WAKING UP AT 5AM... is it worth it?

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hi okay so it's night time which is weird i don't think i've ever started a video at night i'm exhausted you could probably tell it's like 9 30 i'm about to go to bed i can't tell if it's embarrassing or impressive for the last like three hours i've been watching all of these videos about why waking up at 5 a.m every morning is like the best thing you can do for yourself i actually took notes the benefits of waking up at 5am number one waking up early can help people who struggle with anxiety depression mood problems etc i struggle with anxiety and depression so i will try anything number two waking up early can prevent nightmares which i do occasionally have nightmares three waking up early can help establish a better sleeping pattern number four waking up early helps develop your personal discipline number six if that's the number we're on i forgot waking up early can make you more inspired and more productive and also a lot of rich people wake up early like oprah and stuff there just seems to be so many benefits to waking up at five in the morning i think the main benefit for me will be that i'm gonna have this moment of calm before the day starts and something about that excites me this is my first day of trying it i wanna try it tomorrow i don't think it's gonna be too hard for me because i already wake up relatively early i set my alarms check this out so we're doing it i want to do this because i feel like i've been on this kind of path where i'm not path i've been trying to figure out better habits that i can implement into my life that are like small habits that will make my life better because i think that they make more of a difference than you think i'm going into bed sweet dreams why am i doing this why why would i do this i want to go back to bed i can't give up hello i want to go back to bed okay it's probably unhealthy up close my phone is my head i'm already [ __ ] up so i'm going to make a coffee oh my god it's hard to get out of bed my eyeballs are so poppy okay what's up little [ __ ] okay it's getting easier now i feel like i'm up that is pretty i can't lie i'm up i made cold brew last night that's exciting oh the seat is wet from condensation yes i am wearing my cheetah snuggie it makes me feel safe okay that makes the lighting better had to put a flashlight on my face because it's that dark out so far i mean getting up this morning hurt pretty bad but i think the reason for that is is that i went to bed a little bit earlier than normal i went to bed at 9 30 and i normally go to bed at like 10 10 30 11. 9 30 is pretty early for me my anxiety was terrible last night that hasn't happened to me in a while but i think that's what happens when you try to go to bed with too much pent-up energy is that your brain just starts getting anxious so i didn't fall asleep probably until like 11 30 because my brain just could not shut off so waking up this morning was a little bit harder than i expected but we're here the feeling that i'm getting from the world around me right now very much reminds me of when you have to wake up really early with your family to go to the airport if you guys are going on like a family trip like that's kind of the vibe i'm getting right now the problem is i don't really know what to do i was thinking that i could try to go to the gym right now because they're open but first i'm just going to sit and enjoy the ambiance and then i'll go to the gym i think i'm gonna journal for five to ten minutes just about like i don't know maybe talk about some things i'm grateful for some things i'm looking forward to goals i don't know just the good stuff i'm definitely still tired i mean definitely still tired i'm gonna push through because something's gonna click in my brain at some point but right now i feel a little bit like a zombie still um i'm going to the gym right now i'm like not looking forward to it at all because it's so early but at the same time i want to try out this early morning lifestyle see if it makes me feel more productive yes everybody yes early risers you guys are my people now i thought that on the way to the gym i tell you a quick story so yesterday i was cutting up some broccoli for the week because i've been trying to like cut up all my fruits and vegetables in the beginning of the week because then it just makes it easy that is what some people call adulting so i'm cutting up broccoli and i noticed that some pieces looked a little bit moldy like they had some like brown dirt stuff all over them that looked like mold because it was kind of like lumpy and so i was like okay ew like that's gross i'm gonna cut those pieces off and as i'm like cutting out the broccoli i'm like damn there's a lot of pieces with this like weird moldy [ __ ] on it but i was also kind of confused because it'd be like one little piece would be super moldy and then the piece of broccoli directly next to it would have no mold on it and i'm like this is weird because normally mold kind of like spreads so i was like what's going on here so finally after like throwing away half of my broccoli because it all was moldy i decided to look up really close at the mold because i was like maybe this is just leftover dirt i look up close at the broccoli at the little lumps of moldy dirt or whatever the [ __ ] it was it wasn't mold and it wasn't dirt it was little tiny bugs that were dead like hundreds of them and they their little legs sticking out it's safe to say i'm never eating a vegetable again like i'm somebody i genuinely enjoy as a vegetarian i've learned to love vegetables but i'm actually never eating a [ __ ] vegetable again or fruit for that matter i don't ever want to eat anything that came from the ground again telling that story just now and and like really reliving that experience just woke me the [ __ ] up like i feel awake now i feel like my biggest struggle in the morning is how genuinely like weirdly cold and like achy i feel like i always feel really cold and achy when i wake up really early like i remember when um i was in school and i'd have to wake up at like 6 30 or whatever i was always like freezing cold in the morning and it took me so long to get warm so that was always my struggle and i'm struggling with that right now when i was watching a bunch of videos about the benefits of waking up early almost every person that talked about it was very adamant about discussing the importance of a solid morning routine like you can't just wake up at 5am and lay in bed and go on instagram for an extra three hours like that completely defeats the purpose it's like if you wake up early you got to use that time wisely exercise make coffee journal it's 6 30 right now which is not that early but it's still pretty [ __ ] early there's no parking at the gym if this is not a spot i'm gonna [ __ ] flip out oh no it is watch the gym be like more crowded than usual i'm gonna be so pissed okay i'm not gonna lie i don't want to go in i don't am i stalling right now yes i am stalling i also in my defense i have to finish my celsius energy drink ah this is tough this is tough but i can do it you know what i was realizing earlier this is the last thing i'm gonna say and then i'm going into the gym because i need to stop [ __ ] stalling today i was writing some things that i was manifesting in my journal what's the definition of manifesting for those of you who don't know let's find out manifesting is making something happen making it real wishing for it so that it comes true okay that's basically what it is so shut up shut up it's too early sorry siri i don't know what that was that was weird anyway but it's good to write down some manifestations in your journal some things that you want to happen to you etc etc but today was writing down like things that i was manifesting and i was like i have control over all of these things like if i want these things to happen i can choose that for example i wrote down and i was manifesting that i start waking up earlier in the morning and then i realized i was like emma i you can just do that okay i am really stalling i'm going to go into the gym [Music] i'm done i have a really hard time drinking water i don't know what my problem is but i know i need to drink it right now do not look at my airpod i didn't film in there because shocker it was more busy than it is when i normally go i normally go at 10 a.m it was more busy now than usual so now it's like almost 8 i don't know what to do i'm gonna try a new coffee place because why not i have nothing better to do so here's the thing about trying new things if you're a busy person whether that's with school or work or whatever it may be if you're even kind of a busy person the thought of trying new things is exhausting because you're like i already have enough [ __ ] to do just to make ends meet i find that i feel like that all the time i think that this is where waking up early comes in it's 8 a.m which is normally when i wake up and i've already done all of my like things that i need to get done in the day that to make me happy i've already done those things by 8 a.m so now let's say someone asked me to lunch at noon normally i'd be like no i'm at the gym i can't no i'm working i can't no i'm cleaning my house i can't but now all of my knee stuff is done by 8 am so if somebody asked me for to lunch now i'd be like absolutely i already did all of my activities for me now i can hang out with you anyway i'm going to a coffee shop that looks kind of reminds me of france oh are you going to take my [ __ ] parking spot no you're not oh love okay so i'm gonna go into this coffee shop we'll see if it's good or not i don't know got my nails done yesterday kind of classy but a little bit funky anyway let's go into the coffee shop that was exciting to try a new place i really want to start trying new places more often because i feel like i don't i also tend to make coffee at home a lot so i don't really go out as much anymore but it's kind of fun although there was a spider massive like a fatty spider like this [ __ ] was like at my table and i like i looked down at my leg and it was like an inch away from my leg and i was like i don't know how long i can sit out here and then i moved tables which made me a little bit less frightened but then i started to feel like there were spiders crawling all over me apparently i'm having a bug problem like there was [ __ ] bugs all over my broccoli now there's bugs while i'm trying to drink my morning coffee like what the [ __ ] going on i'm trying to think there's any errands i could run because i think that right now is a great time to run errands i just don't have any errands to run right now i actually could run to trader joe's trader joe's sells this specific seasoning that i'm obsessed with putting on my eggs and i don't know how much i have left and i don't think i have a lot left and they only sell it at trader joe's but i always avoid going to trader joe's because it's always so busy but it's eight in the morning 8 30 in the morning which means it's probably not gonna be very busy which means this is a good time to go to trader joe's so i guess i'll go to trader joe's i haven't been to trader joe's actually in so long i mean it's been like three weeks but still like i haven't been in so long like maybe they have some fun new snacks too so i'll go to trader joe's that will be my errand of the morning and then i'll go home and get some work done and be a productive young woman i do weirdly feel motivated to like get some work done you know like i feel motivated to go through my [ __ ] emails i'm up so i'm up so early i might as well be oprah you know what i'm saying or elon musk who else wakes up at 5 am is it elon musk i don't know whatever but like i might as well be one of them at this point with how badly i want to read my [ __ ] emails oh i can't wait to go through my emails i also have gas [Music] um we have good news and bad news good news trader joe's is vacant there was no line there was infinite levels of parking it was amazing bad news is that trader joe's discontinued the seasoning that i literally came here for vegan chickenless seasoning salt it's gone i think it's gone so i'm ordering some on amazon they do have it on amazon brb literally ordering six of them is that too much i'm ordering six of them like that's not a waste of time or money in my opinion that is exactly what i deserve it only tastes good on eggs though weirdly like it doesn't taste good on anything else i've tried to put it on other things it's not as good but like it is so good on eggs so let's do a trader joe's haul anyway because whatever first thing i got was this dark chocolate coffee buzz bar oh look how cute smells [ __ ] amazing that is [ __ ] good that's a 10 out of 10. the other [ __ ] i got was so [ __ ] boring cucumbers because i forgot to buy them the last time i was at the grocery store frozen raspberries because i like them in smoothies everyday seasoning because i use this a lot as well and then i also got this mushroom and company multi-purpose umami seasoning blend so that's all i got from trader joe's because they didn't have my vegan chickenless seasoning salt i feel [ __ ] freaked out and upset right now i mean i did just order six on amazon i'm honestly considering ordering more i'm not gonna [ __ ] on trader joe's because i do love them and i do love what they do i love everything that they do i'm just a little bit pissed right now all before 9 a.m i got pissed off at trader joe's and then forgave trader joe's waking up at 5 am is crazy actually it is 9 am now so i can't really say that but it's time to go home and be productive now i feel good sorry i can't sing i farted i'm done i showered i took a body shower i moisturized my whole body i'm enjoying nature i have my coffee from earlier that i didn't finish i'm going to do some work now and be productive i did not wake up at this hour for nothing i never work outside like i always work inside so this is new i feel like i've lived three days in one i'm about to make breakfast and i'm like i feel like i've been awake for three days already i'm about to put eggs in the toaster oven so i don't think you guys realize how much i love this spicy hummus let me just prove to you how much i like the spicy hummus i have four more spicy hummuses on deck in my refrigerator at all times i eat it with everything i don't think i eat one meal without it like i put it on everything here's the seasoning that i was talking about earlier i love you so much i'm the only one that eats it so i can do stuff like that i feel like i'm ready to get out of the house i would eat this like this if it wasn't socially unacceptable i mean i guess you could i love hummus so much i want to get out of the house and do something i'm feeling inspired i thought i'd take a little minute before i figure out what i'm going to do with the rest of my day to thank the sponsor of today's video seat geek thank you seatgeek for sponsoring this video live events are back i'm so excited when i tell you i'm going to go to every concert i'm going to go to every concert every concert every music video music every music festival i will be there and our friends over at seatgeek have all of the tickets whether it's football baseball basketball music festivals concerts sea geek takes all the tickets from around the web and puts them on one site so that buying tickets is easy sea geek also rates tickets on a scale of 0 to 10 so that you know how good of a ticket that you're getting and they also rate the ticket using green or red green meaning good red meaning bad use code emma for 20 off that's 20 off of your first purchase at seeky click the link in the description to download the app again that's code emma for 20 off your first purchase at seat geek get your tickets for whatever your heart desires i'm not gonna lie i'm kind of hitting a wall a little bit it's currently almost 1pm um i've been laying in bed for about an hour i was gonna like try to get out of the house i thought i was feeling inspired and then i was like oh but i just want to lay in bed for a little bit so i've been laying in bed watching videos about fashion not necessarily super productive i'm feeling a little bit tired like i could take a nap but i'm not allowing myself to take a nap today because i'm trying to adjust my sleep schedule so that waking up at 5am becomes natural for me we'll see if that ever happens it is 2 00 p.m i think i should share my new shoes with you they're like a mixture of a platform doc martin and a birkenstock this is my summer shoe officially i have been in bed for a few hours i know that if i start like reading a book or something i will take a nap so i'm getting out of the house i think i'm gonna get a coffee to start and then just kind of like see where you know the day takes me you know what i used to do when i lived in um when i lived at home in northern california is i would drive around and just look and if i'd see a coffee shop that i was interested in i would just stop and go in maybe i'll just do that right now hey [ __ ] it i have the time i woke up at 5am and got everything done i'm i got the rest of the day for me baby and nobody wants to hang out with me so [Applause] i also didn't ask if anybody wanted to hang out oh my god i'm so guilty of that i literally am such a [ __ ] i will be like nobody wants to hang out with me i'm like did i ask anybody if they wanted to hang out did i put any effort in no i feel like i've seen a coffee shop over here that looked cute that i haven't tried so let's see if that's real or if that's my imagination i need coffee right now like i mean i only had one coffee i did also have an energy drink oh we ate three coffees we only live once and guess what i woke up at 5 am so i can do whatever i want see this might be actually bad i'm about to put on lip plumping lip balm i'm feeling spontaneous right now i also don't know why this is in my car when it got here why it's here but my lips are about to look super juicy so should i go get a tattoo right now i'm driving past a tattoo shop i'm like no nope don't do that no okay crossing my fingers for a coffee shop okay there's literally one right there and it's closed like what the [ __ ] if only there was a chamberlain coffee coffee shop in los angeles then i would no longer be struggling that's not a teaser i don't have any plans of doing that right now but i would love to so don't think i'm like trying to hint at something okay i kind of want to give up oh wait no oh my god i'm right near a coffee shop right now that i've driven past two or three times that just opened oh wait but i think it might be a bar i think it might be a bar slash coffee shop which is honestly kind of lit whoa but also maybe not because like i don't know how that works like i don't like are they gonna let me in if there's an age limit well there's not gonna be an age limit at 2 pm oh my god it's not open guys i swear to god i'm being tested right now i just got an idea okay i'll see you when i get there i'm gonna drive to another city i'm in one city in l.a i'm gonna drive to another one and i'll see you when i get there i i cuz they have so many good coffee shops it's like 25 minutes away but it's so worth it i'll see you when i get there i did just listen to cold play for the past 20 minutes the entire way here i feel like i could burst out crying and screaming right now but we're [Music] i here finished my coffee and i came into the bathroom to go pee and there's literally a disco light in the bathroom so you know what that means dance party [Music] i'm just walking around hanging out all the cars driving past me are looking at me talking to my phone i'm just going for a walk we'll see if anything peaks my interest regardless it's a nice warm day so i'm just enjoying the warmth and walking how is how am i still living in in the same day i feel like i have lived 10 days in one i got home a few hours ago i got in pjs i laid in bed i'm gonna cook i am exhausted i feel like i'm gonna go to bed at 8 00 pm tonight so what's my review on waking up at 5 am i'm going to rate it out of 10. 10 being this is the best thing ever a one being this is the worst thing ever i'm gonna give it a seven because i really liked it and i really feel like i benefited from it like i don't think it was pointless like i think that you know it made me feel good i felt proud of myself all day because i stayed up you know i mean because i got up okay i so i'm actually gonna take it down to a six out of ten because i'm so tired right now that i can't get out a sentence i think it was good because i i can't see how it would help boost your self-esteem i also felt like inspired to try new things the only problem is that it's you know 6 p.m and i am exhausted do you know what i think i'm going to do i don't think i'm going to do this every day but i think i'm gonna do this as often as i can what was i talking about like i don't even know what i'm talking about right now knowing me right now like i might burn my food because i'm probably gonna fall asleep while it's cooking i'm proud of myself that i'm even cooking right now for starters this is gorgeous anyway oh my gosh the sauce is so [ __ ] good i wrote a pros and cons list of waking up at 5am we'll start with the pros number one you get everything done really early which relieves stress so that's good the second pro is that you feel like you have all this free time which inspires you to try new things and do fun things the third pro is that i felt badass all day i felt almost better than everybody else and that that actually might be a con fourth pro and final pro is that when you run errands it's less complicated because there's nobody awake yet so nothing is busy now let's go to the cons number one i'm extremely tired and grumpy and it's 6 p.m second con is that it's unsustainable for somebody my age because sometimes i want to party late at night until 5 a.m that really doesn't ever happen but sometimes overall though i had a good day i think that's all i got for today i'm gonna lay in bed i'm gonna read my book i'm gonna watch some youtube and i'm gonna [ __ ] go to bed at 8 pm tonight in vlogs moving forward you guys will be able to see whether or not i decide to make this part of my routine in daily life why do i keep taking bites and then trying to talk okay guys thank you for hanging out with me do i broccoli oh god thank you guys for hanging out with me today i hope that you had fun i appreciate you hanging out with me every week and i can't wait to see you next week and here's your forehead kiss one more one more this is how i'm gonna end the video drum check [Music] love you
Channel: emma chamberlain
Views: 4,061,434
Rating: 4.982543 out of 5
Keywords: emma chamberlain, emma chambie, vlog
Id: wyzDP48IaLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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