Making a LEGO GUITAR Using EPOXY Resin ! & I made my own Guitar mold 😮

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that does look pretty cool now who wants to watch me make something  extremely crazy i mean really funkadelic   something that you just might not be  ready for but your kids are gonna love it i want to say a quick thanks to mb fiberglass   to supply me with a chunk of  mold happy days link below right we just gotta leave that to  set and that will form our base   and then we can put in our guitar mold  to make our other guitar mold okay folks   this is now ready and i've just taped up the  blank that we've got if you're wondering why   i've taped this up it's because of all the little  holes that uh the blank has got in it uh we don't   want the mould getting inside there so right this  is all solid happy dice let's get this in here and get some more mold on it okay we finally got there uh that is full to the  brim now that actually took all of this this is   uh what is it 5.5 kg kit mb fiberglass maker  central also stock this stuff as well and you   get discount off of it if you are a member it's  brilliant stuff folks so we're going to leave   this now this will set after probably about half  an hour or so an hour um but i'm going to leave it   for a little bit longer until we de-mold it just  to be sure right i'll catch you in just a jiffy my apologies right so now what we need to  do is just slice open this   oh finally got that out of there look at this now that does look pretty cool so there's a tape  come off that's cool it's going to need a little   bit of tighten up but that's fine that is no  problem the blank is going to look pretty cool   we've got all of our sections that we  need to make the rest of our guitar   so that's good let's cut a bit of this away there  we go boom hopefully we should be able to use this   again and again and again i reckon one guitar bass mould don't know about you i  reckon this is going to be fun   right folks here we go we're gonna now place in  some of this lego i put a little base in there   of uh resin because i don't want to be sanding  the lego down so a little base in there that   will work quite nice and we'll do the same for  the top as well can't do it for the edge but   hopefully we won't have to do too much sanding  on there anyway right let's get some of this in um so here we go folks look at that that  does look absolutely awesome doesn't it   this is gonna be such a cool funkadelic guitar  right now we're going to knock up some entropy   epoxy resin this stuff is pretty awesome i'm  wondering whether or not we stick in a bit of tint   i can maybe a bit of a blue tint in  it or leave it clear what do you think now we've got the fast resin and the slow resin   i think for this we're gonna need a fair old  chunk so i'm probably going to stick in the slow now i am going to put in a tiny tiny amount of  ocean blue just a little dabble look at that it   might not actually be enough but but just a little  bit oh look see see how much it makes that change   i just want it i don't want it to be pure pure  white i think there we go look that's a little   little tinge of blue in it i think  that's going to look quite nice   in there like it's sort of set in  in kind of more of a sea effect   like a river effect rather than  it being just setting clear resin right that is all i'm gonna do for now  that does look pretty cool i must admit   myself i'll leave this for a day and then i'm  gonna come back and i'm gonna put another top   layer on with some fast uh resin um and then leave  that again for another two or three days i think   so uh but looking good billy ray that's not mine  i've never seen that before in my life so this is   all looking pretty funkadelic so far let's just  hope that these legos don't float to the pot now before we get more funky i just want  to say a huge thank you to today's sponsor   manscaped now folks you gotta check this out  manscape just sent me down a care package   just check out all this gear first  up we've got the lawn mower 3.0 yes just perfect for my beard this  baby is waterproof and it reduces   nicks and cuts i just love this the wee whacker this is a nose ear and hair trimmer  my nose hair does grow pretty wild they also sent me down the manscape  shears 2.0 let's check these out look at these my very own man kit but  all sorts in here scissors nail files   clippers eyebrow pinchy things all wrapped up in  a little wallet boom what's this i love t-shirts i've even got my very own man's gate t-shirt   these are large right yeah now what you also  get in the care package is some nice cologne i smell good now for a limited time  these folks are giving away two gifts your why briefs and a cool fanny pack  man bag when you're chaffing of traveling   now all you got to do is go to and on top of the free gifts   these guys are going to give you 20 off this  package plus free international shipping you   just got to use my promo code nick zametti this  is just the perfect gift for your favorite person   check out the links in the description  folks to get your package deal today look at this right there is our lego  blank folks got the perfect blank to   work with we've got a bit of sanding to  do gonna take a while let's get onto it okay i have to say this is looking pretty  groovy so we've gone up to about 120 grit grit   we've gone down right we've gone up to 120 quit  so far but there's a few imperfections uh in this   piece like there so i'm gonna put a little bit of  entropy resins in these little holes to fix them   all right there we go filled in with all  my little imperfections hello let me out   right we'll leave it overnight and we'll  come back well in the morning no i'm saying   oh so   oh   now oh so   almost roy now that's all the soldering  done let's get this bad boy together so it's gonna use me mike walt for  this it's getting a bit tough oh   rock and roll   wait don't go nowhere just yet we need to see if  this lego guitar actually works and for that i'm   going to be bringing in a professional guitar  player he's not professional yet but he will be charlie the maker everybody was nice   does anyone recognize that tune if  not we've got another one for you yes it was iron man well at least  she works happy days what do you   reckon charlie this is very good do you  like it yes i think it looks absolutely   awesome what else you got for us charlie  let's crack out one more tune for the brilliant nice happy days that sounded  absolutely awesome thanks very much charlie   charlie the maker if anyone doesn't know charlie  the maker i'll leave a link for charlie my son   in the description so you can go and  subscribe to his channel yes the lego guitar there it is folks i really do hope that you  enjoyed this one yep i added the emblem at the   last moment before you all go i just want to say  a massive thank you to charlie the maker please   check his channel out uh he hasn't put a video  up for a little while because he's doing his   exams but honestly he's got some great content on  there and he started to learn the guitar about a   year ago and he's absolutely awesome and i thought  this would be perfect for him for you guys to see   the talent that this guy has honestly is really  cool please check him out link is below i also   want to say a huge thanks to mbfg for supplying  me with all the silicone mold that we use for   this project check out the link below folks  because maker central is now a supplier for   the silicone mold and it's absolutely awesome  thanks for njp resins for supporting me with this   crazy project as well check out the link below  for them and also thanks to my sponsor today   manscape they got a crazy offer for you so if you  could check them out you'll be helping support   me and this channel and it's an awesome deal if  you're not subscribed to this channel folks please   hit and smash that subscribe button i'd love  you to stick around i've got some more crazy   ideas in the pipe and i'd love for you to  see them and if you thought this project was   a good one you could always share it with your  friends and family that would really help me out   cheers i'm really tough with the way this one  turned out it looks absolutely awesome i've   not seen another lego guitar out there maybe  there is maybe there isn't i don't know but   i just thought about making i'd i had all this  lego left over from the last lego project that   we did that big table uh if you haven't seen that  again i'll leave a link below for that big lego   river table we made and i thought an electric  guitar would be pretty funkadelic if you're   wondering where i'll get my music from that's  epidemic sound again the link is below again if   you use that link to sign up to the music you  don't pay any more than you would normally pay   but again it supports me thanks all my patreons  for your support you are amazing and i just want   to say folks just before you all [ __ ] off thank  you so much for sticking with me on this channel i   know some of you haven't but most of you have and  i really do appreciate it i hope you're looking   forward to some more crazy projects like this one  and i'll see you all really soon no i'm saying oh uh uh
Channel: Nick Zammeti
Views: 1,091,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RESIN CRAFTING, resin art, resin art maker, how to use epoxy resin, DIYathome, Woodturner, how to woodturn, DIY Maker, nick zammeti, legoguitar, building a lego guitar, diy guitar, diy lego guitar, lego guitar build, guitar project, electric guitar build, electric guitar, lego guitar, stratocaster build, electric guitar pickups, statocaster setup, telecaster build, telecaster lego guitar
Id: 3p6IUhfWK58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 5sec (1445 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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