Watch the incredible effects of Hundreds of Handkerchiefs in Epoxy Resin !

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huh welcome back to the laboratory so  check this out hundreds of handkerchiefs   sealed up in resin you love me don't  you these were sent down to me actually   a while ago i've had these in the workshop  for ages and i thought when they turned up   these look pretty awesome all these  handkerchiefs sealed up in epoxy resin   i've no idea how this one is gonna turn out  now there's two things here that i can see   one will the handkerchiefs turn in epoxy resin and  b how will it look well today we're gonna find out now first of all we're gonna be  using this little device to find   the center is basically called a center finder hey look at this folks this is looking pretty awesome  i reckon it's going to be a really cool piece   whatever it's going to be but i think what i'm  going to do is initially going to put like um   a tenon on the end here but that's not really  working out very well and i'm thinking what i'll   probably do is i'll just put a plate on because  i can see that we're probably going to hollow   this out because this looks so cool i reckon  it's going to look really wicked when it's done this is so cool folks check this out because  you believe that this yeah little handkerchiefs   that's brilliant we're just going to keep on  kind of like taking a little bit off of here   smooth this off get this flipped over but look at  this that is wicked and it's got all these like   all their little bits that try and save some  of these for maybe another project but look we could collect some of this stuff  i reckon that would be really cool   right let's get on no i'm saying check it out funkadelic now i'm currently doing a bit of  sanding we all love the sanding bit right folks oh look at this that is absolutely amazing i've never even   seen anything like that before have you right  let's put some uh sand and sealer on this   because um actually no let's not put santa  cedar on it actually let's just go straight   with some yorkshire let's watch this baby pop  out now so i've sanded this back to about 3 20   so that's probably probably enough i think for  this but what i might do actually yeah i might um   i might put some micro mesh on this  in a minute actually which is kind of   putting the yorkshire good on it's  probably pointing this at the moment   because if i'm going to put the micromesh  on but let's put this on anyway and watch   this baby pop out because this is going  to look so cool when this is finished i mean come on folks who is  not going to love this project well maybe a few won't now if you're looking for a zometti tip here's  one for you if you're looking for that extra   deep shine you know what i mean like really shiny  you know what i'm saying then sanding is your key   element sand sand sand and then micro mesh  micro mesh will bring up your projects   looking amazing the more time that you put into  sanding micro mesh in which is basically sanding   your projects will just look so much better  honestly so much clearer so much sparklier   and the finish on them will just be well 10  times better so i don't always sand as much   as i should do because i don't like sanding that  much really but honestly sand in it is the key   and definitely mocha mesh watch this baby watch  this little puppy pop out when we do the sanding yes oh man this is just crazy it looks like  marble doesn't it that is so so cool i hope   you folks are enjoying this one because i am  now i'm excited to tell you that today's sponsor   is surfshark vpn and i'll tell you why first  of all these guys are giving you 83 percent   discount plus three months extra free now if you  haven't heard of surf shark or what surf shark's   about let me tell you now surf sharks not only  lightning fast it's also really easy to use with   a ton of benefits such as keeping your data safe  and secure by using its two-factor authentication   surfshark have over 3200 servers across 65  countries ensuring that you'll find a server   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me because this is so   cool but the colors that this thing has made  is just insane absolutely love it now i know   this is a small project but folks i really  do hope that you enjoyed this one because   watching this piece come to life was actually  quite interesting for me to see as well and it's   given me a few ideas and hopefully it's giving you  a few ideas too folks i am working on a really big   project or a couple of big projects actually so um  i haven't managed to get those out yet i'm still   working on them they're taking ages so that said  i wanted to make this a quick video whether it's   a quick one or not i have no idea um but thank you  for all your comments i just want to say thank you   to my patreons for supporting me and everyone that  sends me things in the post like letters and stuff   i've got so many things that are popping up and  i do read them all and cherish them all and they   all go in my shop um i might not get around to  them immediately because i think i've had this   for about a year and probably more but thanks  for watching this one folks i hope you enjoyed   the video if you did please share the video with  your friends and family and why not give me a   comment and a like if you're not subscribed  please hit the subscribe button that would   be pretty cool i've got some really cool funky  projects in the making which you're going to love   i'll know it not what i'm saying take  care folks see you for the next one this bye
Channel: Nick Zammeti
Views: 308,921
Rating: 4.9067616 out of 5
Keywords: RESIN CRAFTING, resin art, resin art maker, how to use epoxy resin, diy, DIYathome, woodturning, Woodturner, how to woodturn, DIY Maker, nick zammeti, wood turning, handkerchiefs, handkerchiefs in epoxy resin
Id: p57etVLfGYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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