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[Music] so welcome back to another ransom gem show my name is matt garland nmls number five eight seven zero zero better known as mg the mortgage guy my name is kiana watson broker extraordinaire here in the metro atlanta area license number three one seven five seven six yes yes and we have you bought a wall street trapper who goes to help the culture build well one at a time dlc number four to want to see everybody oh so look man wall street chopper needs no introduction if you don't know who trapp is go follow him all his platforms is wall street trapper instagram youtube this guy's a legend all right and he actually just flew into town real quick just to do this episode so thank you brother i really appreciate the love and appreciate you coming on the ransom gem show and spreading love to our community hell yeah man you know since since i saw you all dude i was like yo this is going gonna be a bomb you know what i'm saying i saw i saw the energy i see which y'all have going on and nothing else like it so when you actually come i was like man that's a no-brainer so once i get my word on something and i'm sticking to that fact i don't flip on that because if it's something i have control of then i'ma hold that down you know what i'm saying because that's what we got in this world our word you know i'm saying that's worth more than money to me you know what i'm saying so um it was a blessing for me you know y'all just to ask me to come so man let's kill it man let's go crazy well let's go crazy let's go crazy i'm a drink to that one right there let's salute this trap don't be drinking that come on you gotta get out of the water put the water down queen we got a big trap here let him keep the water you're gonna be in here i remember matt for my uh so i had did a a vip dinner i bought that 700 bottle of wine 700 bottle of wine and he like trapped you got a drink of cigarette i'm not drinking that man you gotta drink my feet joy all right i gotta get rid of it he taking like a babysitter bro this is that good stuff right here several hundred dollars a bottle that's what they tell you in the street that's that good stuff so look man let's talk about you know obviously you know real estate i don't people always try to say what should i do first real estate or stocks me i'm a person it's in it's not or so we wanted you to come on today to talk about how to invest in real estate via the stock market so let's break down reits all right first of all what is a wreath sorry is a real estate investment trust and so what happens with ari is they are obligated to pay all investors 90 of the profit they make but on the back side they get so many benefits for being that and so when we think about a reit what we're thinking about is a bank so let's think about a bank right everybody has their money in the bank or something well the bank doesn't own that property they just leasing the name so they're paying somebody rent so the bank is actually a tenant so let's think about walmart let's think about home depot right they don't they're not in the business of building a business a building right they just want to do what serve people like serve their product they just want to trap to jump right they don't care who owned the trap house we just needed the junk right so that's what they do so they find a company they'll be like look check this out we want to get this building like how many buildings do you have available so they may say well we got a building here here and here what type of size that you need look we need a thousand feet by one thousand feet they've been like cool most of them go under what's called triple net lease so that's saying i'll give you the building you rent it for me but you cover everything in it that's light gas anything goes wrong with it that's on you i'm just giving you a skeleton so they'll be like okay cool i'll do it what's the length so they may say 10 years 20 years whatever and that's how reits are but also you can go a little step further like think about senior citizens care most of those are reits right that's a reap um when we think about uh win atlanta so you can go to uh the mall linux mall and what's the other one phipps so both of them are owned by a reit company called simon property group right and so simon property group actually owns the majority of the large premier luxury mall and premium outlet malls in america right but you ever heard of like tan tangier outlets before yeah yeah yeah so that's another recompany right and so they aren't the premier luxury brand they deal with like you might go and find the polos and all that so all of them are reached too so what they do is they sell occupancy they sell spaces or rent spaces to people for long-term contracts so the great thing about rita the difference between a reit and like a regular stock is you won't really see reits skyrocket in price okay right so like if i get a stock like you know apple or some i want to see the stock price go up and i want the other benefits that come with it the dividends whatever well with a reit you're investing in it more so for cash flow okay right because they're they're they they make money through having tenants so so the reit is more like uh rental property without the overhead okay so that's one of the things i love about it so i have a dividend portfolio and in my portfolio i have a few reads up and i'm only there for cash flow another thing about ari is um a lot of them pay monthly so normally when you get a stock and a stock pays dividends it'll either pay once a quarter which is every three months or some stocks like disney paid twice a year okay but you can get reits that actually pay you every month and it's literally like getting rent right so yeah yeah all right i know you know yeah you okay well i'm not gonna ask for three at least give us two what are the two wreaths that they can invest in that could pay them monthly yes um one of them is called uh oh realty the ticker symbol so if you know what a ticket symbol is that's like a company nickname right so oh realty um that's one um it actually pays who pay who they pay rent to who pays them rent uh home depot pays them rent um 24 hour fitness 7 11. um they have maybe maybe like 15 companies i could think of off the top of my head that pay them rent so or reality is one and another one is called stag s-t-a-g and so what stag does is they are the in the industrial game okay right so we talk about industrials we're talking about warehouses right so they actually are one of the people who partners with amazon so amazon you know again we know amazon is not a i'm not about to go build new warehouse right fulfillment center so amazon will go to them be like yo we need a fulfillment center be like cool like what's the size you need like you know uh what's that song for me you know i got it you know yeah yeah yeah you go to them they got it so amazon be like jeff like look i need you know 2 000 square feet 10 years they're like cool we got you so uh they build warehouses so both of those pay monthly dividends and that's cool and they steady increasing so when you're looking at a company like a wreath one of the things you want to make sure is you want to look at occupancy just like you all right like when you're looking at your fourplex uh apartment or something like that you want to buy one of the things you're going to say is like what's the occupancy rate right like how how how efficient are you with keeping people in here yeah right so that's important when you're dealing with reits because that now talks about the in the income that we can get from them so i like when i'm buying reits i want to make sure that their occupancy rate is like 95 or better right because that means no matter what they keeping people in there yeah right so that's important now investing in reach you also got to understand like what's going on in the economy right like being a great investor is more than just putting your money into space and saying my money gonna grow for me right i think that's what a lot of people getting mixed up at they want the easy way out nah this this game gonna cause you to do a little bit of thinking right like becoming wealthy and building well is gonna require you to do more than just guessing what you're doing right so what i mean by that is so let's think about right now like covert is heavy you know what i'm saying so what's happening is it's affecting the economy work at home is something that's huge right now right even though people are getting back into the office you still got places like walmart they like nah i don't i mean um in their corporate offices google like no i don't come in right now right so a lot of office spaces aren't really where you want to be at right now that makes sense so they have office space reits well all they do is rent out office spaces new york is heavy there's some wreaths in new york that's just losing money they bleed money because people don't want to be in that facility right now they just rather just be at home so what's the purpose of me renting the office face if i'm cool with working at home right so you want to kind of understand where is this re making majority of his money makes sense makes a lot of sense we're trapping do your due diligence and trap that's a fact basically so do your due diligence pay attention to commercial real estate you know with the wreaths if you if you're investing into a reit that's heavy with um office space then you have to check the occupancy check with where the office is located right what cities that they're in is basically from what i'm getting from what you're saying right yep so like um i can't think i think boston boston properties is one um and they're heavy on the east coast so they're in new york boston they're in those areas right they're heavy office space but that office space has been affected hard so they don't have occupancies so that's not good for their business plan so they not making as much money as they was so therefore the dividend isn't safe right though yeah right whereas if i'm in an industrial like i'm good because warehouses aren't affected walmart still need warehouse amazon still need fulfillment centers those things are still needed even when you think about senior senior care right people are still there right and then in in investing in something like that you understand also that um it's been said that people are actually living a little bit longer now right so that means people are staying there longer so that's like you pay attention to that i pay attention to that in order to be a good traveler you got to pay attention to what's going on in the neighborhood man i don't know you got to know who i am let's talk about this so like the ones like the office station you're saying new york boston you know how we look at things like okay when when nobody else wants it that's when you want to get it so is there a way they can get those reits now at a low price would you recommend them coming in like how we look at real estate like all right we know eventually it will turn eventually we're going to have to figure out what the new normal is going to be so with wreaths do you recommend they come in and say all right well these may be cheaper let me get these now and wait or not of course so it's all about doing your due diligence if anything so now the question with that becomes do i see the world going back to people being in office spaces like that right if you see it and that becomes on the investor mindset that becomes on your judgment right so like some people don't want to invest in the hood me i want to invest in the hood like i don't mind going get a property in the hood fixing it up getting cash flow from it somebody else may be like i don't want my money there i'm good so it becomes on an investor will they come back of course at some point are you willing to say i'm gonna get it at this discounted price and wait on it to come back so that's what patience due diligence comes in that what are the ramifications that happens behind what's making this a discount understanding like what's making this a discount some things never come back some things do that then depends on the investor itself or herself how important is it to review the charts of the wreaths so you know in our group text all right shout out to the group texts you know we always talking about looking at you know huh are you looking at me crazy oh my bad [Laughter] um yeah we gotta go for so um with the charts right how important is it to look at the charts not just look at where they're at today but look at what they were six months ago 12 months ago even 18 months ago plus prior to covet how important is it learning how to read charts when you're investing in reits so it's it's so you always want to look at the game from every everything that's going to give you information you need to pay attention to that right so if i know the police coming on tuesdays and thursdays i need to make sure how long it takes to come in tnt you know what i'm saying i need to understand what's going on like i need to understand do i make more money in the morning or do i make more money in the evening yeah right or people buying before their kids go to school before they go to work oh they cool when they come home you gotta pay attention to the whole board um and so for me i'm not so much in as a chart man as i am a fundamental man so a fundamental means i like to understand like how you making money like what seasons are your peak seasons is the balance sheet good right is the dividend consistent has it been consistent for five years ten years that's more important to me than the children in the chart because i'm long-term investing with this i'm not trading it right if i was a trader then the chart may be more important simply because now i'm trying to understand the emotional behavior of how the stock market feels about this business that makes sense so what happens with fundamental investing is fundamental investing tells us how the business is making money where the business is making money yeah and can they consistently make money can you sure to read down let's talk about trading real quick right now with reits can you buy contracts on them you can buy options on reits by out i don't i don't think you will find an options trader that really loves moving on reefs because there isn't a lot of movement there yeah right you're not going to get a wreath and it's going to just skyrocket on you and it's going to be because they're because there isn't enough activity from the also shorted like in order to show something you want to know there's activity going on a lot of activity a lot of momentum a lot of buying a lot of selling a lot of volume there isn't a lot of most people who invest in reits are specifically investing for them for cash flow there's better options right so you don't really want to go to a reta make those type take those type of chances in the market right you want to go somewhere you know is active you want activity you want to yeah yeah 100 so basically rental property flow that's how you thinking as a wreath yes this is my buying hole i need to be in this baby for five years seven years ten years even 20 years right what other industries are composed in a reit you know i know you said you know office spaces industrial are there any other industries oh yeah everything just like with real estate like everything is really like i've learned everything is real estate reads cover everything like even with banks like jp morgan chase they're in tourists also um one of the one of the things i do like is um farmland and agriculture okay right that's huge i actually just bought one called um land land right and so what they do is they just go around the world buying land acres and acres of land like and what they do is they make money three ways they buy land from people you know as you can see but they also like let's say you have land and you'd be like man i got this land but i'm not good at renting it out you know i don't want to plant nothing i don't want to farm nothing feel like okay cool they'll come in and partner with you to rent your land out right and then the next thing they do is they find land for big corporations so that's a good you know if you enter agriculture like i'm into agriculture so that's a good one but also um there are cyber security reads data centers that's important right so you think about all of the data that we use like we all know that data is a thing yeah right now right like if you like that is serious right now right everything that you use takes in your data everything there isn't anything that you use now that doesn't need your data right well that data has to be stored somewhere there's data centers right in those data centers all they do is they partner with netflix they partner with amazon they partner with facebook and they be like yo you got to put that data somewhere because you're not specialized in that so they take the data store it and then they partnered maybe with a cyber security company and said listen we got the data we need you to secure it too right so it's all it's a plug and a connect man supply and demand man this thing got the move so um you know yeah you caught a flashback listen i've been like that every listen i'm trying to move man listen that thing got to move yeah but you got all the data that's i didn't think about that that's right because data data is everything right now data is everything so everybody moves the world right now that's it and so you know you actually saw like how do i make how do i stop gambling and start making like wise investment decisions speak on that you know because a lot of people are here gambling well because we a lot of people are in survival mode right especially as a culture man like one of the things for us is man we never meant to talking about no money right let's just keep it 100. right like think about it man a lot of people they're one of their biggest fears in this world is losing their job right it's it is because what happens is the job dictates the quality of life you live right and what happens now is the job that dictates how long i can stay on vacation the doc the job dictates what type of clothes i can wear the job dictates how much money is in my bank account and so because the job dictates so much of us the job keeps us in survival mode right and nobody has ever truly told us and i'm not the person to tell people it's your job that is 100 not me what i do tell people is learn how to make your job your biggest investor stop going to the job saying this is how i pay my bills and start going to the job and saying this is how i fund my investment account my job is how i buy back my time right because the job now produces you with a form of income that now can be turned into wealth the income has to be turned into capital and the capital then be turns into whoa i call it a triangle offense earned income that you make turns into capital capital is just simply saying i'm using this money to invest that's all that is if a person has a business and he's like yo we need some capital they just mean we need some money to invest with yeah right so we turn the income into capital capital becomes the world because we now put the capital inside of an asset class super gym they're like let's let's take a moment they had to digest that one yeah no that's not that's what happens now is um we as a culture as a people have to build that relationship with money and like that's my whole thing is like how do i get how do i use like everything i've been through right because everybody around me had the same problem even if you went to work if you was in the street hustling no matter what you doing we all had the same problem and nobody represented the solution because nobody had a solution because nobody before them had the solution so now we just inheriting the same problems yeah right and the only way to get out is yo go get a job go to school right and i'm looking and we all look back like yo like how do you people making so much money yeah it ain't because they got more more time than us it's because they have access to more information um until now until now and so we get a rants and jibs until we get a wall street trap until we get these type of situations that now the now what happens is once we get exposed to the knowledge it's nobody's fault but our own for not executing that's a fact it's nobody's fault but our own because at first like if you ask yourself like damn like what do i know how much information do i have more than the generation before me right and so now the generation before you did what they can do with what they had very few people had access to the information that's why you get a ow girl that's why you get a madam cj walker right you get these because they got a type of information that separated them from everybody else but then they gave the information to people that looked like them that talked like them that been through what they've been through and then those people in those circles were able to move forward right and so then you had people who didn't have access to that information so all they know how to do is pick cot all you got to do is pick cotton so now you want to teach your son how to pick cotton you want to teach your daughter how to pick cotton because you don't have the information so now with me having the information my daughter is five years old she's going to tell you if you put my daughter next to another five-year-old no she's gonna blow him out of the water financially she's gonna tell them that i'm an asset and you're a liability the five-year-old might be like what is a liability my daughter gonna say because you don't know how to use your money you're a liability because i know how to invest my money i'm an asset well with his assets baby girl assets make you money what do liabilities do liabilities take money away from you so you're gonna sit it at five this is not you can go on my instagram page right now you'll see it what is a stanford asset speller a-s-s-e-t what does b stand for bank what is a bank a financial institution that buys and lends you money what is c c is for credit what is credit being able to get money being able to get something without upfront money that's what that's how credit is right so she can walk through those abc's because what happens is school is going to program them one way i'm not mad at the school system for teaching them that and it's on me as a parent to teach up absolutely we already know what the the education shifts we're going to teach us they're going to teach us how to play the same game it's on us but we can't teach them what we don't know i need a drink after that one hold you up that was that was a super gym that was good real good so when it comes to reeks and investing in wreaths and you know you're not following very closely and um you're always talking about don't use this site use this site um tell people where you would recommend them start their portfolio with reits okay and what should be their expectations and you know people get into investments like i'll be a millionaire in two days like you know let what should their expectations be of reach so one of the things too is just and and i'm gonna get on that with reese i think in investing in general your mindset shouldn't be i'm gonna be a millionaire overnight that's truly not listen i know instagram makes it seem like people just making billions and billions of dollars right and i'm not saying some people aren't making money but what happens is it's taking them time to get there like it's taking them time it's taking them failure it's taking them lost money it's those are the lessons right the destination is cool but it's the journey that makes us better right and so if you go in here saying i tell people all the time they'd be like yo trap how can i flip a hundred dollars i said listen go to new orleans go on eighteen no one set up some streets little actually tell them trap essential that's the only way i know how to flip money if you wanna show you how to grow your money into wealth this what i can do for you so when it comes to investing have that mindset right how i started telling myself how long will this take me and it went to how far can i go with it if that makes sense right like man how long it's going to take me to make this money no no no no no how far can this take me right how will this information change my life how would this investment buy back some of my time and change my life right and that's what started making me a better investor so one of the things with reits as you like i said it reads you won't get blown out of the wall like you won't wake up in the morning and your reit is up 15 20 you can wake up to a tesla being up 10 but you can also wake up to a tesla or something being down 10 with a reap you might wake up in the morning it's up 2 you had a good day you might wake up and i'll be down a half percent it's no big deal but what will happen consistently is they're going to kick out that cash they're going to pay you they're going to pay you and that's cool and so what happens is so now you're looking at a payment of you know 50 a share a dollar a share depending on the business right but that's okay because what happens is you actually i ask myself this question and here's here's something that i do with every uh investment i make that pays dividends so we know what dividends are right yeah your show yes all right so with dividends people like yeah yeah now you can break break break it down what is a dividend yeah so a dividend is so all companies don't pay dividends right some people don't pay dividends because they use the money instead of paying it out to us as investors they use that money to invest back in the brand and that's how you have a company like a tesla or a facebook or a amazon that continues to just create great products and keep on growing because they feel like instead of paying that money out i'm gonna do better with you by putting that money back into the business creating research and development right so a dividend is a portion of the prop a portion of the profit that a company pays to all of its shareholders or investors does that make sense yeah so what a reit does is what makes them different is if they make a dollar they got they paying out 90 right whereas if another company let's say an apple or something they make a dollar they they may be paying out one percent right you see the difference here right so what ari is they are obligated by law in order to be a wreath to pay us 90 85 to 90 of the profit that they make they're obligated to do that so one of the sites that i like to use when you're looking at reits is reap.com and i'm glad i'm saying i'll write that down the dude actually dm me from read.com yeah it's a black dude he just got on the board i got to go back in my dm i'm glad you said that because he dm me like yo i wanna i heard he heard me talking about reese on something he was like man the way you break reach down i would like for you to come work in my business but i know you ain't gonna come so at least i'm gonna talk to you about how we can you know um open that knowledge up so i gotta get back with the dude um but it's reit.com um and inside of that they break down just all the reits all the different industries inside of that and so one of the things you need to understand about the stock market is there's 11 sectors right but inside each sector there's an industry right so you take a brick you break it down to all dimes you break it down to ounces my bad y'all i'm tripping so what happens is yeah i'm in mold right now uh but what happens is so like if you're investing in reits that's a that's a sector that's the real estate sector right but inside of that you may have gaining and lodging so that may be your hotels and things like that then you may have timber so that's you know woods and then you may have um you know it just it just breaks down into different industries inside of that segment so when you go to e on reit.com it'll have all the sectors broken down for you so you can see what you like because you may not like farming right you may want to go to lodging so a lodging sector inside of that um industry insider somebody that deals with you know lodging and hotels and gaming resorts that's a whole different sector that you can go into right so this website is basically for you to do this only for research yep and all natural research and reits mm-hmm now what platforms e-trade td so you can get rid of any investing platform that you're on excuse me y'all any platform that you're on you'll be able to buy reits on it no matter which one it is robin hood etre cd ameritrade yeah it's not limited to a certain what's the minimum amount anything you can buy that's my whole goal is to tell people man you can start building well one share at a time that's mine i love that that's my that's my thing because we we often feel like you i need a lot of money right how many people are like man i ain't got enough money to invest traps so i'm gonna just do nah yo so we gotta i want not only do i focus on investing but i also understand that there's a huge mindset shift that has to take place within our culture yeah talk on it let's talk about it a mindset shift that has to take place within our culture so we can understand how to be great investors right so one of the things i want us i always tell us to understand is like money has no value the value is in the exchange money has no value the value is in exchange you will only trade money for something that you feel that's going to be worth more than what you trade with what the money is facts you feel me so the value is it isn't in the money it's in the exchange what am i exchanging a dollar for the value isn't the money it's what do i feel matt whatever you pay from tennis you you felt like it was worth giving up that money for that so the value wasn't the money the value was the tennis shoe oh yeah 100 absolutely you feel me so we gotta start we got to start telling ourselves why do i value money so much why have i been taught to value something that doesn't have value at all right so and here's the thing i'm not saying that you don't need money i would be up here looking like a fool if i said that what i am saying is this check this check this trap that we're in i want you to like how many people here work a job okay cool let's think about this how many people are entrepreneurs all right cool so listen to this trap that we get set up in you go to work whatever you do for money right the money loses value every second because they're printing money every day so you're now spending your most valuable asset time to chase something that loses value every second and then you take that money and put it in a bank where the bank then uses your money and it continues to lose value so how can you essentially become better or build wealth if your money is consistently losing value and you're consistently losing time how can you get better how can you improve your situation we need to know right let's turn it to the audience [Laughter] so let me ask am i ranting on my gym you're doing both so um what happens is even if you put your money in a bank of i stick it under a mattress it's still doing the same thing if i put my money in the bank of i put my money in the shoe box it's still doing the same thing it's losing value because the bank is essentially giving you 0.01 on that if you're good or got a high yield savings account they giving you two percent would be right so now we have the x ourselves if i'm going to put a time put a dollar amount on my time i need to maximize the dollar amount or the return that i'm going to get for exercising that option mm-hmm am i making sense yeah yeah so what we do is we say okay now let me i'm cool with that but now i need to put my money into some type of vehicle that maximizes the return that i can get on it right i literally only have about ten thousand dollars in the bank because i don't live a lifestyle where if anything goes wrong i'mma need more than ten thousand dollars ninety percent of my money is in some type of investing vehicle because i don't want the bank to be making me pay draft to them tell me i don't need them using my money to make them rich and giving me the low end of the stick this listen in the streets i'm gonna maximize my return if i give you 100 i need to at least bring me back 75. i'm not gonna give you a hundred and you bring me back 50 cent we got an issue we got to address that yeah you feel me yeah we get it so we put our money in an asset vehicle that then changes you know give us a greater return and so we start understanding that it's the psychology behind money that has us messed up it's the psychology of money we don't have a relationship with money outside of making one transaction my thing is how do we turn a one-time transaction into a lifetime of profit right i bought these jays that's a one-time transaction if i own nike it now becomes a lifetime of profit until i say i want to go somewhere else so how do we start making that type and they don't have to just be with stocks it can be real estate and whatever but how do we get our money to become a lifetime of profit and start a one-time transaction we good for having one time transaction because it made me feel good in the moment this is how you feel i work for this money i work hard for this money right i'm tired of just paying bills i'm tired of just investing in this business i need some type of reprieve to make me feel good for what i'm doing and then we buy that sometimes we buy stuff we can't afford but you know what it made me feel good in the moment it looked damn good when i take your instagram you good yeah right right right that's the buffer but then when reality hit you like damn why did i spend that damn money that's the reality i definitely didn't need to spend that so really listening to you you're like look put your most of your money into assets you know you you are very limited on the amount of cash that you hold on to and i can tell you like i'm i'm one of those people i like to put money in assets and i'm also like i just like to see like look at this it's mine i worked so hard for it but at the same time you're right so if we shift our mindset in our relationship with money we'll recognize that we'll actually build wealth faster by putting more of our money into assets than keeping it in a banking account savings account access that's a fact and here's a hack for you too like with my investing account um with my money in td ameritrade or etria i still get for the money that's not invested i still get three percent on it um speak on that how are you getting three percent on this because that's what they're gonna pay you for having your money though it's simple so park your money keep it on the sidelines versus having it i still get three percent so what i do is every time my business pays me or something like that because i'm avid with putting my money in my investment account even my daughter i give her you know a certain amount every time i get money she has to get a portion of that right so the first thing i do i know y'all hit all the time but i pay myself first but i don't pay myself first to go buy something i pay myself to invest first right we got to start having a mindset of invest save to invest and then spend what's left save to invest and then spend what's left i'm not the person to tell you like listen cut back on one cup of coffee a day and it's going to change your life because we know that's a lie that's that's not me like i understand that we need to like yo i'm putting in work that's cool so for my daughter one of the things like i give a hundred dollars i say listen save 70 take 70 of it is for you right 40 of it you invest it 30 percent of it you save it the other money you do what you won't do with it you've maximized your money that way right so for what i do is when i make money i make sure i put a significant amount in my investing account even if i'm not investing in the moment so if it's mit ameritrade what it's doing is i still get three percent a year on it for not using that's better than any bank gonna give me right now true but what do you say to those folks who who who can't you know put majority of their money in the investing account they're living paycheck to paycheck you know they're they're they're strapped for cash covert is here like what do you say to those folks so all right that's a great question so one of the things we got to do is start being creative stop limiting also you live in a world where this iphone or that phone can make you some type of passive income some people you don't have no money what are you good at what are you good at doing create you a digital product like this is like this real talk create you are good at something create a digital product with trap i don't know how to use a digital product get on google and learn what you're good at learn how to create an ebook use canva create your ebook something that can help you get some more money in fellas don't be scared go cut some grass fam it's all love go drive it over go drive uber go get a turo go do something that can bring you some more money i understand like we gotta start putting our pride on the side to start taking ourselves to the next level you know what i'm saying like i'm gonna just tell you how i put my pride to my to the side when i left my job to start my business i didn't move into a condo i said yo i wouldn't slap on my grit on soba foot yeah i made my first million sleeping on a sofa and i ain't feeling no kind of way about it first first million sleeping on a salsa that was cool it ain't bothering me trapping i was trapping i was in mode yeah i went to walmart bought eight pair of dickies you know real tough i only bought eight pair diggers in like eight you know multiple different colors i only bought me two pair of pumas if you could look on my instagram i had two pair of pumas real talk i called my daughter mom i said look check this out that's what we about to do i need you to rock with me i need you to believe in me she was like what's up i say look i'ma still pay for baby girl tuition but a lot of the stuff that i was doing like i ain't gonna be able to do it for a minute because i'm about to lock in on this business she was like cool do you think i believe in you we ain't together we're doing that but she just understood like when i say i'm locked in i'm locked in i went to my great aunt i was like look tj check this out i need to let me come share you know i believe in his vision i need to sleep on the sofa or the bed she's like cool but i spent more time on a sofa i don't know why this is why i had my thinking process that she was like cool six months later i started paying all the bills in the crib i quit my job with two e-books one was ten dollars almost twelve dollars nobody i left a job i was making a hundred and twenty hundred thirty thousand dollars a year i built the falcon stadium from the ground up real talk working ten hours a day twelve hours a day fourteen hours a day sixteen thousand a day you know i'm saying building stadiums building power plants that's what i did like once i got on the streets that's what i did i was blessed but i said yo i'm giving these people too much of my time and the hustling in me didn't want to settle for that i like what you just said right you said you you sold a ten dollar ebook and a twelve dollar ebook how many followers you had at that time because we know you damn that million right now how many how many followers did you have about that three thousand like three thousand followers so that doesn't go to show everybody you don't need a large base people think oh i don't have the i don't have the platform i don't have this i don't have that but you started with three thousand followers think about everybody starts with one follower though yeah like i've been following track for a long very long time because i always i just like things again the way people speak and how he in the way he broke down things it was like oh i can relate to this because you know in the that's how i grew up in another life so i was like that's relatable i like the way he's breaking it down so when you're when you truly look at it everybody starts with one person everybody starts with one person start following you and you just keep sharing information you keep putting out there you keep serving see i think we forget that you get to a certain place and you're like oh they got she got all the followers i only had one follower when i started this page i got people in here that have been with me from day one i have a woman here she has been to everything shelter [Laughter] i literally had to pull her to the side because i see her everywhere i'm talking about when i was doing home buying events there was five people in the room she was there just years ago i'm talking six years ago i had one follower then two followers and it was three then it was five what happens is you continue to share information and serve and like i was telling you guys earlier at one point i had kind of lost that because i'm like i got the followers now i'm tired he reminds me all the time kiana you need to keep you got to keep going you got to keep serving you got to keep sharing information if you keep sharing information people will pay attention what you say information changes what oh that's my thing education information changes the conversation once you change the conversation you can change the compensation once you change the compensation you can change your realization it's simple it's simple got ready for the big gym it's simple they generally it's simple look so if you guys got any questions let's just line up because i because i i feel like a few people got questions in here yeah we definitely want to you know make sure they have a clear understanding go to the go to to the website reits reef.com greets.com to learn about the region r-e-i-t-s and then you go to ameritrade whatever you want to do robin whatever and you invest in reits but do your due diligence first but your due diligence is first restocking yeah there we go our higher professional we gotta we got them how y'all feeling y'all feeling good i feel like y'all get some game look they're like we're just we're ready to network we're going we're going to wrap this up they're in the network they tracking the show hi my name is emma yeah you were just at my brokerage yesterday um okay so two questions and a comment so what are some good resources um to read more about reits because i know you mentioned reit.com but how can we find out more information so that we're more educated about this so like read.com is a good one like you can go to that they'll teach you and what what happens with me is once i figure out once once one company is introduced to me i want industry i just start researching it you know the internet tells us everything right so once you look at one company let's say you look at a company like um stag then from there on reits i'll go to that company's website once i go to that website i'll go to the about me page or about this company or our company brand uh about us i'll go to there and then it'll tell me everything that they do and then inside of there i'll go to investors relations so now that tells me every investment they're making it gives me a profile on what they're doing if it's a company that buys land where they're buying land at how much they're paying for what's their investment identity what's their investment criteria so once you go to reach.com you can literally find what you're looking for and from there just go to that company website and me once you learn one thing it's gonna just keep bringing you on a rabbit hole how far down a rabbit who would you willing to go is up to you [Laughter] i like that i love it good question and then sorry one more question um before i ask that question word on the street was that you were giving free tickets out for invest fest no i'm not i just wanna i just wanted to see where i could take it okay i i didn't hear that i didn't hear that roman thought that is not what he said and i'm on the panel i'm like wait a minute can i please get this is how many people on my team they asking for you to dodge your eyes cross your teeth that's a whole different animal okay and then all right so um i know that a lot of people have fear about touching their 401ks because of the interest that you have to pay back and obviously you guys keep talking about due diligence due diligence but how do you feel about investing that money because it's literally just sitting there investing what money for okay yeah so i i tell people who again who let me say this first what's your disclaimer bro i'm about to tell you right now i'm not a fiduciary financial advisor everything that i say is for entertainment and educational purposes only please seek out a fiduciary financial advisor i'm the one by the name of rashad belaw part of earning legion podcast he can take your glory i can only take you to the trap house you feel it um so what i like to say with people um there's this thing about um full one case and this is something deep i can get it so i'm probably not gonna do it right here but um if they're matching your money cool but i always feel like you can do it better than what they'll do with the right information right and so i often tell people not one of the scariest things for people to do is take control of their financial situation that's a scary situation saying i am not responsible for my money and my future most people don't want that hassle so they let that do whatever is gonna do but if you have the mindset and the strength to say i want to take care of it you can switch it over to where you can have control and you you invest that money you're growing it that's what you got it for that's my gym for that yeah you good question next question what what's your name where you from hello my name is kimmely and i drove from savannah driving back after and this was so worth it thank y'all thank you so much thank you thank you all so much um trap i got your intro course last year mg i just got your course keanu i'm not a realtor but i might get it just to support because i really appreciate y'all but trap i want to ask you i love the information about investing but as i'm learning about like ways of making money especially as a single mom i'm i'm like really seeing why rich people study just as much ways of protecting the money they make so what is the deal do you have a trust tell me like when we make this money with the reits with the the stuff that you're sharing in your course how do we protect it from uncle that's a great question yo i'm not gonna rise so um i was like uh asset protection action protection is great um one of the things i talked about a while back was so i created something called family sops that i'm still working on and what it simply is is how do we make money and then how do we protect money and make sure the next generations can get hold to the money right because what what's the purpose of giving your kids a million dollar policy and they don't have the financial knowledge so one of the things that i've looked heavy into is called a dynasty trust right and what that does is because i have a little girl right uh and this just one way um i can set up how she gets the money when i'm gone so she has to do certain things in order to get this money but also let's say she gets married well when she gets married if they divorce the spouse gets none of my money only the kids right so that's one way of protecting it you know for the long term but also inside of there um you can do separate things so one of the things i did was i started creating holding companies in my business name and transferring money from my personal name to my business name inside of my whole income now that's a whole another situation that you got to get with somebody that really get busy with but asset protection is important let me also say this a llc is not going to protect you the way people say it is it is not you got to start digging and you got to start learning that's why like building wealth is a revolutionary act yeah right because there's layers to it than just making i'm going to be making money is the easy part it's the protection it's the being able to move it around that gets people like damn right so one of those like having that trust put in place like having holding companies put in place those things are important but also just having other asset vehicles real estate understanding how for me i'm a stock man right but i also love physical real estate because for me that is a place where i can get around taxes and leverage my money right so for me that's that's why i love real estate like understand the power of each asset class that you have like don't just say oh i love real estate why do you love it like i'm a stock man why do i love stock there's a reason why why do i also understand like matt said earlier it's not an either or it's a and right i need stocks and real estate and land and agriculture and intellectual property and trust like and life insurance and life insurance right and then once you get a little i'm about to say that whole and turn and then you get a little when you get even more until you start getting iul's in place right infinite banking like there's so many different ways that like like yo this it's a game yo that's why i say we trapping because real gangsters don't risk their lives and freedom they learn how to leverage money for generations you know that's real gangster and that's real gangsta so well um i i think everything that you said right now was just i mean it's just it's just beautiful because you know we didn't grow up learning anything no no you know what i'm saying like we just learned like you got to go to school graduate get a job and call it a day basically invest in your 401k or you learn the street right you know what i'm saying so like to for us to have all this information at the palm of our hands right now and have people like yourself who make a complicated subject like stocks like i've been afraid of stocks my whole life no real talk there's no like i've been in mortgage business real estate for almost 20 years i didn't really start investing into stocks until probably last two years yeah and that's because i started following and and guys like yourself but also starting to learn and getting mentorship and starting to understand like what oh this is simple it's not rocket science as these channels like when it like you know it's so crazy i love what you're doing right now every morning right you got the trap house open when the trap house opens and you breaking it down in layman's terms because when you listen to these guys on tv and these women on tv and they breaking all this stuff down they're sitting here talking about options dead ass in our face but not really explaining it but now that we have the information i'm sitting here watching like yo they talking about all the contracts and what they what they what their bids on all this other i'm like damn they've been talking about this for years and it's just been over our head but guys like you are needed and women like you are needed because you wait what guys like you what are you made no i'm saying they're women tell me jesse no just talk about your transplant why are you not talking like you're like what what i look like no i'm saying there's plenty of women that are in in in your space right because i don't want to leave the women now because i love you and i got to make sure i give them their shout outs too because there's a lot of a lot of people that look like us that's talking the language to where we can understand and retain this information and now be able to articulate it to our children so that when they grow up to grow up with the information and be able to become wealthy themselves so i i definitely appreciate everything that you do man because it's helped me build my wealth in a way that i thought i could never build because i never wanted to play in in your world right right i like brick and mortar it's tangible i can go touch it right mark it up or down i can still go touch it but that paper that just scares me i ain't gonna hold you up it gives me anxiety every day i don't even look at my e-trade no more like seriously i don't even look at it no more but you're in it though it depends on when they when they text it i say something yeah i'm sick and tired of this secret you know [Laughter] i appreciate that everything that you do because you know you don't have to do this you can keep this information to yourself and just build wealth for yourself but you know i like what you say wall street looks like us now and the truth is wall street looks like us and sometimes like i told you all the time success leaves clues like he got all these courses y'all can buy them you could not buy them but he on instagram for free in the morning yep spitting free game and if you can't i'm so tired of saying i can't afford it but can you afford to watch yeah can you can you afford to listen can you afford to pay attention um can you afford to pay attention that's heavy that probably went over the head right i might have to clip that one say that again i mean even right now we're doing i'm doing a seven city tour we're not charging i'm not charging nobody for that that's free right we had 700 7 800 people in each room we i went i started off in houston and went to california um from chicago chicago yesterday dc today in charge of penny you sold some t-shirts that say wall street looks like us now but free game free game i think what happens is my thing is more about being impactful right like that's my whole thing impact money can be a byproduct of that like when we stop when we start doing things for money then you're driven differently you're driven differently because you're basing your success based on how much money i made and we already established that money doesn't have the value but what happens is i teach everybody in here something and you can go make some money i've changed the impact i had on you i've also changed the impact in the way you look at money that can change your family's financial situation i've done my job that ain't cost me nothing it's the impact i'm at because i know where i came from and so i came from a situation where you know i was expected to go to jail again i was expected to get killed like that was the only thing we don't call it that we call it a sabbatical yes it's true i thought i found out i was a federal sabbatical i went to college and so what happens is now for me to be doing this now like every day i wake up i'm so happy like i talk to matt all the time i'll be like man just double down on impact yeah be great be your greatest self every day every day i tell him that every day no your greatest self every day so as long as i focus on impact man i ain't tripping on that because too many people in our culture want to do stuff for money i want to do it for impact so that's going to always separate you from everybody else it's a gym all right so you're on the ransom gym show okay we have to get a rant about your industry in the gym about your industry um uh the rant about my gen industry is i'm pissed off that it's not enough of us in it it's one of the greatest asset vehicles well building vehicles of our life of our era and it's not enough of us in it that's a rant for me i get that's why i do what i do every day because it ain't enough of us like i need everybody in here i want to change the conversation i want everybody to know like yo i own stocks everybody feel like that i want the conversation let's go from what's on love and hip-hop to yo these are the stocks i own i want us to go from no no cyborg but i want people to go from being in the shade room having a thousand comments two thousand comments to being on my page with 2 000 comments or on anybody because i start on your own page on what stocks you buying like i don't look at none of us as competition you go start a page trap how can i build my page i look i did this this this and this i'ma help you that's my rant my gym is man that is a great tool to build wealth man it looks respectful it's so good like i look at it in a way of i look at mark zuckerberg and i'd be like yo you work for me bro you know i look at elon musk and i own shares of tesla man you work for me bruh like so for me this is the dopest way to have ownerships and things that i like but i didn't go to school for they went to school for it not me so you work for me because you gotta pay me a portion of the profit and the more i believe in your business the more i put in your business the more you build my wealth the hardest thing to do is try to build a billion dollar business the easiest thing to do is just invest in one damn that's a job i said that's a whole challenge that is so all right well we had to go to the oh that was the gym though that's the easiest way i swear on everything i love the best thing to do is build a billion dollar company but the easiest thing to do is to invest in ones super gym the apple not two trillion dollars let me go get some of that you know what i'm saying it's the easiest way that's no big deal yeah i like those dividends yeah yeah they come in i like them so look how can they find you tracker uh instagram what you got going on talking about your products and everything bro uh so you know i just got a lot of stuff man i educate top of it got a whole factory going on man so i do have a community trap is anonymous you get one week free um it's 37.99 a month we do like five different classes inside in a week like that's crazy then you know we just got courses blueprints for different levels you want you know what i'm saying but i ain't gonna lie i ain't here for that i'm here to just get my people game if you rock them you rock me you don't it's all love i hope i served you you know what i'm saying like i'm cool with that you know i ain't tripping um but just come on the ground wall underscore street underscore trapping we definitely get that on twitter it's like wall street 504 and on youtube it's wall street trap just come get the free game you know what i'm saying that's what that's what ranch and gym is all about man freaking yeah that's what it's about man yeah man look man wall street trapper man well she looks like us now y'all street looks like awesome look man you already know how we rock bro i i really appreciate you coming on the show today especially with your travel and everything new york we're going to turn up tomorrow um i'm coming are you coming i'm going to be a part of the group chat for that well look you got to pull up you know i'm going to add you to the group chat i actually on it bro but you got to you got to pull up we we all pull up you know what i mean y'all you know what you gotta put like y'all know how that beyonce song is i'm the only thing in the room you're the only one on there but i i definitely i rock one of my brothers for reals i wanted to say thank you guys for coming out giving us your time seriously you guys were engaged i feel like i'm so happy that you came out but on top of that i'm glad that we were able to serve you and give you if it gave you light if you gave you insight to anything that you want to do on your next move if you are inspired to make a move like pam said earlier do it scared yes you know and and just go all right would you pay them whatever yeah we have hamilton og pam yeah oh she she gave crazy yeah yeah today was um today was a phenomenal uh phenomenal day and you guys on youtube or listening to audio you don't come to this live experience man congratulations yeah you're playing yourself you're playing yes sir right so on that note um thank you guys for tuning in matt garland nmls number five eight seven zero zero better known as mg the mortgage guy kiana watson broker extraordinaire here in the metro atlanta area license number 317-576 thank you all for tuning in for another episode of the rants and gyms show so [Music] you
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 56,710
Rating: 4.962986 out of 5
Keywords: earn your leisure, business, finance, sports, entertainment
Id: ohRhfcCCCGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 1sec (3721 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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