Salon Visit| Wash & Go on 4C Natural Hair

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[Music] hey guys it's to be and I am here to get [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm super excited you guys are all it's been a while since I've got my hair touched by anyone else but me and you guys know what's going through some things so I might let you take it out then impossible in the world we don't play no pin now that baby oh here we are your last trim was my last professional trim was a year ago I trimmed it myself I want to say in November and when you trimmed it yourself was it in the way of t-shirts whipping in and try me what you felt needed yeah all right so pretty much what that means yeah and you had a little breakage and stuff going on here deafness or not and then this you said was in the last home so this happened recently this brown area I had done a series of tight braids in the front just pulling my edges a lot so they kind of just they died on me oh my god but then I've been doing some things hopefully you can you know teach me a little more about what treatments and oils to use to kind of get them even back to how they used to be but yeah so wait like traction and cooling sometimes it's good that you caught it at a good time that can cause permanent damage so if it's too much in BRE needs or if it's been full back to tightly often four ponytails or even wig-wearing sometimes it kind of rubs it out yeah it can be a problem so definitely as you do take it off at night when you sleep which I have read those will be the times that you would treat it with your point of treatment under manual treatment should be healing properties of oils and not like just something because you write about it I don't just I'm used to making castor oil on my boots and it's just going to grow like me not not exactly it does help in eating it but the castle oils are in all forms are good forms of protein so since this hair usually is the most unruly looking right but it's really baby fine when a lot of people especially at the floor see textures it does is more likely to rub out that could be what your wig got to be even with your body because if you take note you put your bonnet on it starts here but it'll slide back writing that little bit of hair and it's actually like causing friction right where it doesn't need to be so sometimes you have having a little bits of hair here and you're like I don't know why it's short and broke in here right also can happen right at the nape area so that's where you'll rub the oils and really well it's best to use your fingertips with elbows and to your knees if you're going to do it yourself okay really put your head pressure into your fingertips and rub it in so it gets into the pores of the hair not just sitting on the hair itself okay what I tell people to do and I believe someone makes something very similar and it's just put a strip of saran wrap around the hairline and then put your body on so that as that body is moving as you shift your hip on one side so the other the friction is actually gone against the plastic in the oil which is still rubbing the oils in all night stimulating it and then by the time you get up in the morning it's really rubbed in so I'll just clean your face that your stringent sore your cleanses that you'd normally do get close to your hair right and this way you're able to reapply that night don't just keep you know adding the boys without washing it out okay so you would say to wear saran wrap on your edges every night or every night that you would do your oral treatment all for sure so for some people they do it every night some people like oh every other night I do it you know depending on how well they feel it's working for them right but something invigorating it could be a tea tree or peppermint it can be garlic even it smells a little bit but if you boil as it does it's not as potent right and then you will mix it in which maybe you're hungover avocados definitely some form of coconut and or maybe you call it Castle oils whatever you feel because you need a combination of it should be primarily any of the protein based ones okay so you would say the protein based oils are coconut coconut oil and the castor oil castor oil everyone isn't porn a bit but those are the highest forms okay so you'll use that in moderation your base of your oils would be something like a weight that can penetrate really well into the hair for me I like to use the grapeseed oil or olive oil which is very healing if not then it's easier for you to find they're gonna see it a little bit better yeah and again all of this is like from your health food Whole Foods right any store that you know you can actually cook with oils and you know it's good to put onto your scalp we love it daily it is not heavyweight I usually stuff on this a lot those stores that says here oil yeah Carrie it's me orange is not caring oil right I'll show you my Karen oil isn't very pink so as all my people don't know but no today no other issues or concerns right before Elizabeth shampoo you know LVL we tackled it right here alright so but I'm gonna have her do on you is something called pre-washed babe pretty much is like a curl definer it is done on your hair dirty like after he breeds come out generally I like to use on a lot of kids don't care cuz you know they don't like to sit still for detangling but it does help remove build-up from the hair in addition to scalp but also helps detangle so we do a lot of finger detangling here hearing we must be a serious right now [Music] it's not more than an hour I'm glad you said that because I'll be really I was like four five hours I said but you know your wash days when it comes to this long I can't be dead long we gonna wash you Andy treat you you're gonna be walking colored everything and out and filled but yeah would you I mean I know you touch my hair once but would you say that's one of the reasons why the brine is experiencing more damage than the rest of my hair with the different protection texture density it's not that density density is the amount of hair you have per square inch but it is fine our here generally we all I find it just kinky or texture yeah so usually the finer and the kinky RIT is the more likely you're gonna have breakage dryness if you did color for an example it might be a lot lighter in that area than other areas of their although it's the same come all over because it's highly force that's a big misconception for see girls we think because I hair so kinky it's so strong but our hair is like the weakest [Music] then we're going to do after trimming and shaping jerseys camera moving into our deep conditioning treatment this one is done specifically as a jaded tresses healthy air combo type of green okay so this then come over and saturate your hairline when you own your scalp with the oil [Music] [Music] [Music] refresh should open it oh I'm currently under the dryer she has done the oil treatment and deep conditioner so we're just letting you penetrate through my strands and I'm drinking more water so you're leaving conditioner which the sweet butters not take the place up would be your first step and it's about a quarter size of nothing about flights at the ends of your hair I'm going to Billy massage this butter into the hair like legit Siskin meaning you don't want to do product on your own but just let that way if you want to really rub it in right so using your fingers rather than a brush or a comb to assistant your styling its way back with your hands of course so that your hair and you sort of keep absorbing and massage a minute so the butter isn't a long Gator and it's actually designed this twist outs and braid outs doing English and shine on that but I like it or boniva gel hasn't been something that makes sure to stretch so amazing it smells like my content but you massage it in really well and then gonna take your job do the same thing all the ends in the hair slid work upward grasping it [Music] into a ponytail separated okay everything to do we're going to make it through a perpendicular so if someone else is doing someone else's here using their fingers and perpendicular for us actually mission is Elizabeth we're going to do it up on the hair with it until even though I hear me not hanging off the sides of our shoulders as we wanted that's our vision board get there one day we're going to do it underneath with your palms and out and pawns it onto the side so you've still got there cause action those covers on the other hand it's just easy for what we do up here just to repeat that stroking motion right all right so the goal is to feel for no knocks on table so there's no number of times about that I'm doing this I am squeezing the strands of hair between my fingers I'm not killing her at all there's no real pull but I'm being somewhat aggressive and I'm just feeling again no not simultaneous everything would be coated with the product and as I release it you will see the whole information just worn out when you have coarse individual strands of hair it's very deceiving because product ends is to sail on top and that we just another you lose and that they don't have curly hair but I'm like just wait till it dries you're gonna see the structure and everything [Music] at first so it's always the parts of the ends and work up you do not apply eternity to your scalp so it needs yourself to be from the build up inside for those who have like stuff concerns and issues waited for like very much there and then you do the same which of jello your cider at this time [Music] and you working all the way through calming it separate everything as you eat just to ensure you did get it in all the weight will disappear as it dries no we actually believe this honestly I have learned so much today and I hope you guys come here a lot too and it's one thing to watch video opens and other things are you leaving to experience so I'm gonna help you out that so you're gonna get 20% off your first visit by using my comb Chitti got shaded so make sure you guys open that description box below so you can find out for details involved Jada trucking salon here in New York and Jersey yes thank you so much [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Chizi Duru
Views: 5,405,674
Rating: 4.8254476 out of 5
Keywords: 4c natural hair, natural hair salon, nyc, nyc salon, nyc natural hair salon, natural hair, how to do natural hair, short natural hair, long natural hair, wash and go, wash and go on 4c natural hqir, 4b hair, twistout, jaded tresses salon, chizi duru, beyonce, beyonce twins, rumi and sir carter
Id: j6P6z2NmTMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2017
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