Green Beret’s Bug out Bag | Survival Prepper | Tactical Rifleman

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I know all my survival guys and Preppers are gonna say I forgot their favorite item this is what Carl carries all right hey gents welcome back to tactical rifleman this video is brought to you in part by the Sportsman's guide a great place to get all this great equipment that we're gonna cover all the other equipment that we use that we use a lot of our other videos check this site out helps us out too and the purpose of today's video is I get asked hey Carl you showed us a lot of your gear show us your bug out back show us your bug out bag show us your bug out bag I've been putting it off for years because I know everybody's gonna bash me for what I carry what is a bug out bag people say well it's your get home bag it's if you're broke down somewhere it's the zombie apocalypse or the end of the world as we know it it so you can walk home that's fine but if you plant walking 20 miles a day even if you go to the mall a couple hours away you're looking 200 miles all right so if I was to take a bag and you told me call you have to go walk 200 miles there it is now guys look at the size of this thing now I've had guys show up to with all the classes we teach called modern survival the Fed guys show up to these classes with bags bigger than this right you're not gonna walk 200 miles with this this you want you're not going to put this in your car you're not going to move this to the office with you you're not going to take it to the hotel room and this may be great for all the books and [ __ ] and movies you watch that's [ __ ] [ __ ] you're never going to use it never gonna [ __ ] use it here's what I carry yeah umm nice small bag today I'm in my Jeep tomorrow if I take if I'm gonna be in my suburban I take my bag and I take my toolbox out of the Jeep and I put them in the back of the suburban get back the next day I'm gonna be riding with a wife I take my toolbox and I take my bag and I put it in my wife you understand what it is it's not filled with all the gear everything that you need your level of training dictates how much equipment you have your level of being able to suck it up dictates how much equipment you have that you have to have I don't need anything I can get by with nothing all right that's the truth knowledge is always gonna be your best tool knowledge gonna be your best weapon that said having certain things makes life easier for you and that's me I have a bag right here of things that just help make life better for me right off the bat I like a bag that does not look military this one's made by blackhawk it's part of their divergent series so it's got a holster you can get to from either side now great bag now if no matter what bag you use take it and remove all the reflectors from that if you don't know what I'm talking about look at somebody's jogging and when they're there are sneaky caught by headlights a little shiny we call it Clint tape in the military but a lot of bags come with little reflectors on real easy either cut them off or go over them with a black paint pen not magic marker black paint pen all right that's a nice simple bag now get a little button compass that's just a backup to the backup now on this side I've got a set of we call them pace count beads or Ranger beads and all it's for is and only there's a cheap piece of 550 cord with zip ties on it that I've cut down if I have to walk a thousand meters to my next checkpoint and I know my pace count is 51 steps per 100 meters I'm I got count all that way [ __ ] no count 51 pull one zip tie down got 51 again pull one more get down all right when you there's only nine of them you got to pull the next one down it's not there pull one down from the top you've now gone 1,000 meters slide all 90 of these back up and start again anyway they're cheap doesn't cost nothing and that's what I use for doing map and compass routes all right easiest I'll stow the outside to me remember this is for any day any day at all I could be coming back from a wedding wearing Johnson and Murphy's and black silk pants so for me right outside I keep last year's salman's my well broken hiking shoes when I buy a new pair my old pair go to the bag now the inside of these things are things that I'm gonna immediately put onto my belt I've got my Leatherman my Leatherman surge and what I've done is it comes with that I've got the extra bit set in it but I've also got extra diamond blades and extra saw blades wood and metal go they go right in the back stick it in and there's no better multi-tool for conquering the planet than the Leatherman surge so that's right there I have a nice compass that goes on it's in a nice case that'll go on my belt I already have my pistol on me you gotta think I'm mental I've got a nice little set of lock picks that I carry tension wrench and all the different lock picks that I need again this is just pocket clutter that goes into goes into my pockets if I've got to move there's some stuff I want to layer my gear right headlamp hang around my neck and of course I gotta have my chocolate-covered espresso beans you guys know that's I have to have my chocolate-covered espresso beans I've got to have my my headlamp right now I like to go with a small one this is made by Petzl and it runs off of the watch battery so it's got a ten-year shelf life is that the brightest one out there no but I can leave it in the bag for ten years and not have to worry about it makes sense right this is the bag I'm not getting into all the time sorry that's the kind of stuff that's in here that I would actually stick in my pockets now you notice I mentioned layering your gear that's that's your EDC everyday carry that's your first level now what is your EDC alright you got you got your pocket knives I carry a spider coat with the the wave hook on it we used to carry switch plates all the time we don't carry switch blades anymore chapstick all that stuff pistol extra extra magazines for the pistol but what's part of everybody's EDC their phones now EDC we're going to say for a separate video but one thing I want to talk about on their phones is this is not just a phone gents this is a mini-computer all right there are certain apps that are awesome to have one right off the bat Gaia GPS maps satellite imagery for pretty well the whole planet you can get all the way down a topographic map so satellite imagery you can see all the woods they don't let you see the actual layout of the land so besides satellite imagery I prefer topographic maps it allow me to pick out those ravines those ditches those cliffs that I can't get to so it allows me to go around them ahead of time that's one app another one is you can store audiobooks alright not just audio books but the Kindle versions of a lot of books I have my whole book set on here you want to know what books call likes you can go to tactical riflemen comm and actually see my whole list of books at our amazon store you can download all those books get them in the Kendall version have them on digits all right a lot of them are inaudible also and then the last step is I use life 360 but satellite imaging I can literally go in right now my daughter's at college I can open up life 360 and I can zoom in and see her icon at the dorm or at the library right it is that great I have found my family members in the middle of Lollapalooza with you know 5,000 people watching that one band I've been work through the crowds and get to my family members so it's just great apps to keep on your phone all right we'll start on that outside it's just simple stuff med gear we'll get into that I've got a pill case guys if you've got knees as bad as mine your your mo bukh Tylenol benadryl imodium the baby aspirin I'm 51 I start having a heart attack I'm gonna need that baby aspirin just simple drugs like that that other stuff eyedrops and this little thing right here what this is right here this is a I got it in a ziplock bag but what it is it's a little piece of paper and on the outside are lists of everything in here that s expiration dates or has batteries right so my my plan was okay every every three months I'm gonna check my expiration dates check make sure all my batteries are good so like my headlamp pvs-14 flashlights iridium sat on my list in here and then on the back I just write in the dates of when I did the check that's it you have to sign it I'm not packing a parachute all right I used to do it every started doing it once a month then I got the six months as so many things are nine months apart my last time checking it was February 2019 the time before that because I just did it for this video time before that was about a month ago cuz I was do alright it's simple but what it does is it allows you to quickly pull it out and go damn man I really haven't checked this thing in a while well I'll let you know when the last time you actually did so anyways food for thought nobody else ever talks about [ __ ] expiring then on the other side signal mirror for me to get to sometime I'll keep a notepad in there just empty space getting up top for medical gear I was to dig everything out of this pocket you'll basically be having my whole eye FAQ video alright so if you want to see what kind of medical gear Carl carries you can go back and watch that whole video turn the kids ace wraps all that stuff way-hey before i move on to the next pouch i'm going to take a real quick break so that we can let you tube toss up another advertisement if I don't do the break guys are going to break it anyways and stick it in and mid-sentence alright guys so we just finished up the first aid pouch which is right on the outside where I can get to it next top pouch is for all my small little stuff a constricting band with several different kinds of tape I like medical tape because it breathes but also like electrical tape because it doesn't breathe cool part of electrical tape is electrical tape does stretch alright so constrict the bank guys I've had this constricting band for a long time if you see old military pictures of me it's usually hanging off my vest or off my belt I've been using it for years and forever now um next thing you guys know I'm deaf too many bombs Rockets got damn brain buds but you know I also wear hearing aids keep errant hearing aid batteries in here it's something people would forget guys if I had to walk for two weeks 200 miles hearing aid batteries toothbrush a little thing a toothpaste sounds stupid but when I was in Ranger school one thing I learned was just brushing your teeth can raise your morale about four percent that may not sound like much but it sounds funny but personal hygiene is important guys you got to do personal hygiene along with that little bottle of break free for keeping my guns clean and happy dental floss and you guys know I use chapstick for everything you use chapstick for everything guys you can lubricate the slide on your pistol with chapstick I'm you guys know well spork I have a titanium spoon I used to carry the old MRE plastic ones and I kept breaking on me you get sick your spoon breaking and you can dig with it you can do whatever else cause it's titanium it weighs that weighs nothing backup battery for backup battery for my phone it also works a couple of my other electronic devices cable is s rubber-banded to it get one that has the push button that will allow you to check what the actual charge on it got all three lights of puppies charged to the hilt you can also double as a flashlight but it burns the battery really quick Matt mentioned writing this is one of those space pens that can write upside down now this one has got two different color inks and a mechanical pencil in it right sometimes pens don't write very well in the rain all right so it actually has three separate barrels and instead of carrying three separate pens I have three separate tubes in one container again it's about space and it's about redundancy I'm 51 I wear reading glasses guys what this is this is a backup folded set of reading glasses now I went with 3x on these I don't need 3x to read but let's say you're having a hard time getting that sliver out that splinter or you got to thread a needle to do suturing whatever whatever it is reading glasses they're small they fold up they take zero space pick them up at Walgreens takes up zero space at all don't laugh but I carry a coin from one of my old unit from my old unit you never know when somebody's going to coin you also if somebody helps me out trust me me giving you my coin is a lot better than me giving you a twenty dollar bill so I carry one of my coins all right the big pouch all right right off the bat I carry a pvs-14 night-vision scope everybody's familiar with the pvs-14 gen3 tube I carry extra batteries batteries set now I also carry rechargeable double-a batteries I'll get to that in a minute but what this is right here this is an IR filter that I get that I can put - my flashlight that also runs on my handheld flashlight that also runs off the double A's what this allows me to do is move in the dark guys I'm not scared of the dark I'm not going to move during the day whenever possible I'm gonna move at night having the night vision with rechargeable batteries having my flashlights with IR filter on it allows me to move without people seeing me move I don't want to talk to anybody I don't want help from anybody I just want to get from point A to point B got my stash ax big fan of using that got my knowledge in bottles now I love regular knowledge in bottles because you can see in it that's just use knowledge in bottles for everything for this particular kit I went with a stainless steel one now when you go with a this is not a thermos make sure it's single wall the reason why single wall is so that if you had to you could boil water in it now I don't want to use it for that I want it to store they're already clean water alright but I can use it so you notice I also have my cup that I carry this is a stainless steel cup it's got I got the handles folded down and then duct tape why do I put duct tape on everything excellent question I appreciate you asking because I don't want to have to carry a roll of duct tape duct tape is awesome it is you can use it for everything so instead of carrying a roll of duct tape that takes up a lot of space I put about three feet of duct tape around everything it's around my stainless steel cup it's around its high up on my knowledge in bottle so if it was sitting in the fire I'd probably take the duct tape off of it roll it up around a pencil or something but I have duct tape here now so this space is not wasted I fill it with other other items we're to start here roll a tripwire do you have two for making snares guys you can wire if this strap breaks wiring it back together it's awesome another small compass to his one one is none right my flashlight I mentioned my flashlight wrist compass because three is two that's actually for Dane Dane bearings remember we'll get a little deeper into it a knife sharpener you guys want to see the knife sharpener you can find it in almost every one of my videos they're great the blades return spin around on it and there are diamond all you do is lay it on the other side and it's got guys it's got ceramic rods on the side now this one is brand new never been used it still has the paper instructions on the inside I'll leave them in there it doesn't waste any space and if I need a dry piece of paper tinder I know where I can look all right [Music] carry two small bottles of this is hand sanitizer right personal personal hygiene plus guys you can start a fire with the hand sanitizer it's very flammable works great bic lighter with duct tape wrapped around it i leave enough space at the bottom so you can see how much fluid is left in the lighter what these are right here these are actually electrolyte tablets alright so i'll pull one of them out for you take one of these tablets drop it into a quart of water and it basically makes it in the Gatorade I'm not doing it for the taste of reason why I'm doing it as I'm doing it for the electrolytes sodium potassium pump that's what makes those muscles move and you start sweating a lot moving without a good diet and you can quickly run down those electrolytes now you're cramping and your body just goes all this [ __ ] keep going another pencil headlamp I got that one hanging around my neck second bic lighter all right still got my duct tape wrapped around it now this is superglue this is gel superglue all right great for closing cuts whatever I'm not big on using band-aids anymore I prefer to use superglue blisters pop it drain it and superglue it superglue too precious priceless forever and then the old Vietnam error bottles of iodine tablets guys there's a hundred tablets in here yeah the taste the iodine sucks so what it it purifies the water kills all the crop in it alright that's a hundred quarts of water I can treat with that thing right there I have yet to begin to defile myself with this bag y'all seen Harry Potter this bag is actually bigger on the inside than it is on the outside all right I'll get to this in a second I used to carry LifeStraw I now carry this called the survivor filter it to me better easily better more duct tape around this side but you'll notice right here you can actually see the edge of my little ziplock bag what I've got is three of the replaceable pre-filters on the outside of bag now one of the reason why I like this filter is it's actually threaded at the other end so you can you can pick up empty soda bottles on the side of the water side of the road wash them out and put contaminated water and I'm gonna thread right on to the end you can suck water through if you don't want to get that ugly again you need to be able to haul more water these are two collapsible water pouches they thread straight to the end of this filter alright so water guys right water first then fire shelter food all that stuff's important all right before I get to the next 6 inches down I've got it guys I gotta take another break for YouTube that toss another one of those ads in there alright gents welcome back let's get a little deeper in the bag of woe all right gotta have a knife good fixed blade knife what I've done is I've woven 550 cord so that I can run this through my belt at different angles you might notice this knife from a different video it is the exact same knife that I carry on my body armor so in other words I'm very familiar with the faith the feel of it in the dark doing whatever it is I'm doing is great field knife I heard they don't make them anymore tough I've got three of them with that hand in hand goes to Sierra saw I don't care what brand saw you use but if you've ever tried cutting firewood or things for a shelter nothing beats having a saw this saw folds to nothing waste nothing's great tool to have you guys know I love my coffee now this is just instant coffee now you'll notice if you look you'll see it looks like salt and pepper in it when you buy anything in any store it's only filled about two-thirds of the way wasted space I like a little sugar in my coffee not to mention the carbohydrates would help you in a survival situation fill the rest of it up with sugar even if I'm not in a survival situation if I just want to make coffee while I'm taking care of a flat tire coffee now I mentioned electrolytes before I like a lot of people don't like them they're the emergency packets all right they're small you dump um you're supposed to dump them into 8 ounces of water I get the super orange ones I personally prefer the coconut pineapple ones you laugh but if all you've been drinking is swamp water and river water for a week just pouring one of these things into a quart of water guys it'll brighten your day and your body definitely needs the electrolytes when you start talking food there are what kind of what kind of chair you gonna pack into your back I like things that do two things for me lots and lots of calories and I don't want to have to keep replacing it so I run the the Coast guide bars that go in the that go in like your lifeboats on your your cruise ships it is no joke let mixer nut line here 3600 calories per bar I carry two of them now there's three or four different brands if you attend our modern survival classes I let you try all of them some taste better than others some students prefer some over the others I got I particularly liked the taste of this brand so guys that's just shy of 8,000 calories right there 7,200 calories in that that little space all right dig deeper now figure eight you know where I'm going with this if you've seen some of my other videos I carry a figure eight I carry a snap link and I carry a roll of spectral line all right now this stuff is 2.5 millimeters in diameter and it's rated for 1,200 pounds 1,200 pounds 1,250 pounds sorry 1,250 pounds alright double that up around a tree go down the side of the hill you get to the bottom grab on the one end and pull it back around the tree roll it back up and now you're standing at the bottom of the cliff and you're able to move again if you're interested on the techniques I use we're gonna have a separate video on how to do it that you can find in the video archive now I'm not saying I don't use 550 cord 550 cords down in the bottom you got to have a couple hundred feet of 550 cord why because 550 cord you got to have it all right um this is a small SOR the people love their space blankets this is kind of like a space blanket but it's already sealed like a sleeping bag all right so if that's all you've got you can get up inside that thing and it reflects all your body heat back you know it's this it takes zero space at all that mustache' and my mountain serape brother I'm ready to brave the elements military double-ended toothbrush for cleaning weapons I famous in the military everybody gets them in their weapon cleaning kits they're great for you got to take care of your blaster you really do not to be confused with the toothbrush that I use on myself now I have to head filters and you'll notice I also have some coffee filters coffee filters are awesome for making expedient water filters things like that but they can also be used as expedient dust filters for over your mouth they take up zero space guys there's a hundred uses for a trash bag hundred uses for 550 cord there's also a hundred uses for coffee filters I mentioned trash bags two or three lawn and garden bags they lay real flat emergency ponchos cut the arms out of them tarp to lay underneath you while you're sleeping can't go wrong with trash bags takes no space now guys this is body glide this is not deodorant I don't care what I smell like but this is actually body glide if you've ever been on a twelve Mile Road March sweating your ass off you get chafed I'm here to tell you if you've got to walk two hundred miles one thing you don't want to do is get chafed that's fine you won't find that on anybody else's bug out bag list I don't give a [ __ ] all right this is my stuff all right so body glide I mentioned communications as being part of the basics cellphone whistle smoke signals this guy's is a iridium set phone I keep it in waterproof bag ziplock and then I run a few rubber bands to protect the screen from getting crushed all right but guys what this is this is called an Iridium satellite phone now you're looking at 4995 two by 10 minutes with this thing and it costs two hundred and fifty dollars to activate it now if I'm going on a trip somewhere some [ __ ] overseas because there are a lot of shitholes overseas you pay the $250 you get it get it turned on again however many minutes you need for that trip but if things start going downhill and you're worried about the cellphone towers going down what call pay the $250 and get your phone activated you don't have to call mom it's for emergencies so 49.95 and you make your minute now there are alternatives there are alternatives to this a lot of people will use the spot the small beacons they're great you can text message all over the place it doesn't cost you as much money that is an expensive piece of kit guys very expensive piece of kit I don't care okay that's what I carry all right almost they are promise let's go to back we're gonna go to back we'll go to back bag now I mean you'll notice I always wear low-cut shoes so what I carry are like six sets of these these are gaiters I can put them on they cover the bottom of my pants they go down around my low-cut shoes people think of gaiters are for snow for me going through the brush and the brambles it's better for keeping all those thorns and [ __ ] out of my socks and from getting down inside my shoes plus they'll keep they'll they'll keep snow and stuff out of my shoes keep my feet dry the advantages of gore-tex shoes is they'll keep water from coming in however once the water gets inside of those shoes it's in so you've got to keep the water out I run Gators now waterproof extra socks beanie three rolls of toilet paper and a ziploc bag guys you got to stay comfortable not about using leaves all right set of mechanics work gloves they're the same size as the ones that are in the Jeep that I use all the time go with stuff that you know that works all right this right here guys is a fold-out charging panel all right it's it's actually still got beach sand on it because I get this out every so often the charge my my cell phone and my wife's cell phone when we're laying on the beach in Gulf Shores all right that's one part of it the cable four by the way is the same USB port cable mini USB that matches the Iridium cell phone and then this is the charger that it plugs into with the rechargeable double-a batteries now like it still has the USB out port so I can charge my cell phone with this but I can also use it for charging the double-a batteries for my night vision for my flashlights I've seen lots of other people they talked about how you gotta have a recharger for your cell phone for your cell phone for your cell phone guys that's fine I care about more than just my cell phone so all my tactical gear runs off of cr123 but the stuff in this bag I prefer gear that runs off a double a's just because it's easier to find double a's on the planet and i have rechargeable double-a batteries this bag right here guys it's empty what is this this is a it's a compression bag that will hook to the bottom of my bag so I can carry more stuff why would I want that everybody thinks it would just grab the bag and go that's not the case I'm let's say I'm getting ready to leave my Jeep this Jeep is packed to the gills with great stuff I look at your situation do you have other people traveling with you if you do you might want to consider taking certain things you got five or six people you ever use one of those water hand pumps yes it's better than a straw water filter straw but it's not as good as a hand pump I got something better we're gonna use it in another video but if I had to I would pull this out of the Jeep in a heartbeat this is this it's same as that pump one except this puppy runs off of can you say it's safe for me it runs off with double-a batteries all right I would take this out of the Jeep one wire down a one hose down into the water one in to my knowledge in bottles or my collapsible bottles and now it's a liter a minute push the button turn it on and let the puppy run while you're working on other things so anyways it doesn't take up a lot of space and I could stick it into this bag hanging off the bottom of my other bag and now it's allowed me to add a lot more stuff to this bag well it's when I grab this time of year I probably grab my mountain shar-pei that's already cinched down in a compression sack toss that in there there's there's so much good [ __ ] in this Jeep matter of fact I probably wouldn't ever leave my Jeep I just live there and build build myself a two-story house with a three car garage but anyways that's why I have that bag to go along with my bug-out bag it's empty let's say you're in your office and you've got to leave the office building what do you have there in your desk that you want to take with you brother there was no room left in this bag very little room but by having this other bag that I can hook on the bottom it allows me to carry a lot more gear so anyways that's why I use it maps to go along with the compasses now this one says southern southeastern United States guys I've got a stack of these whatever part of the US you're going to grab the map for that part stick it in the back I don't carry all five that's I'm not walking to California I'm walking home so have maps a fishing kit I carry a roll of us spiderwire it's Kevlar line it's hollow in the middle guys I fill it up with fish and stuff hooks weights everything else and then I also love these things they're called speed hooks great for fishing and cooking but these puppies are also awesome for making snares out in the woods you got squirrels chipmunks running around your yard go buy some of these speed hooks man have a blast with them all right film crews telling me it's time for another break so what we're going to do is YouTube is going to stick up another one of those ads i chance welcome back and lasses i can't forget about susan out there in australia all right gents getting to the bottom of the bag all right this is a sheet of moleskin it doesn't take up any space lays across the back of the bag and it what do youse moleskin for blisters remember your you're soft you're gentle your internet ninja you work in an office you've got to walk home brother go dude go walk 12 miles this weekend and tell me you don't get a hot spot I don't like blisters so I know where my hot spots are ahead of time I put more skin on helped me save my feet takes up zero space I won't get into the the holster built into the back I keep three magazines already pre-loaded for my clock rubber bands around them not tape I've seen guys tape magazines they think it's awesome until they take the tape off and now their mags stick inside their guns and they can't do speed reloads you'll notice these have got ball ammo instead of the expensive hollow points I used to run the expensive hollow points in them but magazines are actually on my little list of things to swap out and I'll be honest with you I got tired of swapping expensive ammo out of these mags and putting them into new mags so I shot up my expensive ammo and now I just put ball ammo in here ball ammo still good guys hit what you're shooting at but anyways that's why you'll see cheep am I don't want to hear people bitching that I don't I'm not running good defensive ammo I don't care I run ball and I have a reason for running ball I'm lazy all right last but not least I have this is just a small velcroed light on a string the military runs them a lot on their helmets you turn it on it'll go solid green or it'll go strobe they come in red they come in IR we would run them on the back of our helmets IR take up zero space I could run an IR one because I have nods but I prefer the green one here's why if I have to let's say I have picked myself out a nice little bush that I want to stay in this spot is perfect I want to stay here cool if I have to leave it for whatever reason I will go 100 meters due east of that spot and I will hang this from a [ __ ] branch I'll leave it turned on broad daylight alright if I get lost coming back in the dark I'll be able to find this light once I find that light I know I turn due west I go 100 meters I'm right back at my spot if somebody else finds it they're not going to find my location because it's not right there anyways doesn't take up any space runs off of a watch battery and has a 10 year life so long as you're not using it keep it dummy corded off and it stays attached to the velcro in the back of the bag guys that's it bags empty alright that's a lot of [ __ ] you asked for it so I apologize for boring the living crap out of everybody but guys this is what's in my bag that Carl has in his Jeep I bring from place to place so I I challenge you can you survive could you do it what would you bring and if you're one of those guys that shows up at my classes with a 300 pound bag you know the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna have everybody put their bags on and we're gonna go out for a hour walk in the woods and you're immediately going to go to your car and you're gonna start taking stuff out of your bag before you come back in the classroom happens every time so anyway streamline your stuff make it as light as possible two is one one is none right and but know how to use your gear right layer it but just you got to have the bare basics we have a separate video for survival base check those blocks and then think about what nice to have items are you willing to sacrifice weight for and what other things are you willing to sacrifice and go without so anyways you gotta weigh the pros and cons of both that's all I've got for this week gents you know the deal leave the comments below I know all my survival guys and Preppers are gonna say I forgot their favourite item this is what Carl carries all right y'all take care I'll see you next time shoot straight if you liked this video make sure to LIKE comment and subscribe also make sure you follow us on Facebook Instagram and Twitter so you don't miss out on anything if you liked the shirt that we're wearing in the video you can get it in our store
Channel: Tactical Rifleman
Views: 615,343
Rating: 4.8932767 out of 5
Keywords: Tactical, rifleman, NRA, military, training, skills, gun, survival, prepper, how, to, special, forces, sniper, karl, erickson, techniques, conceal, carry, 2nd, amendment, bug out bag, bug, out, bag, survivor, escape, what, you, need, food, water, shelter
Id: ToonXShDAFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 0sec (2520 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2019
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