How to Make UNDETECTABLE AI Content for Amazon KDP (Guaranteed Method)

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in this video I'm going to show you how to create undetectable AI content for Amazon KDP [Music] what's going on guys welcome back to another video if you're new to the channel my name is Sean and I've built and sold a seven figure KDP business and now I'm building my second KDP account so if you want an OBS publishing advice from someone who's actually doing it then make sure to subscribe and if you want a completely free training on how I built a seven figure KDP publishing business then the link to the free training is in the description below alright so with the rise of chat GPT and AI a lot of videos are being made on how you can use these tools to create books for Amazon KDP however there is the right way and the wrong way of doing this now real quick the wrong way is to go and generate content and text from chat GPT or other AI tools and then simply copy paste that into your book and publish it on Amazon or publish it as a blog post on Google because Google now officially penalizes blog posts that are purely AI written and I believe Amazon will do the same in the future now Google stance with AI has been changing Google initially said that AI generated content is against guidelines this was back in April 6 2022. then recently after the rise of chat gbt they changed their stance once again and now they are saying that they are rewarding high quality content however it is produced so whether it is written by yourself or written by an AI as long as the content is high quality then it'll rank however with the recent Google update a lot of the websites that were purely AI written articles lost their ranking essentially overnight there's a lot of channels including this one you can see that people are talking about how their AI content website just crashed overnight after the update now another thing is it seems like you cannot monetize your website with AdSense if it's purely AI written and finally this is from content at scale and it is saying that with AI watermarking coming on the scene and the need for a chat GPT detector you should be aware of AI detection scores for your content so I think this is enough proof that you know we really do not not want to just copy paste and create AI generated content whether that's on Google or Amazon as well the key is you can use these tools but you want to edit it enough so that it's not detected as an AI content then we can use it for our books so if I go to chat GPT and ask it to write me a short book chapter on why cell publishing is the best online business to start in 2023 I got this short chapter back so I'm going to copy this then I will go to this website paste this in and click on scan now and you can see that the results come back as 100 percent AI so what we want is this number to be as slow as possible typically I recommend you aim for at least below 50 if not much lower than that if it's below 50 essentially what it's saying is it's 50 confident that it is written by an AI and it's 50 confident is written by a human so we want this number once again to be as low as possible so how do we exactly edit our content to do this now there's a lot of stress strategies online on how to do this so what I did is I've gone and tested every single one so method number one is using quobot and grammarly to rewrite the content so if I copy this content from chat GPT and go to quill bot and paste this and click on paraphrase right here what it does is it's going to go and rewrite and rephrase essentially what I pasted on the left into this new paragraph on the right so I can go and copy this and then check on or I can do a second step to this by opening up grammarly pasting this and then have it fix the grammar because a lot of times quill bot it does rewrite the sentence but the sentence isn't really written that well so I can go and paste this on grammarly and essentially just you know click on all the suggestions and fix each one one by one so now that it's all done and the paragraph is written a lot better so I can copy this and paste this into but unfortunately this method is not effective anymore more because you can see that it still came back with 100 AI so now let's test method number two which is pre-training chat GPT I found this article on medium which is a secret prompt that chat GPT loves with proof and this is essentially how you can train chat apt to write anything to get human-like text generation once again this is a prompt if you guys want to copy this paste it into chat GPT you get a response yes I understand and then from this I just said uh based on this write me a short book chapter and why self-publishing is the best online business to start in 2023 and then I got this response back so now let's go and check this on and unfortunately the result is the same it is still 100 AI so method number three is asking chat GPT to write like a human so in this method we are essentially just asking chatgpt directly what are the key attributes of conversation content that is undetectable as being written by AI so we literally asked Chachi PD how do you write so that it's undetectable that it is written by an AI it came back with a response so we responded back saying based on this write me a short book chapter essentially the same prompt and I got this response so let's go and test this right now and unfortunately even this method came back with 100 AI but let's try method number four which is write the content on chatgpt then asking it to rewrite it this is a very popular method that a lot of people use to get past these kind of AI detection so after I got the response from chat GPT I simply asked rewrite the above content so that it is not detected as AI content by AI content detectors so chat apt just rewrote the whole thing and we'll go and test this on originality and unfortunately this method as well came back with 100 AI now at this point I'm pretty defeated I'm thinking is even working properly because literally every single thing came back as 100 AI so I'm thinking originality is broken it's not working but what I've done after this confirmed that it's not so this is Method number five and that is essentially accepting that you have to put in the work and manually rewrite the content so that is exactly what I've done I had this entire thing that was generated by chat GPT I took about five minutes maybe to rewrite the whole thing in my own words it's essentially the same thing you know the chat GPT is talking about but I just rewrote the entire thing and I copied this and paste it into and it came back as 99 original one percent Ai and you can see that some parts are showing as AI but most of it is original so this shows that it is working and this shows that you know this recent update with made it so much more stricter that the previous update that used to work in getting past these detection is not working but as for the tool itself it seems to be doing its job so once again this was the only time that it showed anything but 100 Ai and it seems like the accuracy of is significantly higher now some people are saying that it is too strict to the point where it is creating false positives now the other method that I showed you might work for you so I say give it a try at least and test it yourself but here's the bottom line that I'm sure you guys are all curious about should you make sure the content you're about to publish on Amazon KDP passes this check with and to be honest it is hard to say after this test because even after the recent update with originality and it is much more strict but it seems like false positives are still pretty common so this is what I think and what I've learned from this experiment is I personally think instead of fixating so much on the exact percentage that you get on or other AI content detectors I think you should just simply have an understanding that whenever you generate content on chat GPT you will just have to rewrite it and there's no way around that and I think as long as you do that you should be fine yes it's tedious but you know we're building a long-term business and if you're serious about this business then you do not want to take any shortcuts so that's my thoughts on this whole thing once again if something changes and I'll make a video and update you but if you enjoyed this video leave a like subscribe if you want to check out there's a link in the description below as well as a link to the free training on how I built a seven figure self-publishing business also in the description below thanks so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: Sean Dollwet
Views: 19,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: self publishing, amazon kdp, how to make money online, amazon kindle publishing, amazon kdp publishing, paul marles, low content book publishing, low content books, low content books kdp, low content kdp, low content publishing, no content book publishing, no content books, kdp income report, kdp revenue, amazon income streams, dane mcbeth, mikkelsen twins, kdp niche research, kdp low content, KDP tips, Publishing Life, Audiobook Publishing, write a book with chatgpt
Id: mSnMAbnkR0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 19 2023
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