Preppers UK 2 Full Uk Documentary 2013 HD

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in Britain cities and across its countryside people are secretly preparing them I'm preparing for civil unrest the fall of the economy and natural disasters I'm preparing for economical collapse a nuclear biological chemical attack I'm preparing for the breakdown law and order and a complete loss of services from shock workers to schoolboys these ordinary people have extraordinary secret lives they call themselves Preppers because they're preparing for the end of the world as we know it I be Freddie guaranteed that I could provide food for my family I look at this is more reliable than my best friend these are the stories of 10 British Preppers they've spent their lives and their cash getting ready for disaster rollable cannon will break down people will kill you for a day's worth of food are they paranoid delusional or should the rest of us be joining them [Music] Mews in the 21st century often tells a catastrophic story from nuclear disaster [Music] - rogue governments continuing financial crisis and bloody revolutions the Civil War increasingly halt marked by the massacres of civilians Britain has had its own problems for most life goes on as normal but a secretive community of Brits is convinced their country could be the home of the next disaster just because it hasn't happened doesn't say it won't [Music] we think that above nature and we control it but not your fault we control nothing [Music] if you end up waiting for a disaster happen it's already too late you need to have yourself sorted out to begin with Scott is a 41 year old supermarket worker from Somerset he's also a prepper prepping to me is just a way of guaranteeing that you're where life will carry on when nobody else's has gone down the path disasters happen one day something may go wrong Scott is preparing for all sorts of disasters but there's one thing that tops his list what's the worst thing that I really really hope never happened government takeover there are a number of totalitarian regimes in the world Britain isn't one of them but Scott is still concerned I've noticed in the last few years has been a certain amount of liberties have been taken from the general population Hitler said if you want a conquer nation you're disarmed at the moment in England it's very very difficult to own firearms and blades and there's nothing that anybody can do about it knives are a key component of every Preppers kit Scott's makes his own and in the garage next to his house this prepper is getting tools up why make in here there are bushcraft knives and choppers basically it's a bushcraft beats an Armageddon style blade in terms of prep and iterative virtually every outdoor task the knife will give you just about everything you can use a knife to make a shelter you can use a knife to create a fire and I look at this there's more reliable than my best friend people will let me down generally speaking this one Scott's made nearly a hundred blades from scratch from tiny knives to this one meter long sword to make a knife are steel you got to give steel the heat treat it needs you can put the constituents into a cake until you bake it right you haven't got something as edible there's my paper templates as well as making knives Scott Leitz to share his knowledge with other Preppers over the Internet so in three sections has got three different whips and played soccer one saw blade two saw blade three he also likes to share his fears for the future the way things the world's going just sings of changing over time and listened to be changing not necessary for the bear if things do change for the worse Scott's ready he's got his knives and he's also got a plan to escape if you're gonna make the move and you're gonna decide on leaving you got to leave now because as more and more people decide they want to leave the situation the more more chance to Roach ability gridlock so if you make decision you've got to go you've got to go quick Preppers call it buggin out and today Scott is doing a dry run if we've got federal law suddenly calm down and the army are now evacuating us to camp somewhere work the option of bugging out is taking what you can and leave in and go in somewhere where you think you'll have a chance thirty minutes into the bug-out drill and Scott reaches his safe hideaway the local woods one of the many things about prepping and bugging a is I am got just one bug out zone or one personal space so when I came to this zone I've already made my markers using two rocks when you'll start getting stressed out you don't wanna make a mistake and miss that lovely little sweet spot that you found a few weeks ago in today's scenario Scott is simulating arriving at camp having already been injured you're alive you're weak harm unknown Lee one tool build a shelter that goes there basically all the stages involved in this shower of a chief of one arm built a rake with my one tool to get the leaves on and the purpose of this is to get a small cocoon so you can shower and the rain won't land on you with this shelter rain proofed all Scott needs now is fire and he has a novel technique for making it there's many ways about lighting a fire what I museums are a household metal cleaner first thing you do put that away average brown baby oil once it's lit that's all it needs to get going there's chi in and is prepping if someone can appreciate the fact that I've got a lot of ideas that may not be completely in line with yours and they can accept it that's great but when people think why do you want to do that I do find it a little bit upsetting but if you looked in their car and they've got a crate in his [ __ ] half of tank of oil in it and it's got a spare a can of petrol in it and it's got a warning triangle and a reflective vest sorry mate you're still prepping you're just the same as I am if it started to die as long as I got a flame it's not the end of the world hit a turbo button not all Preppers are lone survivalists in northern island a group of born-again Christians believes in strength in numbers we don't know what's around the corner only God knows huh for me if you need to have this sort of group of people you can bet your life home I'll add a few shout or come roaming the group is led by 31 year old IT engineer Tom my role I do a lot of hunting Clinton is busy the bushcraft win is says so the engineer Craig is our first aired responder people have referred to as the a-team yeah you're Hannibal you make the flower come he makes the plug is the facility Earth we're pack animals we look out for each other you know if if someone if someone's down someone's hurt you know there's someone there to back that person up yeah I'll take a swig and also give you harm the friends support network isn't just physical it's also spiritual I am a sledgehammer in God's toolbox the thing that sums it up is the sacrifice that's the bottom line through his pain you gain an eternal life our faith is everything to us central is Jesus Christ in our lives most important part of our you can see our everyday carry is the Bible it's something I have mine on a an app on my on my iPhone there's a verse from the Bible I'd like to share this is a promise from God to his people I will make with them a covenant a promise so that they may dwell securely in the wilderness and sleep in the woods yeah Scripture prepares me for whatever in life and I know that a lot of Preppers prep I of fear fear of the on the one there they're trying to develop a coping mechanism for what may happen okay I don't know the future but I do know who holds my future and that faith gives me reassurance since the 1960's terrorism and unrest have been a constant source of danger and uncertainty for Northern Ireland with violence on both sides from Republicans demanding a united Ireland and loyalists wanting to keep Northern Ireland as part of the UK growing up in Northern Ireland there wasn't really a day gone by that there wasn't something on the news it sort of makes you where the power things can happen my dad always told me if you are caught up on a bomb scan you think you've gone far enough away just keep going and keep going and keep going and keep going Tom Wayne Clinton and Craig regularly practice bugging out of the town and while the other set up camp it's Tom and Wayne's job to hunt every came to a scenario where where the shops weren't open where there was nothing on nothing to it and I be fairly guaranteed that I could provide food for my family my father told me stories of of him growing up with a single barn shotgun three cartridges on going out and having to get a rabbit for their dinner on if you didn't break my back you didn't eat [Music] I usually white with shotgun Rihanna's better skilled with a rifle so we're backed up misawa's shotgun wind could take something us further distance away that's a grind animal but filled with us partnership that Ed Sam that's a good combo Tom's ideas are influenced by his own life experiences when I was 19 was coming back from from a job at a school and there was a vehicle collision with a fire engine run over to the car there's two men just behind the car saying that Mary girl I wish I was dead I wish I was dead and I got up to step back and there was an entity month-old bearing it was killed obviously I couldn't have done anything for her but I felt so helpless there was all the people in the car that I couldn't help announce when I decided I didn't want to be a victim next time I'm doing something I'm gonna be prepared to help somebody else I need me back at the camp it's dinner time fire going shortly want some chocolate Clinton used to work in an abattoir so if disaster strikes the job of team butcher Falls to him one similarly gonna do here is prepare this by hand so I'm gonna take the head off take the wings off strip back flesh and peel the two breasts off that's the theory we'll see what happens in practice see your thumbs down in there I'm just push yeah you see them in your blade you're not having to use your knife I know we're gonna do now is we're not going to take these parts just gonna eat the breasts okay then behind the breastbone yeah and then pull forward dinner is served and with their combined skills the four friends feel they're prepared for anything the world may bring may be an exploding camper kettle [Music] preppers are getting ready for all kinds of catastrophes in a pandemic you've got a situation where lots and lots of people will die far too quickly for say the National Health Service account from 1918 to 1920 with many countries still reeling from the first world war so-called Spanish flu killed around 50 million people worldwide in the UK alone 250,000 people died and one British prepper is worried another killer virus may be just around the corner people would die like flies so your basic threat is being cheap by jail with a lot of other people and then your secondary threat is having to go into towns and cities to get stuff Zak is 42 three years ago he left his terraced house in densely populated Leeds he preps by living off the grid and has come up with a unique way to escape the crowded city oh this is my TP where I've been living for the last few years first and foremost is the stove and that's that's kind of your lot you're like the absolute lifeline it will do everything I've baked bread on it you can cook your food on it dry your clothes get warm and got my bed which is just made of a couple of futon mattresses on top of a couple of pallets you could kind of say that I have bugged out already Zak hasn't just bugged out of the city to avoid a possible pandemic he's bugged out of his former life altogether well I was working as an IT engineer earning good money but it was it just incredibly stressful zillions of hours and because I was getting to the point where I could feel I was going to hurt someone I was at work one day and I just said this is not doable and I had a sort like long argument with my line manager and he said well you do choose to be here you know when somebody says something to you and your head is just you hear a bomb inside your head like oh just a moment of clarity and I already knew some people that were living in a teepee and it was just like I should do that Zak and his teepee are preparing for disaster on a small campsite in West Yorkshire his job at a local factory pays for food and water and the local woods provide much of the fuel he needs looking for wood that's been here a while that's nice and dried out you're looking for stuff that's got the bark taken off it because most of the moisture in wood is going to be in the bark my act it's crucial is probably the most important tool is the thing I would rush back into a burning teepee to go fetch it's a crucial part of my central heating system there's this and the stove it probably would be people that will watch this and say you know the guys completely snapped and you know they could possibly be right but I know I'm a lot happier than I have been you know since I was about 20 there have been several days when I just can't get a fire lit for love nor money and I just have to abandon it and go back to bed and I would imagine if you had another person that wanted you to get the fire lit really quickly that was nagging you you know outside of the cat you'd probably it will probably be even harder to like then it is normally is that way you choose to live alone no exits you conics you can't get yeah I don't think I could persuade anybody to live like this it's not just the fire it's the whole environment in addition to the basics zach has one other piece of equipment with which he plans to survive a global catastrophe well a computer is the everything else tool it's the the ak-47 of the of the 21st century it just does everything else Zach believes that the contents of this PC could be crucial to the continuation of life as we know it on the drive on here there's 23,000 ebooks there's no way without knowledge of modern technology that we'd ever be able to rebuild civilization basically we'd be blown back to at best the Middle Ages which would mean we'd have to have the Renaissance again we'd have to learn virtually all that science again you're not necessarily going to have another pythagoras crop up if you're all fighting for survival you know you think well you know if all it took was like ten pounds worth of memory stick and I could have saved 20,000 most important books you know that you wouldn't lose Shakespeare you wouldn't lose you know Mary Wollstonecraft or whatever is you find important so that you know you would sooner or later be able to rebuild all of humans art and intelligence and their ingenuity you could get that back really quickly if you destroy all that it'll take another two hundred thousand years to do it and I'm not that patient for Zak computers might be a way of preserving civilization but for many Preppers they're the Gateway to a vast online community of like-minded individuals this little candle in here is bringing the temperature up like you wouldn't believe [Music] it always triumphs we come out and in come on stud Darrin is a 41 year old railway worker from Hampshire but is known to his online fans as funky prepper so basically this is the nerve center of operations from funky privilege channel on YouTube really this is where the magic happens Darrin has only been posting clips on the internet for one year but he's already produced over 100 online videos roughly one every three days you know no one is forever and this is a good way of from immortalize myself really the moment is 150 1646 people have watched the videos which is astonishing really if I want to just blows me away even today Darrin doesn't appear in his videos alone he has a co-star his truck and this is my 4x4 bucket vehicle basically it's what we guys used in the trade to get out of Dodge when things go bad sidesteps obviously you can stand on there you can shoot from there also got CCP area on there it's great for parking out because if the roads are going to jam you know you need to find out where the traffic hotspots are to avoid them why not for a copy anybody thanks a lot mate shoes Darren has over 8,000 pounds worth of kit he believes is essential for survival although his wife Joyce might disagree money spent on prepping could have probably bought a new kitchen or a few luxuries in the house or he may have had even more time to do a bit of decorate what but here is a generator knives tools my own seeds to grow my own vegetables you know out in the world's so terrified in it as well Darrin his hit and his truck are off to shoot a new bug out video by today I'm just them off to 1 upon PI got locations I've got location number 2 yes said that all the stuff would be in the truck it's just me you the dog I think he would take the cats as well I don't know about the old one there are multiple scenarios why you would have to bug out really if it become quite apparent that it was localized rioting looting you can imagine how powerful to get and obviously it's pretty much illegal to own semi-automatic weapons pistols are like so if you want to join defend your property without such weapons Darren arrives safely at bug-out location number two he's shooting today's video with a fellow prepper he met online it goes by the handle roach doing videos with roach is brilliant because we both have our own ideas are very nice and it's interesting to solve and bump ideas off each other you want to employ foxy what we're doing making videos and posting them on the internet is we're sharing information you know we're sharing good ideas back a bit mate right where the brambles are a nice one today is the 109th video that funky prepper has made you on I want to talk to you to die about it's just small game trap so don't think for a moment that these things are toys work is great you say to him stop eating stops say to him start and he starts it's just a perfect texture really got laughing for it if you get your hands aaron sharing tips on how to survive catastrophe isn't the only upside to the internet I mean the way I see the incident on YouTube especially it's like a great big fuzzy pair of arm to just wraps around her lot more fans and subscribers sends me all sorts of gifts completely out of blue and I don't ask for but you know no matter Tom's hockey a message saying I really love your videos I want to send you something what can I tell you okay YouTube as always any comments love to hear him back suit surrett series the various deadly serious people rappers like Darrow also like to share their fears over the internet as well running around in packs and you don't be cute cuddly little domesticated animals at all no way might even a rip your leg off just for an office aren't a week in County Durham one of prepping z-- youngest recruits has been watching and learning these things happening around the world such as hurricane sandy hurricane katrina the greece riots the London riots and things along those lines they get that close to escalating into a global crisis but people think it couldn't possibly happen people think that it will always be controlled but if it isn't controlled then it's game over really Sam maybe only 12 but he's been prepping since the age of nine I'll get all my ideas off the internet and things like out my SEO Survival Guide book the time I use my computer for em communicating with other players and share IDs because I physically can't meet them in person this is a video I've made about a homemade stove I can't use my real name yes I'm known as the bushcraft dude hi everybody it's me and today I'm gonna be doing another video thank goodness as you can see I get ideas from the community and I'd give ideas to them back like most Preppers Sam has had to make a choice between bugging out and bugging in booking-in is basically when you hunker down in one area for your food and you also in your house you don't it was like 20 years of rations and everything in the homes they're gonna get looted like that and because if you've gotten more of a hung 100 angry people no matter if even if you've got a flamethrower you can't really do much about that County Durham in the north of England has over seventeen thousand hectares of woodland and schoolboy prepper Sam has a plan to escape disaster and bug out to the woods this year this is my member gout bug and she's got things that I feel comfortable for me to survive not for anyone else but just for me and this is not things you know like food you water heat are Paul and Zia hunting equipment and things like that Sam's family aren't Preppers that he plans to take them with him and has secretly prepared bug-out bags for them - over here I've got and things like my sister's bug-out bag which he's got you know things like teddy bears and stuff in for her my sister's only eight years old so and her broke up bug was really difficult to design because obviously I can't include things like nice and liners and machetes and things in her bug out bag because then that would be obviously dangerous on her behalf if you're by yourself and you've left you've left for your family behind and they're dead that's going to put a huge psychological impact on you which is why I've got them prepared as well as me like all Preppers Sam practices his survival skills in the field dad Danny helps out the reason we've come here is purchased one of my pre designated Bookout locations so and before whatever reason I can't watch my local woodland this is basically in the middle of nowhere you've got fresh water supply there's plenty of food and lots of wood in it everything very plentiful here he started off formally enough when he was three he made a desert survival kit and he took it to nursery with him three years old now I didn't I didn't time to do that I'm just really interested and then he got an interesting first aid and he was interested on what you did is someone hurt themselves in certain situations and it kind of led from one thing to the other and getting some birch bark for the fire really good kinder because it's full of oil and resin I think when children see things in the media it can be quite worrying I mean I remember myself when I was about Sam's age worrying about the alignment of the planets in about 1976 I thought the world was going to end and in some ways at some revisit in my own experiences if you could get some more to kindling I'll start making a platform there was a media hype of the end of the world a few months ago he got quite upset about that and we had to explain to him that it was it was media hype and it's part of growing up children do worry when the younger but I feel we've got a good relationship Mimi's mum talked to a lot about things like that absolutely love coming to the woods with me dad practicing skills that could be useful as in if the world if there's an economical collapse how you can use a computer because the internet will be down if you spend more time on your phone how you're gonna use that the telephone connection will be down so I'm practicing skills that I might need it's part of human nature particularly from the young boys point of view to light fires be out in the woods to whittle sticks and and to make camps and dens and and look at first stage what you do in this certain situation it's a bit of fantasy there's nothing wrong with that at all in fact the term prep but there's nothing wrong it's all with being a prepper he said that's a healthy thing it certainly is for young boy Robin being stuck in a computer watching TV for hours and hours he's outside doing things and he's he's quite happy doing that and as it was a dad that's what I won't say encouraged when you sitting up come if you need em you can't to be near water and also there's lots of resources here it's basically a supermarket so you can get your rub it you can get your gourd you can get your tinder you can get anything really if you get some more dad I'll put the tarp up [Music] knowledge loving care with the campfire built there's time for father and son to relax [Music] if you pour it in water like two or three crystals and it purifies it I don't think I'm likely being a prepper because she thinks I am absolutely bonkers she thinks that I'm I'm Way over the top with my parent but I don't think that oh there's pink we were a lot worse than me I think some sometimes takes things on board and and might blow it out of proportion and but the tapestry of life is that we all see things differently and Sam certainly sees things his away a [Music] trip to the local beach is another opportunity for Sam to prepare for disaster for me it's about being out here in the outdoors with my son but he has a different take on it I think he sees it is developing a set of skills that it needs to prepare for things in the future basically this challenge that me and we done have it's called extreme brews what we do is we've got a really harsh environments like this and I'll see if I can hit my cup of tea or I've got a bob real Jerris when someone is dad are doing prepping together it's quite bonding for them and they love being outside in the outdoors and that's one thing that prepping does they like being out there they like listening to the birds or whatever else but they do cook their own food will say no mate I love going out in the woods I love playing around in the woods I'm still a child I build dens out in the woods but because I'm grown-up I can't call it down now I've got a bug-out location [Music] tomorrow well-protected our nuclear power stations are things do go wrong and unless we prepare all those nuclear power stations and warhead they could leave us in a bigger my trouble in Britain very few people have ever come face to face with a nuclear disaster but there are people preparing for one history does show us that these things do happen the Japanese earthquake and the tsunami that followed you and then the nuclear you know the nuclear disaster that followed that you know three links and drinks and it these people have all had their lives turned upside down on the 11th of March 2011 an earthquake struck Japan the tsunami that followed killed 16,000 people and three reactors at the Fukushima power station went into nuclear meltdown security guard and former paratrooper Richard watched in horror convinced his hometown in Essex could suffer the same fate Powell was gonna be gone sanitation is gonna be gone you can have to improvise all of these things for yourself it's gonna be a lot of clinic we love Lauren can and will break down people are going to start trying to take you know what they need to survive for you from wherever they can find it and if people get in their way it's gonna be some nasty consequences despite the dangers Richard plans to stay put in the city and beginner so the advantages you can have been in an urban and Barham off there are plenty of resources may not necessarily be in the way of all the food and stuff like that but there are resources the materials work with a wall d got shelter and certain amount of security provided by you know four walls as it were Richards planning for urban survival begins at home where he collects lots and lots of kids been a prepper to be the single bloke while having no wife and children to to worry about so my life can be a little bit more dedicated to myself I've described this as one of my oldest friends and the reason I describe is one of my oldest friends at war for my 21st birthday in my pockets sanitation if you constipate you're uncomfortable I've got the ability to yeah boy and again clean my hands afterwards Richard already had a lot of useful equipment and skills from his time in the parachute regiment my military skills are not a hundred percent essential to being a prepper but they again this an advantage that I've got sorting my equipment out making sure it's ready to go this is piece of Camp security what basically do with this that completes it to a tree run the water out pop the leader down take that put it inside it someone trips it you get a loud noise it'll she got the light going off as well whistle there this is going to be heard a lot better than your voice if that's fun to bird one this is fun a blood toe you know this is the heavy equipment sort of a meteor strike in my house or something like that would you be nothing I could do about I would be prepared to deal with any kind of disaster I've got a cup of tea now I've got coffee in there I've got hot chocolate in there yeah this is a massive morale boost and a hot drink a brief the world's collapsed I've got the ability to make myself compensate make the phone class lovely method a lot of fun also the other thing that you make fine class is to sear spring up yeah get a spin if you get a split no you didn't get an infection if you get an infection you're in trouble people like myself would become leaders because we've set out to plan and get ready in advance yeah we've gained the skills with going the knowledge and hopefully people would see that very quickly and people do like to have some order in their life to have somebody who's presenting them with that order so you treat this paralysis ready for anything yeah there are few things Preppers love more than their survival equipment known as their preps five essential items I'd like to have and to survive the only news this is about mate on this year special forces shovin this one came from cold steel has got this lovely full Fuhrer case but there's one prepper in Scotland who's bucking the trend and prepping without preps you don't need any fancy kit because all the fancy kits out there 6:00 a.m. and minus 3 degrees Celsius and 45 year old factory worker Stewart is waking up after spending the night in a shelter he built himself if normal people had to do this the probably less people in the planet just need the you know survival is survival of the fittest many Preppers believe that we are closer than ever to a complete collapse of civilization in September 2008 to sum the global financial system seemed poised for collapse Lehman Brothers folded many other banks reached the brink and it took trillions of dollars of bailouts from Western governments to save them Stewart believes the next financial shock could be even worse every major civilization has collapsed the people who maybe had knowledge and skills for hunting and chopping things would survive if there was some sort of disaster and people could head out to places like this and I know I would I'm comfortable with my skill set and in fact if only a pleasure to be to be up here to be honest every week Stewart leaves his wife and two daughters at home to practice his survival skills it's fine reading books and looking at the diagrams and it's not until you actually practice it yourself then you understand but then you're not skill until it becomes second nature today he's making an animal trap [Music] basically what I'm making here is a deadfall trap basically use a heavy object to fall on the animal to dispatcher in upskill don't scale with this and to suit any size game from mice to deer what we have here is the part of the trigger mechanism for the trap what we need is the Y stick your trigger mechanism will be in under here attached to two pieces of cord so it's giving you two trip wires when the animal walks in it pulls the trigger note your dad fall comes down and there's the coup de gras all across Britain Preppers are practicing making animal traps in Scotland Stuart is after deer so his trap needs to be big and because Stuart is preparing to survive a global financial collapse his trap also needs to cost nothing it's easy to fall into the the kitten trap and throw money at it to me it good to go back to the basics and then everything else comes easy it's for my own self knowledge that I have made the top of practice that annuity the mechanics of at work that are no store that in here how to build it how to use it so there we have get my breath back the deadfall and drop for larger game as you can see with the top wires that they're fairly loose if it was too tight it would fall hate on the back of the head but is to actually to dispatch the animal you want it the animals shoulders to be under so the head is past its shoulders then the deadfall drops thus crushing the rib cage one impact hopefully get CSD your meal I wasn't expecting it [Laughter] Stewart won't be catching any deer with this trap because it's illegal but his plan to survive without expensive kit doesn't stop with traps back home he has a shed full of handcrafted weapons and tools for hunting efficient we have boars I shall have to have the knowledge how to make a boar and then obviously you need artists which are the hardest part to make and what we have is a born tip and then what we do is bind it with sinew and then we have the glue on top which is pine resin mixed with charcoal dust with this secret hunt anything from the size of rub it up to deer so we making the the autour self-sufficient you can fill your stomach basically you can go for instance to 2m something like a fish trap using hazel seen the bay and sake can't gain has to go up through the corn to get into it and once it's inside they can't get back out again yeah a lot of Preppers are using modern care it's easy to throw money at it but once you're in a scenario where money isn't applicable anymore then that's really skills become important in Yorkshire tepee dweller Zack has made a change to his off-the-grid living arrangements so after three years of living in a teepee there you realize that there are certain things you can't do in a teepee apart from the fact you've got a serious damp issue and I wanted to explore alternative energy you can't pin a solar panel to a teepee this isn't really a caravan I know to me as far as I'm concerned it's more like a living system that I'm experimenting with so I lose all the the cool factor of living in a teepee and I am having to sleep with the door open because I can't really sleep inside yet Zach may be having trouble adjusting to this new home but one person is happy my mom is really pleased that I'm in a caravan and I'm not exposed to the elements and stuff like that it's really embarrassing being 42 in your mum still worrying about you you know it's not like I do worry about you and if it's cold I get an extra phone call preppers are often seen as eccentric but in a world where our news is dominated by war disease and disaster there will always be people in the UK who will continue to prepare a long time ago people thought the earth was flat and you know a few people who said it was round they all laughter them said they're crazy but just because it hasn't happened doesn't mean to say one to me prepping is about giving my family and me the essentials to survive after any sort of disaster if there's no disaster fantastic if someone had a crystal ball and told me don't worry there's never gonna be a solar flare there's never gonna be an asteroid arrive I see well that's pretty good but disasters do happen and this earth spinning around for how many millions of years things have tripped species up beforehand we may be the next one on the link [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: MrFermanaghman
Views: 1,173,618
Rating: 4.6754832 out of 5
Keywords: PREPPERS, UK, SURVIVING, ARMAGEDDON, Documentary (TV Genre), Survivalism, Television (Invention), United Kingdom (Country), Camping, National Geographic Explorer (TV Program), nat geo, Doomsday (TV Episode)
Id: wbO3Nyg2HA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 7sec (2887 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2013
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