Just your Average Day in Japan (EDF ft. TheSpiffingBrit)

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oh god it's loud where's my mouse why is there no mouse you you'll use a keyword of mouse okay thanks what does this all mean oh you'll find out you'll find out soon you wants to campaign soon enough there's no mouse you're using the mouse roller on a game oh my god there's so many bugs what is going on I don't understand I don't know it's going I've just been thrown into this with no explanation why Zara why have you got an Abrams with a laser beam what are with all these civilians just like in the streets oh just to shoot them and kill them it's funny Oh what the hell guys I'm stuck in front there's not just me but a bunch of the AI are stuck in front of the tanks as well as just pushing me away oh my god what is this game what is this game oh my god oh my god oh oh my god best house what is going what is going on how it's a strike oh god it is that Danger Close yeah that's definitely danger coolant spark up for us we can Ari's don't worry about it but we don't have a friendly fire one yet I'm gonna say oh yeah oh my god that was incredible oh you're used to the Fetzer got to have it for you you're not gonna no it's fine I don't know how you control the feds sir it's okay I am a master of video games I'm sure I can figure it out Jesus Christ that's a big gun it's called the blast hole spear it's yeah really be really close to user it's practically not range I love it I love it I don't think I've ever loved this this is so good Japan thank you for existing thank you for making this oh my god my my tanks don't [ __ ] won't shot them oh wait to get out of here we need to get out you ridiculously spray is on every weapon oh no yeah the [ __ ] the length of fencer apartment building Lucian LEvolution evolution this game took to me Oh incredible game oh I've unlocked new weapons - yeah this seems fine I don't see any problems with that so wait what so what's a high altitude impact launcher um it's probably like anti-air oh I don't know because all the translations are really bad you have to sort of guess what the actual gun is who are using console find out oh my God look what I have on my back this is not a a this is not a watch what this does watch oh my God look at me look at me veil nuts yeah we've gone upgrade we've got an upgrade ladies in [ __ ] oh that's mine we dog that was fine encounters but how do you go I've got a [ __ ] little I got like a SuperSoaker targets a targets acquired this is this is unbelievable I'm actually gonna buy it oh my god oh my god Moorea yes javelin yeah alright I don't know what any of this is but these all sound amazing I'm going with that we're gonna save him I got her oh did I do that yes you [ __ ] my bad revive me I want to fire the javelin catapult oh my god what on earth does Lynx have I know that was me look at it what is that oh Jesus Christ oh it's Lynx his flame mag my mech got one shot oh my god oh man my second load out for this is just insane what would you know you'll see see whenever I know in this loadout look at me oh my god no you are one chunky boy oh thanks guys Oh slow we're running over Vale I don't realize no no no this is right oh sure I pick you up come on though you're not looking at me come closer to the dirt the dirt now remember we can't run too fast because there's gonna be step behind also limit the explosives what do you mean limit the explosives you have any idea what I've been carrying the entire time you coming out of the walls this is a mess you really should not yeah maybe the air missiles was a bad idea and I'm selling a ton to craft [ __ ] mission yeah I didn't I didn't think of that oh do danger-close teach cops what do you mean Danger Close you just killed novel though I know my subtle me that wasn't me that was myself watch it oh just slapped me this game is so stupid alone dangerous that was really nice got a little pick on no you don't use it in myself again what is this why do you have a sword which is literally man unit and figure out the controls my fangs wait oh there we go are you serious this Achra need that's a grenade just look at how much damage goes right into our left yeah what we have to do it [ __ ] the massive chicken essentially I have a safe I have a scythe what oh my god oh the grenade this do you see this they'll watch the friendly [ __ ] it turn up a few bills singing you me I'm gonna heal in time oh yeah like you do there in his ivory tower that happened I wonder I would suit so well I could lick half of them all I can hear is sniffing going oh and then throwing his name I have a spine driver I don't know what that even you know they'd be oh god it's a [ __ ] mental spine driver dispersal border flame revolver high altitude impact launcher oh look at what I could type I could direct it it's cool though it's [ __ ] cool oh sorry links I don't have enough health are you such a dick [ __ ] hate you yes they're all that where I'm at full pound I don't know what just happened I think it just accidentally deemed your closest both in the face look at look at my love it out one it's literally double Danger Close oh yeah I see that to dispersal motors that's [ __ ] awesome oh my god Oh Danger Close Danger Close a new clothes act firing all danger-close spit bang and try to get spit think I've got about the armor let me get this over the house don't you get this health food what what is this in the sky what is it no it's like you spire it's a giant bowl is it a giant No oh is it the giant laser beam shooting on by the deaf machine Oh oh my god you're right I didn't look up okay I know it alright that's cool I'm so this game was worth it everybody go buy this game no we gotta [ __ ] kill the drop [ __ ] I got you I got you there to lit what they're just dropping them individually straight out I know yeah oh my god this game is unhealthy gave us your ass screaming take em out idiot idiot aside use the genocide common Luke oh holy [ __ ] up damage oh I died alright do you guys see this loaded I'm running one has to have Gatling gun the others too and we did use that in there no no I'm not moving it in now stay out I need to see who put it away novo take a look at the chat this is what happens when you say the line when you end up getting bullying now when you say when you say the gamer word are you one shot it honey don't you help what you do I don't know like I I went and went like did you lose the grenade yeah but instead of throwing it like I just dropped it at my feet and it blew up immediately I got a new special toy oh I see what yeah where did you get this thing what is that I just unlocked it everybody move out the way I'm just gonna hide by anything I just unlocked the guards oh yeah it's like look the answer climbing on him oh I'm gonna die I'm gonna die the answer climbing on links look I killed myself against Vivek back up I warn you I give you enough warning but I did warn you getting the Pacific Rim that's that's Pacific Rim now we know where they stole it the idea for I have an idea oh my god another one oh hello bales in it I don't know what this does I'm just swinging wildly please oh my god oh it's a smokey awesome can we not hit each other I don't think we can each other hi hi hi how do you how do we pose oh that ship is still alive by the way this rolling around do you see that no snow it's good now it's sinking into the floor give it a second yeah oh yeah it is victory pose I think I just unlocked every ranger weapon possible yeah you've just completed Ranger congratulations what on oh my god oh this is like gum that seemed it's reversed eating treacherous teeth blanks versus for much smaller what is this on me don't wreck it tell us going on because the screen is chic Oh get public school you know I got it no can you come get me no your city you're being debated right now right now you're in a bit of a dangerous zone yeah I'm good come get me no I think I think I'm okay I'll wait I'll wait a minute what years this game set in as well 19th 1944 yeah this is a prequel the wolf design Oh oh my god let's game is so [ __ ] stupid
Channel: Valefisk
Views: 474,627
Rating: 4.8983736 out of 5
Keywords: funny moments, thespiffingbrit, eu4, eu4 memes, hoi4, hoi4 memes, perfectly balanced, perfectly balanced as all things should be, fallout, fallout memes, e3 2019, keanu reeves, japan, csgo, mw2 funny moments, mw2, csgo funny moments, rt game, spiffing, brit, edf, edf memes, edf 4.1, edf 4.1 guide, strategy game, strategy game exploit, perfectly balanced game, total war, total war three kingdoms, EDF
Id: ddwks5Y6VaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 16sec (976 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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