John Thomas - How does one know if a dream is from God?

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we do Facebook live videos on a decently regular basis we we try to have them at least once a week or every other week where we get on and we begin to interpret dreams and we just talk to people about whatever it is that's going on it's always fun and whenever we're interpreting dreams we have a question that comes up almost every time how do I know if the dream is from God one of the biggest questions that we have so let's talk about that how do you know whether or not a dream is from God or not from God one of the principles that we teach in the understanding dreams and visions course is that whether a dream has color or is in black and white will give you a major clue God is light and he's full of light and he's full of color and so dreams that are from God are genuine are generally going to be full of light and full of color the enemy is darkness and so dreams that come from the enemy are generally going to be dark they could be at night very dim lighting or they could be black-and-white muted tones and those dreams that just come out of her own soul because sometimes we actually can cause ourselves to dream like Jeremiah was told by God that there were some people they were causing themselves to dream dreams those types of dreams they'll generally have color but it's not going to be bright light it's not going to be bright color it's not going to be vibrant color it's going to be a dull color not a lot of vibrancy and so by looking at the level of color that is one of the major keys to know whether dream is from God or not dream from God will generally be full of bright color the vibrancy now I'll give you an exception and I've seen this two times and I've interpreted thousands and thousands and thousands of dreams that I don't know how many have interpreted but multiple thousands of Dreams and I've only seen this two times where someone had a black and white dream and it was actually a dream from God the con next to the dream had a lot to do with it but here was one other clue that we recognized it was a dull black and white like you're watching a black-and-white movie it was a very vibrant very clear whites very deep blacks there was color that is just a rich color was just blacks and blacks and whites and so with that dream was talking about was this was a black and white issue so there is an exception to that rule but it's a good general rule here's another principle to tell whether or not it was from God or not from God what's the feeling that's left after that dream you have the sense of God's presence do you have the sense that God said something you have the intrigue now let me be very careful with this one because just because you don't have that intriguing you don't have that sense that it's from God's presence is not a sure sign that it's not from God but if you do have that it can be a sign that it is from God I've had so many dreams that when I woke up I thought oh that was just interesting I should write that down that would make a great movie script but it didn't seem to make any sense and I didn't feel specifically that it was from God but I've learned that you need to write those dreams down whether or not you have that immediate sense or not and then afterwards when I was going through that dream talking about it with some friends I found it you know my dream actually was from God and it was so clear talking about a season in my life or talking about a season that I was coming into that I was going to have to deal with a particular situation I need to new know a certain principle that was going to help me so does it have that immediate sense that it's from God if it does it probably is but if it doesn't there's still a lot of other things to look at does it violate scriptural principle no word from God will ever violate the word from God so if you have a dream and it's telling you to do something the Bible tells you not to do one you either don't understand the dream or - the dream is not from God so you could have a dream and the dream says that you need to go kill so-and-so now you would think immediately wait a second that's not from God the Bible says do not murder but it could be saying that you need to cut off relationship with so-and-so someone might be a bad influence or there might be some other reason why God would have you cut off that relationship so it could just be a metaphor and you need to understand it better that is another clue does it fit in with the other things that God is doing in your life if you have been going down a certain path revelation is guiding you down that path where God has been leading you the the community that you're in other mature believers that you're walking with are all in agreement that that's the path that you're going down and then you have a dream that goes way off and left field generally you need to take a lot of discernment before you decide that that dream is from God now it might be from God but it's probably not for the season that you're in because when God talks God talks in the context of a conversation and so if he says something that doesn't fit into the context it's because that conversation hasn't started yet that's when you hold on to it and you wait until another season and then come back to it I found again and again dreams that I had that didn't make sense to me in one season that when I got into another season usually because God directed me to make a decision or to say yes take on a responsibility and when I did that all of a sudden opened up and I had understanding of dreams from the previous season that we're talking about the season that I was in then so hold on to those things but take a look if God speaking and talking telling you to do something it's probably going to fit within the context that you're in what's your sense of peace about the dream that just that sense of discernment is this something that I need to pay attention to I don't have an immediate sense of the presence of the Lord or the importance of it but when I pray about it I feel this settle mnestheus really is from God now all of those things are clues but the beautiful thing about God is he doesn't give us hard and fast rules and laws that tell us that it's him and not him every single time it's about relationship the clearest and the best way to know whether or not it's from God is stay close to him have a deep relationship with him and he will make it clear when it dreams from him make it all about him and you won't miss it
Channel: Streams Ministries
Views: 44,154
Rating: 4.8556261 out of 5
Keywords: Streams Ministries, John Paul Jackson, John E Thomas, dream interpretation, dream meaning, Christian, Bible, Spiritual, Jesus
Id: RH2GWbJfgrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2017
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