10 easy steps to prevent home invasions

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hey YouTube this is city prepping in this video we'll discuss 10 easy steps second he'll prevent a home invasion your home is your castle keeping it secure and your family safe should be a high priority while many videos focus on how to handle a burglar once they have entered your home will instead focus on methods to reduce making your home an easy target consider the mindset of someone wanting to illegally enter your home most burglars or home invaders are opportunists they're looking for easy targets with a low chance of risk to themselves finding a way to reduce the probability that someone would want to illegally enter your home can be done in 10 easy steps which we'll discuss here number 1 lock your doors and windows now this may seem like common sense but many people forget to lock doors and windows and they provide an easy access point to burglars according to the FBI about 30 percent of burglaries in the United States are considered unlawful entry meaning intruders were able to gain entry without breaking in usually through an unlocked door each night before I go to bed I go through the routine of checking all the doors and windows and make sure they're locked regarding the locks use deadbolt locks at a minimum as opposed to simple push-button locks for another layer of protection consider using a door security bar if someone tries to kick down your door they'll find this to be a very difficult task sliding glass doors and windows are also very vulnerable using a wooden dowel or another solid object helps prevent windows and sliding doors from being opened should the log be compromised and don't forget to lock the door going out to the garage if someone gains entry into your garage they can easily walk into your house if you don't lock that door as well I have a neighbor who recently had their car broken into and from their house they left the car doors unlocked and when the burglar access a car there was a garage door opener inside the car the burglar opened the garage door it was able to steal tools out of their house so here's a few additional tips when moving into a new home have all your locks change put a lock on the circuit breaker if outside the house make sure the door hinges are on the inside doors on outside never leave keys in their doormats flowerpots and mailboxes or other quote unquote secret hiding places number two make your house well lit at night so when looking to enter your home does it want to be seen I have several different lights on at night outside my house and my house very visible it's easy to forget to turn these lights on sometimes so I just set them up on automatic timers and some of the lights have photosensitive switches on them number three make it appear someone is at home contrary to popular belief most home invasions don't occur at night said 65% of them often occur between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. most times a burglar attempting to access your home during the day will pose as a salesmen to find out if someone is home often they'll knock on your door and if no one responds though either try to gain access via the door they just knocked on or other points of entry number 4 learn to rely on neighbors to watch your house now the best way to have good neighbors is to be a good neighbor take the time to develop a great relationship with your neighbors and develop a network with them number 5 removing shrubbery from around your house trim trees and shrubs so they cannot be used as hiding place for intruders also consider putting plants around your house that have thorns anything you can do to make it difficult for them to get close your house will make it that much more challenging number 6 barking dog you don't necessarily need a large attack dog but rather a small barking dog will do just as fine if the animal makes noises and barks someone may think twice about attempting to break into your home point in case I'll provide a link to a pretty funny video where a home burglar is scared off by a small Yorkie dog while it's a funny video the reality is is that when someone is trying to break into your home they're probably already nervous and a dog like this can do the trick to scare them away number 7 home security systems in the context of our discussion to prevent a home invasion having a visible home security system or the appearance of a home security system can work in your favor on a side note some would argue that having a visible home security system would give a burglar a reason suspect you might have something that's worth stealing I argue differently home security system can give you an advantage if it alerts you that someone is trying to break into your home now there are several approaches that you can take when it comes to home security systems the first option is to put up like a home security sign or stickers lease in the clear message that you have some type of security system installed and it's gonna give an intruder a second thought about whether they want to try to force their way into your home you can easily pick up stickers that you can put on your house even if you don't have a home security system another option is outside security cameras now I recently picked up a four pack of these fake security cameras but one day when I have the budget for it I'll replace them with a real camera but for now I'm simply using them as deterrence another option is having a peephole on your door and using it before you open your door when someone knocks or rings the doorbell in the last option which again is a very important one is a home security system these can range whiling both costs monthly fees and installation fees remember if you have a home security system armen for those on a budget there's other options that you can find on websites like Amazon that are pretty affordable and I'll provide a link in the description below now if you don't have a budget at all for a home security system here's some other alternatives hang a bell on the door if at least you get alert in the middle of the night if someone tries to break in sounds funny but hey it'll work door alarms again these are small little devices you can put on doors and again you can pick these up online for relatively cheap and as we discuss earlier door security bar number 8 don't flaunt your wealth flaunting your wealth it sends a signal that you have things that they're probably gonna want so simple things you can do is keep your curtains closed no reason to show off on the nice things you have in your house also it's not advisable to leave a box of a new big-screen TV you just purchased on your curb or some other expensive thing that you got when you put that box out there everybody that drives by knows that you now have that other things like lawnmowers barbecue grills bicycles just store everything outside number 9 what to do if you're gone for an extended time away from your home here's some simple things you can do to not draw attention to would-be home invaders checking out your neighborhood as we discussed earlier put some lamps inside your home on an automatic timer have someone mow your lawn if someone sees that you have an overgrown lawn it's probably good indicator that you're not around don't post on social media that you're on vacation social media can easily provide a lot of information to people you don't even know have neighbors remove the mail and newspapers that may accrue at your house or have the post office but a hold on delivery also be sure to ask your neighbors to take out your trash as this can alert others that you aren't around to take it out yourself and finally number 10 considerations if your car is outside your house don't leave your car door unlocked don't leave keys in the vehicle and do not leave the garage door open or in plain view with these simple and inexpensive steps you can severely reduce a probability that your home will be a target for home invasion if you found this video to be useful please click on the like button below subscribe to our channel and visit our website as always be safe out there [Music]
Channel: City Prepping
Views: 1,228,329
Rating: 4.9112735 out of 5
Keywords: prepping, preppers, home invasion, home protection, home security
Id: k8ouGAd13jU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 05 2016
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