Water | Dream Element

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[Music] hey guys my name is john and at streams ministries we are often being asked what different elements might mean in a dream and one of them that comes up often is water now water can be in so many different dynamics different situations different circumstances so let's talk about a few of the different things that it might mean because when we think of water one of the first things that comes to mind for those of us that have been around christianity for a period of time is the spirit where it talks about the rivers of living water will come from their bellies and he was talking about the spirit that was yet to be poured out on believers so so we think of rivers we think of water we think of spirit but not all water talks about the spirit here's some of the dynamics what are you looking for to understand what it might mean in this particular dream well one of them is the key of that verse that i just shared in john chapter 7 it says that rivers of living water will flow through them now living water was this was a specific hebrew term that meant that the water had a natural source it wasn't contained it's the difference in ezekiel of the river that flowed and then the pools the marshy places that didn't flow when it's flowing it'll often talk about the spirit of god but things that are contained like marshes like ponds like swimming pools that's a very common one are usually talking about spiritual communities not about the spirit of god the spirit of god is often portrayed as a stream as a river as a rushing river that there's a flow that usually represents when it's the spirit of god and so take a look at the the context i've interpreted numbers of dreams where pools would represent the spiritual community it could represent the church that they were in or the spiritual arena of the community that the person lived in maybe the town that they lived in or or the neighborhood that they lived in they would see a pool and it would tell them about what was going on in that spiritual community in the spiritual aspect of that community what about lakes what about huge oceans or seas well that can represent a few different things you have the the glassy sea that's found in revelation that's before the throne of god it's very smooth there's no waves this is this is a sea it's made out of glass or it looks like it's glass that represents the presence of the lord it look it represents heavenly atmospheres but a normal sea you have in another place in revelation where it talks about the drag or the beast excuse me coming out of the sea and as the sea was clearly defined as the sea of humanity it's talking about the nations so seas can talk about the spiritual community of a nation or of nations the ocean could talk about nation or nations and so when you see large bodies of water like that it's probably more talking about nations or about large communities than it is about smaller communities like a neighborhood or a church that's probably not the spirit there's not a place where the spirit of god is represented as an ocean he's represented as as a river as moving as living and so when you see water pay attention to the water now if you see a cup of water that's a whole different dynamic if you're drinking the water that's a very different dynamic what happens when you drink the water is it talking about serving people because of their relationship with the lord coming out of matthew chapter 10 where jesus says you serve a cup of water to the prophet or to the righteous man because of who they are in god because their relationship that it ensures a reward that comes to you that the reward that they deserve you get to step into it could be talking about that if it's the right dynamic it could be talking about serving someone that's in need giving a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because the their brother or sister because they belong to jesus and that's just talking about serving those that are in need giving them the the basic necessities of life and so it could be talking about service and it could be talking about giving somebody something of the spirit now again the context is really what's going to help you to understand that so pay attention when you see water and dreams it can mean a few different things something spiritual most likely but what's the context is it a river could be a move of god that's coming through it could be the the river of living water which is the spirit when the spirit gets poured out is it an ocean or a sea could be talking about nations or a pool could be talking about your church or your city or your neighborhood that is an interesting dream [Music] you
Channel: Streams Ministries
Views: 7,277
Rating: 4.9382238 out of 5
Id: Q81CNg4Lohc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 47sec (347 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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