$72,285 PER MONTH Publishing AI Coloring Books with Midjourney (2024)

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in this video I'm going to show you a 70 000 per month coloring book brand that is using AI what's going on guys welcome back to another video if you're new to the channel my name is Sean and I've built and sold a seven figure publishing business and now I'm building my second KDP account so if you want an OBS publishing advice from someone who is actually doing it then make sure to subscribe and if you want a completely free training on how I built a seven-figure publishing business then the link to the training is in the description below alright so today I want to analyze a brand that I'm pretty sure is using mid-journey and AI to generate their coloring pages and that is this brand right here uh Lauren K it's a little tricky to analyze because they don't have a author bio page setup so we just have to go off the the search results but if I use the KD spy plugin and I essentially you know ticked off the books that are ranking for this author but it's not from them and just left the books that are actually from them you can see that it's generating seventy two thousand dollars per month in revenue and this is revenue not profit but I also have another tool called bookbeam right here which is an extension and this one actually tells me the royalties that is making per day so this is an actual royalty estimate and you can see that their top selling book 101 relaxing coloring book is doing 442 dollars in royalties per day it has a BSR of 569 and it's doing extremely well they also have another book 101 relaxing flowers coloring book this is at 3279 and the BSR making around 87 in royalties per day with just 12 reviews this book right here 101 mindfulness meditation coloring book only seven reviews add 5000 in the BSR and making 55 dollars per day one last one right here magic jar the reviews are pretty bad as you can see but still it has a 2663 uh BSR in the book category making 160 dollars per day now what's interesting about this uh pen name is that I'm pretty sure it's the same person as kite Fox publishing which is another brand that I analyzed in another video so I'm kind of like exposing all their books uh left and right so I'm sorry about that if you're kite Fox publishing in Lauren K but I do want to go and check out these books because it's super interesting so I've gone ahead and opened up their top selling books so you can see that the cover is really nice they got 101 coloring pages which is significantly more than uh normal coloring books typically normal calling books have about 40 pages to color this one has a hundred and one and the reason why I think they do that is because I think they're just generating it on mid-journey that's my guess but as you can see if you look at the interior it's not really like a coloring page in Terrier it seems like they're just generating this on mid-journey and then making it grayscale so it's like black and white so that they can color in if you look at this other book right here seems like something similar is happening because this does not seem like a coloring book kind of image right it's like super hard to color in especially this area right here and if you look at this book this looks like a full-on AI generated image because this is a intricate pattern mindfulness coloring book but there is absolutely no pattern you can see that it's kind of messed up here right and this is so typical of mid-journey you know and then images that are generated there now the smart thing about this author is that they're marketing it as intricate patterns so it kind of makes sense that you know the patterns are like super messed up like this right uh but it is I believe mid-journey generated so in terms of their marketing strategy uh if you look at my other video on kite Fox publishing it's essentially the same thing they're doing the same thing which is just publishing the book and running Amazon as very very heavily uh and over time those sales will convert into reviews as you can see so they're not really Gathering a ton of reviews up front they're just straight up just you know going hard on ads in the beginning over time as you gather more reviews you know the ads will start converting better So eventually as will be profitable but in the beginning I'm pretty sure that they are taking a loss just to rank the book and once again I have the book beam plugin and it kind of shows you this based on the price history and review and rating history so you can see that this book is only 12 days old so you know they're not increasing the price right they start low and they just turn on the ads and they try to achieve as low of a BSR as possible and over time once the review comes in I'm sure they will increase the price and you can see something pretty similar to that so essentially right after the book is published they started running as achieved a very very low BSR from that and it's still at an early stage so they didn't increase the price they're kind of sticking to that 8.99 price point but in terms of the reviews it just you know they have it steadily come in I think these are all organic reviews that's coming in based on just getting sales now typically if you want to make a pretty detailed adult calling book like this and if you want to Outsource it so rather than making it yourself if you want to hire a professional illustrator and Outsource said you're probably paying between twenty dollars to forty dollars per page if not more than that to create a custom you know coloring page interior now once again typically a coloring page has about 40 pages to color inside so you just times whatever rate that you agree with the illustrator by 40 and you can assume how much you have to pay to create these coloring books but you can see that Lauren K right here is offering 101 1 Pages uh inside the book and once again it's because pretty sure it's because it's mid-journey they can just generate unlimited amounts of page now if I go and read the reviews of this book this is where it gets interesting because you know some customers like this one is saying that it does seem like an AI coloring page this customer is saying this is the weirdest coloring book I've purchased so far the way it's drawn is confusing to color it looks like an underdeveloped AI was programmed to come up with the coloring pages so it got a three star review right and a few people upvoted so I think you know they're agreeing with it but in general this book is getting decent reviews of course except for a few but you know the majority seems to enjoy it same as this book right here even though I personally would be a little frustrated with this you know page it seems like it's getting good reviews and seems like customers are loving it but on some other book you will actually see negative reviews like this so this book as you can see it's getting comment that says AI generated nonsense so you know these people were kind of picking up on what's Happening and the fact that people are pumping out a lot of you know coloring pages uh using mid Journey so in terms of customer feedback I would say it's probably like 60 40 or 70 30. 70 of the customers seems to be happy with the book and the other 30 seems like they're not very happy that it's AI generated so I want to show you guys a comparison of you know AI generated images from this author in a actual you know coloring pages that are illustrated by an actual human which is from Jade summer one of the most successful coloring book brand so let me show you the AI patterns first so you can see this one is the intricate pattern uh coloring book and you can see it's like super messed up there is really no pattern to it and something is just off compared to that this is the intricate patterns book from Jade summer and you can see that there's an actual pattern to this like it makes sense it makes sense as a coloring page because it's very clear where you can color in where you cannot what where's the border the line right so let me show you another example so this is from Lauren K once again this is the flower coloring page right comparing this to the flowers coloring book by Jade summer and you can see that it's very different once again I think the biggest difference is that there's an actual pattern to this you know it makes sense and also that it's you know very clear on where you can color in where you cannot where is the the line right compared to this book by Lauren K it's absolutely unclear you know where you're supposed to color in it's really just an image that they generated that they made black and white so this book in particular is like a lot worse than all the other books you can see it's pretty much this is not a coloring page it's impossible to color in it's still getting decent reviews though that I'm surprised about and you compare that to a professional one by Jade summer you can see the difference like it's not in day so this is the intricate flowers calling Page by Jade summer compare that to the mystery flower coloring book this one to this one so obviously this is much more of a coloring book anyways that was just a comparison of AI versus a human you know coloring page interior but in terms of the marketing side of things they're not really doing anything crazy they're simply creating the book publishing it and they're just running Amazon ads not much else that they're doing here they don't even have an email list they don't even have a plus content so if they do add that I'm sure that they will make more sales so what is my stance on AI generated images and AI generated books now I personally believe that as long as the book is good and as long as the customers are happy then it should be fine and you can see that most customers seems to be happy even with this book which I personally am very surprised because I think this book is terrible when it comes to selling it as a coloring book you know it's nice images but it's definitely not a coloring book interior but if you look at the reviews people are happy with it so maybe this is fine I'm not quite sure sure in terms of what Amazon thinks about it though uh the honest truth is it's so new that Amazon didn't say anything and you know Amazon didn't really make it clear that would they accept it or not because the space is once again so new so a lot of people are taking advantage of the fact that Amazon is not saying anything about it and they are pumping out AI generated coloring books like this and they're absolutely killing it as you can see that this brand is making a crap ton of money so should you do it I'm not quite sure because you can make money in the short term but maybe in the future Amazon will officially come up with their statement maybe they don't like it and maybe you will get your books blocked or maybe you will lose your account in the meantime you might make a ton of money and perhaps Amazon will be okay with this because once again I think the stance that Amazon will take is as long as the customers are happy they're cool with it right whether it's AI generated or not I don't think they can stop people from using AI so with that being said mid Journey will continue continue to be smarter and smarter to the point where you can actually create good coloring pages you can actually do that right now if you know the prompts you can create coloring pages that are significantly better than this brand already with mid Journey we actually have a complete low content and medium content course within our road to HERO program and we actually show how we can create coloring pages with mid Journey but it's a lot better than what you see here so once again as long as the content is good as long as the customers are happy I think it's okay and that is the main thing but that is simply my opinion and I cannot guarantee anything because nobody knows what's going to happen in the future so that is it for the video hope you enjoyed it if you did leave a like subscribe if you haven't yet if you do want to check out my complete publishing course then the link is in the description as well as all the tools and resources that I also recommend in your self-publishing business so thanks for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Sean Dollwet
Views: 20,901
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Keywords: self publishing, amazon kdp, how to make money online, amazon kindle publishing, amazon kdp publishing, paul marles, low content book publishing, low content books, low content books kdp, low content kdp, low content publishing, no content book publishing, no content books, kdp income report, kdp revenue, amazon income streams, dane mcbeth, mikkelsen twins, kdp niche research, kdp low content, KDP tips, Publishing Life, Audiobook Publishing, write a book with chatgpt
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 05 2023
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