Fastest Imposter in Among Us

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so dudes welcome back to among us today we're playing the fastest impostor mod so you can see right now I'm a little bitty raising but I'm the impostor so how this works we have all of these different quests to do on this polish map right but here's the deal so you see the treadmill up in drop ship if anybody gets on that it changes the map right and here's how this works you see there's only 1 2 3 4 five quests on polus to do the other quests I got to go to the the other map so I got to be strategic here and here's the deal this polus map is the only map with the button to call a meeting to vote the impostor out so I have an idea I'm going to try to get as many quests done on the polus map and then go to the other map where the button isn't so that I can run wild and not get a meeting called on me okay I found a liting bottle lighning proof bottle now I need to capture the lightning here oh gosh and like I said as I do these quests I'm going to unlock more you get new Bo my wrinkly raing don't talk to me I'm speeding around oh gosh okay all right I got to wait 11 seconds for this and D while we wait as always show me some love hit the like button down below the video do the things hit the Subscribe button okay 3 two one give me Lightning ouch try again what do you mean try again oh I got to go all to all the weather nodes great the heck are you doing oh you know I'm just hitting it come on hit it with you to slow you're too slow you're too slow you're too slow your mama loves your daddy and your daddy loves your mama but your mama doesn't love you what sorry um all right so let's do this one come on third time oh gosh all right well it's going to be up there like I was saying as I do these quests I unlock abilities uh my goal is to fill up my bar my speed bar they we I'm the only one that can see each other's bar right uh the crew mates can't see each other's bars see how fast where that's my speed bar right so if I do this who I drank it look at my bar it's filling off look at me I got shoes you're too slow literally I will just literally come here come here come here sorry okay so that Quest is done that unlocked uh what did it unlock oh I forgot I got to transform first oh I'm flash I unlocked lightning bolt so how this mod works if they have zero speed and they're raisin and I have a kill ability unlocked I can kill them if I want to unlock the final ability which you're going to want to stick around till the end the final ability is insane uh I have to kill three people you can see in the top left and do all the quests so I need to unlock a kill first I'm going to lightning look um please please B I am oh gosh W come we come that Lord is far okay I need to get this first kill what I need to do the first kill oh I can get this kill the speeding bullet I have to be fast enough to H Dodge bullets Gary do you want to try to shoot guns at me as a friend yes yes yes oh look what's happening okay I got to dodge the bullets I got to dodge the bullets Dodge the bullets he's going to shoot him why you dancing when is he going to come when is it coming when is he coming see oh one five Gary I'm literally getting oh H oh I almost failed that another one another one's coming quick another one's coming quick I'm take no I pressed the wrong button no you're terrible dude I got his speed Gary I I challenge you to another one One V one another one dude yeah bring it Gary here it comes I got to take the L where is it e f easy take the with me easy okay chill chill d and f f d oh oh Gary I stole some speed from you don't shoot me okay this should have give me an ability did LS leave where's Lums I got to find LS so I unlocked heart rip I got to make sure he's still a raisin before I kill him there's looks there I'm going to Heart rip lams I'm going to get you I'm going to get you I'm going to get you look I'm going to get you hello he could have ran away but um he just kind of stood there and took it all right well that's fun I got a kill now all right let's keep going I got I need to get two more kills oh gosh died why do I see your little finger behind his hey who look like a little it looks like a little worm behind him what is that don't worry about it don't look at it all right well I'm doing this I'm changing the map here we go wait this is going to complete this task too oh gosh I'm so fast oh oh gosh what is it doing why are you doing that St do that what is happening I don't understand hey uh oh gosh Gary is fast I am fastest baby all right get out of here Gary okay so I want to get another ability dude my speed is not fast enough like I said The more speed we get we go insanely fast and then my final ability is insane oh I can do this you want to race hey yeah bring you loser bring it you loser you're ugly dummy stupid sorry hopefully you're not faster than me I don't know I what's your bar at oh like one speed boost what are you speed boost no no no oh go go go go go go go go oh oh no no Noob we Bob and weave no Bob and dip B wait Pat Pat I got to tell you something it's really important uh-huh what no wait why you why' you electr [Applause] me wait who won I won it was me I literally haven't checked off it's literally checked off okay okay good job I think I cheated what are these guys what the heck are these speed dudes hold on what is that speed guys I got to defeat those okay hold on so I got another ability let me check this out so if I do this uh lightning bolt I got faster than time what does this do [Music] look how slow they are I'm going to Heart rip Pat I'm going to do this heart rip Pat all no I hit zud I meant Pat oh guys help no no no is no longer broken wait wait the saving me saving all right so that removed 50 speed from zud stay away stay away for me I'm fast I'm fast I'm too fast for you too fast okay cool well that's neat for me don't enjoy that all right well let's keep going you know what I'm going to change it back I'm going to change it back to the other map because like I said I want to complete them the uh task of the quest on the main map because that's where the buttons at if I can get all those completed because you see that it goes on a minute cool down it was me sorry I just I want to be on this map because why are how do you move so fast hey slow pokes I don't know hey oh my God oh my gosh guys do me favorite hit the like butt if you think I beat Z sorry uh okay so this not a cool so I need to get all of these tasks done so there's one over here flies do I have to catch flies oh oh my God I'm catching flies with uh what are those things called that you eat with chopsticks oh gosh e this is gross why would you do that just use the fly Slaughter completed fly what did I unlock something banana peel unlocked okay so that's checked off what did that give me though I really need another kill cuz I have one kill uh banana peel right there I just put it down somewhere what if I put the banana peel down here in the corner so that if somebody hits it they're stuck here by themselves here goes fat I gained fives hello oh no what do you want you little fast freak is his back just broken until somebody fixes him all right well that's fun um poor fat he's just kind of stuck there now wait is somebody going to fix him if I fix him this so give me an alibi Al oh God ugly red dude broke my back okay here I got you oh wrong button sorry wrong button that's my B sorry about that fix him he emoted on me oh my gosh are you okay I'm call me call me call why did you punch him I just fixed I'm a chiropractor I'm literally a chiropractor ow here I want to punch you outside the map here no stop stop it stop it got to go got to go I'm electrocuted I got to go um okay so any more taser that I can do okay that's green that's green that's green I need to do this one I want to go to the other world hey do you want to help wait no hold on I got to do this one first w j e l p a d n hurry up Q have you done this one yet I have not but I don't care about this one just do it do it do it before we go to the next R because you won't be able to do it then fine oh that was sick okay hold on I'm almost done okay then RN W oh my this is so easy nice nice oh easy wait no hold on I got to tell you something it's really important wait are you it won't work I know I'm interact cool down help wait hold on did I do it hold on hold on hold on uh checking checking something oh you're going on it oh he's on it oh he's gone let oh he's gone oh he's gone hey this is the Cool Zone I like this Zone all right wow so Z changed it that's a perfect nowby for me okay what else I need to do I should have unlocked another ability from breaking that rock supersonic Dash oh that's a kill I need need to kill look how fast I am it's only halfway full too um okay I need to kill somebody who should I kill I'm going to kill Nico I'm going to kill Nico I'm going to kill ni I'm trapped help me no leave me leave me alone help me no don't leave me here sorry Nico time for the supersonic Dash oh what oh I just explode heads as I run by okay that's cool Nico's dead I have two of three kills all right what else are they to do uh fire is that okay peppers and is that a hamster wheel now I got to punch these guys okay I think next thing I'm going to do I'm going to do I'm going to do this slow down time look how slow they are they go from super fast to that and then we'll untransform and now I got to punch this guy punch him oh if he punches me I'm going to lose some speed I got to be careful I got to be careful I got to be careful stop it a I lost him speed no no no no no no no and got him defeated okay what did I unlock an ability for that leg crunch seems fun hold on what does this do obviously I break somebody's legs but um whose legs are I got to find sigils where's sigil I got to break his legs oh there's sigil uh let's go and break his legs oh my how you feel stop it dude what is wrong with you that's pretty good um okay so I need one more kill which means I need a new ability to get that final kill if I use these abilities they don't count okay uh let me see how do I unlock another kill is it this one the peppers let me check I mean look how fat we are so fast look at this oh my my God help help oh your are broken I need mouth to mouth your legs are broken your leg is BR I need I need mouth to mouth what he's really low isn't he guys he I think he suppos to us got to win a race okay okay thanks uh I need to put out some fires oh give him mouth to mouth he's really lonely give him foot to mouth I'm going to keep running give him foot to mouth no don't that don't do that don't do that don't do that don't do that okay so I need to put out how many fires three is that what it said three yeah one two three got it okay so I need to do this one I got a 10sec cool down okay let's do this one here we go just got to run around it and put it out with my speed yay don't you look at me and final one okay this should give me hey easy dude look at my speed meter I am getting so fast this is insane okay I'm like speed NATO who should I kill I think I'm going to leave sigil alive just because that's fun um who should I kill should I kill Biff I'm going to kill Biffle hey Biff what hold can we slow down for a second I'm so fast everything is so fast fast hold on give me a second why are you running circles around what are those you don't like my shoes dude hold on what are those excuse me I'll dab on you oh look look it's our gaming room oh we got five wait who's the extra one for oh here this one's mine OB obviously in the middle obviously no I want to be in the middle I'll be over here I'll be in the corner so that when I fart it permeates oh gosh what excuse me I don't like being in the middle this is weird why he give a fo the mouth what just happened all right well I'm going to go ahead and do this and let's go invis [Music] and no please no I just got my legs B no please anything but I'm going to go I'm going to leave I'm going to leave I don't want to be here all right who should I kill I should probably slow down time cuz they run way too fast like it's insane I can't even hit him with anything all right there's Biffle I'll leave him alive maybe we'll see um who else should I hit there's Pat and zud I'm going to go ahead and do this throw that there who who who did this pat pat we're both clear oh it's the red guy again hey this guy spe I see that oh gosh is that a fire tornado take not me take no no no no please please please please no no Z oh my gosh Z pull me out I don't know what to do man cool youve killed my friend are you proud of yourself why put a banana on what's wrong with you help oh I got three kills okay so if I finish the rest of these tasks oh I should be good right yeah so I need to eat this let's eat this pepper eat the pepper hurry up before they get to USS before they get de us hey oh gosh are you okay please don't listen pull my back pleas pull my finger please just pull my finger look how fast I am though look I can still fart look how fast I am so fast why can you stop fix my back it's broken yeah I'll fix your back I want him to stay there I need him to stay there I need him to stay there okay here yeah here's the hamster this is the last thing I need right okay here we go do this k q x a p f x a p n oh oh gosh um okay why am I a hamster are you good are you okay oh oh that killed me okay my not full wa my bar is not full how do I get a full bar how do I win I need a full bar my leg back he left me for dead wait what back broken no that's not okay listen listen listen why let's go let's go call him yeah let's go call the meeting go call Mee let's call Mee call the meeting call get you the heck out here yeah yeah man go call the meeting go call the meeting go call the meeting okay a ramen noodle shop something's wrong here where's my legs they have to go to the other world oh no um um um I just saw transform okay I I'm so slow I'm trying oh my gosh run just run we have no legs hey boys please don't it's time to die all right well that was fun you know what I'm going to take him back to the other world this will be fun and before I use the world punch ability wa guys why don't you no go call a meeting wait hold on go call go call a meeting why why don't you go call a meeting it's right there it's right there World B time Bo okay I thought Z actually got it that was what's going to happen oh go that was rud oh god oh gosh they all turned to Bones hit the like button if the Subscribe button we did it
Channel: SSundee
Views: 2,370,088
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Igljahj9r00
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 38sec (998 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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