Your Books WON'T SELL Unless You Spend Thousands in Ads - The Sad Reality of KDP

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if you're trying to sell your books but you don't have thousands of dollars to spend on ads then watch this video because I have some very bad news for you what's going on guys welcome back to another video so if you're new to the channel my name is Sean and I've built and sold a seven figure Amazon KDP business and now I'm building my second KDP account so if you want no BS publishing advice from someone who's actually doing it then make sure to subscribe and if you want a completely free training on how I built a seven figure business then the link to the free training is in the description below alright so lately I've been getting a lot of comments under my YouTube videos in my free Facebook group where people are saying that you have to spend thousands of dollars in Amazon as just to make money and that it's impossible to make money with Amazon KDP if you don't have money to spend on Amazon as comments like these you can't just upload your books to Amazon KDP and make money you have to spend a lot of money on Amazon asked to get your books ranked I don't know why but you missed mentioning The crucial part of publishing totally low content books where there are hundred thousand books uploaded a day I don't think it's a profitable Niche at all back in 2017 yes but now it's just not yeah there are people making money from these low content books but it's luck or just expensive as I'm not so profitable in the end I haven't heard of any mention of how a new KDP publisher gets any visibility you're going to have to spend a ton on ads Amazon is going for ads they won't show your books unless you buy as I've done this numerous times and never have I profited it more than I've spent on ads as I started with KDP and Fiverr I was wondering why are the designers selling designs to us instead of selling them directly on Amazon after six books and no sales I understood it's like in the Gold Rush they're the Smart Ones selling tools to the fools Sean is selling the tools Factory he shows an account with ten thousand dollars in sales forgetting to mention that as cost twenty thousand dollars for the same account why because he's not making any money on KDP he's using KDP and us the fools to make money on courses and advertising well guys you got me I didn't expect you guys to catch on this quickly I thought I could make a little more money making YouTube videos like this for a couple more years until I was caught but uh yeah you're right you can make money with KDP so obviously I'm just joking but is it really the case right do you really have to spend money on Amazon as to make money with KDP is that the only way well there's actually one way to find out all we have to do is find books that are selling very well making a lot of money without running as and how do we know exactly which books are running as or not well thankfully there is one tool that shows you exactly that data and that is with helium 10. because with the cerebral tool that they have you can see exactly if a book is running as and exactly which keywords that they're targeting let me show you what I mean so you can go to Amazon get the is ISBN or the Asin it doesn't matter go to cerebro paste it here click on get keywords and you'll get this data here where it says keyword distribution total keywords that it's ranking for is 7682 2 out of that 3245 is sponsored keywords which means these are Amazon ads so they're running ads to 3245 keywords these are the organic keywords that they're ranking for so basically we just have to find books where it shows zero here which means that they're not running any ads and also if it's profitable which we can easily tell with either the bookbeam plugin right with bookbeam it tells us exactly how much royalties they're making or you can guess by looking at the BSR because if the BSR is very low then we know that it's making a lot of sales so we just need to find books like that but let's go to this keyword coloring books for kids literally one of the biggest keyword out there the most one of the most saturated keywords with 60 000 results so let's go and start checking each book and see if we can find any book that is not running as and yet it's still ranking on page one and selling a lot of books alright so we are still on page one we have this one book okay dinosaur calling book and guess what guys we just found our first book that is not running any Amazon ads at all this book dinosaur calling book is running absolutely zero ads and it has a 1570 BSR ranking which means it's making 73 dollars a day in royalties and we are still on page one of coloring book for kids 60 000 results keyword and if we scroll down a little bit here we have another book this one right here super cute coloring book for kids which also shows zero in sponsored keywords at 8000 BSR making 15 a day in royalties with absolutely zero reviews so even with zero reviews you can rank on page one uh in one of the most competitive keyword out there and you can make money without running Amazon ads and if I scroll down even just a little more there's this book right here ocean animals calling book for kids which also is running absolutely zero Amazon ads and this book only has eight reviews at 19 000 BSR making eighteen dollars a day in rotate and these are all self-published books too it's not like from a huge Publishing Company these are all self-published books doing the same thing that me and you are doing and they are successfully ranking on page one without any Amazon ads but maybe they got lucky right so let's go and check out another keyword just to make sure all right what about this keyword word search there are 40 000 results for this very very generic very very apparently saturated uh keyword so let's go and check each one now right off the bat literally on the top of page one I found one uh book cheer the up word search I think some of the people that made comments uh that said KDP is too saturated and you can't make money issue probably buy this book but as you can see this book cheer the up word search is running absolutely no sales and it makes sense because it has a swear word inside so you're not even eligible to run as and it's at 3383 in the books BSR making 92 a day in royalties literally on top of page one of a keyword that is 40 000 results and if I scroll down just one line here I've found another book summer War search large print this book right here is running absolutely zero as and it's making 28 dollars a day in royalties at 16 000 BSR with just 31 books and this is the kind of book that literally anybody can make you can make this on book bolt if you want to just generate the word search and add some designs around it and you can see that you can make money with this what about this keyword right here puzzle books 60 000 search results so if you go scroll down literally on the second line here we have mixed puzzles activity book for adults this book right here just to confirm that I'm not making this up right it's the same book at zero sponsored keywords so it's not running as at 5483 in the books BSR making forty eight dollars every single day so that is about fifteen hundred dollars a month in royalties at pure profit and the cover is not even that good if I come down a little bit there is this book 2023 crossword puzzle book for adults this book is also not running any Amazon ads and yet it's ranking on pay page one 3761 in the books BSR making 92 dollars a day or almost three thousand dollars a month with four star average reviews actually it's 3.8 star average reviews should I keep going why don't we check one more keyword this one activity books literally one hundred thousand results okay and if I scroll down I found this adult activity book that is also running zero s and at 38 000 BSR it is making 19 a day in royalties so almost six hundred dollars a month just from this one book at pure profit and these books weren't even that hard to find guys it's literally on page one of the biggest keywords that are out there it literally took me like 10 minutes to find all these books so what makes these books sell really well without running ads well obviously it comes down to the four concept that I always talk about in my videos one high demand Niche excellent book cover five star content so you can keep getting reviews and positive reviews although some books that we checked has literally zero reviews or very few reviews and it's still on page one rank and well so it's not mandatory to have reviews to get started with basically the secret is very simple guys having a really really good book in a really good Niche that is all there is high quality book in a high demand Niche right if you cannot make high quality books yourself then consider Outsourcing to a professional it's actually a lot cheaper than you think there are some Fiverr gigs that will make these books for you this gig right here literally for 35 dollars you get a cover and an interior if you want more of a medium content style book it gets a little more expensive but it's still well worth it considering you can literally make these in a day if you do it right now this gig is very very popular as you can see and they get booked up very quickly so there are other ones as well all you have to do is look up you know activity books or word search whatever you want to make on Fiverr this gig right here will create kids coloring book or kids activity book interior and cover twenty dollars for a full book cover 120 for 80 page interior and cover so it's a little more expensive than rifey man so a little more expensive than the other gig that but it is still well worth the price now I'm not saying that you should not run Amazon as I'm not saying that you should just upload your book and forget about it and move on to the next one if you want to maximize your earning then you should go through the launch process and getting as many sales and reviews as possible but this video was just to illustrate the point that you don't have to spend thousands of dollars in ads it's not a mandatory step like a lot of people think right you don't even have to spend any money on ads to make money with KDP as will speed up the process but it's not necessary there are a ton of other ways to get sales and reviews for free such as social media marketing and other strategies that I often share in my videos so the bad news is if your book is not selling it's probably your fault you probably have a bad keyword poor cover poor title or something else not just the fact that you don't have any money for ads it's easy to blame as instead of trying to improve your craft but that's not how you succeed in business it's time to stop making excuses and start getting to work keep improving your skills and keep publishing alright guys that is it for the video If you enjoyed it leave a like subscribe if you haven't yet if you do want to check out my completely free training on how I built a seven figure publishing business then the link is in the description below thanks for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one foreign [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Sean Dollwet
Views: 22,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: self publishing, amazon kdp, how to make money online, amazon kindle publishing, amazon kdp publishing, paul marles, low content book publishing, low content books, low content books kdp, low content kdp, low content publishing, no content book publishing, no content books, kdp income report, kdp revenue, amazon income streams, dane mcbeth, mikkelsen twins, kdp niche research, kdp low content, KDP tips, Publishing Life, Audiobook Publishing, write a book with chatgpt
Id: PhFky-S4GLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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