Warrior - Nicole Crank

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[Music] i tell you what that's why when y'all are online i sure wish you could get here and if you can't get here you got to get to florida because that is just that is some stuff they would have lost me in the first four counts they just said go left and i'd have been like oh which left i don't know which way to go but they were strong they were mighty could you feel the power could you feel the cadence did they look coordinated could you tell they had worked on their plan of attack and that's what we're going to do tonight we're going to work on our plan of attack first timothy 6 12 says to fight the good fight of faith so what is the good fight of faith the fight that you fight to keep from fighting so i was praying about this because we have this really cool friend uh he he went to faith church for years before he had to move for his training and he is in the uh ufc he's a mixed martial arts fighter his parents come to our church he came to our church for years his name is michael chandler [Applause] [Music] and whenever michael goes to fight art's family we start to pray and i just want to be honest with you i pray i pray in the spirit and i i watch michael fight on the screen and i pray for him at my house and i watch him win like 13 champions and how many of you look at michael and decide if he wants your sandwich you're just going to give it to him i don't want to fight michael how many of you want to fight michael yes or no no but if somebody came up against you and michael looked at you and said hey you know what you're a girl you're a child of the most high king let me fight this battle for you how many of you would go yes sir you just go right ahead you just go right ahead and you fight so when i was praying i asked god god we're going to pray on being a warrior because this has been a warrior kind of year we have been fighting battles i've been fighting battles that i didn't even know existed has anybody else found yourself in a fight you didn't even know you were gonna fight i didn't know we're gonna fight about maths and vaccines and kovids and all just stupid stuff i don't care it ain't halloween do what you wanna do it's your thing do what you want to do with it i don't sing but i fake it and i was praying and i asked god god what are we going to do as warrior women how are we supposed to go into these battles how are we supposed to go in and know that we are seizing victory and we're fighting the right way so he told me four things everybody say four things and the first thing is he told me to watch and he brought michael to my mind he said some battles you just need to watch me work that's what happened when when these kids got up here i did not run up here and join them and try and dance we just watched them work did you enjoy what they did and we just watched them michael chandler was up here he was fighting on the screen we saw him go to work we watched him win we watched him work we watched him bring glory to god he's got a tattoo on his chest that says blessed and whenever he wins he runs around the ring and he points to the lord he gives glory to god we didn't have to fight the fight michael was fighting the fight so we were we were watching and then i do some travel and i go to conferences and i go to different things and so i have a girl that works with me her name is patricia and i call her my brain because i know some of the things and she knows all of the things and like in this next week i'm going i'm leaving 4 30 in the morning i'm leaving my house for washington dc i'm gonna be there for three days then i go to florida for four days and then i go to los angeles for one day and then i go to st louis for bridget's thrive st louis uh planned uh the pregnancy resource centers event and then i'm here for church and then we turn up we go somewhere else i don't know i don't i don't know where i'm at or how i'm getting there but every now and then i get to feeling bad because i'm like this is changing that's changing this moving around so i'm like you know what i'm gonna do i don't want patricia to have to do all this work because we changed her plans or something happened i'm gonna help her so i'll just go in i can get on the american airlines app and i'll just go in and i'll just book this ticket and i'll just move this thing and i'll just i'll just make this hotel reservation and she'll wake up the next morning and come to work and she will call me and she she will say what did you do and i look at her and i say i helped you she said okay tell me about how you helped me and i started telling her all the things i did and she's like well now we have duplicate tickets here and those are non-refundable and we're double booked at the hotel and we're within the cancellation period so we got two rooms she goes so we got to talking and i said hey patricia next time i want to help you let me ask you a question do you charge me extra to do this part of your job she goes no it's included it's free i said okay if i help you what are we going to do she said if you help i'm going to charge you 50 dollars i just need to watch i just need to watch patricia do what patricia knows how to do she knows how to do it quick she knows how to do it easy she knows how to do it fast she knows how to do it effective when michael goes to fight i don't need to jump in the ring and say oh no don't hit michael he goes to my church i'm his pastor y'all don't hit him he's protected by the blood no i just need to get out of the way and i need to somebody's getting it get delivered sister first samuel 12 16 it says just stand here and watch sometimes god doesn't need our help sometimes god just wants us to know if you'll just stand here and watch me work you know i always say it's not a strong woman who can share her opinion it is a strong woman who can hold her tongue how many of you have been in a fight with your spouse and you're like you know it would have been way better if i'd have never started this thing sometimes we just need to watch second chronicles 20 verse 7 it says you will not have to fight in this battle so we're talking about a guy his name is jehoshaphat we're going to open with him and we're going to close with him when we get to our fourth w and while we're watching what happened is there was this fight going on and there were these two groups and they were pretty big and they were coming against the good guys king jehoshaphat's he's the good guy we're the good guys right so he was there all this army was coming and he was freaking out y'all ever freak out at some of the stuff you see on the news some of the stuff's going on at work some of the stuff your neighbor does some of the stuff your kids do and you want to kill them and tell god they died and make another one just like them so they're coming against them and so god tells him here's what you're gonna do you're gonna not fight in the battle the problem is we like to get involved in fights that aren't even ours like to put our opinion on facebook on something we don't even know that much about we like to fight with people on instagram even when we might be uninformed but probably not because you know what i heard somebody say that once on youtube but if we'll be obedient to god if we'll hold on our own tongue there will be times that we won't even have to fight in the battle so everybody say watch the first thing he told me was watch he told me watch the second thing he told me was wait wait i love that song that song that we did in worship tonight if you if you didn't get the worship you're gonna have to hit rewind on this thing and go get it because wait on you lord wait on you lord you will renew your that's it that's isaiah 40 31 it says but they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up on wings as eagles they shall walk and not go weary they shall run and not faint how many of y'all felt like fainting sometime in the last 12 months say amen how many of you wanted to throw in the towel say amen how many of you it might have been a little more serious than that you're ready to quit cut or exit say amen so why did i even bring that up i'm not bringing that up to bring faith in the validity of the feeling get that the feeling y'all the feeling of wanting to quit the feeling of failure let's go ahead and define failure for you for me for god and the devil failure is staying down quitting is temporary the only thing that makes this permanent is not getting up one more time they might have kicked you down they might have thrown you under they might have assassinated your name they might have eliminated your job they may have walked out they may have cheated they may have stunk they may have lied they may have sued but it doesn't matter all you gotta do is get up one more time then you fall down you don't have to know which way to go you don't have to know how to win the battle you god might be saying to you all you got to do is get up and stand and watch what's happening and while you're watching what's happening why don't you just stand still and wait on me to do something because if i wait on michael chandler he's gonna throw a punch at the enemy and if i wait on patricia she's gonna fix my problem and if i wait on god he's never ever gonna fail me somebody give him a shout and pray [Music] but i got problems waiting last night i ran a red light because i got problems waiting oh y'all just judged me don't you judge me i was downtown st louis in a spot and there were these people on the corner they were making me nervous it was about nine o'clock at night i was we were gonna we have some friends in town from nashville we were gonna have dinner with david for his birthday so we were going down to the hotel down there to go have dinner and there were these sketchy people and they were sketchy and i was there and i was nervous and there was nobody in sight but me and the sketchy people and i could either stay and fight [Applause] i could wait on the lord but i decided to help him say i'm gonna help you jesus i'm gonna run this red light now i don't know if there's a red light camera but get this chances are there's a penalty because i didn't wait we don't even know what we're missing when we won't wait on the lord 9 11 2001 there was this guy his name was jay jonas he was in charge of ladder company number six and he had five other fire firefighters with him he was a captain and he was a fireman and he was the leader of this thing and they were in the north tower just after the south tower had collapsed one has already collapsed their world is turned upside down they're in the north tower and what they're doing is they are moving as fast as they can to get out of that building because they're sure the building they're in is just as unstable as the last one so they're moving they're running they're they're running from the enemy they're running to save their life they know they're doing the right thing in the flesh as i was praying about this he god got on my case last week he said you don't war in the flesh you don't open your mouth against your enemy he told me you wore in the spirit he said girl you think you can talk you can't talk i can talk the problem is when we try to fix our own battles we've taken the battle position out of his hand and put it in ours and how many of you realize if we try to arm wrestle god we're probably gonna lose so jay jonas he's got five guys with him and they're trucking down the steps they're talking down the steps they're talking down the steps they are literally running for their lives they were running scared and they run past this woman her name is josephine harris josephine harris works at the port authority and she is injured and she is a little bit older and she is crying and what do they do they start to run past josephine and they realize we can't we we can't we can't leave her here so they stopped and they picked her up you know i know tara and nia talked about small groups and connect groups it's really important to have some people around you who are going to stop and pick you up when you are down show me your friends and i'll show you your future and you don't ever want to be in a battle by yourself if you're in a battle you want to be surrounded by some people who know how to fight don't you get out of here without getting in a connect group tonight and so they picked up josephine and they put her over their shoulder and they started down the steps now it slowed them down tremendously until they got to the fourth floor and they just couldn't move so they stopped for a second and when they stopped the building shook and when the building shook the north tower collapsed now get this had they not stopped for josephine they would have been out of the building but in the street where everything was collapsing they would have been a little further they would not have been right there having to stop because she couldn't go any further what did they have to do they had to wait so you have jay jonas you have josephine you have five other firemen and as the tower collapses there's barely anyone who survives but within four hours of the tower collapse some how there was this mangled steel that came up and it made an ark over these people and these people jay jonas five more fire defiers josephine harris emerged from the rubble and the wreckage the bible says one thousand may fall on your left and ten thousand on your right but it will not come not you you can look around the world and watch them all go crazy you can look around the world and watch them all fall out but god in the blood of jesus is painted over the doorpost to your house it can save you it can save your family it can save your church touch somebody say i'm gonna wait i'm gonna wait you know abraham he had to wait on god a hundred years to have a baby y'all that wore sarah out he's like all i want to do is have a baby i don't believe you anymore a hundred years how many of you have not been waiting 100 years for your miracle say me if every natural solution was not exhausted god wouldn't have got the credit sometimes the reason you got to wait why do i got away sometimes the reason you gotta wait is you'll take the credit you'll think you figured it out you'll think your boss was finally worn down you think your husband finally gave up you think you finally got it together with your kids but you gotta wait until you know it couldn't be you [Music] why do we gotta wait we gotta wait because jacob jacob he had to wait jacob so who's jacob jacob spies this girl her name is rachel she is fine um with a ph fine hello baby i want to see you i want to marry he he saw her and saying i want to marry you baby i'll take you home put on your red dress jesus honey now i'm thinking all these romantic thoughts my husband's right there it's his birthday my mind took a trip we just went on a date i don't even know where we are so here we are jacob he is this trickster he's been tricking his brother since he was born he tricked his father and what happened is he had to wait on his wife because he was a trickster he was not morally up for the promotion he was called to your talent might take you where your character can't keep you sometimes we gotta wait sometimes guys waiting on us to develop our skill to develop our patients to develop our humility to develop our ability to wait on him why do i got away well sometimes i gotta wait because we gotta gotta know that it was god why sometimes we gotta wait because we gotta be developed sometimes we gotta wait because joseph go to many colors brothers tried to kill them threw them in a pit got sold into slavery got a job in a really cool house got put in prison unnecessarily sat in that prison met a butcher a bakeload and a candlestick maker wait that's the bible mixed with mother goose and he sat in prison for over a decade he was a holy man he didn't do anything he was accused of god why am i stuck here this is unjust i was put in prison god why was i put in prison why am i here why am i in this jail in my life he was put in prison for power that was the place that connected him to pharaoh what was he waiting on he was waiting on the world to get into the circumstance that he was created to resolve you might have this big gift up on the inside of you but the world might just not be ready for you yet there might be some things that you need to say and you need to do in some positions god's lining you up for but it's not you that is not lined up it is the position that is not lined up just yet but if you give god a minute you might think that you're in the pit but you were born for the palace you might think that you're in the prison but you were born for the power and it doesn't mean that you weren't born for it it means you just have to [Applause] what if waiting puts you in the right place at the right time with the right skills in the right situation how do you war sometimes you gotta watch how do you war sometimes you got to wait how do you war sometimes sometimes you got a war so this is actually the thing that god brought to me that developed this entire event it was this girl she's kind of obscure in the bible most people haven't heard have you ever heard of jael like no roar of approval right who is jl there's only a couple little verses about this woman her name is jael but what happens is they're in a time of war in israel and so there's a guy his name is sisera and cicero has 900 chariots and 10 000 men and he has been oppressing the people for 20 years two decades and then god tells a woman her name is deborah now i catch heat on social media for being a female preacher i can't imagine the heat that deborah caught back in the bible being one of god's 12 judges he only raised up 12 of them and deborah was one of them her office was under a palm tree though so i think she was the smartest judge so deborah says okay here you go here's what you got to do king king what you have to do is you need to go to war against cicero and i know it looks like you're going to get your booty kicked but i'm here to tell you god has told me don't look at the circumstance because when god is with you you can do all things what you have to do is you have to fight the good fight of faith so the king says i don't think i could do that and says she said well since you said you can't do that god's not going to let you have the victory he's going to give it to a woman she wasn't in the army she wasn't in the military she wasn't battle trained she wasn't gun trained she didn't know how to shoot a gun she didn't own a gun she's a housewife like making the milk she's she's making the food she's taking care of her husband she's just she's living her life and she's watching this battle rage and she's watching this battle go on and as this battle is going on the the good king he actually goes to war and they start winning they're starting to kill all of the enemy but the king cicero shows up at jl's tent you see the enemy was familiar with her her husband and that king had been friends in the past you got to be a little bit cautious because the enemy will try and become your friend oh man that depression will just crawl up in bed with you say i know baby nobody treats you right you have been so overlooked you know you probably don't even need to get out of bed today just go get you some ben and jerry's i'll get you a box of kleenex and you just cry it out baby you stay here with me he'll let you go down as deep as you want to go you know what the most dangerous part of a war is it's not the beginning because somebody comes up to fight you right somebody comes up to pick on your family pick on your kid they punk you you're like not today buddy not me you get your best trash talk on like i will whip you your mama your whole family ain't nobody coming up against my family you're like ready the fight or flight kicks in you like start taking your earrings off so we'll go down right here you're not touching my baby the dangerous part of the war isn't when it shows up the dangerous part of the war is when it goes on when it's been a day a week a cove at 18 months we don't know when kovit is going to go away the delta variants coming out they're proud they're developing a killer wasp and a i don't know 12 other weird things that we've never seen p.s if you don't know jesus you need to find jesus because the book of revelation like like 20 21 fits in there like we're like tick tick tick like no we need to know jesus so here she is she's like i don't know what's going on they've been fighting and i don't know what to do and sister shows up at my door and he's like girl you gotta hide me she said okay come on in it looks like she's going backwards but she's about to do something that she knows she's got to do in this moment because cicero was just trying to kill her family cicero was just trying to kill her friends cicero was just trying to people trying to kill the people in her neighborhood and now he's at her door and he wants to come in and he's like i just need a drink of water just hide me for a little bit she's like baby you come on and i'm not just gonna give you water let's get you some milk i know you're hungry i like my girl she's sly she brings them in she gives them milk she's rubbing his head she's trying to get him to go to sleep and i have to think if she was doing all those things she's going god i don't know what i'm going to do like because i need my husband and he is not here right now i'm here to tell you god did not call your husband to do what you are called to do god called you to do what you are called to do god called your husband to do what your husband is called to do and when you both fulfill your call and you stand together you're twice as powerful because when you put god in the middle of it a threefold court is not easily broken so you can't ask your husband to go to god and fight your battles in the spirit and just protect you while you stay in bed and cry you need to get up and fight your own wars god will call you to watch sometimes he will call you to wait sometimes but sometimes he will call you to war and jl knew i'm supposed to kill him but i don't know i don't know how i'm going to do this why would god pick somebody like me and i know that's what a lot of us are thinking like i'm not smart enough i'm not bright enough i'm not i'm not tall enough i'm not short enough i'm not skinny enough i'm not thick enough i'm not i'm not spiritual enough i'm not strong enough i don't have enough money i live in the wrong neighborhood we got every reason why it can't be us but god doesn't choose the things that we all think he chooses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise why because if it looks like it fits like with abraham he's not going to do it because we need to know that it's we need to know that it's god so i remember um i was in on a softball team when i was in junior high i think i started in like fourth grade and i played through eighth grade which makes it sound like i was good and i was on a good team i was on a good team like they won a lot but i batted ninth you know what that means that means they put me in because they had to i was tall i'm built like a giraffe i have one question have you ever seen a giraffe play baseball or softball so the the team was good i was not that good but we would win a lot we would have a good time and we were good at softball i guess but we were really good at cheering we were like you know let's go we had all these little cheers that we would do and who are we we're the mighty mighty hot shots mighty mighty winners who are we were the mighty mighty hot shots i was awesome at that part like being loud intimidating them we were telling our enemy who we were the whole time and we won every game in our league so we went off to this conference i lived in the country so i was on this good team because there was one whole team in our whole town so that's how i got on the good team but we went after this conference and it was in the big city and we played a team called the hummers why is their name the hummers well we didn't know till we got up to bat we get up there get our stance on ray hit the ball what how'd they catch the ball didn't even see it that ball would just boom right on by us so fast they just strike us out strike us out strike us out strike us out so i thought okay i'm gonna be smart i'm like almost six foot tall i'm in junior high so i'm gonna make my strike zone as small as possible [Laughter] seriously i'm not joking i'm up there she still struck me out we get eliminated from the tournament we're like feeling really bad about ourselves we feel despicable we feel like we could never do it you can't believe what the devil tells you are i brought a couple pictures a picture laying on the couch because we feel bad about ourselves i brought a picture of how we see ourselves when we go into battle go ahead and just flip through those we feel for alarm we just sit there like i can't even stand right now i just gotta put my head in my house and so i just gotta go in the bathroom and watch myself cry we didn't even know who we were so we went home and the next game was coming and usually we were mouthy right we're showing up for war we got our mouth and we're telling the enemy who we are so we're you know usually we've got the cheers going and who are we we're the mother mud headshots nobody's saying nothing nobody's really stretching we're out on the infield nobody's talking people are missing pop flies people are missing ground balls i mean we're missing the things we always hit what is going on we listen to the who we thought we were because of what had happened to us so then the other team got there because we got there first that day and the other team got there and they got out and i heard them go oh crap it's them man we never win when we play them i mean we put our best players and we're not even gonna hit this game they're gonna even pitch people don't even usually pitch we don't even have a prayer our team was out on the field like this all of a sudden i watched them go huh what they they're afraid of that's who they think we are they think we're unbeatable they think we're champions they think they don't have a chance honey i'm here to tell you the way the enemy sees you is the way god has truly built you he sees you as a warrior woman he sees you as a queen and actually the devil sees you that way too you get up in the morning your feet hit the floor and devil gets in hell he goes aw crap she's up again [Applause] so jael's thinking i'm going to have to do something that i could never imagine me doing now what y'all had to do is she had to take a tent peg and a hammer and she drove the spike through the man's head while he was sleeping this is not your license to go home and kill your husband your neighbor your children your reputation your dog your neighbor's dog the bargain oh no no no it's metaphorical god might ask you to kill your pride he might ask you to kill your social media he might ask you to take away that job he might ask you to kill that friendship you know you're not supposed to be and he might ask you to stop flirting with that boy at work that you've been flirting with just because he gives you attention and it makes you feel good because your husband takes you for granted because he's been married to you for so long is it okay if i get up in your business [Applause] somebody said did she just say that yeah god says in psalm 46 1 he is a very present help in a time of trouble he is in the midst of our mess sometimes he's going to call you to watch sometimes he's going to call you to wait and sometimes he's going to ask you to do things in war that you would never think that you could do i can't last another day god says yes you can i can't get up again god says yes you can i can't take another chemo treatment god says yes you can i can't have another surgery god says yes you can i can't get another job god says yes you can you are called for this you are equipped for this you are empowered for this the devil knows that you're capable and that is why he is fighting you so hard and god knows i'm about to ask my women to do something hard will you do it if god asks you to do it say yes say i'm coming out of this look at your neighbor on the left and tell them i'm coming out of this look at the neighbor on the other side say i'm coming out of this go ahead and touch somebody on the elbow because you don't want to touch them nowhere because they've got good coverage touch them on the elbow and say you're coming out of this [Applause] sometimes you've got to say things a few times to get you to start believing it so god told me you got to watch you got to wait you got a war and then he told me you've got to worship [Applause] he says you've got to worship and then he came back and said you got to worship like all the time he said you got to worship when you watch you got to watch and pray he said you gotta worship while you wait you gotta worship all you war you won't make the wrong moves in war if you're worshiping while you're warren it was almost a year ago that god told me your worship is your worship and showed me this aircraft carrier and everybody landing on it here's the bad news and here's the good news the bad news is god's not going to tell you that worship is your worship unless you're going to be in a war the good news is when you look up an aircraft carrier it is the most stable most effective weapon of defense and attack in the entire military god is sending you in with the right weapons for your warfare and your warfare is not carnal but it is mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds you're fighting not against flesh and blood but against principalities powers and rulers of darkness in high places there was this little boy he was nine years old he was just minding his own business and a man drove up lured him with some money and pulled him into a car and kidnapped him and started driving away you know what that little boy did he didn't cry he didn't scream he started singing hezekiah's song he sings this song it says singing praises to our god singing praises in one accord receiving praise giving praise to our god and he just sang it over i'm giving praises to my god giving praises in one accord give him praise eight years old give him praise to my god driver's driving the car he's taking him away we don't even know what we wanted to do with them did he want to abuse him did he want to molest him did he want to kill him he wouldn't think about that he just kept worshiping he said i'm giving praises to my god giving praises in one accord he just kept doing it out loud i'm giving praise giving praise to my god finally the driver pulled over to the side of the road opened up the door and told the boy get out of my car because worship will break down the enemy he cannot stand it when it looks like everything he's gone downhill and yet we will worship him in one apart let me ask you a question tonight will you worship him in the middle of a battle [Applause] god has not given you a spirit of fear but of power of love and of a sound mind i was sleeping about two weeks ago so right now it feels like that's the last time i slept and while i was sleeping it sounded like somebody said in the middle of the night james 2 22. i opened my eyes i was like james 222 james 222 who said that no no it must have dreamt that i don't even know if that's a verse can i admit that being a pastor i don't even know if james 2 22 is like an actual verse like are there 22 verses in the book of james two like i know there are two chapters in james but i don't even know if james 2 22 is a verse in the middle of the night i'm arguing with myself so i i i look at my husband he's sleeping he didn't say it so i roll over to go back to sleep and god is my witness if i am exaggerating one percent david's sleeping he's fine and he just goes he just like elbows me out of nowhere and goes right back to sleep so i smacked him no i didn't know it so that's when i knew god wants me to look up james 2 22. now if i was real faithful i would have probably gotten up right then and did it but i did it in the morning and here's what james 2 22 says it says you see that his faith and his actions were working together and his faith was made complete in what he did what does that mean that means when you're warring like that little boy and you're warring by faith like that eight year old little boy the bible says to have childlike faith y'all and that little boy had faith that god was gonna get him out of that situation and he praised god when everything looked bad god says i love it that y'all are sitting here tonight by faith and you're fighting your fight by faith but i just want to know are you just going to walk around by faith are you going to be willing to put a little action and put a little worship with your faith you were created for such a time as this it's time to stand up and grab your armor it's time to grab the weapons that he has given you the belt of truth and the sword of the spirit and the shield of faith it's time that you look at the battle that's in front of you and i say i can't look at you because i'm looking to the hills from which come with my help it's time that you fight for your home it's time that you fight for your marriage it's time that you fight for your dream it's time that you fight for your peace it's time that you fight for your children it's time that you fight for your future it's time that you fight for your god it's time to fight for restoration it's time to let the devil go i'm not taking it another day somebody shout and give and pray stay standing up cause we ain't gonna stay much longer but we are gonna praise the minute before we go you see when they walked around jericho they didn't know what was happening they just knew shut your mouth no no no don't start yet don't start they knew just shut your mouth and do your thing shut your mouth watch shut your mouth weight take your instruments of war and and worship and silence you just got to walk and you got to walk by faith so they had to walk by faith and they had to do this thing they had to walk around jericho six times watching and waiting ready for warring but if they would have stopped on six they would have never gotten it the thing that was different about time number six and time number seven was the fact that they began to worship so we'll come back to jericho in a minute we started with jehoshaphat let's end with jehoshaphat tonight so when we go to second chronicles 20 jehoshaphat in second chronicles 20 verse 22 it says as they begin to sing and praise the lord what do we feel like doing when we're feeling beat up we feel like crying and eating ice cream but that's not what we're called to do he said you got to sing and praise the lord he said as they sang and praise the lord they started setting ambushments around and when they set the ambushments around what happened is the enemy started fighting themself they got confused and it says i want you to put it on the screen in verse 24 when the men of judah came to that place and they overlooked the desert and they looked toward the best army they only saw the enemy dead lying on the ground you see there's these little speakers up here right you see these speakers these speakers are probably about 30 inches what happens when you worship what happened when that eight-year-old little boy opened his mouth what happened when they opened their mouth around the walls of jericho what happened when they opened their mouth and jehoshaphat sent the praises first they released something not only in the physical but also in the supernatural so there's three levels of sound one level of sound is ultrasonic right david was talking about babies earlier who's ever had an ultrasound say me that's really high-pitched sound it's so high you can't hear it right you can't hear the sound but it's there because you see the work that it does then there's the sound you can hear right now you can hear the sound of my voice right now but then there's this third type of sound and it's called sub sonic sound subsonic sound is kind of the music but there is a subsonic sound that is so low you can't even hear it but if you take a tone generator for subsonic sound and you put it on one 30 inch speaker one speaker you turn it on and you don't even hear anything in the natural how did the walls at jericho fall well here's the science for it what will start happening with one speaker with one speaker with one little speaker with one ha speaker with one praises to my god speaker with one i'll wait on you lord speaker with one your maker miracle worker speaker with one this is how i fight my battle speaker what can happen with one speaker science will tell you that one speaker with a subsonic sound will vibrate the walls of this building off the foundation and they will crumble god is getting ready to crumble the walls in your life he's getting ready to crumple your enemy he's getting ready to take him down he's getting ready for you just to look and see and watch and see your enemy laying down but the only way it happens is if you open your mouth go ahead and give god [Music] i can't do it for you your neighbor can't do you for you this worship team can't do you for you your pastor can't do it for you the only person who can do it is you you're gonna have to lift it up and you're gonna have to praise them for 10 seconds like the victory is here right now i want to hear you pray one two three four five six [Music] you
Channel: Crank Ministries
Views: 432
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Keywords: nicole crank show, victory, fearless, faith, no fear, overcoming fear, talk, nicole crank, faith church, pastor nicole, faithchurch.com, pastor nicole crank, west palm beach, st louis, st. louis, woman preacher, missouri, crank ministries, stl, mental health, discouragement, waiting on god, obedience, christianity, pastor, christian, hearing from god
Id: x655Mrcz8-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 11sec (2711 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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