HOW TO: Wash n Go on 4A/4B Type Hair

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[Music] hey y'all welcome back we are not going to waste any time so let's get right into this wash and go video the things you will need is a spray bottle with water i personally use the camille rose honey hydrate as my leave-in i then go in with the texture id styling foam you will also need some eco styler gel of your choice i just chose to use the argan oil that's the quickest one i found as well as a brush to help with your edges you're going to need a wide tooth comb so or comb so that way you can part your hair and a denman brush so here you see me taking my hair out of the scrunchies that i had them in normally if i do my hair late at night what i'll do is i'll put a t-shirt over my hair pretty much so it can try to dry out some of that water and then in the morning when i get up i'll just go straight into doing it so it's normally not this dry but this is sometimes how it happens so i'm taking that comb going through and parting a big enough section that i can work with once i'm done doing that i take those hair ties again put all of that hair that i'm not going to be working with back into ponytails so that way it doesn't get mixed up and it's just a whole lot easier to work with so once i'm done with that you'll see me taking the spray bottle and normally i would not have to wet my hair i would just do it from my hair being washed and somewhat still dripping but i'm spraying it through the section and then i'm going to work that with the water through my hair you just want to make sure that your hair is saturated at least some people work with dry hair but since i'm going to be using a denman brush you don't want to be brushing through dry hair so here you see me using the honey hydrate this stuff works so well y'all so i put about a quarter size amount on my hand and rub it in and then you just want to rub it through that section of hair you want to try to penetrate it or get it through all of the strands as much as possible the ends the roots in between in the middle if you have thick hair like me just everywhere i don't put any more than a quarter size just because it can get a lot messier for the other products to follow behind then i'm going to take about two to three pumps of the texture id foam it depends on how dry my section is um but majority of the time i take two to three pumps and i literally just put it all through my hair and yes i know it gets messy but this is exactly how i achieve my perfect wash and goes how my hair stays moisturized with the mixture of these two items so i do think it's worth it so here you will see me going through with the denman brush you want to start at your at the tip of your hair and then work your way up to the root you just want to make sure that you are brushing through because you want your hair to be fully detangled before you decide to go in with gel me i personally like to rake my hair or do the shingling method which you will see here soon but you just want to make sure everything is fully detangled while you were going through your hair so that way it's not any other hang ups while you're putting the gel in your scalp so i then take like a fingertip amount of each fingers of the gel i start by putting it on the roots of my scalp because of course that's gonna help your hair lay down a lot better and then i'll just continuously go through and add gel you don't have to continue to add as much gel as i possibly add it but enough until where you feel like your hair is defined it's clumped together and that's what suits you so here this is called the raking method you are literally taking your fingers and raking it right through your hair so of course eventually the more gel you add the more raking you do eventually your curls are going to form i would say it takes me about two to three minutes on each section just to pretty much go through rake all of the gel and stuff through with the rest of the products and then eventually that white film that you guys see it will go away it's not going to always stay there it'll dry pretty much clear and i just keep breaking through and then you will see me here i'm going through and taking like little pieces that may be frizzy on the end i'm just taking those and smoothing it through my fingers that's more so i guess called the shingling method so sometimes you have to go through and do that and voila there is one section of my hair from the dryness at the top to moisturize and curly at the bottom so now we are going to go through the sections and pretty much do the exact same thing i will show you guys a clip on either side and then it will pretty much skip to the very top portion of my hair also my husband was being somewhat annoying and then my mom and my sister ended up calling so you will see me talking i promise you i wasn't talking to myself i was on the phone but yet again you see me going through with the honey and i did detangle my hair with the honey in it that time instead of waiting until i had the foam in there i am adding some foam and then i go in with my gel so now we are at the top part i did not realize that i had already went through with everything but here i am putting the gel on the roots of my hair once again and i'm just going through and taking my time this is a thicker section and i should have like sectioned it off a whole lot more than what i did but you're just going through with your gel and making sure that you're defining your curls the way that you want to everybody doesn't like to super define their curls but i like mine pretty defined especially once it dries and the following days after that spray bottle spray that hair girl saturated so once i am done i pretty much just like to smooth everything into my edges around the front in the middle of my hair where the part is and sometimes i'll just look around and see if there are any pieces that need to be shingled a little bit more then i will take some gel which i have already placed on my edges take that brush the brush side and i just brush out some hairs or whatever that's right there on the edges to make my baby hairs sometimes i don't like them dramatic sometimes i do so it just depends on how i'm feeling i'll do the exact same thing on the other side this side always gives me like a hard time for some reason just because my hair is thicker on that side as far as edges than it is the other side so there it is once i have done my edges and smooth things down i know it looks weird in the back for some reason every time i do my wash and go like it always feels like i have this gaping hole in the middle and like the hair stops at the middle of my hair so then once i'm completely done i do take a little bit more of the honey this is probably like a nickel size at this point i rub it all through my hands and then i like to just pat it around the edges of my hair and the top so that way when my wash and go dry since i added a bit of gel hopefully it will dry a lot softer than normal or by adding this honey really does help a great deal if you have super dry hair and if your hair is prone to drying out when you add a lot of gel so here's my hair pretty much no filter when it's wet and then here is my hair when it is dry it air dry for about six hours still is not completely dry but if you need to use a blow dryer do that also thank you for watching this video thank you for subscribing please subscribe comment and like this video and i'll see you guys in the next one bye
Channel: Andri Mariah
Views: 51,306
Rating: 4.9595346 out of 5
Id: pBr3zVsBrvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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