A Burning CANDLE in Epoxy Resin. DIY a Simple Way / RESIN ART
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Channel: jedrek29t
Views: 16,831,639
Rating: 4.8792944 out of 5
Keywords: candle, match smoke, smoke resin, match underwater, math in resin, burning, burning match, fire art, fire resin, resin art, epoxy resin, how to put, how to make, diy resin, diy, fire, burning cigarette, smoke, life hack, plexi, ogień, smokin, burn the resin, SMOKE RESIN, palenie żywicy, resin, epoxy table, jedrek 29t, simple way, cartiridge, gifts, resin ideas, slow motion, asmr, tutorial, foil ball, resin crafts, masterpiece, flame resin
Id: qIFHmQtMCqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 51sec (831 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Wow. Phenomenal build. Your solution to hide the wiring is fantastic. Great work.
I've been using resin for a number of years on a large scale (big outdoor fiberglass sculptures), but I've recently been trying to create new work that's smaller scale, more detailed, and includes LEDs. I'm finding it much harder to get polished results.
Your project is inspiring.
Another incredible piece you done there mate
I love your videos so much. I go into a zen state watching them. What brand of glue gun and color dye do you use?