I Dropped a Diss Track On my Friends

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uh if you guys ride a bike make sure you hit like guys welcome to one of the best games i've played in a long time this is rap battle make sure you stick around till the end we hit zod with an uppercut and like i said hit the like button if you enjoyed hit the subscribe button let's do this all right boys this is the ultimate rap battle you guys ready all right so how this works i'm gonna skip this tutorial here in a minute but how this works it's uh there's six people in this lobby we're all gonna verse each other and then rate each other's uh raps whoever gets the most money from our raps wins we are going to be very mean to each other i'm gonna make so much money that'd be nice no you gotta be very mean okay so i already skipped it why isn't it skipping okay here we go okay i'm muting bye okay so how this works i have three minutes so my first opponent is gary noun food ah let me get a suggestion goat stew no oh i got a good one oh i'm gonna get a lot of points for this okay so i gotta i gotta write in a word that is a noun and food or inch orange is that you spell orange or a nge yeah orange okay submit that's gonna be my first word and it's gonna give me a sentence okay so now i need to write a line to to rhyme with to uh be mean to gary my rhymes melt on the tongue like orange gary is so dumb he stubbed his toe on a door hinge all right there's my first one i have two minutes left okay so hold on let me let me say this wrap my rhymes melt on the tongue like orange gary is so dumb he stubbed his toe on a door hinge oh gary i should have done i'm gonna do a bald thing hold on verb give me a verb what is a verb let me get a suggestion wait balding balding no that'll make that okay no i gotta be careful i don't want to do balding oh let me find a rhyme with the word balding passing no balding walding maulding uh i have a minute thirty i gotta find a word or what's a word that rhymes with balding maulding i'm gonna do molding i'm gonna do maulding because i'm mad hopefully it gives me a good sentence with maulding let's see uh when it's time to hang it up i won't be maulding but gary yep he maul he balding [Laughter] oh snap gary gonna get put in the grave and submit i'm so terrible gary i'm sorry i am the worst rapper to ever exist okay first step so pat versus hello i am this is all right who's up first who's gonna be saying it first let's see i don't know i know mine's bad please okay oh yeah okay so if you look at our screen oh here we go go ahead my name is till melt my flow is so crazy i give myself a welt if you hate me you'll hate my smile that's fine with me because i got mad stuff oh my god that was pretty good you didn't really cut her down though you weren't mean enough you got to be mean sorry i'll be here i'm a wild animal that you can never cry i'll slice you up like a pizza pie i've learned all i know from watching barney that's how i got my friendship army oh look what does that mean how are you guys so good at this well what does that mean okay listen you don't need to know okay okay so now we now we vote on who we think is better so pat's was good but pat didn't really say anything toward can't say anything we got to be we got to be at each other's throats i'm going you know what i'm i'm choosing i'm choosing i'm choosing eat the pie i have decided remember whoever we vote for they get a bunch of money whoever has the most money at the end wins i think and we're doing i think two or three oh thank you pat listen yours was good but you got to be damn you got to go you can't don't you got to explain this you know what i'm saying i'm sorry i'm sorry we're all good guys let's just skip my round let's just get this bring it gary oh no oh what am i wearing my rhymes melt on the tongue like orange gary is so dumb he stubbed his toe on a door hinge oh when it's time to hang it up i won't be maulding but gary yup he balding [Applause] there i surrendered everything all right gary bring it thick boy when my words come out your feet you'll jump when my words come on your feet you'll jump i hear the beat and i come out whistling i'll leave sonny crying while i'm whistling to the bank similar to the word not the exact same word guys it just just vote me i was stacking cash no one voted for me why'd you no what do you mean guys this is rigged this is not fair for me i had a great rap okay if you didn't read it it was great your lines were the exact same well that's you know i was building up suspects i wake up and eat rhymes like meatballs you drowning in your words like waterfalls i'm knee deep in rhymes better get in the box you smell so bad just like a fox do they smell do they smell bad stinky all right here we go yeah all right what kabam zoo was my battle screech it looks like you can't teach got him got him i plant seeds of rhythm that grow into crops swap places with me because you can't shop what he smells like a folks guys come on i said he can't teach dude foxes probably smell good though no that's a crime that's a fake insult bad i don't know who to vote for they're probably i don't know did you vote [Music] come on give me the votes come on come on hey get out of here i mean the first line was pretty bad i mean let's see the total let's see the total we got two more rounds who is it scores [Applause] give me a noun synonym for teacher okay so i got to give him a noun that uh a word like teacher hold me look a little word for teacher uh uh master wise one wait why's one oh wise one will be good because i can rhyme a lot with one what do i wanna make fun of henry for though what rhymes with one that i can make fun of henry for uh hold on look this up words that rhyme with one i got an idea for for for one all right let's submit wise one you're the student i'm the wise one when i'm done with you you'll i think you put an apostrophe in there b and how do you spell it [Laughter] [Applause] or is that how you spell orphan dude that's pretty sick though right orphan right is that how you spell orphan i don't know okay submit you'll be an orphan so you're the student i'm the wise one when i'm done with you you'll be an orphan okay give me a verb what is a verb speak oh like an action hold on let's look up let's look over a thing for speak uh leak your face will your eyes will leak oh i got a good one speak okay let's do speak submit speak uh you can't beat me so don't even speak why are you crying your eyes be uh leak no no why are you crying don't let your eyes leak no okay i got a minute i gotta let me find a better one let me see if i can find a better one oh this is mean you can't beat me so don't even speak your mom chose me a lesser geek oh i know does that mean is that too mean i'm gonna submit it though i'm gonna submit it let's do it all right this will be good can we your style is out of fashion like an old jacket your wraps are stale i bet you eat maggots when you when you open your mouth comes out farts you can't even rap and well enough to get on the charts your raps are slower than the plot of titanic don't panic just go see a shop mechanic oh here comes another verse your rhymes are getting worse just leave the universe [Applause] hit him with the double respect okay okay get ready to get your votes ready for me guys okay yeah so this round is worth like uh double right 250 000 this round that is crazy i'm winning you might be winning you might be winning yeah until you know we get put in a grave oh the expert right here yeah baby get ready get ready um yeah i'm getting to you you look all stinky okay eats is twinkies like harry potter i bet your parents wish they never had a daughter you know what you come here to play i see you have a bat i'll smack you with it like splat smile it's just so smelly making me nauseous with an upset belly beat uh diamond face let's see i feel like it's pretty obvious who voted for kate that last line was perfect congratulations you cower like a little ant your rhymes sound more like a rant when i look at you i see an empty bin oh there's so much trash i don't know where to begin yo yo yo dawg you're the student i'm the wise one when i'm done with you you'll be an orphan oh my god you can't beat me so don't even speak your mom chose me unless you're a geek [Applause] [Music] that was not good storytelling guys i didn't put the word empty it just said receptacle guys no guys yep i mean henry's was pretty good though bring it henry all right last round boys wait who's uh i think oh no i think judge probably winning isn't it i'm definitely winning that means you might i'm taking the w wait no i had a good bit after the first run though me and zun might be the final round is worth like a billion all right so i think i'm gonna be against zod yeah since he's he's in second place okay so i gotta give a positive adjective what is that intrigued amazed curious let me think of a cut down for zod zud uh he's ah crap what is ah zod has long hair he looks like uh a french poodle oh okay i find an adjective that rhymes with poodle doodle yeah let's do doodle positive adjectives you're doodling in your notebook submit you want my autograph cause you look like doodle what your long hair zud makes you look like a poodle a poodle all right next word adjective describe your mom oh gosh quiet sweet lovely sweet we're gonna do sweet okay what is this it's like this i'm through being sweet what do i say about zod your mom's a nice treat i'll take her out to eat oh no okay i'm like uh it's like this i'm through being sweet your mom's a nice treat i'll take her out to eat all right there we go i'm coming for the throat boy oh my god dude i am taking i'll be you i'm coming okay so we're going to go last since we're in first right this is for like the first and second wait gary might be able to come rumor has it you attacked my skills oh no you keep running that mouth i'm leaving you in the hills oh you look like you were dressed by a clown you're sweating so hard you're about to drown that was really good that was really good mine's pretty bad this one i'm not gonna lie i don't know i'm not scary come on you got me not a big fan yeah get out of my face or you'll be embarrassed some say your booty is the squarest back yourself up and watch me clarify i'm gonna make you like johnny and testify that's [Music] i don't know he's over i don't know yeah but booty squares okay yeah okay all right yeah i voted for pat that was good that was good so this round is worth 500 grand i think or 450 i don't know math and i'm taking all of it i don't think so dude i'm coming for you i'm coming i'm coming for those throats okay all right so next up is hey you're going down oh that's for life if i may i'm here spitting bars and you're spitting vomit you're such a little baby let me get your body oh it is annoying like a whiny brat you're so nasty you're a little rat oh man you're okay i'm gonna give this banana okay okay let's see if i can come back from this okay okay you're riding my coattails like i'm a bus i think it's time we vote you out you're kind of sucks oh where do you think you are football game get better words your rhymes are so lame oh okay i'm kind of it's gonna weaken the beginning of the week in the beginning i don't know anyway it's okay guys i think garage is better wait i don't [Applause] i think one of us has to like do really well here we go yeah yeah let's go i knew you were coming because i smelled bad breath after this verse you'll be taking your last breath listen to you stop listen to you i'd rather listen to drake knee quiz you ready to ache nicknames all right bring you want my autograph because you look like a doodle your long haired zod makes you look like a poodle it's like this i'm through being sweet your mom's a nice treat i'll take her out to eat the fact that you messed up when you're lying and she's thinking about to eat no oh guys please guys guys please please is that the quickest vote ever do i get 550 650. dude i got 650 for that no way dude [Music] we did it boys guys hit the like button hit the subscribe button that is a fun game
Channel: SSundee
Views: 10,579,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RCdylogW9XE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 21 2022
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