Book Bolt Honest Review - Is it REALLY Worth It for Low Content Books

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in this video I'll give you my honest opinion on if book bolt is worth it for low content publishing [Music] what's going on guys welcome back to another video if you're new to the channel my name is Sean and in this channel we talk about self-publishing building passive income streams and retiring early so if you're interested in those kind of things then make sure to subscribe and turn on the notification Bell so you don't miss out on any future videos so in this video I want to give you an honest opinion on if I genuinely think book bolt is worth it if you're doing low content publishing low content publishing is becoming more popular and also bookboat is becoming more popular as well as more people who do low content books you know is starting to use a software but is it really worth it or is it all hype so in this video I want to show you what exactly is book bold what it does and my opinion on whether it's worth paying for the software or whether you can do local publishing without book bolt alright so I am logged into book right now and essentially there's two parts when it comes to the book bold software that you get access to you get the research part where you get a bunch of tools on you know researching keywords niche is those kind of things that you can use and also the creation size so you can go and actually create those book cover and book Interiors so let me show you the research side of the tool first you know this is how it looks in the dashboard there's a tutorial for every single one essentially you have access to 10 different uh software starting with the search product feature you can put your keyword whatever type of book that you're trying to research more of and then from there you can you know segment this even more in different categories of low content books when you search it you get all these data such as the average BSR lowest price highest price Etc and then you will see all the top books as well as you know what kind of keywords is commonly showing up in the title The subtitle the metadata here so what other keywords people are using right which will give you more ideas on different keywords you can go and Target related keywords and once again you know the best-selling books and it's BSR data so it's pretty cool when it comes to trying to research so that's one software let me show you the next one right here so the second one that says seller is essentially you know being able to search your competitors if you want to analyze their information more this one to be honest I don't really use it but this next one the cloud feature is probably the best one in terms of you know the research side of Book bolt so here's how it works you can go and select you know top 100 to even top 500 best seller books uh in a certain category so you can segment it by the category which is where it gets very very cool so let's say you want to look at the top 100 you know books in the coloring book space right and then from there you can filter it even more so let's say we only want to see the top books under 30 000 BSR so around there and for the price range let's say we want something that's selling higher than seven dollars here and from here you can search or you know if you want to segment it even more let's say you just want to look at animal coloring books or space coloring books or maybe mandala coloring books right you can put those keywords in here so I'm going to put animals uh right here and then we can go and search and just like that it'll pull all the coloring books the fits these criterias and then you can go and analyze it so you can see you know how many reviews it has when it was published uh the best sellers rank how much is estimally making in terms of sales every single month so in terms of getting ideas uh when it comes to what kind of books you know should you create because obviously if something is selling well then you want to model that you know get ideas from it and go and create something similar if you can right so in my opinion This Cloud feature is the best uh feature when it comes to the research side of Book bolt now the next one book scout you can basically put the Asin of the book and then get more data from there the favorites tab allows you to save you know books that you want to monitor long term uh in this page so that you can come back to it easily so next I got the KDP category finder so you can enter keywords and from there you can find relevant category stories I wish that they showed the BSR of the number one book in the category as well as you know the number temp book in that category something like uh publisher rocket does do that but this one you know you just get the names of the category that you can go and add your book into so personally I use publisher Rockets category finder rather than bookbold because I get a little more information but if you don't have publisher rocket then it can be useful in the last tool when it comes to the research section is KDP spy which is a chrome plug-in that you can get and then getting data directly when you're on the store so that's all the tools when it comes to the research section once again the best feature out of all these is the cloud feature and that's pretty much the only one that I use personally but this one alone is pretty useful so next let me take you over to the actual creation side of the tool so you want to click on create here and you can go to bookbot Studio let's go and create a new project and from here you can choose what kind of projects do you want to start do you want to make a paperback do you want to do a hard cover so in this case I'm just going to click on paperback interior as an example project name I'm going to name it YouTube and let's say we want to create a puzzle book okay so the puzzle book standard side is 8.5 by 11. so we're going to click on that keep it at black and white interior pages and let's say we want a hundred Pages for this so we can create a project here and this is where it gets very very cool so every single page you can customize it however way you want and there's different elements here that you can add so you can you know add different shapes here there's text so I'm just going to put the book title here and you can click on it and move it up so it's very similar to how canva operates if you use canva and let's go and click on the text and put my name here as the author name you can adjust this to a Line to Center okay edit the spacing a little bit once I can move it to the middle okay and obviously you want to play around with it in terms of the designs another feature that bookboat offers is this feature where it's integrated with pixabayer on Splash so if you want to add some images you can pull it directly from pixabay or on Splash and then put it into a book bolt so this is where bookboat gets very very powerful is if you click here you can generate any kind of low content interior with a click of a button so let's say you want a journal interior here right and there's three different types of journals you can pick which one you like let's just say narrow journal and then from here you can click on how many pages within your book that you want these journals to be right so you can click five pages here and you can customize it even more from here click on submit so we can create different types of interior Pages doing the exact same way so go back here click on it and let's say this time we want to create a mind finder a kind of a puzzle pages right so we can click on four pages here click next enter the setting here you can even add Solutions after the puzzle Pages click on submit and just like that we have four mind finder pages right so it's really cool in the sense that you know if you want to generate puzzle books like this then book bolt is an all-in-one software because there's many many different puzzles that you can generate a lot of times if you want to create puzzle books you have to purchase different softwares that only offers mind finder or only offer word searches or only offer cryptograms there is no all-in-one software that I know like book bolt that does puzzle books and on top of that you know has different interior pages that you can use okay and this is the solution pages right here well let's just do one more so let's go back to the templates library and I'm just going to show you all the different templates that you can create so we got mazes here we got bills tracker career plan uh home to do's and so much more right we have even body measurement tracker obviously you want to customize these uh you don't want to just generate and you know upload directly to KDP you want to make this original you know to you by adding different text designs Etc we have the dream journal as well so there's a bunch of different templates that you can use but for me I like to use it for puzzles because the reason why puzzle books is really great for low content is because you never run into duplicate content issue every single puzzle that is generated from bookbold is original so the moment you generate it that puzzle is unique to you so you can upload it to Amazon you're not going to experience duplicate content issues puzzle books is also a little more of a higher content low content so that you can sell it even higher it's very easy to make as you can see it's just one click so that is the best part about bookboat is you can create these puzzles very easily so we have Sudoku word search rectangular maze okay let's do Sudoku here and let's do six pages of Sudoku there's different difficulties you can select so you can choose very easy all the way up to hard so let's do hard and this is the 16 by 16. add solution after the puzzle Pages click on submit so now we have generated all these Sudoku puzzles just like that and if you go to Amazon and look up Sudoku here a lot of these books are selling really well so I have this tool called book beam and it tells me how much these books are making so this 2023 Sudoku with three reviews is doing 40 every single day that is one thousand two hundred dollars a month this book right here is doing two hundred and eleven dollars a day with 862 in the books uh BSR so if you're going to open this book right and if you look inside here and scroll down a little bit the interior looks like this it just is a collection of a bunch of different Sudoku books how can you make this with bookbot well you generated the puzzle already so all you have to do is move this down because we want more than one Sudoku there is 12 Sudoku on one page so if we basically want to do the same thing we can just make it smaller generate another puzzle put it next to it and do the same thing right so essentially you can create a very similar book to this book that is making between 162 to 259 dollars on book bolt so I think if you are doing low content and if you're doing puzzle books especially then bookboat is a very very powerful tool I think the cloud feature is very useful when it comes to research and when it comes to creating puzzle books and other low content Interiors bookboard is a very affordable and probably one of the cheapest ways that you can go and get started with that so in terms of the pricing option there is a newbie and the Pro Plan I recommend you get the Pro Plan just because it comes with the puzzle creation software which we talked about and I think that'll be the main reason why you will be getting bookboat is to create those puzzle books so obviously it's cheaper if you get the yearly option that is up to you if you want to get it the link is below this video in the description section as well as a coupon code that you can use to get a discount permanently on your subscription so make sure to use that so to summarize everything we talked about today my honest thoughts on bookboat is I think if you're trying to do low content and especially if you're trying to create puzzle books this is the best way to go I think it's a very cheap way to get into it rather than trying to figure it out yourself trying to save this 20 a month it's much better to just pay for it and just save a ton of your time you know trying to figure it out as well as creating those puzzles I'd rather just pay a little bit click one button and generate these puzzles rather than spending hours right so if you're not doing puzzle books if you're not doing low content then obviously this tool is not going to be for you but puzzle books can be very profitable as I showed you I have done many puzzle books as well it does pretty well so you know if you're trying to do that then book board is a good way for you so that is my thoughts on book bolt hope you enjoyed it if you did enjoy the video leave a like subscribe if you haven't yet if you do want to check out my complete publishing course as well as all the tools and resources that I recommend in your publishing business then all the links are in the description below thanks for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Sean Dollwet
Views: 215,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazon kdp, how to make money online, amazon kindle publishing, amazon kdp publishing, paul marles, low content book publishing, low content books, low content books kdp, low content kdp, low content publishing, no content book publishing, no content books, kdp income report, kdp income report october, kdp revenue, amazon income streams, dane mcbeth, mikkelsen twins, kdp niche research, kdp low content, KDP tips, Publishing Life, Audiobook Publishing, book bolt review
Id: R09fi9oPa4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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