DOOM Eternal, but it's Ultra-Nightmare and I'm Panicking

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[Music] [Music] [Music] all right you know what I think if we had enough of the eight men I think it's probably time we get this the show on the road Oh everybody welcome back to a live stream haven't done one of these in a [ __ ] long time actually no wait honey you know yeah I was gonna say something like now it's only been like two months cuz i streamed Halo Reach when that came out December no it is almost the end of March that's four months holy [ __ ] okay that that time went by welcome to doom eternal holy [ __ ] it finally came out after all this time we finally have two eternal I spent I was so excited for this game I put I haven't finished it yet that's the thing we're playing the Sun ultra nightmare today I wanted to finish it on nightmare before I played it on ultra nightmare that did that didn't happen it just didn't happen but that being said I have not tried it an ultra nightmare yet and I have exactly zero confidence of us getting very far on ultra nightmare I think we'll probably no we're not gonna get past the cultist base is the cult of space is gonna kill us the one in the ice it's not it's not gonna work out I don't think so yeah we're just gonna play ultra nightmare today and we're just gonna see see how it goes because I like with the last doom game on him I am on a mission to beat this on ultra nightmare I did beat doom 2016 an ultra nightmare I don't know if you guys remember that stream from ages ago where I think I only got up to conjure sanctum on that stream but I did actually finish it an ultra nightmare after only a hundred hours of a single-player campaign and so far doom eternal is a lot more difficult there's a lot more going on so I have a feeling it's gonna be at least double the time spent to beat this one an ultra nightmare so that's gonna be a pain in the ass so I hope everybody's doing well in quarantine it's honestly not much of a life change okay we don't need to talk about the sadness so I've got my normal nightmare run through that I started when it came out blastin not last night the night before last night I'm up to the end of the Mars Corps mission but of course we're gonna play on a new slot on ultra nightmare I don't do we get one UPS or no like I don't know if one UPS are allowed I think they are ya know it says this is nightmare with one major adjustment so this just means there's no checkpoints but I can still get one UPS and extra lives and stuff you cannot be able to alter any of the difficulty settings I'm sure I'm sure this is this is it guys here we go hope I hope I can at least get through the first level without dying but we're gonna we're just gonna see how it goes Oh God oh I have to press space to start yeah I'm an idiot okay I do like this guy it's just done I really really hope I don't die in the first level I played through it on nightmare I didn't die in the first level it shouldn't be any different the only difference now isn't going to be trying to talk at the same time which is always really good for concentration unless we skipped about candy skips I've barely tempted to yeah we can skip it it's fine it's fine we're just going to go always a good start when you don't kill the first enemy in one hit oh [ __ ] Oh a hand a minute we're playing hey I've got this one [ __ ] uh display yeah I need to go offline I'd Steve just disable [ __ ] all the chat right now thank you novel for for letting me know that I need to turn this off so no rusty thank you novel very kind of very kind oh hang on a minute it's still blinking in the background I got to get rid of this uh areas get rid of that we don't need any of that [ __ ] in here all right we're fine we're fine oh [ __ ] am I gonna have to sit through all the tutorials as well it'll be fine it'll be fine okay I know I remember where the secret is it's fine Oh Oh are we really gonna they really make you play through all the tutorial stuff on the ultra dimer as well that's very unfortunate you can disable them okay I'm gonna disable them in a second then I definitely don't need these right now yeah it's there this tutorials off okay that'll be fine it'll be hard to play this without the dash but we'll see how it goes this is the first ultra nightmare run that I've done the last time I streamed this I had done for doom 2016 I had done it several dozen times before streaming so i really hope forking gets further than the first level today we'll see I think we probably can the first level is not very hard well we don't have the flame belts yet either so we can't you get armor oh [ __ ] me this is much harder on a lower-resolution I'm not used to playing huh 1920 by 1080 I'm out of ammo [ __ ] [ __ ] me I think I need to turn my sensitivity up as well yeah hang on I gotta turn my sensitivity up it's too low is it feels less way too low I'm gonna turn this up to like Oh God wait how much is 30 should I try and see how much 30 is we're gonna give it a go oh [ __ ] okay no no no turn it that back down ahead of it no okay we'll do like seven maybe no that's still two it's still a little bit too high I mean maybe like six that's better I need to be able to swim swim around at top speed now I need to get some a [ __ ] hello that everybody there we go all right well we got through the first the first little section of the game without weight today this is secret now oh yeah we got to kill this guy [Applause] Oh what the [ __ ] oh there we go okay [ __ ] remote with his body a despondent side the cutscene all right let's skip that we've seen him rip the heads off now how do you love those I love all the mechs as well there's so much stuff going on in the background I wish I had more time to pay attention to all right I guess so I guess we'll take full auto I never really use it much because I think a it wastes too much ammo and B you have to be up close and it slows you down big advocate for the sticky bombs over that oh we don't have blood punch yeah I just realized oh we're so this thing we're missing so much of the like the essential kit no no how he didn't die I get I guess I did get them all there any secrets somewhere I don't want to miss anything but I definitely will ah [ __ ] here we go ah [ __ ] [ __ ] barrels as well I miss him the I did come on [ __ ] where are you there he is no I missed again there we go okay I got it no [ __ ] I tried to - oh it doesn't work [ __ ] don't let me die in the first [ __ ] thing give me help [ __ ] mother [ __ ] there we go okay he's down we'll be fine Timmy gonna get caught on the [ __ ] wall out of ammo again holy [ __ ] all right easy money there we go we're fine guys so much harder without Dash and flame belts and all this stuff that you need oh my god okay we're fine though or fine it's fine she's okay it's all good it's all good we actually have full health as well am i playing this more than doom 20 am i enjoying this more than doom 2016 I would say yeah definitely I mean doom 2016 I think it's just gonna feel kind of empty going back to it after playing this one is there's so much more to this to everything in this it's just so much more game in the package well we're gonna make it through level one okay I don't think we're gonna die on this level provided I don't do anything really stupid but I mean that is kind of my hallmark so we'll see how it goes I might bump oh yeah hang on for anyone who hasn't seen this real quick in the video options if you go to motion blur what's a medium what okay anyway the motion blur has the same difficulty settings as the the game so you could put motion blur on ultra nightmares well it's disgusting it's disgusting I had no idea I don't know how that got on medium i think when i turned my resolution down it went to that so it's fine that's better now I can see sad that's so that's Anna that's not a barrel I know there's an arachnoid a couple of them yeah they're they're down there I got to get their guns out now [ __ ] [ __ ] I get it no I didn't there we go know what it's not gone is it no they're okay I heard I heard the ding we got at that time it's gotta be carry sure there are two of them on this part but I don't remember Christ don't you dare no you [ __ ] you [ __ ] I hate that oh [ __ ] oh I'm such an idiot here I was thinking I'd make it through the first [ __ ] level oh god damn it well one thing I've learned is this is a lot harder without being able to - it's so much harder when you can't - I'm so used to being able to - up and glory kill someone oh alright let me skip this we're making it through the first level okay I promise you that much we're gonna get through this first level god dammit let me skip the game there we go I will do this a top speed this time open the door open the door open the door open the door I'm angry now you made me angry we're going through this yes so for the four people who haven't played on it ultra nightmare is essentially permadeath on the hardest difficulty so if you die you get sent back to the very beginning of the game honestly it's not terribly difficult it just takes a lot of perseverance to just keep going and the longer you play it the more you learn like the spawns what to expect at every area of the game and all that open the door open the door we're playing we're just gonna speedrun the [ __ ] out of this now not playing with you I'm not playing with you guys anymore it's not happening I think when I when I played doom 2016 I think I the latest in the game I died was the ninth of the 12th level hit was 12 levels maybe 13 but it does get to the point where once you have a lot of the power-ups and stuff then you have all your weapons in order it just becomes a matter of paying a lot of attention and not dying I mean then again you could say that's true for all these it's just a matter of not dying that everything there we go there we go easy money did I miss any like armor in here I feel like there was armor in here no there's some ammo for the chainsaw yeah it looks like all of it okay when are we getting veal this paradoxical [ __ ] there no oh my god no yeah probably what the next video is gonna be is the Minecraft runescape thing I did with ISP and Bo and if I remember correctly the intro of that is me cowering in the corner wailing well ISPs kind of standing over me shouting about the paradox quiz show the entire time now you don't actually get any uh I also keep pressing R I keep using the key vines from 2016 and not the recent ones can't you change the key vines that's true but it's one of those things for the reason they've changed the key vines is because you have to be pressing all these keys so while I could change things back around doom 2016 I don't know it kind of puts things out of place I'd rather learn the way that the the devs intended to intended me to play if that makes sense [ __ ] I gotta get somebody or one of those that also works kram I I'm over here now honestly the sticky bomb on the shotgun just having like extra charges on it now makes such a difference how long am i planning to scream for I don't know probably until I get like far ish and then die oh [ __ ] I've walked into that one if that makes sense like if we get up to level 3 and I've like should we still spawning things in are we because the erect neutrons still not dead not gonna make the same mistake I'm out of ammo [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I was on top of something there and it hit me it's an imp give me the health please also out of fuel that's fine we're fine why don't you chainsaw the spiders the spiders take three fuel to a chainsaw so the chainsaws main purpose in this game is just to give you a mow when you run out of ammo you use the chainsaw and since the chainsaw always has one well it doesn't always have it it recharges it's up to one shot you can basically always slice through something that's wandering around so you never run out of ammo that way but you just have to kind of keep on your toes and watch your ammo count that last run was just a warm-up guys it's fine now well I play Red Alert 3 I don't know I don't know what the hell I want to play right now other than this anyway I think we're good they I miss his a gun didn't I yeah it's really hard to hit from this distance [ __ ] the help oh [ __ ] there's a guy behind me the whole time [ __ ] I had no idea I have ammo as well come here imp they get it there I thought I heard the ding I got it that time I'm just gonna kill it I'm not gonna go up to it like last time give me the health very good I think we're good yeah it means music change means we're fine okay can you look at the chat again it takes so much concentration for this this game it really really does we can actually go get the secrets now there we go and then we can go get the other one that's over there I remember when I played through this the first time starting on Thursday night I was I was ready to play it i played i took me so long to get through this level because i was scouring every inch of it for the secrets and I can't quite oh I remember now I have to go outside it really is the sticky bombs are so much better in this game and they're honestly off there's just so good how the [ __ ] do I get up there again oh yeah like this No I'm such an idiot why did he [ __ ] I went up there to get the secret and then just receded not to get the secret and drop back down extra lives do work on a ultra nightmare thank [ __ ] but given how hard this game is I don't see it as like I mean on one hand it does seem like a break in the integrity of ultra nightmare since the whole point is its perma death but the one ups honestly aren't it's not like a checkpoint and you don't get very many of them as the game goes on anyway Wow thanks Vic domion I hope I pronounced your name right I'm not panicking yet though I'm not panicking yet I may have already died once but there's no panic involved probably not waste those but I don't really care [ __ ] I missed that shot anything else now yes that's it Elsa lovely the climbing animation and it's like a crab but coming up and down the wall there's the old key cards any Iraq neurons or no looks alright to me oh this [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I remember this inner there is an Iraq no Tron down here that makes comes around the corner I remember this those on the wall there now I got to be careful if I got him nope definitely didn't get them they're still they're still alive he's still alive I'll fine though full-sized or actually that's a good point which hang on what's your skin am I using I think I still have the the original dune guy's skin on but I can't quite tell those gloves look like the original I'll [ __ ] me alright there's an arachnoid Tron over here so I'm gonna get ready to run there he is uh-uh we're not playing ah [ __ ] [ __ ] me when the [ __ ] did that attack become a thing I need this I really hope I don't get hit by the environmental thing in a second all right we're fine we're fine that erector Tron was actually the first time I died in the game cuz I didn't think they would put one down here but they did they did put one down here [ __ ] how the [ __ ] is this pattern oh yeah it's either side okay I got it all right and then all right we're fine we're fine and then micro missiles because of course all right I think we're fine I can't I but it's not letting me switch guns Oh am I out of ammo no game what selecting the combat shotgun but it's not switching at the combat shotgun that's very strange I don't know why it's doing that maybe if I get the frag grenade something will happen now okay there we go we're fine it's just snipe from here no reason to go over there yet this room is I think this is the first like actual long room [ __ ] me alright such to this I need ammo [ __ ] don't get caught in the [ __ ] oh I hear him I hear him where is he he's over there oh [ __ ] oh okay then not following these too far away that's too far away edit note one last up Oh down with my cotton the way it's not dead from that that's impressive all right we're fine all right so far so good you know we've made it through the this section without really taking any any damage it's all fine I'm not panicking I'm not panicking yet so any other health in here I think that's it I don't think there's any secrets in here either but it can't be sure I do love the MEK honestly oh I hate the Cacodemons so much I'm just gonna have to go up what okay that was that was weird [ __ ] I almost had a little panic attack there who I went up to it's big glory Killa and the grenade just hadn't gone off yet I guess ah [ __ ] fire now that was there anything else no I don't think so [ __ ] not the tentacles I hate themselves the tentacles are quirks go on especially when you get to later and there's like goop on the floor so you can't really even see them except for like a little bit of bubble oh this is tentacle thing oh okay that one's fine thank [ __ ] oh [ __ ] me see you see what I mean it's [ __ ] that's just [ __ ] stupid ass tentacle [ __ ] I swear to god they're not making it easy yeah now that's fair I think I think I walked into that one once I started talking about tentacles look I missed one no I guess not well I mean yeah if you if you don't hit those Cacodemons sensor I then you're gonna just get bored they are scary strong in the skin I think down there No we still yeah there we go okay we got him he was already too close for my liking and there's a [ __ ] imp on me as well you little [ __ ] get here help help help help help help oh [ __ ] me got him that time 5 HP there's something on me Oh are you [ __ ] me that spawned on me that fits [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] box box box box box box box box box buck get him get him and then get out of there cuz it's interactive Tron right there hey damn oh yes there Sam oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] okay we're fine we're actually fine where is it where is the Ragnar Tron it's not dead is it oh [ __ ] okay okay I lied well we're fine it's all fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine here a Cacodemons somewhere I heard him where the [ __ ] is he I think it must be out there when we got this this ammo no I'm not panicking yet I'm not panicking yet this is all just perfectly normal behavior no I could use that ammo actually it's fine no panic we're about to get an extra life as well thank you [ __ ] and no I'll [ __ ] you see that it said no target it was too far away good now we're good okay okay okay okay now there isn't one up around this corner so it can be a little tricky to get oh there are no one ups hang on it oh my god there aren't actually anyone else see I thought that was suspicious cuz I felt like you were supposed to get someone ups by this point no there aren't any one ups there's supposed to be a one up right here and there's not one there oh no oh [ __ ] christ okay well that explains that there aren't actually any one up some ultra nightmare great yeah now I'm panicking now I'm panicking wonder if I can lure them into the now probably not give me ammo give me mo now I'm starting to panic a little bit the [ __ ] is hitting the other than him it's just him isn't it just got have to kill him anything else no I think we've basically beating the oh I lied no I want to I want to glory kill I need to I need the health be good we are okay it's fine we we made it to the first level almost it's fine yeah everybody's spam F that's certainly gonna calm me down I miss any I don't think I missed any secrets because the secrets I have mister like one ups I think [ __ ] hell oh well that explains that there are no one ups and I mean this I felt like there shouldn't be one ups an ultra nightmare I think I was just hoping it would be used to G that defeats the purpose of ultra nightmare if you use the cheat codes if I remember this place is just massive and empty no there is a secret in here isn't there like one secret like there is there's something down there I think scandal and it is here the panic is already setting in Mel I thought I was gonna be okay cuz I thought I thought there was one UPS but no oh [ __ ] okay let me I collect all these I don't know if that really matters in all honesty I don't remember if there's any like ammo now it's not as there [ __ ] it we're just gonna go up this is the end of the level anyway skip that's it okay oh we missed one though what do we miss we miss one of the toys a [ __ ] forgot one of the seasons that's fine whatever fine it's fine it's fine it's fine like we're safe we can't die in the fortress of doom right I'm just gonna Scout you're just gonna keep skipping the cutscenes all right no now listen here you little [ __ ] I see you with your Windows Cortana [ __ ] there we go okay we have the flame belch now that's gonna make things a little bit easier and we're immediately gonna get more health attempted to go like full ammo but honestly now that I know there's no one ups we're gonna need the health we're gonna need the health alright here we go guys level two this is the the hell level right and then it's the cultists I think oh no is this Sentinel the the sentinel planet yeah yeah yeah it's the so we this levels okay I don't remember any any issues of this level so it should be okay he says hopefully I also love the Ghost Dog I really don't like the the other Ghost Dog I like Arcos dog that one there and that's just like that's so [ __ ] cool honestly very excited to get - do you live no no he's dead okay diving competition there oh boy have to fight the gargoyles now don't we that's okay the car goal is no gargoyles aren't too bad oh and the hell Knights okay we'll save the chainsaw them oh [ __ ] me where the hell did that guy come from [ __ ] Christ I didn't even see him come here bud come here [ __ ] I meant to hit see I'm pressed [ __ ] I press G instead of C [ __ ] Oh that was such a waste oh man and we have like almost full oh we didn't have full health until just now [ __ ] me that was always alright that's fine I work better under pressure it's fine ghost pop ghost poop ghost Pope I it's fine we have the Infinity Gauntlet now spit their enemies on the spit I don't remember there are eyes she use them for reach n that goods like behind looks good looks good okay the music's changed that means we're safe it's fine all right we're immediately going to take for our rune worth where the [ __ ] is it saving throw we don't we don't have any extra lives guys there's no extra lives [ __ ] did I miss a secret oh [ __ ] I miss one already I am missing yes down there right I don't think I'd missed any there's the one that's like a backup here oh [ __ ] is that one and then there's the one down there nothing else up here right yeah okay I'll [ __ ] this thing is this [ __ ] again there's a wall you could break through the hell night oh wait really oh [ __ ] I had no idea there was one up there oh is it the door is that this door over here ah [ __ ] I did miss that yeah okay just clear the room out down there a little bit anyone else no right well we are at full health right now so I don't want to use that I can get to that through that okay should be fine no no don't go for that yet Brizzy where is he evaporated met it oh [ __ ] I thought there was way more in this room than Matt okay nevermind alright well I guess we'll just go for that because we can also counts as a secret how many hours in well I've been streaming for just Boop that sounded like a bad noise just under an hour we've been streaming I have died once I will admit that because I misjudged the glory kill distance on an enemy just kill him from here there's an ammo crate in front really Christ that's ridiculous okay there we go no secret there well that guy's alive Oh oh wow I don't think I've gotten that glory kill before get them first we don't like Cacodemons outs come on hit the hit the spire let's go I hit it I did okay oh hello there my friend I did not like that [ __ ] hell is another thing there little [ __ ] got him we good we're good okay that wasn't too bad and we got a weapon point out of it as well which I'm just gonna hang on to for now hominy oh no we have six never mind okay we're gonna get the sticky bomb explosion sighs increase any enemies in here for me too no doesn't look like it okay it was some Armour lying around though oh okay I am moderately terrified that I'm gonna feel like a jumping puzzle at some point but we'll see how it goes I fail anything it'll be the jumping puzzles do i do twitch I did used to do to which a very long time ago like maybe but yours this it's 2020 so that'll be three years I think at least three years since i've streamed on twitch other than the time i streamed Kahoot that was a travesty Nora if I do stream like now it'll be on YouTube just because that's that's where I upload which is like kind of a separate thing you have to like cultivate differently you know and then is that how that works I can't remember if I need - to get to that or not yeah now I definitely need - to get to that okay you want the Kahoot vaad it might be on my twitch you can go and look it might be on there might not be I don't know others enemies up here but it doesn't look like it what I mean while you're is this the people are people just able to light remember the date normally Kahoot on ultra nightmare yeah if you got a question wrong you die and I'm in it that's an interesting idea actually if you do like a massive Kahoot or if you get a question wrong you die hell yeah we got the - that's something I'll think about actually because that sounds interesting I can't go back yet I have to go all the way around I think we're done with this level more or less let's give a [ __ ] I use my flame belches [ __ ] oh well apologies to anyone who wanted to hear Kim Novak's amazing voice out her voice accent cuz he is just so good to listen to Hunger Games but Kahoot and sounds like this actually sounds like an interesting idea oh actually also interesting tidbit for anyone who hasn't seen this there's the rabbit Daisy that's like in the in a painting on the wall of the doom fort is right there I have tried jumping down to that ledge there is an invisible wall in the way you can't actually get to the rabbit and I'm really really sad that you can't but know they're lightning here I don't know maybe oh yeah we have to do this fight again except the floor is lava how many I don't have enough I wanted to just use a we have to go back to that Cacodemons unfortunately there we go now where's the hell night he's there too oh [ __ ] there's more than two let's a fine those are just imps [ __ ] the boys can leap can't they I'm out of ammo I'm out of ammo [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I remove hell nice on us of this two of them again not I don't think there was ever not two of them there we go okay fine easy money it's all fine it's all fine one life in point okay let me say anything I don't think so oh yeah anyway I got to go back over there at some point there's a good point why is this opened up am I not supposed to go that way I guess if I miss the secret I don't think I did though it'd be fine [ __ ] I didn't do that I didn't do that alright like that and then let's go do the the secret over here should do I want to risk doing it though because if I fail if I fail enough of these jumps am I just gonna die you know what [ __ ] it I'm not I'm not gonna play it risky I like you'll notice as this goes on I hate doing the parkour because it just makes me nervous so one thing I can't control it's my ability to jump properly so yeah I got I got the one behind Novik I'm not doing that though I'm not playing it I know I'm not trying it I'm not trying it ah [ __ ] revenant gimme mo gimme mo mo mo mo no balls you are exactly right I have none though historically speaking the less balls you have the crazier you are Hitler only had one after all just be glad I'm not in charge why is that all them I think I saw them and I also don't think there's any secrets in this section I think there are next section I don't remember ah kidding me that's dumb get out of here he's not down yet three of those and he's still not down there we go [ __ ] come over here there's a cat code demon in front of me oh boy there we go let that gargoyle go it was another gargoyle I saw him where'd he go arias okay we're fine we good I think we're good for now oh [Music] wait there's that secret though I forgot about that one that one's uh there's a punchy thing down here isn't there no where was the punchy thing no no I know I remember where it is now okay yeah that's right first my dad I forgot about that where is the punch thing there it is oh yeah the album that I'll definitely be listening to in my my do before it oh no I hate this part so much I hate the GUP the goop is the worst thing in the game because it hides the tentacles and slows you down all right as a tentacle they're crazy no I know he's here now [ __ ] I [ __ ] it up it scared the [ __ ] I knew he was there as well I do he was there I didn't want to do that I can't can i - in the goop I don't think I can what's the fastest way to kill them without the super shotgun though eat the coop I don't think that's hygienic okay we're just gonna have to do that over and over and over again okay there's one there you see those little bubbles right there this is one right [ __ ] there called it and he [ __ ] hit me anyway [ __ ] if I get hit again I'm dead if I get hit by one more of those [ __ ] tentacles I'm dead and I can see one over there [ __ ] oh [ __ ] a [ __ ] [ __ ] okay can't - in the goof this is it guys if I die I swear to [ __ ] okay if I die - these tentacles right now oh [ __ ] no where is it ready to go I don't see the bubbles anymore am i blind oh there it is okay it's there it's there yes [ __ ] yes okay we're good we're good we got that one there's one more I think there's one more further down I don't see him it's [ __ ] horror game where is he they're over there next that he'll you see it is that guy and then I think there's one next to the automap as well [ __ ] yeah here we got him so another one there's one more there I see him I see him see this [ __ ] Elia okay I'm gonna keep playing cautiously but I think that's all of them we good I think we're good yeah we're good holy [ __ ] no secret in here right no not yet and then I'm gonna want oh yeah Heatblast for sure how many I don't know one [Applause] [ __ ] tentacles and veil fists the office tentacle crew show answer a question wrong and the the tentacle comes and you do oh I think I guess I didn't need any ammo okay no more I guess I thought it was more than that I miss the secret again oh [ __ ] really we're not [ __ ] no oh oh oh I see it there's one down there isn't there ah uh-huh I see you Oh No is that just so much oh now there you go thanks for the tip I didn't know that one was there all right there we go let's continue what shits next oh yeah the triple door that first oh yeah right okay we're here now hello friends I remember this bit being pretty difficult actually well not like pretty too but moderately difficult I'm gonna wait and try and hit the arachnoid demon in the areas you got him ah there we go I hit it okay oh [ __ ] you can hit that far holy [ __ ] I don't want to go down and trick her the rest of them until these guys are dead yeah those guys are dead let's go oh [ __ ] there's a lot of [ __ ] on that island so let's get off of that hello no no no no I said hello but what I really meant was goodbye where is it oh he's there holy [ __ ] I'm glad that imp it me otherwise I would have taken the full brunt of that [ __ ] owl gargoyles oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] me okay got him rice there we go [ __ ] arachnid Shawn as well I should flame belch that everybody doesn't sound like it it's another one [ __ ] me okay and I see that guy over there as well Christ [ __ ] me no no no enough I still have saving throw remember that help help help help help that didn't actually help as much as I wish it did hello and ammo as well fine we're fine we're fine more fun [ __ ] I swear to God does not fair or fine I think we did it nothing else on ammo come here come here there we go all right two weapon points all right well we're fine we've actually made it it's going okay you know I haven't died yet haven't died yet well okay technically we have died but like not not since that one time not since that one time mm-hmm there's a secret up their secret encounter I don't think there's anything as far as I'm aware there's nothing nothing down here [ __ ] was there more than that more than that yeah I thought so it's a couple of gargoyles [ __ ] get out of here don't try me it's fine ever fine we're fine it's all fine okay hello I see that guy over there into maternal lasso Oh God can you imagine if like the the imps were like the jackal Cypress I will say I am planning to do a when the fall of the PC halo games are done a 24 hour livestream where we played through them all on legendary there will be people along for that mostly novel maybe more people if we have a some of them I know we're up to four players I think that may be wrong I can't remember Oh what oh it's there okay that's like I thought there is a secret matter here there is there we go easy oh do I have to know I can do this oh but we should go back for we get to that now [ __ ] it I don't care I'll probably end up regretting not getting that armor but I'm sure it'll be fine I know you go up his arm bill here I know it's on the sword okay I'm not skipping this cutscene this cutscene is great and I need a drink oh [ __ ] you want another episode against Gandhi why what have I not done with Gandhi that needs to be yeah that sounded like a tentacle that needs to be needs to be done [ __ ] kicked they both have a tentacle in them I can see it alright let's do this one more one more there we go if you just plays really cautiously it's alright I have enough ammo no actually I should have chainsaw this guy okay okay okay okay there's no rack Neutron on this part if I remember elk a cadena note now [ __ ] the goop yeah okay where's the Iraq Neutron body spawns like there doesn't he know so no we're actor autonomous part why is the music so why do I hear boss music where is it oh I lied there wasn't anything here [ __ ] goof I hate it so much that's fine we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine ah [ __ ] this [ __ ] I feel like there are tentacles of this part yeah I see one over there oh there he is it's really difficult when you have no [ __ ] movement speed at all I know I want to kill those guys for ammo is there a tentacle monster over there I see one [Music] I'm not seeing any bubbles well I mean I am seeing bubbles but not like the right kind just go over here okay I have to go in there do I [ __ ] hell I thought I thought that was a tentacle right there Oh makes you so paranoid it really makes you so paranoid playing this okay okay okay I remember there is a secret up there as well yeah where is this actually the way you're supposed to go where is this a secret no this is the way you're supposed to go did I miss some I bet I definitely did miss something don't worry I know I know there's a secret of this part I'll go up here and I'll see if I can spot it where is it there was something wasn't there cat where is it where is the thing I know there's something at this part it was a secret I can't remember where it is go back I'll like back to this zone over here there's something in the walls over there novel you [ __ ] turn it around I thought I'd missed something come on now I got over walked in goop again I really wish you could dash in it I all let's get out of here let's keep going no I didn't miss my dignity that would imply I had some in the first place all right let's let's skedaddle let's get out of here just gonna skip this one okay yeah every time I skip hold our to skip and then you just use the flame belch no there a guy in there I bet there is but oh but there's a oh yeah and if I want to get to him I gotta go through the tentacles okay we're just gonna do this this way and I don't see him oh did they only appear after I get it Oh for [ __ ] sake they do don't they I don't see it oh I [ __ ] live [ __ ] I don't see the bubbles there's no bubble other art I miss it again alright well there goes my safety net oh let me just uh let me just crack my [ __ ] knuckles for a second here and try not to [ __ ] this up for however many times this would be alright where is he I see okay the bubbles are there got him okay I need this is this will give me a full full stuff again right and now I have quick-draw belch as well okay there well that gave me armor at least alright [ __ ] where are you there's definitely at least one more in this puddle I don't see him am i blind for the [ __ ] out of the bubbles no going insane there's nothing else here call my [ __ ] guy that was such a way this K makes he's so paranoid my god I gotta do it again right no Rach no truant over there right holy [ __ ] give me a breather would you little higher I hit him that time I will admit it's times like these that you want those precision bolts come on I could just kill it okay I guess that's what I'll do instead Hey look having no balls is the reason I'm able to get this far in ultra nightmare you don't win an ultra nightmare by having balls yeah all right ow [ __ ] penis that's what I thought was going to happen I believe there's a slayer gate here as well I think I will want to do this one because this one is gonna be the easiest Slayer gate to do where's the other guy it's up there I see him okay okay we'll do the Slayer gate I guess OPC not dead [ __ ] me there we go all right let's get this ass Lurkey it's up there isn't it all right let's do this this shit's tough but um I think we'll be okay we'll see we'll see four okay I really want those weapon mods and if we're gonna do one Slayer gate it should be this one so we'll do it no I want him I want him give me there we go academic academic academia oh that's not a caki demon no no no no no oh [ __ ] there's a revenant outside the map as well what is that whoa buddy [ __ ] direction changes midair I love him I love him so much Lucky's still not dead that's all of them oh that would explain why you still not dead [ __ ] off revenant don't have time to play with you right now I'm sorry okay that's one and we're so far so far oh [ __ ] me oh god okay okay okay okay fine we're fine we're fine we're fine out of ammo out of ammo fine that it that's it if we did it easy easy it's fine ultra diver is so easy I don't know what anyone was talking about you know this is fine it's it's all going great I am having such a good time having such a good time right now uh eat blast yeah we'll spend the rest on Heatblast that's fine we actually actually did that oh [ __ ] easy and we got the key as well so that's that's called like all good news so far we have done I am surprised at how well this has gone so far I thought I was gonna die a lot more than this it's our secret at this part I thought there might be I don't know the betrayers life signal is nearby is there a secret over there anyone know anyone remember if there's a secret I don't know thought there might be there's a 1-up oh that's what it is okay there was a one up oh yeah I was like down there wasn't that there's something stupid like that one thing I really like about this cutscene is that it implies that I've been carrying around that massive thing that I took from King Novik the whole time like just in my left hand yeah like that it just implies that I've been running around with my shotgun in one hand and that thing in the other yeah we're not we're not here for the story pal I'm sorry checkpoint reach it's not that matters is there anything in this cave I don't think so there's one there's one thing up here but like not in the cave yeah okay that's fine I think it's fine hmm Oh something over there apparently really oh hello I think I missed that on my first run so and then right let's do this we're nearly to the end of this this level two here just a little bit to go and then we have to do like the boss area there's no boss in the area but it's like the the final area you know also see yeah there's a thingy there but I'm at full full health right now anyway [ __ ] oh my god I lost all my armor yes I love it Oh what what the [ __ ] is hitting me what where are you there's something although it's an imp this would be all the way over there and it's hitting me are you serious where is it I definitely did not just kill it okay [ __ ] hell all right okay we're gonna want that now where do you go after you get it I was a Ledge down there okay that's fine if I lost on my armor yeah let's just do this all over end there we go easy money all right let's do it this [ __ ] is hard if I remember correctly but we'll see how hard [ __ ] don't get stuck in the lava Jesus or on the pillar neither of those are desirable outcomes I hear him where the [ __ ] is he there he is four times four times four times four times out of ammo that's a TED potty on a spike not an actual enemy hello goodbye Maggie imagine if the demons could use the portals as well I'd be so [ __ ] then we're just gonna dash straight through that [ __ ] get out of here easy easy easy easy that's the gargoyle that's a caki demon fine that's an arachnid Shawn again let me through all right all right all right all right it's okay it's okay it's no panic no panic all natural [ __ ] - [ __ ] [ __ ] mo mo mo mo I think I actually I think I've done though I think it's just the little guys we done now there's something else left is like an imp somewhere there is the gargoyle out damnit I wanted the health for that never mind there we did it yeah oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] me okay we did it we got through the second level without dying I have already exceeded my own expectations I missed a combat thing I miss oh I missed that exploration I missed one of the secret combat encounters again pretty sure I missed it the first time I played through this as well Christ we're up we're up to the cultist fortress here clocks are weird yeah you don't don't talk to me about how weird clocks are I spent so long in that Monopoly video arguing about which way clockwise went and I was wrong it's all just a matter of perspective how many levels are there I don't actually know because I haven't finished this on a on a normal difficulty but I'm fully expecting to die fairly soon so I'm not too bothered he's unlocked already I'm playing as him let's go and get a move on they don't even unlocked the suit tokens yet let's get a weapon mod enough can you you can't unlock those Canyon oh I don't have any batteries yet oh well yeah that that might do something here can you use Chico's and alter ultra I don't I don't think so I don't think that would make any sense if you could use the cheap holds an ultra nightmare maybe you can though I'm not gonna do that though it kind of defeats the purpose of this entire exercise Oh something else oh I have to go to the the repertory um don't I yeah cuz this is like the introduction part of the game so take me down I do wonder why there's just a mech in here I haven't gotten hurry of that far in the game normally so I don't know if I guess used to some point or if that has a purpose at all our Alice ooh I got to clear this out shouldn't be too bad I think I don't think there's anything like major in here [ __ ] I've meant to - forward a - to the side and said am I done that guy left now am I done yup something else Rizzy various well alright what time is it for me it's it's early afternoon nice nice leisurely lying on a Saturday you know it's just something to do now oh so free yes who took it hell yeah you mean the dinner plate here we go and her plate dinner plate dinner plate I use these now no okay I guess I just don't have any yet all right let's do it this is the mission I think I'm gonna die on so we'll see how it goes because the manky bust is actually just a pain in the ass there we go how to get the battery you get them most of them are secrets just kind of strewn around levels and stuff how you unlocked them earlier but is not oh I remember this like a secret uh I don't think it's in here I think it's in the next section though so I remember dying trying to [ __ ] find it if you look hang on here we go I have full armor there's a this is a thing on the map through this wall that's actually just a part of another area there is however that secret it's not a dinner plate as a pancake no no no that's definitely a dinner plate then that's probably the way you're supposed to come out of that but oh well [ __ ] me get out for me I miss him as well all right there we go yeah yeah I just got a secret let's get both secrets does someone over here as well as in there yeah oh no that's the yeah that yeah right right right I want the blobfish as well it's not the blobfish the dope fish as you can see he is there and I have to reel that up somehow first or do I just shoot that oh [ __ ] yeah I might have [ __ ] that up now because I don't well I think I could shoot and we'll see it's not allege that I get down on or do I just forget how this works oh that one there we go one of these that's what you want the Sentinel batteries oh the thing through there yeah I don't think I get to that from here oh yeah I don't yeah this [ __ ] hallway is awful especially when they get the Mankiw buses in here it's just it's hell even with all the extra environmental things lying around to help spawn anything on the yet game here's something I don't I gotta go do this first okay all right this might be it guys this this part here need ammo where is he where's the man Kubis I'll do I have to open the door first okay okay I think I'm as ready as I'm gonna get we're just gonna hit him from it from a distance here [ __ ] man kvass I swear it's just their accuracy is so much better than it wasn't the last doom [ __ ] and I walked into that one out of ammo please kill it thank [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I should have used him as a chainsaw Shh oh yeah this this fine it's fine there's plenty of stuff up here yeah I got enough ham over all right all right well actually wasn't so bad I was very much expecting to die there but it's actually okay all right this is fine another dinner plate no don't punch him give me the dinner plate I remember dying on this cuz I didn't understand that you had to push shoot the [ __ ] thing to open the door this is fine I am NOT stressed at all this is this is okay it's entirely manageable right now I it's fine see look at that we got through that and we're sitting at full health and we're fine basically well not quite full ammo actually but it's not bad either this is fine it's really it really is this is okay we just spider crawl up here to get this guy there we go I really did not need him but I don't know god damn it I'd make that jump from here I definitely can hey pay attention to me I want it I want to get the hell night with the [ __ ] okay now just come - come here come here come on got him there we go I'm a little closer revenant I think he's close enough oh [ __ ] I don't remember there being lost souls on this level since when I've used all the ammo stuff in here already so anything else I've missed yet no I don't think so maybe oh no we're gonna have to fight the snakes now I hate the snakes so much it's just the way they slither up to you when you're not really paying any attention oh hang on there's a secret down here phantom below yeah there's a thingy over there I'm betting I get to over there maybe yeah I'm not full health I gotta blow this stuff up to spawn them don't I maybe I just don't fight them yet I remember [ __ ] this jump up nope not gonna make that okay I gotta use this what I had no - why was there no - what the [ __ ] was that okay fine I was doing 2016 my first Noah wasn't I don't remember which one I played first actually if it was one or two I still never played three there we go and now we have the rocket ah [ __ ] if stuck in the wall [ __ ] I'm gonna die here aren't I yep and one last chance already I have one HP this is it oh I'm dead to the [ __ ] plate throw [ __ ] me armor armor armor ok ok ok ok [ __ ] me get out of my face or armor help ok ok ok we're fine for fine we're actually fine stop saying yet for fine that's caki demon caki demon it's fine we're fine we've made it out it's okay see it's fine holy [ __ ] that was close [ __ ] hang on a minute oh [ __ ] okay all right it is fine this is okay it's okay are there any other ammo things around here there secret of this part although other than the thing up there I don't think so I'm not dead I didn't die sorry they all dice the snakes yes I will die to the snakes just you wait oh [ __ ] what do we want the second one probably this one yeah I want the movement speed [Music] still going guys we're still going okay enabled it is there a thing on that I don't remember oh there is hell yeah alright now this is where we get to play with the snakes okay I apparently have to stand in the there we go not even not even gonna play with them at all just get out and we're not playing with you either mr. shield basher fine see all right we have a wave enough actually save up to six I missed any no no yeah that's in the next area all right all right that actually went really really well mostly cuz I used all my rocket ammunition yeah that wasn't too bad it's been okay so far I just have to stay calm the moment I start panicking is the moment I die that's not good though there the hell am I now oh you're right okay this comes from there right yeah okay didn't wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything right okay this bit stuff I don't think I hit him did I that one did RAK no foam no foam [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] get it there we go okay we got him slice him okay okay okay oh he's in my face [ __ ] me oh [ __ ] me where'd you come from pal give me your health [ __ ] that guy come from [Music] snake snake snake alert as a snake oh [ __ ] there's a snake Alf Alf Alf Alf hell where's the sink I see mistake away for the snake away from the snake snake snake snake azam Incubus I can hear the [ __ ] snake where is he [ __ ] I missed the jump he's done snakes on a demon base I'm out of ammo for the raka there we go alright we're fine we're still going guys their silly photo we're not done yet what is it oh yeah we are done we're still fine we're actually still going right now okay this is going amazingly well I'm really surprised we're still going everything now this ammo and stuff down here still look that's everything now yeah all right let's go I was a caki demon I know he's here there is now honestly I would be surprised if I was able to kill the Marauder on the first go he killed me so many times I took me ages to figure out that you just needed to use the super shotgun and a stun lock him I'm not there trust me when I say I'm not getting cocky right now I have absolutely no confidence in my own abilities your salvation lies in his destruction a myth of the Slayer strength I mean on all sure nightmare he really is a [ __ ] weakling though it's actually an achievement for killing all these guys if I remember rightly which I already have so apparently there's also a secret as well if you kill them off alright first step let's do it oh yeah it's time for the revenue [ __ ] this [ __ ] pit down there is so ass oh no I think I'm out yeah my max ammo for everything except this I think this no that is max Oh all right let's go oh we're gonna do this first I thought we had to go into the pit first yeah no we do all right here we go you got to use the bomb guys do this these guys this layer gets inside the facility please proceed with aggression [ __ ] me oh [ __ ] it's a [ __ ] okay okay I didn't think that was a shield guy that [ __ ] oh those are shield guys as well all right well we lost all our armor there but that's actually okay [ __ ] I'll [ __ ] shoot the [ __ ] why are you going there okay no no no no no no no no no no no slice him [ __ ] sake for a snake take that sometimes they take so long to go off oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh no no no we're fine see see no panic wasn't even a hint to panic in my voice at all nah get that stuff yet [ __ ] a lot that stuff right now I don't think I even used the rocket launcher [ __ ] I didn't I cannot believe we're still going right now holy [ __ ] I should have died ages ago I want just that one yeah get some ammo how the [ __ ] do I keep surviving this [ __ ] I don't know I really don't know pure perseverance is just the will to survive right let's do the secret encounter I have I cannot remember for the life of me what's in the secret encounter [ __ ] I miss him there I didn't miss that one though there you go secret done yeah yeah okay it's another another point on the the docket there all right all right all right all right all right where are we going oh this is oh yes a [ __ ] right no [ __ ] oh [ __ ] forgot he was down here oh [ __ ] cuz I'm not a push no it isn't oh right dinner plate dinner plate a suit suit suit I've got five suit coins want the - refill I've also got some upgrades as well probably to Heatblast there we go there any other secrets in here I don't think so I think that was Oliver no there's a secret above as well right I got to go up back up and get that hang on I'll have to go down again don't I I gotta go up what oh it's a hit right yeah okay I needed to stay in this that was my mistake there's another one there [ __ ] that's fine see I don't I never use the frag grenade because it takes too much effort to press that key to use it and I could be using something else that's the thing right how do I get in there ah yeah right I remember now and small battery there we go he'd use my chainsaw I'm out of ammo was I supposed to go this way oh right hmm well this isn't suspicious in any way oh never mind okay I thought the walls were gonna open there oh it's the revenant time oh hell yeah evidence fun because he's uh he's a little low P actually when you're just fighting normal demons now that stops me if only you could play the whole campaign as this honestly it's so much easier when you can just fly out of harm's way I'll [ __ ] though I say that that it what other demons can you play it you can play God most of them are new ones I think you can play the Marauder the man cubis that really weird think the thing that looks like it's from baldur's gate i can't remember what that one's called go back there alright yeah I actually have to shoot him this unfortunate oh there's a thingy in there [ __ ] oh well I remember this room actually being not too bad you can just do that and it's all it's all fine oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] me I should have done that she saved him snake that's not snake it's fine Trinity go this is fine there they are [ __ ] you get out of my face there we go I'm out of ammo I was like wow there's only one rocket it's strange [ __ ] I can't hit it again god damn it my left-handed no [ __ ] I [ __ ] off some ammo all right there we go easy this is easy this is not even a challenge it's fine I gotta get the secret though how do you get this one again oh I know you have to like loop around don't you there we go anything else no not yet the Slayer the priest at Walmart [ __ ] don't get hit by the spike there's a lot of them still more them in there all right back up to the old shouty man oh no not yet how's this working on oh right I remember you gotta go down here [ __ ] not like that though Jesus he bashes it back just make the time shut up doc Fatah was the one sitting in the discord call yesterday just going just kill it why don't you just kill it there's one of these heads there's a secret in here somewhere oh I passed it [ __ ] I did [ __ ] it was a secret and go back can I can I go back hold on no I can't all right well I just wasted getting up there then didn't I why is watching this just stressful it is it's if it's stressful to watch just imagine help with stress open trade oh my god I really wish there were one UPS but fine it's fine let's get that gonna max out the the brown ones first did I get back there oh yeah easy oh this [ __ ] oh I hate this part Oh No but they spawn yet they did there's the other one see okay so if I don't move from this platform the the Imps won't move but if I go over here they'll go up yeah that one okay I stopped them haha I won't do the cornice I will all right you know what well maybe I shouldn't though is this core nest up here is actually I've only been able to beat it by dying this one here I'm not gonna do it I'm not gonna do it should I didn't know we're not gonna do it now that would be run ending if I did that core test honestly whoa that was a close call [ __ ] me oh this they used to be a one up there I turned around cuz I thought that'd be there you guys keep saying no balls and I keep having to tell you yeah I know [ __ ] there's a lot of [ __ ] over there knew it [ __ ] knew it to the court you know you can't pay me to do the cornet stall that's not how this works Thank You Dom I'll put that towards my wizard101 subscription I think that's all of them but there might be more seeker found Oh huh [ __ ] hell oh I remember now okay I got all the ammo I think I got all the ammo I didn't kill him I thought it would nothing behind me yet right there we go max Arbor now if I remember correctly there is also something like off the ledge yeah there it is how do you do this I had to punch it what the [ __ ] did I have to do for this I don't remember oh I'll you pressed the thing is cuz he had to blow all the other ones up so I thought I had to blow that one up too and I remembered if this puzzle took me longer than I would like to admit it did honestly [ __ ] is the others a week tall wait did we actually make it through this level without dying very nearly I think we're the end now oh yeah yeah it's this [ __ ] room again all right come on then come on then what that didn't kill him what the [ __ ] oh that's actually fine my arteries hurt they have a distress this foot see wonder is [ __ ] ridiculous you know what I'm very happy though the amount the fact that we've gone this far is it's just great Oh [ __ ] hell okay he's on the ceiling he's on the ceiling he's on the ceiling what that's not fair you can't dodge not a farmer now oh we're not okay I'm telling you now we're not playing we're not doing the slurry nest on this one we're just trying to make it as far as we can I'm not gonna do anything that's optional if I don't have to oh thank you nightmare shadow yeah I don't stream very often but uh after doing that doom ultra nightmare stream though after doing that doom ultra nightmare stream the the other time I felt like this had to be done even though I haven't finished this game on normal yet or not normal I was playing in a nightmare but like on with checkpoints on let's put it that way that happens more than I'd like to admit me failing to press the [ __ ] button to get onto a wall wait isn't this just to get the Slayers key or is there something else up here as well no it is just the key I didn't need to do that I wasn't gonna do the nests anyway god damn it and I remember you have to get up there oh yeah you gotta climb okay I really make that got you can you can say no Volvo every time someone goes no balls I keep saying yeah no [ __ ] I'm playing to win not playing to a die I can't skip that oh there we go what's this for don't have to like shoot that no what are you supposed to do again what am I supposed to do I forgot just hit it with something I know that idiot weather oh you punch it you're right [ __ ] I knew you're supposed to hit it somehow there we go oh Christ right nope no see go down there it was that secret encounter I didn't do its [ __ ] that holy [ __ ] yeah I'm sure you will be pal take the train to the terrordome I'm amazed I've even made it this far honestly I'm not doing this I'm not going back at doing the ignore nest it's not happening I don't care it's going as far as I can hear I just missed something feel like there was something up there I just missed by falling I remember dying on this part a lot so on the next wave please I want to use the powerup but I need I don't not gonna waste it on these two revenants here all right now is the time infinite ammo max speed oh that's it [ __ ] I missed that there we go I'm back here that guy hit me there's a shield guy there as well Christ oh [ __ ] that's a manky of us as well snake [ __ ] I've it I fit this to short range they don't have the upgrade for the range oh [ __ ] [ __ ] off snake [ __ ] off snakes [ __ ] off snake oh [ __ ] [ __ ] I did that in my face as well where is he and I hit him with a rocket that should do it there we go all right all right all right all right all right right all right go around and collect everything mine and I die am I gonna call I don't know we made it further than I thought I was by strategically avoiding Gore nests so I don't know it depends how much further we get this has been on how long have I been gone two and a half hours yeah okay so we'll say when I die is gonna be the end of this the end of this stream unless I just don't die in which case the stream ends what the game does but I it's not happening I haven't even fought like any of the final bosses around except the Marauder I haven't fought any bosses or anything so there's absolutely no chance I'm gonna make it that far well we have made it to level four into the court Nestor hi hon sub L [ __ ] I guess I have no subs anywhere I'm not doing the [ __ ] Gordon s alright here we go Swan him [ __ ] I walked onto the [ __ ] him didn't I ah [ __ ] you moved spawn the rest hit me No oh okay my father was more than that yeah now the soundtrack is fantastic which enemy do I find the most sexually attractive to make you bus no comment further than that no I'm very much not looking forward to that double boss fight you have to do cuz you have to beat him once and then they just throw to the math you immediately afterward as well just cruel [ __ ] I wanted to hit him oh [ __ ] shield looking ass oh man guy above me as well where the [ __ ] is he Oh is he below me there he is hi he might not be hopping I don't know I don't know I can't be hop that's the real answer pretty sure I died like falling off last time I played this part I got to go back for the secrets as well so we should take the precision bolt now I've been putting that off for too long I like the micro missiles more but the precision vault is also very very useful okay alright next let's go for which secret firsts yeah we'll go for this one oh [ __ ] really I miss all right I am the classic duma guy what do you mean I got I got the skin on right now oh it's too high I gotta wait for it to go lower there we go then her plate dinner plate try to be hot I did just try to be he not see me to it that was my attempt to be hoppin was that little thing earlier alright now let's get this boy all right oh can I not just go out that way I wanted to I don't know I'm just gonna go down and do this normally all right there we go all right let's do this next room I'm ready all right then come on game where are they where's the enemies oh okay all right then I got to back up the moment this is done yep how is why [ __ ] I got stuck on him [ __ ] oh I didn't take any damage though alright it's fine hollow it I'm taking any damage yet that's not bad that's just jinxed I didn't I [ __ ] well they get him there we go still not dead yeah there we go oh I think did I get hit there or not I'm not sure I'm out of ammo though no I took damage ah I managed to get through this entire fight without taking damage up to that point I was in Iraq no Tron that's what that noise is [ __ ] I got hit again there I've seen so well what the [ __ ] coming up there we go my out of em Oh No still trying to hit the [ __ ] Iraq Neutron on its spine there we go I heard the ding Oh shake shake shake shake shake Oh [ __ ] hell I didn't know there any six at this part oh [ __ ] and a manky bus but that's I don't care about them it's the snakes I'm after oh that wasn't the snake where's the snake it's over there next to make you us I got the snake or stole like now it's still there two snakes there's two sakes Christ thank you about to make you vests I think we're done something now there's something left now it's just a bunch of little boys unless that what was that tomato now they are little voice that it note sake I'm gonna chainsaw this guy where'd he go that's not him where is an imp I saw it that's a gargoyle never mind Oh Oh I just realized I guess they just keel over and die when you clear an area all right all right let's go roundels collect all the power-ups that actually was okay things are going okay and I don't like it things should be more panicky but unlike doom 2016 you have the ability to kind of regen all the stuff on your own you don't have to rely on pickups and then you're not like [ __ ] up when you're on low health because you can always just like glory kill how far have I gotten in the normal playthrough I think I'm up to Sentinel Prime no no no it's the the city on Mars the one in the core after you shoot the gun I did do that my first playthrough was on nightmare because I wanted to prep myself for this stream [Music] yeah yeah shut up favorite doom game I don't know I'm really I'm really liking this so far but I think I'm gonna have to say 2016 just because I put the most hours into that one I haven't tried doing like doom one two or three on like any real difficulty little no brutal doom stuff all right I missed something I feel like a missed anything yet okay believe there's a Cacodemons pierced somewhere all that now no secret as far as I'm aware I wouldn't be surprised if I missed it I hear it here he comes down he just mowed through them right okay that secret on their general looks sort of bloated it does I I will admit there's a lot going on at once it requires a lot more concentration to kind of play then the new 2016 did but I'm honestly lovely loving it what I get from oh yeah yeah it's way way better to play there's so much more going on that it's just it's nuts where is he I can see them in the note I want to lock on no I have to kill everything in the way [Music] out [Music] easy all right there we go it's fine oh it's our secret back here or something I feel like there might have been no there is the stuff above us but we're not there yet ah that's what it was yeah okay it's over here somewhere coming up if I have our watch ready for it in whoo-hoo let me try that in English if I ever watched red vs. blue not in its entirety I'll admit be criminal not so releasing some of it though oh no [ __ ] come back come on I just may I can just make that never mind okay what do we need for a third rune not that one temper tempting but no I don't want to do that that's another mechanic I don't want to worry about I might do that don't really need that one no will want yeah well once seek and destroy I need to put that on er no I don't okay that's probably what we're gonna be playing with the whole time now feel like there was something off to the science no no I guess not all right and around and then we wait for this open the door now I prefer the long-range move into glory kill because you can use it to get away from things really really well if you've damaged something off in the edge of the fight nothing up that one no okay okay oh [ __ ] let's walked into that super ultra nightmare if you die in the game you die in real life not quite what I signed up for but honestly I don't think I'd mind at least I'd know it'd be over them oh wait wasn't there one no not that one it's something else further on kill that make you miss from this distance he's gonna die there we go see a revenant as well but no way I'm gonna be able to yeah all right never mind let's just go oh no yeah not yet wait for the dash dash's back [ __ ] and his stupid shields there we go would I like to thank if I managed to beat this an ultra nightmare probably my chica provider I think he deserves most of the credit or maybe the demon I have to sell my soul to to beat this one ultra nightmare done amazingly well for a first run I will say I kind of really don't know how this is not over yet there's your boy I wonder who puts that in coffins who makes the coffins in the first place there's just a coffin factory in hell somewhere and I make it up there yet no I don't think so I got to get door rounds I see that Oh do I drop into it or something yeah as a whole okay we don't do that yet yeah sadly my 20/20 election campaign has ground ground to a halt I'm very much know of Pro Joba de hoje Ovid a 20/20 now wait we almost forgot not quite there we go not that this matters in any way this is a secret in this as well isn't there yeah there we go so silver bullet codes there we go and there's the stuff in here goddamn [ __ ] out right this is a this is a job for precision bolts like I missed him now it didn't we're still going strong we're still fine sorta anything spot over here no not yet [ __ ] that's a long way wait for the dash okay okay it's all good so far all good we'll get napalm belch there we go okay it's all fine it's all fine and saw him alright easy money there we go dies in 10 minutes calling it merida here you heard it here first folks and honestly I would believe it I would not be shocked if the doom hunter was able to kill me [ __ ] I miss wasn't there something no not yet apparently I know there's an Iraq in the shrine up there I'm saying F that's too premature guys we're not there yet we're not dead we're fine it's all fine it's all fine it's all fine as a [ __ ] charge my blast on him there we go how many hits is a guy in a take Christ there we go sorry yeah it's one of them saw this guy I really need to pee maybe that's helping though I don't know ah [ __ ] I walked into that just the one that has something in it no it'll be the other one then all right thanks novel enough f's or not dead yet guys it's still we're still going here that meant Arsenal what I need to upgrade to full got the sticky bombs micro missiles may be blast is on full there probably this and all honesty yeah that's a prowler I think that's the first one we see I really hate those guys though your secret no father secret no not that I can see oh this [ __ ] I hate this part [ __ ] I didn't get the snake and I failed the [ __ ] Heatblast as well didn't I our fine we're fine not even a scratch not even a scratch it's a time Oh actively act it's the next room isn't it anything else in this room I feel like there was a sea oh yeah okay well that's in the next part though are we ready awesome or one let's go it shouldn't be too bad Oh am I supposed to drop that off yeah we're not there yet I forgot did not meet that right now come on come on around the corner little bit further there you go next charge my blast on him a little bit all right now you ain't gonna have to come up a bit there we go that was that hurt more than I wish it did I feel like there's one more Cacodemons Oh at least one more of them that's so that's what I thought all right don't remind me Dom i sat here for the long life but I was playing this mission the other night right it took me so long to figure out the way that you're supposed to have progressed past this point let me take the center play real quick the way you progress past this plane right you shoot this thing and I just could not figure it out I was running back and forth I was trying to figure out where the jump was I just completely forgot that they added these little shoot indicator things hello friend he's not quite done yet this one alright okay I remember how to do that right here we go now it's time pretty low in ammo or well no I'm all right I'm gonna get ammo here anyway they really like using triple doors don't they all right let's do this yeah I'm gonna let this cutscene play I'm amazing I can't believe I've gotten this far on the first attempt this is great god I love the fact that I'm in the classic duberino if it looks so out of place yeah that it's beautiful I love it all right here we go I wonder if this one has more health than the other ones now that I think about it this one felt like it took way longer to kill missiles incoming apparently frizzy now I gotta hit his underbelly need more rockets those aren't rockets that's armor I'll take that though there we go Rockets are oh [ __ ] is on top of me I mean excellent he's low health [Music] I should have saved that I didn't do really do anything health please thank you armored yeah ammo sounds nice for the [ __ ] is he this wasn't coming apparently oh he's up here [ __ ] I didn't want to do that [Applause] there's a thing we're like if you break his shield he'll be stunned or whatever [Music] need more health oh [ __ ] I walked into that one like I wanted help from him some health over their health health health health health mo mo mo okay it's fine we're fine we're fine we're fine I got to get up there and start whacking him again [Music] alright there's a good whack I need some ammo and some health please game thank you alright alright alright alright who armor should you spit down here with me that was like a shot Oh too close too close too [ __ ] close he's very nearly in second stage there we go second stage Emma for rockets [ __ ] holy [ __ ] that was close [ __ ] prowler get out of here a lot of little [ __ ] now where is he I'll more hit with the triple rocket he's gone for the double rocket in that case there we go doom hunter one beaten [ __ ] yeah okay that actually was not that wasn't bad that wasn't bad at all oh you're right I never even used the [ __ ] frag did I [ __ ] that's that's the thing right there's so many things in this game that you always forget to use one of them honestly it's not really a big deal let's go fly to now let's just buy two of them at once show me the health bars let's go no it's not gonna be a common enemy thankfully it's gonna be actually don't remember when the next one shows up but they will show up more first you got to be two of them where are they oh they're over there where you little [ __ ] I'm pretty sure they get less health when there's two of them though that's the thing like I feel like the first one has more health than these two I feel like it's more balanced right out of rocket ammo which means I need to go get some more honestly I was half tempted to just start playing this an ultra nightmare but I would have gotten nowhere the most important thing in ultra nightmare is simply to know what's going to happen if you know what's gonna happen you can account for things and do things differently this one's about to die there we go and you also have to glory kill these guys or else they just get half their health back and you're [ __ ] Brizzy that's a prowler there this guy is also pretty low on more rocket hit I need to get Rockets though it's got one of those stupid shield guys on him there we go paka hit him when he was invincible [ __ ] matter Rockets again I am oh [ __ ] I don't know if you're he's talking to me I killed the boat there oh yeah and then it's just like skiffs and that's it he's just here now all right no no it's not happening pal I cannot believe we actually got this far [ __ ] hell [Music] thanks Dom I'm impressed with myself I really I do not know how the [ __ ] this is going well this well first [ __ ] first attempt at ultra nightmare we managed to get this far it's just nuts oh boy a blood punch how many stuff did I get all the combat two three challenges missed a secret that's not bad at all yeah this was a boss level that's why all right let's go we made it as far voice thanks Kenny we did kill the [ __ ] heretic he's dead now oh [ __ ] I'm half-tempted to go PE real quickly I'm skipping the cutscene but I think the P is helping me you know when you really need to pee and it kind of just it focuses your mind I don't want to get rid of the pee I think they went the right direction with this story oh yeah yeah I really like that there's a story now you can like like I've been doing in this ultra nightmare run you could completely ignore it I have not really watched any of the cutscenes so far since we started playing there you go finally one of the guns that I have on my hotkeys yeah we're gonna go for this so we have three Sentinel batteries alright it's not too bad he is stored in the brain in my case but I think that's just me oh no I have four cents on the batteries oh okay great molested not the espana the destroy blades like i like the idea of it but you need to be stick to still for too long in order to use it thanks Nick and good luck with your own stuff man the fun game how many hours I have 12 hours in this game now already here we go we should use got 9 points let's move mid speed yeah we want that one let's just let's just max this one out all right and then suits I'm sacking barrel upgrades right now it me into damage yeah I want that one the barrel upgrades are really good cuz you can drop ammo and health and whatnot from them where the [ __ ] does he store those batteries he's carrying everything in a giant bag in his left hand except you can see okay wait there see he's carrying everything in his left hand you can't see the hand did i preorder i did i preorder the the deluxe edition even if this game turned out to be [ __ ] i knew i was gonna play it just cuz i like dooms so much this is the earth level now I think it is yeah it is it's the super Goro nest it's getting harder and harder I'd be I would be so [ __ ] amazed if we can make it through this one without dying we've nearly caught up to my regular campaign that's where we're at right now the super corner location is the oldest and most corrupted location on the planet the arc fought hard all right Oh oh there he is I knew there was a man Kunis at this section okay yeah time is nigh oh that was a waste [ __ ] me and he plans for future streams honestly if we if this isn't over by the end of this level I might actually just have to call it and stream again tomorrow that would be impressive if I got to play a second round of this [ __ ] I just whacked myself in the face of that rocket though that was like a good job me all done there's a lot of [ __ ] over there oops snake I see the snake Oh what there's an invisible wall on that powerup cuz you're not supposed to get it until later oh that's so dumb where is it it's a snake what else have we got oh that's not a snake there's the snake and one of those things as well was as a couple of snakes by the look of it ah [ __ ] I took that to the face where's the last one there's another snake left where is he there he is oh there's two of them left oh [ __ ] there we go all right let's uh chainsaw this guy I'm out of fuel chef Bennett yeah that's it okay whew all right we're fine all is going well that just work no oh holy [ __ ] [ __ ] penis [ __ ] that failed drastically I can hear him behind me where is he no way he caught up melee though that was close Brizzy I know I shouldn't have said fine I thinks it is he over there I think I just saw him well the [ __ ] did he go where did he go what I didn't kill him right oh I definitely didn't is he dead excuse me what oh I don't like this I have a feeling he's gonna show up in a moment here what's up oh I heard him I heard him where the [ __ ] must be stuck inside of somewhere [Music] hey what up grace sent for the barrels they do drop him there oh [ __ ] I saw him didn't I am I losing my mind right now I am 100% sure I did not kill this guy I'm losing it though I'm actually it's just the environment right now he's not here what the [ __ ] I guess he's dead question mark maybe he respawns after I'll [ __ ] [ __ ] that up hang on [ __ ] no I need to save the double jump whoops [ __ ] sake damn it my idiot I thought that was how you're supposed to or just know by doing this wrong I am if I got this the first time on the first try why is this not working anymore why doesn't it work [ __ ] now you do have to double jump there there we go now you don't get it later get it now these boys there we go that one can be oh wait there's something else in here isn't there no it's in the next room I think oh yeah there's this let's get the hehehe I guess a microwave beam oh you can jump out of the building later as well oh I see all right it's two things on top of each alright so if I remember correctly there's gonna be a goat boy that one specifically easy money let's do this there's the in our a keynote Ron I hear him areas oh [ __ ] is another one of those I could have just done him normally said it that was it just fine my guy actually is just fine I'm not I'm not panicking anymore cuz I'm just I'm fine with how far this is already gone all right let's do the this fifth first of I don't even need the help do I wait no oh wait wait wait wait I know I got it didn't I does it respawn oh there's that though this counts as a secret doesn't it yeah and the one over here right one of my after the suit - okay okay in lost peril one respawning barrels all right let's roll oh this section is so ass though alright way is this the part I think it is Oh No [ __ ] okay this part is so hard I died on this one so many times you have to just go for the [ __ ] room oh yeah and there's [ __ ] spawning everywhere I gotta get to the [ __ ] rune [ __ ] ow [ __ ] prow it now oh [ __ ] I knew it I knew it was gonna happen it's [ __ ] inevitable it really was I knew that part was asked and the [ __ ] prowlers are just amazing oh my god it's come down for a moment Christ you know what though I am I'm so happy with that for a first like proper attempt at ultra nightmare that went fantastically well managed to get all the way to level 5 Thank You Chet it's a solid F thank skill so Oh shite ninis [ __ ] penis penis [ __ ] yeah well that's that that's it I load up five times though and the the menu there from that god damnit right well thank you guys for watching this this doom eternal stream I do another one of these at some point might just revive the twitch channel who the [ __ ] knows what I'm gonna do with my life now that we're in quarantine I'm not doing anything else maybe I should just bring the twitch channel back I don't know alright I think it's about time I took that P though how do I get out of this how do I turn OBS off how do I turn OVS off I don't know that's this button here thanks lads be a next time
Channel: Valefisk
Views: 43,860
Rating: 4.9462686 out of 5
Keywords: valefisk, thespiffingbrit, doom eternal, doom eternal hard, doom eternal walkthrough, doom eternal ultra nightmare, doom eternal guide, doom eternal tutorial, doom eternal tips
Id: xT3o95bhzGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 11sec (11951 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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