What's Your Obstacle? - Pastor Nicole Crank

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hey well then I'm so excited to be with y'all online campus I love the feedback that y'all give me even between the services on Instagram and Facebook I'm fasting other but I'm looking at mine and responding I'm like oh I just love the church family love I love family don't you and do you love charge do you love church golfclap charts or do you love charge like god is better than the Cardinal church disaster quite far as my I look like that you know I love church but how many of you had like an obstacle to get here today the outfit didn't work you couldn't find your shoe where are my car keys the kids won't behave oh my gosh I spilled my coffee anybody have any obstacles all campuses Leslie Leslie Leslie the obstacles just happen to jump up in the way when we were on vacation last year David saw somebody jump off of a mountain with a parachute and the pilot in him looked up in the sky and said I want to do that Nicole whatever we do on vacation next year make sure I get to do that and I'm like oh okay and then he doesn't just want to do it himself he wants me to do it too I love that man so he'll do anything for him so we booked the vacation and we found a place where you can jump off a mountain with a parachute so we go to do this thing and the person that they put me with because there's a pilot I piloting a parachute is kind of a big deal and so they put me with a pilot and the problem is I brought a picture to kind of show you what was happening I am really tall and she was really short my waistline is here her waistline is there well what difference does that make well to get off the ground what you do is you have to run and you don't run and jump off like a cliff and to kind of help you visualize that I brought a picture of where we ran and jumped from you run it's a really steep hill and they find a flatter part of that really steep hill if y'all could show that picture the flatter part of that really steep hill and you see that guy keep like almost fallen off the hill if he could go on right so you're supposed to run off that hill before you hit those trees because you know if you get too close to those trees you're like what are you trying to get all known but that's a bad idea so the problem is in cameraman you might want to go why because I don't want Weldon to miss this the problem with that is I run like this and my little short friend she runs like this and she says here's how we go to get off the ground I'm gonna tell you run run run and you're gonna run and you're going to feel the parachute fill up with air it's going to pull back on you and you just run harder like I can do that then she says it whatever you do don't look at the ground because that's where you'll end up look at the other mountain and that's where you're going to go I don't like her but I'm like so many spiritual lessons when you feel the parachute pull back don't stop when you don't look down this for you know Marlo she has wisdom but I still don't like her so we start running she's like run run run so I'm running I'm looking up now looking up that runs but I'm feeling the ground like and she's she lied to me the parachute doesn't pull back on you the parachute feels like you're in a small car accident you go and she's like run run run I'm like I'm trying to but I'm in a backbend you know you're like run run run and I start running and all of a sudden someone catches us and we start going right and we're start we're literally falling on grouchy before abort abort so I stopped running and I start falling on the ground I'm just here to tell you between the fear and the fact that the CIA is not recruiting me for my cat-like prowess we ended up on the ground I didn't want to do it again there's always a good reason to stop that's always a good reason to stop that what do you see I can't do I can't I can't do that I'm 5 foot 11 I'm felt like it's a raff and his coordinate is a giraffe I can't I couldn't I shouldn't there's always there's always a good reason to stop matter-of-fact proverbs 20 to 13 says hey there's a lion in the road now wisdom tells you if there is a lion outside your house stay in fact there's always a good reason to stop relying on the road yeah you probably couldn't you probably shouldn't then you probably won't you know Michael Phelps the guy with all the the gold medals for swimming he said you know if you want to be the best you got to do things that other people aren't willing to do you got it you got to go early you got to go hard you can't give up when you lose you can't give up when you fall down you can't give up when you fail everybody wants to run when the marriage gets hard everybody wants to run when the job gets hard everybody wants to run when they've come to church three weeks in a row and God has it miraculously undone 25 years of of the stuff that we've done everybody wants to run how about staying and making it work the marriage with the graves being moral with the job losing weight actually serving at church getting the promotion I guarantee you this if you don't try for you're not going to get it we got to try try try what are you letting letting what are you letting stop you well I'm not letting anything stop me out like the way you said that oh well I didn't the Bible did Galatians 6 it says let us not become weary and doing good for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we don't give up if we don't what's the last two words now see now y'all are like when I talk right now no no if we don't wait because you're not gonna because God has more for you God has more for you weld and God has more god I speak I tell you right now this one no God is pulling on hearts and God is making adjustments and God is igniting things in your spirit during this message this message a message this message is a shift in what's happened in your life you didn't come this far only to get this far well I was on the ground David was in the air I had no pressure from him I could have been like oh we tried it didn't work but you left failing when nobody else see so you can tell the kind of story you won't tell most people most people they'll a lie let the mountain stop them they let the lion stop them they like oh they stop when it looks hard and they said he fell down one time like I did and they decide not to get up to hug on it these are my good jeans and I grasping them I don't want another grass stain I might be able to get it out but on the other side on the other side you see guys calling us to to climb obstacles and he's like you know I've got what I want you to do stuff just making sure nobody was mad at me there's ways that I've created for you to do stuff so it's manageable and you can do it I'm going to get way over here out of the light y'all are going to hate me but if you're going to come over here and try and do it on your own we went roboting on our vacation we jumped out of a rowboat swam in the ocean David gets right back in the rowboat me okay I need a workout just saying don't got it oh okay there's my workout God didn't create you to work that hard he's got an easier way he's got a way that he's lit up he's got a planned way and tell ya today I'm going to show you the way and I'm going to show you the way on purpose because there is a blessing on the other side of that obstacle he's over there saying you're going like this so much I know what I got for you it is a relief from what you have another relief Road what you have but it's incredible so I wanted to show you I didn't want to leave you in this story we got up and we weren't running and as we rented we got into the sky when we got into the sky I felt like an eagle it was beautiful 20 to 30 minutes of hang time no motors just a wind I believe I could die Wow soaring like with wings like eagles matter of fact I brought you a little video clip of it if you could turn that on for just one second with no there's us we are did it the second day the next day the guy brought a camera smart duty charged me 20 bucks for that video 4500 feet over the crowd I didn't like it I was afraid of it I didn't think I was talented enough to do it but I liked it the blessing was so good I said I wanna do it again tomorrow I tell you what when you get over your obstacle it's going to be so good weld and it's going to be so good online you're going to want to do it again tomorrow but you're looking folks people look at folks and be like yeah well you see you could I don't know what that is you know look at things and and you're going to be like well see that people do it like this and I tried I tried to do it this way but it didn't work for me because you see it's like the Israelites they tried they tried to walk around the mountain and they walked around the mountain and they got stuck for 40 years it did not work for them so you hope you if we can't do it that way Oh friends don't look at people's experience you can't look at people's experience because what they had experienced is because on pause and say they're in the physical and not in the spirit you don't have a physical problem if your note taker write this down you don't have a physical problem I don't care if it's a tumor I don't care if it's great I don't care if it's depression I don't care if you're flat broke I don't care if you don't have a way home you don't have a problem in the physical you have a problem in the spirit the reason I say that is because the spirit controls the physical well how can you say that well because if you go to Genesis 1 the very first verses people get confused which comes first the chicken the egg you got to have the chicken to have the egg you know you have chicken huh I don't know how it happens there which we don't get confused about is which came first God or light it says that God was in the darkness he'll have Mountain in London anymore so he said light B and like what the spirit controlled the physical the Spirit of God says and I want some mountains and they were and he said I'm going to give orders to the ocean and it did and I'll create gravity to keep people on the earth and he in the spirit regulates the temperature on the earth and the spirit keeps the planets aligned the spirit controls sophistical we don't have a physical problem we have a spiritual problem because when the Israelites walked around the mountain and it didn't work I'm really glad Joshua didn't let that stop him from walking around Jericho because all it took was seven days of walking one time a day and by the end of seven days he never had to lift a hammer the walls came a-tumblin down my friend don't look at what happens to people listen to this fear to God I want to help you stop tripping over what you're supposed to get victory over you're looking at what they did and you're saying well it didn't it didn't work it's not working for me this way God's like I didn't call you to walk around the mountain I know you I know how you are you're my baby I watched you I created you so with you I'm going to have you climb on your hands and knees and it's going to be so easy for you to just come up this way somebody else had slide right now but no not you that's how I created you you see there's several ways to deal with the mountain you can move the mountain like mark 11:23 we're going to go there in a second you could climb the mountain like like Abraham did right now he brought his son and his only son is a human sacrifice what might God be asking you to be willing to sacrifice to climb the mountain hairy question right so you can pulverize the mountain you can pulverize you you don't have to wait on God you can pulverize the mountain Isaiah 41 15 says behold God is talking he says I have made you everybody say that's me he says I have made you a new sharp thrusting sledge with a double edge and you everybody sing me you will Thresh the mountain and pulverize them and turn the hills into chaff not God you say me God has made you a molten mountain pulverizer in the spirit he's given you the spirit to be able to do this but it's not in the physical we have a physical problem we try to fix it in the physical and then we fail and then we start over and the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and not getting and expecting a different result friends I'm telling you we don't have a physical problem we have a spiritual problem and he doesn't want us to walk in that he doesn't want it to seem impossible he doesn't want us to look at life experience he doesn't want us to look at our experience because your friends so tell you oh no no no I tried that's impossible your parents will tell you it's impossible your boss will tell you it's impossible but I'm just here to tell you it might be impossible for them but with God all things are possible can I get a good amen move it pulverize it one hammer it what is God calling us to are we looking at our circumstances are we are we looking at our guide because if you're a note taker the thing you're looking at is the thing you have faith in well daddy had a heart attack mama had a heart attack and Gribble had a heart attack and home my heart's feeling funny I just know I just gonna have to cut down work no no no no no you're looking at the heart attack you have more faith in that than you do in God we have what we're looking at is what we have faith and we have to have faith in God because we need weapons in the spirit weapons in the spirit right because it's not the physical it's the spirit so weapons in the spirit how do we get weapon to the spirit 2nd Corinthians 10 verse 4 says for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal what is carnal mean it means physical the weapons of our warfare are not physical but they are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds what does that mean they're spiritual the weapons of our warfare are not physical they are spiritual that's when I get disheartened when people come to church for two or three weeks in a row and then they're like oh well I got suckered I got legs and the we're tired and then they start and things start not working they're like you know I don't think that God thing worked anyway right no no no you got to be close to him the closer you are to God the smaller your obstacle gets the closer you are to God the smaller the obstacle gets but when you get away from God and you join don't do anything I connect and you I don't need growth track enough you know Church I got a I'm going to miss for a couple weeks you take vacation I get that but but you know what I'm saying amen right you get me but the closer we get to the optional further the way we get from God the obstacle gets bigger God doesn't let big obstacles in our lives he wants us to be able to move mountains say I'm a mountain mover look at your neighbor and say I mean it yeah you are you're a mountain mover so how do you move mountains if you have your Bible today and I pray that you do and if you don't bring your Bible to church urghhh I want Catholic Anya let's me be in Catholic okay I was raised Catholic give me a break you got a ride in it you got to bring it you got to read it if it's electronic that's okay but you got to be able to circle stuff and highlight stuff and underline stuff and write stuff down when God pricks your heart about it because in two years and five years you're going to look back at it it's going to change your life you could be like but I've already been saved six weeks yeah but in two years from now it's going to affect your life so mark 11:22 the first of three things right in this passage that tells us how how to have weapons in the spirit and the first one says mark 11:22 jesus said have faith in God sounds easy but I really know what faith is faith is believing faith is believing are you believing in that problem because you're looking at that and it's big are you believing in God what you look at would you look at it it's what you have faith in the number one thing he says is have faith in God and if you go to Ephesians 6 it says above all take the shield of faith nor doesn't say Bible but says take the shield of faith wherewith you can quench every fiery darts of the enemy every Dart every dart every dirt no matter what he threw at you it's not a physical problem it's ASL campuses the spiritual problem it's a spiritual problem the shield of space will quench every fiery dart the number one is half a thereby say have faith number two you all just real quick on half-face I don't care where you I don't care if you've been a Christian 40 years and you've been in the faith walk and you believe God for big things God wants to increase your faith we're fasting for 30 days and invited y'all to to be a part of that as a church and as part of that God was speaking to David's heart he wrote some stuff down and he wanted me to say it every day so I open my guidebook and wrote on the back page and I read it every day and the bottom thing said because you're fasting you have more confidence in your prayer you shouldn't have more confidence in your prayer when you fast because you don't earn anything it's been dependent on me the whole time I was like that's good when he told me I wrote down it's good the problem is when I was reading it I would get so far as you have more confidence when you're fasting and that would get me because I'm like God I don't have more confidence and then he got on me and he said no you don't have more confidence when you're fasting because you don't have a cut enough confidence in me to begin with seasoned Christian friends we've got to believe bigger if we allow him out of the box if we allow him to stretch us if we will truly believe him for everything that he has what all does he have for you what all does he have for me what all does he have for our city what all does he have for our nation what all does he have for our children what all does he have for our legacy so number two is mark 11:23 and it says first shortly I say unto you whoever says says to the mountain so I say to you whoever says everybody say say whoever says to the mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and does not doubt in his heart so number two references number one right does not doubt in his heart because you got to have faith which means belief but believe those things which he says he will have whatsoever he says he will have whatsoever he says so first thing we got to do is believe the second thing we got to do is we got to say and then the third thing we got to do I'll just quick story can can I have one second so back when we were opening the earth city campus there was this inspector and we were about two weeks to opening we built out 125,000 square feet in ten weeks which is a miracle of God all by itself and so we're about two weeks out and we have Joyce Meyer coming to dedicate the building at our very first service and the guy said you're not going to be open with your temporary occupancy on that date because I'm going to fail you and I said well we got two weeks tell me what's wrong we'll fix it it's my project I'm like on offer like let me fix it and he said no I'm not going to tell you to the day of your temporary occupancy inspection that day you're not having that service of that lady Oh obstacle right what do you do with that some stuff is out of your control your problem is not physical your problem is problem is spiritual so we're just going to say we're going to save this building for me open we're going to say this building's going to be open we're going to say this building to be open so we're just confessing it we're believing it we're praying it and we're moving forward and about a week later it's inspection time and the guy doesn't show up another guy comes and I said hey where's Werth where's our guy he said oh he went on vacation he was supposed to be back but he hurt his knee he's not going to be back for a few weeks Foom mmm-hmm you know I don't play football but I could do the touchdown dance mmm and so about eight weeks later because we needed our final occupancy this this person comes back and I said man what happened he said craziest thing he said I went on vacation I hurt my knee I said we mountain biking what he said no I was sleeping I woke up and I couldn't walk I said well what did you get surgery or physical therapy what happened he said no I was in bed for weeks and I woke up another morning and I could walk again God can handle our problems friend I'm telling you he's got this we have to have faith we have to say and we're going to skip to 24 and go to 25 mark 11:25 says and when you say I'm praying because you got to pray if you have anything against anyone what's that next word yeah that's Rick it's hard all right forgive forgive forgive forgive forgive him so that's your father who's in heaven can forgive you if we don't forgive them he can't forgive us and then we're not lined up and we can't we can't believe a God who we've disconnected ourself from forgive means you have to find out how spiritually strong you are and we have to forgive somebody who wasn't sorry and accept an apology that was never given it's hard don't you look at two people and say I can do it look another person I can do it you might have to do it every morning but you don't it you're going to do it and sometimes these big obstacles are move by small steps that's what growth track affords to get you deeper and tell you about this stuff that's what I connect this for it's to help you connect with people they're the right people we want to go over in a giant leap and we won't got to fix everything a day and he's like no I got some small steps I want you to take but small tweaks lead to giant Peaks amen so we got to take one step at a time it looks like a big days used to say we call them big day because we had big days and we had my husband and how do you differentiate them so Big Dave used to say it looks like you're going slower but you're really going faster it looks like well I'm just I just keep plodding along or just keep plodding along ha better to plot along with God than to be racing the wrong direction with the devil we've got ik we it could be business as usual but with God it could be business as unusual wouldn't that be cool but there's a key everybody say a key before we get to the key I want to tell you the promise so let's go to mark 11:24 the promise it says there for whatever things you ask when you pray believe you receive them and you will have them you will you're gonna have it you got to believe it you gotta say it you gotta forgive hmm voice change a man hmm you gotta forgive and then there's a key so here here's a secret key that I found when first Corinthians 13 verse 2 it says that if I have prophetic powers the gift of interpreting divine will and purpose and understand the secret truths and mysteries and possess all knowledge and if I have listened to this part here's how it connects to mark 11 and if I have sufficient faith so that I can remove mountains who we know what that were that comes from right but I have not loved God's love in me then I'm nothing and a useless nobody you see friends it's not just about forgiving that person but it's about loving mmm y'all ever been done like real wrong that might not be like urban cool but it was real wrong once y'all have been treated right come on I want some iced tea have you all ever been done very wrong by somebody there we go I like that even though we've been tagging real wrong and we might have to pray every day to forgive them we don't only forgive them I want you to say out loud everybody write this down love is the key to everything god is love love never fails with God we will never fail unless we step out of love we will fail so right the sound this will help fix your problem don't only forgive them every morning write down this stay out loud I love and then put their name in there say say unto the mountain ah see the circle huh say into the mountain be thou removed I'm going to make a some weird name superfluous because it's a fake name to say I love superfluous every morning god I forgive superfluous and I love superfluous I'm going to love superfluous all the days of my life say into that mountain believe it in your heart move that mountain out of your way because that's the mountain before the mountain that is the real obstacle that is God working on calling you out of darkness and into his marvelous light because you might have been scarred by them and you might have been scraped by them but do not get stuck in that place God says for you tonight I'm calling you out I'm calling you out I'm calling you up that was prophetic right there I'm calling you out I'm calling you out I'm calling you up it's just not reading scripture that's been a live word for this moment God says I'm calling you out I'm calling you up I'm calling you I'm telling you right now you feel it in your spirit he's pulling on you that's you that should that tell you no that's me that you God is calling you he's pulling you up and you you feel something what is this what I'm feeling the Spirit of God pulling on you it's based rising it's whole but it's a confident expectation and a have the anticipation of a coming good it is the feeling of spiritual weapons coming into your arsenal and your whole life about to change it's about you becoming stronger in the spirit and therefore you can control the physical that is the key my friend to all of this pain you have been feeling and with obstacles you have been chasing God is calling and he's saying I have something for you friend I have it trust me believe me and go my way other God we worship you and we pray and we thank you for your ability and we thank you for trusting in us that right now there's never too late for a new beginning and there's never a better time than right now for a new beginning we claim that new beginning in our life but we claim your power and all I've got we will operate in forgiveness and we will operate in love and we will say to the mountain be removed and we will watch it go and now that you have rendered in our because God Wow [Music] clapper pray
Channel: Crank Ministries
Views: 2,866
Rating: 4.9569893 out of 5
Keywords: What's Your Obstacle, Obstacles, Overcoming, Nicole, West Palm Beach, St. Louis, Weldon Spring, Sunset Hills, Earth City, Florida, Missouri, Nicole Crank, Pastor Nicole, beautiful preacjher, tall woman preacher, funny preacher, forgive, love, have faith, love your neighbor
Id: 5yojLtCXLXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 8sec (1748 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2017
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