Watch This BEFORE You Use ChatGPT and MidJourney to Write a Book (2024)

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in this video I'll give you a complete guide on everything you need to know on using AI for Amazon KDP what's going on guys welcome back to another video if you're new to the channel my name is Sean and I've built and sold a seven figure Amazon KDP business and now I'm building my second KDP account so if you want no BS publishing advice from someone who's actually doing it then make sure to subscribe and if you want a completely free training on how I built a seven figure publishing business then the link to the free training is in the description below alright so this is going to be a complete guide to using AI for Amazon KDP whether that is chat GPT whether that is mid-journey this is what you need to know before you start using it to create your books now a quick disclaimer is AI is constantly changing and this is what we know as of July 2023 but what we talk about here could change in the future okay first let's talk about AI text generators and you can use other you know AI softwares as well but mainly people use chat GPT for this now when it comes to Google side of things Google actually announced that using AI is okay but you have to add the eat eat stands for expertise Authority and Trust meaning you can use AI to generate the content but you have to add your own input and your expertise into it and if you're just copy pasting from chat GPT straight to Google that is considered spam which you can see here it says using automation including AI to generate content with the primary purpose of manipulating ranking and search results violates Google's spam policy and what do they mean by primary purpose of manipulating ranking typically it's people who just Spam a bunch of copy pasted content using chat GPT to produce a mass amount of content without no editing no adding value and they just publish a bunch of Articles like that on Google so that is considered spam and it's going to be the same with Amazon there are also people talking about how content generated from you know these AI tools are going to be watermarked so it'll be a lot easier to detect that it's generated from AI so this is from content at scale you can see that with AI watermarking coming on the scene and the need for a chat GPT detector you should be aware of AI detection scores for your content so that was for Google but what about Amazon so Amazon has not released the official statement but I think they will take a very similar approach to Google that is that you can use AI to help you write the book but not use AI to write the book for you which means even if some parts of the content is generated by AI as long as you add your own stories your experience or just you know telling that information in your own words rather than just copy pasting then that should be fine as you're making the content your own the issue is when you copy paste from chat jpt and publish a book without any modification these 100 AI content may pass the KDP review now but I'm not confident it will in the future so what should you do well you should take these following steps after you generate the content on chat GPT one is to always fact check the information because the facts are often wrong second is to always rewrite the content never copy paste and try and add as much of your own input as possible third is to check for plagiarism because I did hear stories of how AI generate content is still you know getting detected by a plagiarism scanner so you can use tools like grammarly to check the plagiarism and a question I get often is should you use AI content detectors now there are different tools like content at scale and also is a paid tool but it is probably the most accurate one out of all of them and this is the detector that I use the problem is even with and of course with other AI detectors it's still hit or miss in terms of them accurately detecting if your content is actually AI generated or if it's human written so I would not get hung up on the actual percentage that you get from these AI detectors and instead just focus on the fact that every time you generate content on chat apt you should rewrite the content don't just copy paste it it's as simple as that and as long as you do that you should be fine now right now people are copy pasting chat GPT content creating a book on it and right now it's passing the KDP review but you will never know when Amazon decided hey this is actually not okay and they go back to all the books that they've approved in the past and start blocking them or if not Banning your whole account if you have a ton of books like that so don't take any shortcuts once again it's as simple as rewriting the content and you're good to go all right next let's talk about AI image generators so now we're talking about something like mid-journey the first thing you got to keep in mind is you want to avoid using trademarked terms in the prompts because as we know a mid-journey learns from other images online to create their own image so if you use trademark phrases in the prompts it will pretty much you know create an image very very similar to a trademarked term so in this case I used coloring pages for kids character like Lion King in the jungle cartoon style thick lines low Detail no shading AR 911 and because I put character like Lion King and I wasn't even thinking the Disney character Lion King but I did use the phrase and that's why I created this image that looks very very similar to The Lion King character so I'm pretty sure if I use this then I will run into a trademark infringement issue even though it looks slightly different now the next thing you got to keep in mind with these AI generated images is that you cannot copyright these images as is because it's considered public domain now the US copyright office came up with an official statement in February that AI credit images cannot be copyrighted unless you modify it so that is the key is if you do modify the image then you can copyright it so the question is how much modification is required can you just generate the image upscale it a little bit change aperture and Bam is it enough modification to the point where you can copyright the image well probably not because if you have experience using images from canva or creative Fabrica or other stock image sites they always tell you that if you want to use it for commercial use then you have to modify the image this is a page on Creative Fabrica this is their license page and you can see that if this is the original design what is allowed is this when you combine one element with another add some text on it and now it's a whole new image it looks completely different than the original image that was downloaded compared to if you just take one element and put it on a product straight up like that with no modification then that is prohibited usage and although this is for you know stock images this is for commercial use I believe in terms of the how much modification is required I think it applies to mid-journey AI images for copyright as well I think the US copyright office will follow a similar rule when it comes to how much modification is required let me give you another example here so this is the original image if you take this and paste it straight into a product then that is not allowed but if you take this you change some colors and add some you know little flowers around then that is enough modification to be accepted so I think to be on the safe side if you do want to copyright your images then you should follow a similar Rule now you should also reverse image search your images to make sure that there are no duplicate images online already because as we all know that mid Journey learns from other images right to create their image so perhaps there might be a slight chance that they create a image that is close enough that it gets detected by this reverse image search so this is just a extra precaution that you can take to make sure that does not happen I think the chance of this happening is very very low but might as well be on the safe side so all you have to do is go to 10i and this is a free website click on upload here and after you upload the image click on search and you can see how many matches if it shows up as zero matches that is good because your image is original now I want you guys to keep in mind that having copyright for your image and having commercial use is two separate things you don't need copyright for the image to use it commercially and that is pretty much how everybody does it when they use images from creative Fabrica canva they never really have copyright but they can use it commercially so the question is can you use mid-journey images as is even though you don't have any copyright and the answer to that is I believe so I cannot guarantee anything but I will tell you that there's a lot of people doing it they have no issues and they're making a lot of money so my personal opinion is you should always try and modify your image as much as possible but I understand that if you're generating coloring book pages as an example those are pretty hard to modify now if you want to use mid-journey images commercially then you do need a paid plan with them another thing to consider is some of the images that you generate on mid-journey could be stolen because it all shows up on the same Discord page so people can you know look at your images and if they want to take it they can although I don't understand why they would do it because you know they can also generate their own image on mid-journey but for that reason investing into stealth mode which means nobody can see the images that you generate or mid-journey could be a worthwhile investment if that's the case you do need a Pro Plan or the mega plan so the Pro Plan is 60 a month but I think it's smart to be on the safe side and 60 a month is not bad at all so here's everything we know about using AI for Amazon KDP books and this is a bottom line which applies to both AI text generators and AI image generators is that as long as you make the content you generate your own and you're not just copy pasting it then you should be fine but hopefully Amazon comes out with an official statement very soon now I believe if you know how to use AI correctly then it's absolutely amazing for Amazon KDP and our business because now you can create books cheaper and way faster and it just opens up so much opportunities for us but the key is to know how to use it correctly so I am experimenting with AI a lot and as I learn more I will keep making videos for you guys also in my complete publishing course the world to Hero there is a bonus low content and medium content mini course inside and we're planning to also add a lot more AI lessons to keep up with the changes but if you guys want to check out the course or the free training on how I built a seven figure publishing business then the link is in the description below as well as all the tools and resources that I also recommend so thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed the video leave a like subscribe if you haven't yet and I'll see you guys in the next one [Music] thank you [Music] foreign
Channel: Sean Dollwet
Views: 9,512
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: self publishing, amazon kdp, how to make money online, amazon kindle publishing, amazon kdp publishing, paul marles, low content book publishing, low content books, low content books kdp, low content kdp, low content publishing, no content book publishing, no content books, kdp income report, kdp revenue, amazon income streams, dane mcbeth, mikkelsen twins, kdp niche research, kdp low content, KDP tips, Publishing Life, Audiobook Publishing, write a book with chatgpt
Id: eUGPvzZ6wBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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