The REAL Reason Your Books Aren't Selling (Amazon KDP)

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all right guys welcome back to another book review type of video where I analyze your books that you submitted through me on Instagram and show you exactly where you can improve to get more Book Sales so real quick if you're new to the channel my name is Sean I built and sold a seven figure Amazon KDP business now I'm building my new KDP account so if you want no BS publishing advice from someone who's actually doing it then make sure to subscribe and if you want me to analyze your books and future book review videos like this then make sure to follow me on Instagram @ shondo 13 DM me your Amazon link for your book and I will review it in future videos lastly if you want a completely free 80-minute master class on how to start a profitable Amazon KDP business in 2024 then the link to the training is in the description below all right let's get started so the first book I got is from uh Shayla Gates my poor husband is a Billionaire Mafia volume 1 so this book is 84,000 in the BSR I have the book beam plugin so I can see how much the BSR is and how much it's making so it's not making anything at all the obvious problem here that I see is the reviews so the review is 3.5 average and you got 57 ratings so that is quite a bit of reviews right so so that is definitely taking out a lot of sales away from you uh but besides that I will say that the cover can improve you know the cover is something that it looks like these are AI generated faces I might be wrong here but it kind of looks like it and the text is like a canva text you know it's something that you can probably make on canvas so we want to have a little more of a professional book cover but I I would say just improving the book cover and getting more reviews I mean obviously you have to fix the book content first to address you know why you're getting negative reviews you fix that and then you get more reviews hopefully it's going to be positive from now on because you want your average rating to be 4.3 or higher so it looks like you have a five-star book right whenever you pass 4.3 then it'll show five stars in the total average here so honestly before you do anything you have to improve the book content so that you can start getting positive reviews uh it seems like you're suffering from the same issues in your other books so you know so that is what you need to work on and also all your book covers look the same because you're using the same images except for this one right so you really need a professional book cover you know use someone like Rebecca covers she can create a professional fiction book cover for 10 bucks and it's going to be a lot better than what you have right now so you know it's really worth the investment for just $10 you know you can massively upgrade the the book cover design so if you want to test out Rebecca covers I'll leave a link below this video all right next book we got puppiness and the farmer a single along Adventure on a farm uh by Viola Baxter it has no reviews and it's not selling anything at all uh despite being on the market for 7 months so the subtitle you want to be a little more descriptive I mean you got the sing along Adventure you know which is a keyword which is good uh I would do this like a sing along Farm adventure for kids calling out your audience a little more and the book cover once again is what we want to focus on because you know it looks like you made this yourself uh hopefully it's not from somebody else because it's it's not a good design right the image is kind of all over the place you know there is no Central focus and a lot of the designs are you can tell that these are stock images kind of put together because this this image uh does not have the same style as the cow and the cow does not have the same style as a sheep right it's like you know different images kind of put together into one the title has to be a lot more legible as well you can see that the text is blending in and it's very hard to read you can add like a border behind the text so that it pops better and focus on the color contrast besides that you don't have any reviews so you can use sites like pubby I'll leave a link uh to pubby below this video but that is an easy way to start collecting some reviews so as we go and analyze more of these books you guys will see patterns on why these books are not selling and it really comes down to just not enough reviews and a poor cover you know once you fix these two issues you will start making a lot more sales like everything else comes after fixing the review and the book cover problem okay so the next one we got is the ultimate book of savings challenge 50 unique challenges a dollar $5 $10 $50 so this is a the first thing that pops up is you don't have to spam uh or try to cram keywords uh a dollar $5 $10 these numbers aren't even keywords so you don't really have to spam it inside okay so just say like you know 0 to 10K challenge or 0 to 10K something right also you want to capitalize each letter uh makes it look a lot more professional why this book is not selling obviously you got one onear review and that's it so it's the same thing if you get more reviews if you have a high quality book you try to get more reviews you know with pubby alone you can get 20 30 40 50 reviews easily right over a month or two you know so so there really shouldn't be any reason why uh you can't get reviews I mean even if you don't want to use puppy there's other ways you know like handing out a free copy of your book to different people and ask for review and you know that alone can get you 10 20 30 reviews very quick right and that is how you can Kickstart the book and go from there so I think the book covers okay but what I would like to see more is that uh where you show the progress more so you do have the start and the end but if you tried a different concept like I looked up the same thing book of savings challenge and a lot of these books that are doing very well first off there's other books doing well so it's a good Niche to go into right so if you execute the book well you could make money in this Niche so this one's doing very well $64 every single day and you can see that it's more uh the start and the end is very clear right and you know the design is basically you're like halfway there right it's so uh it's a little more clear than this one basically this kind of looks like a puzzle book uh based on the design so I would try and update the cover uh based on that but you know a lot of these books are selling well so the niche is good it's just the execution so improve the book cover get more reviews uh fix why you got the one star rating as well as you know kind of clean up the subtitle obviously you can't update the title uh cuz it's already published but in future books uh keep this in mind and then from there you can try and run low bit Amazon ass just to test of water or you can do Tik Tok you know social media marketing for free so next one we have a brand so uh Lulu luxury and it's a collection of notebooks so notebooks are extremely saturated a lot of people doing it and it looks like you made these notebooks on canva right you made the covers on canva uh and you have almost no reviews and you're selling it for $15 to $20 with no reviews in a crazy saturated market so you know obviously that's you can't do that right you cannot just create something on CA plop it up in a very competitive market with way higher price than all your competitors with absolutely no reviews and no social proof and expected to make money right so you know what you have to do here obviously improve the book cover make it look more attractive right and then you got to price Price to Book low you know to start with try to get as many sales as possible at a low price to get Amazon to recognize your book that it's selling right so that they can rank it more later on but also selling it will invite more reviews right so you can get reviews with pubby with you know passing out a free copy of your book uh but you can also just sell more of your books to get reviews right so over time as you get more reviews as you become one of the highest reviewed book in your topic or in your keyword then you can increase the price to perhaps you know 15 19 whatever is like realistic right but you cannot just go from the start you know no reviews 20 bucks for a notebook you know that's it's just not how it works so that is what I recommend and I you know once again notebooks are very competitive you can still make money with notebooks you just have to do a better job with keyword selection book covers and just you know finding an angle where you can stand out right the only book that you got a sale and a review is the first uh you got a medium content book here which is the first spooky coloring book so I would recommend you focus on that but it's still the same thing you want to get a professional book cover done it's as simple as five to 10 bucks in Fiverr I'll leave a link to another gig that I recommend more focusing on low content books uh so I'll leave a link in the description below so the next book is the nstep overthinking detox from Max Minefield uh this is from one of my students in the program so shout out to you I'm not going to reveal the the real author name but you know thanks for submitting this book so the first thing I noticed is it's a book on overthinking and as you can see from this book and all the other overthinking books overthinking is a huge profitable Niche right so you know it's a very profitable Niche you know it's a little competitive but you know you can still make money this book alone is making ,000 to $2,000 every single day just from paperback so it's making like multiple thousand dollars from all formats right just from one book which is crazy so overthinking is profitable the first thing I notice here is the subtitle declare your mind for Peak Clarity enhanced cognitive function and unbreakable Focus so those are the three benefits right P Clarity enhanced cognitive function and unbreakable Focus so it kind of seems like it is a productivity book you know that because of the benefit statements that you have from my understanding of when people buy an book on over thinking they typically buy because their pain points are that you know they're suffering from like this book right here they're thinking so much that they're going through negative spirals right they're just worrying they have so much anxiety you know they got so much stress right and I don't think they are looking at overthinking uh from a Peak Performance point of view I feel like these are everyday people who just struggle with negative thinking and anxiety and stress you know I don't don't think they're looking to improve uh productivity in Focus right so you know your book kind of like the your positioning of the book seems like it's for professionals you know entrepreneurs who want hyperfocus and be as productive as possible because you're saying Peak Clarity cognitive function and unbreakable Focus but I feel like 99% of the people who buy overthinking books are not that audience right it's just everyday people so I might be wrong but I feel like there's a little misalignment happening here okay so the next thing is the book cover when I saw this book earlier uh I took some notes on it because the book cover was a different book cover and it did seem like it the book cover matched the subtitle where it looked like it was more focused on entrepreneur and like success and that kind of design now you change it to more calmness Serenity and you know uh something that in an image that represents you know the main audience that I think are buying the book which is people who just want less stress less anxiety those kind of things so that is good you know that you improved it I think the cover can improve a little more I generally do not like an image of a real life image like whether that's uh a person in real life whether that's an image of this rock you know stacked together of real life I prefer Vector images significantly more I think it looks much better um so that's my personal opinion though so you know I can't really say if this will work or not uh so far you're at 109,000 BSR so it's selling decently and perhaps it's something that you can optimize and improve from here uh what you're doing really good is you know you got close to 100 reviews which is excellent right that's what we teach in the program and you know great job for doing that I think it's just a positioning issue in the title as well as for the book cover I think it can improve a little more I would definitely love to see a new book cover that portrays kind of like mental health or brain improving in some way uh to represent that you know you're kind of curing the whole overthinking thing that's happening and then also have some kind of nine steps element to it so like you got nine steps on the book cover and it's improving with each step if that makes sense or another option is you can go with a text based cover so especially with these non-fiction self-help covers text based cover works really well so as an example this one right it's just text you know there's not much designs happening and I can see that it'll work uh really well with your Niche too so perhaps you can try it out so that's my suggestion but what I would recommend before you go and update to cover and everything is check your conversion rates on your Amazon app side and if it's good then you don't have to change anything you just want to scale that but if the conversion rate is bad then you want to perhaps update the cover see if it you know Compares with this current design right but you have coaching sessions because you're into programs so make sure you work with our coach and figure out what is the best course of action to move forward and go from there and on a final note I just want to say that the A+ content looks great so great job on that as well as getting a ton of reviews you know awesome job you're taking action just a little tweak and I'm sure you will be very very successful all right next book is amazing mazes for kids age 4 to 6 uh maze activity book for kids so the subtitle kind of repeats the title you don't want to do that you want to you know add different benefits why people should buy this book who it's for those kind of things just don't repeat it because it's valuable word count or space that you can use to sell your books more right so over 100 mazes is great so add a little more of those features on it you got nine reviews uh and you're selling at 46 BSR so it's selling decently like here and there so it's a good sign you know I think the cover is good I think it can improve but it's not you know it's not bad right it's good I will say that covers like four stars out of five um so you could choose to improve this or you could choose to just try and get more reviews cuz nine is something that you know if you're selling at nine reviews at 150 BSR then it's just a matter of perhaps like getting more reviews and marketing it more right cuz it's already converting a low reviews why don't you just get get more reviews and Market it more you know maybe it'll convert better right so I think this book is pretty decent and book description looks good nicely formatted right so just uh next time you know try and optimize it a little more and also you will want A+ content because I see that you don't have any A+ content so try and improve that right A+ content get more reviews that's going to optimize your listing improve your conversion rate and after that it might just be just marketing it more whether it's Amazon ad social media marketing so good job on that all right so the next book is video game agents book one kids in suits I would want to subtitle to be a little longer here uh not just kids and suits you know just think about like the keywords categories uh that you can add here such as I don't know like young adult science fiction uh Adventure book for kids or something maybe it's not young adults like sci-fi Adventure book for kids right some some kind of keyword inside there so this book is has amazing rating though 4.9 average rating out of 453 uh reviews is freaking amazing so great job on that so you definitely do not want to change the content you definitely don't have to change the book cover because I think it looks pretty good I think it fits this topic or this Niche right but the major issue is your book is not selling it's at million BSR but that is for the paperback and this is a fiction book so let's go and check the ebook version because fiction book sells the best as a eBook and so it's making a few sales every here and there I think it's just a matter of marketing to be honest you know I think what you can do is do social media marketing I think it'll work really well because your audience is kids right and Tik Tok you know Instagram reals I think Tik Tok would work really well for this uh because Tik Tok audience is younger right so what you can do is perhaps make videos like you don't want of those videos where half of the screen is like Minecraft or you know Subway Surfers or those videos uh like video game playing and then then the other half is the actual video content right and you could perhaps do something like that where combining your book promotion video with Minecraft video I have no idea it's just an idea uh or you can just run Amazon ad and see how it goes but I think you just got to Kickstart it because it's showing a lot of potential right amazing reviews good cover you know selling here and there so just you want to boost that with marketing all right guys I'll end the video here and if you want me to review your books in future videos like this once again follow me on Instagram at sha do 13 and DM me your book and I will review it so if you enjoy these videos leave a like subscribe if you haven't yet if you want the free training on how to build a profitable KDP business the link is in the description below as well as all the tools and resources that I recommend for your publishing business so thanks for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Sean Dollwet
Views: 11,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: self publishing, amazon kdp, how to make money online, amazon kindle publishing, amazon kdp publishing, paul marles, low content book publishing, low content books, low content books kdp, low content kdp, low content publishing, no content book publishing, no content books, kdp income report, kdp revenue, amazon income streams, dane mcbeth, mikkelsen twins, kdp niche research, kdp low content, KDP tips, Publishing Life, Audiobook Publishing, write a book with chatgpt
Id: 2RVF0Wh06bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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