty like it's corrosive like nitrogen is and then it gets in these handles they got to clean themselves out or you got to soak them in water hot water or something i don't know somebody got some advice for me besides delete the emissions you guys that's illegal these actually look like some pretty decent beans which they should be this all kind of lays low lays flat stays wet underneath there's a little bit of tile underneath it i haven't actually heard what they were running last night but they should be pretty good check the header for broken worn sections and guards that's a morning routine every year during soybeans got one there we go we do not have an impact with or 15 millimeter socket new shiny sharp you can chuck that in the back of that dually five to four i got the 98 70 running um i'll go put that in whatever has room left in it then the little bit that's in here i'd assume you want us to strike out and try it he's loading a truck concentrating [Music] that isn't good and we don't have enough traction on the gravel to pull that forward or backwards from what it sounds like yeah that's uh that's not good this approach isn't quite wide enough to turn south on um let's uh we're gonna try and back up here he said he's stuck and i can see his tracks so i'm assuming he's stuck and it won't back up but dad's gonna get in it just in case something were to happen here cause those frames will twist and bad stuff can happen it's it's loaded up so i don't think it would ever pull forward out of that yeah and i don't know what we could pull on to try and come backward with it we could hook the cart tractor to something and pull backwards would probably i don't think it'd take a whole lot we got a short chain here that was in the back of the dually but we don't have any tow ropes with because we haven't seen mud in like two years so we don't have a good rope with but we got a short chain and it's five miles home so we'll try that before we run home get a rope i don't think it's going to take a lot to pull that the problem is you pull in the wrong spot and you can either wreck something on the trailer or worse that trailer will tip twist and tip its way into the ditch meanwhile we're blocking the road and so far we've rerouted two people so it isn't quite like blocking interstate 94 through minneapolis but there's a couple people that want to get by dad says no we're not going to hook up to the cart so i'm going to empty the cart we're gonna hook up to the tractor allen's on his way home to get a rope an actual rope because this chain's who knows i don't know we're uh we're just kind of chasing our tails so that's fun [Applause] i'm gonna set my ivt here for i don't know very very slow how low can i go i don't really need the flashers on half a mile an hour less less less okay we'll go i would say you could try it real slow i've got it in reverse i got my ivt set to 0.7 which seems too fast but doesn't want to let me go less than that you just tell me what to do i got it lower okay chain's getting close to tight close to tight we are tight and i'm creeping real slow it's moving [Music] seems like it's moving we're moving i want to speed up just a hair the tires are dragging or the we're moving nope hang on stop i wonder if i should get realigned here you were coming at me faster than i can speed up fine [Applause] you want to take that off and i'll realign i think we were stepping on each other there were you saying that you're fine now or do you want me to realign [Music] you must think he's fine [Music] yeah you can go ahead and try it [Music] it looks fine from here you're gonna have to turn that truck soon keep coming you can keep it coming keep it coming it's going to start coming up in the back there you go it's coming back your truck you got plenty of room on the right side anyway to use it here behind me you're behind you you're going to be that was a pretty deep drop off i think so too still clear behind me yep you got 100 feet yet before you get to the 98.70 they pull it onto the road and four [Music] well that was exciting we can't even give jim grief for it because he's not here this morning yet did you tell alan we won't put it on the internet no i didn't tell him that i figured he would no matter what yeah we just tell him so he feels better for a couple days i'll let them know all right well now now we'll start combining it's more comfort today six mile per hour jason on a 40-footer 40 feet of soybeans is that uh is that common is that normal yeah just with the john deere's problem just with the john deere's yeah i'd imagine so we finished up the south piece of this field dad's going to finish up the north piece he's probably only got 20 acres left back there so jason and i are going to load up the honeybee here on a cart that he pulled over with his truck and then we're going to head back north it's about 10 12 miles right now this is our farthest south piece so we go right by the farm halfway to our farthest north piece and once dad's done back there that farthest north feast about 250 acres that'll be it for our soybeans for the year so then he kind of wiggles the cart by hand then there's a strap system underneath there somehow he connects those straps and then it's got a crank on it and he actually cranks and lifts the dolly itself up into the bottom of the header pretty pretty handy really [Music] i am all unhooked i'm gonna leave dad here to finish up the last few acres here while i get on my way there he's got allen running trucks and jim running cart jason's gonna grab that honeybee header and meet me at that field it's gonna be a little bit of a drive because like i say this is our farther south field i'm headed to our farthest north so it's about 12 miles maybe 14 by road long combine drives they're not like walks on the beach they're just they're not that enjoyable nobody puts that in their profile that that's what they like to do so i'm going to get this drive done then i'll be back with some more farming content right after a quick message here from my lovely wife rebecca harvest is in full swing here in our farm which means i'm on my own for mostly all things on the honeydew list join me as i take on the adventure of removing this 20 year old speaker from our patio to replace it with a new security system camera the simply safe you know and love who we've been partnered with for a while now has big news they're introducing their new wireless outdoor security camera it has advanced security features and join a simply safe system as a new unit for defense when it comes to protecting your home from the outside in simplisafe is an easy to use home security system that we've been using in our home for over a year the outdoor camera is something we've been looking forward to the wireless outdoor security camera features an ultra wide 140 degree field of view so you can keep watch over your entire yard or in my case our kids while they're enjoying the swimming pool it has a 1080p hd resolution with an eight times zoom along with a built-in spotlight with color night vision so you can bust your friends when they try to take a dip in your hot tub while you're away it also has a two-way audio so you can yell at your kids when they're out of line as you can see it's super simple to set up in just minutes with the versatile magnetic base allowing you to get just the right angle and it has an easy to remove rechargeable battery so it doesn't need an outlet and can go anywhere on your property as always the simply safe interactive monitoring service will call the police if it's alerted to anything their team of always on professionals are easily reachable and always keep lines of communication open for the protective service take 20 percent off your simply safe security system and your first month is free when you sign up for the interactive monitoring service visit simply safe dot com backslash millennial farmer i'd also like to take this time to wish everyone a safe harvest please remember to always use the right tool for the job slow down and take a minute to be aware of your entire cruise location know where your children are if you feel fatigued park the equipment for the night practice grain bin pto and auger safety if you're following farming equipment on the road slow down be patient and wait to safely pass farm equipment wow that was perfect timing thanks becky we're back to the farming i am just about to back in towards this field here jason's coming with the header behind me we're going to hook that up and get back to work [Music] there should be plenty of room in there now alan i'll take off take some more ends off here what did you do jason i think your dad doesn't actually oh you're gonna blame it on dad he's not here right i suppose we could pick on him so usually that sticks in there [Music] jason jumped out here and we're waiting on another empty truck he uh he had to run jim and alan down actually to the last field to get a truck so i've got a minute here to tell you guys what i really think about this honeybee header while jason is gone it's doing a dang nice job it definitely took some setting up it's got a control box in the cab where we can control the air pressure the air bags here that's what kind of adjusts the rigidity or how much flexibility that front cutter bar has once we got that set and we tinkered around with the feeder house we've got to get the right feeder house angle on this because the header sits so flat um so it's quite a bit different that way the 9870 here does not have the power feeder house tilt so we actually had to go in there and turn that with wrenches a few times and adjust that but now that it's sitting flatter and we got things set right we got the air set right it's doing a really nice job i'm combining 45 to 50 bushel beams right here which is by far our best field of soybeans here and i can do five and a half six miles an hour and it's not a problem honestly i could i i'm just not comfortable at six miles an hour but the header the combine we can do it i just there's a lot going on at that machine you can definitely see how well it's cutting right here and it it even does better than this it's got definitely a lot more flex once you get the air pressure figured out where you want it it does a really nice job i was a little bit unsure of the big pan or that stainless steel i guess i call it the pan before the before the crop gets from the cutter bar to the belt there's a wide area there it's really weird when i pick up on the ends i'm still not used to it it drops like a foot down and you can't really see the cutter bar from in the cab when it does that but that's part of what really allows the flex when you go through the draws at five five and a half miles an hour it follows the ground pretty well and the lower you have the air pressure the more it follows the ground but you've got to have dry ground in order to do that like we have here that way it doesn't start pushing in spots and pushing up the mud so at night when you're running if the ground starts getting tougher the moisture comes up and you get some dew down there you can turn that pressure up inside the cap and put a little more rigidity into the header and it helps you run a little bit longer that way i will definitely say though i do miss the prairie wind system that we've got on the deer header the deer header does a really nice job too you know everything's got it's good and it's bad but i do like that wind system a lot i think that would add a lot to this header as well um you can't change the draper belt speed on this head but it doesn't seem to matter it doesn't seem like you really need to kind of like the deer head once we get it set we really don't mess with it much it's got its own air compressor over on i believe it's on the other side but anyway we wired it in just connected it right to the battery and zip tied the line here ran a box up into the cab for a couple days here you can also adjust the tilt right here there's a cylinder there on top of the feeder house so you can adjust that tilt but you still got to be pretty close with your feeder house tilt in order to make sure everything is right it's a good product i honestly i wouldn't shy away from it at all it seems like a pretty solid header oh man it's a delivery [Music] mountain dew express mountain dew express for your journey [Music] it's been about five hours since i last turned the camera on which is a good thing that means it's been very uneventful just how we like it dad and i are getting pretty close together here we've had jim running back and forth and alan going to town so i don't think we'll get this field finished tonight uh jason wants his header back he's going to take this thing and head south again so we'll be down to one machine but we aren't going to have a whole lot left here to finish up tomorrow i mean things things are just going good and when it goes good i don't have a whole lot to show you guys and that's good i'm following dad right now in the other combine with the other header on it we're going through a draw right here we're going to compare the stubble from the two heads at upper force 4.7 4.8 miles per hour see what that looks like dad actually ran this machine all day yesterday and really liked this header he told me i should run that one tomorrow and see what i think after running this one for a while just uh just to compare because it's easier once you go when you go back and forth you know but i'm looking at his stubble over there and just kind of eyeballing it and that's definitely there's some some longer stubble there i mean i think he's still catching all the soybeans but this one is getting right down onto the ground i'm pretty impressed looking at that it took some dialing in but once we got it figured out here it's working really nicely i'm catching him i made him go around the tile it looks like hi mrs m effort hi what do you got um dinner and then the neighbor i don't know reese's last name he brought you these drinks oh they're tea with honey nice yeah pulled pork apples slices and like eight grapes i think she's trying to tell me something i'll eat the fruit becky i still like the pork sandwich better i tried to catch that on camera it would have been sweet but this camera's too slow [Music] i love this time of night the beeps you get used to them but i can do without them five to seven i am empty and that looks heavy hey jason um when i get to the north end here which is going to be in a couple of minutes oh i see you're running through the beans now how many miles have you put on those boats this week you enjoy running around fields huh streaking no no no none of that i wouldn't pick you up one cool thing about this header is that it's actually got its own rock trap built right into the header right there so we're gonna drop that look at that you see any obviously we got a rock trap on the back of the feeder house in the combine but i didn't realize any heads have their own rock trap built into them i don't think they do yeah that's pretty cool speaking of the rock trap on the combine [Music] no rocks that's a good thing [Music] i'll maybe take off are you okay with that yeah okay because we're gonna have to get his power cord off here and everything okay this is one of them fancy paved roads the yard is dark when we're doing soybeans and hauling them to town kind of weird coming home at harvest without the uh all the city lights on [Music]
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 1,047,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 77taWbsC7Og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 18sec (1458 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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