Company of Heroes, But I Turned Off the Unit Cap

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what's going on down here oh oh this is going on down here is it oh boy it certainly has been a while since we last stroked the fur of all company of heroes however it is finally time to come back and do something that i've been trying to do for a very long time ever since i figured out how to turn off the unit cap and wargame red dragon i've been searching for a way to do something similar over here in company of heroes and while i found plenty of mods that did change the unit cap so i knew it was possible all of them were either overhauls or they changed something else in one way or another whereas all i want to do is find out how well the vanilla game handles infinite shermans i very nearly gave up on the idea and was getting ready to just make my own mod to change the unit cap when i discovered via a page of cheats that as it turns out you can just modify the unit cap via the console it's just that easy so today as you gathered by the title we're gonna find out how well company of heroes can handle me building an infinite amount of units and given how bad the pathfinding gets when you have only half a dozen vehicles i'm expecting this to function about as well as a horse with pogo sticks for legs alright now we're gonna do two skirmish games here one is the vermax and another is the british just because i have uh ideas of uh what i wanna do with these guys so we're gonna close all these slots and we're gonna be playing alone against four expert ai because frankly i i don't think the difficulty is gonna help them at all okay and as for the map we want one that's really really open we just want as much empty space as possible so i think it'll probably be king of the hill all right now before this even really starts we're immediately gonna pause because i need to google those cheat codes again all right so ctrl shift tilde and then can i just copy paste yes i can okay there we go i think i think it's a good sign when the pop cap goes off of the screen all right there we go there i think that's a that's a fair balance of resources all right first things first we got to build a defensive line because i don't want the ai sneaking in and intruding on me while i'm trying to build up my men so while i have access to infinite units it is going to take a while for me to build all of them so i don't want him destroying any of them while i'm still building i think to accomplish this we're just going to build bunkers like kind of kind of like this and a big ring around the base oh [ __ ] you kidding me they're already here oh god they have a jeep here already okay it looks like we are gonna need some units to hold them off while we build this uh ring of bunkers for now let's just build i don't know like a lot of motorcycles yeah why not we're also just gonna keep pumping out engineers non-stop because we're gonna need a lot if we're gonna build this many bunkers oh i don't know how much longer this is gonna work out we gotta hurry get in there motorcycle slow him down buy time motorcycles buy time ah [ __ ] oh no they're going through the line before it's ready more motorcycles throw more motorcycles at them all right there we go at least the uh the reverse maginot line is uh underway down here oh my god what the hell is happening over here how are there's so many units so fast it's fine it's fine they can't but yeah no you you can't no yeah no that that's not how that works let's also build some uh flax just kind of in and around just in case they try and use vehicles there are so many british why are there so many british okay well on the bright side the uh the national line on this side is holding fine it's just this northern area that's not doing very well are they building mortars that close to my base are you kidding me all right fine we're gonna pump out some armored cars we're gonna push this infantry out get them away from us they they took the flak they actually took the 88 i can't believe it well we better hurry up we don't want them having our flat cannons i don't know how we're going to deal with the fact that they have a flat cannon though oh my god they have a what no no no no you don't park outside of my base they won't be so bold once i do this spell the third panzer command we gotta get more uh big tanks out i think see this is exactly what i wanted to prevent i wanted to build a little defensive line so i could keep them out while i build up my units and they just oh man this ai just doesn't want me to do that i feel like we should do something about this you know something something rockety-shaped maybe all right we need to cover this base in panzer command so we can just build more tanks than they can destroy uh why are they all attacking down here now what is this do you know what we could do let's take these engineers let's come in the back here and let's just build like a line of 88s like this no tank will ever make it through this ever let's just build like a second row as well just in case because you never know you know this first line of 88 it might not be enough we might need the second line i don't even know what's happening anymore i don't know i don't know just build just build more panthers just build more panthers oh yeah i forgot i was kind of just making a stack of snipers over here i should probably use them for something let's just send them out oh the pack the pathfinding the pathfinding is not happy right now all right we're starting to get enough tanks now that even four expert ais don't really know what to do it also helps that we have snipers just kind of wandering around in the middle of nowhere oh hang on a minute do you guys remember that video i made where i built a bunch of goliaths yeah i was i was limited by vanilla resource counts in that video i don't have that limit anymore all right we're going to build a line of bunkers that are going to serve as goliath production centers then oh yeah and i haven't really mentioned it yet but i have been stacking uh neville worfers over here uh in anticipation of uh you know future use i see they've resorted to using artillery as uh front line tanks all right it's just it's just groups of tanks just lying around everywhere as i can't control all of them at once and i just keep building more and because my population cap goes off the screen i don't even know what i'm at right now oh my god stop it get out of my base with your oh my god that's a pershing oh [ __ ] well it was nice meeting you mr pershing but i'm afraid uh it's over all right we need more we got to push them back further so they can't bomb the base it would be really dangerous if we set off the goliath stack before it's ready to go oh no i can already tell this is gonna be infinitely worse than the first video i made on this they built so fast as well oh they're so [ __ ] he really appears he's just dead set on hitting the base or uh he was dead set on hitting the base it's fine if they bomb my my stacks of panthers somewhere else i just don't want them touching i don't want them touching any of this [ __ ] holy [ __ ] there's a lot of neville workers you know what let's move these guys out like over here you know that feature new cars have where their engine turns off at stoplights in order to conserve fuel i i don't know about you guys but it really sounds like the goliaths could use that feature oh my god what what is it is it gone the entire line just fired at something and i don't even know what it was should we use the nibble worfers for something i don't really know what to use them for i guess we can just like fire him over here vaguely yeah all right just stop stop he's already dead oh my god oh yeah he's dead as well i would say it's a shame but uh hey send some reinforcements over there what are you doing what you can hit the base from this range i know you can oh [ __ ] no wait no no [Music] [Laughter] you i can't know my babies he killed my babies i can't believe this all right that's it it's time to neuter the americans we're this isn't happening again bud all right let's get in there how dare you do this to my goliath i can't believe it all panthers move in we're taking him down how did he even know the goliaths were here i think the ai's cheating the ai is so cheating i know they are oh my babies they were they were so young they didn't even get to explode anything it's fine it's fine we'll build new ones we'll build all new ones then we'll come back all my babies they'll come back there's another one kill it kill it kill it don't let it repair i want them dead i want them all dead all right last time last time he broke in from the north so we're gonna we're gonna guard the north more heavily than last time i don't want to have to use these until the screen is literally filled with them like a look at them assemble like a colony of ants goliath completed goliath completed goliath completed goliath completed they built so fast and they only cost 125 munitions each that's like that's nothing compared to my budget okay the game the game is starting to suffer a little bit i'm not sure why it's lagging but i i can guess it's either something to do with this or maybe this uh and and these or maybe it's all the above who knows but you know overall i i'm actually really impressed how well company of heroes is handling right now like yeah there's there's been some pathfinding issues and it is chugging right now but overall it's actually handled pretty well given how many units i have on the field is there a way to know how many goliaths are in this stack unassigned squads well this doesn't really oh [ __ ] hell i if you look at the map there's just there's now a black hole forming in the corner ah the line has quieted down except for the occasional churchill there is absolutely no reason to think we're in a fight right now i keep hearing the line from the panthers that says they want pioneers for repairs well i don't think these guys understand the situation they're not getting any repairs they're just gonna get replaced the only reason they exist is to prevent anything from getting close enough to dentonate this bomb sorry what's that i can't hear you over the sound of the engines i'm amazed that this game is still playing right now you know what actually just in case we lose it let's just save this as uh before crash because i think that's uh inevitably gonna happen holy [ __ ] what is all this stuff oat guns yeah lots and lots of at guns i guess it makes sense they have basically only been facing panthers for the last like half an hour all right things look fine over here why don't we check on the oh jesus christ it's getting increasingly laggy as the swarm grows how many goliaths do i need well i mean if we're talking about how many i need i i think we have enough how many goliaths do i want the answer to that question is more you know what fps is just a number guys it doesn't mean anything the human eye can only see 24 anyway right this is still buttery smooth right we're fine you know i i think we might be ready guys i i think we have enough goliath so we're just gonna drag a box around my god that's a lot of health bars we're just gonna drag a box around our goliaths come over here and right click now let's see can the game handle the pathfinding or is it just gonna sit here are we just gonna sit here okay well what if i did this a little bit at a time so he selects like that many oh all right we're moving all right let's do it in little groups then you guys right click there we go oh the game is really chugging now off we go boys come on oh my god here goes the conga line all right we're gonna we're gonna send them off on special missions as we come across enemy units i think like this oh dear oh dear dear oh there's still so many of them that just won't move in this swarm come on guys come on pathfinding please all right we're getting more of them away meanwhile the rest of them are on their way the robot uprising is here a hundred years early my friend oh we're arriving in the base forward oh my god more more my question for the americans is can they stop them all it's like a swarm of angry gnats we gotta we gotta destroy their outer defenses so that the rest of them can break through we got a lot more of them on the move there's still so many sitting at this stack they won't all go and you too there we go you run into anybody just blow them up that's the plan hello goodbye destroy all the buildings go i can't see there's so much smoke in the air you know what i have an interesting idea what's gonna happen to this stack if i just do this are you ready oh it's frozen come on game oh oh my god [Laughter] nuclear winter oh my god the game completely froze as well all right new plan we're gonna set the enemy base as a rally point and we're gonna wow the fps is back we're gonna set the enemy base as a rally point and we're just gonna spam build goliaths again what's going on down here oh oh this is going on down here is it ah the one mortar strike and it's all over yep his entire base just evaporated all right do you guys think we should do something with this nah not yet it's too early too early we gotta we gotta use the goliath all right there we go so the enemy base is now set as a rally point so now we can just build goliaths and they'll attack on their own and we won't suffer any pathfinding issues this way as well right not one in the meantime i guess we can just use the panthers uh to go and i don't know hunt down the british i'm sure their pathfinding is gonna work right yep it looks like it's working to me all right there we go the next generation of my babies are on their way i guess i'm gonna have to treat the panthers like i was treating the goliaths and move them bit by bit there we go out we go boys let's go the end is nigh find the british command center let's go meanwhile the goliaths are on their uh main voyage it's like a bunch of uh baby sea turtles you know they're all just going back to where they belong uh there appears to be a traffic jam between the goliaths and the uh panthers over here meanwhile let's just uh oh there goes that building you can't stop them all oh there's a steward all right we gotta find this last british command base and then the game is over oh my babies they're they're trying so hard there's too many of them though i can only blow off so many limbs there we go the panthers have bought us time oh that's a field hospital oh i didn't mean to do that it's a bit of a mess inside his base right now they've fallen back and they're building right in the very corner of the map oh hold on that field hospital is still active is that good enough yeah probably oh i just blew up my own panther as well for [ __ ] sake ah victory oh my god the score so i killed 700 infantry and only produced 136 which i'm pretty sure was only engineers i produced 1417 vehicles i lost 1 300 270 to friendly fire oh that's why i have less vehicle score than they do they killed more vehicles than i did well yeah that makes sense mo i built so many goliaths all right interesting so that's that's how the germans work now it's time to play the british and that's only because i have a really really good idea we're gonna play on the shelf this time you know because this well this map is great and while that does mean we're only gonna face three expert players i think it's gonna be fine for what we're doing here all right now before the germans can even blink we're gonna rush out a lieutenant and get a field support truck up and running that's because what i'm planning to do revolves around sappers lots and lots of sappers now if this works it it's gonna put the maginot line to shame but given how ferocious the expert ai was last time i don't know if it's gonna work oh my god the motorcycles are already here well thankfully i have my own motorcycle to stop them i think we're just gonna have the hq spam out bren carriers oh god they're all over my main base what the hell uh and so it begins and we're just gonna start slapping down defenses everywhere we're going to completely coat our side of the map and nothing but defensive fortifications oh yeah meanwhile while we're doing this let's just drop in some uh commandos i guess we could use these guys to just kind of be annoying holy [ __ ] they have a lot of infantry over here it's a real shame too because i've got a howitzer already available no you're you're not going to make it through i don't care how hard you crawl you're not making it through this defensive line i guess we should just bomb this area a lot oh my god there's so much stuff just sitting here this entire island in the middle is going to be turned to rubble by the end of this oh what's this you're bringing in tanks they're not going to get very far you know oh it's not fair uh it's just not fair meanwhile we're just gonna use the commandos to just you know [ __ ] around let's just start slamming these down everywhere and then just start building pits out of them it's fine this is all fair oh yeah wait why don't we just use the artillery to like clear out this base it's not my fault he's in range oh [ __ ] have they broken through this oh [ __ ] they broke through the middle when i wasn't looking all right sappers you've been recruited into the front line infantry get in there oh my god they've taken over the buffer's gun you've got to be [ __ ] me get in there sappers push him back everybody fire on this spot take him down leave none of them alive oh i can reach their base from here let's just build more howitzers like over here and just use it to keep their base under constant bombardment never stop firing keep firing more howitzers more shooting should we build tanks should we be building other things other than the artillery i don't know are you a serious you killed our glider hq you morons ah easy money there we go base one destroyed with nothing but p at commandos the more gliders we drop behind their lines the more confused the ai will become let's see here so how close will i need to build to be able to hit the enemy base oh so you're saying if i take the island the game ends yeah okay drop more gliders more should we do something with these brands yeah why not let's just right click the enemy base good luck boys you know i'm sure you'll be fine i'm getting flashbacks to the goliaths already they're just circling him like vultures go go go get in there boys meanwhile we'll just use some commandos to quickly capture the island while we're at it it's working kill them all it's working there we go keep him suppressed all right we're capturing the island boys move in build some buffers cannons quick oh looks like he's got more hesters again well we can't be having that now can we sadly the uh bren gun carrier was not really designed to fight a hetzer hmm there's a lot of uh panthers up here a shame if someone was just to uh you know blow him up it would be a real shame uh yes the maginot line expands just use the gliders to scare them away it doesn't matter how good the unit is as long as the glider scares them away while i build the fences it works and then once you're done with that i want as many 25s as we can fit and oh wait how many of these can we can we just blend them into each other like this yep apparently this is allowed okay we'll be we'll just blend them all in then into one stack oh hey is that a king tiger that is a king tiger what a shame what a shame oh is he gonna move in time oh he's not he's oh he's too big oh we're gonna have to hit that a number of times though he's got too much health i think we're just about right do we have enough you know what i bet if we do a sudden strike with these fireflies this will be enough to to end the war and we go oh wait a minute how are how are these tanks gonna get there oh i hadn't thought of that are they yeah they're just they're just walking over here they don't know what to do all right we're gonna repair this bridge and we're gonna use it to cross i don't know what else to do oh dear oh dear yep i've eliminated two players without having to do any pushing whatsoever yep you'll notice their attacks have almost entirely ceased and that's because only one player is available and even he is now within range of my artillery alright bridge is done we should be able to get across with the tanks now yeah okay we're good to go let's go keep moving forward destroy the base all right enemy eliminated we're gonna leave two shermans behind just in case they try and rebuild the space and we're gonna move on i love how i don't even have to look at the artillery i can just hear it shooting in the distance all right here we go move in oh there's barely anything left in this space it's all just blackened soil from artillery fire it just isn't fair it's almost like giving me infinite resources and population make this game unbalanced somehow all right there we go let's move on to the last base now this one is really damaged so it should be an absolute cake walk to finish this off although isn't that king tiger still up yup oh yeah it is i see it artillery i need you one last time hit the king tiger let's go yeah they got the killing blow smoking ash all right why the hell haven't we won this time oh that might be why destroy the field hospital it's preventing us from winning come on take it down there we go yeah yeah we're done oh that's better than the first game we have first place in every category so we made 206 infantry all but one of which died but we did kill 387 so i guess there's that we only had three friendly fire which is really surprising given how much artillery we had destroyed nearly 70 vehicles destroyed 32 buildings and we held onto our territory for forever basically so all in all you know i'm i'm impressed company heroes you've done well i really didn't think it was going to be able to handle what i threw at it and it it did it it did it perfectly but the one exception of that lag spike when i set off that you know 7 800 goliaths and that big clump there wasn't even any hint that it was actually going to crash at any point and frankly i'm just impressed so hats off to the devs you know there's there's not many rts games that could survive that but anyhow that's all for me thank you guys for watching and i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Valefisk
Views: 1,028,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ymES3B53N5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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