Make the Devil Pay! - Pastor Nicole Crank

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I have a word from the Lord from the Lord and we're probably gonna laugh you're probably gonna be shocked and you're probably gonna cry and I'm probably gonna do all of them with you that's why we're red lipstick to distract you from my tearing of running mascara not sure what to title this message so this message has three titles for my note takers especially if you're online it's what happens in Vegas gets told at Faith Church that's title number one because we were in Vegas between Christmas and New Year's the title number two is the weapon maybe farms [Applause] number three is make the devil pay make the devil pay and I'm gonna start out with a generational curse that came to haunt my daughter so here we were in Vegas were minding our own business I got acquainted with that flue because it Vegas is like the adult Disney World you know I'm talking about all these people little bitty space we're there to preach at this church in Vegas we were at this awesome church called c3 they had us in this beautiful hotel Ashton's touch and everything and chewing her fingernails she ends up getting that two-day flu with all your insides are now on the outside staying in her room throughout her necro bella shoes there she couldn't move her arm she was having just this terrible trip she's mostly staying in her room and when I was 13 that's the age I was when I was raped and my violator came in through a window and it's funny how years later at not too different of an age Aston's violator tried to come in through a door so see what happened as we'd been there between Christmas and New Year's took a couple days off we had a friend doing a show there we wanted to support them and we supported our friend we went to this church you know we ate some food we we went to church and we went back to our room you didn't do anything wrong it like that I asked - and I see it I said you see all the pretty lights do you have any inclination at all you want to try one cuz I'd rather you try it with me than somebody else and she's like heck no I'm like you you're mama's girl that's been some money I'm gonna buy something where it you know I mean so we go back to our room and we're gonna fly out early the next morning or our alarms are set early and all of the sudden at 5:47 in the morning we are woke up by people beating on our hotel room door and screaming well my husband and his Burt Reynolds pajamas if you're under 40 that means his underpants runs up I just give you a picture you'll faster runs up ghosts flings the door open I don't know what's happening I'm like I'm just like standing sitting in my bed acting like a comforter is gonna protect me from whatever thing is outside beating and screaming and he opens the door and there is Ashton our 16 year old daughter and t-shirt and underwear with her friend and t-shirt and underwear and three security guys sobbing screaming well at this point I'm about Abed dressed like the girls everybody is that is a non pyjama party right freaking out these guys are all standing here like this and like what happened what happened what happened and they're just sobbing and all David can say is did he touch you and I'll kill him he doesn't know what happened yet but you can tell by the sobs something is desperately wrong root Palm Beach I'm telling you right now can you feel me from here I'm just I am desperate so she starts reveal what happened you see it was about 5:30 in the morning and Ashton's in deep sleep or her friend's a deep sleeper they both got noisemakers on their phone they're in a weird room and they have this room that has like these double doors because they put them like in this conference room so they're kind of in this conference room with this Murphy bed in this rollaway bed giving you a picture what happened and all this son Ashton for some reason opens her eyes and the bathroom lights on well her and her friend don't sleep with the bathroom light on and backlit by this bathroom light is about a 250 pound man in his 30s who is stripped down to his underwear so she starts screaming and as she's screaming she starts to get up and he goes shhh well my daughter did not shush shush shush scream bloody murder when she was 3 she said what's bloody murder you scream bloody murder and you get somewhere public draw attention to yourself and get around people she starts coming up out of her bed starts yelling her friend's name and gets up and runs out of the room well her friend falls behind Ashton what she's beating on the hotel room doors stepping over this man's clothing in the hallway of the hotel he disrobed outside that's how out of his mind he is rob him do you see what I'm saying right now he's stepping over he was beating on the doors trying to wake somebody up because she doesn't know that he's not chasing her to pull her back in or pull her somewhere else and she gets to the elevator she hits the down button her friend isn't there she starts screaming for her friend her friends like my stuffing inside she's like no no she hits it down but she sees the hotel phone she calls security how many of you are proud of the 16 year old I wanted to kill the man and give my daughter an award she hits the down button and she starts going down in the elevator with her friend you see isaiah 54:17 just jumped up in my spirit like crazy you see she went downstairs they got ahold the security and security went back upstairs to try and find the sky but i want to take you and i want to take you into the passion bible if you don't have it you might know it in the King James and it says no weapon formed against you will prosper and every tongue that rises up against you will be cut off shown to be in the wrong but I want to tell you in the passion translation it says I promise you this is a promise from God no takers it says no weapon meant to hurt you will succeed here's the thing the generational curse that stopped me the generational curse was now coming after Ashton but you see we know how to pray we know how to declare the blood we are in shirts we are in small groups we have gone through growth track we're showing up for midweek we're filling up on YouTube during the week no we know our rights our rights are listed right here we know the contract and isaiah 54:17 says I promise you says god no weapon not even a 250 pound 30 something year old man who's got two kids standing in his underwear over your daughter's bed he might be able to stand there but he ain't gonna be able to do [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] tell your other neighbor make the devil pay no weapon her friends 85 pounds this man's 250 pounds her friend is saying why are you in my room she's just waking up she's a teenager she doesn't know what to do not he could have sat on her the weapon may be fault but the power of God will take a mostly naked men and leave him frozen by the edge of your bed so he can't do nothing I don't know what you're worried about I don't know what you're losing sleep about but this is what I know the weapon may be farmed but I promise you says God no weapon meant to hurt you will succeed and you will refute every accusing word spoken against you this promise it's on the screen what is it it's a is the inheritance of Yahweh's God's servants their vindication is from me says Yahweh now I want to give you a scripture because I can make you shout but that shout ain't gonna save you what saved Ashton was God and her knowledge of what to do so that's what I'm doing with you right now scream bloody murder run and get somewhere public right taught her that I'm teaching you isaiah 54:17 i'm teaching you know your promise well you can't build the doctrine on one scripture that's why I'm taking you somewhere else go to Psalm 18 verse 2 I like the good news translation it says Lord the Lord is my protector you see he's my strong Fortis my God is my protection and with him I am safe he protects me like a shield I firmly believe there was a shield between that man and my daughter there was a shield a shield of faith what charts you at we're teaching you faith right now so here's the thing we get scared we get scared when the devil shows up and we start doubting we start saying everything but faith we start oh my god I always knew this what happened to me and all of a sudden we are eroding our shield of faith and opening up a door for the enemy you got to be here you got to be taught you got a study you got to be in your small group you got to be in her growth track you got to be pursuing God because it's not just the blessings of God that he gives you it's the hell that you miss he protects me like a shield he defends me and he keeps me safe it made me think of Daniel 6 when Daniel goes in the lion's den in Austin Austin said he had some fun with lions he's been with us royal palm when Austin was there when we had the circus conference and Mikey the lion was there that kind of freaks me out I should have put some footage up here we had this lion and he was in this cage but nobody could see him he was like in this cage back there and we had a black cloth over it so the crowd couldn't see Mikey but I could see Mikey and Mike was good was a full grown man and then they had this cage in there and so for the message I was getting in the cage and Mikey was in there and they opened the door Mikey was supposed to come out and be with me and he was supposed to be tame and calm and all the things and Mikey was sleeping so here I am in a cage with a lion and how many of you would be pretty nervous they have this chicken wire stuff kind of but how much how many of you know you really wouldn't want to count on some real thin chicken wire to hold back a lion who decided he was hungry so he was in there and he wouldn't get up so they started throwing raw chicken in the cage next to me I'm trying to like think and make sense and they're throwing chicken and I'm like no and so it's kind of like right now I'm distracted because it got worse they took a broom handle because my keys still one waking up so they took a broom handle and they started poking him with the end of a broom handle and that's when I went I'm out I'm out because because Lions Lions Lions get hungry lions are big long beans are strong lions can outrun us Lions can outweigh us lions can outfight us science can out teeth as lions have so many things and did you know in the Bible Lions snakes and Dragons are signs of the enemy so in first Peter 5:8 let's coordinate this lion just a little bit in first Peter 5:8 it says be well-balanced as this passion translation as well I'm in love with the passion translation right now be well balanced and always alert because your enemy now here's where I have to pause for just a minute and go a little bit deep with you you want to understand your contract you want to know what to do when you don't know what to do and you want to know why you have the right to do that so in the Greek ante the Coase is the word anti-d Coast's is the word for enemy right there and anti D coast because the God gave me a word of knowledge when I was studying this this is gonna apply to somebody here in this right now anti D Coast is a legal term for one who presses a lawsuit that must be defended and it is not going to prosper I don't know who that's for today I don't know who that's talking to but there's somebody that you're concerned about a lawsuit that is coming against you and this word is for you right here and say the weapon may be formed and they may be form in that lawsuit and they may be pressing legal action and they may be telling you gonna vote foreclosed on the house but weapon may be formed but it is not gonna press somebody there is a house we had one time and we sold it by owner because we didn't have to list it I mean the house these people were circling our house like crazy so it was very easy to sell it and they were real friendly to us and even before we sold it they came over to David's birthday party and so we sold them the house we went to closing it was our anniversary with October 4th and we went on the closing of the house and we signed the papers they went after us they signed the papers and then they came out and they went that was fun well what-what just changed they said yeah we're gonna sue y'all we're gonna own your house and keep our money what do you mean you're gonna sue us they're like oh yeah you see it when we were looking at the house we found some problems with the house so we're gonna sue you and we're not gonna have to pay you we just got your house for free suckers that's what I wish I would have done but instead I went and left and I was like shaking and I was mad and I was hurt and I was kind of ready to cry and you ever been in a position where like you had all the emotions at one time so these people we didn't know what to do so we just kept living life but they would call us on our phone just at random times actually that's not exactly true they would call us on our phone at what would seem to be random times but they were strategic by the enemy they would call us right before we would do an interview with TBN they would call us right before it was time to minister they would call us right before we would walk into pray for somebody who was sick you see the enemy the lion goes about let's go back to first Peter 5:8 for a second be well-balanced and alert because your enemy or anti-d Coast's the person that's coming up and is gonna raise up against you and threaten to take those things from you try and take what is yours try and take what they shouldn't try and scheme you and connive you they're gonna rise up and it says the devil roams around incessantly like a roaring lion looking for the prey hook it looking looking for the prey huh hoo hoo can I who can i devour oh yeah some people are like me I want to be devoured like literally waving at me like Jimmy Jimmy looks like he wants to eat your face you don't to be to look in for who he may devour that's why you have to have up the shield so let's go back to Isaiah 54 right I promise you no weapon meant to hurt you will succeed in your feud every cruising word spoken against you this promise is the inheritance of Yahweh's service it is a vindication Psalm 82 he protects me like a shield here's what we can't do are you are you liking this we cannot take down our own shield because the devil comes around and he goes I'm gonna get you I'm gonna break into your room I'm gonna come to your house I'm gonna take your money I'm gonna repossess your car I'm gonna eat you up with cancer here's what I'm gonna do you're never gonna sleep again you're never gonna be happy again you're gonna be stuck here with me I'm gonna follow you around you're never gonna make it out of this job sometimes I wonder why I do all this stuff for laundry I don't even know I'll do that I remember one time we had a family member and the family member was getting divorced we had never met the person that the family member had gotten divorced from but since we were the pastor's of the church they thought well we'll sue y'all have big church buildings and we'll see your church they had never been to the church they didn't live in this state we had never met them the very first phone call we get from them while we're at church in our office the very first phone call we get is hi yeah I'm gonna sue you I think it's very important to know the first part of Daniel 6 and the story of Daniel in the lion's den let's go to the first part of Daniel 16 y/o 65 so Daniel is basically minding his own business and while he's minding his own business says the men said we shall not find any charge against this Daniel unless we find it against him concerning the law of his God you see you can be doing everything right Ashton didn't do anything wrong the hotel those sweet people that they are said well what about sure what about your daughters well what were they wearing where where do they meet this guy uh-huh what time did he knock down the door I said you're messing with the wrong girl I said you see my 16 year old is the most upset about the fact that this whole situation in four hours with the police officers is threatening to make sure that she doesn't go back to st. Louis to miss worship night she's upset that she might miss Church on New Year's Eve y'all are messing with the wrong people come on somebody you could be doing everything right and then I was very not very nice to the man I hadn't seen him I still haven't seen him but I said from what I understand he is not young he is not thin and he is not cute he's that age these are kid age you said that he's on their floor he said that he'd never met them before they said that they never met him before what are you trying to insinuate here this man broke into their room he failed your door failed get this the world will fail you at keeping the devil out you can't trust in horses you can't trust in chariots but you can't trust in the Lord your God form a shield and protects you when it looks like nothing else can protect you the devil roars or roams around incessantly like a roaring lion looking for its prey to devour the implication of that is if we don't take our worries if we don't take our cares and take them straight to God the devil will try and use depression if you've been depressed I'm talking to you the devil will use discouragement if you've been fighting discouragement I'm talking to you because there's a lion after you and I'm helping you put up your shield if you Lions will go after the weak they will go after the young they will go after the stragglers they will go after the young in the Lord you might be 58 years old but you just got saved last year anybody who looks isolated which is why you need to be in a small group anybody who looks alone which is why you better get in that connect group we got some starting in a couple of weeks you need to be checking him out that's who he's looking to break off in devour if there's a teenager alone in a room at a hotel that God wouldn't have broke in if we were in our room the devil did it cuz we were in a different room you got a stay but then you got to be like Ashton you gotta be like Ashton you need to do the two things that she did she stood up and she said get out get get out come on somebody when the enemy comes against you you stand up and you say not today say you guys I'm saying get out depression get out shame get up [Music] just get out turn you'll never tell them get out lets up no you can stay you can stay you can say you can step you got to get out you got to tell the enemy get out you got to tell the enemy what to do not today Satan you get out of my house I bind you up and I rebuke you I got 3 minutes and 19 seconds have you got to be kidding me Oh Mia cuz I wanted to tell you all how to pray okay here's the deal wait pray slay is Thursday morning at 7:00 a.m. on wake bracelet I'm going to teach you about how to declare the blood of Jesus why you can declare the blood of Jesus what the blood of Jesus does I'm gonna teach you the prayer binding and loosing and I'm gonna teach you how to pray the prayer binding and loosing and I'm gonna tell you the pro binding loosing that I pray every day in my life alright y'all know wake brace life it's my facebook life 7:00 a.m. every Thursday and if you're at Central so it's 8 a.m. for Florida if you already at work and go back and watch it later but there's two things you get out get out get out and then you run to the feet of Jesus you run that's the thing don't never ever if anybody ever comes up to me and wants my stuff I don't give it to them I will give you my ring I will give you my dank got fake hair right now but if it wasn't I would give it to you I'll give you my purse I'll give you my shoes what do you want I will give it to you there is nothing that you possess that is worth your life if they want it I will give it to them I got insurance I got cops I got security cameras and I got a gun as soon as you leave you better pray I'll catch you right you get out you get out you got you run you run to the feet of Jesus because here's the here's the confusion with a lot of Christians a lot of Christians think well now that I'm a Christian if I'm a good Christian I won't have any problems I think a bunch of good Christians was just laughing that's what we were just learning right from the beginning of the Daniels story and we'll fly through that really fast but good bad things happen to good people it's not that problems and trials won't come but it's that in the midst of the trial the Lord will protect us in the midst Lord will protect us in the myths in Psalm 91 verse 5 I love it in the passion translation you'll never worry about an attack of demonic forces at night here's who I'm talking to right now I want to see the hands of the people whether you're watching online royal palm Sunset Hills whatever campus you're at I want to see the hands of the people that nighttime thoughts have been coming to you and they've been plaguing to you the scripture students come on tell the devil who you say hey double so hey hey devil this is the last time you can talk to me at night because I know the word and here's what the word says the word says you never have to worry about an attack of demonic forces at night nor have to fear a spirit of Darkness coming against you that's what was coming against Ashton we were in a dark Sin City they have all kinds of darkness there and that darkness tried to gather up and come against my daughter but the next verse says you don't have to fear a thing whether by day or by night demonic danger will not trouble you nor will the powers of evil be launched against you even in a time of disaster with thousands being killed oh my gosh did you see all the news family and I ran and there's a thing in the bombing and oh my gosh and I think they have nuclear weapons and if they do and whatever they bombs over here and I mean I've got friends over there I've got family over there I got my I've got relationships in the military I got friends that are contractors you're tearing down your shield with doubt what do we do we take our ground and we tell the devil get out get out get out and we run to the feet of Jesus because he is our fortress he is our defense we will not be moved no weapon formed against us will prosper every time they the cutoff is shown to be wrong he is our CEO and we will be safe you know many Jewish scholars when they read this they say that this is not just this scripture because this scripture in other verses say ten thousand may thousand may fall at one side and ten thousand at your left it says it wasn't talking about natural disasters it says it was talking about spiritual darkness that comes and they said that spiritual darkness is translated in the Bible from the Hebrew they call it the arrows that fly by day so they might be flying missiles they might be flying rapes there might be flying bullets in your neighborhood they might be flying layoffs at your job they might be flying losses in your losing clients they might be flying in foreclosure at you they might be flying those lawsuits they might be flying a diagnosis and your aunt might have got breast cancer your mom about breast cancer now every time you feel yourself you think you got alone no you stand up you feel yourself and you say devil get out get out get out and you run to the feet of Jesus and here's what happens when you run the enemy he might try to chase you but just like Ashton ran down that hallway and she got to the elevator she looked back and the enemy was gone that's what will happen when that ruined lion comes up and he's coming he's coming you DM me he's coming but that's all right we're armed we're ready we're prepared we have the word we're faith church we got a group we got strong people around us and those people will remind us come on somebody they will tell us to tell the enemy well you run you run they be going like a man's make his clothes left in the hallway they run they look back he's gone you know where the man was when the security went checked on him later he was sleeping in their hotel room that's how messed up he was the enemy will render the vessel that he uses he happened to use this guy data to bow wrapped his whole life he was so out of his mind he said when they went to get him he said they said what are you doing in this room he said I'm sleeping in my hotel room his next move was to get in bed with a woman that was not his wife drunk out of his mind thinking it was his wife get this this is gonna trip you out God's grace and mercy that held him back off my daughter wasn't just for my daughter it was also for the man [Applause] Jesus was just to save your enemy he'll put you in that situation so that you can stand and see how good that he is he's saving you he's delivering you he's loving you he's restoring you he's redeeming you he's lifting you up he's me you might be in the pit with the lion so let's go to Daniel I'm a couple minutes over then we'll wrap up in a second but they go and when they Daniel did these things wrong so they throw him in a pit and they throw him in the pit with all these lions and then if Ashton if you come up here he gets in a pit with all these lions and they have to put a stone over the opening to the pit so he's there at night he has to spend the night and then they put a stone over the opening and I can't imagine that that must have felt but like the closing of a coffin they closed the door the fact that he made it down there and they didn't start attacking him before he got there and then they put a stone as if I'm never going to see the sky again and he sat there he knew he wasn't in there for five minutes he wasn't in there for 15 minutes rawa he was in there oh wow he'd done nothing wrong and yet done nothing wrong what did you do poor girl had the flu hurt her arms better neck check and the king didn't want Daniel to end up in there and so the King comes running and he has them take the stone off the door in the morning and he comes and he's like Daniel Daniel Daniel are you okay are you okay and get what the King said the Daniel he said Daniel Oh Daniel servant of the Living God the fact that you're here changes everything the fact that you're seeking God changes everything the fact that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior over your life it changes everything it says is my God whom you serve continually able to deliver you from the Lions you see God isn't just here for you he's not just delivering you for you he's delivering you so all the people will see how good he is how strong he is I'm telling you right now your delivery is not just for you it's for your neighbors your enjoy bears not just for you it's for your unsaved family your delivery is not just for you [Applause] [Music] well nice a double play [Music] you
Channel: Crank Ministries
Views: 5,023
Rating: 4.8444443 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Nicole Crank, Nicole Crank, Faith Church,, church in St. Louis, jubilee, fear, worry, anxiety, depression, discouragement, enemy, attacks, peace, faith, shield, shield of faith, protection, crank ministries, david crank, nicole crank, pastor nicole, woman preacher, st louis, missouri, west palm beach, st. louis, mental health, health, waiting on god, obedience, stl, live deeper, mental illness
Id: K5u2Cch3eZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 0sec (2040 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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