Wargame: Red Dragon, But I Turned Off the Unit Cap

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Oh oh my god oh the door hey alrighty boys we are back once again watching the the war game red dragon global chats which is essentially a real-time fortune board but you know what I'm sure that's fine now a little while ago I made a video where I managed to spawn in the vanilla game without mods nearly 1500 helicopters on my side which as you'd imagine I promptly used to bum-rush their base however a few of you in the comments of that video were kind enough to point me in the direction of something much much worse the war game sandbox mod now the sandbox mod is a number of different uses but the one we're using it for today is as you could guess to turn off the pop cap and just spawn as many units as I possibly can now in order to do this we are going to make a brand new deck we're gonna play as blue fort because one of the things this mod does is that it puts all of the units in the game onto the blue force side so you can just use any unit now we're gonna be taking infinite units with a yes DLC which gives plus ninety nine thousand nine hundred percent availability for all unit types and we're not gonna pick any specialization we're just gonna go oh but we're gonna call this deck the entire US military budgets yeah that sounds about right alright so let's take a logistics vehicle weight but if I have unlimited points and unlimited units why would I not just take the 200 point Russian command tank you know yeah that's what we're gonna do we're gonna take oh my god mm mm t-80u Kay's yeah that's probably fine oh wait wait can I can I take F obese oh my god I can take F obese it seems I've hit the limit okay apparently 13040 pieces is the limit for the small infantry okay what do we want oh no but it needs to be motor stroked e9d yeah it just does how many of these guys can we take 300,000 units of motor strokey oh wait a minute but that's just squads hang on how many how many guys is this hang on a second let me bust out my calculator so 300,000 units times 10 and a squad three million Russian infantry holy [ __ ] okay all right now support oh my god the artillery wait a minute which one of these has the most missiles yeah okay yes well we'll take it we'll take some smooches and we'll also take some really [ __ ] expensive anti-aircraft guns yeah [ __ ] it we're taking a 10,000 that's probably enough that's four tanks well there's really only one thing we can do here four tanks there's only one one real option for us t-34s Oh Oh but which Oh which t-34 do we want it's the sad thing is we have four choices we have the the Polish t-34 85 so we have the Yugoslavian t-34 B's a Russian t-34 85 s from 1969 or the Korean one the best one would either be the North Korean or the Polish one so we're gonna go to the Polish one 360,000 t-34 holy [ __ ] yeah okay recon now [ __ ] it I'm just gonna take some some Apaches vehicles what can we have for vehicles and bring in the m51 Sherman from Israel apparently yeah [ __ ] it Sherman's and Sherman's and t-34s it's all we need now I don't think we're gonna take helicopters from anyone who aren't either the Russian or the United States just because they're the guys are the best helicopters 32,000 helicopters yeah that that's probably enough well the thing is even if we have like 10,000 planes we can still only have five nine of them at a time because that's just how working works I think what we're gonna do just take a bunch of I don't know let's take the Finnish f-18 because why not have a 15,000 of those and finally we can get to the naval units now I have no interest in anything in the naval category except for the biggest ship we have available okay and which one of these is the bigger uh-huh I'm not I don't care what their armor is or anything I just want the larger ship now they're about the same size okay screw it we'll take the you Deloitte take 15,000 you Deleuze yeah fine all right and there we go we have Jesus Christ may be the most disgusting deck I have ever seen in my life now you may be wondering how I'm planning to use this deck because I don't believe I've said yet and the thing is this is a large amount of units for one person to handle so I think what I'm gonna do is play against an AI let him play with the same deck because the AI might be able to handle micromanaging all of these units or I'm certainly not going to be able to do it but maybe the AI will so with that in mind we're gonna play on gunboat diplomacy because it's nice flat open map that also has some naval tiles first to use well set victory points to total destruction yeah why not and starting points 2 9 9 9 9 9 9 8 and we're gonna give the enemy AI the same deck we have and put them on hard alright well I think we're ready let's begin alright well let's see how how long we can go in this game before we crash all right the first thing I'm gonna do is I think I'm gonna designate this square is like the artillery square so I'm just gonna put all my artillery in the one place oh wait but before we place too many of these s look ok oh my god this is not gonna end well before we place more of these though I'm actually just gonna stack it with fo bees so that they can reload this you know this physically hurts to look at it also lags really badly when I try to play some more hits in this pile so at this point you may be thinking oh this is this is gonna take so long to sit here and click everything well that's what you may think I have written an autohotkey script just so I could spawn him units without having to click the button over and over again so now if I press f8 as you can see it's selecting units for me over there on the right and I can just then come over here and slap them down except it's so laggy I can't place very many more of these super for him without it dying all right you know I think actually I'm gonna hold on to the other 3,000 artillery pieces because if the AI decides to send like one bombing run in this direction he is going to flatten destroy all of these artillery pieces and I wouldn't be able to spawn anymore in so we're gonna hold onto some some extra points there now these guys are gonna need some anti-aircraft protection so we're just gonna like I guess we'll just form a line of like AAA at the top of the zone here just literally build a wall of anti-aircraft guns to protect the artillery all right next up I think we need some t-34s oh and I don't know if I mentioned it yet but this mod also turns off fuel so the t-34 can litter drive across the entire map without running out of fuel like it will in the base game just always very depressing when you bring in a massive flock of t-34 is only to have them run out of fuel after 500 meters I would also like to say that the game is still paused right nothing has happened and yet I'm still only getting about 25 frames per second right now it's not even playing and I've sub 60fps oh god oh [ __ ] I think I just deleted a huge chunk of the t-34s [ __ ] oh it just sat there for so long place they go this d-34 is only to delete them off the map you know what [ __ ] it we we can build more t-34s I don't know how many this actually is but it's it's a few it's a few oh I'd really like to build this infantry I think we'll wait on building the infantry as well until the game is started oh yes some helicopters yeah let's take some of these now at this this is fine for now I just want to get this underway and a see if the game will even like survive without crashing and B see how the AI is handling this this is gonna crash oh my god oh [ __ ] christ okay hang on hang on hang on oh my god oh my god so work off the blue lines or just oh no we're gonna we're gonna select all of the t-34s oh my god of three fps I've got a three FPS as we move towards the enemy base we're gonna click you move fast and just left-click here hey I think that order went through let's turn it back to normal and let deselect the units please no please deselect the units yet give me my favorite pack there we go okay there deselected the game is not handling this very well it's a still image Oh oh no all the noisy [ __ ] oh my god the dust us the second dust ball it's begun holy [ __ ] they're all gonna try and get on the road as well because I told them to move fast alright do you know what we haven't done we actually haven't spawned in any naval units let's just let's just do that now I just like oh my god normally you could only have like one of these things and Here I am spawning and like the entire Russian fleet alright they're spawning and my god oh Jesus is that really how it yep alright that's how you're gonna spit the you boys out I guess no I can't lie though that's so it's a pretty snazzy color scheme the the you Deloitte has I [ __ ] love that it's so good I guess we should also send a helicopters out and look at that [ __ ] massive tank this is a mistake alright let's take the helicopters out as well we'll just like also right-click their base and well we'll see we'll see we're facing I hope the AI does like understand what it needs to do and isn't just awful lagging its ass out of the world hello my name is Val Fiske and welcome to my powerpoint presentation look at the dust look at the [ __ ] dust as they all try to squeeze onto the [ __ ] row oh my god it's gonna take them all so long to get there they're gonna get mowed down well before they get there by being as sure it's fine I don't think the u2 was able to really go on the yeah that you know wait oh these ones are on land oh my god he's reared up on man you know I don't think it would be seaworthy after after doing that oh yeah but when we finally see the enemy we can select and fire the artillery all 1,000 something of them they are moving very slowly like this is a normal speed but they're moving at this pace maybe it's like EVE Online and they have time dilation so that they can actually calculate what the [ __ ] is going on a couple of the units have managed to a break out of the pocket here and RN route I think what's actually lagging the game is is this like a swarm of bees why is that one facing hey he's just been swept up at this flood of Polish armor trying to go this way that he's not even had the chance to turn Oh oh [ __ ] oh oh no it's just a recon helicopter okay that'll be fine well he'll walk into the anti-aircraft line my God look how slow the planes are flying real-time real-time wargaming action oh [ __ ] we found more enemies couple more helicopters we're just gonna get shredded by the akula's those are some slow ass missiles oh there goes that one oh oh it's so this is infantry oh dear something tells me they're not gonna survive this no look forget all the missiles why are they going so slow oh do you have a couple of anti-aircraft guns they're being very sparse but I wonder if that's actually what's going on here or maybe I just can't see what they're doing oh Jesus Christ there go the motor strip Kiki oh the noise and there goes their command tank curiously they did not have very many units there today I just don't know how to handle this oh wow so they have they do have some helicopters over here all right you know what we're gonna do we're gonna use the artillery oh come on please give me more than 5 FPS we're gonna use the artillery we're gonna come all the way over to their their other base yeah we're just gonna fire position I don't know I guess I guess over here it is a bit of a long shot to hit helicopters with the you know these missiles but we'll give it a go Oh oh my god oh god oh my god are we gonna hit anything oh my god we are now we're not we overshot what they're vanishing into the void the missiles already been hitting the ground they're just vanishing into the void oh my god look it's beautiful oh my god it's like fireworks it's actually really nice I do wish she like was hitting the ground but it seems a little glitched at the moment the game is lagging so bad that it's doing each salvo I like every tick oh oh Sh I think the missiles are actually registering oh oh we shut down a helicopter Oh oh my god we actually shot down a helicopter like I said shot down but [ __ ] we've demolish the entire hillside what the [ __ ] wait there are two layers of smoke I have absolutely no idea what what the game is doing what is this why are there two layers of smoke no I wonder right back here or the t-34 is I'm guessing or still stuck yep they are if I told these t-34 to stop with the game speed up to normal like if I just did this and hit stop well the game actually like play at a normal speed now I think it is I think it actually is playing at the the right speed now these planes are moving at a oh [ __ ] oh crap they actually have guys over here oh my god they brought their own t-34s Oh No alright the only thing that could deal with the t-34 is its natural predator the the Apache will just bring in like 50 of them over here on the bright side of the youtl always have escaped several of them have made it out to harbor here but there's a significant amount of them still stuck in this little bottleneck here at the spawn this is an accurate representation of the the Battle of Kursk you know this is the Russians over here and these are the champions oh my god did they shoot down an apache holy [ __ ] they shot down a bunch of Apaches what the [ __ ] I don't know what to do with this swarm of a t-34 is here oh no wait a minute I know what we need to do we should set the artillery to target our own men eh this will make the game lag less and B this is gonna kill a lot of t-34s and I just want to see it happen the funny thing is these artillery pieces are gonna have to now move away to fire our own men they have to put distance between them because their minimum range is 10,000 meters and those are 34 is there only 6,000 away the great exodus of the the rocket tube cars oh there's a battle the helicopters going on over here and I bring in some backup for our patchi's a single man areas there he was oh my god people of Wuhan flee the city after coronavirus spreads twenty20 colorized all right I believe the majority of the artillery is in position so I believe it is time the fire position our own men we're gonna aim roughly right in the middle here right there oh I've I just realized that some of the helicopters I've accidentally told them to move with the artillery and now looks like they're gonna go attack the t-34s as well oh [ __ ] they're already firing oh no they're not registering yet it's gonna happen all once you barely even see the artillery fire because of all the blue [ __ ] squares that are in the way we're just gonna hear a noise and all of these t-34s are just gonna disappear in one one fell swoop [Music] whoa oh my god no stay with me whoa bravo Bravo hood core oh my [ __ ] god the noise holy [ __ ] oh my god that was phenomenal they're still firing there's nothing left there is nothing left and the artillery is still firing well that'll make the game a little bit less laggy by eliminating from c34 oh look at him just the carcasses it's just fire a death look how some of them haven't even gotten into position yet to fire so they're just gonna keep firing oh man watching those t-34 is die hurt my heart holy [ __ ] all right we're gonna spawn in some helicopters and have them bum-rush we're gonna end this now if we destroy their command vehicles they'll be done so I'm sure if we just swarm their base with a bunch of Apaches and that'll be it regardless of the fact that they also have a [ __ ] ton of helicopters spawning right now yeah yes and here we go the the Apache strike force punching straight through to their base some of the Apaches have nearly breached all the way to their base they just got infantry on the ground yeah they do yep their defenses are breached they're falling apart now I have a bad feeling about this look there's at least like 200 maybe 300 guys here I'm sorry I'm sorry holy [ __ ] there's a lot of oh my god they have a lot of stuff right here I'm get boys boys I'm getting an idea all the artillery that has yet to fire and/or can fire on everything to fire on this position meanwhile the port infantry just get absolutely shredded you can't spawn in any more units we just need to figure out where his last command vehicles are and destroy them there we go the artillery is landing now Oh Mike look at all the infantry it just they're evaporating the noise this sounds like a chainsaw alright boys where is his last command tank where does it sit oh oh I saw ah aha we we're gonna bring in more more helicopters there's one thing we don't have enough of its helicopters sending in a squad of super Cobras as well as the new helicopters go and attack them for some reason the artillery is oh my god the artillery is rushing oh they're out of ammo oh so when I told them fire position on that point every artillery piece of no ammo just took that as a move order there it is that's gotta be it there yep there it is the t-80 take him down super fly that's it BAM what ok ok that gives you an example of the the time-dilation it says this game took 14 minutes and 25 seconds but my recording says an hour in 25 minutes one of those is right the other one is wrong well that was war game without a unit cap if you'd like to try this for yourself I'll leave a link to the the sandbox mod down in the description shout out to those devs this was a this was an experience that's for sure thank you guys for watching and I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: Valefisk
Views: 307,967
Rating: 4.9211221 out of 5
Id: U1v9F35C3SQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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