Prayer Against Monitoring Spirits
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Channel: Apostle Tim
Views: 48,067
Rating: 4.8762088 out of 5
Keywords: prayer, deliverance, solution, fasting, blessing, healing, praise, worship, apostle tim, atunnise, help, increase, fruitfulness, church, Jesus, Christ, Apostle, prophet, bishop, pastor, evangelist, teacher, curses, ancestral, generational, problems, turnaround, breakthrough, miracles, signs, wonders, glovim, global vision, happiness, songs, agreement, politics, wonder, anointing, vision, dream, sex, eating, food, prophecy, prophesying, witchcraft, generational curses, ancestral problems, long term, youth, soul ties, warfare, spiritual
Id: 5yR0S2oiydY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 38sec (938 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 19 2019
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