WARNING: Most Preppers Will Die After SHTF

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why will most Preppers die after Sh DF let's talk about it hi folks Canadian prepper here so many prepping channels have talked about this particular topic before and I figured I would throw my bid in the Hat today I've been reading a book by an author called Jack Hunt it's a book called the survival series and there's rules of survival rules of conflict rules of engagement it's a many part series of books excellent book I would strongly recommend it to this day that is probably the most realistic depiction of an electromagnetic pulse induced collapse that I have seen to date many works of fiction and nonfiction seem to speculate that 90% of people are just gonna immediately collapse after the collapse which of course is not true in this book lays it out in a timeline which i think is far more realistic so go and check out that book I'll post a link in the description but this book got me to thinking about what is going to get Preppers dead in an shtf situation what is it that makes a prepper a prepper well for one it's the desire to be self-reliant emphasis on self notice that it's not community reliant or socially reliant it's self-reliance they want to be independent we want to be independent and as such this is at odds with building a community this is at odds with trusting others a lot of Preppers tend to be introverted or isolationist which of course is not conducive to long-term survival no matter how you slice it now within this book I was reading there was this prepper who has grown very cynical and [ __ ] grudges the community he keeps to himself and when the proverbial [ __ ] finally does hit the fan he retreats into his domain with his preps and the rest of his family thinks he's nuts up until that point even after that point he's driven such a wedge between him and his family because he's been so militant about his preparedness his entire life that they've grown to resent him his sons have grown to resent him and the community at large has thought him to be a kook up until now of course when they're looking for his help the problem is of course is that now as he's kind of isolated himself he's become a target he of course has become a subject of fixation of those who are now in need of assistance post collapse and a lot of Preppers will just say well you know if anybody comes and tries to get stuff from me you know they're gonna be on the other end of a barrel the problem with that is is that you can only go on so long with that I mean eventually you would be overtaken you would be overthrown and I'm in the same boat here I'm a very introverted person I don't like groups I think that people's IQ in groups and it's proven actually the herd mentality groupthink mob mentality people's IQ diminishes significantly when they find themselves in a group my IQ diminishes when I'm in a group I've been in many mosh pits and my life so trust me I know how easy it is to go into a primitive way of behaving just in the presence of others and you would be surprised if you've never been in a mob before how quickly that can overtake you how quickly that herd mentality just takes over so as Preppers of course we are repulsed by this as individuals people can be very intelligent and a group of four or five people you know I can handle that anything above and beyond that IQ diminishes and that's why you need laws you need rules to govern the interactions of people and those who rules need to be strictly enforced because if they aren't people just end up doing stupid things and politics comes into play and you know call me socially cynical but that's just my experience with things so unless there's a really strict set of rules that everybody adheres to people tend to deviate socially in ways which were counterproductive to the main goals of the group and in order to keep things together at least for the first little while you do need some form of rec tater ship in a way you need you do need a set of agreed-upon norms values rules goals that you are going to try to achieve and everybody needs to be on the same page with that now I don't have a prepping community I personally do find it very hard to trust people along those lines I do however have contingency plans for if the crap ever does hit the fan I know that people are going to be coming to me and looking to be perhaps for direction hopefully and not just for a handout and if that happens I will have a strategy in place to execute because I know full well that I'm not going to be able to ride something like that out by myself fiction or not any fictional account of the post apocalypse ultimately ends up as people in communities and the stragglers are the ones that are trying to get into those communities the benefits of having a group are numerous whether it's skills safety in numbers just a sense of camaraderie you know just not being alone nobody wants to just be alone but a lot of Preppers are jaded about people and for good reason so in order for me to want to fully commit myself to a preparedness group at this stage of the game I would have to have some sort of executive role not necessarily the all-out leader but I would have to have some executive role and not one which would afford me any privileges that were above and beyond anybody else but just that I would have to be actively involved or I'd want to be actively involved in the decision making process now that's just me there are a lot of people out there who would be perfectly happy taking orders or just not necessarily taking orders but follow the law and not making any of those executive decisions I would not feel comfortable with that because one of the main reasons why I'm a prepper in the first place is because I'm very independent in my thoughts as are all Preppers we don't like being told what to do by other people and with that comes a distrust of authority and for good reason there's many reasons to be very critical of authority because time and time again and as evidenced in some of the laws and regulations that we have that make absolutely no sense whatsoever but they're there that's why I'm skeptical of Authority now I'm not saying that government itself or Authority in itself is a bad thing I'm saying that power tends to corrupt I choose not to fully submit and give my full allegiance to any religion or political party or whatever the case may be I'm a free thinker I like to think for myself in the purest sense that that's achievable and this is why I will die after [ __ ] hits the fan because I find it very hard to trust people now we're not going to get into the psychoanalysis of why Preppers don't trust people and how that's related to their upbringing 'z we're gonna save that for a future video that's coming up next week you guys are really gonna enjoy that one and you know I occasionally get people who come on here and they go on these little rants about oh you think you're arrogant and all this that's because they're not in my brain you know they don't understand that I'm very self-critical then I'm very self aware that I frequently am routinely am reassessing my thought process on certain things and I scrutinize myself and that's one of the ways that you can prevent yourself from being the crazy disgruntled prepper is by basically you know self monitoring you know going over things a bit and questioning yourself questioning your belief system every once in a while so that you don't you know go too far in one direction and ostracize yourself from the group entirely and that's why I still do live my life so when the [ __ ] hits the fan this is why you need to have a game plan for your neighbors for your extended family because if we're talking about long-term collapse the only way any of us are gonna survive that is the way we've survived for thousands of years and that's as a group as a tribe you can't do it alone and I know this and it's a constant struggle and just because a person's a prepper doesn't mean that I'm necessarily going to agree with those people about a lot of things maybe there's gonna be some common ground there which will act as a as a social glue to promote some social cohesion just like your co-workers for instance you both work at the same place but maybe you don't want to be around them for the other 16 hours a day or at least some of them so the same thing would be the case with Preppers just because you're a prepper doesn't mean we're gonna ultimately be best friends right away there may be actually many personality conflicts which are even more pronounced because of our desire to be independent now in this book in spite of the fact that the prepping character was right and he's got these cocky kids who resent him because you know he put him through this gamut of preparedness training when there were kids and he was pretty harsh you know something that I personally don't do with my kids anyways you know they're gonna learn the basics if only by watching me do stuff but it's nothing unnecessarily forcing on them I'm not training them to be prepping black belts or anything that extreme but you know they're gonna kick up some basic skills here and there but I don't want to end up as the isolated shut-in Rekluse of an old man who's only focused on himself because preparedness going back to that idea of self-reliance is a very selfish act you got to look out for number one that's the the key philosophy which is a philosophy I totally agree with and when things come down to the wire everybody looks out for number one it's just you know the law of the jungle but that doesn't mean that can't help out your community you can't help out your extended family and that's why I think if you're really serious once you've got yourself squared away and you're thinking about well what do I do next as a prepper now that you know I'm squared away for six months to a year or whatever well I think the next step is to make a strategy make a game plan for your neighbors for your extended family for those people who are gonna come knocking on your door you're not gonna be able to just isolate yourself from the community you can't stay up 24/7 you gotta sleep sometime you know Trust is like the mortar of civilization if you don't trust anyone then you can't have an army an army requires subordinates it requires ranks it requires people who are going to follow orders and people who are above you in the ranks as well and you need to have trust and have faith in other people's judgment survival is a selfish thing thriving thereafter is a communal thing and a lot of people don't like that word community in the purpose fear but that's the natural evolution of this artform if you want to call it one is a greater focus on community and how you would actually rebuild civilization thereafter now all that said it's equally important that you go and you live your life and you enjoy every moment to the fullest because there's a good chance that you know [ __ ] won't hit the fan anytime soon it could it absolutely could definitely good but it may not so you know you don't want to throw all your eggs in this basket for me it's a little different because I now have a store and my life is starting to be built around this but that doesn't mean I spend every single day you know anticipating and dreading the collapse or anything like that or fantasizing about it and I've said this before every other book or documentary or skill that I learn you know it makes me hope that it never happens more and more the task of surviving something like that seems more and more insurmountable the deeper and deeper you get into preparedness because you realize how much it would truly suck and most people with their brand-new bug out bags first day they might feel alright about the situation second day they got this third day okay this is starting uh this is starting to kind of wear on me now fourth day man I need a hot shower I want a nice hot meal I want to sit on the couch and watch TV you know nobody wants Mad Max nobody wants Mad Max so let me know what you guys think in the comments section what are you doing to address this issue are you a person who is introverted and you just prep for yourself in your own family or do you have a plan for your community in your extended family let me know thanks for watching Canadian prepper Oh the best way to support this channel is to support yourself by gearing up through Canadian preparedness comm we've totally revised our website we only deal with quality products at the best prices and all of my subscribers get a VIP discount of 10% off the entire store use discount code survival prepper for 10% off don't forget the strong survive and the prepared thrive see you next time
Channel: Canadian Prepper
Views: 325,140
Rating: 4.8417406 out of 5
Keywords: doomsday preppers, bug out bag, WROL, doomsday, prepper, preppers, preparedness, collapse, survival, SHTF, grid down, economic collapse, end of the world TEOTWAKI, survive zombie apocalypse, zombie apocalypse, survivalism, survivor, post-apocalypse
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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