If I had $1000 to Start Amazon KDP, I would Do THIS (2024)

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this is exactly how I would build my KDP business if I had just one thousand dollars what's going on guys welcome back to another video if you're new to the channel my name is Sean and I've built and sold a seven figure KDP business and now I'm building my second KDP account so if you want nobody's publishing advice from someone who's actually doing it then make sure to subscribe and if you want a completely free training on how I built a seven-figure publishing business then the link to the free training is in the description below so in this video I'm going to give you a step-by-step game plan on exactly what to do if you only have a thousand dollars to build your Amazon KDP business so if you follow this strategy to the T I am very confident that you will start seeing results with Amazon KDP but first let's be honest here most people who say they don't have the money actually do have the money they're just scared of losing it because they don't believe that they can make it happen in this business so it's not really a financial issue but more of a mindset issue because if you truly believe that you can invest money into a business and you can get more out of it then you will do whatever you can to get the money knowing that you can grow it whether that is borrowing money from friends and family you know picking up more shifts at your job whatever it is you will get that money so you can invest in your business as a 20 year old kid making 15 an hour living in Hawaii one of the most expensive place to live in the US I was still able to save a thousand dollars a month living very very frugally so I know that it's possible to save money and KDP is one of the lowest cost business to start if you look at all the other businesses you will usually have to invest a lot more just to get started but let's just stay for the sake of this video you just have a thousand dollars to invest in this business if that's the case this is exactly what I would do so step one is to find books you can create for little to no cost these are the low or medium content books you can create with a combination of canva chat GPT and book bolt with these three tools you can pretty much make most low and medium content books out there and real quick if you don't know what bookbot is bookboat is a tool that you can use to get keyword ideas so you can do keyword research here as well as you can create read puzzle books and activity books directly within this tool such as word search books which is one of the activity books you can create this book right here Anxiety Relief words search for adults this book alone is making 84 to 109 a day in royalties almost three thousand dollars a month and if you look inside into the content it's very very simple it's just a word search generated by book bolt with some text above and some background you can also create guided journals with bookbold or canva as well like this one this one is tell me your life story mom a guided journal for moms basically making 232 to 342 dollars a day so that is about nine thousand dollars a month it is just once again a guided Journal so just questions and then just you know sections on the customer to actually fill it out themselves or you can use chatgpt to help you create these kind of books such as a trivia book which is something very very easily able to create with chat GPT this one the ultimate serial killer trivia book is making 38 to 49 dollars a day so that is around twelve hundred dollars a month and basically it's just a list of trivia in the True Crime Niche or you can have chat GPT help you write guided meditation books so gotta meditation books would be better for us on audio uh but this one got a meditation for sleep relaxation stress release stress reduction and Anxiety Relief is making 29 to 47 a day once again around twelve hundred dollars a month on Audible what you want to do is just to make sure you don't copy paste the content you want to rewrite it so it's original to you but besides that you can definitely use the power of AI to help you write the book the good thing about these books is that you can sell it as an ebook and an audiobook version as well so it'll give you additional source of income now it's better to make your interior look nice so that means getting good graphics to add to it such as this background image that this book has this is something you can easily get from a site like creative Fabrica and on top of a bunch of Graphics you can get different templates to use for your book so as an example we looked at this book I got a journal for moms well well if you search on Creative Fabrica you can actually find exactly that guided Journal templates now you don't want to copy paste this obviously but you can use this as a template download it and then make your modification to make you know the content unique to you and create the book that way now I have a special discount where you can get creative Fabrica at the cheapest price possible so leave a link in the description below so what you want to do is find book topics like these and I recommend you creating 10 different types of books and make sure that these are high quality so don't just make 10 super basic low quality books make sure you create a good book by you know analyzing your competitors seeing what they have and try and make your content better than theirs so bookboat is 16 per month if you use a discount in the description as well as creative Fabrica is nine dollars a month if you use the discount in the description so that is 25 so far in terms of expenses once again the key is to learn how to use these tools properly and also look at your best-selling competitors look at their content and make sure that your content is just as good if not better than others so that brings us to step two which is to Outsource your book cover design now believe it or not you can actually get high quality book covers for five to thirty five dollars per cover now when it comes to book covers you really don't want to make the cover yourself because most of the time unless you have some graphic design skills it's not going to be as good as your competitors and it's not going to be enough to sell the book having a high quality book cover affects your sales significantly so you want to make sure you have a good cover now I found some good Fiverr gigs for you guys to test out I'll leave a link in the description as well this gig specializes in low content book cover for literally just five dollars if you get the premium version you get six covers for 25 meaning that it is less than five dollars a piece which is the most cost effective covers that you'll ever find and their qualities actually really really good now I honestly don't know how long they can keep up this super cheap price so depending on when you're watching this the price might go up but for now it is at this price or if you have a little more money to invest you can Outsource this gig where they will create the cover for you as well as the interior so you don't even have to create the interior itself you literally order and then you can just upload the book directly now if these two gigs don't work out you can always just go to Fiverr and search for low content book covers or medium content book covers and you will find a ton of different gigs you can test out the bottom line is it doesn't cost a lot of money to create a high quality book cover so let's say that you ordered the book cover for 10 books that is 5 times 10 so that is fifty dollars so so far in terms of expenses we are at 75 now step three is to upload the book and start getting reviews now you can just upload a book forget about it and then move on to the next book and keep pumping out new books and don't do any marketing and you can definitely make money that way but you can make a lot more money by slowing down and making sure that you launch the book properly every single time and you do this by getting sales and reviews you want to show Amazon that your book is in demand by getting those initial sales and reviews in return Amazon will start pushing your books higher and you'll start getting more organic sales too so first you need reviews and there are free and paid ways to do this for the freeway you can go into different Facebook groups for your book topic and ask if people want to read your book for free in exchange for an honest review if they say yes you want to pass out the PDF copy of your book and follow up two weeks later and when you follow up you send them the Amazon review link and ask them for their honest review now this is a bit time consuming but a completely free way of getting unlimited amounts of reviews or you can use sites like puppy which is a membership site where you can get a ton of reviews very easily but essentially it's like a book club where different authors can sign up and then leave a review for one author and you can also request a review for your book as well now this is not review swapping because they set it up in a way that it can never be review swapping so I'll let you guys read the website learn how it works because it's a lot easier to understand just by reading but if you guys want to check it out then the link is in the description and you will get a little discount so with my discount link puppy is 18 a month so total expense of far as 93 dollars now with these methods you should be able to get tons of reviews quickly you want to try and get the 10 reviews per book minimum as this will make it easier to get sales which brings us to step 4 which is to run Amazon as now once again ads are optional but if you want to get results much faster then I recommend you run some ads this is the quickest way to see if your book is a winner or not so I would personally allocate fifty dollars per book to start and based on the performance of the ads you would pause the ads for the books that are performing poorly and move that budget over to the ads that are performing well so in terms of the ad setup for each book you simply want to create one automatic targeting Campaign which is right here you just go to your ad dashboard and you know pick this targeting One manual targeting and you want to have five dollars a day per campaign if you want to be more conservative then you can do one dollar a day or three dollars a day but if you want to get data faster then I recommend five dollars a day for your budget for the keywords for your manual campaign it's actually very very easy all you're doing is you're just getting all the suggested keywords from Amazon for your keywords so what you want to do is get this chrome plugin AMZ suggestion expander so you can get a lot more suggestion on Amazon and then once you get that then next you want to start typing in your main keywords so if you've got a coloring book just start typing in coloring book right and then Amazon will suggest to you all these different keywords and you can just literally just copy paste this okay and Target this in your manual campaign now obviously you want to test different keywords and products for your ads but for your very first manual campaign you can start with this so that is 50 ad budget per book times 10 books meaning 500 so this brings a total expense of 593 dollars now if you have print specific books like activity books or calling books this is pretty much the entire game plan you can run ads for a few weeks and then analyze a performance and see what worked what didn't and keep tweaking your book you should have some books that will do better than others so you want to ask yourself what made this book sell better and you want to make them next book better and then based on the feedback you want to make the next book better and so on now if you have a book that flopped which will happen I guarantee you then you want to ask yourself why did this book flop was it the cover was it the review was it something else same as if you get a good book try and ask yourself what made that book sell and replicate it in your next book as long as you keep improving this way you will succeed but if you did create books like trivia or guided meditation you know books that you can do more than just paperbacks those books you can create an ebook version and an audiobook version as well for those books there are a few more things that we can do and that is step five turn your book into an audiobook so simply sign up to ACX and put your book up for audition you will have a lot of people audition to narrate your book and you want to choose the one you like the most and hire them for 50 to 70 per finished hour so most likely your audiobook will be between one to three hours long so that is about 50 to 150 dollars per book now we have 407 dollars left in our budget budget so you should be able to create a couple audio books along with your ebooks these formats should bring in some extra sales every single month now once you start making money you want to reinvest that into your Amazon ad budget as well as producing more books eventually you want to start Outsourcing more tasks such as hiring ghost writers to write the book for you and expand into different book types like high content books as typically you make more money there and that is how I would build this business if you only have a thousand dollars if you take action on this and keep improving your books as well as keep improving your skills you will succeed now one last thing I want to say is this is not a get rich quick scheme we're building a legit business that's going to pay us for years and years and years to come so you know expect that it's going to take a couple months for you to really start seeing results and understand that you will have to put in a lot of work up front so that you can reap the rewards later alright guys with that being said that is the end of the video hope you enjoyed it if you did leave a like subscribe if you haven't yet a lot more videos like this coming if you want to check out my completely free training on how I built a publishing business the link is in the description below as well as all the tools and resources that I recommend also in the description thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Sean Dollwet
Views: 35,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: self publishing, amazon kdp, how to make money online, amazon kindle publishing, amazon kdp publishing, paul marles, low content book publishing, low content books, low content books kdp, low content kdp, low content publishing, no content book publishing, no content books, kdp income report, kdp revenue, amazon income streams, dane mcbeth, mikkelsen twins, kdp niche research, kdp low content, KDP tips, Publishing Life, Audiobook Publishing, write a book with chatgpt
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
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