The Hypocrisy!!

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[Music] time to start the noisemaker for hopefully the last time this year if you watched the last video you know that i was having problems with the strip till machine over here and as close as we are to running out of time before our ground freezing up we've got sam tillage man sam and ron are going to come out see if they can adjust the closing discs on the back of this thing get that thing right so we can give it a fair shot and i'm going to take the mendeco storm across the road and try to finish up some tillage this morning no i really like this mandejko storm the way it's got the adjustability to it it's so versatile the downfall for us right now is we don't have a big enough tractor on it so i can only go about seven miles per hour this is a 27 foot but i've got both banks cranked up to 14 degrees doing as much tillage as i can it would do a better job if i could go 10 miles per hour with a bigger horse on it but i just don't have a bigger horse for it at the moment but i like the adjustability of it the machine is just so versatile i really like it it's nice and handy to have around sam yes third one from the left i'd say measure that one and then copy the spacing on that one that's that's the one where i got them both moved and it worked out much better drastic improvement i'm done with this piece and now i'm going to head a mile south over to where they were throwing some drain tile in for us and level out the drain tile lines level out the boils from that before jim gets to it with the ripper try not to leave mud on the road they're just about finished up here you can see the backhoe at work over here and you can see the spoil here where it pulls up the ground and i just want to level that off quick before jim gets to it with the ripper the nicer that is now the nicer it'll be in the spring well that's doing a really nice job of leveling that morning jim are they moving yep time to get the sweep going in the wet bed there we go this is the last little bit of the wet corn we have for 20 20. so we'll run this through the dryer get it in a bin and then we'll core what's left of our bins that need to be cored and run them in here well the dryer finishes up i'm going to take the ranger out to a field to the north here where we got the tile guy going i kind of want to see the job it's doing to make sure we're we're going to go there oh yeah look at that that's gonna be nice these end rows have been bad for a while in this spot here they had to cut a little bit deeper it's just crazy to me what you find sometimes underneath i mean this is a heavy heavy black field but you dig a little bit deeper and we got beach sand that's just crazy i never would have expected that we have pockets of it obviously there's one here that i didn't know about i've actually seen where the sand pockets will almost trap water in them because you just get a like a sand pit underground in the middle of a field that doesn't go anywhere so all the water gets drawn into that sand and it can't escape there it just sits in that sand pocket you run a tile to that and it clears it up like nothing it's crazy because that sand will filter so well so the water goes right out of there and here's the end of the strip there's a an open ditch that doesn't really run often that comes through here at the neighbors line and once it hits our property we took it underground here years and years ago all the way across through here so now we're tying into that and gonna clean everything up to the west i suppose i better get to work we are just about out of wet corn in the wet bin so while i wait for that to run out let's clean some stuff up we're all empty in here there beautiful now i'm guessing jim finished we're all done ripping bean ground corn ground and i don't even see any sheared bolts on the shanks but we do have an issue with the sump in the bin that i got to pull up and see why it's not sliding nicely jim you finished down there yes sir now what now you're done i quit forever well you got one that the freaking ring slipped on uh-huh yeah they did a it's a poor design that's for sure do you want to actually hang on uh it's got a bolt in it well i'm gonna take that bolt out and see if i can get a better look at what we're looking at i think the threads are messed up on is that just on them see them other ones had a collar like that and then they had to pull in that collar right onto the rod right oh i feel there's a jam nut underneath underneath that bolt well what holds it onto the rod is there a loop there but there are two bolts there's a loop oh there is yeah it just pulls on one side i think so i'm thinking you want to move that back and forth and then yeah move that rod and i'll make sure that all three work and then i'll just tighten that up if yeah that looks like it yeah that's the one okay what do you want me to do uh just move hang on here i'm working with jim okay uh move it back and forth a couple times [Music] there that's good jim i think we just need to tighten that because i think that bolt is the only thing that holds that iron um i could get a i could get an open end in there i think okay yeah must be half inch i think see if there's one hanging in the shack did jim get done in that field yep jim's done i got the top tight but i don't know yeah i'm gonna lose the wrench if i try to get the bottom tight i think right like a whole big access panel yeah yeah so you can get at that stuff time to unhook the ripper for the ear but i can't fathom the thought of unhooking that ripper where the grass is too tall so i'm gonna fix this you know what we need are those big jacks in the back those big great big ones because otherwise this tips over here leaning up on the far back corner of the top [Applause] dang it okay we got these lined up there's one on each side in the back to keep the machine from tilting backwards we are going to toss the chisel plow on that horse now to clean up some end rose and try to bust up some compaction from loading trucks in spots but in the meantime i need a bigger hitch pin that one's too little there we go this little guy all that commotion in the yard a half an hour ago and now peacefulness it's weird let's go see what this thing does now after ron and sam widened it basically they widened these out an inch and a half on each side to widen this out so we're going to have a really a relatively wide berm for a strip till machine but it seems like at the depth that i need to run for whatever reason we're getting a lot of dirt spoiling up and we need to make sure those berms are correct or else they're going to be a nightmare in the spring five or four are you guys up on mars or dales okay i'm gonna head up there with the strip killer and just see what kind of job it does okay this is public land here this used to be multiple acres of trees and wildlife habitat i guess we're just gonna tear that out and pretend that the wildlife doesn't like the trees i can't imagine what would be said if a farmer decided to tear out a grove guess i won't worry about it nothing personal a bunch of hypocrites all right we got everything set up i want to drive six miles an hour i got my auto track on let's hope this works i'm gonna try it with no fertilizer first here we go certainly looks a bit better from the cab i think i'm gonna go check i did go deeper now i may need to adjust some of those throw cleaner deals again still pretty lumpy don't don't forget don't forget that there still pretty lumpy because we just ah it's just sticky look at that this is that's the soil though that is not that is not the machine we're not pinching we're not spoiling that's the ticket and our berms are built up the way that they're supposed to be oh that did it it's a wide strip which i don't mind it's burning pretty much correctly i'd say the problem now is is just the moisture and stickiness of our soil yet i don't know these lumps do break up but the lumps are ugly because of the soil the machine is now doing what it's supposed to we need a we need a dryer spot i'm not applying fertilizer at the moment i think i'll just stare at things a bit here i did it remember i said i said i couldn't forget that there thank you for hanging in there buddy sock it too i am feeling so much better about this than i was 24 hours ago i really don't even know that the lumps are that bad i mean they are over here why is that a row thing is that a row thing or just a spot i've also been having the issue with the front meter housing or the transmission it's called on the cart totally separate from the tillage piece itself so i'm just going to recalibrate as long as i'm sitting here and i remembered my impact [Music] [Music] bag is hung charge the meter charge the meter [Applause] oh that dust is salty come on there we go okay 32 strong 32 minus a pound for the bag 31 and front is calibrated now do the same thing for the rear just uh different weight different product different weight just to recalibrate i did this yesterday but with the issues we were having they thought i should recalibrate again we adjusted the sensor hopefully between those two things it works and 32 all right i'll convert our variable rate prescriptions here meaning if you followed along we are adjusting our rate throughout the field so the red is low rate green is a higher rate that way the acres that need more get more the acres that don't need as much don't get as much science and technology how neat is that that's all loaded up we've got our fan running i'm going to do one last check manually to make sure that both products are coming out of all 12 shanks all the way across then i'll maybe run around here and then i think i'm going to get out of here and go to the dryer field where i'm not doing damage by creating lumps like this i see two products coming out everywhere that's good now as we drive along through the field this will be our rates in pounds of actual product that we are applying as we go which is relatively low in this area of the field if we go over here we can see our map and watch it change different colors as we go so over here we'll be applying a higher rate of potash that's the front bin here that's our potassium there you can see there the rates are changing as we move and we're creating a nice little berm and everything is wonderful i'm gonna jump out and make sure our depth looks good see what i think the fertilizer is coming in at i want the fertilizer down deep i'd like to get it at least five inches deep if i can the problem is that the shank runs below that because there's an anhydrous applicator underneath that and they're trying to not disturb the anhydrous by putting on the fertilizer now i don't have anhydrous on this rig right now but that would be the ultimate plan [Applause] i'm a solid six to eight inches deep probably averaging around seven that's what she said so i think i'm gonna leave it right there for now but look at how much nicer we're not building up that big spoil here that starts pushing and plugging i better go to work hey this thing is way better way better but it's still it's still a little lumpy um especially in certain areas but i think it would go really good at hagen's now go go gadget tractor teleport there we go let's make this field look the way it's supposed to change fields to that one okay change this to i don't have to change that oh that is so much prettier than what we did over there yesterday oh my gosh look at that obviously much drier soil much less sticky coarser soil oh that's pretty that's pretty now we need narrower tires on the cart for sure i understand that that's not ideal right there but oh yes that's what we're going for so the tractor the strip till bar itself those are working fantastically the transmission clutch whatever you want to call it on the air cart is good i haven't had a single issue with that what i am having issues with is the potash the potassium in the front tank not wanting to continue feeding out so every once in a while i'll stop crank it over turn it manually right now i've got four random ones not feeding the only fix i've found is to take the meter roll out dump the fertilizer hammer it out stick it back in and everything's good again something's plugging up and it's driving me up a wall i don't know if it's too powdery or what's going on tastes a bit salty and you gotta get it out of here in order for it to really feed back in there nicely i don't know oh it's something huh i don't know if it's like the i mean it gets ground up like baby powder in there i don't know if that powder's hanging up it's a fun fun gig you know farming now we'll go in what's the deal i gotta get this empty tonight so we can get more coming tomorrow i also need a shower i guess after digging in here are you gonna go in this time good thing my arms aren't any short [Applause] oh come on so close oh yeah there we go oh millennials don't handle this well there we go so i'm down now to 50 acres and for the load that i had on i should be able to do about 54 ish according to my math that'll depend a little bit on where i'm at in the field since it's variable rates some areas i could maybe do 60 other areas maybe i can only do 45 i don't have blockage monitors on this deal meaning if the hoses go empty and there's nothing feeding out i don't know unless i go back there manually or open the tanks and look so i've turned my fan off i am going to go up there climb the ladder and take a look in the tanks and see what i have left if there's a lot left uh something's either off in my mouth or something's not working right but i have plugged up the front a few times so i'm guessing there's more of that left than what they're supposed to be go find out starting to get a little chilly out here i'm gonna need my sweatshirt soon [Music] that's probably right it goes quick at the end i'll accept that and the front tank [Music] more left than i want but that's to be expected i'd say both are acceptable but i got a few acres left before i'm empty i don't know if the camera picks up on it but coyotes are going crazy over the hill [Music] oh there is a warning not a warning that says you're empty and there's nothing flowing but at least it gives you a heads up i got a half around here only on a this is on a 40. so i got a quarter mile to go i'll go that far and check it because i like to live dangerously well i'm awfully close but uh the rear tank is saying all right well it quit feeding out so we'll go see what's up [Music] oh we still we got we got almost enough to make it the next and definitely too much potash left that's frustrating i don't know what's causing that it's feeding out i wonder if the rate's low i keep getting out and checking it of course it is down there where it's doing that slope thing and it goes really fast once it gets there so maybe i'm not as bad as i think i am i can see here it was still feeding it was still feeding the map out and phosphorus so i'm just gonna run her mostly because i i just wanna go home i'm gonna call it an evening here and park this thing but before i turn the lights off i better go take old glory down come on here we go thanks for watching tell your friends only half of you are subscribed the other half should do it now hit the bell i'm supposed to say that right hit the bell comment like subscribe do all those fun stuff [Music] bye that timing on those lights might have worked out beautifully i can't see anything awfully dark out in the fields tonight i sure hope no bikini models come out and attack me nick you you don't have cows out but you got one with its head stuck in a tree yeah uh i'll walk down he looks fine i just i've never worked with cattle much i imagine if i just go down there i can get to the front of him just kind of lift his head up maybe he'll get out of there it is yeah i'll see uh i'll back up my my headlights here and i'll see if i can get him out of there i've seen a coyote do it once wasn't alive when i got through it i assumed the fence yeah it was he was dead oh there he smoked there he got himself up he didn't like me walking towards
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 603,023
Rating: 4.9735937 out of 5
Keywords: millennial farmer, millenial farmer, mn millennial farmer, farmer, minnesota millennial farmer, mn farmer, millennium farmer, millennial farmer 2020, millennial farmer podcast, mn millennial farmer funny, off the husk, millennial farmer equipment, mn millennial farmer equipment, farming, john deere, welker farms, farming simulator, The Hypocrisy!!, strip till
Id: k9Rp2T55Gx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 1sec (1441 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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