A Superior Way of Thinking - Pastor David Crank

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[Music] i want to talk to you for a few minutes about renewing your mind and how to renew your mind there's there's there's a lot of different ways to do it and actually adam just bring me that water and all that stuff i had a vision on the way here i was driving but i could see the lord showed me something and i texted the team real quick and they gave it to me adam come on up here with me you're gonna i'm gonna need your help so what i saw was this glove and uh just give me some water stuff i'm gonna make it big so that how many of y'all have seen this anybody ever seen a glove like this guys say man because this is your job is to do the dishes you know no guy has ever been shot when he's doing this and when i saw him my spirit was i saw let's fill this up with water um there fill her up fill her up and uh let's say you keep going keep going keep going but there probably and i saw that thing full of water like this while i was driving you stayed with me i mean you scared you got covered or died you seem scared the bible talks about the five-fold ministry gifts there's the evangelists and the pastor and the teacher and the prophet and the apostles and the bible talks about that these fivefold ministry gifts are the for the perfecting of the saints how many of you all are saints tonight raise your hand come on now so here we were i was driving and i saw this then i saw like a little like pen i see they put it in here i can't really get to it but i know what's in there dump dump it upside down let me try to get to it just you're really good at this adam i saw the enemy come in and take the pen and this would be you're full of the spirit you're full of the word then the enemy comes in and he tries to poke a hole in that bad boy and you start leaking out people start leaking out the word then i saw y'all some of y'all watching everything did you hear what's happening in afghanistan did you hear about the vaccine not vaccine did you hear about whatever and i saw people just lose it they just it all drained out but these two still have something in it these guys got cut off and they lost all the word but these two still have loads of water in it so the lord showed me that on the way and he said tell the people that over the next five years everybody shout five years the next five years they'd be full of grace and favor but a lot of people at the church will never receive it because they were listening to everything that was happening in the world and it drained out the joy it drained out the hope it drained out the faith but there would be some people at the church that are still full of it look at your neighbor and say i can tell you're going to stay full of it go ahead just tell there now to prove it's right look i want to go ahead and i'm going to go ahead and cut those off just for to illustrate to you they're there they had it the whole time now i could have preached the whole sermon and those had been full i could i could keep it all tied up in sunday those would still be full because these people these fingers this part of the body was all passionate about shipping all the latest information to their friends did you see about that and did you miss that how many all have seen multiple things from people multiple times ago i've already seen that if we were as passionate about preaching the gospel as we have been spreading information we'd already won this thing went to heaven and be done with it come on somebody give god praise tonight so the enemy's always trying to attack the fivefold ministry gift by either poking a slow drip in you that's some of y'all i'll go to church on sunday but not on tuesday you got a nice slow drip then some of you're like just forget it i'm just done with the whole thing i'm going to change this thing politically you can't change this thing politically because it's designed to fail jesus said that this was going to happen he said see to it in the last days that your heart is not troubled and then people are always trying to do stuff in the flesh and the bible says we wrestle if he's in six and ten write that down we wrestle not against flesh and blood you're not wrestling against flesh and blood you can't fix this thing you're operating in the natural when really you have to operate in the supernatural am i saying not do anything in the natural no that's not what i'm saying but i'm saying so many people are so drained they don't even they're not even hungry for jesus anymore they're not even hungry for the word anymore they don't renew their mind they occasionally listen to uh i'll listen to a joyce meyer youtube while i'm getting dressed that's not renewing your mind that's listening to a joycemere youtube while you're getting dressed now when you stir up the gift of god within i'm only making you stay here just because you were so clandestin earlier i thought me and you got to get closer in life if you want to have visions from god while you're driving if you want to hear the holy spirit speak to you you can't listen to everybody in everything in the world the bible said there are many voices in the world and all of them with significance it's significant but there's only one voice that has an eternal voice and that is the voice of god who is now in your spirit through your recreated human spirit and he's the one that always directs you and leads you and while the enemy's trying to drain you i hear the holy spirit say i'm trying to refrain you and from going and grabbing the scissors and cutting off your faith cutting off your hope cutting off your joy if you'll just you know chris aaron chris i want you to stand up there at sunset he'll stand up real quick everybody give it up for chris you know we talked about him [Applause] last tuesday night chris came on stage and sunday i showed the video um and when chris came off the stage with me last tuesday night sunset hills he said man i didn't know all that stuff was going on in afghanistan and i thought what rock have you been living under but he was so busy doing what god called him to do and he was so full of faith and favor that he didn't have time to get drained he said well i don't watch the news because my pastor told me not to look and i said well i've been peaking a little bit please you know you're doing better than i am raise your hand if that makes sense to you thank you by the way give it up for adam he's phenomenal human being so renew your mind now i want us to go real quick to ephesians 4 22 ephesians 4 22 and i didn't send you all scriptures i'm just trying to get get you all trained quick to do this ephesians 4 22 says to your former way of life you were to rid yourself of your old self which is being corrupted by the lust and deceit and that you are to be renewed in the spirit of your minds and put off the old self which is in in the likeness of god you have been created in truth and righteousness put off the old self so your old self was i'm going to do what i want if it feels good do it this is what is correct in culture then we renew our mind with the bible and now we're so biblically renewed joel osteen's daddy john used to say the holy spirit will ruin you for sinning in other words you'll so love jesus that you'll go back to do the thing that you used to love to do and you'll go back and go that's not nearly as fun as it used to be raise your hand if you have done that a lot of you didn't raise your hand because you're like i'm still enjoying it right now well that's why you're here that's okay so right now what is happening is a lot of people just read the bible for a few minutes or they pray a little prayer but they're not putting off the former self therefore they're never able to break the bad habit they never learn how to work a life in the spirit they can't lose the weight and keep it off they feel insecure they're angry they're agitated they're not gaining any ground they're always having a spirit of procrastination on them and so they try to counsel out the issue now i'm all for counselors but when i was growing up we were so poor we couldn't afford a counselor we were singing songs like the holy spirit is my counselor he's my helper because we didn't have somebody that we could pay money to go talk to if you got money to talk to somebody that's great but the biggest thing that you must realize is that counsel comes from the holy spirit and his word i'm not talking a quick hit i'm talking a tuesday night open up your bible and a lot of our church people are very successful and they are at church and they're very busy dr hope i see him here at his wife tonight and they own a lot of hope chiropractics all over florida if anybody's busy it's them but when i walked up to past the church on the way here a minute ago i saw their kids playing in faith kids and i thought well there's those good looking kids with the hope kids yes they're here and they didn't just drop them off and go to date night i thought that could be a possibility i didn't mean it yes i did but they were in here they're busy and they're majorly successful but majorly busy successful people realize this is not the time right now to go back we are dealing with demonic activity and we got to press forward and renew our mind so that we can do what god called us to do jesus is coming back somebody ought to shout a man right now so you can go to a counselor and you can go to aaa i'm all for that but here's the one of the reasons why aaa works every day you have to go every day and if you go every day and talk to 12 other people about why you're not going to drink today and you're going to get the coin you're probably going to want to go back tomorrow and talk to those 12 different people today what it really is it's good program hear me yelling great i'm super proud of it i love it but if you would do that for god every day and say i'm going to get in a small group i'm going to hang around the right people i'm going to renew my mind every day you'd drive down the road and have visions and be at the right place at the right time and the weight would fall off of you the transformation would happen on the inside and no longer would you be moved by what they say or what you see because number one you're not going to be listening to what they say and you're not going to be listening looking at seeing what is happening in the world because we all got opinions look at your neighbor to the left and right and see if they have a nose look at your left and right do they have a nose how many uh everybody raise your hand if everybody had a nose okay take another look see if all of them had two eyes look back right and left do they have two eyes just one more time because i know you probably didn't spot it but see if they had an ear on both sides of their head come on look to your left and the right ear on both sides both sides well opinions are just like that everybody's nose was different everybody's eyes were different everybody has a different perspective but our perspective should come from this word and then now everybody's on the same page because you say i'm not going to be able to wrestle this demon in the natural i'm not wrestling with flesh and blood but principalities and powers so therefore i stand my ground today and whatever i find on earth shall be found in heaven whatever i loose on earth shall be loose in heaven and i'll take authority over my mind over my body over my nation over my life and i decree and declare what's going to happen in my life in the name of jesus i'll give you 10 seconds to praise him right now come on seven six come on five four three two one whoa when you sit down look at your neighbor and say by the way you have beautiful eyes romans 8 let's go there nicole colors in her bible i looked and i thought those are really pretty colors let's go to verse 5. for those who live according to the flesh and set their mind on cnn set their mind on the flesh it is though that's the flesh that's what you do when you're watching i know i watch fox okay all right i watch owen i get my news from a trusted source okay no matter what you're living after the flesh but those who live according to the spirit capital s that's the holy spirit those who live according to the spirit they mind the things of the spirit for to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace everybody shout life and peace look at your neighbor and say life and peace like an indian try it again life and peace i should have said native american life and peace look at your neighbor and tell them say peace be with you and if they're good-looking say it an extra piece for you [Applause] life and peace well you ain't got no life you ain't got no peace people walking around stabbing people and yelling at people i'm doing this for your health i'm beating you with this stick for your health people have lost their life and their peace why because they're carnally minded so everybody has a brain raise your hand if you've got a brain it's over half of the people in florida is your brain sometimes talk about stupid stuff not not audibly but you can hear little stuff going on up in there and it says he shouldn't have treated you that way what would happen if and what you would do if tell you what i'd do we got a lot of gun-toting people in our church you know there was uh there's a bunch of stuff happening politically and uh some of the guys like i tell you what i'll do if that happens i'll go up there and i'll do whatever and then that all happened and then they didn't do whatever and i said i thought you were gonna do whatever got quiet here in florida because talk is cheap dog is cheap you ain't doing that because you can't win this thing in the flesh wow you live by the sword you let's shout again you live by the sword you die okay i like it verse 7 says because the carnal mind is at enmity that's the word enemy against god for it is not subject to the law of god nor indeed can it be so those who are in the flesh cannot please god when you're in the flesh you're just not going to please god in st louis about 25 minutes from where you're sitting maybe 30 depending on how fast you drive and nicole and i built a piece of property bought a piece of property and there was a neighbor who didn't like our fence at all we were not in the ministry i say that because of what i'm about to tell you this guy was doing all kinds of mean stuff and so on some of you heard the story and i remember just thinking about him and i'd get mad i'll tell you what and then you know one day we caught him and he he actually drove a this is a different story than the one where i talked about they just went through the fence this is uh this is another time where he came in and um we had how do i draw this so like the fence around our property is kind of like this and there's horses out there but back in the day supposedly the road went through there not here but we had it all even before we got it like it was all surveyed so we you know properly before you put all that fence in you do it but in his mind that road should have went through there he was always going to the road meetings and one thing he would always say nicole that one guy what did he say what was the words volume and velocity you know the problem with this hill right here is too much rain water comes down this hill and the volume and the velocity and then we get drunk anybody ever been to a road meeting raise your hand if you're talking about you've got 27 people out there that have nothing else to do and they ain't bossing nothing but they're the boss of this road and we're going to talk about my fire and one day i came home and i come down the hill and that joker had un done our fence and he had a big huge dump truck getting ready to dump rock and put the road through the middle of my bathroom i got beautiful horses running getting ready to walk out and the dude from riverstone quarry he's getting ready to lift it up and me and nicole had bought a lot of property out there over the years and riverstone quarry we paid them thousands of dollars every month and that guy had the thing and you could hear the truck going i pulled up and he's getting ready to pull that thing and i jumped up on that riverstone quarry and i looked at that guy and said whatever you do don't pull that and then i came down to mr valium and velocity and every you ever been so mad you were out of control of your of your body your hands were shaking come on raise your hand and your eyes was twitching come on saint louis raise your hand and this was all going on and i was like ah and there was all i don't even know what all happened because i was temporarily completely carnally minded the bible said to be carnally minded is death everybody shout that death shout it again why so i was carnally minded and i wanted to kill him and there are people in jail tonight because they were so carnally minded that it brought death to their life we solved it there and that guy backed up riverstone quarry and didn't do it but i was still mad and that was before ashton was born and i'm still kind of mad i started talking about i could kind of feel yep there's that twitch there's a twitch it's coming back raise your hand if you think about himself so i could be alone in my car thinking about mr valumet i ain't lived there in so long in fact mr volume and velocity his whole family got saved once me and nicole did get in the ministry and came to the church and they said oh we're so-and-so's family and i'm like okay you're safe he's still going to hell with value and velocity come on somebody why because my carnal mind is jacked up great i feel you tonight i can tell you that you're getting this and just keep hearing the great patron shape michael jackson saying i am not alone you are here with me you're thinking about somebody you know you've i i i don't know i'm just thinking about girls you know i like that song where it says i took a louisville slugger to both headlights carmine to the side of his pretty little jupiter four-wheel drive right carve my name into his [Music] you had no clue what romans 8 said but you're like louisville flooded above that light cry my man i'm like yeah carrie underwood she was carnally minded that day but you and i drive down the road going oh yeah that's what they need verse seven one more time because to be carnally minded is death but to be spiritually minded is life and peace so there's no life and peace if you're currently minded i'm gonna work work work work work i don't have time to go to church you're carnally minded and that's why you don't have no life and you ain't got no peace because to be carnally minded is enmity against god for it is not subject to the law of god nor can it be so then those who are in the flesh cannot didn't say it's possible it said you just cannot please god but you are not in the flesh but in the spirit we've got to preach right there but you are not in the flesh you're in the spirit so when that was going on it was a different scenario i remember when that guy got my goat once again oh my gosh and the lord spoke to me because we had we were building we had just started building a church and took over my dad's church there was a little bitty house next to the church and we had this beautiful house that we had before we were pastors but god told me said go go stay in that little mold infested house in finton you don't need to be here right now until you get your heart right towards that guy i didn't want to leave my big nice house to go to a mold-infested house in fenton missouri a little place but i did it and i remember on the way driving down the road my facial expressions were far abrow man thinking and the lord spoke to me and he said stop griping in your mind and start praying for him i said god i pray for him right now in the name of jesus god you said in your word that no weapon formed against me will prosper and i decree and declare right now he's like no that's not the prayer and i want you to smile while you're doing it so i said i decree and declare right now that no weapon formed against me will prosper and i started praying for him honestly god and about two minutes later because my brain my mind does not know that i'm faking a smile that's why sometimes on a dream have you ever had a dream and you woke up you're like sweating and your heart is pounding because your mind doesn't know the difference between what is real or what is in your subconscious mind so your mind that's why the bible said keep your mind stayed upon the lord and he said renew your mind because if your mind is out of control your life will be out of control so by just smiling even though i was still mad my brain said it started releasing uh what would that be like dopamine right and it's like you're happy and i'm like no i'm mad and i was confused on myself came down around valley park and i just had to start laughing what in the world stop it if you can pull check this out if you can pull yourself away from the dump truck get yourself some space you might save your marriage you might save your life in peace i just i just feel like that too many people right now don't have renewed minds through the word and so they're talking to other people lecturing one another and they're really really not committed to the work because you're not committed to renewing your mind if you're only listening to little sound bites of your favorite preacher because you follow him on instagram that's not gonna cut it dr furcella he's a teacher at logan when i went to logan chiropractic college with him when my foot got broke because i hate to wait that song is like date what happened when you wait i don't like to wait uh so i went there and he said i'll get you right into all the best doctors and scans and all this stuff and when we were walking through logan with doc frasella just me and him and i was actually on a scooter man they were standing to attention teachers were coming out hundreds of kids were like oh that's dr mike farsela i thought man bada bing bada boom people like bada bing bada boom up in here they re they regarded him and they respected him but he did not get all of that accolades all that fame all that legendary just status by saying i watched a couple tutorials on youtube you know i think the hip bones connected to the neck bone remember operation you old enough to remember the game operation remember that and you pick out a bone you touch it raise your hand if you're old enough and you're just not arthritic not at me if you just yeah you know but at some point dr fasella and shirley came from new york and he immersed himself into logan way back before it was what it is now a billion dollar complex there he said i remember when it was just this and that he's walking around because he's 120 years old my point is is he didn't engage in a little bit of mind renewal he said i'm 100 in and i want to know everything about the human body i'm going to make sure the human body works great and then now all that hair on his head is real and there's hardly any gray in it i look at him he said you know what brewers used to take brewers yeast every day years ago when i first met him he's like i drink this and i looked at it and thought if there's any other way let this cup pass for me you drink that every day yeah that's not bad then i started drinking what he was drinking and he's like you know what you need a you need a hot box so you can sweat yourself out with ultraviolet rays you know what you do you know i'll get you a hot box and so now i started doing what he started teaching me probably you know 12 13 years ago and then all of a sudden i started feeling more like doc because with all the information that he gave to me i renewed my mind with those information in that stuff therefore i touched thousands of people who have coveted happy goudas aids every kind of disease in the world and it cannot affect us because i believe in my mind and in my spirit with long life he will satisfy me and show me his salvation sickness and disease shall be far from me psalms 107 20 says he sent his word and it healed them and delivered them from all their destruction covid is a destruction cancer is a destruction depression is a destruction and you'll have no part in my renewed mind i will not participate in recession oppression diabolical diseases because he who the son has set free is free indeed i know who i am and i know whose i am and i'm standing on the word of god and nobody's gonna drain my glove because i'm gonna be one of the people who fully expect five years of praise and favor and breakthrough in jesus name come on somebody ought to give some crazy praise i ain't done yet [Applause] i don't even know what time it is but i'm definitely not going to let those kids do their jesus love you song and take it out of my time that was just something that they did [Music] jeep's so good a couple more minutes real quick verse 11. now verse 10. now verse 9. this is why i preached with an ipad on sunday so i don't have options verse 9 but you are not in the flesh but of the spirit and indeed the spirit of god dwells in you that ought to just make you excited the spirit of god dwells in you think about that i want to park there just for one more minute that's the coolest thing in the world inside your spirit man the holy ghost is in there going hi i know everything about everything i'm going to show you this and i'm going to show you that oh yeah but but we're so busy listening to everybody else he's in there going hi like she's shut up trying to hear what dan rather or whoever he's got his hand i'm going to hear what this guy said no listen to your spirit man verse 10 and if christ is in you everybody shout he is shouted again he is and if christ is in you the body is dead because of sin but the spirit is life because of righteousness but if the spirit of him who raised jesus from the dead dwells in you he who raised christ from the dead will also give you life to your mortal bodies through his spirit which dwells in you so my body is september the 9th i want you to write that down that's my birthday if you're wondering what to get me cash and starbucks cards okay don't need another pastor plaque there's nineteen thousand people already gave me a passage september the night i'll be 52. when i go somewhere with liam they always say your son looks just like you because i don't act 52 i don't think 52 i'm very immature for my age i don't want to eat like a 52 year old i don't want the medicine of the 52 year old i don't want to think like a 52 year old i don't even most the time i want to be around a 52 year old because most of them think like a 52 year old but i say that my mind is renewed and since my mind is renewed it is bringing life to my physical body so when something acts up i don't say yeah you know i hurt my ankle so i'll probably have arthritis now i felt some of that hit well it was healing and my brain said because i had listened to i wouldn't even know this if it wasn't for people telling me this crap on the news you know if you do this then you you're getting old so you have arthritis and then you hear other people saying well you'll probably have arthritis now so my ch this is going to go deep for one minute my brain has heard stuff and so my brain tells my body that's arthritis but my mind is different than my brain my mind i have the mind of christ so if you were to take my brain out first of all it'd be huge and quite impressive go with me on this this is my story but outside my brain is where i do most of my thinking i do most of my thinking through my renewed mind wow so my brain would say well whatever you do don't buy any more churches the world's people are not going to church people are afraid to don't don't invest in more buildings that's what your brain would say but my mind says hey the world needs churches so we need to put one in illinois we need to put one in festus we need to put some more in florida somebody ought to help me right now we need to get our our internet connections good we need everybody in the world getting the app in case socialism media shuts it down that we can still preach the gospel because what i'm teaching you right now is a superior way of thinking that'll control your mind it'll control your body it'll control your finances do not allow the world system to dictate to you how you're going to live the way you're going to live because you have a renewed mind romans come on somebody ought to help me romans 12 and 2 says do not be conformed by this world but by the renewing of your mind a mind is a terrible thing to waste everybody stand with me it'll encourage me to shut up being renewed so here's some things that i do with my renewed brain already need mine is i just walk around saying stuff for real like this i'm blessed favored i'm anointed always know what to do i always know what to do because there's a lot of times during the day when you run a ministry like ours i wouldn't know what to do and i've said a lot of times i don't know what to do but i'll go i'm going to know in a minute i'm going to go down deep and i'm going to know what to do because if you tell your brain your subconscious mind something repetitively it'll believe that so tell it something good there's a lot of doctors at our church and they will tell you that uh there's a lot of research that have been done even on blood work with people and they'll watch movies like scary movies and they'll watch their blood begin to activate have you ever watched a movie or something and all of a sudden you started getting anxious gosh don't go downstairs and the music's like don't don't don't i'll tell you look whatever you do don't go downstairs he's not dead shoot him again raise your hand if he's dead he's not god [Music] and now you go to bed you're like i had really bad dreams i woke up and tried to read high god but i don't even believe it works your your subconscious mind grabbed that information and your mind is really incredible there's all kinds of files in there that you'll just pull up accidentally anybody ever seen something that triggered something that happened 20 years ago and the file went we have the information for you right now chiquita said this to you in 1991 before chalice was born and you're now you're mad you see talisha and she's like talisha like why is the old people so mad because you just pulled up a file five years before she was born and then when you've seen her [Music] young people are just happy a lot of them are just happy there's like not a lot of stuff that's happened yet your hand if you remember when not a lot of stuff had happened yet like you had your high school speech you're like we're going to change the world and then you realize dang man just hope to make it out of here it's your volume and velocity is probably going to send me to prison because we're not renewing our mind then we don't have life and peace because we're not following these tips that'll change your perspective [Music] perspective changes everything raise your hand if this helped you tonight raise your hand if you believe the person next to you really really needed it just raise your hand i could tell when i looked over and saw those two eyes i knew they were troubled perspective why is it important to renew your mind because thoughts swirl around in your head and they say stuff like you're no good you don't deserve it and if you hear that your brain gets little ruts in it and it goes right to the have you ever also watch this have you ever thought sometimes i think that particular thought or say that word all the time think about what you think about because nobody raised their hand i bet you if you were to think about what you think about a lot of the stuff you think about you're thinking about the same thing all the time instead of thinking about something bigger and renewing your mind and saying you know i think this is a spiritual attack that has made me think that i am less than when god has said that i am more than so to win the battle in my mind i got to win the battle in my bible and the only way i'm going to do that is get around other people who think like check this out i want to thank [Music] dr hope i don't want to embarrass you but come here i just want to show people your arms just real quick right here real fast come here just real fast give it up for dr hope i'm going to show you something real quick so when i walked in first of all i saw hit i saw uh his tricep which was bigger than my bicep and immediately i rebuked a devil of jealousy i said i rebuked that name i can't help it he spends more time working out and i pray i'm more spiritual he's just but when he's doing something go ahead go ahead give it up for dr hope so here's my point i try to hang around people who seem to have the picture that i want of my life it's like okay he seems to be vascular what would it need what would you need to have more vascularity well you probably need less fat on my arms which would mean that i don't need to do cheese fries i don't want to do that it's not worth that i'll paint some veins on my arms vascularity would be i need to drink a whole lot more water to get blood into my veins and so i look at people like dr fasella and i go i want to look like that when i get that age i want to think like that show me your friends i will so our small groups are getting ready to happen online uh a lot of people go to our church from all over the country and i was just talking to some at our florida campus they came to visit uh physically because they attend every sunday in virginia and they were talking about how they were in three small groups in virginia three small groups they were in virginia but they were just doing the online small groups you don't have to leave even the comfort of your home to get a small group but if i could get in a small group with don strange and i could find out how i could think that way and live that way then i want to be in that group if i can get around dr hope or i can get around how do i get around smart people get a small group faith church is full of brilliant people educated people and most importantly people with renewed minds because it's not just natural if you just go to school and get an education you just come out with student loans possibly but if you could get your education and they get a renewed mind and spirit then you could have holistic prosperity and realize i'm gonna have life and peace because you can have money and have no life and peace you get it small groups everybody shouts small groups they're getting ready to start when are they starting what come here kyla you tell them salesperson check it out come here carla [Music] this saturday after reach day at 10 a.m here at rpc and then september 18 is when we're gonna come and start together for our connect groups join fit 2021 come here byron let's show show what the happy couple looks like look at this this is a husband and wife so proud of them come on give it up for these two [Applause] i like those shoes thank you so again get in the group doesn't cost you anything get in the group i want you right now to stretch your hands for me here sunset hills online and i want to pray over your mind nobody looking around you know who you are you know where you are in the world there's no distance in prayer that you say i'm just not satisfied right now and i feel like i'm losing the battle i feel like i'm overwhelmed with anxious thoughts if pastor david i don't have life and peace i'm not talking about a salvation prayer i'm talking about you're saved you go to church but your mind hasn't been renewed i want to pray for you i hear the lord say [Music] don't just pray tell them that they need to join that reading program with everybody on our app you can go there we've been in 31 days of reading proverbs every day so get on the app and just join us right now father i pray right now that your word is strengthening them your word is giving life to them and your word is changing them god i thank you tonight that we laughed a lot we had such a fun time learning your word what a fun place to be and what an incredible place to raise our kids and god i just i thank you lord that you're doing a work behind the scenes in all of their lives and god i want to raise up a mighty army of people that are at the right place at the right time and god we're going to do what you've called us to do which is to reach people to touch people far from you god not only will we this week renew our mind we will make a conscious effort to bring our friends this weekend we're going to go get people when i have a word this weekend that their friends need to hear and god i thank you that we're going to not just invite people to church we're going to bring our friends to church this weekend we're going to make it compelling because what we heard tonight people need to hear this weekend so they stop committing suicide it's not being aggravated this place is full of life peace tranquility in the name of jesus [Music] you
Channel: Crank Ministries
Views: 884
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor David Crank, David Crank, funny preacher, faithchurch.com, Faith Church, church in St. Louis, church in West Palm Beach, church in Missouri, yellow gloves, gloves filled with water, ministry gifts, battle in the mind, a superior way of thinking, battling thoughts, depression
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 17sec (2657 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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