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foreign [Music] [Music] foreign foreign we're looking at House of the Dragon this is an escape room in a box essentially a sequential Discovery puzzle meaning there are tools to be found there's a sequence to be had in order to unlock this puzzle box so a couple of these in the past similar puzzles they all tell a cool story so I'm looking forward to this it says 60 Minutes challenge accepted before we move on to the video I just want to say uh last video I was giving away these Claws and a lot of you entered in in the comments and and asked me to send you one I had five to give away I've given away one and then it occurred to me that there are so many scammers on YouTube telling people in my comments that they've won something to contact them on telegram um you're hearing it here please if it's not verified and if you click on their profile it doesn't bring you to this YouTube page do not send them any information report it please it's a big problem on YouTube right now and and because of this I'm um I'm gonna ask you guys if you want to win that club head over to my Instagram instead and just all my latest posts just comment like a clog giveaway or claw or anything about the claws just so I know that you came there for that and I'll choose four of you over there and we'll send you uh one of those so I'm not gonna do any giveaways on YouTube with the YouTube comments anymore I'm terribly sorry for making you go through that and please just again war of caution don't telegram anyone who what even is telegram but I thought like we're living in 2023 can we stop using telegram like this video subscribe if you aren't already and let's get into solving House of dragon we've got my timer here timer is set we've got a pad and paper because always good to take notes and let's start so this looks uh to be Japanese which is nice because I'm actually planning a trip to Japan I've been brushing up all my Japanese a little bit I'm still very much a beginner but uh but yeah this is thematic for me okay first thing we do with these uh how's the focus there what's going on with the focus thank you um the first thing we I like to do with these is just have a look on the outside of the box if there's we just kind of look at all sides take notes if we have to and also another trick that I have is just kind of uh thinking out loud um I think it helps the process because you might stumble upon something you otherwise didn't uh didn't pick up so first thing we've got this side here with with a wheel this little wheel here and there are symbols and words inside uh these circles over here we've got a bunch of knobs seem to be stuck they have flowers on them maybe the flowers have something to do with something over here there's also it's a little hole here Keyhole we've got this sort of sliding bamboo door that is stuck seems to be attached to that little lip here and then we've got this what is this oh got this here I just keeps sliding back in uh it has the word Hachi Hachi which is actually the number eight in Japanese I'm gonna write that down my Japanese is paying off already I've got a door here my guess is this is the final compartment this seems like an epic door you can usually tell with the final compartment on these things are and uh then underneath we have seems to be backwards words I'm guessing they're backwards womo no idea what that means San which is sonus three uh noko and Kata I don't know those mean and on the top we have we have this cool sleeping dragon oh okay so this rotates this thing here a little squeaky oh there we go uh uh oh and we got a tab here a little pull tab and here we have a diagram and the diagram has a bunch of sort of Katakana symbols and what looks like one two and three these little tiny lines which might be one two and three telling us that this might be a numbered grid which would make sense since we already have two numbers so a good start to this puzzle indeed um this as well looks like it can slide down because of the gaps here and it's being held by this which is a small pin and that PIN can't grab a pin might be attached to this and push it oh it comes out it doesn't turn oh we have our first tool ladies and gentlemen all right our first tool is discovered this comes out it's nice which means this also comes off yes and what are we given here oh great uh one to nine in Japanese ichini Sun Yan go Roku shishi Hachi and KU those are that's one to nine so your daily Japanese lesson you're welcome [Applause] um okay we did have now we have a key what I assume is a key because we had this Keyhole here so we are going to try and ah there we go slide that bamboo door open which then pulls this out and oh oh we have another tool a mirror okay I might my guess is the mirror was for uh for these words here which you don't need to be a genius puzzle solver to know that this was just written backwards I feel but thank you for the mirror I do appreciate it I love a good little Contraption inside my puzzles um also another thing I want to touch on about the last puzzle video we did uh thanks for the feedback you guys wrote you know you let me know what you thought about it some of you liked the calmness of it sort of ASMR aspect and some of you really didn't like it at all but you let me know and I do appreciate that because I was looking for feedback and although it's not something we're going to be doing all the time it feels good to switch it up a little bit as I mentioned it's just redundancy that's why we're filming in this office right now we just want to change things up a little bit um everything becomes too formulaic and uh and as such it's just uh I I don't want to hate what I do is the last thing I want so keeping it creative keeping it fresh is really important for uh for myself as a content creator and as a human that wants to stay sane so there you go that's uh thank you okay what about the words in here oh we have Ichi as you can see the the Jays look like eyes though but it's itchy so that's one uh Kuro is nothing but Roku is six uh I'm just gonna put that in parentheses because it's not spelled correctly Sano just write that down I don't know if that is anything what's that Joe yo there's a sh MK r o s a yeah there doesn't seem to be any other words there so the next thing is now that we have numbers oh there's also this go which as we know according to our Legend here is the number five we now have numbers eight three one maybe six and five so instinctively I do think that we're gonna have to put those numbers in here now we don't have the number seven that one has been extracted um but we do have the number eight so let's can we pull these we can eight three [Music] one maybe six and five that doesn't seem to be going anywhere it's unfortunate that would have been one of the quickest one hour puzzle solves that we've ever done um that's okay okay what's next we have these are these still tools that we can use somewhere if you use that we have actually there's this here this is another little uh maybe this guy it doesn't fit there's uh something blocking that yeah it's not attached to that wheel either so just doesn't go any further than that that does look like a keyhole though eventually so maybe there's something we're going to be sliding which will open that hole up for us to play around with we'll see uh huh wow what would you guys do in this situation is there anything that comes to mind that I'm not thinking of let me know I do enjoy reading comics when it comes to puzzle solving because it I don't necessarily think my methods are always correct when solving puzzles it's just what I've sort of developed over the years of solving them but sometimes you guys drop a comment I'm like oh my God that's genius or I should have thought of that I I don't claim to be the best puzzle solver in the world and never have um but I do claim to enjoy them quite a bit uh but some of you out there are definitely better puzzle solvers than I am I do believe that okay this definitely this and this are definitely the next moves to be done here this and this here uh okay eight three one let's try that with a six two actually we didn't try that one eight that is a no-go that is a no-go hmm a little stumped I will admit we're missing another word here another number you got something to do with the flowers I hope not there's so many flowers on this box seems to be a recurring theme though yeah itchy really seems to be the only word that's on there so eight three one five I mean we've tried it what if we pull out the other ones two uh four four [Music] six nine that is a negative there's got to be another pull tab somewhere that I haven't discovered and usually with these puzzles that's the case a lot of times it's just like you gotta like like this tab here in this tab here I just can't seem to see any other ones [Music] oh this is interesting hold on this actually might be something [Music] um there is a discrepancy here if you look at these two this one here seems to be loose I might be able to get it out maybe using this yes [Music] yes let's go I thought for a second that um that wasn't meant to be pulled out but apparently it has a little arrow on it which means it does and now we've got another tool this one will go in there okay we've got two huh are we meant actually are we meant to remove all the ones that aren't numbers that we have because so far we have four and seven which we don't have so two should also be removed uh nine should also be removed six should also be removed [Music] they do not come out uh oh let's go there you go uh that was a nice way of solving it [Music] so in essence we had to remove two six and nine which we didn't have here plus those [Music] and now this comes out great what does that do there's also this symbol here which which is the same symbol we have on that second Square here so I don't know what that means maybe this is a some type of tool that we need to use no do we put it back in the other way maybe no that doesn't fit over there huh oh let's go do all of these come out no just this one is this our tool oh it does fit oh because this here um actually opens and closes a small compartment in here so if we open it we can then push this in a and the door opens uh let's go oh we've got our prize which is a sleeping Dragon sleeping in a cave of crystals the uh The Dungeons and Dragons player within me is very satiated right now by this little prize prizes like this inside these puzzles they might not be much they might not be valuable but it is just something to let you know that you've won that you've gotten to the end of it and it's so important that people add this in so I really do appreciate when they add tiny little things like this uh even though they're quite literally meaningless it does feel good man so I'm gonna put that back in let's try to what's that 17 minutes you know what I said it wasn't the best puzzle solver in the world just like 16 minutes ago I hate to toot my own horn but this was an hour-long puzzle so maybe I take that back there's no coffee in here okay let's get back to putting this back together um that goes back in there let's take this out oh that goes out this closes uh that closes we're gonna do this in speed time let's see the reset how long it takes to reset so give it a couple seconds uh uh we then had this went in here I believe yes nope the wrong way all the flowers are all in the same direction so I know that's the wrong way there we go uh this was next I'm gonna put the code back in what was it two six and nine there we go that's back in the mirror it's a mirror that's back in as well uh there's a there's the number two I could come out a little bit two this thing right here that's like this oh this first so look at that two minutes 18 seconds to reset that is pretty good uh considering normally a lot of puzzles like this become a bigger headache to put back together than they were taking apart but in this case uh very delightful fun indeed good solve great Japanese lesson you guys rock I mean what more can I say if you guys want to check it out I left the link to escape that below they've got other ones uh I've got another one here some are sitting around that we can try out next time if you guys want leave a like subscribe um and uh let me know what you thought of this puzzle in the comments below this is just my attempt at gaining a little bit more of uh engagement for the algorithm monster that chews away at my soul every week thanks for watching guys I do appreciate it we'll see on the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Chris Ramsay
Views: 189,600
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris ramsay, chris, ramsay, puzzle, puzzles, magic, magician, illusion, science, physics, toys, chris ramsey, street magic, street magician, brain teaser, brain teasers, iq, toy
Id: 0IgTrHUod7Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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