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so once again welcome back to try not to laugh you know the drill I have five lives if I laugh five times I have to eat one of these Peppers once I die let's do this oh my God nerd look at the fish teeth hey guys hey guys I'm just swimming here that was the cutest fish ever all right what is this oh gosh what is happening here what is oh it's Michael Jackson oh snap oh he just needed his boot oh my gosh I was still good we still got five flies first let's keep going I remember if you laugh at all during any of this video the rule is you have to hit the like button down below the video and you have to subscribe and leave a comment saying uh dab I don't know I don't listen to me all right what is this this is crazy I just found this out I know everyone knows how large that Starbucks can fit into a small but McDonald's actually doing the same thing check it out there's no way that fits does it want to explain this how does that work oh dude that was so good for context uh Starbucks apparently the large will fit in a small yep he tried but how does that work I literally got four lives left what is this oh hey bro you grab me a napkin we've got me napkin thanks man I already have three lives left we aren't even two minutes into the video oh my gosh the dude got hated all right check this out ready okay well my wife has one of those or coffee I don't what happened to us as humans does anybody know what we got [Music] the dude was day-driven he thought something bad was happening the dude was literally off in la la land probably thinking about fortnite all right let's keep going three lives left what we got oh no it's stuck jump the dude literally heated his shoe across the fence he didn't even come close stop playing sports oh my what is this Walmart brand shoes is that a thing since when is that a thing that dude leveled up oh no I've seen some Tesla owners do some crazy but I had to stop for this one dude what is going on here it's just parking they put some ski mask on the headrests wow is that so people don't break in and steal what is the point that's pretty sick though laughs [Music] what was the high five for can somebody explain the high five look at the high five did he hand him a napkin I don't understand what is this VR oh this isn't gonna be good she's gonna slap someone we're good everybody's good still got three lives we're good so gosh did that cat try to eat it almost vomit that kettle was vomited right man look at that that is a vomiting cat don't eat McDonald's oh my gosh whatever we got another cat that's mine that's mine get out of here that's mine that's mine get out of here that's mine stop stop it stop thiefing what's wrong with you stop thiefing get out of here oh the poor puppy oh we got is that a lizard oh my gosh I'm freaking what is that [Music] just push-ups they're so funny he's trying to flare up to make myself look big his airplane coming real okay you're feeding it what is that a baby yeah her baby was like nap not amused get out of here what's wrong with you [Music] that dog was on a different level what in the world was that what we got my name is [Music] [Music] that was the best thing I've ever seen in my life and of course he found a library that has like double feelings that was pretty good dude two lives left we're not even eight minutes into this video crap all right what we got is that a forklift race car this is a video game right yeah this is a video game there's no way why is there why is there forklifts on a NASCAR race thingy is this NASCAR what is this what in the world was that there's no way that was real right hey guys you guys want to go for a gun come on let's go we'll go this way follow me all right we're good we still got two lives left we're looking good oh no the little boy on the Roomba [Laughter] that's good that's that's pretty good what is that that's a bearded dragon I think is that what that what is that something from like Jurassic Park that was like a mini Raptor what the heck was that foreign [Music] homie it's not homie it's not that it's your tail it's your legs homie what do you [Music] you good now you're embarrassed aren't you [Music] what is he what what is I don't she's just chilling she's just living life all right well what is this yo I just got hustled by The Neighborhood that's my car for two doodle that's a shot no I want to keep it thank you bye do you want to keep it or not she said two dollars for that I like the hustle I like the hustle I don't like the you know that's uh whatever what is this all right we got a front security camera Something's Gonna Be scary [Music] oh the dog is chilling the dog is chilling the dog said we don't need a security camera I'm the security dog get out of here oh there's just another cat it looks like yeah did you did you forget how to live did you forget how to exist so they about to fight he's gonna do a flip or something okay grab your life from behind is he gonna pick him up [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] oh my gosh that guy was losing it so bring the guys that don't know what just happened the dude's hands were pinned between his legs with the pressure of his legs and he was like he was like he was just sitting there for pressure he wasn't using any muscles and he was stuck there it was pretty good I'm gonna try that one of these days you too what is this like speed dating didn't turn red yet no I'm so sorry I'm so sorry tell me about yourself okay I'm Gabrielle oh no this is speed dating and whenever she presses that button I think it like removes him and she was already spamming it but now it's not turning red so they gotta awkwardly stare at each other give each other a chance yeah let's give each other a chance let's let's Okay I do see you as a friend though this is embarrassing oh my gosh that was the best thing I've ever seen this is probably the worst show on the world in the world okay he went for it no oh the dude the dude is a gamer 100 he plays fortnite 100 what is this oh fireworks oh no no no no lady Apollo move it farther away from your head it's a Roman Candle never like that oh man um whoa that's awful [Music] she said that's awful oh that was the cutest thing ever she's so sweet that's awful that was so cute when we got here cows oh bruh what was the point of that I wasn't even nice oh gosh that is some burnt bread piece of food oh he's a huge Chic bread to nail in a nail yeah okay he's on a jet ski look oh oh that's 200 oh that's 200 I don't what does that even mean I don't have my keys oh that's too bad she was so excited to wear for pure joy to just Oops I messed up oh yeah we got a John Deere no no get off dude that is terrifying don't microwave boiled eggs go on my lip oh it blew up right in my face I'm not kidding oh God how about this public service announcement just don't use a microwave huh all right what do we got oh dang [Music] oh this is sick foreign Russell do some lighting on his face make his face pop more that that almost got me I still have one life left though we're looking good all right here we go he's gonna do it backwards he's gonna do it backwards oh dude we're almost to the end of the video I still got one life left it's it's a cup it's a costume oh I still got one life he's gonna eat it he's gonna Nom on it and go nuts I knew it was coming that's why I'm good I'm good I'm good I'm good let's go let go where did you turn into a woodpecker oh gosh what is this mom I caught a seagull oh my God let it go that's so mean don't ever do that sequels are a protected animal on the beach don't do that what we got dude this is tough I do not oh crap I just punched my microphone I do not want to eat one of these peppers that was difficult I have one minute left look at this oh one minute one minute we're good the animal ones are gonna get me and hold it together okay we're good we're good [Music] okay okay okay okay I still gotta get one life left easy ones oh my gosh just jump off just jump off good oh no chill chill these animal ones I'm so good oh gosh okay we're still good we're so good we're still getting stickers together they're like 15 seconds left 15 seconds I could do this the puffer fish [Music] are so cute man's Soul came out oh no hold it in she's gonna rip one she's gonna rip [Music] we're good I still got one life left the video's over I don't have to eat a pepper guys if you left it I'll hit the like button hit the Subscribe button leave a comment you know the deal we'll see you news next time
Channel: SSundee
Views: 4,985,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: s0DsMmAblfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 24 2022
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