The CORRECT Way to Write a Book with ChatGPT - Do This NOW

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in this video I'll show you the correct way to use chat GPT to write a book [Music] what's going on guys welcome back to another video if you're new to the channel my name is Sean and I've built and sold a seven figure publishing business which made me a millionaire at age 26 and now I'm building my second KDP account so if you want an obese publishing advice from someone who's actually doing it then make sure to subscribe and if you want a completely free training on how I built a seven-figure publishing business then the link to the training is in the description below alright so there's a huge hype right now on YouTube on using chat GPT to write books and publish it on Amazon to make money there are a lot of channels showing you how to do this but when I watch those videos I noticed that they miss few key steps that you have to take before you publish your book on Amazon or else you'll be risking your book to be blocked or even your account to be terminated so in this video I'm going to show you the correct way to use chat GPT so that you can publish a book and start making money alright so here's the do's and don'ts of using chatgpt so what you can do with chat GPT is to use it for idea generation chat jpt is probably the best tool out there to getting your ideas started when it comes to title ideas pending ideas outline ideas and even content ideas so definitely use it for that especially if you got a writer's block happening then you can definitely use chat GPT to start writing a few sentences few paragraphs in the beginning and then you can finish the rest of it now what you do not want to do with hatch apt is to use it to replace your writing so it's very very important so this is where a lot of YouTube videos teaching you how to use chat gbt mess up because they're teaching you to use chat GPT as a replacement to your writing but that is not what you want to do and that's not going to fly with Amazon so do not use it to replace it use it as a supplement right as a tool to help you with the writing so what I mean by this is you don't want to just copy paste the content as is so once again you can use chatgpt to generate the content but you don't want to copy paste it you want to rewrite it rephrase it and make the content original so here's a three-step process in using chat GPT correctly so step one is to generate content so that is pretty self-explanatory you just give chat GPT The Prompt and it'll give you the content back now most people will just take that and then paste it in their book and publish it but do not do that this is the most important step which is step two you want to customize the content so rewrite the text make sure that it's not plagiarized because sometimes chat GPT content can be flagged for plagiarism you want to fact check because a lot of times the information in chat GPT is not factually accurate and you want to add your own input so the content has your voice and it is unique and the reason why you want to do that is because if I go to chat GPT and just simply copy this text that it generated go to and I can start a new scan here paste the content and check for detect AI so this website will basically detect if the content is AI generated or not you can see that it came back at 95 percent AI so if this website can that easily detect if the content is AI generated or not then Google or Amazon will easily be able to do so too all they have to do is integrate this website into their algorithm right and check each content they can easily do that and most likely they will have their own version of to start checking each content whether that's AI generated or not so by rewriting this content what you're doing is to try and pass this check so that it doesn't show up as 95 chance of it being AI so how do you do that well the easiest way is just go and rewrite this entire paragraph that is generated Right add your own sentences replace some sentences here and there you know or just rephrase it if that's all you want to do but the point is you don't want to copy paste it now manually rewriting the entire content is a little tedious so there are two different websites that will help you do this which one is cool bot so cool bot is a free tool although the free tool only allows you up to do this 125 words at a time so if you want to save some time and do more words at a time then you do have to get the premium version but you can totally do this with a free version you just have to do little sections at a time but what you want to do is basically paste the content click on paraphrase and automatically just like that pullbot will go and start paraphrasing every single sentence that you paste it so just like that you have a rephrase content that you can use but a lot of times you know the sentences aren't the best sounding so you still have to replace the words fix up the sentences so you still have to go and touch up the content a little bit but this makes rephrasing and you know making the content a little more unique much easier another very useful tool is grammarly so I have a premium version of grammarly because I use this to check the plagiarism for all my content so I recommend grammarly for that reason but grammarly also has a very useful ability to improve your writing so what I mean by this is if I open a document and click on paste here you can set goals based on what kind of writing style you want so for now I'll just keep it general information and audience is knowledgeable and neutral formality but from here it'll give you all these suggestions and it is as simple as clicking on each one to improve your writing and as it scans the document it'll keep popping up you know more suggestions here and if your content is longer then obviously you will have much more suggestions but you can see that we are rephrasing the content and improving it without actually writing it ourselves so it is a it's crazy what you can do with these tools nowadays but now we have a much more well-written sentence that is also original and not copy pasted from chat GPT now what you can actually do is to combine crowbot and grammarly so you can use quobot to rephrase the paragraph once right then you can take that into grammarly and fix up the grammar so essentially a two-step process but now we have a unique content here so if we go back to start a new scan paste the content here click on scan now and just like that you see that now it is showing at four percent AI so what this means is that is 96 confident that this text is original so when it comes to and the percentage that you should aim for I would recommend you should aim for at least below 40 AI obviously the lower the better if it's like less than 10 that is a good place to be at but I think minimum 40 and the reason why it is so high is because the score that shows is not how much of it is original and how much of it is AI so when it shows four percent AI here that doesn't mean that four percent of the content is AI what it actually means is that is four percent confident that the text is AI so in this case it is 96 confident that the text is original so if it's 40 AI then it is basically 40 confident that it is AI and sixty percent confident event that the text is original so it's actually okay to go a little higher up but obviously you want to aim for as low as possible all right step three is a final check which we did already because we already scanned the text to check for AI detection but you also want to check the content obviously for plagiarism that is another big thing if you upload a Content that is high in plagiarism on Amazon then that is one of the quickest way to lose your account so the good news is you can actually check for plagiarism on as well all you have to do is just check this box right here check plagiarism and click on scan now and it came back with zero percent plagiarize so that is a good sign you can do the same thing on grammarly so if you do have grammarly then all you have to do is click on right here plagiarism and you can see that it came back as 100 original so that is a very good sign I would say grammarly is a little more accurate than so I still would be using grammarly but if you only have if you want to save some money then you can definitely just do that alright so that is a general guideline on how to create a book using chat gbt so now let me show you some hacks and ideas on using chat GPT for KDP and book publishing alright so hack number one you might have seen this but you can use it to get keyword ideas but I do have a little twist on this alright so when it comes to using chat gbt it is all about the prompts right so if your prompt is basic then you will get basic answers so in this case I asked give me a list of 10 adult calling book niches on Amazon it came back with the pretty standard stuff mandalas animals inspirational quotes about humors travel those kind of things so what we're gonna do is ask a better question so what I've done is I asked a new prompt I said give me a new list with popular adult coloring book niches that is unique and unusual so now I came back with something a little better which is we got steampunk and Industrial scenes Dia de los Muertos which is the Day of the Dead art Kaleidoscope designs and optical illusions and a lot of interesting one here is like Mystic symbols uh coloring book right so by adding unique and unusual we were able to kind of move away from like the standard answer and now we have some interesting ideas that we can go and look into and this is a great way to come up with coloring book ideas that not a lot of people think about and this is exactly what this pen name Coco row I covered this in my other video as well is doing so I don't know if they're using chat GPT to get ideas but they are coming up with a very interesting coloring book topic that nobody else thinks about right so we have life inside jar coloring books so if you're doing standard keyword research on Amazon you're never ever going to come up with a concept like this we have the language of flowers right we have horror Beauties we have spooky girl we got pocket room coloring book so these are the kind of things that you would never think about if you're just doing a standard keyword research on Amazon so chat GPT is a great way to come up with these unique ideas and you can see that these books are absolutely crushing it this one is making 367 dollars a day this one's doing 243 dollars a day this book is doing 200 a day this one was doing a hundred dollars a day so this pen name right here definitely doing multiple six figures a month overall this brand is doing over 125 000 a month taking this approach all right so the second way to use chat GPT is to get book title ideas alright so I asked create me 10 funny book titles for a joke book for kids so the key here is to use as many descriptive words as you can so in this case we used funny and some of the titles we got are why did the cookie go to the doctor and other hilarious riddles the world's funniest knock-knock jokes that actually make sense I Can't Believe It's Not Butter and other bad jokes and a lot more and uh one thing I would say is do not just copy paste this once again you want to rewrite this make sure that there aren't other book titles with the same title on Amazon already because like this one right here silly jokes for silly kids I'm pretty sure that I've seen this title on Amazon so always make sure that and also change it up a little bit alright so next is using it to create book outlines so I asked write me a book online for the job joke book for kids each chapter is consisting of different types of jokes so we got a outline back with a pretty good introduction paragraph following it up with knock knock jokes riddles puns animal jokes silly jokes question and answer tongue twisters and one liner so these are pretty good so what I would say about book online is that it's not as important as book title the actual content or the description when it comes to how much you want to rewrite it right so obviously you do not want to take the whole thing and just copy paste it but you can take this chapter is good maybe you know take animal jokes maybe just change up the order a little bit and add some of your own chapters that you like right basically it's the same concept as the content alright the next way to use it is to use it to get pen name ideas so I asked give me 10 pen name ideas for a children's joke book author make it funny and once again adding these descriptive words like make it funny helps with getting a better answer so right here we got chuckleberry Finn which is pretty funny um Jester Mech joke face Laffy Taffy Hilaria jokes in giggle goes Mickey sir laughs a lot so these are very creative in my opinion you know I think it's pretty good but I think a lot of people have already came up with sir laps a lot or chuckleberry Finn so once again you want to go and check if there's nobody else with this pen name on Amazon and still would probably change it up a little bit so that it's not straight off of chat GPT the next way is to use it to write book descriptions alright so I asked write me an Amazon product description for the joke book for kids use the Aida format and Aida format is basically attention interest desire and action and it is one of the most effective sales copy of all time so it came back with exactly that so we got the attention section are you looking for a way to keep your kids entertained and laughing for hours on end look no further than the ultimate joke book for kids and then we got the interest desire and action section and once again just like anything else you don't want to just copy paste go through the exact same steps of rewriting right adding your own input and then doing the final check with and also with plagiarism so the next way to use it is to use it as book Improvement ideas so I asked what are some ideas on how I can make my joke book for kids stand out from the competition of Amazon and we got eight ideas on how to do exactly that and some are pretty obvious like you know obviously get a better cover that's unique and eye-catching use customer reviews and testimonials so you know those we all know but some ideas are pretty good so it really depends on the prompt and how good your prompt is but if you do it right then what you can get from chat jbt can be very useful alright guys so that is all the ways on how you can use chat gbt to create a book and the do's and don'ts on how you can go about it so the last thing I want to say about this is you want to use AI as a tool to help you but not to replace you because maybe in the future it'll replace us but for now it is not good enough to write the book on its own so it is still important that we put in our part and not just use Ai and just copy paste everything and put as little effort as possible because that's what everybody else will be doing and those are the people that's going to flood Amazon Amazon will be forced to make the change those are the people that's going to get their books blocked and their accounts terminated and it is already happening so make sure you use AI as a tool right so use it to help you write faster and better but you're still writing or you're still creating the book you know adding your own input making sure it's original those kind of things so hope you enjoyed the video If You did leave a like subscribe if you haven't yet all the tools mentioned in this video is in the description section below as well as the link to the free training that I mentioned earlier on how I built a seven-figure publishing business also in the description below thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Sean Dollwet
Views: 263,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: self publishing, amazon kdp, how to make money online, amazon kindle publishing, amazon kdp publishing, paul marles, low content book publishing, low content books, low content books kdp, low content kdp, low content publishing, no content book publishing, no content books, kdp income report, kdp revenue, amazon income streams, dane mcbeth, mikkelsen twins, kdp niche research, kdp low content, KDP tips, Publishing Life, Audiobook Publishing, write a book with chatgpt
Id: dGyU8gDSKmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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