Abusing Kamikaze Infantry in Men of War: Assault Squad 2

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[ __ ] no you know what guys I think it's about damn time we got around to the completely broken behemoth of a game that is men of war assault squad - my name is Val Fisk but you probably knew that and today we are here for some more World War 2 RTS war-cry mayhem now there are so many things that are very wrong about this game but in all honesty it would not be nearly as fun without so many different broken meme strats to do so with that in mind if you've ever played men of war before you'll know full well that if I were to do what I usually do and run a skirmish versus the AI it wouldn't be nearly as fun so I've rounded up several members of my dis court which I do have by the way the links in the description and we're gonna run through a few matches against one another right then so let's get off this scripted intro and into the completely unprepared meet the teams segment not not both of you honestly at last last time we had a stream that was the Remi stream wasn't it we had like no I told I'm gonna put a I'm gonna put a card on the top right right now so people can go and see you swear on a stream where are you in-game oh no you changed your up for [ __ ] sake right okay mr. mr. Adolf has invited you to play assault squad for God's sake are we good are we ready so how do I move the camera again I don't remember I'm fully aware the communicating with your teammates is vital to success this is the pinnacle take the game is starting okay can we no please novel what game mode is this the [ __ ] comments that they have an mg on it that's incredible 45 seconds until it's ready boys and bam all right here we go boys here we go it's happening gamers rise up [Music] oh [ __ ] I got [ __ ] mercs well it wasn't the burst fire mode this thing is on but if they nerfed my truck I got a got a good chunk of that squad way so how do I change it because that's what's killing me Murphy how do I change it how do I change to full auto oh what the [ __ ] is that is that a tank it's a half-track no it's guys that's a tank Duncan we've duck it we've oh we got a OH oh [ __ ] that's a real tank man bro that's not fair who said you could have a real tank that looks like a real tank to me I better not be a [ __ ] flame thrower tank oh I do it rip infantry you're all dead look at all the bread carriers oh they're all dead too that's so sad oh you got to be kidding me are you serious how does I think not dead get off you just hit me watch your aim Jesus Oh for [ __ ] sake how how did that just pain what the hell what I shouldn't get in the back how am I not penning okay is it okay oh here we go shh-shh-shh no no novel what's up oh it's right there that's how you're gonna do anything about that nah [ __ ] the names not the dad's [ __ ] I'm stuck I'm stuck oh there we go [ __ ] [ __ ] your stupid head sir right let me get my new tank then occupy oh [ __ ] I know I don't want to see your stinking Goliath in here man [ __ ] sick get away [ __ ] off how is it not dying de hiding in a hole yeah it's okay I'm sending in some reading just a few reinforcements to secure the tank well I love how they all just went that cave and sat in the field all right charge this rush brush this thing everyone get it oh my god it's okay they did their job they protected the tank until it was repaired attack get it yes yes yes I've got the gun I have the gun I got I stole out of there no no I'm not gonna allow that that's not allowed [ __ ] hell we got to get that thing dude oh that's okay though I stole do you guys see this gun I stole him I'm gonna get it don't worry oh it's a Goliath Goliath [Music] yes yeah guys there's two more goliaths just sitting there do you see that I've got some infantry I'll deal with it [ __ ] no why do you have so many goliaths oh my god look at the MIDI valve as well Polly should the infantry need to open fire kill these things oh no it's gonna make it there's two E's got more they've got so many oh [ __ ] flee flee Oh No rip priest rip priest your team is leading this is the still one left I'm trying to get it with my infantry they're mating they're three mullets Hoss they don't have anything effective another one there's another one coming Goliath could run people over how is that even possible there's a lot of nice charred dead people around that now where is it I'm gonna look I'm gonna look in the fog I can [ __ ] hear it like that King Tiger 7 it is we need to get some troops up there as you whoa there there is that it yep it's a king tiger I called it oh [ __ ] we just walked it killed my thing we lost on you were bombing it as well Japanese vs. Soviets the perfect realism this is Rob's realism he just tastes like the world map and he cuts out friends with a pair of scissors igloos it on top of her Japan [Music] oh yeah there it is squad of four but oh my god wait do they know they don't even have shirts on they're literally just have bombs strapped to their chests oh my god there's no cooldown on how many you can have what's the [ __ ] to worthwhile trade in my book Oh what does that we've got a vehicle that's exactly what I'm here to kill go do you see the pieces of body fluid into the always dude I love the skin yes yes [Music] three three four one there was a worthwhile trade oh it's not a cup of coffee faster man faster oh I lost one oh my wha no don't run away we killed a [Music] forgot so the first one actually made it he actually got the kill but then the rest of them were like let's let's just go do it anyway set up their Bob's anyway oh my God look at all the bits of people lying in the road it's rainin men [Music] oh my oh my the [ __ ] sake this is such a good idea whose idea was it to play the Japanese is great oh my Jeff Japan's the best this is just the greatest oh go go smithing Oh Oh get him boys it's about it's about sending a message to the French got him coach I don't know why you guys are building anything else is brilliant to make er pairing to fire firing Mon come on oh right now it's gonna hide for 400 years I'm just gonna spam out all my points on kamikaze and press f1 on that tiger all right here we go boys you dare BD do you go okay do you guys see this right hand side right now I'm going for this tiger you go it for this tiger [Music] Oh what are you doing my wha ya big up clearly clearly I didn't get enough I'll try again okay I'm gonna just literally this game might ohh I've run out of command points they're all used on kamikaze I'm gonna attack from several angles this time novel you're not gonna be able to turn that gun fast enough my performance dropped by player Sol oh did you just crash oh my God he's gonna do it No okay these guys will get there though oh I did it I did I killed the tiger god I'm gonna have to put an age rating on this video dude this dogs not good oh no I crashed oh well I mean that that is what happens when you play Manowar it's perfectly balanced his old things should be [Music]
Channel: Valefisk
Views: 458,522
Rating: 4.9281507 out of 5
Keywords: men of war, men of war assault squad 2, men of war assault squad 2 gameplay, men of war assault squad 2 star wars mod, eu4, hoi4, vic2, stellaris, eu4 memes, hoi4 memes, hoi4 multiplayer, thespiffingbrit, spiffing, cities skylines, cities skylines memes, rts, gaming, funny clips, funny montage, highlights, funny highlights, funny, red dead redemption 2, nostalgia, old rts, men of war 2 assault squad multiplayer, men of war 2 assault squad memes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 26 2018
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