I STOPPED using OILS & BUTTERS in my hair for A MONTH | My Hydration Journey Update

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do you remember the very first day of   february that's the remix they just they just  didn't um they just didn't tell you about it   hello beautiful people welcome back welcome to  it is your girl Zenita how you guys doing how   you been hydrated i hope so today i wanted to go  ahead and give you guys an update on my oilless   creamless journey you guys this has definitely  been a very interesting experience for me because   all my life all my life i had to fight but all my  life i have literally been used to my hair feeling   holding carrying some sort of oily greasiness  tendencies to it and that's kind of just been my   norm that's kind of just been the thing that i'm  used to i never really saw anything wrong about it   so i decided to go on this journey one to actually  prove that you can improve your hair texture   without getting like a texlaxer or you know  loosening your curl pattern or chemically treat   the hair so that it can be easier or look like an  easier curl texture especially for my type 4 gals   and honestly truth be told i wanted my life to be  easier i wanted it to be simpler so i wanted to   go ahead and showcase that through me see how it  goes through me you know and if it's possible then   that way you can guys can literally visually see  um my journey as well and i don't really have to   like be like this is what you need to do like you  can see what's going on so if you're new and you   do not know how welcome what it is..whats up so  i've been practicing the hydration method which is   essentially training my hair to take in and hold  in more water which would allow it to be a lot   easier to manipulate with just water alone less  products oh hey girl imma let you finish okay you   just stay over there on the side yes hello hi i am  Zenita's alter ego perfection yeah we were editing   this video and we decided that there was just a  few few errors few miscommunications a few things   not being properly explained and so i decided that  you know i needed to butt in because one of my   biggest things is making sure that you know Zenita  conveys the information to you all inaccurate in   a digestible um and in the best way possible so  you guys are truly understanding what is going on   with this whole process that she's on girl  just just give me just give me a second yes so what's up guys so while i was editing this video   i noticed there are just a few things that i  was trying to say but midway i was just like   nah i want to want to make sure  i go in and explain a few things   so if you see me switch my wig make him feel  like you're cheating um you know it's still me   we just be switching up looks over here but i just  wanted to make sure that you guys truly understood   first and foremost what i'm trying to do is  actually get my hair to be hydrated with water   and when the hair is actually saturated and able  to hold in water it will essentially do most of   the definition the defining by itself so the goal  is to get my hair to soak up the water so that   my hair naturally just gets defined if you notice  you'll see this kind of more in like the type twos   sometimes in the type threes where when their hair  is soaking wet it's like completely saturated and   super super defined and then once it you know  dries then you'll see the defined wrinklets but   essentially when their hair is wet it's completely  saturated and you don't even know what their   volume capability is like until it's fully dry so  i'm trying to do that similarly with my type 4 my   kinky hair type so i have to use less product  it takes me less time and essentially i improve   the appearance of my curls by allowing them  to actually get defined with just water alone   all right girl you can go ahead and talk now i'm  gonna i'm gonna go ahead and go okay officially it   has been over a month for me and i will honestly  say i've noticed three main differences one   my hair doesn't miss the oil specifically my  scalp because that was my biggest question my   biggest question was um what do you do to oil  your scalp but literally scientifically your   scalp already naturally produces oils and so by  putting the oils on top even though it's not as   heavy as grease it's like counterproductive  to what your scalp is supposed to do by itself   your scalp is supposed to naturally produce  its oils it should take care of itself the   way for it to do so is that it should not have  any buildup on top of it if you're someone who   has been like oh my gosh you know i've been  trying to get my scalp together or i've been   trying to grow my hair or all that kind of stuff  and you've been using oils and all this kind of   stuff on your scalp but you notice that your scalp  is a little bit drier it might not necessarily be   that you have dry scalp it might actually be that  because you put so much oils and all that stuff on   your scalp your scalp is not even moving the way  it's supposed to and it's drying out instead of   being able to create its own oils so maybe you  should try you know going oily see how it goes   i will say you might go through like a withdrawal  from your hair not get not being used to not   having oil on the scalp same thing even when  we were transitioning my mother we i think me   me even when i was helping my mother transition  from the perm to natural hair i noticed that her   scalp literally had to go through a shedding her  scalp used to be super super dry and all that kind   of stuff and it had to like basically create a new  scalp because it'd been damaged from the perms and   then after you know the scalp shed it was able to  function as normal so i would definitely say that   my hair doesn't seem to miss oil and if anything  i can actually pick up on when my hair needs to be   washed more and i'll notice that i can feel build  up so that was the thing that i was thinking oh   you know my scalp is itchy it's dry no like when i  go to itch my scalp there is build up right now i   have been bad i have been bad but that is also  because you know life of a creator i've been   pushing up wash day so that i can also get as much  content for you guys well i've been bad i haven't   washed my hair for like two and a half weeks i  know i know i know how i know it's okay i know   all right that bad's needed okay i know but this  time when i've gone and i've itched my scalp   i actually feel the buildup that is on my scalp  and my scalp has been super itchy i've been   dying to wash it i've been dying to wash it but  i'm trying to get the most content while staying   on this journey with you guys the second thing  that i've definitely noticed is that my hair takes   in water so much better and for someone who's  definitely classified themselves as low porosity   i found that really really just crazy because  i've always had an issue with getting moisture   in with getting water in i'd always say that  water just slides off like it doesn't actually   sit and soak into my hair and i'll insert a few  little sneaky snippets because i did go back to   the salon to get like a second treatment and to  kind of get a diagnostic diagnosis diagnostics   you say your name right right now denise say it  right denise correctly denise right denise right   be nice that's better thank you and get a verdict  of how my hair was doing as well as how i was   doing um practicing the hydration method at home  and literally my hair was able to lay flat flat   like you know drake's my stomach on flat no like  my hair was on flat flat okay hey girl hey hey i   don't i don't mean to rain on your parade but  i'm just i'm just gonna i'm just gonna button   real quick you don't know okay you don't mind  cool little thing that was happening during   this process was how my porosity was shifting  and i know for me in the past i never thought   that you know your porosity would fluctuate  aside from if it's being chemically treated   but even when i went into the salon i remember  asking her the first time you know oh how's my   low porosity hair you know it don't be taken in  water she's like oh you know actually you have   a few high porous strands if anything your hair  is operating more normal to medium and so i was   like say what because i've most definitely been  categorizing myself as low porosity but this is   where i really do say i think how you wash your  hair before you even start applying your products   really does affect and what you are putting  on during the washing process affects how your   hair essentially reacts to water when it is time  for styling and your styling products one of the   things that i noticed with my own strands is that  now doing this process there's definitely i would   say the lower half of my hair soaks and holds  up water beautifully the area of my hair which   ironically enough i feel like it's the area with  the most manipulation or the area that seems to   dry out or does not take in the water as much is  more of the front areas of my hair or the top half   layer of my hair that part of my hair tends to be  a bit more frizzy it does it does curl up but it   seems like in the past it had to be the right curl  product something that was heavy enough to define   it but also encourage the front to curl especially  since the front has more of a looser curl pattern   more of the s curl so now with this process i've  noticed that as long as i'm also cleansing my hair   properly my hair will actually soak and hold  the water a lot better so i wanted to go ahead   and discuss what that might look like for some of  you guys who may be interested in trying this out   what it would look like if you had lower porosity  meter porosity and higher porosity so essentially   if you're someone with higher porosity what doing  method would help you do is be able to trap in the   water that you already are so easily able to take  in for my lower porosity it will help your hair   actually take in the water that your hair is so  resilient from actually letting inside all right   girl you can go ahead and talk now all right you  know i just have to come in and say my two cents   and then i'm gonna i'm gonna get but i might be  i might be back i might be back i might be back   now i will say that moving forward i have  been contemplating switching up a few things   but for the sake for the sake for the people  for you guys and also just truly staying on this   journey i am dedicated i am committed to literally  just seeing what happens if i just use water   in gel and um the only thing that i have not  given up is edge controls i do use edge controls   on my edges and all that kind of stuff and even  when i went to the salon for my last checkup i   thought that she was going to say i have like  super um amount of build up with my edge control   but she did it wasn't in the front it was actually  the middle of my head that had more scalp build up   um the front of my head didn't so the edge  control literally just it rubs off as soon as   it's shampooed properly it's fine the  biggest thing that i have to say about this   is that it's definitely going to differ based off  of your lifestyle and that's the biggest thing   that i feel like i have to stress i personally  realize that the way i was doing my hair prior   it was a lifestyle choice like i wasn't  specifically going okay hey how do i   actually make my life easier that's not what i  was choosing in the previous years in the past   and especially because i made content my goal  was to showcase the diversity of the beauty   the limitless possibilities with natural hair i  was not over here worried about doing wash and   go's faster i just wanted to show you guys you  can do a wash and go this is dedicated to those   who actually want to be able to wash and go who  want their lives to be easier if you're someone   who prefers to wear your hair out you prefer to  rock your natural curls but you've always had to   do braid outs or twist sets or whatever because  the wash and go just never looked right for you   this is something that you can try to not only  improve how defined your curls can get but also to   make your life a lot easier and to curl train your  hair in a natural way i noticed that there were   a few of you that you know were really adamant  about using gel because in the past you felt like   gel dries out your hair and i will say it really  does depend on the gel that you're using as well   and also you know maybe it felt like the gel  was drying your hair out because at the time   you were probably just using gel and water but  you weren't focused on actually like redoing that   process over and over again but i will say that  not every gel is kin folk okay not all jellies are kin folk skin folk not all gels are swell yeah  yeah not all gels are swell some of them might   have like a higher alcohol content that could  be drying out the hair also it depends if you   put something underneath it all that kind of  stuff so if you're definitely someone who's like   i don't like this because i have to use gel gel  isn't your worst enemy i'm going to be playing   with different types of gel so that you guys also  have different options but i will be in the future   definitely trying out my braid outs my twist stuff  literally just using water gel and jesus okay just   literally using those ingredients and seeing how  my hair feels seeing how it takes it the flaking   all that kind of stuff to see if this literally  all you would need in your life and sin   is shampoo conditioner and your gel okay moving  forward i don't think i'm still going to introduce   creams just yet i'm i'm curious to see i will  start venturing into protective styles and see   how i would be able to still maneuver i will  say that i'm probably more likely going to start   introducing like leave-ins um because leave-ins  are the closest to water-based instead of like   heavy heavy heavy creams so i'll see what stuff  that i decide to pick up for the next couple of   months but right now honestly i'm i'm really  shocked i'm really surprised i never thought   that my hair would be go from like low porosity to  relatively normal porosity and take in water the   way it should and release water the way it should  i'm really excited just to see how much easier how   much faster my washing goes will be and wash day  in general so i'm really really excited i want to   thank every single one of you guys who've not only  just been so interested in my journey but also   trying it out for yourself i love hearing that you  guys have been trying this out trying something   new i didn't even think you guys would go on the  journey with me so i think that it's super cool   that you guys have tested it out that you guys  reach out to me let me know how it's going your   questions your comments concerns i'm learning as  i'm going i have been natural literally my entire   life and i've never once decided to actually take  the easier route i've definitely and i love my   styles do not get it do not do not get it twisted  i do love my hairstyles i do love showing you guys   so many diverse ways that you can rock your hair  because it is beautiful okay it is limitless um   and it's a baddie okay you know she she really is  a baddie she do what she's supposed to do and more   but i definitely wanted to go ahead and spend this  time especially you know given the current status   that you to teach you guys that you know of all  the things going on your hair shouldn't be the   most complicated one let me know if you guys have  been on a journey like this i know some of you   guys already were and i'm mad that y'all never put  this information in the group chat befo but let   me know if you guys have been on your journey how  it's going so far as always if you're loving me if   you're loving we on this journey together Z do not  forget to subscribe down below so you never miss   an upload baby what is you doing and i'll see all  you beautiful people in my next video bye loves
Channel: TruleyTalentedBeauty
Views: 122,931
Rating: 4.9152541 out of 5
Keywords: wash and go using only gel, wash and go type 4 natural hair, wash and go natural hair, wash and go low porosity hair, soft fluffy wash and go, fluffy wash and go, no crunch wash and go, defined wash and go on type 4 hair, quick wash and go type 4 hair, type 4 natural hair wash day, how to revive your natural curls, one product wash and go, how to change your curl pattern naturally, how to change your curl pattern, hydration method for natural hair, hydrationmethodforcurls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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