The Corn Planter Works!?

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hey good morning dogs now wrestle it's a low energy morning for those two apparently all right i'm gonna need lunch so protein bars beef turkey and almonds a couple of quick updates here in my last video you saw that the 9560 one of our bigger tractors had gone down it ends up that it's not as bad as what we thought it's actually it was the the fan clutch area the water pump somewhere in there it had a seal or an o-ring go out and it was actually leaking hydraulic fluid into the engine oil so it was not water getting in there it wasn't a head gasket issue so it's much better than we thought we should have that back maybe today maybe the day after dad's going to load some trucks we've got four loads to bring down on on shares on pool shares into the ethanol plant that is bringing corn in on the shares that we own the last thing here is you might notice my busted open lip i took a baseball to the teeth it's not quite as bad as it sounds and the story's not nearly as cool as it sounds if you're interested in what actually happened i'm sure mrs millennial farmer would love to tell the story on our off the husk podcast but we'll get to work now before i embarrass myself [Music] so just on a side note here the planter has actually been working really really well after we figured out a couple of sensor issues and i think one of the big main problems we were having is actually in a check valve that's actually part of the old frame system so part of our old planter system that got left on the frame were the solenoids and the check valves and those things are that control the flow of hydraulic fluid it was actually bypassing backwards when i was detenting one of the hydraulics when i pick up on the end and causing a big issue but we've got a new part coming for that for now we have sort of band-aided or masked the issue but once we got that figured out and we got rolling it's been a couple of days now where we've covered a lot of ground and i'm actually really impressed with this thing it will hold at least 99 and a half usually closer to 99.8 99.9 singulation at 10 miles per hour on smooth ground it's uh it i'm not regretting switching it over that's for sure not at this [Music] point farming drill through the bins with beans i figured through the 30s or something we'd have enough room for about 185 bushel yield 183 or five in nervians well that's a fair amount and we'd still be able to get some beans stored yeah i kind of like sort of beans this year we didn't store anything i i think we should especially you know yes 15 or 14 then you don't get back for it this field is what we call corn on corn so this was a corn field last year it's gonna be corn again it's a little bit tougher planting in the corn on corn because you've got all the residue from last year creates the row units to bounce a little bit there's a little more compaction from last fall's tillage to get through you get some of these lumps we did treat this field a little bit differently on tillage where we ran the mendeco on it the mendeco storm to bust up more of the lumps it didn't quite leave it as level as we were hoping but it did break up the lumps and then we came by with the land roller and leveled it off to get the row units to ride as smooth as possible it's windy out there a couple other things i've done here is bump up my gauge wheel pressure to 200 pounds where i've been running 160 to 180 on the other ground so that it can really push through that residue a little better and i have bumped up my closing wheel pressure as well from 1.7 to 2.1 for the same reason just to help push through the uh the residue and the lumps make sure we get that seed trench closed and the reason we're doing corn on corn because generally we keep our rotation pretty close to a 50 50 split between corn and soybeans this here with the grain markets the way they've been the last few months it's a little more enticing to plant more acres of corn apparently the market is trying to demand that and they're getting it at least from us but don't tell the usda that what time did they think they could be there tomorrow get out in the morning well that would work out good then so we'll just keep going with our same plan for today and as long as it doesn't rain we'll have them spread that tomorrow and put another quarter of corn in then yeah yeah i think we may as well do it well i guess we're going to plant another field of corn on corn so we will have close to close to 300 acres of corn on corn this year which is pretty unusual for us to have that much corn but that's what the market's calling for again don't tell the usda because see the usda they they keep track and they have estimates of the corn acreages that are out there and then when they release reports it affects the markets and it's it's a whole things are going good but row number 10 is showing more skips than any other row and it always bothers me to have one row that's showing something usually i'll find some little issue with it it's planting like 97 singulation instead of the rest that are all at like 99.8 so i'm going to open up row 10 and see if i can find anything oh double eliminator is good i don't see anything in there [Music] yeah the bowl could be tensioned up a little bit i'll add a notch into that needs another one maybe that's the deal that's a little better why not check the brush since i'm here there's not much going on inside of these they're pretty simple so i really as long as everything's locked into place and it's tensioned upright i don't even need to open that and check it that's better i'm out of seed on one half right now we loaded one side of the planter a little heavier than the other because surprise surprise we've got a few bags here of another variety that's supposed to be good that we want to test against the hybrid that we know is good [Applause] [Music] hit the wrong one there we go okay okay sriracha i hope i don't regret this oh that's nothing okay sounds good see you there yep bye bye just finished up that field there now we are gonna go plant a small test plot that we do for our local uh county corn and soybean growers you guys have heard me talk about them before in the past where the companies pay money to be involved in these test plots that a few of us run or plant and then that money goes towards scholarships for local youth that are going to school for something involved in for something involving agriculture so it's a little bit of extra work to plant these plots for sure but it goes towards a good cause you guys want to hear a fun fact i once watched a train derail we were driving on the highway and right next to us the train started to derail that's true story i really hate sitting at intersections while trains go by but there's no like i can't back up i just turned here i can't sit on the highway now that i've shared that i'd appreciate it if some of you shared some of your crazy experiences with me throw it down there [Music] the idea here is that we're going to compare 10 different hybrids against each other so to do that we're going to put six rows on each side of the planter that are a different hybrid every time and leave the 12 middle rows as what we call our tester so it's going to be a consistent hybrid we'll go back and forth until we got 12 rows of each different hybrid in there and then we'll test them this fall and see what we've got it's a little extra work because we've got to empty out each one at the end of each field we do six and six you'll see the process a little bit but it's uh it takes some work for sure but like i say it goes for a good cause i should mention to them that what we do with the data from the from the hybrids and the hybrid data is we actually print that off our local county board prints it off and it gets sent out to all of our county members and then it's an incentive another little incentive to be a member of the county i would encourage everybody out there who is a farmer or somebody who cares about agriculture if your county or your state has a corn soybean organization or whatever organization whatever they farm where you're at become a member we need the voices there's not a lot of us out there that that do this we need those voices in places where it [Music] matters there's dad with the supplies got our different hybrids back here different companies all kinds of tools fun times be nice if it would yeah no be much nicer out here without that though man that wind is really annoying yeah it was really bad yesterday though i don't like it today it would have been terrible yesterday it should be good to put the first hybrid in these six yeah we should be six there yeah that looks like a number one right i better end this yeah yeah i don't know how much we'll need it's about 850 800 feet okay did you fill them up the first time all right i'll meet you in like 830 feet and repeat the process and then again and then again then again on the map not keeping track of every variety no i ain't gonna fight okay chris gave me a list i don't remember if it was on the top of the toolbox it's actually in the ranger it was on the seat i put it in the i guess the glove compartment okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] someday i just might drop this camera out the back window but as long as i recover it it makes some fun footage for you guys we have planted our county plot now we'll take the boxes off the top that we added on there to give it a little extra room for the seed pull the stops out that we put in the vacuum lines or the ccs lines go back to work now we're going to switch over and plant that field over there mile well now we know we can make a quarter to do a 40 to a quarter mile long roads right yeah they hold quite a bit and just a round later we're actually done with this field now we've got two fields left about 180 acres i'm gonna head home grab some diesel and some def fluid and we're going to toss some bags into the seed tender that we're going to need part way through the next field would you look at this they are backed up at the pumps today stay [Music] now this seed is our f2f seed we got it from farmers business network this is conventional seed here so it is non-gmo it's not roundup ready we are gonna grow it as conventional corn the majority of it is a 92 day maturity that's what the hybrid is we do have a 95 i believe and a 98 day but we ordered that directly through fbn you can see all the transparency and the information about it online also fbn membership is now completely free all you have to do is participate in the data in order to have access to it that gives you access to everything on the platform [Music] 58 bags or so yeah so we need 53 and we've got 45 here back at it [Applause] five to seven how's that moneco working out there looks really nice yeah this is really nice over here [Music] scott how goes the battle good you not too bad good plan plant some beans you're up alex so you got all your corn in oh god no we just want to get everything done up here before we move home so yeah i can understand that easier than running back and forth long as it's just closed and everything's fit to go so yeah are you about getting wrapped up in corner well i would be just pulling into our last field if we hadn't decided to add that extra field of corn on corn okay so i don't know if i'll go later tonight and finish this one but the plan is to get fertilizer on that other field tomorrow and plant that um i was just going to tell you on that that 99 day is actually a pretty damn good corn um probably a little better option for you if it's going on good drones so it should be pretty decent ground it's been a little wet the last few years but we threw some drain tile in it so that's gonna help it it's uh it's a smart stacks and it's a little bit old it came out about the same time as 197.66 okay so the price on it is actually for a smart stack it's actually cheaper than 194.49 is oh it is well you're not spending a ton of money to get smart stacks and it's a it's a dang good yielder so yeah and if it's been around that long then you guys pretty well know exactly what it is too rough planted i think two boxes of it so he likes it so well maybe i'll talk to dad and see which one does it matter to you which one we take if i just come and get it tomorrow morning no not at all i mean they're both sitting there so either one's available but seed time already again this time we'll put quite a bit in should be able to plant quite a few acres now roughly 120 4 or 5. [Music] and away we go again repeat the process again just when i was thinking we were covering a lot of acres without a problem here we go again we've got a downforce issue on row 19. here's the guy i need to talk to hi hi there uh which approach would you like your pickup on i told jim in the main approach but maybe you want it closer to the south end well maybe maybe not because now i can't get any downforce out of row 19. oh okay so i don't know at this time of night do we call deer and get a sensor out here because it's probably a sensor but the diagnostics is showing that it is it it there's no weight on it okay i i think i'd call them they should still be there now shouldn't they the time of the earthquake planning going on yeah we might just get charged in after hours hey adam zack johnson calling um i'm out uh planting uh northwest of lowry and i'm guessing that i probably need a downforce sensor again it's not shown on the diagnostics that i have any downforce yet [Music] so i'm guessing i don't i'm just going to uh set my auto steer here and head back towards the main approach because i don't have high hopes but i got to move my auto steer line over row 19 is working just fine diagnostics age wheel down force [Music] okay let's pick it up here i haven't listened to it thoroughly but before i sent it to oh we could we hired an editor everybody might be happy to hear that i am no longer editing the podcast so god yeah this is i hate it well everything seems to be rocking along now no issues seen on the screen everything looks good back here i guess i'll just uh crank up the music and enjoy the sunset throw some corn in the ground i'd love it if you joined me for my in-cab rock concert coming up but due to copyright laws i can't let you in on it i've got just over two rounds left here which i think should be in the neighborhood of eight to ten acres but i got the one side empty now that we wanted to go empty because i've got these two other hybrids to dump in a couple other options from farmer's business network both conventional look at the dust sticking to these tanks tonight staticky dusty a couple half units here of the new 95 day see what it does there label out and once more i'm hoping this last bag finishes get done with this field we've got one field of corn left tomorrow morning we're going to get some seed to finish that off then we're going to switch this whole thing over to beans we're going to get the sprayer going we're going to have the roller moving beans are a lot busier there's a lot going on during planting oddly enough they're they're much easier to harvest but they're a lot busier during planting [Music] that's going to do it for tonight just one more corn field and we can move on to soybeans this machine's got a handy dandy little feature where you can go in here and you can purge the brushes in row units so it spins a row unit spins the brushes empties them out so that you don't have seed sitting inside anywhere manipulating the brushes or warping them or anything like that pretty neat complete epg off that off float off off shut this down
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 377,647
Rating: 4.9787583 out of 5
Id: YGHry1Wrnh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 35sec (1535 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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