Mirror, Mirror - Pastor Nicole Crank

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well good morning faith Church are you ready to praise God are you ready to feel better are you ready for God inside of you to shine on the outside of you are you ready for the power of God to infuse with your spirit for you to realize you are not who you think you are you are who God thinks you are amen you are on social media anybody ever heard of a thing called snapchat well snapchat I'm not very good at snapchat and I was actually going to get rid of it as soon as they Instagram stories came out snapchat is this thing where you can do like 10 seconds of video or picture and people like tell their story on it it's just kind of a new thing and you don't have to like it and you don't comment on it so it's it's something that's not super interactive you just kind of put your stuff out there but snapchat I found out is not gonna go away even though Instagram who has more followers on it is is come out with this thing because of this one little feature that they have they have this feature called filters have you all seen these filters these filters are so much fun because you can get on there as a female I'm gonna show you guys a couple filters that gentlemen I recommend you don't use you can get on there with no makeup and look make yourself look so cute and so adorable you can make yourself a Disney character so I went ahead and took a couple of pictures on my snapchat filters and there's me as a little Hawaiian princess guys wouldn't you look adorable like that and then here's me as a dear and that is how people post things and that's how I like to think of myself and just woke up like this right but the truth of the matter is when I wake up I walk by the mirror and occasionally I scream because I scare myself they have these other filters on snapchat that when I sent the pictures pastor Morgan our creative pastor called and she said oh my gosh you're so brave are you really gonna show those well I was until she said that and this is more of how we see ourselves this is our reality those other filters are what we wish it would be and these filters are kind of what we see when we look in the mirror and here's a couple of the filters there's another picture go ahead give another one there's me with this give them another picture that's how we walk by the mirror and we see ourselves we walk by the mirror and we see her flaws we see the zit the eyebrows that aren't there in the nose that's too big the lips that are too thin the wrinkles that just keeps showing up no matter how much you pay for that dumb cream they lie about that cream and it's not just limited to physical we walk by the proverbial near we walked by the proverbial mirror and we see that part of our personality that man I just tried to be outgoing or I just couldn't make myself shut up that's my problem baby or man there's that personality trait I wish I would just stop getting angry in a flash and we commit to not doing that anymore and then we do it one more time you get anybody know what I'm talking about we walk by the mirror and we look and we see our faults and our problems and we see why we can't get there the barriers to the next level the fact that well that must not just be for me because I don't think I can get there we get stuck when we look in the mirror we think we're not enough and we miss the beautiful things because you see here's the really great thing about God he doesn't look at us and see us with the yucky filters with a little teeny eyes you hold 18 mouth he doesn't look at us and even see us as we are today when God looks at us he sees us in the filter of him under the filter of Jesus he sees us perfect he sees our skin perfect he sees our heart perfect he sees everything perfect about us somebody give God a good hand clap afraid he's want to come on y'all you're my early folks Adam so look at your neighbor and say God sees you perfect looked at your other neighbor and said I don't know you like that yet so I want to talk to you today about Moses Moses had 12 spies that he was sending into the Promised Land so there's these 12 guys he picks a leader from every tribe and there's gonna go into the Promised Land and bring back a report what is the land like is the fruit really there we heard the land flows with milk and honey is it true who lives there now and how much of a problem is it going to be when we go in there and tell them they can't live here anymore this is now our space God gave it to us and we explained it to him like that are they gonna leave or is it gonna be a fight tell us what's going on guys so these twelve guys go into the land for 40 days and 40 nights and sure enough that land is sweet mmm milk honey everywhere grapes the size of a man's oh they brought back FIGS they brought that Palma great they had to like get a log and put it between him and drape the stuff on it it was so big these brothers went in looking anorexic they came out looking like they've been on a cruise it was good it was so good and they get back and here's what they say in numbers 13 numbers 13 the people are all what's going on what's going buzzin everywhere so Caleb one of the twelve it says he quiets the people before Moses and said let's go up at once and take possession for we are well able to overcome it overcome overcome is the word that lets you know that there's a little bit of work involved right here's the thing about our prayers to God so many times we want to pray and let go and just like God like you do everything you drop it in my lap you just bring it to me let me know when it's over and then I'll just walk into my miracle right in and one reason we want God to do that I want to subject to you today is because we don't think we have what it takes to get there even with God because we get so stuck looking in the mirror looking in this mirror of why I can see y'all I'm watching you mm-hmm I see you wait dude quit picking your nose man but we look in this proverbial mirror and immediately I see that this hair is missing me and my hair I just can't get Texas hair on what Texas hair but I'm in Missouri in Florida that doesn't work you know we want these things to happen and we want it to be different but it doesn't work out that way and we start limiting God due to our human limitations faith has to speak he said we're well able to possess the land we're well able to overcome it let's go faith speaks everybody say faith speaks but it goes on to say but the men who had gone up with him said hmm no we're not able to go up against the people for they're stronger than we are that's how we see the problem so many times we see the problem as bigger than we are and you know what I'm gonna tell you this that's absolutely true most the time the problem is bigger than we are but the problem is not bigger than our God is we get so focused looking at us in this mirror we're not supposed to look at us in the mirror we're supposed to be more he focused than me focused we're not supposed to see a reflection of ourselves we're supposed to receive a reflection of who our God is and who we are in Christ Jesus amen so verse 32 they gave the children of Israel a bad report of the land which they'd spied out saying the land through which we have gone in their spies is a lamb that devours its inhabitants and all the people we saw in it are men of great stature there we saw Giants I am adopted and now I know where my people are that's where they were they were giants and that's where I'm from it says they were the sons of anak I must have had an uncle anak for those of you who want to know how tall I am without the shoes it's 511 with these particular shoes I'm about 6 - mm-hmm just what it is what it is my pants are too short it's in style so digging it right now Oh like this works for me I also like it when they're cuffed because then you just can't tell how short my pants really are you just know I roll them up things you didn't need to know that was free no charge for that so the sons of anak we were like grasshoppers in our own sight and so we were in their sight leave that scripture up on the screen for just a minute I want you to look at that very last line we were like what grasshoppers grasshoppers not only in our own sight we decided how the enemy saucers well we saw ourselves as small so we automatically decided that our enemy sauce is small the person that we were against sauce is small the person were competing with sauce is small automatically we are small in everybody's eyes just because we happen to look in this mirror and think hmm oh no you see they said cancer if they had said cold or flu I could believe God over that if they had such cholesterol this is a battle that I could go into but you see they said cancer so in I'm just gonna fall on the floor and cry and talk about how it's not fair what's not fair what's not fair we live in a cursed world and we serve a blessed God we can't get on the floor with the enemy we got to get up and say God with you I could walk through all things I am a I'm a victor I'm an overcomer greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world I go over and not under I'm the head and not the tail I am above and not beneath [Applause] [Applause] you're eating what I'm serving y'all getting spiritually fat don't worry you ain't got to work that off with calories so they got me this new old toy here and cuz they wanted to work with technology works better with our stuff okay okay I'll figure it out I'm the girl who Ashton is 12 if I want an app on my phone I hand her my phone I say get me the app teach me how to use Instagram right I don't not my gym so they give me this thing and design into this thing it recognizes your face the first time you get it it takes a picture of you you want in it looks at you and you get in you don't have to remember codes or like this is really cool until the next day the next day I get up in the morning to go study with it I show it my face does not recognize user I promise you I'm like well I'm down like this I'm gonna hold it a little higher does not recognize user maybe I'm too far away does not recognize user five times until then it asks me to enter a password that they didn't give me does not recognize user not even my surface pro recognizes me when I don't think I'm where I'm supposed to be in other people's eyes beware beware of seeing yourself in other people's eyes you know the way other people see us so many times is dependent upon how they see themselves is important how we see ourselves so that we can see others in the fullness that God created them we cannot let our happiness live in another man's head because you don't know what they're thinking thank you very much I appreciate that now I dunno what most people are thinking when they meet me we already addressed it in the service if I go out in the lobby I will hear at least six times you're so much taller than you are on TV to which my answer is usually get a bigger TV so most people when they meet me they think I'm tall but then after that after that what are they thinking about us you know I remember it I got a job and when I came in I was new and there were people on this team that I was working with and there was this one guy on the team he's just kind of like aloof and standoffish and I could tell he did not like me right so I tried to befriend them I tried to be nice to him I wasn't even sure he bothered to learn my name and there's only like six people on this team and I'm like how am I gonna work on this team if I can't get through to this guy can't get along with him so about two three weeks into working there he sent out an email about a problem he was having and he in that with I'm raining on the inside and I'm like a product of the 90s that is Amy Grant you guys remember her what's her famous oh oh I love Timmy grant right so I'm like oh so I typed like the next few lines of the song back to him and said hey man I got your back I know how you're feeling and put a few lines of the song immediately my phone rings and I pick it up and he says hey I didn't know you know that song and I'm like well you know I'm a fan of Amy Grant I could really tell how you were feeling today and I just wanted to encourage you he's like really I said yeah he said man when you started here I thought you didn't like me I said what he said no I could just tell you didn't like me I'm like well that's really funny because I didn't think you liked me don't let your happiness live in another person's head you don't know what they're thinking about first Timothy 4:12 says don't let anyone say nobody look at who you came with and tell them nobody look at the other person on your other side you don't know and say and even you don't let anyone think less of you and this scripture says because you're young so this is Paul Paul is raising up a new leader this leader is really young he's obviously too young to do the job in most people's eyes Paul is telling him don't worry about how other people see you God has seen you God has called you God has ordained you God has purposed you God has placed you don't worry about how the other people see you don't let anyone tell you what you are not what you need to do is listen to who God tells you that you are [Applause] and you might just need to change your minds change your minds about what people are thinking of you change your mind about what you're looking at romans 12:2 says and be not conformed to this world be not shoved into those ugly filters on snapchat and the thinking about yourself because you can't think great of yourself and I'm even gonna submit to you today because you might be thinking about that person who thinks so highly of themselves you can't hardly stand them like oh my gosh when they walk in the room just puke oh my gosh myself since we went nine days earlier with Amy Grant gag me with a spoon so you're thinking about that person most of the time when I get down deep with those people the reason they act that way is because they're the most insecure person in the room you know a lot of my pastor friends so they're up in front of people all the time and you know what I found out about pastors where most the most insecure bunch of people you ever want to meet constantly trying to please people and make everybody happy don't let your happiness be in another man's head don't worry about what the other people are thinking about you they're probably not thinking about you they're probably thinking about them and if they puff themselves up realize they feel that much smaller on the inside but they got to pretend to be big on the outside cuz they're so worried about what you're thinking about them and what you think is all they think about is them and they don't think about themselves they're thinking about what you think about them so they're trying to perform for you and it's a big monkey show Romans 12:2 don't go to the monkey show is what it says be not conformed to this world it's gonna wrap you up you're gonna do junk you don't have time for you're gonna do stuff you don't even want to do you be you you want to get your nails done for you you do it you don't want to get your nails done you don't you want to wear weave because you might get been there it just takes one bad haircut ladies you want weave you get it you don't want weave you don't don't do it for anybody else but your spouse okay so let's pause this is not part of my message how much time do I have this is not part of my message but when you get married ladies when you get married gentlemen you got to do what you did to get the person to keep the person so if you like to eat you order dessert on the first date not a salad [Applause] my first date with Pastor Dave I don't even know where we're going on this message Holy Spirit's leading me right now we're saving marriages first date with Pastor David we go to that we go to TGI Fridays I don't really know the guy at all we haven't had one-on-one conversation just group conversations we sit down he said would you like to order and I said yes he said you order first and I said I'll take a hot fudge sundae he said we're here for dinner and I said I know and believe it or not the very thing that you think will turn other people off is what they actually like about you he comes back and he says that's exactly what my dad does when he goes out to dinner and his dad is his best friend God used it as a sign to confirm I was just being snarky if you're gonna wear the we've to get the guy where the we've to keep the guy if you're gonna be skinny the gentleman to get the girl don't get your chest of drawers after you get married do you know what a chest of drawers is it's when your chest falls down to your drawers [Applause] you came with somebody today tell him I'm keeping you baby so that was free don't take it out my time you already dead thank you very much Julie's making me behave so say mirror mirror on the wall shut up we have a tendency to walk by sight and to not walk by faith and second Corinthians 5:7 says to walk by faith and not by sight the problem with that is when we walk by sight we believe what we see in this mirror I see in this mirror I have a little mark right here I see in this mirror my pants are not leather they're pleather and I marked them on the way here so now it looks like I have a dot on my pants we see the faults in us because we believe what we see and God doesn't see us for who we are God sees us for who we are becoming and we need to be able to see through God's eyes the eyes of things and the reason that we have to be able to see through God's eyes is because if we don't we will get stuck we will get stuck in this place and this is not as far as God has called you to go if you have gray hair I want to talk to you right now if you have gray hair and you have colored in another color you don't have to raise your hands but I'm talking to you right now and I have a very specific message for you you're not done yet you are not done yet matter of fact I'm not so sure you even got it started yet you see you think technology is faster than you and you're not sure that you can keep up and and you're counting yourself out of the race in terms of influence and I'm coming to you with this is a word from God right now it's not in my notes I'm here to tell you right now you're not done yet you haven't started yet you need to get up you need to get involved you need to take your place and God says we go from faith to faith from glory to glory and from victory to victory and you are so far from what God has purposed and destined for you on this earth you need to not stop dreaming and think it's my sunset years you need to wake up and you need to start dreaming again there are people that need you they need to get they need your voice they need your love they need your mentoring and I'm here to tell you without you we can't do it we can't do it without you taking your place and the enemy will try and stop you and get you stuck to not take you your place because you look in the mirror and you see what used to be and where you are now and I'm here to tell you the mirror is a liar Amir is a liar we go as far as Isis we believe we can and that's not what we're called to do we're called to go as far in life as God believes we can a men so we need to get our eyes off of us and get our eyes on God how do we see God well the 11 spies response talked about how they saw God they saw God is not big enough so God told them you can't go the other spies responded and they saw God we're well over we're well able to overcome and go and possess the land they saw God as able in them so they were allowed to go you see when the ten spies looked and they saw in the mirror reflecting their inadequacy and the two spies saw the mirror reflecting their God God never called us or intended us to think that we could do it alone God called us and intended us to know I can't do it God I need you he said I know you can't do it I know you need me what I needed you to know was that you need me and that you didn't do it by yourself so you when we look in the mirror it reflects his strength his power his ability his authority not ours say right now say in God I couldn't do it and there's no way that you can look at him and see his power and not see you differently because he's on the inside of you he's shining up through you well I don't I don't know about that oh yeah when God looks at you he doesn't see you as small and insignificant he sees you as created on purpose and for a purpose 2nd Corinthians 5:17 says if anyone is in Christ he is a new creature old things have passed away all things every single one of them have become new when you get get in Christ so you might be saying I've been saved 20 years I've been in Christ but so I don't see myself that way so it must not have worked for me no you can get your thinking in Christ and out of Christ every single day you can get yourself your thinking in Christ an out of Christ in an hour visions 2:10 for we are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus why were we created to do good works that says well why are we created to do good works because God prepared it beforehand that we should walk in them you're on purpose you were intended you are destined God put all of this together for a reason and you were an integral part of his plan he not only wants you to take your place he not only cares if you take your place he needs you he needs you to take your place and power and is Lorien is blessing because as others see you give lest they're gonna ask how you did it and it will give you the opportunity to share how good god has been to you and lead them right to Christ amen every head bowed and every eye closed father God in the name of Jesus God we thank you God we repent of God factoring you out God we just invites you in right now and we're sorry for thinking we're not enough we don't we Dupree we forget you created us but God you are creation you made us you purposed us and God thank you for that so right now god I pray your power I pray your encouragement I pray your love I pray your strength rise up on the inside on each and every one of your precious children and as they do God I declare in the name of Jesus the doors of opportunity are opening and that they are stepping into that destiny that you thought about them for from the very beginning of the earth God that we know who we are in you and you will never leave us and you will never forsake us so by today on purpose we step up and we look at you and we say no we're not filthy rags no because we are in Christ Jesus he makes us new he makes us strong got you bless us and love us in Jesus name we pray amen na all right [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Crank Ministries
Views: 2,510
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: mirror, Nicole, Faith, Fun Church, Nicole Crank, Pastor Nicole, best church, st louis, funny preacher, beautiful preacher, woman preacher, hi god, snapchat, flaws, wrinkles, big mouth, faults, problems, barriers, I am stuck, negative, pessimist, Faith Church, faithchurch.com
Id: Npgb33isWOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2016
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