God the Father | Healing House

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i don't know i'm gonna have to figure it out it's so loud too okay good morning everyone went to prayer this morning good morning ladies i'm gonna wait for them to come in we're not live yet or we are okay all right all right i'm gonna pretend like everyone's in good morning so good to be here this morning welcome to streams healing house we are glad you are joining us we are glad you are joining us online welcome welcome i wanted to let you know about a few things that we have coming up so many of you have connected to our outreach alan drake does our outreach he does a phenomenal job and so there are some book clubs there are some prophetic outreach some dream outreach so be sure to connect with alan on those also wanted to let you know that for those of you joining us for academy if you did not see your email james gall will not be able to join us due to some health reasons but we have john west coming and john west is an associate pastor at a church in louisiana and he does he not only interprets dreams but he actually has raised up some dream teams they do some prophetic outreach with dreams so he is going to be a gift to have here um especially since this unit is all on dream interpretation and even talking about some outreach with that so we're excited to have john west he will be here with us on friday night for academy and then also he'll be here on saturday for the gathering so can you believe it's already time for the gathering again i know we're so excited we look forward to it all month so for those of you online if you cannot join us in person we do live stream our gathering so um we love it we are totally open to what the holy spirit does so sometimes there's time for teaching sometimes there's just ministry it just depends on where the lord takes us so we love that this month there will be dream teams so if you have a dream that you have just it's been burning what does this dream mean then come doors open at six and you can sign up for a team and meet with them and do a dream interpretation and then our event kicks off at seven with worship so we're excited to have you all for that and then who can even believe that it is october i feel like the months are long but the year has been fast is that a possibility i'm like it's october already we are already at the end of our year which means we have one academy module left can you believe it so we're gonna do academy module six in november and december november will be the teaching december is the mentoring so um that module i love it i feel like john did a great job in this curriculum of having bookends kind of opening with healthy prophetic learning a lot going through a lot of refining by the fire sometimes in our character and all of that in academy and then our other book end of again healthy prophetic and so module six is one of my favorite ones to really press into because you've learned learned learned now remember how to go out and have character over gifting first so it's a great module and we will have justin allen from global awakening joining us for the mentoring piece so we're excited about that okay i think that is all my announcements except to say guess what we had the october 25th release date of our book but we got some little sneak peeks at a soft cover that we it's not for sale yet but it's beautiful i cannot wait for you guys to see the dream elements book i am telling you you are going to want this for christmas for everyone because it's amazing and it's just all throughout it is talking about how god speaks to us through our dreams imagine not knowing the lord and someone giving you that book and then you can connect oh my goodness he is speaking to me he loves me that much so anyway can't wait for y'all to see it we will have it out on a table when it comes because we're just super fired up about it all right so with that i'm gonna pray i'm gonna allow us to do our offering and then we'll welcome john how's that all right so father thank you thank you thank you for your kindness for your love for your mercy thank you god for allowing us to gather together for giving this opportunity to just be together in community as a family to worship you to enter into this place where we for this next you know hour and a half where our focus is you singularly god so grateful for that father we thank you for just allowing us the opportunity to gather with people who are like-minded but who also raise us up encourage us challenge us minister to us i pray today that our hearts would be synced god that through your holy spirit living inside of each of us that we would be able to sync up with your heart for one another and love one another well we would be able to minister to one another in the way that you call us to do god in the way that your word says you've given us the power and authority to do we thank you for that god you are so worthy worthy worthy god beyond our imagination beyond what we can even fathom you are so precious and so today god we say we love you lord we have come to meet with you we praise you in jesus name amen okay so if you are a part of healing house and you would like to give your offering your ties an offering you can do that at the boxes in the back you can do that on the screen you can do that on our app if you have our app you can do that on streams ministries website on the donate now button i mean you can do it in all these ways there it is yay so we have text to give we have envelopes we have online and we have the app if you are a guest and you have a regular church home we bless that if you would like to give a gift you can do the same thing in all of those ways so we'll leave that up on the screen for just a few minutes while you guys are doing that and with that i would love to welcome johnny back he's been traveling we're glad to have him home yay yay thank you it was a good trip up in coeur d'alene doing our our tabernacle event and it's always fun because the the whole point of that event is is having a space where god can do anything that he wants and guide us in any direction and so we're purposefully asking him what colors what sounds what movements that he wants to happen in the room to open up a space for his presence so we had a dance team we had live arts that were going on we had spoken word we had music sometimes the the music i think we we worship for around five or six hours over the four sessions that we had worshiped and we played two or three songs that we knew out of that period of time the rest of it was just spontaneous going wherever the lord led and god opened up some beautiful spaces it was uh it was a lot of fun and got to go to california and encourage a couple churches things are a little bit different in california than they are here in texas and uh they're they're just now in some ways starting to starting to open up and it's it was really neat being able to be there and encourage some some new churches that are getting started and it was fun a lot of fun god god did some neat stuff there was a just a beautiful experience of the the prophetic releasing hope and encouragement and confirmation for people so roland is not with us this morning so we're we're actually we're going to be doing worship after our message as part of our response so one of the things for those of you that are alive um you're you're going to get to to do worship on your own because we're going to be doing some recorded stuff we can't stream through our lives so we're going to end our our stream after the message but we're we're going to continue on our uh series we started on the apostles creed where we're talking about coming back to the foundations and we're we're we're in a shift in the world in the church the things are things are changing the what we're doing has to change with a new season if we keep on trying to do what we did before we're going to end up not being able to move forward into what god has for us but as we move forward we have to hold on to the essentials and so as we're looking for what what the what the shape of our response to god's invitation in this generation in this moment in history we have to do that standing on the foundation of faith that god has given to the church and and from the about the second century on there have been confessions of faith and kind of the the first in the classic confession of faith that was given to the church called the apostles creed has been the standard for what christians actually believe it's the it's the set of beliefs of truths about who god is and how he operates in the world that are essential to be a christian if you don't agree with these things you are not christian and that has been the stance of the church for almost two millennia at this point in time and it was set because there were so many weird teachings that were coming out and people were saying this and and the other thing that that did not agree with scripture and so people took the scripture the things that they had seen in scripture the things that they'd been taught by the apostles and they they um brought them together into a concise proclamation of what we believe and that that's the the creed and so i'm going to read the apostles creed again and we'll jump into our second set of thoughts i believe in god the father almighty creator of heaven and earth i believe in jesus christ his only son our lord who is conceived by the holy spirit and born of the virgin mary he suffered under pontius pilate was crucified died and was buried he descended to hell the third day he rose again from the dead he ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of god the father almighty from there he will come to judge the living and the dead i believe in the holy spirit the holy catholic church the communion of saints the forgiveness of sins the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting amen so the last time we were talking about god who is this god that we serve we talked about how our god is omnipotent he has all power over all power there's nothing that he cannot do he's omniscient he knows absolutely everything there's nothing that's going to surprise him there's nothing he's going to learn he knows the future he knows the past he knows absolutely every detail about everything that he knows he's omnipresent he's everywhere there's no place that you can go and get away from him he is every in every s in every sphere of creation and every portion of creation and he's immutable he does not change he doesn't become something different he doesn't stop doing what he used to do he is who he is and always will be who he will be which is the name that he gave himself when he was asked well what is your name that i could tell him who you are i am that i am i will be that i will be and he's eternal is absolutely no beginning and he has no end the only thing that has no beginning is our god but he's chosen to allow us to come into that life so that we also have no end so i believe in god the father almighty and this is where we're going to be today we have this understanding of the god that we serve that he is father a couple different places in matthew chapter 6 verses 9 through 13 during the the sermon on the mount jesus gives his disciples a prayer in response you teach us how to pray and he said to pray our father who is in heaven holy is your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us today our daily bread and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us and do not lead us into temptation but deliver us from evil for yours is the kingdom the power and the glory but he starts our father we actually get to consider the the god of all the universe this infinitely powerful infinitely knowing being that that is that is above all things the creator of all things we get this intimate term of father that this is not a term for god that any other religion has had i think there there may be a few cults that took from christianity this concept uh from judaism because it actually started in in um in deuteronomy the first time we we got to we see god being called the father is in moses's song that he gave to the israelites in deuteronomy 32 that god is your father he created all things he called you he formed you you are his but we have this opportunity to call him father but so a couple things we we're gonna we're gonna look at what one what does that mean to us that's one of the things we're gonna look at but why father why do we get this term father why don't we call it mother so it's a it's actually a valid question and it's a question that people are asking the the main point is god's choice god chose to reveal himself as father that this was this was his determination of how he wanted to be known it was not a statement that he is inherently masculine because it actually took male and female together to reveal the image of god in genesis chapter 1 find this real quick verses 26 and 27. it says and god said let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them when god uses the term man most often in scripture especially in the creation account it's usually talking about the mankind in general all people so let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth so god created man in his own image in the image of god he created him male and female he created them so god is neither male nor female but it takes both male and female to be able to reveal something of who he is but the role of father and as we go in in further messages we'll talk about the the role of the son and the role of the holy spirit the role of father is core to how god wants us to understand him and he created the nuclear family as a way for us to understand who he is and the role that he plays in our lives here's another thought about god as being father it says god our father does everybody get to call god father in a sense yes and in a sense no john chapter 1 verses 12 and 13. i'll explain what i mean by what i just said in john chapter 1 verses 12 and 13 it says but to all who did receive him who believed in his name this is clearly talking about covenant relationship with our god he gave the right to become children of god who were born not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man but of god this is what jesus was talking about two chapters later when he's talking with nicodemus saying we must be born again to be able to enter into the kingdom it's those that through faith have the holy spirit coming into our lives making us alive spiritually that we are given the right to be able to call him to interact with him as father but the the verse in deuteronomy 32 verse 6 says this now this is the song of moses that the book of revelation says that we will be singing throughout eternity verse 6 do you thus repay the lord you foolish and senseless people is not he your father who created you who made you and established you so the idea of being created by god in a sense that makes him father but it doesn't give the relationship of a father until we are called by his name until we have put our faith in jesus that we actually come into that type of relationship so it says that everybody being created in a sense god is father yet does does not have that type of relationship that god gives the right to those who believe him to call him father how does he accomplish that how does he actually give us the right or another translation actually says power that word actually is literally authority he gives us the authority to say that god is my father god is our father in in romans chapter 8 paul explains how god does that in our lives romans chapter 8 and we're going to start in verse 14 and we'll read through verse 17. it says and all who are led by the spirit of god are sons of god for you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear but you have received the spirit of adoption as sons by whom we cry out abba father the spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of god and if children than heirs heirs of god and fellow heirs with christ provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him so because the spirit of god dwells in us and has given us god's nature has put the life of the son within us we now have the capacity we now have the right to call him father but it's not just a like a document that says well you're allowed to at this point he actually puts that life inside of us so that something in our hearts cries out wow you're my dad that abba father that that term abba is a is an intimate um term it'd be like saying papa or daddy it's not a formal term of distance but it's this intimate crying out that something in another verse that says that the spirit of god has put the love of god into our hearts and so we actually get to to have this love within us where we know that we are loved and our heart moves back in love to him and in that place we we actually we have this new nature that pulls us out of that place of slavery pulls us out of that place of fear we now have trust that he is with us that he is in us this is what jesus is talking about in john chapter 14. in john chapter 14 verses 15-18 as he's getting ready to head to the crucifixion he begins to give his disciples instruction and understanding so that they will know how to live out this life as they move forward starting in verse 15 it says if you love me you will keep my commandments and i will ask the father and he will give you another helper paraclete to be with you forever even the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because it neither sees him nor knows him you know him for he dwells with you and will be in you i will not leave you as orphans i will come to you yet a little while and the world will see me no more but you will see me because i live you also will live so he he he gives us this relationship that we we come into this relationship the same relationship that jesus has with his father we're brought into that relationship and and this term here helper or paraclete is it's an interesting greek word because it's related to the same greek word that the greek septuagint translated in genesis when it says that god made a help mate for adam a completer a one that would come alongside and allow him to accomplish purpose that is that that same root is the root of the helper he's one that comes alongside that completes us that makes us whole so that we can accomplish the purpose that we've given that we've been given by him and so because the spirit of the son which is the spirit of the father lives within us we have this relationship and now it changes how we connect and how we interact with this god that we serve but we don't have a distant god that that's out there and kind of like the old picture wound up the clock of the universe and then left it to to wear itself out and one day will will come back and and when it wears itself out either do something new or fix it this idea we don't have a god that's separate and distant but we have a god that is near we have a god that is with us a god that cares for us like a father like a good father cares for his children but in the world that we live in in the world as it's been for since humanity began we have a problem our picture of father is not the picture that god intended for us to have in the intention of god the human father was supposed to give us this example of what it's like to be loved by to be cared for by god but there has never been a perfect father in all of creation and the enemy has been very purposefully coming against our understanding of father and specifically the role of men in society because it will affect our interactions with god to the extent that we believe it so if you try if you take a look around at the projections of what a father is like just think of popular tv shows and popular movies a couple of the kind of personalities that fathers are given the lazy father that's uninterested ignores everything but just likes his sports or likes his beer the deadbeat dad that's gone he left usually because he found somebody else that he loved more the sex addict that can't think of anything else than how to use others to satisfy his own lusts the overly macho man that walks through fire and blows everything up and beats everybody up but actually is not tender and is not near or the basic imbecile that just doesn't have any clue as to what's happening on happening around us think homer simpson these are the pictures that we've been given of what a dad of what a father of what a man is like and because of that and not only because of that there's partially there's a there's a back and forth relationship of this the world around us we we are we have less fathers in the home than we have had in any other generation in the last 50 years see if i could find these called fatherhood.org wrote this there's a crisis in america according to the u.s census bureau 18.3 million children one in four live without a biological step or adoptive father in the home consequently there is a father factor in nearly all of the society ills facing america today research shows that when a child is raised in a father absent home he or she is affected in the following ways poverty there's four times greater risk of poverty for someone that did not have a father in the home teen pregnancy seven times more likely to become pregnant as a teen if if someone grew up without a father in the home behavioral problems more likely to have behavioral problems child abuse more likely to face neglect and abuse without a father in the home mom child health two times greater risk of infant mortality if the father is not there substance abuse more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol incarceration more likely to go to prison child obesity two times more likely to suffer from obesity if the father is not in the home crime more likely to commit crime and two times more likely to drop out of high school if there's not a father in the home there is a core rule that father's play now this isn't putting it on earthly fathers this is saying that we we need to know father because the psalmist's problem promised the psalmist promised even if your father and mother abandon you i will be with you even if you're left without that god himself wants to come in and be that father now it is an encouragement for those of us that that are fathers that have that role to father those and those of us that don't have fathers or even or children or those of us that have children in the home to help to father the children in our communities and provide that support provide that that that life that's intended because there are things that a father is supposed to give and we with the spirit of our father in us can help to provide that for others i want to talk a little bit about what god being our father actually means to our relationship with him but after having looked at some of those stats let me give you a prayer to pray he prayed out loud prayed in your heart whatever you feel if you agree with this god i want to see you as the father that you are forgive me for judging my father and men in general show me any beliefs that i have about men or fathers that are not true to who you are the perfect father come and be a father to every part of my heart and let your holy spirit rise up in me crying out abba father father just rest on our hearts as we hear these promises of what you are to us let it land in a place that can receive it one of the places where our fathers missed the mark by a lot or even by little we forgive them and we let go lord would you bless them bless our fathers god father those that are fathers in this generation would you bless them to be fathers to push back against this weight of the world trying to conform them into a false image but by your spirit would they be transformed by the renewing of the mind to come into the likeness of god as you intended lord raise up fathers spiritual fathers and physical fathers that have the heart of the father and reveal it to a generation see here's some of the things in our relationship with god that begin to change as we know god as father first it gives us confidence in prayer if we know god as father as a good father it's going to change the way that we pray and the faith that we have when we pray luke chapter 11 verses 11 through 13. it says for what father among you if his son asks for a fish well instead of a fish give him a serpent or if he asks for an egg we'll give him a scorpion if you then who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more will the heavenly father give the holy spirit to those who ask him because he is a father he cares like a good father would care he provides like a good father would provide and we we can we can trust we can go to the fridge and say can i get some milk can i get some water can i get some food we can expect him to provide for our needs because he is our father we also we get access to god's resources ephesians chapter 2. ephesians chapter 2 verses 17 through 19. it says then he came and preached peace to you who are far off in peace to those who are near for through him jesus we both have access in one spirit to the father we we have access to him so then you're no longer strangers and aliens but you are fellow citizens with the saints in members of the household of god so we're actually we're we're in his house we're living in his house we have the access so if you were living in your dad's house you'd have whatever you needed now depending on what your father has but god the father the good father that has no limit that is all-powerful that is all-knowing that is always there that never changes and cannot have a beginning and cannot have an end this father has given you access and and brought you into his house and with that comes the provision the spiritual provision and as we'll see later natural provision that's needed for whatever good work he's given us to do we can expect him when we come and we're we're asking for gifts of healing or asking for gifts of prophecy or we're asking for words of knowledge are the discerning of spirits we're not coming as beggars we're coming as sons we're coming as children with expectation of access because we've become members of that household we belong to him and he has made himself available to us we also have a promise of love in john chapter 14 verse 23 a little bit later from the passage we read earlier it says this jesus answered him if anyone loves me he will keep my word and my father will love him and we will come to him and make our home with him when we recognize that god is our father we can recognize his presence he comes he dwells with us he doesn't just come and visit periodically he makes his home with us he stays with us he's constantly with us he is jesus emmanuel god with us revealing the father in all things and so we have the promise that god will love us and he loves the whole world but he loves his children especially you can have the the best dad that just doesn't have an enemy in the world but his relationship with his children is different than his relationship anywhere else there's a special love there's a commitment there's an attachment and he's made that with each one of us that have become the children of god not only a promise of love but a promise of inheritance galatians chapter 4. galatians chapter 4 verses 4 through 7 it says but when the fullness of time had come god sent forth his son born of women born under the law to redeem those who were under the law so that we might receive adoption as sons and because you are sons god has sent the spirit of his son into our hearts crying abba father so you're no longer a slave but a son and if a son then an heir through god you know the fun thing with an heir they own what the father owned we're we're in heir jesus received his inheritance when he went to sit at the right hand of the father which gives us access to that inheritance he didn't have to wait for the father to die he died and out of his victory he comes into that place in the roman world someone that was brought into a family they they would come into the family often as a slave sometimes as a friend that there was not not a slave as like what we often think of slaves but they would come in kind of like an employment manager but there would be a there would be a requirement of their obedience that was there and how they handled that management um would determine whether or not they were adopted and there there was a full ceremony that they would go through when a child had proven themselves faithful when someone that had been brought in proved themselves faithful they would formally adopt them in front of the community and say this is my son how you would treat me treat them they would have the full right to handle the business of the household they would actually be expected to be the heir there's plenty of stories of caesar's that had adopted people into their family they recognized something on them they brought them into the family and they were set up as the heir and they co-ruled with them there there's this there that was this picture when he says we've been given adoption as sons it's not like we think of adoption today because you could bring somebody into your family before you adopted them but once you adopted them they had the full rights of the family if they made a commitment the whole house was held by that commitment this is the inheritance that we've been given we get to come in and represent god to the world this is my son this is my daughter they've made me happy and i've given them access i've given them authority all authority has been given to me in heaven and earth therefore go we have that authority to stand and speak for and move for god as an heir a coheir with christ it also comes with a promise of provision matthew chapter 6 verses 31 through 33 a little bit later in the sermon on the mount jesus says this therefore do not be anxious saying what shall we eat what shall we drink or what shall we wear for the gentiles seek after all these things and your heavenly father knows that you need them all but seek first the kingdom of god in his righteousness and all these things will be added to you see when we recognize that we are children we own that relationship of being sons being daughters being adopted by god he is our father it changes our relationship with our needs in this world we're not trying to figure out how to get food dad's got food we're not trying to figure out how to protect ourselves dad's around he's protecting us we're not trying to figure out how to get what we need dad's around dad makes sure that we get what we need we can just spend our lives being about his kingdom and his righteousness and when we do that anxiety begins to fall we we want god to provide for us so that we can stop being anxious but it's actually the other way around we stop being anxious we start seeking first his kingdom and his righteousness and then all these things will be added to us sometimes god comes through and he gives us while we're still anxious but we can have a lifestyle where our life is not centered around economy our life is centered around presence and obedience and in that we will find our needs being met when it looks like it and when it doesn't i've got 25 years of history i could tell you story after story after story of when it looked like it was great and it looked like it was bad and it's never not been what we needed even when it wasn't what we wanted it's never we have always been provided we've always been able to do what we needed to do when we stopped seeking first kingdom it got harder but as long as we went after him as long as we were following him he is faithful he's our dad he will take care of us we don't have to worry we can trust him he's our dad he's trustworthy he is faithful so we can have confidence in prayer we get access to his resources we have a promise of love we have a promise of inheritance we have a promise of provision and a good father disciplines his children we will be trained by him we will be disciplined by him so that we can walk in what we were intended so that we don't end up in places that we shouldn't hebrews chapter 12. starting in verse 3 we'll read through verse 13 consider him talking about jesus who endured from sinners such hostility against himself so that you may not grow weary or faint-hearted in your struggle against sin you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood have you forgotten the exhortation that addresses you as sons my son do not regard lightly the discipline of the lord nor be weary when reproved by him for the lord disciplines the one he loves and chastises every son whom he receives it is for discipline that you have to endure god is treating you as sons as children for what son is there whom his father does not discipline if you're left without discipline in which all have participated then you are illegitimate children and are not sons besides this we've had earthly fathers who disciplined us and we respected them shall we not much more be subject to the father of spirits and live for they disciplined us for a short time as it seemed best to them but he disciplines us for our good that we may share in his holiness for the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it therefore lift your drooping hands and strengthen your weak knees and make straight paths for your feet so that what is lame may not be put out of joint but rather be healed so in the midst of this love true love disciplines and calls to holiness calls to potential does not allow one to continue in deception and continue in the place where they're bringing harm to themselves and harm to others that is not love but our god is love our good father is love and he's going to draw us into that place and when we go off path he's going to let us know he's going to pull us back to that place where we're responding to him responding to his heart and the purpose as the writer says that you may be healed or be made whole literally the reason he brings discipline is so that we can be whole complete perfect restored to what was intended from the very beginning here's one more thing that happens with our relationship with the father ephesians chapter 3 verses 14 and 15 a father speaks identity to his children our identity is no longer in anything else other than him he is our identity starting in verse 14 says for this reason i bow my knees before the father from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named we get our identity from him he speaks who we are he gives us purpose he gives us definition he gives us destiny but according to the riches of his glory that he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his spirit in your inner being so that christ may dwell in your hearts through faith that you being rooted and grounded in love may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and the length and the height and the depth and to know the love of christ that surpasses knowledge that you may be filled with all the fullness of god what what's your identity you belong to him you're filled with his fullness you've been named according to him his name is in you he's changed your nature he's changed who you are he's changed your destiny he's changing your past he's calling you into his purposes and his purposes is that you would have the capacity to realize how loved you are because it's going to take power that you don't have to understand because it's beyond your capacity to understand he loves you more than you can imagine his love for you is beyond your wildest dreams he calls us into love when we say i believe in god the father almighty we're identifying ourselves as ones that have been chosen by him called by him we are part of the family of god he he is our father and if he's our father that makes us brothers and sisters which is why historically the churches has called each other brother and sister we we belong to one another we're siblings it means we may fight but we make up and when we get threatened from outside we fight together we stand as one we are the family of god we are his representative in the earth we carry his nature we carry his promise and we have all the resources of heaven backing us so that we can accomplish what he's given us to do and in this place we become the ones that carry the love of god not not as just an intellectual thought not as something that we think that we can answer the right question but experientially we come into that love this is what it means to be a believer in christ this is the right that we've been given amen amen amen well we are going to we're going to worship together for those of you that are online we're going to cut off at this point i'll give you a little suggestion there's a song called faithful father by brian dierksen look it up and listen to it that's what we're going to be listening to here let it minister to you as you listen to it otherwise we will see you guys next week bless you
Channel: Streams Ministries
Views: 542
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 3nuTsrd3j6Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 56sec (3236 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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