Cutting Board Hobby Turned Business Overnight Part 2

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] now that is a stack of cutting boards 60 to 70 cutting boards this band saw is going to put in some work here this poor little guy so it's been a while i don't know five weeks since the last video here's a little recap to catch you guys up to speed the orders are out of control right now i don't even know what to do well that didn't work out that's a bummer this is i really going to try to do 80 boards at one time in my garage so how are we to business how it happened i've been doing this annually basically for the holiday seasons for christmas uh doing batch of boards for a while now and i've been making videos and one just happened to really do well and then right away after that i started getting a bunch of orders and i had this plan of trying to do some creative really trying hard to do some creative videos um entertaining for you know cutting boards at least and uh having a website and having some of them online and you know maybe if some people like them they'd buy some and uh well that just went you know a thousand times more than i thought it was going to youtube really as a driver as a business model for showing your product i am blown away at how this is all turned out plus youtube in itself is creating these videos and getting a million views in 10 days is a whole business in itself it turns out so went from my 21 boards sold in overnight in 10 hours my friends and family and off my facebook page my you know after years of doing my annual batches um there was a lot of a lot of traffic for buying the boards and then it's only just multiplied and multiplied from there the last video has just been a huge driver for my small shop cutting board business here uh i have over a thousand requests for boards now and you know it's overwhelming it's phenomenal i really don't know what to do with uh that kind of request because at this point these 64 boards 68 it's taken me a month to do you know between taking care of the family building website getting the business licenses uh getting the right insurance the website has been a a huge chunk of time all sorts of other stuff my overhead has really gone through the roof compared to what it was just a hobby so catching you guys up on on where i'm at and how we got here uh if you want to see you know go look at the the previous video maybe after you watch this one and uh take you for long for the ride on how we got to here again thank you guys couldn't be here if it wasn't for you so i really really appreciate you guys well it's pain in the butt doing the math on a large scale like this of how many strips i need regular strips regular strips that are going to be turned into smaller strips with the bandsaw definitely not as efficient but a lot safer time to make some sawdust [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] well that definitely took longer than i wanted it to might have to go back to the table saw and then run them through here [Music] so so well i went out bought more clamps and i still don't have enough four that are done six here which is a total of 30 boards looking at this pile like it's 60 to 70 boards it's midnight i'm out of clamps and trying to do this during daddy daycare you guys are putting me to work [Music] well i really wasn't sure i was going to be able to do this many boards in the little garage but we're here would be 63 boards if i cut them all at 18 inches i'm gonna try a variety of different things this time see how it goes i was planning on doing the cutting board giveaway video this morning and alaska has other ideas for me we got a huge pile of snow what do you think girl girl how much is it baby waist high baby chest high 16 inches i gotta get to my snowblower putting the wipey to work so i can get back to making sawdust whoa all the neighbors are having fun okay here we are getting ready to pick the winners for the 30 000 subscriber giveaway we happen to be at over 40 now boy stuff is happening fast in just uh three weeks here so here's how we're gonna do this you ready it's yes yes perfect stop jade kennedy from alberta alberta sweet congratulations jade scroll stop yep hakeem scott from colorado stop uh when i are from scotland stop lower 48. the seeker lower 48's in the usa that's what we call it here in alaska last one stop alex perez from houston texas there we are it's the last the last ones you ready to pick a winner honey here's the three usa contestants for this main prize our little baby girl is gonna decide who gets the ultimate prize of the cutting board okay honey you get the pick who is here she got it let's see who it is it is the seeker the seeker gets the cutting board the 30 000 subscriber giveaway the main winner uh did a nice little video for me so i'll include a little bit of that here what's awesome better than the camping is that i've got a package of devos woodcraft to open up so excited for this first let me say thank you really appreciate your willingness to share this with me to share this with your subscribers i was pumped watching the video craftsmanship that went into this i'm really excited to have one of these so let's see what's inside oh this looks nice look at that a little teaser of what's what's inside there really well packaged here oh look at that [Music] so nice very heavy very solid really beautiful very good so excited no time like the present to put it to use this is oregon we're going to enjoy some tillamook cheese and athletic brewing thank you chris i'm taking this across the country with me definitely going to put this to good use thanks again now it's back to making some sawdust i have a few new designs in there that i'm pretty excited to see what they're gonna look like [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] 63 boards in a tiny shop i did not think i was going to make that these are all 12 inch boards 12 and a half 17 and a half all 22 and a half 63 boards a couple of cheese boards what am i going to do with those scraps don't be all by all my scraps this was from last batch and it had these wormholes visually they were not they were not sweet so if the board doesn't meet my standards then it doesn't ship once again northern lights are out so we'll see uh see if i got anything this time i was about four degrees outside this morning when i got out this poor camera it is time to do something with these and it this is absolutely one of the most commented things on my cutting board videos is what do i do with my scraps technically they're called drops and then the next comp most commented thing would be snipe so these are kind of one in the same here i have these drops because of snipe and in production you can't 100 eliminate it this snipe is actually from the drum sander each one of these the drum sander and the planner have their own snipe issues well the raw lumber when you get has their own issues of its own so anything that has colored on here is the sealer those are the ends of the raw lumber and you can see how checked they get so instead of cutting all that out i leave the checked ends for the most part unless they're really bad to be grouped together with the snipe and i take three and a half inches of the the shortest length off of each big run the other thing i'm surprised at is how many is how many people ask me if i make end grain cutting boards [Music] so this is something that i'm going to make for my personal use me and my wife i'm also going to take it out camping i'm going to take it all over the place so i'm going to use it abuse it and see how well this my idea of utilizing these scraps work [Applause] [Music] okay super random i just saved these pieces to show my wife so super random my wife is inuit and she pulls out the muck duck and i was saving these because they look like mucked up to shore pretty random so my daughter my daughter loves the shop say shop shop you like the band saw it's her favorite thing in here bandsaw bandsaw she's going to be making stuff in no time see bandsaw bandsaw say toolbox where's the toolbox there's a toolbox good job where's the wood yeah see there's the wood good job she doesn't know it yet but a million people have seen her face thank you guys thank you so much we just hit a million views on the last video in 12 days i really appreciate it guys you guys are you guys are awesome what can i say thank you i haven't really talked about the band saw it is a grizzly 17 inch g0513x2 it's the model without the brake but it has the cast wheels versus aluminum it's got the the bigger deck it's got the cast fence has the cast precision ground trunnions the double bearing can handle up to a one inch blade this is the laguna resaw king one inch i believe it's a three tpi variable now let's turn these into something special uh [Music] [Music] well that was exciting [Music] oh man gosh dang it that's a 170 dollar blade i wonder if i had it too tight it was just under a quarter inch deflection which is what it's supposed to be you got it outside outside in the middle grab one outside and one middle [Music] this day keeps getting better i should probably stop before i get hurt um this is done sweet besides breaking this blade it's been snowing a lot more and i'm a gold miner a hobbyist for a long time [Music] i'm also a welder and mechanic [Music] here we go i have a eight inch suction bridge here that just collapsed [Music] it's one of those it was open except for just to talk the thing just collapsed with all of this snow a lot of work got it done at least it's got a tarp over it now so the reason why i'm showing this is because i actually was going to do a rebuild video on this eight inch reg and i had some sluice box designs that i was gonna do but it comes down to it i'm just gonna restore this thing and sell it and i'm gonna build a dredge from scratch so you guys will be able to see that hopefully if you guys don't can be too busy with the cutting boards and i can keep that going i really want to do this project so stay tuned love this one hope i'm not interrupting it all started when i was 12 13 years old i knew that in advanced wood if i if i made a project that was good enough and i won uh state fair that i'd win some money and some sponsorships and i did spend all year making this coffee table and i went first place in the state ferry california it's a pretty big deal i was 13 and i won a bunch of sponsorships and a bunch of tools and i went out and bought a bunch of tools and i started making cutting boards in the backyard my wood shop teacher mr wood was phenomenal i mean not only what you know an inspiration that guy was um he really taught everybody a lot of life lessons and was just a really really good dude one of those teachers that will always stick with you so fast forward 20 years later moving up to alaska and being a finished carpenter part-time gold mining in the summers so four years ago i started making them as a hobby and selling them you know during the holiday season basically i just do big annual batches of boards and they've been making videos on them and the crazy part of this whole youtube thing someone left me a comment on my subscriber video and his brother who i haven't seen for 20 years bought my woodworking equipment from me when i was a kid he still has my router and he sent it up here i bought this when i was 13. actually i think makita uh gave this to me as a gift for my winning first place in state fair how cool is that thank you buddy it's good talking to you as you can tell i'm a little sentimental this is the only thing i had left out of uh winning first place in state fair it's what i've what i've kept and it was a gift from uh bridge city tool works little square and then my dad saved these cutting boards that i made as part of what i was selling in my little business and he kept them for me so i have them now back to the video back to these so the extra strips in here really going to make for some awesome chaotic pattern i'm actually really excited to see how this is going to turn out [Music] well it was definitely harder to glue up than i thought it would there's a lot of a lot of twist and short enough not able to get the clamps on there very well so we'll see how she goes that's not too bad [Music] [Music] so [Music] depending on how these clean up i think i'm going to be doing a round four this is why these things are so expensive super labor intensive [Music] this little buck tool came through put some 60 grit on there that saved me probably an hour on this drum sander i know i've said this before but affiliated links they're uh down below in the description and if you guys want to check out the tools and uh maybe purchase them it helps support the channel here thank you [Music] [Music] should be the last one of these to uh to get this to where i want it still can't believe how long these things take i can't wait to do the next batch coming up i'm going to attempt to do 15 or 20 or 30. i get a huge pile of wood in the storage unit and i'm pretty much going to do turn those all into chaotic boards so stay tuned for that one [Music] dude no way you're the man chief [Laughter] look at that thing oh it comes with an extra hose well now i got two so that's sweet one bag oh man styling [Music] [Laughter] [Music] can wait happy st patty's day [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] wow that sucks being in that thing for a couple hours this batch of 60-something boards is probably more than they should be doing at one time you guys in the comments have been really good with all the advice and i appreciate it i'm waxing the uh the bar clamps or using wax paper i haven't tried yet i've always just used red tape when i worried about the black black pipe bleed through the black bleeding through which definitely on end grain boards i worry about it more than the edge grain boards so i'll have to try the other ideas at some point appreciate all the vice [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] uh well definitely not worth the time as far as we could never make money trying to make that but since it's for the family uh out of scraps gotta say it's pretty sweet it's 11 30 and again the northern lights are out let me know when you're getting sick of the northern lights but i think this show's going to be a good one [Music] so [Music] so not super excited about this but i was pretty excited how those northern lights turned out last night how about that huh we're doing 30 this time it's almost half of them a little blade coat for the bit helps with the build up of all the the burnt wood glide coat for the router base really makes it slide like glass it's awesome well they didn't mess up on the first one but there's 29 more to go [Music] [Music] i actually didn't screw up video made it through 30. that's over knock on wood i'm still good next round so so this relay doesn't have the switch which sucks but i've never had a problem with this relay we've used them for years and years and years never had a problem i've gone through two of these already same company i don't know what's going on with them but this is the one you want if you can find it [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] uh o'clock time for beer see the wife see you on the next round that is a lot of sanding if anybody tells you sanding is their favorite thing well i've said it before so another thing working with natural wood once you cut them to length they can get wonky on you this is about as bad as i've ever i've ever seen it so i'm gonna make a little sled re-run it through the planter flatten her out this stuff is awesome if you've never used the ca glue with the accelerator with an activator then you're missing out i've been using 2p10 for a long time and i was going to go buy some starbonne because i wanted the the dark filler and lo and behold they got a hold of me affiliate link below save you a couple of bucks too if you guys wanted to get some of this so 20 30 seconds that's good to go it's not going anywhere take this we're gonna flatten the bottom you can see it's wobbly so we'll shim it some playing cards for shims [Music] so so [Applause] [Music] i don't know if i told you uh recently but i really appreciate you guys i hope you guys are having a great day [Music] so [Music] this is one of the coolest things [Music] now that is a snow blower even with ear muffs on and sanding and everything the vacuum going you can feel the ground shaking when that thing comes by it's pretty awesome just sharing a little bit of alaska with you guys this guy is a resident now that's convenient another day of sanding this is just taking forever they say i love doing this part [Music] [Music] two-thirds of the way there i promise you guys aren't missing out on the three days worth of time lapse of just me sanding but we're almost to the finish line and i can't wait to be done a little more comfortable now still there's just a eight inch test run this on the other hand i'm pretty worried about i don't know if i'm ready are you guys ready see if i can make two blocks out of one [Music] so about a week ago just about 10 minutes for you guys uh i broke my laguna one inch resaw blade now this one is a timberwolf three-quarter and it's gonna have to make do the problem with the three-quarter is it's nowhere near as large for re-sawing the the wider the blade the straighter the cut the you know the more hold wants to hold this line so when i broke that blade i sent laguna in email right away they responded they're sending me a new blade i'm not sponsored by them that is some really good customer service no questions asked i was really really impressed that's 175 blade they just said sorry for the inconvenience and they're shipping it to alaska but it won't be here for a week so uh i need to get this done so i can put this with the rest of the boards [Music] no pressure or anything [Music] [Music] oh yeah that's pretty good please tell me that was recording well that came out better than i thought it was going to yeah that works big shout out to maverick braces for sending me some sandpaper to try out looks like pretty decent stuff and the competitor stuff is quite expensive so let's see how it works out so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey [Music] that wasn't so bad i'd be getting a little better at this thing so [Music] [Music] well this would be a great set for the family really happy how these turned out even though they were all from my scraps we'll see how they last so another thing i like to do with my scraps i didn't show this in the video because they're just doing this for me personally i started these a while ago and i still haven't gotten to them so this is just the glued piece like this and because these are already kiln dried in their exotics and they're hardwoods you know turning this kind of wood is a lot harder so i didn't have a chuck for my tail stock at the point so i just put them in the drill press after i rounded this off cut them and made my tenon here so [Music] so [Music] day so [Music] so i've blown these all off with the air especially the padouk dust gets in the grains in the in the wood blown it all off now it's time to lift the grain by lightly wetting it it's going to get all the fibers to lift up then after it dries i do the final sand and then we are at the finish line the fun part about wetting the grain is you actually get a little hint on what it's going to look like with finish on it well this is a few days later and uh we've raised the grain on these and we've done the uh subscriber giveaway mailed that thing out i've got a couple of people who still haven't responded so if you haven't responded you should go look you might have won something and i've been sitting at the computer doing uh building the website website's now live uh inventory is not loaded because it's it's here but it what a process it is to do all that so trying to make things more automated uh i'm not a website designer but hopefully this will help speed up the process it's all part of uh hobby to business here and it's a whole bunch of work that's you know haven't really shown a whole whole lot of that in the video but back to making sawdust [Music] 65 boards 67 whatever it is it's brutal to do it one time holy cow couple more hours and i'm done then time for the best part [Music] wow finally finally here really glass too my mom brought up her board her old chaos board so i'm giving it a little refinish here [Applause] [Music] [Music] about ready to to stamp i've used high heat stamps a bunch bought a few of them and i just got a new design so had them make me another one these guys are awesome have a link down below [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'll add a 64 edge grain i had one two three four five six ones that didn't quite come out this one's a little too light this one's a little too dark purple heart is just brutal trying to do because it burns so fast that was totally passable just a smidge on the dark side some of them came out perfect just finished sanding the last of the ones i needed to sand and i was using the air compressor and this thing just threw out all sorts of sparks and smoke that's gonna cost at least five cutting boards well this could get exciting so we'll see how it goes it did flip the 60 amp breaker that i put in you know i put in these 220 outlets here so when the motor started smoking it flipped the breaker uh it looks like the compressor is not seized up or the motor i can still turn it the button did push in we'll see if she fires up and catches on fire runs or doesn't run or holy cow okay [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so this is the next afternoon the uh they've sat overnight some of them really soaked it up some of it's still sitting there with the mineral oil this is the howard's butcher block conditioner just heat this up slowly until it turns clear you'll be able to see when it does that then i'll just lightly i'll apply it on both sides with a heat gun just to keep keep it in this consistency to help the waxes penetrate and then we'll be moving towards a wipe down and buff with my board butter [Applause] [Applause] so that was the heated coat of howard's butcher block and it's sat for a couple hours now it's time to wipe it down dry it off and do my my board butter this is the howard's butcher block conditioner good stuff might be a little overkill but i do like to put a real good deep season on these for customers [Music] well this has been a long journey to get here really appreciate you guys being here and sorry it's been so long since i made a another video this has been uh pretty overwhelming going from hobby to business i know a lot of people said not to be giving away my stuff and then a lot of people you know definitely enjoyed being part of the giveaway but i just got to say i really appreciate my subscribers my viewers everybody with all the likes and comments really helped support the channel and i really appreciate you guys and that would be the other part of the hobby to business the hobby to business is youtube driving the business like this youtube is a driver making these videos uh people are entertained it's educational for people who are working their way up in the hobby and then the potential customer base has been fantastic i have over a thousand requests for cutting boards i can only do 40 50 60 a month at the most so it's been some that i really have to work towards getting our finances straight purchasing a larger house with a shop and hiring some employees well it took a little while to get here 68 boards and a couple of cups once again we're here and it's all because of you guys really appreciate the support and from our family to yours thank you thank you all so much we really appreciate all the support so i just put everything up on the website and did my email notifications to over a thousand people uh that have signed up on the website and uh half of the inventory went to the website and in 15 minutes it was gone it was incredible so uh the other half is going up for ebay on auction and they're already selling for there's four day days left on auction they just barely got on there and they're already the bids are higher than what i've been asking for the boards so this is just incredible and i just thank you guys i i say thank you so much but uh it's a it's a little surreal so thank you oh that was way more work than i anticipated but happy to see him go say thank you not mom say bye [Laughter] say thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Kris DeVo
Views: 2,124,273
Rating: 4.9016376 out of 5
Keywords: Alaska, cutting board, butcher block, bowl, turning, wood, craft
Id: GJTNwx4FyT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 29sec (4109 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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